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==The Seven==
The gods live in a city of the gods high in the sky. The city is split into seven parts. Each of the gods have their own place to life. More details can be found on this page, on which the gods are introduced. The gods each take a turn in watching the cage in which they imprisoned their father, Tamot.
==Gussalen, The Ice Lady==
==Gussalen, The Ice Lady==

Gusallen is a cold hearted woman. She dwells in the seas around Dwillight and from there she tries to keep it into balance. She was the god to bring in death to the world. She brought it as she saw that when every specie would just reproduce the world would die. She also brought in winter, as a balancing part to the summer.  
Gusallen is a cold woman, her touch has been known to freeze lakes, and to make the best weapons as brittle as tree bark. However, more cold than her touch is her heart, for she is unforgiving for even the slightest of mistakes.  

After a person dies his body is send to Gussalen. This is done in several ways, most are send on a ship to the sea where the body is burned on a raft. The remains will please Gussalen and she will take the soul under her protection. There she will judge if he or she was wearthy, when wearthy the soul may enter the gods palace and life there. When they are not wearthy they are send back to Zantorian to be send back to another life. When a person was unworthy to even life on he is send to the dungeons of Gussalen’s palace. There, in the dark chambers, the victims are suffering from  tortures unknown to man.  
She dwells in the seas around Dwilight and from there she tries to keep it in balance. She was the god to bring death to the world. She did this because she realized that if life consumed resources with abandon, the world her mother had created would slowly perish. She also brought winter to the world, countering the endless life of summer created by Althalos with her own creation of death.

The palace Gussalen dwells in is a beauty to the eye. It is made from ice and can be found on the bottom of the dark sea surrounding Dwillight. No one knows the exact location, and by some it is told that it moves with the currents. But it is known, that only a very few human eyes have seen its beauty.  
After a person dies their body is sent to Gussalen. This is done in several ways, most are sent on a ship to the sea where the body is burned on a raft. The remains will please Gussalen and she will take the soul under her protection. There she will judge if he or she is worthy. If the soul is deemed worthy it may enter the gods' palace and live there. When they are judged not worthy they are sent to Zantorian to be sent back to another life. When a person is unworthy to be given another chance at life, they are sent to the dungeons of Gussalen’s palace. There, in the dark chambers trapped at the bottom of the cold sea, they suffer tortures to gruesome for any mortal to imagine.  

The palace is protected by some giant serpents, the only creature Gussalen has made. No human eye has seen them and lived to tell. Although some sailors claim to have seen a tail of them in the water, but no one is sure for certain. One thing is certain, sailors are praying to Gussalen for every trip they make, just to make sure they don’t meet her serpents.  
Gussalen's palace is a magnificent wonder, and is beautiful beyond words. It is made from ice and can be found on the bottom of the dark sea surrounding Dwilight. From immense spiraling towers, to walls so thick they dwarf any created by man, all is forged from magical ice formed by Gussalen's own hand. No mortal knows the exact location, and by some it is told that it moves with the currents forever shifting around the island of Dwilight. But it is known that very few human eyes have seen its beauty and fewer still have lived to tell the tale.  
Gusallen sometimes takes on the shape of a serpent or a vulture. She roams the battlefields after a large battle sometimes to guide the souls to her palace where she judges them.

The palace is protected by giant serpents, the only creatures Gussalen has made. No human eye has seen them and lived to tell. Although some sailors claim to have seen one of their tails in the water, but no one is for certain. One thing is well known, sailors  pray to Gussalen before they embark on every voyage, just to make sure they don’t meet her serpents.

Gusallen sometimes takes on the shape of a serpent or a vulture. She sometimes soars over a recent battlefield, to guide the fresh souls to her palace where she may judge them.

==Brunhild, The Blacksmith==
==Brunhild, The Blacksmith==

Brunhild is a young but fiery woman. Her read hair is easily recognized, as it looks like it is on fire. She dwells in the city of the Gods where she has her own blacksmith. There she works on tinkering small devices and anything she can think on. Sometimes she makes a thing for the other gods as long as thy pay her.
Brunhild is a young but fiery woman. Her red hair is easily recognized, as it looks like it is on fire. She dwells in the city of the Gods where she has her own blacksmith. There she works on tinkering small devices and anything she can think on. Sometimes she makes things for the other gods as long as they pay her.
The weapons she makes are of legend. Swords of her craft don’t get blunt and hammers she made are light and easy to wield. Her spears don’t break and he bows shoot arrows twice the distance of normal bows. When a hero is granted a weapon or armour from her blacksmiths by the gods then he or she is blessed with great wealth. Although some of the weapons can be found around the world, there prices are to large for any lesser noble to buy. Even for a King or Queen the prices are high.
When the horn of wars are blown then Brunhild takes on her own weapons and follows to the battlefield. She loves to fight, but tries to to do it to often. When she gets mad, then no human will life to tell the tale. There for many soldiers pray to her before a battle, hoping that she will bless there side.  

When no warhorn is blown, Brunhild loves to look at marketplaces and workshops. She sometimes visits them to barter for goods. She loves the game of merchants and she is good at it. Although Hadrian always knows to trick her into a bad deal for her.  May manufacturers and merchants pray to her to protect there warehouses and help them at there job.  
The weapons she makes are of legend. Swords of her craft don’t get blunt and hammers she makes are light and easy to wield. Her spears don’t break and her bows shoot arrows twice the distance of normal bows. When a hero is granted a weapon or suit of armour from her smithy by the gods then he or she is blessed with great wealth. Although some of the weapons can be found around the world, their prices are too large for any lesser noble to buy. Even for a King or Queen the prices are high.

Brunhild sometimes takes the shape of a falcon to watch the cities she loves. Also the shape of a squirrel to sneak into the cities to look at the people. City dwellers pray to her to protect the city against diseases and to bring wealth and prosperity.  
When the horns of war are blown then Brunhild takes on her own weapons and follows to the battlefield. She loves to fight, but tries not to do it tot often. When she gets mad, then no human will live to tell the tale. Therefore many soldiers pray to her before a battle, hoping that she will bless their side.

When no war horn is blown, Brunhild loves to look at marketplaces and workshops. She sometimes visits them to barter for goods. She loves the game of merchants and she is good at it. Although Hadrian always knows how to trick her into a bad deal. Many craftsmen and merchants pray to her to protect there warehouses and help them at their job.

Brunhild sometimes takes the shape of a falcon to watch the cities she loves, or the shape of a squirrel to sneak into the cities to look at the people. City dwellers pray to her to protect the city against diseases and to bring wealth and prosperity.

==Hadrian, The Messenger==
==Hadrian, The Messenger==

Hadrian, the messenger of the Gods. About his dwelling is little known as he doesn’t have one. He travels all the time, from place to place. Most of the times he brings letters from one god to the other. Sometimes he plays some games with Rose and helps her with her tricks and Espionage.
Hadrian is the messenger of the Gods. Hadrian has no dwelling, as he travels constantly from place to place. Most of the times he brings letters from one god to the other. Sometimes he plays some games with Rose and helps her with her tricks and espionage.
His appearance is that of an old hermit who needs a bath. A stick in his hands and he travels on the road. When the gods need a message to be brought to the humans he brings it most of the times. For that, he sometimes take son the shape of an eagle to fly fast. He also likes the shape of an horse for it’s speed.
Many travelers pray to him to guide there footsteps. Farmers pray to him as he also is in charge of the weather. When he is upset, so is the weather. Sometimes he gives the weather into the hands of Gussalen, when he wants to be alone for some time. At those times big storms hit Dwillight. Gussalen likes these storms as they bring balance to the world.

His appearance is that of an old hermit who needs a bath. A stick in his hands and he travels on the road. When the gods need a message to be brought to the humans he brings it. For that, he sometimes takes on the shape of an eagle to fly fast. He also likes the shape of a horse for its speed.

Many travelers pray to him to guide their footsteps. Farmers pray to him, as he also is in charge of the weather. When he is upset, so is the weather. Sometimes he gives the weather into the hands of Gussalen, when he wants to be alone for some time. At those times big storms hit Dwilight. Gussalen likes these storms as they bring balance to the world.

==Althalos, The Old Rock==
==Althalos, The Old Rock==

Athalos is the oldest of the gods. Although it being only a few second, he is the natural leader of them. Even Gussalen, who is almost as old, follows his lead.
Athalos is the oldest of the gods, although it being only a few second. He is their natural leader. Even Gussalen, who is almost as old, follows his lead.  
Athalos mostly doesn’t use his human appearance, but sometimes he does. Then he looks like a strong old man. A white beard and white hair gives away his age. He is the strongest of the gods and sometimes he wrestles with Zantorian. Zantorian always thinks that he is stronger, but after every wrestle fight he bites in the dust once more.

Mostly Athalos takes on the shape of an big bruin bear. He lives in the forest and mostly close to any mountain. He loves the earth and he commands it. When he gets angry the ground shakes and the world trembles in fear. He always is in a struggle with Gussalen, who likes to sink the world to her underwater domain. But as long as Athalos can help it that will never happen. Athalos doesn’t like flying, but when he does he takes the shape of a swallow.
Athalos mostly doesn’t use his human appearance. When he does, he looks like a strong old man. A white beard and white hair give away his age. He is the strongest of the gods and sometimes he wrestles with Zantorian. Zantorian always thinks that he is stronger, but after every wrestling match he ends in the dust once more.

Farmers pray to athalos as he also commands the crops. He helps them grow and he created the forests. After he saw them all work nicley he gave the forests to Zantorian to protect so he could have some peace for himself. But still farmers pray to him fro a good harvest.
Mostly Athalos takes on the shape of an big bruin bear. He lives in the forest close to any mountain. He loves the earth and he commands it. When he gets angry the ground shakes and the world trembles in fear. He always is in a struggle with Gussalen, who likes to sink the world to her underwater domain. But as long as Athalos can help it that will never happen. Athalos doesn’t like flying, but when he does he takes the shape of a swallow.
Summer is the season of Athalos, the time of bloom and the time of joy. He found that there needed to be such time in the year and he created it. Gussalen made in return winter, a time of deadly beauty. So the two came in balance aggain.

Farmers pray to Athalos as he also commands the crops. He helps them grow and he created the forests. After he saw them all growing well he gave the forests to Zantorian to protect so he could have some peace for himself. But still farmers pray to him for a good harvest.

Summer is the season of Athalos, the time of bloom and the time of joy. He found that there needed to be such time in the year and he created it. Gussalen made in return winter, a time of deadly beauty. So the two came in balance again.

==Zantorian, The Calm==
==Zantorian, The Calm==

Zantorian is a tall big man. His wild brown beard gives him the look of a woodsman. He mostly can be found in the woods protecting it against anyone who wants to destroy it.
Zantorian is a tall big man. His wild brown beard gives him the look of a woodsman. He mostly can be found in the woods protecting it against anyone who wants to destroy it.
At the beginning he was the one who made every living creature. He liked the joy they had. But then Gussalen made death and his beloved creatures started to die. His hearth broke and he now protects what he can. Humans fell out of his love when they started to build large cities and to kill for more then they needed. He dislikes the large cities and he hopes that they will be gone in time.
His animals follow him and slowly a few humans come back under his love. They are the woodsman and those who don’t harm his beloved forests. Many foresters and scouts pray to him to help them and protect them against wild animals.
Animal keepers pray to him to not harm them and to prove they love his creations. They hope that he will bless them for there care.

Most of the time he uses his human appearances, but he also can be seen as a big white wolf. At very few special occasions he flies in the form of a silverhawk.
At the beginning he was the one who made every living creature. He liked the joy they had. But then Gussalen made death and his beloved creatures started to die. His heart broke and he now protects what he can. Humans lost of his love when they started to build large cities and to kill for more then what they needed. He dislikes the large cities and he hopes that they will be gone in time.

His animals follow him and slowly a few humans came back under his love. They are the woodsman and those who don’t harm his beloved forests. Many foresters and scouts pray to him to help them and protect them against wild animals. Animal keepers pray to him to not harm them and to prove they love his creations. They hope that he will bless them for their care.

Most of the time he uses his human appearances, but he also can be seen as a big white wolf. At very few special occasions he flies in the form of a silver hawk.

==Eleanor, The Balance==
==Eleanor, The Balance==

Eleanor is a timid woman. She keeps on the background and only speaks when she thinks it is needed. She doesn’t like to be in the attention.
Eleanor is a timid woman. She keeps on the background and only speaks when she thinks it is needed. She doesn’t like to be the focus of attention.

Most of the time she sits in the city of the gods in her library. She likes books and protects those who care for them. She loves wisdom and therefore most librarians and researchers pray to her to guide them.  
Most of the time she sits in the city of the gods in her library. She likes books and protects those who care for them. She loves wisdom and therefore most librarians and researchers pray to her to guide them.  

At times when there is a dispute among the gods she is asked to look at the problem. She knows what to do most times. She listens to both sides and makes a decision. The gods accept her wisdom and judgement, therefore those who work in the justice system worship her to guide them into making the right decision. Also bureaucrats pray to her to help them at there work.
At times when there is a dispute among the gods she is asked to look at the problem. She knows what to do most times. She listens to both sides and makes a decision. The gods accept her wisdom and judgment, therefore those who work in the justice system worship her to guide them into making the right decision. Also bureaucrats pray to her to help them at there work.
Sometimes Eleanor wants to watch the humans work there judgement on others. For this she takes most of the times the shape of a stork.

Sometimes Eleanor wants to watch the humans work their judgment on others. For this she takes most of the time the shape of a stork.

==Rose, The Thief==
==Rose, The Thief==

Rose is the youngest of the gods. She appears to be a young woman, just of mature age. Some misjudge her to be a boy, but stories tell us she is female. Although she preferes her human apearence she also can be found to use the form of a cat and a small Wren shape.
Rose is the youngest of the gods. She appears to be a young woman, just of mature age. Some misjudge her to be a boy, but stories tell us she is female. Although she prefers her human appearance she also can be found to use the form of a cat or a small wren.

She loves tricks and to outsmart others. Only Eleanor sees through most of her tricks and therefore she fears her a little. She is protected by the other gods who see her as there little sister, but especially Hadrian has a soft spot in his hearth for her. They both try to out trick the other gods at many occasions.
She loves tricks and outsmarting others. Only Eleanor sees through most of her tricks and therefore she fears her a little. She is protected by the other gods who see her as their little sister, but especially Hadrian has a soft spot in his hearth for her. They both try to out-trick the other gods at many occasions.

Thieves and infiltrators pray to her to help them at there work and to hide them in the shadows. She loves there work and sometimes she spies on the other gods just for fun.
Thieves and infiltrators pray to her to help them at their work and to hide them in the shadows. She loves their work and sometimes she spies on the other gods just for fun.

Artis pray to her to help them at there plays. She loves the theater and therefore she sometimes sneaks into a play to watch it. Many housekeepers and shopkeepers pray to her to protect them against thieves.  
Artists pray to her to help them at their plays. She loves the theater and therefore she sometimes sneaks into a play to watch it. Many housekeepers and shopkeepers pray to her to protect them against thieves.  

Once a year there is a day called Roseday, on which people like to make jokes and play tricks on each other. On this day Rose is so happy she lives to it each year.
Once a year there is a day called Roseday, on which people like to make jokes and play tricks on each other. This is the day of the year for which for which Rose awaits, as it brings her great joy and mirth.

Latest revision as of 09:31, 23 July 2008

The Seven

The gods live in a city of the gods high in the sky. The city is split into seven parts. Each of the gods have their own place to life. More details can be found on this page, on which the gods are introduced. The gods each take a turn in watching the cage in which they imprisoned their father, Tamot.

Gussalen, The Ice Lady

Gusallen is a cold woman, her touch has been known to freeze lakes, and to make the best weapons as brittle as tree bark. However, more cold than her touch is her heart, for she is unforgiving for even the slightest of mistakes.

She dwells in the seas around Dwilight and from there she tries to keep it in balance. She was the god to bring death to the world. She did this because she realized that if life consumed resources with abandon, the world her mother had created would slowly perish. She also brought winter to the world, countering the endless life of summer created by Althalos with her own creation of death.

After a person dies their body is sent to Gussalen. This is done in several ways, most are sent on a ship to the sea where the body is burned on a raft. The remains will please Gussalen and she will take the soul under her protection. There she will judge if he or she is worthy. If the soul is deemed worthy it may enter the gods' palace and live there. When they are judged not worthy they are sent to Zantorian to be sent back to another life. When a person is unworthy to be given another chance at life, they are sent to the dungeons of Gussalen’s palace. There, in the dark chambers trapped at the bottom of the cold sea, they suffer tortures to gruesome for any mortal to imagine.

Gussalen's palace is a magnificent wonder, and is beautiful beyond words. It is made from ice and can be found on the bottom of the dark sea surrounding Dwilight. From immense spiraling towers, to walls so thick they dwarf any created by man, all is forged from magical ice formed by Gussalen's own hand. No mortal knows the exact location, and by some it is told that it moves with the currents forever shifting around the island of Dwilight. But it is known that very few human eyes have seen its beauty and fewer still have lived to tell the tale.

The palace is protected by giant serpents, the only creatures Gussalen has made. No human eye has seen them and lived to tell. Although some sailors claim to have seen one of their tails in the water, but no one is for certain. One thing is well known, sailors pray to Gussalen before they embark on every voyage, just to make sure they don’t meet her serpents.

Gusallen sometimes takes on the shape of a serpent or a vulture. She sometimes soars over a recent battlefield, to guide the fresh souls to her palace where she may judge them.

Brunhild, The Blacksmith

Brunhild is a young but fiery woman. Her red hair is easily recognized, as it looks like it is on fire. She dwells in the city of the Gods where she has her own blacksmith. There she works on tinkering small devices and anything she can think on. Sometimes she makes things for the other gods as long as they pay her.

The weapons she makes are of legend. Swords of her craft don’t get blunt and hammers she makes are light and easy to wield. Her spears don’t break and her bows shoot arrows twice the distance of normal bows. When a hero is granted a weapon or suit of armour from her smithy by the gods then he or she is blessed with great wealth. Although some of the weapons can be found around the world, their prices are too large for any lesser noble to buy. Even for a King or Queen the prices are high.

When the horns of war are blown then Brunhild takes on her own weapons and follows to the battlefield. She loves to fight, but tries not to do it tot often. When she gets mad, then no human will live to tell the tale. Therefore many soldiers pray to her before a battle, hoping that she will bless their side.

When no war horn is blown, Brunhild loves to look at marketplaces and workshops. She sometimes visits them to barter for goods. She loves the game of merchants and she is good at it. Although Hadrian always knows how to trick her into a bad deal. Many craftsmen and merchants pray to her to protect there warehouses and help them at their job.

Brunhild sometimes takes the shape of a falcon to watch the cities she loves, or the shape of a squirrel to sneak into the cities to look at the people. City dwellers pray to her to protect the city against diseases and to bring wealth and prosperity.

Hadrian, The Messenger

Hadrian is the messenger of the Gods. Hadrian has no dwelling, as he travels constantly from place to place. Most of the times he brings letters from one god to the other. Sometimes he plays some games with Rose and helps her with her tricks and espionage.

His appearance is that of an old hermit who needs a bath. A stick in his hands and he travels on the road. When the gods need a message to be brought to the humans he brings it. For that, he sometimes takes on the shape of an eagle to fly fast. He also likes the shape of a horse for its speed.

Many travelers pray to him to guide their footsteps. Farmers pray to him, as he also is in charge of the weather. When he is upset, so is the weather. Sometimes he gives the weather into the hands of Gussalen, when he wants to be alone for some time. At those times big storms hit Dwilight. Gussalen likes these storms as they bring balance to the world.

Althalos, The Old Rock

Athalos is the oldest of the gods, although it being only a few second. He is their natural leader. Even Gussalen, who is almost as old, follows his lead.

Athalos mostly doesn’t use his human appearance. When he does, he looks like a strong old man. A white beard and white hair give away his age. He is the strongest of the gods and sometimes he wrestles with Zantorian. Zantorian always thinks that he is stronger, but after every wrestling match he ends in the dust once more.

Mostly Athalos takes on the shape of an big bruin bear. He lives in the forest close to any mountain. He loves the earth and he commands it. When he gets angry the ground shakes and the world trembles in fear. He always is in a struggle with Gussalen, who likes to sink the world to her underwater domain. But as long as Athalos can help it that will never happen. Athalos doesn’t like flying, but when he does he takes the shape of a swallow.

Farmers pray to Athalos as he also commands the crops. He helps them grow and he created the forests. After he saw them all growing well he gave the forests to Zantorian to protect so he could have some peace for himself. But still farmers pray to him for a good harvest.

Summer is the season of Athalos, the time of bloom and the time of joy. He found that there needed to be such time in the year and he created it. Gussalen made in return winter, a time of deadly beauty. So the two came in balance again.

Zantorian, The Calm

Zantorian is a tall big man. His wild brown beard gives him the look of a woodsman. He mostly can be found in the woods protecting it against anyone who wants to destroy it.

At the beginning he was the one who made every living creature. He liked the joy they had. But then Gussalen made death and his beloved creatures started to die. His heart broke and he now protects what he can. Humans lost of his love when they started to build large cities and to kill for more then what they needed. He dislikes the large cities and he hopes that they will be gone in time.

His animals follow him and slowly a few humans came back under his love. They are the woodsman and those who don’t harm his beloved forests. Many foresters and scouts pray to him to help them and protect them against wild animals. Animal keepers pray to him to not harm them and to prove they love his creations. They hope that he will bless them for their care.

Most of the time he uses his human appearances, but he also can be seen as a big white wolf. At very few special occasions he flies in the form of a silver hawk.

Eleanor, The Balance

Eleanor is a timid woman. She keeps on the background and only speaks when she thinks it is needed. She doesn’t like to be the focus of attention.

Most of the time she sits in the city of the gods in her library. She likes books and protects those who care for them. She loves wisdom and therefore most librarians and researchers pray to her to guide them.

At times when there is a dispute among the gods she is asked to look at the problem. She knows what to do most times. She listens to both sides and makes a decision. The gods accept her wisdom and judgment, therefore those who work in the justice system worship her to guide them into making the right decision. Also bureaucrats pray to her to help them at there work.

Sometimes Eleanor wants to watch the humans work their judgment on others. For this she takes most of the time the shape of a stork.

Rose, The Thief

Rose is the youngest of the gods. She appears to be a young woman, just of mature age. Some misjudge her to be a boy, but stories tell us she is female. Although she prefers her human appearance she also can be found to use the form of a cat or a small wren.

She loves tricks and outsmarting others. Only Eleanor sees through most of her tricks and therefore she fears her a little. She is protected by the other gods who see her as their little sister, but especially Hadrian has a soft spot in his hearth for her. They both try to out-trick the other gods at many occasions.

Thieves and infiltrators pray to her to help them at their work and to hide them in the shadows. She loves their work and sometimes she spies on the other gods just for fun.

Artists pray to her to help them at their plays. She loves the theater and therefore she sometimes sneaks into a play to watch it. Many housekeepers and shopkeepers pray to her to protect them against thieves.

Once a year there is a day called Roseday, on which people like to make jokes and play tricks on each other. This is the day of the year for which for which Rose awaits, as it brings her great joy and mirth.