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'''Current Titles:''' General of Westmoor, Count of Hagley, Marshal of the Oligarch Assault Force
'''Current Titles:''' General of Westmoor, Count of Hagley, Marshal of the Elite Legion of Oligarch

Flaylen is the oldest son.  He had a younger sister, Rhia, who was only a year younger than him.  They spent much time playing together and were very close; rarely was one seen without the other.  However, Rhia's death when they were both still children turned Flaylen from jovial child to angry boy.  He spent much of his youth training in the ways of war, his anguish at Rhia's death never quite abating.  When Flaylen was eighteen, he decided to leave the family home.  He traveled the world on a personal sabbatical, trying to find peace within himself.  During this time he wrote many letters to his youngest brother Hlao.  Flaylen hoped that he could be a good influence on his brother, guiding him through his younger years so that Hlao did not make the same mistakes Flaylen did.  Although they never actually saw each other much or spent time together, they became very close.  Flaylen's travels eventually made him wise, and his relationship with Hlao allowed him to come to terms with Rhia's death.  After many years of sailing on the high seas, Flaylen landed on the East Continent in the realm of Perdan. He currently serves the Perdanese region of Clermont as a knight.
Flaylen is the oldest son.  He had a younger sister, Rhia, who was only a year younger than him.  They spent much time playing together and were very close; rarely was one seen without the other.  However, Rhia's death when they were both still children turned Flaylen from jovial child to angry boy.  He spent much of his youth training in the ways of war, his anguish at Rhia's death never quite abating.  When Flaylen was eighteen, he decided to leave the family home.  He traveled the world on a personal sabbatical, trying to find peace within himself.  During this time he wrote many letters to his youngest brother Hlao.  Flaylen hoped that he could be a good influence on his brother, guiding him through his younger years so that Hlao did not make the same mistakes Flaylen did.  Although they never actually saw each other much or spent time together, they became very close.  Flaylen's travels eventually made him wise, and his relationship with Hlao allowed him to come to terms with Rhia's death.  After many years of sailing on the high seas, Flaylen landed on the East Continent in the realm of Perdan.
Flaylen served Perdan as a knight for some time, pledging fealty to the regions of Perdan City, Clermont, and eventually Bescanon. He also lent his services as a troop leader to Perdan's military in their war with Ibladesh. When Perdan declared war on Fontan and sought to take the Westmoor duchy, Flaylen applied for the lordship of Bruck, one of the newly acquired regions. Although he was granted the lordship, Perdan initially had much trouble securing the region, and so Flaylen was appointed the Count of Hagley instead. As had been planned by Perdan in conjunction with the nobles serving the Westmoor duchy, the city of Westmoor seceded to found a new realm of the same name. As Count of Hagley, Flaylen was thus one of the founding members of the realm of Westmoor, a title he holds and cherishes to this day.
Flaylen, as a titled noble, was appointed to the Monarch's Royal Council, an advisory body in which he was quite vocal and helped to shape Westmoor's foreign and domestic policy. Two months after the founding of Westmoor, with the War of Fontanese Aggression ending and hostilities with Sirion breaking out, Flaylen was apppointed the new realm's general. As Westmoor rebuilt from war with Fontan and began preparing for war with Sirion, Flaylen reshaped Westmoor's military, creating a second army for elite troop leaders, advocating for a Military Council to discuss war-making matters, and pushing for greater coordination with Westmoor's northern neighbors and new allies: Fontan and the Sultanate of Asena. He lead Westmoor's armies for much of the war with Sirion, and mentored new military leaders. Eventually frustration with the war's stalemate and the onset of old age led to Flaylen's abdication from the Generalship. He supported the appointment of a new General, Onliana Vellos, to conduct the northern war, content to stay back in an advisory role.
Yet, duty would call once more. The sudden death of General Onliana and an unexpected declaration of war from Caligus left Westmoor in need of military leadership, and Flaylen volunteered for the task. The switch of conflict to the south and a more immediate threat to Westmoor's borders brought new energy to Flaylen. He has focused his experience and leadership on building the strength and reputation of Westmoor's military, as well as encouraging cooperation between the Generals of Perdan and the Obsidian Islands, in addition to pushing for activity and obedience amongst Westmoor's own troop leaders. But perhaps what really drives him is the nagging thought that Westmoor's success or failure in this war will determine his reputation for future generations.

'''Current Titles:''' Count of Saex
'''Current Titles:''' Baron of Saex, Sponsor of the Tribute Collecting Army
Tammo is the middle son.  Rhia died when he was just a toddler, leaving him with very little recollection of her.  Thus, he looked up to Flaylen for much of his youth.  Tammo constantly saw the angry, bitter side of Flaylen, and came to resemble that somewhat himself.  He became resentful at the world for taking a sister he never knew and for hurting his beloved brother.  But perhaps the biggest effect Flaylen had on Tammo was to pass down the skills of combat.  Wishing to be like his older brother, Tammo took up a sword when he was just a boy.  He quickly found that he had a natural talent and taste for combat.  He trained for hours each day, and quickly became the family's war virtuoso.  When he turned eighteen, he followed in Flaylen's footsteps and decided to leave home.
Tammo sailed to the Colonies where he got his first taste of life as a noble and a troop leader.  However, he quickly discovered that war was not as he had glorified it in his mind. The realm of Alebad, in which he landed, was populated by leaders content to throw their troops at the enemy, with little regard for success or loss of life. This experience deeply affected Tammo, leaving him with an enduring distaste for callous, out-of-touch leadership. Far from being an unquestioning proponent of war, he developed a strong conviction that proper leaders should never sacrifice lives without cause, nor engage in greedy, dishonorable behavior. Having been nearly traumatized by a backwards land, Tammo left the shores of Alebad as soon as possible.
His journey carried him to the beaches of the Far East, where he became a member of the realm Arcaea.  Arcaea appealed to Tammo because it offered him a chance to use his combat skills to help a battered and besieged realm return to glory. Upon his arrival in Arcaea, the then-Count of Saex, one Sir Santoro, took Tammo under his wing and offered him an oath of fealty to the region. Arcaea had been ravaged by war with enemies on all sides; Saex was one of two regions controlled by Arcaea (the other being the capital Remton), and the only rural food-producing region. Despite receiving very little in tax gold, Tammo gladly accepted the offer and eagerly offered his services to the region as well as to the broader Arcaean war effort. Tammo and his liege, the Count Santoro, quickly became quite close. Tammo's loyalty and service must have impressed Count Santoro, for before he died, he recommended that Tammo take his place as Count of Saex, one of Arcaea's oldest regions. Seeking to preserve the great legacy of his friend and mentor, Tammo accepted the position. Anyone who knows him and his loyalty to his old liege knows that Tammo will not give up his title as caretaker of Saex until his death.
Tammo supported the exile of King Riar, and the subsequent election of Queen Dentara (and later King Jenred). As a noble who had helped Arcaea arise from near-defeat, Tammo was granted a position on the monarch's advisory body (now named the Phoenix Court). The death of Count Santoro had also left the Tribute Collecting Army without a sponsor. Wishing to preserve the legacy of both his former liege and the region of Saex as an integral part of Arcaea, Tammo offered to refound the army in Saex under his sponsorship. The leadership of Arcaea agreed, and Tammo remains the long-time sponsor and member of the TCA.

Tammo is the middle son. Rhia died when he was just a toddler, leaving him with very little recollection of her. Thus, he looked up to Flaylen for much of his youth. Tammo constantly saw the angry, bitter side of Flaylen, and came to resemble that somewhat himself. He became resentful at the world for taking a sister he never knew and for hurting his beloved brother.  But perhaps the biggest effect Flaylen had on Tammo was to pass down the skills of combat. Wishing to be like his older brother, Tammo took up a sword when he was just a boy. He quickly found that he had a natural talent and taste for combat. He trained for hours each day, and quickly became the family's war virtuoso. When he turned eighteen, he followed in Flaylen's footsteps and decided to leave home. He sailed to the Colonies where he got his first taste of life as a noble and a troop leader.  However, the frontier's slow pace left him bored and desiring more, and so he set sail again. He arrived on the shores of the Far East and became a member of the realm Arcaea.  Arcaea appealed to Tammo because it offered him a chance to use his combat skills to help the realm return to glory.  Tammo currently serves the Arcaean region of Saex as a knight.
As Arcaea grew and propsered following its victories over Sartania, Lasanar, Ethiala, Greater Aenilia, and Cathay, Tammo continued to offer input as to the direction Arcaea should take, always keeping his experiences in the Colonies in mind. Although he had never been particularly good with words, when King Jenred asked for volunteers to serve as ambassadors for Arcaea, Tammo jumped at the opportunity. His motivations were twofold: first, he had a genuine desire to continue to serve the realm he had come to love; and second, Flaylen had informed him of the arrival of his younger brother, Hlao, in Cathay. Tammo hoped to improve relations with both Arcaea's southwestern neighbor and his own brother. To some degree, he was successful. He helped assure Cathay of Arcaea's friendliness and support, especially when a Cathayan city was subject to an unprovoked assault from Southron forces. He also tried to broker a peace deal between Cathay and the newly formed realm of C'thonia, with limited success. However, when one of his scribes carried sensitive and potentially compromising information to the King of Cathay instead of the King of Arcaea, Tammo resigned in disgrace. Although his resignation was entirely self-imposed, he felt it was absolutely necessary. He felt strongly that he had failed his realm with diplomatic ineptness. He had also failed to connect with Hlao, who had turned to a life in the shadows and was subsequently deported to the Colonies. Although Arcaean relations with Cathay were eventually repaired, Tammo's fears for his younger brother were well-founded. Not long after Hlao's arrival in the Colonies, he was captured and executed.
Tammo retreated into himself somewhat to do some soul-searching. He continues to faithfully serve Arcaea in his capacities as Count of Saex and sponsor of the Tribute Collecting Army, though he is undoubtedly torn by what he views as failings to his country and family. The onset of old age will likely drive him to atone for his mistakes in any way he can.

'''Current Titles:''' Knight of Barad Falas
'''Current Titles:''' {Deceased}
Hlao is the youngest son. While growing up, he had a strong bond with his eldest brother, Flaylen. Though he rarely saw Flaylen, they grew quite close, as Flaylen wrote frequent letters to Hlao in an effort to mentor him despite his absence. Hlao looked up to Flaylen as an idol - he never knew Rhia, Tammo was always off training, and his parents seemed too concerned with their estate and legacy to pay him much mind. Thus, Flaylen was the only one around willing to give him attention and guidance, and Hlao loved and adored him for it.
With both Flaylen and Tammo abroad, Hlao felt a duty to stay close to home in the realm of Suville on Atamara when he came of age. Yet he grew quickly bored and frustrated with Suville's near-lack of conviction or participation in foreign affairs. He eventually decided to go northwards to join Falasan and help them in their long fight against near-overwhelming odds. When Falasan was on the brink of defeat, Hlao went to their neighbor and ally, Minas Ithil. His restlessness did not end, however; it seemed that no matter where he went, his services as a knight were fruitless.
On the advice of Flaylen, Hlao emigrated to the Far East. Flaylen, recognizing traces of the angry boy he himself had once been, hoped that Tammo (now a part of the realm of Arcaea) would pass on his wisdom and experience and bring calm to their youngest brother's soul. Hlao, however, had not quite forgiven Tammo's constant absence in their youth, and instead joined the neighboring realm of Cathay. Despite Tammo's presence in Cathay as an ambassador, Hlao largely rebuffed his attempts at communication and reconciliation. Instead, it was on the streets of Anacan that Hlao found a new passion: infiltration.
Seeking to brush up on his swordfighting skills, Hlao accidentally stumbled into a training facility for infiltrators. Almost immediately, he fell in love with the idea of a life in the shadows. Rather than waiting for slow-moving Generals and Kings, Hlao discovered that, as an infiltrator, he could take immediate actions to affect change and hurt the enemy. He spent much time and treasure on training, but eventually his impatience got the better of him. He sought to put his training to use in the real world. Emboldened by some low-profile successes, he began to take on bigger targets in Soliferum during the great war against Conan and Mad Tony. He was captured and banned once, but undeterred, he returned to the South to cause more havoc. Lacking advanced training, he was captured again and deported to the Colonies, much to the chagrin of his brother Tammo.

Hlao is the youngest son.
Hlao arrived in the realm of Giblot, determined to continue in his newfound career. Despite his life in the shadows being often looked down-upon, he truly believed that his actions were good and right, and absolutely necessary for an honorable realm to defeat a tough enemy. Although he butted heads with the military leadership of Giblot (who wished for him to contribute to the more traditional army), Hlao continued to follow his independent path. Eventually, his penchant for immediate action got the best of him. He had been caught in the realm of Outer Tilog several times, having been banned once and having escaped a few other times. Hubris and a conviction for action drove him to return to sabotage the realm again and again, until his luck ran out. Unable to escape from his final capture, the Judge of Outer Tilog happily beheaded him. The youngest of the Hlessi brothers, once so bright and full of energy, had his life snuffed out in a shroud of darkness.

[[Category: Families]]
[[Category: Families]]

Revision as of 22:47, 10 July 2010

Family History

The Hlessi family has its origins in the southeastern tip of the continent Atamara. For many years they stayed out of wars and politics, preferring to let things happen as they would so long as their own rights were not compromised. However, the current generation seems destined for greater things. Three brothers - Flaylen, Tammo, and Hlao - set out to find their own fortune and to ensure that history would speak favorably of the Hlessi family for ages to come.

Family Emblem

The Hlessi family emblem is a picture of a hare clad in full battle armor, holding a javelin in one hand and a shield in the other. The Latin words "Veneratio, Fidelatis, Iustitia" (Honor, Loyalty, Justice) are enscribed on the shield.

The origins of the emblem can be traced back many generations ago to when the Hlessi family received an intricate glass rabbit as a gift. This prized family heirloom has been passed down from father to son for as long as anyone can remember, and it has come to represent the Hlessi family's values. Hlessis pride them selves on being quick in body and mind. They strive to act intelligently and morally, and will always fight to rectify an injustice done to themselves or others.

Family Members


Current Titles: General of Westmoor, Count of Hagley, Marshal of the Elite Legion of Oligarch

Flaylen is the oldest son. He had a younger sister, Rhia, who was only a year younger than him. They spent much time playing together and were very close; rarely was one seen without the other. However, Rhia's death when they were both still children turned Flaylen from jovial child to angry boy. He spent much of his youth training in the ways of war, his anguish at Rhia's death never quite abating. When Flaylen was eighteen, he decided to leave the family home. He traveled the world on a personal sabbatical, trying to find peace within himself. During this time he wrote many letters to his youngest brother Hlao. Flaylen hoped that he could be a good influence on his brother, guiding him through his younger years so that Hlao did not make the same mistakes Flaylen did. Although they never actually saw each other much or spent time together, they became very close. Flaylen's travels eventually made him wise, and his relationship with Hlao allowed him to come to terms with Rhia's death. After many years of sailing on the high seas, Flaylen landed on the East Continent in the realm of Perdan.

Flaylen served Perdan as a knight for some time, pledging fealty to the regions of Perdan City, Clermont, and eventually Bescanon. He also lent his services as a troop leader to Perdan's military in their war with Ibladesh. When Perdan declared war on Fontan and sought to take the Westmoor duchy, Flaylen applied for the lordship of Bruck, one of the newly acquired regions. Although he was granted the lordship, Perdan initially had much trouble securing the region, and so Flaylen was appointed the Count of Hagley instead. As had been planned by Perdan in conjunction with the nobles serving the Westmoor duchy, the city of Westmoor seceded to found a new realm of the same name. As Count of Hagley, Flaylen was thus one of the founding members of the realm of Westmoor, a title he holds and cherishes to this day.

Flaylen, as a titled noble, was appointed to the Monarch's Royal Council, an advisory body in which he was quite vocal and helped to shape Westmoor's foreign and domestic policy. Two months after the founding of Westmoor, with the War of Fontanese Aggression ending and hostilities with Sirion breaking out, Flaylen was apppointed the new realm's general. As Westmoor rebuilt from war with Fontan and began preparing for war with Sirion, Flaylen reshaped Westmoor's military, creating a second army for elite troop leaders, advocating for a Military Council to discuss war-making matters, and pushing for greater coordination with Westmoor's northern neighbors and new allies: Fontan and the Sultanate of Asena. He lead Westmoor's armies for much of the war with Sirion, and mentored new military leaders. Eventually frustration with the war's stalemate and the onset of old age led to Flaylen's abdication from the Generalship. He supported the appointment of a new General, Onliana Vellos, to conduct the northern war, content to stay back in an advisory role.

Yet, duty would call once more. The sudden death of General Onliana and an unexpected declaration of war from Caligus left Westmoor in need of military leadership, and Flaylen volunteered for the task. The switch of conflict to the south and a more immediate threat to Westmoor's borders brought new energy to Flaylen. He has focused his experience and leadership on building the strength and reputation of Westmoor's military, as well as encouraging cooperation between the Generals of Perdan and the Obsidian Islands, in addition to pushing for activity and obedience amongst Westmoor's own troop leaders. But perhaps what really drives him is the nagging thought that Westmoor's success or failure in this war will determine his reputation for future generations.


Current Titles: Baron of Saex, Sponsor of the Tribute Collecting Army

Tammo is the middle son. Rhia died when he was just a toddler, leaving him with very little recollection of her. Thus, he looked up to Flaylen for much of his youth. Tammo constantly saw the angry, bitter side of Flaylen, and came to resemble that somewhat himself. He became resentful at the world for taking a sister he never knew and for hurting his beloved brother. But perhaps the biggest effect Flaylen had on Tammo was to pass down the skills of combat. Wishing to be like his older brother, Tammo took up a sword when he was just a boy. He quickly found that he had a natural talent and taste for combat. He trained for hours each day, and quickly became the family's war virtuoso. When he turned eighteen, he followed in Flaylen's footsteps and decided to leave home.

Tammo sailed to the Colonies where he got his first taste of life as a noble and a troop leader. However, he quickly discovered that war was not as he had glorified it in his mind. The realm of Alebad, in which he landed, was populated by leaders content to throw their troops at the enemy, with little regard for success or loss of life. This experience deeply affected Tammo, leaving him with an enduring distaste for callous, out-of-touch leadership. Far from being an unquestioning proponent of war, he developed a strong conviction that proper leaders should never sacrifice lives without cause, nor engage in greedy, dishonorable behavior. Having been nearly traumatized by a backwards land, Tammo left the shores of Alebad as soon as possible.

His journey carried him to the beaches of the Far East, where he became a member of the realm Arcaea. Arcaea appealed to Tammo because it offered him a chance to use his combat skills to help a battered and besieged realm return to glory. Upon his arrival in Arcaea, the then-Count of Saex, one Sir Santoro, took Tammo under his wing and offered him an oath of fealty to the region. Arcaea had been ravaged by war with enemies on all sides; Saex was one of two regions controlled by Arcaea (the other being the capital Remton), and the only rural food-producing region. Despite receiving very little in tax gold, Tammo gladly accepted the offer and eagerly offered his services to the region as well as to the broader Arcaean war effort. Tammo and his liege, the Count Santoro, quickly became quite close. Tammo's loyalty and service must have impressed Count Santoro, for before he died, he recommended that Tammo take his place as Count of Saex, one of Arcaea's oldest regions. Seeking to preserve the great legacy of his friend and mentor, Tammo accepted the position. Anyone who knows him and his loyalty to his old liege knows that Tammo will not give up his title as caretaker of Saex until his death.

Tammo supported the exile of King Riar, and the subsequent election of Queen Dentara (and later King Jenred). As a noble who had helped Arcaea arise from near-defeat, Tammo was granted a position on the monarch's advisory body (now named the Phoenix Court). The death of Count Santoro had also left the Tribute Collecting Army without a sponsor. Wishing to preserve the legacy of both his former liege and the region of Saex as an integral part of Arcaea, Tammo offered to refound the army in Saex under his sponsorship. The leadership of Arcaea agreed, and Tammo remains the long-time sponsor and member of the TCA.

As Arcaea grew and propsered following its victories over Sartania, Lasanar, Ethiala, Greater Aenilia, and Cathay, Tammo continued to offer input as to the direction Arcaea should take, always keeping his experiences in the Colonies in mind. Although he had never been particularly good with words, when King Jenred asked for volunteers to serve as ambassadors for Arcaea, Tammo jumped at the opportunity. His motivations were twofold: first, he had a genuine desire to continue to serve the realm he had come to love; and second, Flaylen had informed him of the arrival of his younger brother, Hlao, in Cathay. Tammo hoped to improve relations with both Arcaea's southwestern neighbor and his own brother. To some degree, he was successful. He helped assure Cathay of Arcaea's friendliness and support, especially when a Cathayan city was subject to an unprovoked assault from Southron forces. He also tried to broker a peace deal between Cathay and the newly formed realm of C'thonia, with limited success. However, when one of his scribes carried sensitive and potentially compromising information to the King of Cathay instead of the King of Arcaea, Tammo resigned in disgrace. Although his resignation was entirely self-imposed, he felt it was absolutely necessary. He felt strongly that he had failed his realm with diplomatic ineptness. He had also failed to connect with Hlao, who had turned to a life in the shadows and was subsequently deported to the Colonies. Although Arcaean relations with Cathay were eventually repaired, Tammo's fears for his younger brother were well-founded. Not long after Hlao's arrival in the Colonies, he was captured and executed.

Tammo retreated into himself somewhat to do some soul-searching. He continues to faithfully serve Arcaea in his capacities as Count of Saex and sponsor of the Tribute Collecting Army, though he is undoubtedly torn by what he views as failings to his country and family. The onset of old age will likely drive him to atone for his mistakes in any way he can.


Current Titles: {Deceased}

Hlao is the youngest son. While growing up, he had a strong bond with his eldest brother, Flaylen. Though he rarely saw Flaylen, they grew quite close, as Flaylen wrote frequent letters to Hlao in an effort to mentor him despite his absence. Hlao looked up to Flaylen as an idol - he never knew Rhia, Tammo was always off training, and his parents seemed too concerned with their estate and legacy to pay him much mind. Thus, Flaylen was the only one around willing to give him attention and guidance, and Hlao loved and adored him for it.

With both Flaylen and Tammo abroad, Hlao felt a duty to stay close to home in the realm of Suville on Atamara when he came of age. Yet he grew quickly bored and frustrated with Suville's near-lack of conviction or participation in foreign affairs. He eventually decided to go northwards to join Falasan and help them in their long fight against near-overwhelming odds. When Falasan was on the brink of defeat, Hlao went to their neighbor and ally, Minas Ithil. His restlessness did not end, however; it seemed that no matter where he went, his services as a knight were fruitless.

On the advice of Flaylen, Hlao emigrated to the Far East. Flaylen, recognizing traces of the angry boy he himself had once been, hoped that Tammo (now a part of the realm of Arcaea) would pass on his wisdom and experience and bring calm to their youngest brother's soul. Hlao, however, had not quite forgiven Tammo's constant absence in their youth, and instead joined the neighboring realm of Cathay. Despite Tammo's presence in Cathay as an ambassador, Hlao largely rebuffed his attempts at communication and reconciliation. Instead, it was on the streets of Anacan that Hlao found a new passion: infiltration.

Seeking to brush up on his swordfighting skills, Hlao accidentally stumbled into a training facility for infiltrators. Almost immediately, he fell in love with the idea of a life in the shadows. Rather than waiting for slow-moving Generals and Kings, Hlao discovered that, as an infiltrator, he could take immediate actions to affect change and hurt the enemy. He spent much time and treasure on training, but eventually his impatience got the better of him. He sought to put his training to use in the real world. Emboldened by some low-profile successes, he began to take on bigger targets in Soliferum during the great war against Conan and Mad Tony. He was captured and banned once, but undeterred, he returned to the South to cause more havoc. Lacking advanced training, he was captured again and deported to the Colonies, much to the chagrin of his brother Tammo.

Hlao arrived in the realm of Giblot, determined to continue in his newfound career. Despite his life in the shadows being often looked down-upon, he truly believed that his actions were good and right, and absolutely necessary for an honorable realm to defeat a tough enemy. Although he butted heads with the military leadership of Giblot (who wished for him to contribute to the more traditional army), Hlao continued to follow his independent path. Eventually, his penchant for immediate action got the best of him. He had been caught in the realm of Outer Tilog several times, having been banned once and having escaped a few other times. Hubris and a conviction for action drove him to return to sabotage the realm again and again, until his luck ran out. Unable to escape from his final capture, the Judge of Outer Tilog happily beheaded him. The youngest of the Hlessi brothers, once so bright and full of energy, had his life snuffed out in a shroud of darkness.