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"Truth shines even in darkness. Those who march on the side of truth walk always in righteous light."<br>
"Truth shines even in darkness. Those who march on the side of truth walk always in righteous light."<br>
"The tyranny of the apostate repbulic may not end this day, or the next... But it is on this day, that it sees the beginning of the end, and the dark age of these lands end, ushering in a new era of enlightenment unmatched by any before. A new era of freedom and justice that shines so bright, men will think of great deeds of the men who made it possible, and weep they were not there to witness them."
"The tyranny of the apostate repbulic may not end this day, or the next... But it is on this day, that it sees the beginning of the end, and the dark age of these lands end, ushering in a new era of enlightenment unmatched by any before. A new era of freedom and justice that shines so bright, men will think of great deeds of the men who made it possible, and weep they were not there to witness them."
"Steel rusts. Arrows break. But righteousness is always strong, always sharp."

Latest revision as of 09:55, 3 May 2012

Senoske Himoura, a man with a dark past, but now he stands tall, a shining beacon of light for those who stand against evil. This is his story.

Early Years
Senoske was a baby boy when his father had his mother and him sent off to the Far East Island, rumour has it that Senoske was the illegit son of a Atamarian nobleman whose identity is still unknown. His mother fell ill shortly after arriving and died, leaving baby Senoske in an orphanage. Senoske grew bitter there, recieving no love, and in return giving none. Then one day a man appeared at the orphanage, with a cruel sword in one hand, and a whip in the other. The man killed everyone at the orphanage except Senoske. He looked Senoske in the eyes and said "Vengance child. It drives me. Do you not wish you were the one who had killed them? Those who bring you suffering?" Senoske nodded and Erlang laughed and continued to speak "Good my child, come with me. I will show you how to be strong, I will show you how to take vengance upon the world for what they've done to you."
And so Senoske left with the man. He travelled far and wide with Erlang, before returning to the Far East Island. Senoske enlisted at the young age of 14, and soon rose through the ranks, using his training with Erlang to his advantage. He was ruthless, and fought wars that according to both the Arcaean and Svunnetland governments never really happened. Then he was promoted from his command and put in charge of a task force in charge of protecting the All-King, Einar. Senoske used his new post to his advantage, seeking to eliminate his enemies. He sent one man after a politician that was his most hated enemy, Zhao Ziyang. The man managed to poison the mustard at Zhao's estate. However the taster died and the hit failed. Senoske was enraged but let it go for the time.

After returning to his barracks one night, an unknown infiltrator attacked. Senoske managed to fend him off and killed the man, but suffered a wound. While recovering he recieved a letter that he was being promoted. He had been made Count of Todpitz and was now a Senator. As a Senator, Senoske was an extreme right winger, wholeheartedly opposing anything he saw as untraditional. Then he ran into his rival from his time in the third division, Himo Musou. After sometime however, the two buried the hatchet and became friends. Then one night while in attendance at a party, Senoske was promoted to High Marshal after the old one had died, and Duke of Hatdhes.

Trouble began to brew in Svunnetland and Senoske grew more and more convinced that the senate was poisoning the empire. Then Einar moved the capital from Masahakon to Iposez, throwing the whole empire into chaos with several waves of successions. One of these sucessions was organized by Himo Musou in the neighboring city of Masahakon, forming Nighthelm. Hatdhes joined Nighthelm and Senoske was thrown out of the city by a mob, and he later learned his wife had not survived. Overwhelmed with grief, Senoske joined his friend in Nighthelm.
Senoske's Rise and Fall
Senoske was made High Marshal again and Duke of Hatdhes again. Himo as a ruler didn't do a very good job, but at least he did one thing well, and that was to make his people believe him. Senoske whole heartedly agreed with anything Himo did, until one day foreign pressure grew too great and Himo disappeared. Senoske was elected King and was tasked with digging himself out of a large diplomatic hole. To make matters worse, many blamed Himo's disapperance on Senoske. Senoske cared not though and eventually ended the wars Himo had got Nighthelm into.
So for a time Senoske ruled, letting his arrogance guide him. He was brash, arrogant and didn't hesitate to war with those he fell into disfavour with, spurring his people into a hating frenzy several times. Then one day his world was thrown upside-down... His people were staging a rebellion. Those he had trusted now revolted against him and wanted him dead. The Duke of the capital disbanded all the militia and the rebellion ended quickly. Luckily Senoske had made early impressions on a young man, his friend Artemis, Banker of Nighthelm and Duke of Hathdes. Senoske wrote a letter to Artemis and told him to seceed his city. Thus Rhitallia was born.
Senoske went to Rhitallia in an attempt to atone for what he had done wrong, but the world wanted him dead. The Antoza Commonwealth attacked, claiming to be after its region that had joined Rhitallia, despite the fact Artemis had promised to give it back. Nighthelm attacked as well, and they and the Commonwealth converged on Hatdhes in a battle that will never be forgotten. Nighthelm had decided to use defensive settings, while the Commonwealth was using agressive troop settings. Antoza attacked and Nighthelm defended while Rhitallia stood upon the walls and laughed. After this several more unsucsessful attacks were made and Thraymn was immortalized as the man who tried to ride calvary up the walls. Senoske was made General and Duke once again, but secretly plotted with Thraymn to bring Hatdhes back to Nighthelm in exchange for amnesty. Senoske did and as part of the deal migrated to the East Continent for one month.
On the East Continent, Senoske paid penance daily and spent most of his time in prayer. He joined the realm Avamar and fought the realm known as Fontan. He wound up in prison during his last few days of exile. He did his damndest to break out of prison, breaking out twice and being thrown back in before finally escaping and then leaving back for home.
The New Senoske
Senoske was a new man after his time on the East Continent, and he was welcomed back to Nighthelm. He soon joined a tournament and in doing so met a group known as the Hall of Blood and Battle. Being impressed with them and thier devotion to honor, Senoske joined. It was a monumential step for Senoske. Right after joining Senoske helped escort some of his ~V~ brothers to a newly formed realm known as the Grand Lodge of Lunaria. There was a battle and Senoske and his men managed to evade, and so they watched. Olwe the Bold, a comrade from Rhitallia, fell that day. Senoske watched in horror as he was slain. He was the first one out on the field to protect his body. No man could stand before Senoske that day, so great was his wrath. Several stories say that Senoske plowed over a horse on his way to Olwe's side. Olwe was not the last loss the Hall of Blood and Battle would face in those terrible wars... Shard was executed and Trenton slain in a similar fashion to Olwe.
The wars raged on for a time and Senoske regained respect in Nighthelm and he was succesfully burying his past and turning over a new leaf. He wrote his beloved uncle Nobdy and told him he should come out of retirement and join the Grand Lodge. However Nobdy became infatuated with the cult known as the Chaos Requiem, and soon Senoske was forced to take up arms against his uncle and his cult. Senoske bested Nobdy in a duel, but could not bring himself to kill Nobdy, instead he shattered the sword Arkenine with his newly found sword Arken. After having the broken sword in his possession for a time, he cast it out and Nobdy found it again and reforged the sword. The south was gripped in a bitter guild war, ~V~ vs the evil Chaos Requiem. Then one day Valius slew Nobdy in a duel, and the Chaos Requiem was broken.
Senoske then for a time sought to open a school, the Brotherhood of the Black Rose, to teach young nobles what it is to be a warrior. It hasn't been very succesful thus far, but hopes are still high. Then one day, Thraymn Astair built a temple in Masahakon, dedicated to the Elder gods. Senoske rose quickly in ranks and soon became the Order's Warlord. Now he rallies the forces of ~V~ and good together in attempt to wipe out the remnants of the Chaos Requiem, heretics and all other evils.
Senoske's titanic struggle with his past, and his epic battle against evil has put much stress on him. His faith is unquestionable, but his words sometimes get him trouble. He lashes out at those who provoke his ire, and it has lead him into trouble. His faith has never waivered, not once. He stands strong in support of his Duchy, his Realm, his religion and The Hall of Blood and Battle. After one of these bitter exchanges Senoske fell deathly ill. He recovered shortly after, but not fully. He retreated into his study to find the cause of what was poisoning his heart and drew an obvious conclusion: when he tried escaping from Erlang so many years ago, he had taken a blow from the cursed sword Arkenine... A small fragment of which may have lodged itself in his body... Just over his heart!

Senoske's spirit twin Cesari had already arrived when Senoske made his conclusion, disturbed to hear of Senoske's ailment. Senoske invited him to Razrpot, and sent out a messenger for his other close friend Scion. The three departed for a secretive temple hidden in the mountains of Razrpot. It was a place open to all religions, but for some reason or another now lies forgotten. It contains a massive library and an armory which houses many forgotten tools of war, some of which are legendary. They made their way up the treacherous mountain and into the temple, through which a stream of the purest water flows. In days of old, many would come to pray and purify themselves with this water. There they met with Senoske's old tutor from his days in the Svunnetland Saex and Senoske's son, Thain. Senoske waded into the stream and began to meditate. Jinai, Senoske's tutor, showed Scion and Cesari around, and led them to the armory. However, the trio had been followed to the temple by their old enemy, whom was thought to be dead. Nobdy engaged them in an attempt to steal an axe held sacred to the Requiem, and Jinai was found to be a trator. Scion and Nobdy battled their way down stairs to the room where Senoske stood in the stream, just before a massive waterfall, healing his sickness. Senoske got out of the stream and Scion and Senoske did battle with Nobdy. Nobdy struck down Senoske, but was eventually dispatched by Scion. Scion gave up the gifts of his heritage, the Paladin's light within him, and saved Senoske. Senoske's wounds mended rapidly and he stood up and stumbled, accidentally knocking the axe into the stream to float down the waterfall after Nobdy.
Weapons: Arken and the ~V~ sword of his spirit twin, Cesari

Time passed, and Nighthelm's glory faded, as its goverment became more and more withdrawn. Men like Senoske strove to hold the realm together, but it could not stand against the corrupt republic of Soliferum while its leaders stood idle. Senoske was shocked to discover the cause. The great King and Prophet Thraymn was possessed by a Daimon. A mysterious figure came and freed Thraymn, but at the cost of his life. Hatdhes soon fell, as did the rest of Nighthelm, and Senoske was forced into the service of Soliferum for a time. He was banned on false charges, typical of Soliferum. Senoske vowed revenge, and to free his lands, and went first to the Principality of Zonasa, where the commoner turned Regent, Alexi attempted to deny his asylum. Alexi, servant to Senoske's old nemesis, Zhao Ziyang, failed. Eventually, Senoske grew disgusted with the realm, and went to Greater Aenillia, and contacted the King of Arcaea, and started to arrange the rebirth of his kingdom. With Gul'Dan and Thraymn dead, and Keldaar long gone, Senoske was lead contender for the throne, his claim the strongest. He had gathered his sons to travel with him, Thain and Horus, the twins. Senoske grew disgusted with Greater Aenillia's lack of will to fight the menace of Soliferum, even as the apostate republic ravaged the lands of the North without provocation, while supporting the claims of Mad Tony, who proclaimed himself to be a god incarnate. Senoske traveled to Arcaea, and became a knight of Talex. He soon perished, defending his liege's city to the death. Outnumbered 5 to 1, Senoske plunged headlong into the attackers, and perished, having sustained mortal wounds driving the vile legions of Soliferum out of Talex. His son, Thain built a massive pyre, and burned his father in the old ways. Thain took his father's sword, and his burden.

Titles: Hero of Myth, Warlord, Thorns of the Black Rose

Quotes: "Passions cant be shackled by laws or mastered with logic. The choice is freedom or death."
"Truth shines even in darkness. Those who march on the side of truth walk always in righteous light."
"The tyranny of the apostate repbulic may not end this day, or the next... But it is on this day, that it sees the beginning of the end, and the dark age of these lands end, ushering in a new era of enlightenment unmatched by any before. A new era of freedom and justice that shines so bright, men will think of great deeds of the men who made it possible, and weep they were not there to witness them." "Steel rusts. Arrows break. But righteousness is always strong, always sharp."