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October 1, 2004

This is the revelation of the Black Hand and its supporters. It was issued just few hours before the elections... You can read it also as a briefing (which actually was, as many new supporters were not fully informed yet)

The Brotherhood of the Black Hand

The initial idea was discussed between Sir Loungra, Sir Tzoutzoukos and Sir Lalakis. It was the behaviour of the council that forced us to act that way. Arrogant and indifferent toward new troop leaders, they had never attempted to bridge the chasm between the high level of political decisions with the simple troop leader that was fighting in the front line, not knowing why, and never informed about the decisions concerning him and taken for him. The only orders issued were concerning for a particularly long period only punishments, accusations and rude comments! Additionally all positions of power were always occupied by the same persons and there were never fair elections or even discussion for ANY position (not even for a BG Leader!), no matter how active and devoted a TL would be. We were all stuck in an endless circle of rotating power between the same persons again and again. Consequently, there was an increasing dissatisfaction between all the TLs although the initial spark was missing. That is what we tried to achieve… And we make it come true! The support of most TLs (actually all except from the council are either supporters or neutral!) was really amazing and we since then welcome many brothers and friends in our rankings… It was matter of time for the change to come!

The Commitment Although we are based on dialogue and participatory procedures we realize that the only way to change the current situation was under secrecy. However, we believe in common action and we treat ALL troop leaders as individual thinking and fully responsible persons. And that is why, as a Brotherhood we ONLY suggest and NEVER order. That is our commitment.

Rumors for a Plot It is rather important to know that THERE IS NOT A PLOT to surrender our beloved realm, as it was spread by the former Government! I repeat…: THERE WAS NEVER SUCH A BETRAYAL UNDER CONSIDERATION! We fought for a truly independent realm, not ruled by Oligarchians or Sirionese or Coimbrans!!! That is why we intend to renegotiate ALL our diplomatic relations and links with ALL other realms, without being based on historical elements, personal empathy, or past treaties but ONLY on the benefit of our realm! If we reach favorable agreements we are ready and willing even to break old alliances and form new ones! The good of W.Sirion is above all other things!

The Mandate So, dear Brothers, Sisters and all that you have decided to fight for a change…Here is the mandate of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand:

1. We will attempt to win the elections. Right afterwards all diplomatic relations with other nations will be set to peace or neutral. Negotiations will begin!

2. The newly elected Council will be TEMPORARY and it will be consisted ONLY by Brothers/Sisters or Supporters of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand! Its main task will be to handle this critical situation of change.

3. From now on, there will be EQUAL opportunities to ALL TLs of W.Sirion! ALL decision will be taken in a participatory way, through dialogue and voting between us!

4. If we win the elections, we will enter a short (1-2 weeks) transitional period, during which we will discuss EQUALLY all priority issues of high importance, such as positions in the council, the fate of our former “rulers” (or I should say Tyrants?), the diplomatic change procedure etc, ALL in a TRANSPARENT way, ACCESSIBLE to all, INFLUENCED by ALL no matters which is their position in the temporary council!

5. After this period, the elected ruler will step down and FAIR elections will take place, to choose our Prime Minister AND the new council which will lead us to a new era of Glory! This council will be fully committed to keep W.Sirion a land of FREEDOM and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES! The ruler won’t act as a dictator EVER AGAIN! His decisions will be taken after consideration and broad discussion with ALL citizens through a democratic process! The members of the council and the Dukes won’t rotate in an endless circle of the same persons again and again in an endless circle of indifference! We are able to decide in a mature way, who will be the one to represent as from now on-in each commanding post, from Battle Group Leaders to Dukes and Councilors!

6. All Brothers, Sisters and Supporters AND ONLY THEM, will form the “Esoteric Order of the Black Hand”, their trust level will be set to “Fully Trusted” and they will be informed for ALL political, military or financial developments, decisions, replies from other Rulers etc. In that way they will be able to protect a true democratic regime in this realm!

Good Luck my friends! Tomorrow a new day will rise!