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Roleplay from Vistuvis Adriddae  (20 days, 1 hour ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult" (25 recipients)
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Roleplay from Reffelian De Gardes  (19 days, 16 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult" (25 recipients)

Latest revision as of 04:50, 12 December 2008

Roleplay from Louis-Joseph Chénier
Message sent to everyone in Orombo
During the past few days, Louis-Joseph had spent time among the people, converting them to his faith and learning of their ills. What he learned was of great inspiration to him, and he had decided to act on it. According to the locals, there was a small leper colony on the avalonian border, close to the mountains. These lepers were a great source of fear for the locals, who had already associated the disease to divine intervention. This trial was going to be highly symbolic in value, in addition to the usual traits.

Louis-Joseph had sent the invitation to Valachi. As the sun sets, as the shadows swallow the world, his rite would begin. A small fenced enclosure had been erected by the locals, much like they have have done to keep the cattle from erring too far. In it, the lepers were held, with a throng of zealous followers with pitchforks keeping them in. Some wooden weapons and makeshift armour and shields had been rapidly crafted and were piled up right outside the fence, white dye having been applied to them.

When Valachi would arrive, he would have to fight them. The trial was quite simple, himself alone, with his equipment, against a bunch of lepers with poorly-made wooden crafts. The outcome was quite obvious, and indeed, it was meant to be, but the symbolism was strong, it would represent the forces of the Dark, vastly outnumbered, defeating the forces of the Light. Still, the lepers were going to be promised freedom of they won, more to motivate them to fight than anything, though who knows, one could assume it wasn't totally impossible for the initiate to trip and impale himself, however sad that would be.
Louis-Joseph Chénier (Teocoatl of the Blood Cult)

Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"

All that Valachi had done for days now was wait... wait for the invitation of Louis Joseph. For his initiation to begin into the cult that had adopted the faith of his Mother, he waited. It was something he had learned to do very well, waiting. Patience was something stressed by his Mother from birth... those who wait will get their due. Eventually, all will come to the Dark...

Valachi started; it wasn't often that his thoughts drifted like this. He was not much of a dreamer, but the days of late had been strange on him, and he had a feeling the future held something far greater than he could hope. It was here that the scribe arrived, a priest's messenger. The messenger of Louis Joseph. The invitation had finally come.

Valachi had no desire to delay the task, but nor was he in a hurry, and so it was that he arrived at the small town riding his horse at a lazy canter. At his side, a blade with a red hilt, and a streak of red running it's length - the same that had been carried by his mother when she became the Duchess of Fwuvoghor, and the same with which she swore to loyalty her longest serving and most loyal ally. His armour was of a dark metal, and his movements revealed that it was far from heavy. His gloves and boots the color of the night sky, and upon his torso the crest of The Serpent.

It was not his armour upon which Valachi depended tonight... at least, not the armour seen by mortals. Tonight, he belonged wholely to the Lord of Dark. It was He who would protect him, and it was He who would guide his blade. For Him these sacrifices would be offered up. Dismounting from his horse, Valachi walked solemly towards the pen where the lepers were held - disgusting people, rotten to the very soul by their disease, corrupted by all the Dark hated. Tonight their blood would run.

And so it began, Valachi standing calmly before a pack of lepers, outnumbered, but that mattered not. For tonight it was the Lord Teros that fought.

"Release them."

Valachi Stefanovic
Valachi Stefanovic (Senator of Orombo)

Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
Two words, that was all, and it began. The lepers rushed from the pen, eager to obtain the freedom denied by their corrupted souls for so long. They quickly picked up the shields and armour, fighting amongest themselves in doing so. There was only one foolish enough to rush the man in black with no armour. There was only one who's fear of the man that seemed hard to see turned to blind hatred quickly enough to disregard his own life.

As the sword tore through the leper's flesh, blood sprayed into the air, and the passing of the metal on bone made the sword ring, as though revelling in the massacure at hand. The first strike removed the leper's left arm, the second tore into his chest cavity, destroying the lungs and heart. One soul freed from the grip of Light.

The other lepers stood in fear. Their hopes fading as the sun set. They had been promised freedom, they had been promised pride and honour, could they win. But they knew now there was no hope here. They would not have freedom come sunrise. And so there they stood, paralyzed in fear, when the man in black began his charge.

Valachi Stefanovic
Valachi Stefanovic (Senator of Orombo)

Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
There once was a time where the family of Stefanovic was known by another name... a name more a title. They had been known as The Slayers. A family seemingly possessed on the battlefield. Tonight, Valachi joined the ranks of his kin that had lived up to that name. In the shadows of the Lord of Dark he walked, the Path of Shadows where no Light dare approach. In the setting sun the blade he wielded was not his own, but it was the blade wielded by Him. The blade of Strength, and Power before which the Light cowered in terror.

Valachi cared not how many there were. His entire being was consumed by the Shadows that night, and for the first time in a long time the Light felt fear. For as the blood sprayed the air, soaking the man in black, soaking the earth at his feet, all knew Xerotl had a new follower.

When the deed was finally done, his clothes and armour soaked in the blood of the slain, the ground wet with the source of life, Valachi stood silently for but a moment. Removing his helmet he turned his face to the night sky and shouted "Xerotl! Tonight, I am Yours! I offer to you these souls corrupted by the Light! I offer to you my entire being! Teros, Lord of Dark! I am Yours, and none will stand in Your way once more!"

And so Valachi turned to the large, quiet, man holding strange looking instruments, and it was then that Valachi recieved his marking along his forearm that all that meet him, any and everywhere, would see it. A crude visage of a serpent rising from the water; of the Avatar of Teros. The ceremony done and nothing left, Valachi left to deal with the rabid bears that had decided to destroy one of his villages...

Valachi Stefanovic
Valachi Stefanovic (Senator of Orombo)

Roleplay from Vistuvis Adriddae
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
A large crowd gathered in front of the small temple in the grand city of Reeds. Almost five thousand people were packed in and around of the pyramidal temple. The crowd was quiet with keen interest in the upcoming ceremony. Vistuvis, a priest of the Blood Cult, walked up the steps of the pyramid along with a small group of people, including whom were the center of this whole ritual.

A small alter with engraved carvings stood in the center of the temple. Vistuvis marched straight toward it, gesturing to his initiate to follow him. They stood side by side as Vistuvis adjusted his ceremonial dress to prepare to announce a small speach:

" I welcome the followers of the Blood Cult! Those who have dedicated, and subjugated themselves to follow the flow of blood. Blood, as we all know it, is the most precious artifact in the entire world. We must respect how the gods have given us this life by giving them back a portion to which they will be appreciated by."

"Today we witness another who will devote himself to the worship of the life giving essence, Sir Reffelian. Please bring forward the one who will be sacrificed!"

Two men, without cloth but painted entirely in bright, exquisite colours, brought a burly man. The man didn't struggle, even smiling to be brought in. He bore a green mark on his forehead to distinguish himself from others. The men placed him on the alter and ripped off his shirt and coated it with a silky smooth yellow paint.

"Spill my blood so that I may appease the gods!" The man called grinning in delight of his impending doom. The crowd cheered loudly as they heard this. They always wanted more people to be sacrificed to appease the gods. If blood was spilled for the gods, then all will be well.

Vistuvis then, in a swift motion, stabbed into the man's chest causing his smiling face to fade into a unhappy frown. After a few minutes of tearing and gutting, and a last quick yank, he raised the still beating heart for all to see.

"Bring forth the other one!" Immediately, another sacrifice was brought in, this time, not to willingly. They forced the screaming man onto the alter holding him tightly with clenched fists. They tried not to damage the sacrifice so as not to diminish their value.

Vistuvis then turned to Reffelian and presented to him a bloody knife.
Vistuvis Adriddae (Priest of The Blood Cult)

Roleplay from Reffelian De Gardes
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
Reffelian nodded and took the knife, staring down at the man in front of him. The man's eyes were wild and nearly insane with panic. "NO, no! Please, no!", he screamed as Reffelian raised the knife. The knife flashed downwards and struck his stomach with a dull thunk, as of a slaughterhouse. The man howled then, an animal howl. Reffelian gritted his teeth in an effort not to stop. He had been informed as to what to do before the ceremony, and he would go through with it. He pulled and ripped upwards through the man's torso, while the screams went on and on. With a final tug, he ripped the beating heart out of the fellow's body and held it up to the crowd.
Reffelian De Gardes