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{{Template:ME's Journal|
{{Template:ME's Journal|
edit=Welcome to my humble journal, distributed to interested nobles everywhere. I intend to put down the events affecting my home in the North, specifically focusing around the region of Lantzas. Knowledge is the ultimate in treasure, and must be preserved for all time. This journal is a testament to that fact.|
edit=Welcome to my humble journal, distributed to interested nobles everywhere. I intend to put down the events affecting my home in the North, specifically focusing around the region of Lantzas. Knowledge is the ultimate in treasure, and must be preserved for all time. This journal is a testament to that fact.|
comments=(For readers and visitors to Lantzas' House of Healing and Records to add their comments)|
comments=(For readers and visitors to Lantzas' House of Healing and Records to add their comments)
It appears that whilst Baron Euran Yetisbane Kandurell has decided to host a party for the Arcaean nobility, a Sartanian preacher has threatened the tenuous peace here in the north. On that note, I may be delayed on my way to the Baron's estates.
--[[User:Haerthorne|Aerywyn]] 08:22, 8 July 2008 (CEST)|
==Past Pages==
===Home at Last!===
The House of Healing in Lantzas is finally restored! After burning by the uneducated and trouble making rebels, we have recovered as many of the records stored there as possible, and once more begun the instruction of new healers.
===The Enemy Repelled===
Those blaspheming Sartanians have been raiding into Saex, and Sasat has come under attack by Lasanar (which surely has more pressing matters to worry about), but our young lads have seen them off. In my time Lantzas has seen many rulers, suffered many betrayals and endured many wars. Arcaea's soldiers appear to be more determined and effective than any I have seen in a long time!
===Assassins in Arcaea!===
I have hurried up north to attend to a most grievously injured man, Lord Goffrey of Sasat. Apparently there has been some form of assassination attempt in the fortress of Nocaneb! I can only hope that those present manage to preserve the patient until I can arrive.
===Lord Goffrey's Condition===
The journey was uncomfortably fast, but the travel has been well worth it, simply for the medical knowledge to be learned. In all my time, I do not believe that I have seen a more deeply wounded man with breath still in his body. This Lord Goffrey is a hero indeed! Such men are often stubborn, which will not make my job any easier, but happily he is currently in an unconscious state. The medicine woman here has done her best but, poor woman, she lacks the true skill of a master with the proper education. I shall do my best for the man.
===The Final Block===
The final block has been placed upon Nocaneb's fortifications. It is good to know that Arcaea shall be well protected against threats from the North. There have been rumours of a peace with Sartania, but I do not like to get my hopes up. Wars have an unpleasant tendency to continue beyond the point of sanity.
===Peace at last!===
There is to be peace between Sartania and Arcaea! For a nation claiming to worship the practice of war, they have shown remarkable sense in suing for peace before more blood war spilled.
===Lady Madelena's Illness===
Lady Madelena has succumbed to some kind of fever, I believe. The local medicine woman seems competent enough to deal with the condition. I myself am weary of Nocaneb, and since Lord Goffrey's condition has stabilised, I believe that I shall return home to Lantzas. Nocaneb is an uncomfortable place, a fortress against war rather than a bastion of peace.
===Obtal's Troubles===
I believe that the peasants in Obtal are disgruntled with their Lord's efforts. Lord Peter has been forcibly removed from the region, but I am sure that he will shortly be reinstated. Such teething troubles are to be expected.
===Obstinate Orbehians===
[[Master Ethelred's Journal/May 1008|May 1008]]
The Sartanian nobles have shown us that they failed to properly disciplined their peasant folk. Both Obtal and Orbeh have disrespected their overlords, and it seems as if an independent peasant committee hopes to take control of Orbeh. They are foolish in the extreme; I am sure Orbeh will shortly be returned to Arcaean jurisdiction.
[[Master Ethelred's Journal/June 1008|June 1008]]
===Wedding Rumours===
===Lady Harmony Returned Safely===
Duchess Edara and Imperial Magistrate Jenred have displayed their love clearly for each other over the past months. Rumours are now afoot of their wedding, which is apparently to include a full tournament, a generous banquet and an impressive marriage ceremony. The North eagerly awaits such an event; it has endured too much strife and misfortune recently.
A monster of a man stole the Lady Harmony; a martyr of a man stole her back. The Lady Harmony is now safe and sound, although somewhat scarred from the encounter, but Baron Goffrey has been grievously hurt. We can only hope that time heals his wounds.
===Famine in Ethiala!===
===Feast in Lantzas===
There are reports of a growing food crisis in our Western neighbours, which is extremely sad, considering they helped Arcaea in our time of need. Arcaea is now amply provisioned, thanks to the forward planning of Sir Jenred and Sir Aerywyn's diligence, but we are not comfortable enough to seriously supply Ethiala. We can only hope that they find sustenance from somewhere.
The Baron of Lantzas, Euran Yetisbane, is holding a large feast for all nobles in the realm, to celebrate Lady Harmony's safe return and Sir Darius' tournament victory. It is also believed that General Thalathafn intends to announce a new marshal for the Army.

Latest revision as of 00:59, 12 July 2008

By: Master Ethelred A View of Events in the Far East


Welcome to my humble journal, distributed to interested nobles everywhere. I intend to put down the events affecting my home in the North, specifically focusing around the region of Lantzas. Knowledge is the ultimate in treasure, and must be preserved for all time. This journal is a testament to that fact.

Past Pages

May 1008

June 1008


Lady Harmony Returned Safely

A monster of a man stole the Lady Harmony; a martyr of a man stole her back. The Lady Harmony is now safe and sound, although somewhat scarred from the encounter, but Baron Goffrey has been grievously hurt. We can only hope that time heals his wounds.


Feast in Lantzas

The Baron of Lantzas, Euran Yetisbane, is holding a large feast for all nobles in the realm, to celebrate Lady Harmony's safe return and Sir Darius' tournament victory. It is also believed that General Thalathafn intends to announce a new marshal for the Army.


(For readers and visitors to Lantzas' House of Healing and Records to add their comments)

It appears that whilst Baron Euran Yetisbane Kandurell has decided to host a party for the Arcaean nobility, a Sartanian preacher has threatened the tenuous peace here in the north. On that note, I may be delayed on my way to the Baron's estates. --Aerywyn 08:22, 8 July 2008 (CEST)