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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''News Headline'''
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''News Headline'''
|date = September 23, 2010
|headline = Round 4: Fontan's Attack Braga FAIL
|article = Battle in Braga
Sirion vs. Fontan
Estimated strengths: 350 men vs. 100 men
The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Ilias Thunthorn.
The Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), sponsored by Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar, were led into battle by Marshal Leoma Tahlim.
Attacker Victory!}}

Line 64: Line 77:

|date = September 23, 2010
|date = September 22, 2010
|headline = Round 2: Fontan's Attack Braga FAIL
|headline = Round 2: Fontan's Attack Braga FAIL
|article = Battle in Braga
|article = Battle in Braga

Revision as of 04:22, 24 September 2010

The Elven Tribune

News from the Land of the Mighty Elves
Printed in Sirion
September 2010 Edition

News Headline

Icon Sirion.png    September 23, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Round 4: Fontan's Attack Braga FAIL
Battle in Braga

Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 350 men vs. 100 men

The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Ilias Thunthorn.

The Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), sponsored by Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar, were led into battle by Marshal Leoma Tahlim.

Attacker Victory!

Icon Sirion.png    September 23, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Round 3: Fontan's Attack Braga FAIL
Battle in Braga

Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 400 men vs. 340 men

The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Ilias Thunthorn.

The Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), sponsored by Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar, were led into battle by Marshal Leoma Tahlim.

The Fontan Strike Regiment (Fontan), sponsored by Sir Zadek Dragul, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores, were led into battle by Marshal Thorius Furion Archbane.

The Order of The Thunder (Fontan), sponsored by Reven Gert Belver, Duke of Fontan, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Justin Azul.

Attacker Victory!

Icon Sirion.png    September 22, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Round 2: Fontan's Attack Braga FAIL
Battle in Braga

Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 550 men vs. 220 men

The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Ilias Thunthorn.

The Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), sponsored by Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Elisedd Deytheur.

The Fontan Strike Regiment (Fontan), sponsored by Sir Zadek Dragul, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores, were led into battle by Marshal Thorius Furion Archbane.

Attacker Victory!

Icon Sirion.png    September 22, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Fontan's Counterattack with Everything against Braga FAIL
Battle in Braga

Fontan vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 1430 men vs. 1170 men

The Red Dragons (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Karion Da Hadez.

The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Sir Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Ilias Thunthorn.

The Glinmar Light Raiders (Sirion), sponsored by Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar, were led into battle by Marshal Leoma Tahlim.

The Democratic Guard (Fontan), sponsored by Basilius Decimus (Lord), were led into battle by Marshal Guis'wa TithOnanka.

The Fontan Strike Regiment (Fontan), sponsored by Sir Zadek Dragul, Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores, were led into battle by Marshal Thorius Furion Archbane.

Defender Victory!

Icon Sirion.png    September 21, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Sirion's Sir Guy Revan Collects 7000 Gold from Bounty.
Nobles of Sirion,

for anyone who doubted me, let it be known...I am still the best shadow walker there is. For decades the bounty on Lady Evangeline (Uceek) 's head grew larger and larger, as she angered very important people. But no one claimed one could claim it. I tried many times in my youth, but I was too brash and foolish then, and she was a great swordsman in her day, and one tough woman. All the work has paid off. Sir Jun Hinamoto and I tracked her down, and though he was captured he helped me to set up the perfect assault on the perfect target.

This 7,000 gold bounty, I claim in the name of House Revan, House Hinamoto, and Sirion!

Guy Revan (Knight of Glinmar)

Icon Sirion.png    September 20, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Fontan Begs for Peace!
In the latest news on the war front, Chancellor Zadek of Fontan appears to beg for peace as reported in the newspaper Caligan_Courier/September'10SpecialEdition.

Peace has been my goal from the outset of this war in the north - now claims Chancellor Zadek.

Although the Chancellor did admit that he offered unreasonable terms of surrender.

I have tried numerous times to negotiate peace with Sirion, but terms can never seem to be agreed upon (our surrender).

The news on the offer of peace have met with lukewarm response in Sirion.

It seems likely that the war will continue until Fontan realise the fall of their realm is imminent and have to give unconditional surrender terms. But it is likely Sirion will offer what peace Fontan offered OR. That is none at all.

Icon Sirion.png    September 20, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Braga Attacked - Takeover Initiated
Battle in Braga Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 330 men vs. 150 men Attacker Victory!

Total casualties: 13/345 attackers (3.8%), 150/150 defenders (100%)

Dargoan Dannov (Knight of Karbala, Fontan) has been wounded.

Hannibal of Carthage (Knight of Ashforth, Fontan) has been wounded.

Takeover initiated

Ryu has initiated a Brutal Takeover of Braga, currently belonging to Fontan.

Icon Sirion.png    September 18, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Meteor Kills Knight
Sir Johannes dead from an infection after being hit by a meteor. Many members of Sirionite nobility offered their condolences at the freak accident.

Icon Sirion.png    September 17, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Commonyr Captured from Fontan!
After 4 days, Commonyr has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government.

The militia unit Peasant Militia starts a guerilla war against the usurpers. The survivors of the militia/guard unit Peasant Militia surrender.

Icon Sirion.png    September 17, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Ceasefire Declared with OI
Sirion and Obsidian Islands have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.

Icon Sirion.png    September 17, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Infiltrators Captured
Kaysa Hyde, an infiltrator working for Fontan captured in Commonyr.
Vardamir of Umbar, an infiltrator working for Perdan captured in Perdan.

Icon Sirion.png    September 17, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
Fontan Ruler Re-Elected
The realm of Fontan has elected Zadek Dragul as its Chancellor. He received 35% of the valid votes cast.

Icon Sirion.png    September 15, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
History of the Beginning of War with Fontan by ex-Prime Minster of Sirion
Baron Romul and nobles of Sirion,

Your review of history was good but you seems to imply that I left the realm out of how we really sided with OR and not Fontan. I have mentioned this many times over the years so I didn't hide it.

For the most part what Romul said was correct. The part is not is I didn't side with OR right off the bat. When Fontan broke our federation agreement they immediately declared war on us. They did this so they could fight OR. Fontan expected Sirion to not get involved even though Fontan just broke the strongest bond you can have between realms. With that said Sirion did not act on the declaration of war from Fontan. Twice 1-2 units from Fontan attacked Oligarch city (at that time under the Sirion flag). I warned their ruler the first time but he claimed it an accident. Then it happened again. Fontan again claimed it an accident but I informed Fontan that if it happened again then Sirion would act.

Now this is where the story is told differently in Fontan. Fontan claims that after these small attacks that Sirion joined forces with OR and then attack Fontan. They claimed we started the war with them at this time when in reality they broke our treaty and declared war on us first. Now contrary to Fontan's claim that we went to war with them after these small attack we didn't. I should know I was Sirion's ruler and know when Fontan pushed us to act. After the small attacks Fontan was giving their final warning. Fontan was not allowed to use any Sirion region to travel through so they couldn't attack OR. At that time OR held the region of Bruck. Sirion sent about 2-3K into Bruck to keep Fontan from attacking or taking OR's region.

With all that happened between OR and Fontan I was trying to get them to work it out. Blocking Bruck was an attempt to keep talks going and not push this into a full blown war. Now Sirion forces were in Bruck for at least a day when Fontan sent a large army into Bruck thus attacking both Sirion/OR troops. This was the final straw so at that time Sirion put all their armies into motion to stop Fontan from destroying OR.

Now one slight change to Romul's message is that OR would probably have fell with just Fontan/SOA/OI attacking them. Sirion was aiding them the best we could even though we lost Avamar city to Fontan. It would have been a slow death but they would have eventually taken all the regions. What sped up the process was Westmoor joining our enemies which tipped the scales so much that Sirion could no longer protect OR and thus it fell quickly. Westmoor claimed to me that they had no ill will against OR. Even though they said this when I told them OR would be destroyed because Sirion couldn't protect them they claimed it was not their fault. This came from the realm that went to war with us because they claimed we kidnapped their King (ooc:the player went inactive) when they couldn't provide proof we did such a thing. I offered them many times to send their nobles around Sirion to investigate, so they could see we didn't have him but they never did. Matter of fact they never tried to look for him just brought their army along with Fontan/SOA in attacking our regions.

Sir Handow Meadowcrest

Icon Sirion.png    September 15, 2010    Icon Sirion.png
The Elven Tribune Starts Again
The Elven Tribune to be printed again. All the latest news stories from the land of the Mighty Elves is here. Sign up to your copy delivered monthly.