Difference between revisions of "Old Gods/Legends/Soul"

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Latest revision as of 20:16, 3 January 2010

The Old Gods created the monsters, and set them loose to become masters of the land. They shaped these beasts as Avatars of the aspects they hold most dear. They loved the strength and ferocity of their children as they fought one another for ultimate domination and true perfection.
Then, we humans arrived. Numerous and with powerful technology and magic the early humans were a new foe that not even The Old Gods predicted. The monsters in fear of losing their favored status with the Old Gods, stopped fighting amongst themselves and began their bloody campaigns against our civilization. Indeed, in the old times the battles were ruthless and brutal. No quarter was asked and none given, a policy that still remains with us to this day. The monsters wreaked havoc and destruction. The Old Gods watched there chosen struggle to throw the humans back into the sea.
But we stood firm and fought valiantly, we would not go into the dark! This impressed The Old Gods, that we mortals have stemmed the tide of their Avatars. And to this day we have survived many monster uprisings and now hold this continent. The Old Gods sit and wait unsure who is better, there children or mankind. We must prove ourselves to the Old Gods, and win their favor, so that they will accept us to live on this land, without being set upon by their wrath.

The mission of our church is to spread the word of this revelation, so that others will hear it, and labor to stir The Old Gods pleasure. The Old Gods admire courage and strength above all, but particularly strength of mind, body and spirit. Fighting to defend you home and loved ones, conquering new lands for humanity, and building great cities proves our intelligence, indomitable spirit, and ingenuity.
As each individual strives to live their life, they work to gain favor in the eyes of the Old Gods, and if they succeed they are truly blessed.
Each of the Old Gods values different moral ideals, and each have their own unique gifts and curses to bestow.

"That which was will be.
That which dieth will live.
That which falleth will rise up.
This, I say to you, is the nature of things,
if you but once believe"
~The Dark Mistress, Epistles~