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==Primary Activities==
==Region Lord Activities==
The core activities that raise region stats, when the region has a Lord, are as follows:
The core activities that raise region stats, when the region has a Lord, are as follows:

===Mercy Court===
===Mercy Court===
A <b>Mercy Court</b> raises <b>Morale</b>, with a small chance that it will cause a very small increase to the Independence Movement (Rebels).
A <b>Mercy Court</b> raises <b>Morale</b>, with a small chance that it will lower control.

<i> I have seen one raise Morale by as much as 15%.</i>
<i> I have seen one raise Morale by as much as 15%.</i>
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===Harsh Court===
===Harsh Court===
A <b>Harsh Court</b> drops <b>Morale</b> and <b>Realm Loyalty</b>.  It’s only use is to eliminate Independence Movements (Rebels), which potentially will raise <b>Realm Control</b>.
A <b>Harsh Court</b> drops <b>Morale</b> and can either raise or lower <b>Realm Loyalty</b>.  It will reliably increase control, but should not be used unless the region is at occupied or province status, and there are no other methods of raising control available.
<i>This option should never used unless Morale and Realm Control are over 95% or the region appears as if it will immediately go rogue.</i>

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Estates appear to be mostly for maintenance.
Estates appear to be mostly for maintenance.

Setting estates to Production will maintain the production level of a region, while granting a small increase in the amount of gold being produced.
Setting estates to Production will maintain the production level of a region, assuming that the estates provide sufficient coverage (as seen on the region lord estate page).  Setting an estate to production is only helpful after <b>Morale</b>, <b>Realm Loyalty</b>, <b>Production</b> are over  50% and <b>Realm Control</b> is at Main or Core.

Setting estates to Authority will help maintain the current state of <b>Realm Control</b>, but does not appear to ever increase it.
Setting estates to Authority will help maintain the current state of <b>Realm Control</b>, but does not appear to ever increase it.  Estates should be set to Authority immediately upon taking a region to keep <b>Realm Control</b> at Province or Main.

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===Hero's Tales===
===Hero's Tales===
Heroes have the occasionally have the option to tell the Tale of their Heroism.  This action can cause a small rise in <b>Morale</b>, with a small chance that it will cause a small percentage increase in <b>Realm Loyalty</b>.  
Heroes occasionally have the option to tell the Tale of their Heroism.  This action can cause a small rise in <b>Morale</b>, with a small chance that it will cause a small percentage increase in <b>Realm Loyalty</b>.  

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A priest can do a takeover of a region, as long as there are few/no troops/militia in the region. Support for the priest's religion must be very high for this to work.
A priest can also raise morale with "calm", and loyalty/sympathy with "laud realm".

==Items that Need Researched==
==Items that Need Researched==

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richard watterson
richard watterson
===Comments on the Page===
It is better to hold Just Court. I have hardly ever had the need to use Harsh. The only time i can really think of using harsh, is when Morale/Loyalty are both high (above 90), yet control is low (province/occupied).
This situation can happen when regions don't have enough knights to suppor their estates. I would ALWAYS get Bureau's to survey. Production is not important until you have the region under control. Mercy courts are too good at making more peasants go rebel against you.
If a region is at stats under 10 every turn, Just courts and a LOT of bureau work are needed. The control has to be there for your words of wisdom from your Heroes to actually have an effect (and stay there for next turn).
It's more efficient to work on 1 or 2 regions, than all of them at once, but that way yo urun the risk of some regions revolting.
Laurence Grandy
Important Information:
* Current weather (harvest tomorrow):
South Plains: Average
Central Lake: Average
East Islands: Drought, starvation feared
* Current population in Ambermel: 2776 of 5200 possible.
another factor of getting region back up to the proper stats is considering the population number.
one of the main reasons why we struggling in Ambermel is because im missing half my population...and of course they hate us for it because we wiped half of them out.
Your input was welcomed Player of Roderian, but as P of CoB is impractical in our current situation. Any time the region is less than Core no court other than Harsh court will work. The plan I had working now was to simply keep these regions in check until all the fighting was over then have all Knights go to thier home region to do Normal PW to keep Control at Core. I think that once Morale gets over a certain level Mercy and Just courts should work at Main or Lower (this is a guess, but I assume it has some level that has to be reached).
I already know that the complaints about the tax rate are tied to the Production level, as several established regions started getting the "many are complaining loudly about the high taxes" when production slipped due to monsters or war, even though the tax rate remained the same. That caused Morale to spiral downward, thus making it harder to get production back up to snuff...vicious cycle.
I haven't taken a look at the wiki page yet, but will be more than happy to contrinute anything I can. Keep up the input...with 102 might take longer to get it all established.
Rob Baar
Some points to your points...
I mean just recently, someone even posted that every Realm Control level was bad except for Core. Well, from everything that I have seen and read posted by others this appears to be absolutely false. Core is still the best, but Main and Province are both excellent levels to be at while rebuilding a region.
I know some of you are going to disagree but this is a fact that has been proven. Simply put Region Control does not mean much if Morale and Realm Loyalty are nonexistent.
Given the current situation...Core is the only acceptable level for many of the regions...also it prevents revolts. I conceed that in the long run, it is useless without Morale and Loyalty, but again in the current climate...
I am in total agreement with the rest of your assesment of the game mechanics, with the exception of when to use the hang rebels option. If control has dropped from Core to Province or Main to Occupied in one turn...rebel hanging is needed if there are not enough Knights to do normal PW and a Lord or Judge for Harsh Court, otherwise there is a strong chance the region will revolt the next turn. Once the new regions got Authority estates, the need for hanging was greatly reduced.
Rob Baar

[[Category:Region Mechanics]]
[[Category:Region Mechanics]]
[[Category: Realms]]

Latest revision as of 03:02, 17 February 2011

Region Lord Activities

The core activities that raise region stats, when the region has a Lord, are as follows:

Mercy Court

A Mercy Court raises Morale, with a small chance that it will lower control.

I have seen one raise Morale by as much as 15%.

Just Court

A Just Court raises Realm Loyalty, with a medium chance that it will cause a small percentage increase in Morale.

I have seen one raise Realm Loyalty by as much as 8% and with it Morale by 5%.

Harsh Court

A Harsh Court drops Morale and can either raise or lower Realm Loyalty. It will reliably increase control, but should not be used unless the region is at occupied or province status, and there are no other methods of raising control available.


Taxes have a huge effect on a regions stats. A high tax rate will prevent Morale or Realm Loyalty from rising. I have seen taxes set at 6% raise Morale by 22%. Of course, as Morale or Realm Loyalty rise, taxes should rise along with them.

However the reverse is true too, low Morale and Realm Loyalty will cause there to be few to no taxes collected.

Secondary Activities

The secondary activities that raise region stats, when the region has a Lord, are as follows:


Estates appear to be mostly for maintenance.

Setting estates to Production will maintain the production level of a region, assuming that the estates provide sufficient coverage (as seen on the region lord estate page). Setting an estate to production is only helpful after Morale, Realm Loyalty, Production are over 50% and Realm Control is at Main or Core.

Setting estates to Authority will help maintain the current state of Realm Control, but does not appear to ever increase it. Estates should be set to Authority immediately upon taking a region to keep Realm Control at Province or Main.

Civil Work

Civil Work is the only direct action that will raise Production, with a small chance that it will cause a very small increase to Morale. Civil Work will become unavailable as soon as Production reaches the region's population cap.

I have seen it raise Production by as much as 15% and with it Morale by 5%.

Once a region has a lord, however, it is far easier for the lord to raise production by raising Morale or Realm Loyalty. As the two rise, Production is pulled along in there wake.

Police Work

Police Work is one of the two ways that someone other then the region lord can decrease the Independence Movements (Rebels) in a region, which potentially will raise Realm Control.

Normal Police Work “will have only a small effect, but works reliably.” It will cause a small decrease in the Independence Movements (Rebels), potentially raising Realm Control, but will not hurt Morale. This is the best and only option for someone who wants to keep Realm Control above Occupied or Province before Morale and Realm Loyalty are in the 90% range.

Aid in Raids and other Operations, has “a much larger effect, but is not as reliable and might hurt region morale.” This means that it could decrease the Independence Movements, potentially raising Realm Control, but that it could or will hurt Morale. This option is not as good as Normal Police Work if Morale is above 1%.

Patrol the Streets, has “little impact on the region stats, but will make it more difficult for infiltrators to go about their business.” This option, to my knowledge has never caused harm to any one other then an infiltrator.

Arrest Rebels/Hang Rebels

Arrest Rebels/Hang Rebels is the other of the two ways that someone other then the region lord can decrease the Independence Movements (Rebels) in a region, which potentially will raise Realm Control, however, it will cause a large drop in Morale.

Arrest Rebels, causes only a small drop in Independence Movements, potentially causing a small increase in Realm Control, however it does cause a drop in Morale. This is not a good option if morale is over 10% and someone can do Normal Police Work.

Hang Rebels, causes only a large drop in Independence Movements, potentially causing a medium increase in Realm Control, however it does cause a huge drop in Morale. This is the worse option possible and should never be used if morale is over 1%. I have seen this option drop Morale and Realm Loyalty by 30% each.

Hero's Tales

Heroes occasionally have the option to tell the Tale of their Heroism. This action can cause a small rise in Morale, with a small chance that it will cause a small percentage increase in Realm Loyalty.


Bureaucrats, are the best secondary contributors to a region. They can improve Production, Morale and Realm Loyalty in a region, with no adverse effects.

The Masters of the Pen are a wonderful asset but are not actually needed to improve a region. Although, when it comes to war time, there is nothing better then an able body of bureaucrats keeping a region pristine.


A priest can do a takeover of a region, as long as there are few/no troops/militia in the region. Support for the priest's religion must be very high for this to work.

A priest can also raise morale with "calm", and loyalty/sympathy with "laud realm".

Items that Need Researched

Government Dislike

Apparently the stat for the region's dislike toward a government plays a larger role then simply generating points towards the Independence Movements. What is this role?

When a region's dislike is high toward a government, how do you prevent Mercy Court and Just Court from being interrupted? This can happen even when Realm Control is at main.

When a Mercy Court and Just Court is interrupted it causes drops in Morale, Realm Loyalty, and Realm Control (By increasing the Independence Movements?).

Comments on Government Dislike

the hate for the realm or government doesn't usually go down until loyalty and morale rise...the more it rises the less they dislike. so its a vicious circle and hard to get out of, hate disrupts courts but courts are needed to raise stats and decrease hate.

the only way around it i can think of is heroes and civil work to raise stats quickly. but civil work caps out with production and you need a lot of heroes in order to get good amount of tales able to be told.

and civil work cant be done on the war islands ;)

richard watterson