O'Deaghaidh Family/Chapter 3 Na Ridire: Difference between revisions

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(New page: These are actual role-plays. == '''Chapter 3, Na Ridire''' == '''Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh Part 1''' On the outskirts of region of Tahgalez, a small band of pilgrims heading ...)
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"These lands are now protected by the Knight of the Order, tell the others we're here to protect faithful."
"These lands are now protected by the Knight of the Order, tell the others we're here to protect faithful."
Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)
'''Roleplay from Marzo Zond'''
The night was long and the daylight of Heen had yet to break. It had been a long trek for Marzo and his Phoenix Crusaders. The countless hordes of undead in the outer badlands had kept his trusty lads quite busy. It was after the initial blood oath ceremony taken last week in Duke Evan's garden, he had set off at double pace to join the first wave of undead cleansing operations in Kording and taken them out to Watto and Tor and back. Seven days since had seemed like a lifetime already. They were in need of some well deserved R and R. But first things first, there was some guild business to attend to...
Marzo came up to what seemed to be an old well worn out warehouse of some kind where it was rumored he would find Concobhar. Though it was not even dawn yet, the place buzzed with energy as scribes and soldiers jostled about preparing for the day’s operations. Marzo stepped through the doorway of the old military barracks and saw all sorts of men and women stop and stare at him. A few moments silence as Marzo scanned the place thoroughly from top to bottom and took note of every face staring at him. A banner hanging from the rafters proclaimed "Knights of the Order."
"Ha-ha, well, well! It may not seem like much, but it's got real down to earth charm I'll give you that!", Marzo said with a hearty laugh in his voice. He removed his dusty riding gloves and handed them to Captain Madred.
“G’day lads (and lasses), where might I find ol’comrades Conbobhar and Cuchulain?” “…Sorry for the delay. It’s been a long night and I’d like to report in and present my troops before my men hit the pub house here in a bit.”
“And who might you be then, buddy?”, called out a junior scribe with freckles and a boyish face.
“Buddy? Ha. It's Paladin Marzo, at your service and don’t you forget it! Now be a good lad and show me where your boss is right quick. I’ve got some roads to patrol and some artifacts to find, and I don’t like wasting time.”
Marzo Zond
Baron of Watto
'''Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh'''
"Sir, someone is here to see you, I think he is important." McVenner said quietly to Concobhar.
"Alright thanks." Concobhar got up and walked out the door into the main room of the barracks.
Marzo seemed to be putting a young junior scribe in his place, but only in a way Marzo can. Concobhar laughed and bumped his hand against McVenner's arm, McVenner seemed to see what was happening but he didn't laugh.
"Baron Zond my friend, shouldn't you be killing bandits and raiders and not shattering this poor boy's happy thoughts?" Concobhar said approaching. "Boy, get back to work." The junior scribe ran off into one of the back rooms. "Well this is it, not much but hey, it's free to sleep here. Pick yourself a bunk and grab yourself a uniform in the back, I've already filled out the papers so you're a Paladin now. So, Cuchulain isn't in but he left report on a relic that we think we've located." Concobhar handed Marzo a paper that said "The Hip Bone of Liam."
"If you're interested you can go looking for it, I'm too busy to go myself, I have a lead on a group of bandits operating outside of Hcallow." Concobhar realized he wasn't allowing Marzo a single word. "Uh, sorry, got any questions?"

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)
Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Revision as of 04:38, 27 April 2009

These are actual role-plays.

Chapter 3, Na Ridire

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh Part 1

On the outskirts of region of Tahgalez, a small band of pilgrims heading for Sotrebar was stopping for a rest. Even though the lands of Heen were fairly safe, the Heenite patrols couldn't be everywhere at once and some bandits and thieves have learned of the patrols and how they move. As the only armed pilgrims was handing out water an arrow struck him in the stomach, the other pilgrims ducked and began to panic. A small band of raiders ran up to the small resting place of the pilgrims all of the armed with a small sword, a few of them armed with bows. The leader of the raiders stepped forward as if to say something.

"My name is Anderson Hawkins, hand over all your goods and nobody else will get hurt."

A woman from the group of pilgrims screamed out in panic "We have nothing!"

"I'll tell you one more time, hand over your goods." Hawkins said in a more sinister voice.

The pilgrims didn't respond.

"Kill the men, tie up the women and children, we could use the slaves." Hawkins gave his orders to his men standing behind him.


"Aye I see the raiders sir, looks like they've killed the only armed pilgrim the have." McVenner said as the entire group of Na Ridire were all on their stomachs looking at the action at the bottom of a large sand dune. The Na Ridire were special forces hand selected by Concobhar, they all wore tartans but they were made to blend in with the desert sands. They wore face wraps to conceal their identity's, but anyone could tell by their accents they were Celts.

Seamus McVenner was the most experienced of Na Ridire and was their Captain, he was born in Abington like most Celts over the age of twenty three. His hair was black and he seemed to always have a five o'clock shadow, he was tall and wiry as well, though he fought so hard he would make a Daimon think twice at taking a chance fighting him. Not mush else was known about him except that he is twenty four years old.

"Oi, Riley! Got yer bow?" McVenner said to Riley.

"Aye Cap" Riley replied.

Timothy Riley was the youngest of all the Na Ridire, joined the army the day he turned eighteen and one year later at nineteen he was in the special forces. Blonde hair and a clean face, some of the other soldiers considered him the little brother of Na Ridire because of his young features. Young and ambitious Riley was dangerous, not just to his enemies but to his fellow soldiers because of this ambition.

"I don' see the Con." Wolfe said looking back at McVenner.

James Wolfe has served in the Heenite army for over three years and when he turned twenty five he decided to join the special forces. With a thick stock of red flowing hair but a clean freckled face, many of the men called him Ginger. Which always made him angry but that was the life of a red head.

"Shut up." McColl hissed.

Henry McColl knew the lands of Heen like the back of his hand. His dark hair and long shaggy dark beard gave this man even more character than he already had. This man could sneak into a royal palace on high alert if he wanted to, his skills were incredibly valuable. McColl was originally selected as the captain of Na Ridire but he refused without giving a reason why. Concobhar never questioned simply because his track record, McColl served in the Heenite army for two years and in the special forces for ten, not to mention that he signed up when he was sixteen.

"Lets go already!" Greene said with an angry impatience.

Cormack Greene was forced into the Heenite Army by the local judge, it was that or ten years in prison. Greene was a raider for most of his young life, he survived the Undead invasion of Heen but his family didn't. Life was ugly to Greene, his appearance was even uglier. With a shaved head and stubble on his face, his scars and gang tattoos were all noticeable. This man was in Na Ridire because his local knowledge of the local raiding groups and bandits.

"Don' make us kill you Greene." McAfee said pulling Greene to the ground.

Aron McAfee was a marksman with a bow and crossbow, he also made his own style of bows. He claimed that he learned to make them when he was a slave to the Vikings of Norland. McAfee was calm but was incredibly sensitive when it came to helping people, he is usually the first one to hand out his rations to poor peasants. Many men call him Saint Afee because of these actions and his long curly blonde hair.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh Part 2

"You boys all act the same." O'Sullivan said rolling her eyes.

Julia O'Sullivan was the only woman in Na Ridire, her father was a local noble and he pulled strings to get her in this unit. Normally women are encouraged to stay away from the battlefield and army life for many reasons, and if they're beautiful like Julia, even more reasons. Greene gave her trouble all the time, he loved brunettes especially ones with green eyes. She was treated with respect by a few of the older men in the unit but still didn't get what she deserved. Concobhar allowed her in Na Ridire because of her skills with field medication and wound treatment, she wasn't particularly skilled in fighting but she was incredibly valuable to Na Ridire.

"Listen to the Lass, she knows best." Rea said patting Julia on the back.

Marcus Rea was the the funny guy in Na Ridire, always coming up with a joke in the worst times. Rea was starting to bald but actually was very handsome even with his hair loss, he was thirty one years old and incredibly good at hand to hand combat. Twelve years serving the front lines of the Heenite army will teach a man everything he needs to know.

"Always kissing up now aren't you Rea?" Kelly smiled.

Sean Kelly always carried Bag Pipes with him, except in combat, he was the one keeping everyone entertained with music. Only twenty one years old but deadly with most weapons, he was the model soldier with short brown cropped hair.

Oisin O'Keefe didn't speak much, something about him was off, he wasn't crazy but he was dealing with problems none could understand. Paranoia, depression, anxiety and guilt was an everyday thing with this man. Oisin was the oldest person in Na Ridire at the age of thirty five, he was also the best shot with a bow. Oisin is also bald, most people believe it was pulled out by him in a fit of anxiety.

"I see him." O'Keefe said to the company, everyone began to creep down the sand dune.

Meanwhile back where the pilgrims were:

"Better let them go Hawkins." Concobhar said approaching Pilgrims resting place. "We've been hunting you for awhile now."

"And who the hell are you?" Hawkins said with an arrogant tone.

"We are the Knights of the Order." Concobhar said with a smirk.

"We?" Hawkins said confused.

Concobhar pointed behind Hawkins, Hawkins turned around to see all his men dead and Na Ridire with bows drawn on him.

"Surrender." Concobhar said walking towards Hawkins.

Hawkins complied and dropped his weapons, Rea and Greene grabbed him by his arms. Concobhar removed his dirk from his belt and grabbed Hawkins by his mouth, he began to carve "K O" into his forehead. Hawkins screamed in pain, but Greene punched him in the stomach to stop his resistance.

"This K O let's all Knights of the Order know that you've been dealt with and that if you return to a life of crime, that you are to be killed on sight." Concobhar said putting his dirk back on his belt. "Now get out of here."

Hawkins ran off holding his forehead.

"These lands are now protected by the Knight of the Order, tell the others we're here to protect faithful."

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Marzo Zond

The night was long and the daylight of Heen had yet to break. It had been a long trek for Marzo and his Phoenix Crusaders. The countless hordes of undead in the outer badlands had kept his trusty lads quite busy. It was after the initial blood oath ceremony taken last week in Duke Evan's garden, he had set off at double pace to join the first wave of undead cleansing operations in Kording and taken them out to Watto and Tor and back. Seven days since had seemed like a lifetime already. They were in need of some well deserved R and R. But first things first, there was some guild business to attend to...

Marzo came up to what seemed to be an old well worn out warehouse of some kind where it was rumored he would find Concobhar. Though it was not even dawn yet, the place buzzed with energy as scribes and soldiers jostled about preparing for the day’s operations. Marzo stepped through the doorway of the old military barracks and saw all sorts of men and women stop and stare at him. A few moments silence as Marzo scanned the place thoroughly from top to bottom and took note of every face staring at him. A banner hanging from the rafters proclaimed "Knights of the Order."

"Ha-ha, well, well! It may not seem like much, but it's got real down to earth charm I'll give you that!", Marzo said with a hearty laugh in his voice. He removed his dusty riding gloves and handed them to Captain Madred.

“G’day lads (and lasses), where might I find ol’comrades Conbobhar and Cuchulain?” “…Sorry for the delay. It’s been a long night and I’d like to report in and present my troops before my men hit the pub house here in a bit.”

“And who might you be then, buddy?”, called out a junior scribe with freckles and a boyish face.

“Buddy? Ha. It's Paladin Marzo, at your service and don’t you forget it! Now be a good lad and show me where your boss is right quick. I’ve got some roads to patrol and some artifacts to find, and I don’t like wasting time.”

Marzo Zond Baron of Watto

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

"Sir, someone is here to see you, I think he is important." McVenner said quietly to Concobhar.

"Alright thanks." Concobhar got up and walked out the door into the main room of the barracks.

Marzo seemed to be putting a young junior scribe in his place, but only in a way Marzo can. Concobhar laughed and bumped his hand against McVenner's arm, McVenner seemed to see what was happening but he didn't laugh.

"Baron Zond my friend, shouldn't you be killing bandits and raiders and not shattering this poor boy's happy thoughts?" Concobhar said approaching. "Boy, get back to work." The junior scribe ran off into one of the back rooms. "Well this is it, not much but hey, it's free to sleep here. Pick yourself a bunk and grab yourself a uniform in the back, I've already filled out the papers so you're a Paladin now. So, Cuchulain isn't in but he left report on a relic that we think we've located." Concobhar handed Marzo a paper that said "The Hip Bone of Liam."

"If you're interested you can go looking for it, I'm too busy to go myself, I have a lead on a group of bandits operating outside of Hcallow." Concobhar realized he wasn't allowing Marzo a single word. "Uh, sorry, got any questions?"

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)