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<center><span style="font-family: Vivaldi; font-size: 30pt;">Gregor & Evangeline History</span></center>
<b>Originally met in the Academy of Knowledge, Evangeline took an instant liking to Gregor despite their realms being in heated war.</b>
<b>After her coronation, Evangeline and Gregor fought bitterly over a peace treaty.  Some say the two could have fought on indefinitely and would probably have enjoyed to, but due to forceful encouragement from the other realms involved, the treaty was agreed on.</b>
<u>Letter from Gregor</u>
Do not pretend to insult my intelligence you insolent upstart. You sorely test my patience, much more than Clarissa ever did.
<u>Letter from Gregor</u>
Do not be so petty Evangeline, the newness of your royal line is showing through, like the stench of an unwashed peasant in the finery of a noble would tip them off to any discriminatory nose.
<u>Letter from Evangeline</u>
I think it's obvious he doesn't want peace with Perdan.  Even someone <i>new</i> to royalty can see this.
<u>Letter from Evangeline</u>
Chancellor Gregor,
You are a stubborn man.
<u>Letter from Gregor</u>
I do not lie, and I do not cheat, and I would appreciate if you do not insult me further. I may be an old man, but I will offer up any of my champions to you in a duel, to the death if need be.
<u>Letter from Evangeline</u>
Chancellor Gregor,
You are a hard, unyielding man whom it is hard to find peace with.
<b>After peace was signed, things remained distant and cold between the rulers.  Fontan would reopen the war if it could and the continent knew it</b>
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
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She watches the celebration continue as Gregor walks out of the room. "Such fences that need to be mended...it could take decades," she says to herself.
She watches the celebration continue as Gregor walks out of the room. "Such fences that need to be mended...it could take decades," she says to herself.
<b>Gregor invited Evangeline to visit Krimml.  A turning point.</b>
<u>Letter from Nightmare</u>
Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)
Greetings Fontan
Chancelor Gregor
After a long travel, we arrived this morning in your beutiful city.
Can you show us to a place where we can have some rest?
I am sure we have a lot to discuss Chancelor.
Let my Queen rest for some hours, and then we can meet and talk things over.
Thank you in advance,
Sir Nightmare
Duke of Perdan
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)
The Chancellor, looking even older than during his visit in Perdan city, comes out to greet the weary travelers.
"Fontan greets and welcomes the Queen and her companion.
The Lord Chamberlain will show you to your rooms.  At the sixth bell, a feast will be held in your honor.  Servants will wait outside your door to guide you to the great hall.  I look forward to sharing wine with your queen."
Gesturing to an ornately dressed man, the Chancellor steps back one pace then turns and re-enters the Palace grounds walking off into a corridoor. 
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
Once inside her rooms, the queen spies an lavish boquet of freshly cut flowers alongside a handwritten note.  It's neatly spaced letters, and careful attention to flourishes denote that it had been written by the Chancellor himself.
It reads, "Most gracious Queen.  It humbles me that you would truly accept my invitation.  I have taken the liberty of assigning some of our tailors to your staff for the duration of your visit.  They wait for your call, whence they shall at your whim cut lengths of silk into a dress for you.  A gift from the people of Fontan and their Chancellor.  These flowers before you are from the woodlands of Oporto where I served as Lord for many years before returning to public life as Chancellor.  May they warm your heart as they do mine these chilly days."
The missive is signed simply Gregor, lacking any titles or family names.
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
Evangeline held the letter, rereading it a second time.  A smile appeared slowly on her face as she selected one of the larger flowers and allowed herself to flop on the bed, letting the soft mattress support her travel wearied body. 
Presently, a small procession of serving girls came in to assist her.  After she had been scrubbed pink, she looked with amazement at the grimy water and grudgingly left the bath.  She allowed the serving girls to dress her and comb her long hair.  They pulled it back in the fashion of the north and decorated it with small white flowers. 
Clean of travel grime, wearing a long, regal dress, she barely recognised her own reflection.  As she instinctively reached for her sword, her heart skipped a beat as she puzzled how she could it attach it to the fancy dress.  Allowing it to hang on her hips, she looked in the mirror and laughed quietly as the serving girls scowled.  'Very well', she murmured, as she unstrapped it and wrapped it carefully in some linen.  Although she hadn't been separated from her sword before, it would be a poor show of trust to have it with her when she met the Chancellor.
At that point the sixth bell began to chime, and her chamber door opened wide as the ornately dressed men bowed deeply.  Evangeline raced to her luggage and rummaged around briefly.  Her fingers clasped the hilt of a short dagger-like sword, which she hastily attached to the inside of her thigh.  Then she grabbed a large rectangular package, wrapped neatly in soft white leather. 
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)
As the bells began to ring signaling that it was time for his entrance into the Great Hall Gregor looked agitated, as if a great weight was upon him, and struggle as he might little could be done to free himself of it.  Wearing a rich velvety tunic of a deep ocean blue, trimmed and embroidered with many sunbursts of golden thread the Chancellor looked immaculate.  His graying hair had been tamed, and his hard eyes looked soft and at peace, not at all matching his apparent disposition.
Like a dark storm cloud he collected himself and strode into the Great Hall and took his place at the head of the table.  Seated nearby were what council members were in the capital and other minor members of the realms now burgeoning beurocracy.  As he entered they all stood, and remained so as the Chancellor awaited the annoucenment of the Perdanese queen.
A herald in the livery of Fontan promptly began to call out to the assembled nobles the titles, names and honorifics of the queen.  Wincing visibly at the length of the titles, the Chancellor's demeanor soured.  Looking gruff, the visible scars of his long life of battle clear as day upon his weathered yet classically handsome face the Chancellor took in the beauty of the refreshed and bathed Queen.  Dressed in a long elegant dress of Crimson and Gold she entered the great hall to the trumpets blare.  Her long golden hair was done in a traditional Fontanese style.  Absently Gregor noted that he felt it suited the queen as a smile began to crease his otherwise stern face.  Whatever had been troubling the Chancellor melted away, the dark storm cloud apperition as fleeting water in the desert barrens of Atamara.
As she approached, observant courtiers began to spy small flowers that had been woven into the Queens hair.  Those who had once served under the Chancellor in Oporto murmured to those near them that the flowers were rare woodland posies which the Chancellor kept in his private garden.
"I am honored Queen of Perdan, Evangeline Uthcek, Marshall of..." the Chancellor continued to list her titles in an even measured tone, "... that your radiant beauty, and the light of your heart fills Fontan to overflowing.  Not in anyones wildest dreams, let alone the gods themselves could there be any doubt that you are by far head and shoulders above any of your peers."  Carefully the Chancellor takes her hand and kisses it softly before raising it and addressing the assembled nobles.  "Brothers, Sisters all!  Feast, for on this day two great houses come together in peace and tranquility.  Raising a goblet with his free hand he passes it to the queen, and quickly takes another for himself.  "A toast, to those fallen whose memory is ever green among us, and whose spirit we honor this day."  In one fell swoop the Chancellor drains his goblet and turns facing the queen squarely, his eyes intently focused upon hers.
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
Evangeline inclined her head as she accepted the offered goblet from the Chancellor and raised it slightly during his toast.  She touched the sweet wine to her lips and as she lowered the cup she saw him staring intently at her.
<i>"Chancellor Gregor, thankyou very much for your invitation to Krimml, your kind words and wonderful hospitality.  That was a beautiful toast, and the fallen will always be honoured and remembered"</i>
She turned and beckoned to one of the attendents, who strode forward holding a rectangular package in outstretched hands. 
<i>"Chancellor, please accept this gift as a token of friendship from myself and Perdan."</i>
Gently lifting aside the soft leather, she revealed an large ornate book, decorated finely with golden guilding and intricate patterns.  Engraved in flourished letters were the words, "Cheers to the generations yet born!"  The book contained pages of the finest parchment, guarenteed by its makers to withstand the very lengths of time, but each page was still blank, ready for writing.
Evangeline watched the Chancellor as he admired the book, before it was re-wrapped and escorted away. 
As they both took their seats at the table, the noise of the feast began.  Evangeline looked sideways at the confident and strong Chancellor while he watched the procession of lavish and extraordinary meals entering the Hall.  She admired how easily he held the mantle of authority and the respect he demanded.  As he caught her glance she smiled and commented on the calibar of the food.  Although the meal was indeed delicious, she looked forward to the end, so that they could talk more privately.  This man was an enigma to her, and despite the fact that she was enjoying the pleasantries, she wondered why she was truly here.
<u>Roleplay from Remorse</u>
Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)
~Sitting back on his heels Remorse was watching the proceedings from the dark corner of the roof. He had arrived the night before and quietly climbed up into the rafters supporting the high arched ceilings. His stomach grumbled a bit each time the main doors would open and the smells of the feast would waft into the room. Never the less he remained motionless.
When the bells began to toll Remorse smiled and watched intently as Gregor enter the room. A man of war, his time on the battle field was evident even from a distance, but even more so this close. Just as the hush fell over the room and seemed to weigh heavy upon everyone there a murmur suddenly broke out, as if a damn, no longer able to hold back its charge, burst. And in she walked. Queen Evangeline. She moved gracefully, capturing the attention of everyone in the great hall. So moved by her radiant smile was Remorse that for the briefest of moments his concentration lapsed.
As quickly as that moment came and went it was enough and even the slight shift in his weight created a small puff of dust off which fell softly from his perch into the hair of some nameless noble below him. Shaking his head and frowning Remorse knew it was time to go. Suddenly as if shot from a bow, Remorse flew upward from the rafters towards the window behind him. Alighting upon the window frame but the briefest of moments he looks back once at his fair queen, then slips quickly off the roof into the side alley and joins the crowds standing outside of the great hall, disappearing into the commoners.~
Sir Remorse (Imperial Knight)
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
The feast was beautiful and I have enjoyed my stay here and all the luxuries you have afforded me.  I can see you can be an equally superb friend as you are a terrible enemy.
I really must take my leave now.  Shall we speak openly and frankly before I depart?
I hear that not only have you pulled out of the war in the islands, you have offered them a safe home to come to once the war is over.  I believe they are considering accepting your offer because they want to war Perdan.  Lalakis' recent words: <i>"Now, my personal desire was to join a realm that will fight Perdan. .... According to the reports it seems that Fontan will soon fight against Perdan."</i>
As a friend, I would be worried that you would open your home to these people but this is your choice.  What I wonder more about is the reports Lalakis talks of?
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
Yes, I do believe we should.  In reference to your question, I had mentioned that it was a possibility that nobles from KI would be accepted in Fontan, not that it was a matter of course.  All such decisions are made by the Judge, independent of any promises I make.  If the people had wished for me to act in that capacity I would have been elected to that position as well as Chancellor.
I must admit though Evangeline, my motives for inviting you here were not political.  It is rare that I find myself respecting a woman.  Perhaps I come from a different era, but the nobility of my youth was entirely comprised of men.  Dealing with a woman as an equal is something I have only done one other time, long ago when I was Duke of Barad Riel.  I tell you this, because between you and the spirited Clarissa I have begun to see that perhaps the customs I have taken on as my own are flawed, that I in my solitude have erred.
When one reaches the pinnicle of political life, enters into the machinations of political war, military conflict, and the beautiful sweetness of peace, the number of peers acceptable to oneself and others greatly diminishes.
The Chancellor's mind appears to wander briefly giving opening to a response.
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
Evangeline quietly listened to Gregor as he spoke about the past.  Searching his piercing eyes, she wondered if he knew how inadequate she sometimes felt.  Not because she was a woman, but her lifetime of experiences was a mere speck compared to the history that this man could recall.
<i>"It is nice to speak of things other than politics with you..."</i>
She wondered at the man whose words had initially enamoured her, and then had stung so bitterly when used against her.
<i>"I am glad that we have spent this time together, and if I have earnt your respect in any form I am truly honoured.  Although the future is always uncertain,  I will always treasure the memory of this visit to Krimml and the hospitality that you have shown me."</i>
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
Sensing the change in tone the Chancellor stiffens visibly.
"Indeed, it is pleasant to converse with you as an equal Queen."
With an almost imperceptible pause the Chancellor continues, "I would be remiss if I did not extend to you an open invitation to visit, here in Krimml, so long as our people remain at peace; which by all estimates will be for some time to come."
The Chancellor's choice of words and inflection indicate a clearly dropped word from the invitation though what it may have been would be sheer speculation.
"Perhaps before the night is done we may walk for a while in the gardens I have planted in my private courtyards.  While I do not wish it to be so, there are some things which I feel must be aired between us."
Gesturing down a long corridoor the Chancellor leads on at a brisk pace until they find themselves secluded in a wooded yard, a small clearing with several benches, and couches arranged hap-hazzardly.  Taking a well worn arm-chair the Chancellor gestures for servants to beg the indulgence of the Queen before they leave.
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
As the servants bustled around, Evangeline sat stoically, her knees turned gracefully to the side, the crimson and gold dress drapping the chair that she had chosen slightly to Gregor's right.  As the servants finally left she began to speak,
<i>"Alright Gregor, this yard is private, and indeed very beautiful.  If there is something that needs to be aired between us we should speak now, because as much as I might wish it, this night won't last forever..."</i>
Evangeline tilted her head slightly as she looked directly at the Chancellor, waiting patiently for him to say what he needed say.
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
"These reports, of Lycastus drumming up support for a war against Fontan.  They are dangerous, moreso that they were not brought to Fontan's attention except by our enemies.  Someone is attempting to play off Fontan's animosity for the LoF and spark a war.  I have worked diligently for peace, one which preserved all the realms and satisfied all old claims.  Even just today I sent letters to Lycastus and Tempest urging them to rejoin with Fontan.  I fear however that all my words now fall on deaf ears."
Taking a sip from a goblet of wine set before him he continues, "In the same reports it was brought to my attention that my addresses to the people of Fontan are read, perhaps widely, perhaps only in realms fortunate enough to be able to fund networks of contracted spies.  In any event what I say is true.  It appears to me that Itrount is allying with Perdan to leverage two of its situations.  The first with the so called Northern Alliance, giving a counter-balance to what is now a behemoth and completely unwieldly.  The second is internally within its own Federation.  Ibladesh's recent alliance to Caligus confirms such a power struggle is brewing."
Pausing again to take another sip the Chancellor appraises the Queen's reaction before continuing. "I am not normally a man prone to paranoia, but I have come to appreciate stability as I have aged.  Therefore I would like to formally propose to you a personal pledge, that we shall do all in our power to prevent another war from breaking out between our two peoples.  The river separating our two realms shall be our boundry, and we shall let no army move through it upon threat of war to do harm to our realm.  Furthermore, I would suggest to you a union.  One that would bind our two realms together in peace if not eventual friendship.  First though, I would like to hear your response to all of this."
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
Evangeline listened attentively to the Chancellor's assessment of the situation and puzzled quietly at many perceived deductions he had made.
Shrugging off the puzzlement, she focuses on his discussion of the relationship between Fontan and Perdan.
"I am very happy with the way things are between our realms. We are at peace and we have both told one another that neither is looking to war each other. As long as we continue to be honest with one another, I think we have already started on the road to friendship."
She paused, watching while Gregor continued to sip his wine. Perfectly poised after years of diplomacy, the mans demeanor neither changed nor hinted on what he was thinking. Admiring him fiercely yet forcing herself to remain somewhat aloof she continued,
"What is the union you would suggest?"
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
"A marriage between our two peoples.  I would recommend a male noble from Bescanon, and a noble-woman from Troyes.  This could go a long way towards restoring trust between our people.  We could announce an agreement to disallow the bridge from being used for hostile acts during the wedding celebrations.  It would also give us the opportunity to spend more time together.
So lovely queen, do you accept this proposal or are you going to attempt to slip that dagger under the folds of your dress between my ribs now.  I can assure you, I am not so similarly armed.  I would be easy prey to your aggression."
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
Evangeline felt the heat of her face as it began to flush crimson and she was uncomfortably aware of the small sword secured to her thigh. If the Chancellor was this observant she may as well have worn her sword, at least it would've been more comfortable.
Tilting her head slightly with respect she addressed his proposal,
<i>"I'm sure I would have no problems finding a Knight of Bescanon willing to wed a beautiful Fontanese noble. Do you already have a Lady in mind that would make a commitment such as this? An arranged marriage doesn't always suit some of the more strong minded women of today."</i>
Unbidden memories of her own wedding day from more than a decade ago entered her mind and she asked with impromptu,
<i>"Have you ever been married Chancellor?" </i>
<u>Roleplay from Gregor</u>
Looking away from the Queen he replies, "Married?  I have never been married.  My life has taken me far and wide in this world.  There have been some who I've consorted with for a time, but never married.  To tell the truth, I don't know how many children I've sired if any."
Motioning a passing servant over he quickly whispers for more wine.
"You were married at a young age were you not?  In what was once known as Dayr al Zawr?  Was it done in the old way, arranged by your father?  I have always disdained such notions.  Such a marriage rarely satisfies either party."
The servant arrives with more wine and begins to fill the goblets once more.
Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
"Maelg requested our marriage from my father, I was happy to fulfill my fathers wishes"
Evangeline answered, bowing her head staring at her refilled goblet of wine, quietly thinking of how excited she had been when he had told her of the foreign Knight that wanted to start a new life on the East Continent.
Returning her gaze to the Chancellor, he was watching her and waiting for her to continue. She was used to seeing his eyes flash with hatred and anger, but now they seemed kind and gentle. She began to feel more vulnerable and wondered how they had begun talking about their personal lives.
"Perhaps arranged marriages aren't idealic, but who is to say you would find satisfaction anyway." she continued, feeling the need to defend her marriage and her husband.
"Have you been lucky enough to find love then?"
<u>Roleplay from Evangeline</u>
Evangeline waited a few more minutes, but Gregor was still facing away from her lost in thought.
<i>"57 years, and I doubt any woman has managed to tame your heart"</i>, she smiled ruefully.
Evageline stood up and Gregor rose to stand by her.
<i>"I need to be leaving now.  My men are getting restless and I need to return to Perdan.  Thankyou very much for inviting me here.  I will have a Knight in Bescanon waiting for a Lady of Troyes.  You should come and visit me next time, until then I will be watching out for more of Relak Collection."</i>
Quietly she turned and left the beautiful and peaceful courtyard to return to her rooms and prepare for the journey back to Perdan.  Although being in Fontan had been fun and exciting, her heart was yearning to see the beautiful, familiar fields of home and the people that she loved.

Latest revision as of 04:38, 17 October 2007

Gregor & Evangeline History

Originally met in the Academy of Knowledge, Evangeline took an instant liking to Gregor despite their realms being in heated war.

After her coronation, Evangeline and Gregor fought bitterly over a peace treaty. Some say the two could have fought on indefinitely and would probably have enjoyed to, but due to forceful encouragement from the other realms involved, the treaty was agreed on.

Letter from Gregor

Do not pretend to insult my intelligence you insolent upstart. You sorely test my patience, much more than Clarissa ever did.

Letter from Gregor

Do not be so petty Evangeline, the newness of your royal line is showing through, like the stench of an unwashed peasant in the finery of a noble would tip them off to any discriminatory nose.

Letter from Evangeline

I think it's obvious he doesn't want peace with Perdan. Even someone new to royalty can see this.

Letter from Evangeline

Chancellor Gregor,

You are a stubborn man.

Letter from Gregor

I do not lie, and I do not cheat, and I would appreciate if you do not insult me further. I may be an old man, but I will offer up any of my champions to you in a duel, to the death if need be.

Letter from Evangeline

Chancellor Gregor, You are a hard, unyielding man whom it is hard to find peace with.

After peace was signed, things remained distant and cold between the rulers. Fontan would reopen the war if it could and the continent knew it

Roleplay from Evangeline

Message sent to everyone in this region (3 recipients)

As Evangeline and Lady Clarissa rode into Bescanon to meet Chancellor Gregor, there was a mighty roar from the crowd as the Fontanese flag was pulled down from above the town hall and torn to shreds.

The two women continued to where Gregor was waiting, with the now useless title in his hands.

Noticing the table with the peace treaty that was planned to be signed at the same time, Evangeline moved and quickly signed her name amidst the yelling and screaming of rebels.

Picking up a goblet of wine left on the table, she raised it and smiling at Gregor yelled over the noise,

"To the Future!"

Roleplay from Gregor

Message sent to everyone in this region (3 recipients)

The Chancellor looks at her coldly for a time.

"Indeed, the future."

He turns to leave without touching his lips to the glass. Quickly he spins on one heel, strides over to Clarissa, and whispers into her ear. The din of the crowd makes it impossible for any but her to make out what he says. After a time he motions to his guards, and mounts his horse. They form a box around the Chancellor and swiftly move away from the starving masses, sabers drawn.

Roleplay from Evangeline

Message sent to everyone in this region (3 recipients)

Evangeline watched as the chancellor whispered into Clarissa's ear, and saw her visibly cringe at his closeness.

Laughing quietly to herself she mumbled towards the bushes from where the sweet aroma of beer battered potatoes was eminating,

"Is he too prudish to drink or does he think I'd poison him?"

Watching the Chancellor make his grand exit from Bescanon she sighed in relief and turned back to her friend to find out what it was that he had whispered.

Roleplay from Clarissa

Message sent to everyone in your realm (125 recipients)

Clarissa looks nervous when Gregor approaches her, yet rage is deep inside her eyes. Without flinching, she hoped, she allowed Gregor to get close enough to her to whisper.

She has a slight look of curiousity on her face, but the rage is still in her eyes.

She watches the celebration continue as Gregor walks out of the room. "Such fences that need to be mended...it could take decades," she says to herself.

Gregor invited Evangeline to visit Krimml. A turning point.

Letter from Nightmare

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

Greetings Fontan

Chancelor Gregor

After a long travel, we arrived this morning in your beutiful city. Can you show us to a place where we can have some rest?

I am sure we have a lot to discuss Chancelor. Let my Queen rest for some hours, and then we can meet and talk things over.

Thank you in advance,

Sir Nightmare Duke of Perdan

Roleplay from Gregor

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

The Chancellor, looking even older than during his visit in Perdan city, comes out to greet the weary travelers.

"Fontan greets and welcomes the Queen and her companion.

The Lord Chamberlain will show you to your rooms. At the sixth bell, a feast will be held in your honor. Servants will wait outside your door to guide you to the great hall. I look forward to sharing wine with your queen."

Gesturing to an ornately dressed man, the Chancellor steps back one pace then turns and re-enters the Palace grounds walking off into a corridoor.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Gregor

Once inside her rooms, the queen spies an lavish boquet of freshly cut flowers alongside a handwritten note. It's neatly spaced letters, and careful attention to flourishes denote that it had been written by the Chancellor himself.

It reads, "Most gracious Queen. It humbles me that you would truly accept my invitation. I have taken the liberty of assigning some of our tailors to your staff for the duration of your visit. They wait for your call, whence they shall at your whim cut lengths of silk into a dress for you. A gift from the people of Fontan and their Chancellor. These flowers before you are from the woodlands of Oporto where I served as Lord for many years before returning to public life as Chancellor. May they warm your heart as they do mine these chilly days."

The missive is signed simply Gregor, lacking any titles or family names.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline held the letter, rereading it a second time. A smile appeared slowly on her face as she selected one of the larger flowers and allowed herself to flop on the bed, letting the soft mattress support her travel wearied body.

Presently, a small procession of serving girls came in to assist her. After she had been scrubbed pink, she looked with amazement at the grimy water and grudgingly left the bath. She allowed the serving girls to dress her and comb her long hair. They pulled it back in the fashion of the north and decorated it with small white flowers.

Clean of travel grime, wearing a long, regal dress, she barely recognised her own reflection. As she instinctively reached for her sword, her heart skipped a beat as she puzzled how she could it attach it to the fancy dress. Allowing it to hang on her hips, she looked in the mirror and laughed quietly as the serving girls scowled. 'Very well', she murmured, as she unstrapped it and wrapped it carefully in some linen. Although she hadn't been separated from her sword before, it would be a poor show of trust to have it with her when she met the Chancellor.

At that point the sixth bell began to chime, and her chamber door opened wide as the ornately dressed men bowed deeply. Evangeline raced to her luggage and rummaged around briefly. Her fingers clasped the hilt of a short dagger-like sword, which she hastily attached to the inside of her thigh. Then she grabbed a large rectangular package, wrapped neatly in soft white leather.

Roleplay from Gregor

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

As the bells began to ring signaling that it was time for his entrance into the Great Hall Gregor looked agitated, as if a great weight was upon him, and struggle as he might little could be done to free himself of it. Wearing a rich velvety tunic of a deep ocean blue, trimmed and embroidered with many sunbursts of golden thread the Chancellor looked immaculate. His graying hair had been tamed, and his hard eyes looked soft and at peace, not at all matching his apparent disposition.

Like a dark storm cloud he collected himself and strode into the Great Hall and took his place at the head of the table. Seated nearby were what council members were in the capital and other minor members of the realms now burgeoning beurocracy. As he entered they all stood, and remained so as the Chancellor awaited the annoucenment of the Perdanese queen.

A herald in the livery of Fontan promptly began to call out to the assembled nobles the titles, names and honorifics of the queen. Wincing visibly at the length of the titles, the Chancellor's demeanor soured. Looking gruff, the visible scars of his long life of battle clear as day upon his weathered yet classically handsome face the Chancellor took in the beauty of the refreshed and bathed Queen. Dressed in a long elegant dress of Crimson and Gold she entered the great hall to the trumpets blare. Her long golden hair was done in a traditional Fontanese style. Absently Gregor noted that he felt it suited the queen as a smile began to crease his otherwise stern face. Whatever had been troubling the Chancellor melted away, the dark storm cloud apperition as fleeting water in the desert barrens of Atamara.

As she approached, observant courtiers began to spy small flowers that had been woven into the Queens hair. Those who had once served under the Chancellor in Oporto murmured to those near them that the flowers were rare woodland posies which the Chancellor kept in his private garden.

"I am honored Queen of Perdan, Evangeline Uthcek, Marshall of..." the Chancellor continued to list her titles in an even measured tone, "... that your radiant beauty, and the light of your heart fills Fontan to overflowing. Not in anyones wildest dreams, let alone the gods themselves could there be any doubt that you are by far head and shoulders above any of your peers." Carefully the Chancellor takes her hand and kisses it softly before raising it and addressing the assembled nobles. "Brothers, Sisters all! Feast, for on this day two great houses come together in peace and tranquility. Raising a goblet with his free hand he passes it to the queen, and quickly takes another for himself. "A toast, to those fallen whose memory is ever green among us, and whose spirit we honor this day." In one fell swoop the Chancellor drains his goblet and turns facing the queen squarely, his eyes intently focused upon hers.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline inclined her head as she accepted the offered goblet from the Chancellor and raised it slightly during his toast. She touched the sweet wine to her lips and as she lowered the cup she saw him staring intently at her.

"Chancellor Gregor, thankyou very much for your invitation to Krimml, your kind words and wonderful hospitality. That was a beautiful toast, and the fallen will always be honoured and remembered"

She turned and beckoned to one of the attendents, who strode forward holding a rectangular package in outstretched hands.

"Chancellor, please accept this gift as a token of friendship from myself and Perdan."

Gently lifting aside the soft leather, she revealed an large ornate book, decorated finely with golden guilding and intricate patterns. Engraved in flourished letters were the words, "Cheers to the generations yet born!" The book contained pages of the finest parchment, guarenteed by its makers to withstand the very lengths of time, but each page was still blank, ready for writing.

Evangeline watched the Chancellor as he admired the book, before it was re-wrapped and escorted away.

As they both took their seats at the table, the noise of the feast began. Evangeline looked sideways at the confident and strong Chancellor while he watched the procession of lavish and extraordinary meals entering the Hall. She admired how easily he held the mantle of authority and the respect he demanded. As he caught her glance she smiled and commented on the calibar of the food. Although the meal was indeed delicious, she looked forward to the end, so that they could talk more privately. This man was an enigma to her, and despite the fact that she was enjoying the pleasantries, she wondered why she was truly here.

Roleplay from Remorse

Message sent to everyone in the region Krimml (16 recipients)

~Sitting back on his heels Remorse was watching the proceedings from the dark corner of the roof. He had arrived the night before and quietly climbed up into the rafters supporting the high arched ceilings. His stomach grumbled a bit each time the main doors would open and the smells of the feast would waft into the room. Never the less he remained motionless.

When the bells began to toll Remorse smiled and watched intently as Gregor enter the room. A man of war, his time on the battle field was evident even from a distance, but even more so this close. Just as the hush fell over the room and seemed to weigh heavy upon everyone there a murmur suddenly broke out, as if a damn, no longer able to hold back its charge, burst. And in she walked. Queen Evangeline. She moved gracefully, capturing the attention of everyone in the great hall. So moved by her radiant smile was Remorse that for the briefest of moments his concentration lapsed.

As quickly as that moment came and went it was enough and even the slight shift in his weight created a small puff of dust off which fell softly from his perch into the hair of some nameless noble below him. Shaking his head and frowning Remorse knew it was time to go. Suddenly as if shot from a bow, Remorse flew upward from the rafters towards the window behind him. Alighting upon the window frame but the briefest of moments he looks back once at his fair queen, then slips quickly off the roof into the side alley and joins the crowds standing outside of the great hall, disappearing into the commoners.~

Sir Remorse (Imperial Knight)

Roleplay from Evangeline


The feast was beautiful and I have enjoyed my stay here and all the luxuries you have afforded me. I can see you can be an equally superb friend as you are a terrible enemy.

I really must take my leave now. Shall we speak openly and frankly before I depart?

I hear that not only have you pulled out of the war in the islands, you have offered them a safe home to come to once the war is over. I believe they are considering accepting your offer because they want to war Perdan. Lalakis' recent words: "Now, my personal desire was to join a realm that will fight Perdan. .... According to the reports it seems that Fontan will soon fight against Perdan."

As a friend, I would be worried that you would open your home to these people but this is your choice. What I wonder more about is the reports Lalakis talks of?

Roleplay from Gregor

Yes, I do believe we should. In reference to your question, I had mentioned that it was a possibility that nobles from KI would be accepted in Fontan, not that it was a matter of course. All such decisions are made by the Judge, independent of any promises I make. If the people had wished for me to act in that capacity I would have been elected to that position as well as Chancellor.

I must admit though Evangeline, my motives for inviting you here were not political. It is rare that I find myself respecting a woman. Perhaps I come from a different era, but the nobility of my youth was entirely comprised of men. Dealing with a woman as an equal is something I have only done one other time, long ago when I was Duke of Barad Riel. I tell you this, because between you and the spirited Clarissa I have begun to see that perhaps the customs I have taken on as my own are flawed, that I in my solitude have erred.

When one reaches the pinnicle of political life, enters into the machinations of political war, military conflict, and the beautiful sweetness of peace, the number of peers acceptable to oneself and others greatly diminishes.

The Chancellor's mind appears to wander briefly giving opening to a response.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline quietly listened to Gregor as he spoke about the past. Searching his piercing eyes, she wondered if he knew how inadequate she sometimes felt. Not because she was a woman, but her lifetime of experiences was a mere speck compared to the history that this man could recall.

"It is nice to speak of things other than politics with you..."

She wondered at the man whose words had initially enamoured her, and then had stung so bitterly when used against her.

"I am glad that we have spent this time together, and if I have earnt your respect in any form I am truly honoured. Although the future is always uncertain, I will always treasure the memory of this visit to Krimml and the hospitality that you have shown me."

Roleplay from Gregor

Sensing the change in tone the Chancellor stiffens visibly.

"Indeed, it is pleasant to converse with you as an equal Queen."

With an almost imperceptible pause the Chancellor continues, "I would be remiss if I did not extend to you an open invitation to visit, here in Krimml, so long as our people remain at peace; which by all estimates will be for some time to come."

The Chancellor's choice of words and inflection indicate a clearly dropped word from the invitation though what it may have been would be sheer speculation.

"Perhaps before the night is done we may walk for a while in the gardens I have planted in my private courtyards. While I do not wish it to be so, there are some things which I feel must be aired between us."

Gesturing down a long corridoor the Chancellor leads on at a brisk pace until they find themselves secluded in a wooded yard, a small clearing with several benches, and couches arranged hap-hazzardly. Taking a well worn arm-chair the Chancellor gestures for servants to beg the indulgence of the Queen before they leave.

Roleplay from Evangeline

As the servants bustled around, Evangeline sat stoically, her knees turned gracefully to the side, the crimson and gold dress drapping the chair that she had chosen slightly to Gregor's right. As the servants finally left she began to speak,

"Alright Gregor, this yard is private, and indeed very beautiful. If there is something that needs to be aired between us we should speak now, because as much as I might wish it, this night won't last forever..."

Evangeline tilted her head slightly as she looked directly at the Chancellor, waiting patiently for him to say what he needed say.

Roleplay from Gregor

"These reports, of Lycastus drumming up support for a war against Fontan. They are dangerous, moreso that they were not brought to Fontan's attention except by our enemies. Someone is attempting to play off Fontan's animosity for the LoF and spark a war. I have worked diligently for peace, one which preserved all the realms and satisfied all old claims. Even just today I sent letters to Lycastus and Tempest urging them to rejoin with Fontan. I fear however that all my words now fall on deaf ears."

Taking a sip from a goblet of wine set before him he continues, "In the same reports it was brought to my attention that my addresses to the people of Fontan are read, perhaps widely, perhaps only in realms fortunate enough to be able to fund networks of contracted spies. In any event what I say is true. It appears to me that Itrount is allying with Perdan to leverage two of its situations. The first with the so called Northern Alliance, giving a counter-balance to what is now a behemoth and completely unwieldly. The second is internally within its own Federation. Ibladesh's recent alliance to Caligus confirms such a power struggle is brewing."

Pausing again to take another sip the Chancellor appraises the Queen's reaction before continuing. "I am not normally a man prone to paranoia, but I have come to appreciate stability as I have aged. Therefore I would like to formally propose to you a personal pledge, that we shall do all in our power to prevent another war from breaking out between our two peoples. The river separating our two realms shall be our boundry, and we shall let no army move through it upon threat of war to do harm to our realm. Furthermore, I would suggest to you a union. One that would bind our two realms together in peace if not eventual friendship. First though, I would like to hear your response to all of this."

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline listened attentively to the Chancellor's assessment of the situation and puzzled quietly at many perceived deductions he had made.

Shrugging off the puzzlement, she focuses on his discussion of the relationship between Fontan and Perdan.

"I am very happy with the way things are between our realms. We are at peace and we have both told one another that neither is looking to war each other. As long as we continue to be honest with one another, I think we have already started on the road to friendship."

She paused, watching while Gregor continued to sip his wine. Perfectly poised after years of diplomacy, the mans demeanor neither changed nor hinted on what he was thinking. Admiring him fiercely yet forcing herself to remain somewhat aloof she continued,

"What is the union you would suggest?"

Evangeline Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights

Roleplay from Gregor

"A marriage between our two peoples. I would recommend a male noble from Bescanon, and a noble-woman from Troyes. This could go a long way towards restoring trust between our people. We could announce an agreement to disallow the bridge from being used for hostile acts during the wedding celebrations. It would also give us the opportunity to spend more time together.

So lovely queen, do you accept this proposal or are you going to attempt to slip that dagger under the folds of your dress between my ribs now. I can assure you, I am not so similarly armed. I would be easy prey to your aggression."

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline felt the heat of her face as it began to flush crimson and she was uncomfortably aware of the small sword secured to her thigh. If the Chancellor was this observant she may as well have worn her sword, at least it would've been more comfortable.

Tilting her head slightly with respect she addressed his proposal,

"I'm sure I would have no problems finding a Knight of Bescanon willing to wed a beautiful Fontanese noble. Do you already have a Lady in mind that would make a commitment such as this? An arranged marriage doesn't always suit some of the more strong minded women of today."

Unbidden memories of her own wedding day from more than a decade ago entered her mind and she asked with impromptu,

"Have you ever been married Chancellor?"

Roleplay from Gregor

Looking away from the Queen he replies, "Married? I have never been married. My life has taken me far and wide in this world. There have been some who I've consorted with for a time, but never married. To tell the truth, I don't know how many children I've sired if any."

Motioning a passing servant over he quickly whispers for more wine.

"You were married at a young age were you not? In what was once known as Dayr al Zawr? Was it done in the old way, arranged by your father? I have always disdained such notions. Such a marriage rarely satisfies either party."

The servant arrives with more wine and begins to fill the goblets once more.

Gregor Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Democratic Guards

Roleplay from Evangeline

"Maelg requested our marriage from my father, I was happy to fulfill my fathers wishes"

Evangeline answered, bowing her head staring at her refilled goblet of wine, quietly thinking of how excited she had been when he had told her of the foreign Knight that wanted to start a new life on the East Continent.

Returning her gaze to the Chancellor, he was watching her and waiting for her to continue. She was used to seeing his eyes flash with hatred and anger, but now they seemed kind and gentle. She began to feel more vulnerable and wondered how they had begun talking about their personal lives.

"Perhaps arranged marriages aren't idealic, but who is to say you would find satisfaction anyway." she continued, feeling the need to defend her marriage and her husband.

"Have you been lucky enough to find love then?"

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline waited a few more minutes, but Gregor was still facing away from her lost in thought.

"57 years, and I doubt any woman has managed to tame your heart", she smiled ruefully.

Evageline stood up and Gregor rose to stand by her.

"I need to be leaving now. My men are getting restless and I need to return to Perdan. Thankyou very much for inviting me here. I will have a Knight in Bescanon waiting for a Lady of Troyes. You should come and visit me next time, until then I will be watching out for more of Relak Collection."

Quietly she turned and left the beautiful and peaceful courtyard to return to her rooms and prepare for the journey back to Perdan. Although being in Fontan had been fun and exciting, her heart was yearning to see the beautiful, familiar fields of home and the people that she loved.