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== Summary ==
== Summary ==
7 Great Swords, Staffs and Armor have been revealed to Valens. He has been given the task to find the people who can wield these items and then find them. Only Valens can recognize anyone who has the right to hold the items, as if you don't have the right you can't get near them.<BR>
7 Great Swords, Staffs and Armor have been revealed to Valens. He has been given the task to find the people who can wield these items and then find them. Only Valens can recognize anyone who has the right to hold the items, as if you don't have the right you can't get near them.<BR>
Begun by Valens on Sep 5, 2006.  Copied to wiki largely by [[Zammish Family|Fiflit]].
Elladar said "This would probably be rated atleast PG-13. Please make sure kids are away from the screen of your computer before reading this." probably for mild violence and gore.<BR>
Begun by Valens on Sep 5, 2006.  Copied to wiki largely by [[Zammish Family|Fiflit]], mostly left in it's origional format.

== Chapter 1 ==
== Story ==
[[Taselak (SEI)/The quest of Taselak/Chapter 1|Chapter 1: Intro]]<BR>
''Valens finally reaches Taselak with his scouts and healer. He goes right to the bank and pays his very loyal men for staying with him so long. They leave, and Valens now heads over to the recruitment area.''
[[Taselak (SEI)/The quest of Taselak/Chapter 2|Chapter 2: Arrival]]<BR>
[[Taselak (SEI)/The quest of Taselak/Chapter 3|Chapter 3: First Blood]]<BR>
[[Taselak (SEI)/The quest of Taselak/Chapter 4|Chapter 4: Grim Revelations]]<BR>

"Ok...another new unit...this is getting old already, losing my unit, getting wounded...I need something better to happen for me, soon..."
== Dramatis Personae ==
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" align="left" width="100%"
| '''Name'''
| '''Weapon'''
| '''Color'''
| '''Animal Power'''
| '''Status'''
| '''Last Post'''
| Arthur
| Staff
| White
| Dolphin
| Waiting outside cave
| 6 Nov 06
| Daelius
| Bow
| Silver
| Eagle
| [[Mithrandir Family|Dennis]]
| Broadsword
| Blue
| Shark
| fighting monsters in cave
| 7 Nov 06
| Elladar
| Axe
| Gold
| Lion
| Fighting monsters in cave
| 7 Nov 06
| [[Scratchbuiler Family/Erwin|Erwin]]
| Axe
| Grey
| Rhino
| Bow
| Brown
| Falcon
| Heading out to Valen's gate
| 10 Oct 06
| [[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]
| Longsword
| Red
| Panther
| Heading into cave
| 6 Nov 06
| Naoko
| Axe
| Orange
| Cheetah
| Fighting monsters in cave
| 8 Nov 06
| Ranger
| Dagger and Longbow
| Black
| Tiger
| Guarding door of cave
| 7 Nov 06
| Retnuh
| Differential Swords
| Green
| Dinosaurs
| <left>
| 8 Nov 06
| Tabrez
| [[Soulja Family/Valens|Valens]]
| Two Swords
| Platinum
| Dragon
| Fighting monsters in cave
| 7 Nov 06
| Vallyn
| Axe and Dirk
| Purple
| Bear
*those without dates have not posted since 8 Oct 06.

''Valens walks up and starts recruiting the best infantry he can find. On his way home after a long day of recruiting, he notices something different. A new home, way up on a hill, just outside of Taselak.''
[[Category:South-East Island]]
"Hmmm....that wasn't there before...I wonder who lives there...."
''Valens heads up there and knocks on the door. No answer. Another knock, and still no answer. Valens turns around and starts to walk away...then the ground under him disappears. Valens drops for about 50 feet, and sees the ground has been replaced above him.''
"Owwww....what was that? well...atleast I am not wounded...now to fig...hey who is that?"
''Valens notices a figure in the dark, who remains hidden but starts talking to Valens in a quiet manner.''
Man: "You...are the one. Nobody else would have been able to even see the house. Tell me your name, quickly now."
Valens: "My name, is Valens. I just trying to find out who lived in..."
''The man interupts Valens''
M: "QUIET! There are more important manners at hand. You wish for better protection? Better weapons? And...yes you wish for Taselak to win this war. I can show you the way, if you listen to me."
V: "Ok, I will listen, what do I need to do?"
M: "Good, there is a legend, of seven great swords, seven great armor outfits and seven great mage staffs. Only the person that the great one picks may even hold or put on any of the great items. You have been picked for the Dragoon Sword, and Dragon Armor. There are others, many who are in Taselak, that will get the others. Seek them out, as it is you who will know who to find. I give to you, the knowledge of three things:
1) Who will be the ones to hold and wear any of the great items.
2) How to find the items.
3) The power in which to defeat the enemies who wish to stop you from getting to the great items.
Now go! It is time for the Great Power to awaken with in you Valens!"
''The man throws what seems to be a magic blast at Valens, knocking him out. The next morning, Valens wakes up and looks outside to see the house is gone. He walks outside and then to the tavern. Still very confused, he continued to walk toward the tavern, with no shirt on. What was even more strange was the mark on his, which looked like the legendary platinum dragon. When Valens when almost to the tavern, someone walked up near Valens and said....''
Walking up to the travern after a long day of recuiting and then drilling the new men, Daelius notices Valens up ahead of him walking long without a shirt. "Feelin' a bit drafty there, Valens? If'n ya're comin' t'other way, I'd probably think ya'd gotten drunk and gotten rolled."
''Valens turns to talk to Daelius''
"Huh?...oh my shirt...odd, I don't remember taking it off...hey wait...!"
''Valens face turns pure white in shock''
"You! Your!....Come with me! I can't explain now, just follow me!"
''Valens grabs Daelius's arm and starts heading back to his home''
'''[[Mithrandir Family|Dennis]]'''<BR>
As Dennis slowly marched through Moeth and onto Belus, he whiled the time away be pondering over a small note recieved from his cousin, Cletius.
Dear Dennis,
I recently found a crest carved in the shape of a dragon while searching through our family archives. I saw the word "Taselak" on it's bottom, and thought you might be able to make more sense out of it.
Good luck and good fighting,
Examining the crest, Dennis discovered the word "Valens" carved into one of it's wings.
"That's strange," he muttered. "Maybe Valens himself can tell me more about this."
Spurring his horse, he rode on to Taselak.
Alright, already." Muttered Daelius as he freed his arm from the excited Valens. "I'm comin', what's so dashed fired important?" As he followed his fellow commander, he realized that he long day wasn't over and he hadn't even gotten a mug of ale first.
'...the chest plate feels very light...' Retnuh thought '...it could actually help in a minor battle...' as he walked down the street with one of those new chest plates by his right, '...could save a few more lives...'.
The sun had now risen from its zenith and its ray seem to reflect off the watery street. Wet it was, as the daily bunch of workers gather up taking brooms and buckets of water, cleaning the streets and wiping out dirt and garbage.
Away in the far...where the street turned rough into smaller one, Retnuh say two couples moving around in the early morning mist. He began to increase his pace to catch upto them, he smiled when the two shaped into men with one either roaming in just bare essentials or just a show off with his upper coat and shirt.
"Alright, already." Muttered Daelius as he freed his arm from the excited Valens. "I'm comin', what's so dashed fired important?" As he followed his fellow commander, he realized that he long day wasn't over and he hadn't even gotten a mug of ale first.
"I cleary don't know what you and Lord Daelius are doing early this morning, holding each others hand" Retnuh spoke from a bit behind. Valen's looked a bit startled, but Lord Daelius seem not to. Overtaking them both "Well, Valens.." Retnuh said to Valens, handing over the chest plate he carried "..if that can't be explained. Atleast hold some dignity of a noble by wearing something on your bare chest."
'''[[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]'''<BR>
Mischa arrives in Belus, with only her scribe Michelle. She dismounts, heads to the barracks and motions to the captain of the militia.
"Yes Ma'am?" He asks.
"Tell the men to mount up. You are no longer militia, but are serving under me."
A cheer rang out throughout the barracks, and the bustle began.
Mischa heads back out towards her estate, and spies her sworn knight Dennis riding in. He has a look of determination on his face. His men look exhausted, but he doesn't seem to notice or care.
"Dennis! What is the rush?"
Dennis shows Mischa the crest with Valens' name engraved on it.
"Wait for me. As soon as my men are ready, I will ride back with you. Do your men need anything before we move out?"
'''[[Mithrandir Family|Dennis]]'''<BR>
Dennis looks around at the empty space behind him and the cart and donkey he hired to drag his men's dead bodies home.
Bemused, he turns to his liege.
"I have men? What men?"
''Valens was much to in a hurry to answer anything, as he went faster toward his house, not even realizing that Retnuh was there also. They arrived at Valens house, and one of his maids was waiting for him outside.''
"Hmmm...? Ok, Daelius please wait for me inside. I shall be in just a second....oh, Sir Retnuh, your here also?....Yes, ok...I need for you to do the same."
''Before either could answer or even move, Valens turns to his maid, who was holding some kind of shirt and pants.''
"Perfect timing, how did you know I needed a shirt? Bah no matter, let me see them."
Maid: ''Sir...these just....well they just kind of appeared here, with a note saying for you to wear them.''
"Perfect....wait....the dragon....where did these come from?"
Maid: "Nobody knows Sir, after you left I was cleaning your room and they appeared on your bed, just like you did. I was going to bring them with me and try to find you."
"Hmmmm....Ok I shall get into these now, I have a good feeling about this."
''Valens heads into his home with the clothes and goes right up into his room to change. After Valens gets into his room, a few seconds later something was wrong.''
''Next, Valens went flying through his bedroom window and landed in front of the house. All the clothes have now become attached to Valens body.''
Daelius rolled his eyes at Retnuh's comments, "Get ya're mind outa the gutter."
At Valens ejection from his residence, Daelius shook his head slowly, "I get the feelin' at boredom 'as just become the least of m'problems." He stepped forward and reached out a hand to help Valens back up. "Ya gonna explain what all the excitement's about now?"
Arthur sits patiently in his camp in Eraus, reading a book on infantry tactics, waiting for Queen Penny to reappoint him Lord after having been wounded in the battle in Sandalak. He hears footsteps and turns to see his scribe approaching.
Scribe: Lord Arthur, you have just received a message. However, we don't know who it's from.
Arthur: Well, let's have a look at it.
Note: Lord Arthur, it is imperative to the survival of Taselak that you speak to Lord Valens at once upon reaching Taselak. Ask him about the dragon.
Scribe: Are you going to go see Valens?
Arthur: Why not? If what this note says is true then I have no choice but to talk to Valens. If not, well, I haven't seen Valens in a long while. It will be good to see him again.
Arthur's scribe walks off. Arthur returns to his book but with only half his mind on it. "Who sent that note? What does it mean?"
''Valens takes the extended hand and gets up.''
"Ok...wow...ok now thats over with. Didn't see that one coming....right lets go in and I can explain whats going on...."
''All of them started heading inside, when he noticed some more people headed toward his house.''
"Hmmm...odd...ok well maybe not compared to the last few things that have happened. I wonder who is coming up here, and what they want. Ok well you two head in and my maid will give you something to eat. I will be in once I see who is coming and what they want."
''Elladar wakes up to find one of his soldiers shaking him.'' "What's going on?"'' Elladar asks.
"You have a visitor milord."
"Send him in."
''The soldier walks out then returns a couple seconds later with a woman standing behind him. Elladar is slightly confused, the woman is wearing the clothes and insignia of a priestess. "Why would a priestess want to visit me?" he wonders. He thinks the face looks slightly familiar, but he can't recall who it might be.''
"Elladar?"'' she says,'' "Is that you?"
"Yes I am Elladar, but who might you be?"
''The woman frowns, and Elladar notices tears start welling up in her eyes.''
"Why are you crying?"'' he asks.''
"I can't believe you don't recognize your own sister."'' she responds.''
"Ránëwén? Is that you?"
"Why are you here? Does mother know you're here? Is every thing alright?"
"Mother knows I am here, and everything is alright, except for one thing."
"For a while now I've been having dreams about you, they started shortly after you left. They always are the same: You standing in front of a giant set of doors of what looks like a small fortress, knocking, then a lady opens the door, she looks as if she were a maid. She invites you in, you sit down in a chair, the maid walks off up some stairs. You sit there waiting for what seems like forever. Then a man appears on the stairs, he is wearing a magnificent set of armor and has a beautifully crafted, massive broad sword in a sheath on his back. The man walks down the stairs and starts heading towards you. You stand up and shake his hand, it seems as if you know each other. He tells you of a prophecy that some shadowy man in a phantom house told him, and how he is supposed to find 6 more "chosen ones" to quest for more of the awe inspiring armor that he is wearing. Then everything fades, and then goes black. I felt as if I was being crushed by the darkness. Then, I see a light, I head towards it. When I reach the light, there is a man standing there, wearing a set of armor, as crimson as the sun, holding a mighty battle axe in one arm. At first I was stunned, when I recognized your face, Elladar, through the slit in the helmet."
''Elladar sits there, stunned, there could be no way he was the warrior with the armor and the axe, for one he had barely ever used an axe, and two, he was only just a new troop leader, with his loyal soldiers, there was no way anyone would make him a chosen one in some quest he barely even knew about. His sister looks as if she is about to speak, so you sit there thinking.''
"When the dream came the first time, I thought nothing of it, I put it aside as just a dream of you, because I missed you, but when it came almost every night for two weeks straight... I knew that it was a prophecy from the gods, saying that you were supposed to become a mighty hero, and save all of Taselak. Unfortunatly, I don't know who the man who was wearing the armor was, or where you might be able to find him."
"It's ok."'' Elladar says,'' "I'll find him. Do you want to stay here, during the night? It can get dangerous out on the road at night."
"I'll be fine. No one would dare attack a priestess, in case they angered the gods."
"Ok. Please come find me again, if you have any more prophecies revealed to you."
"Alright."'' Ránëwén promises.''
''Elladar thinks about what his sister says. "Who could be the man in the armor?" he wonders, "And why did I seem to know him so well?" Elladar then helps his sister out of the tent, and escorts her out of Moeth.''
Daelius rolled his eyes at Retnuh's comments, "Get ya're mind outa the gutter." To which Retnuh replied with by itching one of cheeks in a disgusting manner.
Not a moment Valens entered what seemed to be his house, he just got thrown out of his many windows which...one would say "was made for the very reason, that one might be thrown out of it".
As soon as Valens got up, he started to speak in his recent...impatient language again. Something like "Ok" "wow" "ok" again, and some few understandable words a few senconds after when made its way to an understandable sentence "now thats over with. Didn't see that one coming....right lets go in and I can explain whats going on....".
Retnuh really had no clue in the world, why he was acting like this. 'may be too much ale', he thought '..but that lasts only for a night'. He quietly entered his house as Valens led him and the other noble inside.
He felt his hands on the hilt of the sword again, putting all his weigth on it so as to it swung a bit to a line. "What's the hurry Valens?..." Retnuh asked, pulling crude wooden stool from a corner "..you don't seem to be yourself today" and sat on it.
'''[[Mithrandir Family|Dennis]]'''<BR>
Dennis rides up to Valens alongside his unit of newly recruited me.
"Hey Valens! I thought you might be able to make some sense of this."
Taking out the crest, he passes it to Valens.
"I'll be off whipping these lads into shape, so if you want to get me, I'll be in the training grounds."
''Listening to what Dennis says, Valens decides now would be the best time to tell him.''
"Sir Dennis! Wait! Send them to train and come inside with me. I will explain exactly what you need to know...I see Lady Mischa is coming also. My maid will wait for her outside, and let her in when she arrives. So, will you come with me now? There are already two others inside, waiting for us."
'''[[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]'''<BR>
Mischa arrives late, fashionably so, as all women should.
She dismounts and tells Michelle:
"Wait here, my Chargers will arrive soon, make sure they are fed watered and comfortable. Also make sure the men keep out of trouble."
Mischa heads over to Valens' maid, Abigail, who she recognises from previous encounters.
"Abi, it is good to see you again, Where is Lord Valens? I need to speak with him. I am hearing strange stories of him wandering around the city without a top on? Has he come down with a doese of the vapors? Is he ok?"
Abigail says:
"Lady Mischa, Lord Valens seems fine now, and is fully clothed. He said you were on the way, and for me to wait here until you arrived. Then I was to show you inside."
With that Abigail led Mischa inside, where Valens was with Dennis, Retnuh and Daelius. The three companions were looking at Valens with bewilderment as he was explaining something animatedly.
"Lord Valens! I hear you were expecting me. What's this I hear about you running around the city half-clothed? You weren't running away from doing something un-noble were you?" Mischas gave Valens a cool stare, and waited for his explanation.
ust as he thought Valens would explain of what was going on, he heard the maid callout of a noble waiting outside with some 34 odd men. "So do you have any idea of whats moving around us.." he asked Daelius again, who was still standing in silence.
The inside of the house seemed to befit that of a noble, but there were still parts of the old lying around. His eyes caught a curious sword seemed to be hanging among the cogwebs with its scrabbard and the furniture which seemed to be made of old wood. The stool he sat on itself seemed a bit shakey with loose nails edging out, which tore any unfortunate claok floating by it.
Moments of silence passed by, with Daelius still standing without a reply and looking around for something. Putting up his hand a bit in the air, he gestured to the other again "Are you allright..", then added the bit "..Lord Daelius" later as he was higher in position and power in the Hiearchy.
Just as he thought he saw Daelius utter some word which seemed not foul, two of then entered the hall again, Valens and ..."Dennis, what brings you here!", Retnuh asked with a bit of a grin.
Then out of curiosity all started staring at each or the other, Valins looking at Daelius, Dennis at the maid who just passed by, Daelius at something and Retnuh at sharp edges of the stool he sat on.
The staring stopped after a few seconds after Valens started moving his hand in a rythm of trying to shape something in the air, then...
"Lord Valens! I hear you were expecting me. What's this I hear about you running around the city half-clothed? You weren't running away from doing something un-noble were you?" Mischa's gave Valens a cool stare, and waited for his explanation. [OOC: RP by Mischa]
Retnuh immediately got up from the shakey wooden stool, tearing a few strands of his cloak in the process. "High Marshall!.." Retnuh bowed to the lady who just came in.
Daelius gave a started glance over at Retnuh, "Sorry, lost in thought there. Tryin' ta figure out what's got Valens so rilled up." He shrugged and leaned back against the wall. " 'Aven't been able ta work it out. I s'pose 'e'll tell us once everybody's arrived, or we atleast get a decent quorum." He gave Mischa a nod at her arrival.
''Valens hears that Mischa has arrived, and turns to greet her.''
"Ah, Lady Mischa. It has been some time since we have been together. It's nothing bad, I...well I woke up kind of out of it here. Didn't even realize I had no shirt till I was informed. How do you like my new clothes? But please come in, I have much to explain to everyone. Well once everything has settled down."
''After a few minutes, things finally quiet down, and Valens explains what he knows to everyone present.''
"Ok so in short, here is what we have with us now. I have the Platinum Dragon...now I guess I have the "power" to see each of your hidden powers...let me see..."
''Valens looks over everyone there and starts to announce everyone's inside, hidden powers.''
"Lady Mischa...I see red....I see....the power of the panther. Hmmm....Daelius....you are silver...power of the eagle....Retnuh, green...power of the....ancient dinosaurs...and finally Dennis...blue...with power of the shark. Very interesting mix we have here, but there are still more people out there. We shall stay one more night here in Taselak, to see if anyone else arrives. Everyone, please prepare for this will be a very long, and very hard journey."
"..green!..", Retnuh muttered "..the power of the ancient dinosaurs..." as Valens continued on...
Things flashed in his mind, acts of old and power of what the Zarkonian_Family did when people first arrived on this god forsaken island of ages beyond
'..the beast my forefathers fought and slain..' he thought '..a curse or a responsibility..', as he listened carefully of what Valen said oon.
MAVA's scribe shakes her."LadyMAVA, LadyMAVA, Wake up"!
Why have you awakened me from my beauty rest?!! "Please forgive me MYLADY,but this message just came for you, with no mark or scribe attached to it".
"Well read it to me before I send you to the gallows for waking me up"
"Yes MM" as the scribe roles open the scroll and reads 'Your Presence is requested at Lord Valens home as soon as you can arive'.
MAVA looks at her scribe "AND"
"and nothing" the scribe clames "That is all there is".
"Well, I guess I should head over to Lord Valens home. Help me get cleaned up. After last nights blowout I need a bath". You think that maybe that is what he wants to see you about? Asks her scribe. Could be but, for some reason I have a feeling it has to do with a task he is wanting done. NNNNNOOO not a task a quest. Where did I come up with that? I need to get over to his place and figure out what is going on.
"Hmm," Daelius thoughtfully rubbed his chin, "An eagle, eh? there are worse totems ta 'ave, seems fittin' for an archer." He paused a moment before continuing, "Odd, though, the Evunarre family colors are black and silver. I 'aven't worn them since I left home, didn't know if any of the local lord - or countries, for that matter - were usin' them."
Dennis grins.
"A shark eats others of their own kind if they are too weak. They're cruel, bloodthirsty, and merciless. I LIKE it."
"But let's get to the point. Don't these "totems" give us any news ways to kill people."
Daelius made a mental note to keep an eye on Dennis, he didn't want any of his friends getting eaten.
tabrez put on his travel gear and dard gray colored cloak, with the infiltrator in Moeth on his mind. starts his plight to Moeth. on the way sights the high Marshal heading some where, curiosity strikes, so starts following the High marshal who seems to be unaware of this fact. high marshal interacts with a maid and enter a villa, sneaks in behind them. to remain unseen moves near a drawer of chests. seems a bunch of noble taselak gathered in what seems to gathering but nobody has any idea why they are here and each dressed up like they are on display. the curiosity increases and decides to remain here lit'l while long and see what the men are up and then head towards Moeth.
'''[[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]'''<BR>
Mischa looked around the group, all members of the Heavy Strikers, mostly new members. Valens does his 'magic trick' and gives her the totem of the Panther, dark, sleek and efficiently deadly. Mischa felt a sense of belonging, a sense that she was /home/
With Ranger being new to this land he was lost inside this huge city. It was huge compared to the monster infested city he was used to. So when he was looking for a good tavern he say that three people have entered what seemed to be a house with their troops outside. This stroke Ranger as odd why would nobles go and drink yet their men not. So he decided to go check this out. He arrived at the door where a servant was waiting.
"Ahh excuse me what is this place?" Ranger asks thinking that he might of gotten the place wrong.
"Why this is Lord Valens' house. He has been expecting you mylord Ranger." The kind servent said.
"How...What...How could he have been waiting for me if I just got lost and found this place by accident. Whats going on?" Ranger is now totally baffeled. He knew no one that could procieve the comming of a guest before the guest themselves knew that they were comming.
"All will be explained if you enter Sir. Already Sir Dennis, Sir Daelius, and Lady Mischa are in there. I will announce your presense and if you would be so kind as to wait you will know what is happening." The servent then slips inside the door and Ranger is left out wondering what is going on.
He has only been out here for less then 4 days and yet this Lord Valens knew exactly when he would come. Something didnt feel right to Ranger but he let that feeling pass since it always seemed to him that something didnt feel right. So as he waited he thought about his brother and if his messages had gone through to him.
As Queen Penny and her royal guard head out, Arthur turns to his scribe, Berilac.
Arthur: Now to head to Taselak and see what that note was about.
Berilac: Sir, I have been looking over our maps and Taselak is a good day and a half from here.
Arthur: Well then, we had better get going. I want to speak to Valens before the army moves out again.
''Valens finishes talking to everyone. Then looks around the room, and notices Ranger has just walked in. When walking over to greet Ranger, Valens notices someone else is in his house, an uninvited guess.''
quietly, "Hmmm...someone is here...."
''Valens walks up to Ranger''
"Ah Sir Ranger, it is good of you...yes yes perfect. Please join the others, I am sure someone will explain things to you, as I must go for a second."
''Valens turns to one of his maids.''
"Will you please come upstairs to my room with me? It is now time to show our guests my little...surprise."
''Valens turns to the now very surprised guests.''
"Ah no worries, I am sure you will all enjoy this surprise. While you wait, you can have anything you would like to eat, or drink. Just ask my maids or butlers."
''After that, Valens turns and walks upstairs with his maid, then seems to remember something and turns back to everyone.''
"Also, if someone could listen and keep an eye out the window for...flying objects that would be great. I shouldn't take to long to get everything together."
''Valens turns back around and heads upstairs.''
It was a bit exciting and enthuastic at the start, but when Valens left the room...his charming effect seemed to wear off and Retnuhs doubts begins to carve in. '..would that be of any truth..' he thought, looking at the new arrival who just entered into the world of Valens.
"felt anything a bit strange this morning!..." he asked, with a grin on his face "...Sir Ranger" to the one who entered the anew. Then Valens came striding down the stairs he went up some moments ago...
"Also, if someone could listen and keep an eye out the window for...flying objects that would be great. I shouldn't take to long to get everything together. " He said, then went up the same again.
Just by instint, Retnuh turned his head towards the windows to see a flying object. '..oh..' he thought, '..it's just a bird' looking at a grey pigeon which just flew by. "A Pigeon", he shouted.
Daelius tensed up at the at 'surprise', in his experience surprises were rarely a good thing.
When Retnuh spotted the pigeon, a slight grin curled his lips. "I hope that isn't someone's totem."
'''[[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]'''<BR>
Mischa looks up at the window, which has caught everyones attention, as she does the pidgeon smacks into the pane of glass and drops onto it's back on the sill, and slowly but surely slides off and is heard to land on the ground outside with an audible thump.
Mischa shrugs and turns to Ranger. "Welcome Ranger, I see you too have had a sense of calling here. Valens will return shortly with some information for you. He can 'see' totems for each of us, for example he saw for me, a Panther, Retnuh, a Dinosaur. I will be interested to see what he 'sees' for you."
It was the first time Retnuh saw what seemed to be a smile on Daelius face, wasn't much..but he felt it was one of the things which was worth being here. He let a bit of a grinding grin in a chain too '..I hope my totem doesn't come through the window..'.
Daelius nodded and added, "We've each got a color as well. Lady Mischa, Red. Retnuh, Green. Dennis, Blue. And I'm Silver."
When Valens decided to go upstairs for a surprise Ranger thought that when he said O and please can someone watch the window for flying objects He meant an arrow or something else. But when Ranger say a bird fly towards them he chuckled inwardly.
Of course a bird would come. This Lord Valens seemed to be able to see in the future and noticed that a bird would be comming. Probably it would be carrying a message like most due now.
When he heard a Lady speak his name he turned his eyes toward the sound and noticed Lady Mischa. She spoke of an animal that was tied to each of the following people. He knew of some people who believed in this but never really believed in it himself unlike his brother who always thought himself as a wolf by nature.
With Lady Mischa saying that he himself will find out what animal he is he foudn this rather exciting. For as far as he could tell Lord Valens was spot on with the animal and human charactistics. So Ranger just waits patienly waiting for something exciting to happen. Seeing as Lord Valens was making a racket upstairs Ranger thought he heard some armor clink and purhaps a sword but he could be wrong.
This made Ranger hands move a little more to his side worried about what will happen next. He wanted to be sure he wouldnt be caught off guard.
''Valens works quickly to get everything together. Once he feels it's all ready, he turns to his maid, who has been also working very hard.''
"Ah yes, finally done. Now it is my turn. Mind helping me with this?"
''Valens picks up his new armor, and his maid helps him get it on. Then he picks up his sword, and puts it to his side. Then a shield and another sword on his back.''
"Lord Valens, if you don't mind me asking, why two swords?"
"Hahaha...it's very hard to explain, but I will lose one of these swords, and if I don't have a second, how will I fight?"
"Your right my lord, we can't have you going and getting hurt again on us. One of these times your going to sacrifice your own body to save someone else, and you won't wake up again. You do realize that don't you? You must be more careful my lord...there are many people who...well just can't stand the thought of you even being hurt, let alone dead."
"....Always so worried...do not worry though, my time is not yet, and once this completed, Taselak will be in control of not only the best weapons, but defense as well."
"Of course my lord, now let's get you ready, everyone is waiting."
''Valens gets everything on, and picks up a couple of sacks. Then the maid also picks up a couple of sacks. Each one had a different name on it. One for each person downstairs. Then Valens and the maid walk downstairs to see everyone looking at the window.''
"Everyone, I have your surprises here for you...."
''Everyone turns to look, and see Valens in his new armor. All black, with a red outlining. Followed by his shield which was also black, with the Platinum Dragon on it.''
"Ok, for you Lady Mischa, a brand new sword and armor, if you would like it. I have made it, well to the best I could to your liking. Also a shield, just as mine has the dragon, yours has the panther. Same with everyone else here...except you Ranger. I must speak with you first. I will leave yours here with the maid for now. Follow me into this seperate room...."
''Ranger and Valens walk into the dining room, and Valens explains everything to him that he knows. After a few minutes, they both come back into the main room with everyone else.''
"Ok, Lord Ranger. I would rather tell this to you with everyone. For you, the color of....black is around you. Also..the power of...the tiger with in you. I also know this comes to a surprise to you, perhaps you where expecting a lesser creature? I will not name which, but I do know. That was your ancestors, yes, but not know. You have grown stronger, much stronger then they where."
''Valens puts his hand on Ranger's shoulder''
"You should be very proud, you have accomplished what your ancestors have tried so hard to do."
''Valens takes his hand back, and walks towards the door. Then turns back to everyone.''
"The messanger pigeon has arrived, has it not?"
'''[[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]'''<BR>
"Lord Valens, the messenger pidgeon has arrived, you will find it in a heap on the ground outside."
Mischa opens her sack and looks at the armour plate, it was a dark silver, and in the bottom of the bag was a red sash to accentuate her waist.
Trying the armour on, it was a perfect fit.
"Lord Valens, it is perfect. I could not even get my armourer in Belus to make armour to fit me properly. Thankyou."
Mischa embraces Valens, a little longer than would be normally acceptable.
When Valens came striding down the stairs with sacks in his hands, the wierd sense of doubt went away again..making way for excitment. Retnuh barely showed it, he thought that Valens had some kind of power around. Some thing like an aura which folded the nobles around him to be..something else.
He untied the rope which held the round opening of the sack, to reveal a dark green colour emminating for it. He pulled out the first thing his hand caught, '...A shield..' with roughness striking its feature. He puts it a bit aside catching a hilt of a sword warped in hard leather and an armour with the same too..
All seemed to be tinted with green, the leather which held the sword, the wooden shield with metal lining and the armour with green leather at the edges of its openings.
''Valens holds onto Lady Mischa and can tell she is quite happy with the surprise. Then he wispers into her ear.''
quietly, "I made your armor myself, from nothing at all. And also, if you look, under all the armor, there is another surprise just for you. I think you will like that best of all."
''Then finally they part, and Lady Mischa goes back to her surprise. Valens looks around at everyone, and still has the feeling someone is there, that was uninvited.''
normal voice, "Yes well...only one way to deal with a stubborn one...
louder voiceOk everyone, try on your armor, each set of armor/weapon was specially made for each one of you and has your name's on them. Of course, if you feel more comfy in the armor you have now, you don't need to take these. I am going to check on this bird now...."
''Valens walks out to find the bird.''
Daelius looked up from his bag and headed towards the door, "I think I'll go and change, be right back."
A few minutes passed and he returned wearing his new armour. Formed of bright silver plates and black leather, it was made for someone who valued agility and mobility over encumbersome thick metal plates. The forearms (as it lacked a shield) and the torso had the greatest protection. On the breastplate was the image of a stooping eagle. The long-haired archer held a shining longbow that unstrung was nearly as tall as himself. On his back was a quiver in the same colors filled with light gray-fleched arrows. "Well, what do ya think? I rather liked m'self."
When Lord Valens came down in that armor Ranger knew that his ears were actually very keen today. But when everyone recieved their amror and weapons only Ranger wasnt given his.
During the explanation of what was going on Ranger was baffled that in fact he was the black tiger. He was once an infiltrator but that was a long time ago. He rather did enjoy that but that was a long time ago and he thought that would mean nothing. The tiger was a huge shock. He had no clue that he would be related to something so to him monsterous. When he went back into the welcoming hall he found his bag which was pure black. He looked inside to find coal black armor that seemed light as a feather, with a small black handled dagger and what seemed to be a burnt longbow for it was also pitch black.
"Excuse me Lord Valens but what wood is this bow made out of. I have never seen something so black in my life. Do you mind telling me after I change from this rather plain garment as I see Lady Mischa has nothing to hide from us, I to have nothing to hide. Though I do have a small amount of chain mail on ill remove that."
When Ranger was removing his chain mail he felt a weird presence around him. Something isnt right. Lord Valens seemed to have sensed it as well. Ill be on my guard now. Huh i guess I am as keen as a tiger after all. When Ranger had his full armor on he felt like all he had on was his undergarments. He withdrew to a shadow where he thought no one would see him to find out what was going to happen, with his new dagger out he waited.
Retnuh wore no armour at that time, only his cloth made jacket seemed to protect his cheat from any daggers and the over cloak which hid him in a bit of a illusion of a huge man.
He ordered for a room with which maid led him to one which was empty of any occupation, he noded and the maid left. The armour seemed to be made of tiny independent parts which broke into 6 pieces, two for the arms, two by the shoulders and the last which split the sides by two. All the places where the parts rubbed and linked were patched with a layer of leather with green, so as to smoothen the movement and restricted any sweky sound when one moved.
It even had a long leather glove attached which lenghtened from his elbow to the root of the thumb, where it opened his fingers and passed around the sides of the palm. 'Excellent' he thought, as he felt a tightness running around his wrists and arms.
The shield was not round, but long and huge on one line. It was made of wood and parts of dark metal at the edges and lined with the same leather his armor wore. It had a huge engraving of an beast, so huge that the maker felt only the body would fit on comparitively small piece of wood. He had not the strenght in his arms to hold it, so it put is behing his back.. To his amazement, it melded so perfectly behind his armor that it looked like the shield didn't exist.
He put his hands to the last in the sack and pulled a sword out of it. The sword seemed a bit like any other sword to him. all the features of it seemed the same as his, except for the blade which seemed a bit dim towards green and the hilt which was warped in leather for comfort. Trying the loose pieces of leather of the covering next to the sword he already carried, he picked up his cloak from the table and wore it in full length. Hidding all he wore anew in a layer of thick cloth.
Covering his face in shadow of the cloak, he left the room to join the others in the main hall.
'''[[Mithrandir Family|Dennis]]'''<BR>
Dennis opens his sack, and tries on it's contents.
He pulls out a blue-hilted broadsword with a shark carved on it's blade. Lifting it in a two-handed grip, he tests it against his old sword.
Dennis looks in surprise at his old sword, cut neatly in half by a half-hearted swing from his new one.
"Now THAT is one good blade."
Looking in the bag, he finds a blue leather jerkin. Trying it on, he finds that it fits perfectly. It's a bit light and probably will not deflect a hard blow, but it will allow him to fight with complete ease.
"This armour suits me JUST fine."
The final item is a small blue buckler, with the shark crest painted on it's front. Dennis tests his sword against it and to his surprise, his sword bounces off.
"That's one tough shield."
He thinks for a while, then slings it over his back.
"I'll just wear it for the nifty crest. If I used it it would only get in my way."
''As Elladar walks through the city of Taselak thinking about everything that happened that he was told that night in Moeth with his sister, he decides to go to the local pub to have a drink and wonder what the prophecy ment. He enter the pub and walks up to the bar.'' "Give me an ale,"'' he says to the bar keeper. The man passes him a foaming tankard, and Elladar walks across the bar and sits in one of the booths. He takes a swig of his ale, and thinks. "Who could that man in the prophecy be? Ránëwén thought that the man and I probably knew each other well because we acted like old friends." Elladar tries to think of all his friends who would have been able to acuire such fine equipment. "Maybe he's Ferdirand, from the village back at home, he always seemed to be having some sort of adventure or another, or maybe he's Eö, that man who was a close friend of my father." Elladar continues to think of everyone he's ever known.''
''One and a half hours later.''
''"Gildor? No. Oropher? No. Valandil? No. Wait! I forgot Valens! I'll go ask him if he has heard of any one wearing magnificent armor lately."''
''Valens walks outside and picks up the bird, and finds the hidden message''
"Interesting...very interesting...."
''Valens walks back inside, back to everyone.''
"Ok everyone, we shall travel out to try and find what we need to tomorrow. Everyone go home, relax and be ready to leave tomorrow. We shall meet at the entrance to Taselak."
''Valens walks up to Mischa, gives her a hug. After which he walks up to the stairs, turns and looks around the room...''
"still here....I wonder what he is doing here...."
''Valens shrugs and goes up to his room''
''One half hour later on the road leading to Valens' manor.''
''As Elladar walks along the road he passes a few people heading in the other direction. "There's Ranger. Hm... His armor... It looks... Unique, and what is that he has at his side, is that a dagger? Yes, and he also has a bow on his back, as black as the rest of his equipment." Elladar goes further along the road and passes Lady Mischa, shouting at her scouts, saying that they need to run off to places as far as the city of Sandalak. "That armor... it also looks... unique... I wonder where she and Ranger got their armor from." Elladar continues to pass people wearing "unique" sets of armor. "There's Retnuh, showing off some incredibly dark green armor to his troops. And there's Daelius, wearing bright silver plate mail, that looks light, as if for an archer, ah yes, there's his bow. What's that on his chest plate... Ah it's a swooping eagle. I hope his arrows fly like an eagle next there's he's in a battle." Further up the road, Elladar passes Dennis. "His armor reminds me of home, it's almost as blue as the ocean."''
''Elladar arives at Valens' manor and knocks on the door. He waits there for a minute and then the door opens. One of Valens' maids is standing inside, she invites him in.'' "Lord Valens will be with you in a minute,"'' she says, and heads up the stairs. Elladar sits on a chair and waits. Soon he hears Footsteps coming from the stairs. He gets up and turns to see Valens standing there in a suit of armor, with a broad sword slung on his back. Elladar walks over and greets him. He asks Valens where he and everyone else he'd seen on the road got their armor from. Valens says...''
Ranger comes out of the shadows when he sees Lord Valens go upstairs with not a worry. I guess he senses no danger. Ill just have to be on my guard like always. Ranger leaves the house at an increased pace than the other three. On his way to do a little more site seeing he notices another noble it seems take an interest to what seemed to be his armor.
Purhaps another one. Or something else. Well Ill go around and wait by Valens house tonight I guess. Well that totally bums out my hopefull wishes of finding a tavern tonight.
With that Ranger waits for a couple of minutes and then takes what he thinks is a parallel allyway. What he thought would take 4 minutes took him almost 10 and by the time he reached Lord Valens house it seemed that the noble that took an interest in his amror was in the house. Well this should be fun Ranger knew that he would be getting no sleep and no drink tonight.
"All right people.." Retnuh said, waving his fingers towards some direction "..show is off. Back to your posts". He closed the split parts of the cloak again, hiding the new found enthusiasm in it.
When everybody seemed to go off in seperate directions for the night, Retnuh put the head clover of the cloak over his head and silently walked towards Valens place again. Not wanting to be, he took narrow alleys and crowded streets, bending like snakes and crawling like rats.
There were still lights glowing from the windows of Valens house, especially the two shadows moving in one of them. Moving closer, he edged himself to the side of the wall which faced parallel to those windows. He stood there for more than 20 minutes, waiting and hearing for anything unusual..'..nothing..', he muttered to himself.
Then the eiery silence of the night broke, when heavy foot steps made rampant echoes in the streets. A man wearing utter blackness took the turn the very alley Retnuh stood...'Ranger' Retnuh thought, 'what he is doing here!'.
''Valens's maid comes up to his room.''
"Sir? Lord Elladar has arrived and would like to speak with you."
"Yes of course...I will be down in a second."
''Valens walks downstairs to greet Elladar.''
"Welcome to my home Lord Elladar. Do not worry about them right now, we have more important matters to attend to."
''Valens explains everything to Elladar and then walks over to the stairs''
"Ok I am a little...well I wish you had arrived earlier but I guess there is nothing that can be done now. Please wait here for a second."
''Valens walks upstairs and gets some things together then goes back down to Elladar.''
"Ok...before I give this stuff to you, I must tell you something about yourself. First...your of gold color standing...very interesting. oh...I see...this is of surprise...for you, the power of the lion is within you. now for you, everything you might need for battle is in here. Also, this axe was made just for you...it was a bit to big to fit in there, so I will just hand it to you. What do you think of it and everything?"
Having finally arrived is Taselak Arthur turns to his scribe, Berilac.
Arthur: Berilac, I heading off to find Valens. I need you to go see the quality of the men I can recruit. Take some notes and then you can have some R&R until I return.
Berilac: Thank you, sir.
Arthur head off towards Valens' manor, hoping to catch him before he heads to Moeth. Travelling along the road he see men heading in the direction of Umkinnu. It seemed like they were heading away from Valens manor. He hurries to catch up with them. Arthur manages to catch up with them and turns to the nearest soldier.
Arthur: Is this the Lord Valens' unit?
Soldier: Yes it is, m'lord. I can take you to him if you like.
Arthur: Yes, I would like to see him.
The soldier speeds up his march a bit and Arthur follows him. They find Valens at the front of the unit. Arthur calls out a greeting.
Arthur: Hello Valens.
Valens turns and sees Arthur.
Valens: Why hello Arthur. I was hoping to see you before we got back to the battlefront.
Arthur: Well, I see you were kind of expecting me then. Maybe you can tell me about this mysterious note I received while waiting to be reappointed Lord of Eraus. I don't know who it's from but it said to see you as soon as I got back to Taselak. It said that it was imperative to the survival of Taselak to see you.
'''[[Vallejo Family/Mischa|Mischa]]'''<BR>
Mischa takes a look inside her sack, after Valens gave his farewell, and could see something shining in the bottom. She pulls it out and finds it is a chain with a medallion on the end of it.
The medallion is made of a metal she has never seen before and when it catches the light, it reflects the colours of the rainbow. On one side there is a dragon entwined around a sword, and on the other, a panther, teeth bared, claws extended as it is pouncing on an unsuspecting enemy.
Mischa puts it around her neck, and it gives her a feeling of warmth and power.
She leaves to check on her men, readying herself for the trip ahead.
Mischa looks towards where the HSG are moving out, nodding, knowing they are in good hands.
"Mount up men! We move out for Moeth as soon as we're ready!"
''Valens walks over to Arthur and greets him.''
"Welcome to my home, it is good to have you here. I have been expecting you. First I need to go over some things."
''Valens explains everything to Arthur. Then both Valens and Arthur goes into the next room, and in the corner there is a sack with Arthur's name on it.''
"Ok now that you know what the situation is, I have something for you. Right here in this sack. Open after I finish talking to you, and leave as I have some things to attend to. Also, there is something else I must tell you. Within everyone who has came here so far, there are power's with in. For you...I see white, pure white. Also the power of the dolphin is within you, very impressive. Oh yes before I forget...I had this staff hand made in a very far a way place. Please take good care of it till we find you the much stronger one. Now I must go, while I attend to some thing, please go relax at your home and prepare to leave tomorrow."
''Valens walks back upstairs to get some things ready.''
''Elladar reaches out and takes the axe from Valens. It's very heavy, and Elladar has to heft it in both hands to keep from dropping it. "Now I know why Valens was carrying it with both hands," thinks Elladar. He places the axe on a nearby table and notices that the table sags slightly under the axe's weight.'' "I still can't believe Ránëwén's prophecysays I'm going to be able to lift something that is probably alot heavy than that axe, with one hand,"'' Elladar mutters to himself.''
"What was that?"'' Valens asks.''
''Elladar explains his sister's prophecy to Valens and leaves him to think about it. Elladar starts looking through the bag of armor that Valens had set on a nearby chair. All of the armor is made out of heavy metal plates that are all varying shades of gold. He reaches in and pulls out a helmet, and notices that the back of it has been painted to look like a lion's mane, and the front, to look like a lion's face. He puts the helmet aside and pulls out a set of gauntlets. They were mad eto look like a lion's paw. The outer edges looked like fur, and the palms looked like the pads on the underside of any cat's paw. At the joints where the fingers connected with the rest of the hand were spikes that looked like claws. Elladar places the gauntlets next to the helmet and pulls out the chest plate. It is kind of heavy but whoever had crafted it and the rest of the armor knew what he was doing. The chest plate has a lion painted on the front of it. Elladar looks up at Valens and says,'' "I think it's wonderful, but Valens? Where did you get this stuff it must have cost a fortune."
Valens says...''
''Valens looks at Elladar in a bit of a surprise, nobody has asked about where the stuff came from before.''
"You wish to know where it all came from you say? Hmmm...well let me just say this, it didn't cost anything close to what you think it would have. So now...I must get ready to leave tomorrow, I think you should do the same. Go home and get ready for the long journey we will be going on soon."
''Next Valens starts going to the stairs, but gets another odd feeling. Valens walks up to his room and looks out the window just in time to see Ranger walk up to the side of the house.''
"What?....well if he is still here, I have no doubt that there is still atleast one other here. Might as well go see."
''Valens walks back downstairs and then outside. Next he walks around to the side of the house and up to Ranger.''
"What are you doing here? If you do not feel like going home, you can stay here, I have a few extra rooms and lots of extra food. Tell me though, is anyone else around here from earlier?"
Valens appears out of his house and walks straight toward Ranger Drat I guess I still need to work on hiding myself better with this new armor
After Valen asks his offer and question Ranger thinks for a second.
"Aie. Since I am new to this place I cant seem to remember these roads. It would be very appriated if I could stay in your house. And as for the second question that I think would best be done in private no? Or purhaps we can let a big old green dinosaur hear us. Because I think you havent told us everything. And I for one would like to know how you came about these items and what they are for. Because clearly they arnt normal pieces of armor."
With that Ranger waits for Valens response or the dinosaurs' comment.
"....And as for the second question that I think would best be done in private no? Or purhaps we can let a big old green dinosaur hear us. Because I think you havent told us everything. And I for one would like to know how you came about these items and what they are for. Because clearly they arnt normal pieces of armor."
That was all Retnuh needed as a nod from Ranger to make him go towards Valens door and knock it a bit aloud. The other say him as he passed by, and it made no further sense of eve's dropping of how Valens came to find these items.
'knock knock' his fingers knucked the door, letting out an echo on the empty street.
''Valens listens to Ranger, and then hears him ask about everything.''
"So you to wish to know where all this came from? Well..."
''Valens hears someone knocking at his door.''
"Oh..someone is knocking, I think I should check on that, sorry. Your more then welcome to come with me though."
''Valens walks over to his door to see Retnuh standing there.''
"Sir Retnuh, what are you doing here now? It's not time to leave yet. Are you so eager to leave to find everything that you rushed home and prepared everything you will need that quickly? If so you are more then welcome to stay here in my home with Sir Ranger in one of the extra rooms I have. Just hope not to many people decide they want to stay, I only have a limited amount of rooms =)"
Arthur lays on his bed in the inn, thinking about what had happened today. After talking with Valens he had left to find Berilac. After an hour or so of searching the city he had finally found him in the Faregyl Inn. He had entered and sat next to Berilac, ordered a drink, and proceeded to give him a very brief summary of what had happened.
Arthur: Berilac, while I'm gone I need you to look after things. Since I don't know how long I'll be gone, I need you to keep track of any bonds that come if tax day happens while I'm away. I give you permission to use a little bit for yourself to get by on. This inn is where I will stay tonight and where I will come when we return. You should probably get a room here too. I wish we had a place to stay that was better but my manor is in Eraus and my family's is in Figobar.
Berilac: Lord Arthur, I will do my best.
Arthur finished his drink, got up, and looked for the innkeeper. They had quickly haggled over the price of the room and finally settled on 3 gold for the night. Arthur paid and the innkeeper gave him the key to his room. Arthur went to his room and sat down on the bed, intent on giving the items Valens had given him a very thorough look. The staff was about shoulder height and made of something that felt like metal but looked like clear crystal. On the top was a miniature dolphin and engraved down the sides were words of a text Arthur could not read. The inside on the staff glowed with a faint, pure white, light.
The robes were made of a material that was whiter than snow. It was as soft and flexible as silk, but was very tough. Arthur had heard a few merchants once, talking about a pure white cloth that was easy to move in but was as strong as the best leather armor in the world. Around the edges of the sleeves and the hood were intricate designs. There was a cape also that attached to the shoulders with dolphin shaped fastenings. The cape itself was very light but when Arthur felt it it felt like there was a layer of chainmail underneath. "That will come in handy against arrows," thought Arthur.
Arthur had put the robes and staff back into the bag they come in a laid down on his bed. He had stayed there trying to get to sleep, knowing that he would need as much as he could get in the coming days. He eventually drifted off to sleep, dreaming of what was to come.
''Elladar leaves Valens' house carrying his new equipment in his pack on his back. He wanders through the city thinking about all that he has learned. "So Valens was the man in the armor from Ránëwén's prophecy," Elladar thinks, "And I have the spirit of a lion in me, and there are other chosen ones that have animal spirits in them." Suddenly a man runs out of an alleyway and collides with Elladar, knocking him over. The man hurridly grabs Elladar's pack and rips it off his back. The man didn't expect it to be so heavy and had to pause for a second while hefting it onto his back. While the man struggles under the weight of the pack, Elladar scrambles over and grabs the man's leg and pulls hard. The man falls over and Elladar hears the sickening crack of bones braking. Elladar get up and takes his pack off of the corpse. The force of the pack hitting the man as he hit the ground had brocken all of his ribs. Elladar saw blood seeping out from under the dead body. Elladar quickly leaves the scene and heads to the nearest inn to pay for a room for the night. Before he goes to sleep he makes sure that the door is locked, he didn't want to have to kill the next unfortunate person to try and steal his armor, and if that happens, Elladar wouldn't hesitate to cleave his head off with he sharp new axe.''
"Sir Retnuh, what are you doing here now? It's not time to leave yet. Are you so eager to leave to find everything that you rushed home and prepared everything you will need that quickly? If so you are more then welcome to stay here in my home with Sir Ranger in one of the extra rooms I have. Just hope not to many people decide they want to stay, I only have a limited amount of rooms"
Retnuh shrugged a bit as a cold wind from the street blew over his face, not able to stand the chilling sight he strode into the house. "It's quite cold outside" he said, as he loosened his cloak down to reveal his face "I just thought I would drop in a bit...to ask some questions".
''Valens, Retnuh and Ranger all go back into Valens home.''
"Ok, a couple of my maids will show you both to your rooms. It's late now, but if you would like something to snack on, just let them know and they will get it for you. I am going to bed now...we will have an early morning, as I am expecting atleast a few people to show up early."
''Valens walks up to two of his maids, tells them to take care of the two nobles and then heads up to his room. Right before reaching the stairs, Valens turns around.''
"Oh, and also if you wish to speak with me or have any questions, please wait till the morning. We can discuss anything over breakfast."
''Valens then turns around and goes up to his room.''
After Valens goes to his room. Ranger still feels something is a little wrong.
"Can one of you fetch a blanket. I like the ground over a bed. A little to much coushin and I sleep a little to hard." Thats not the only thing that happens. I still cant sleep in a bed without THAT dream happening again. And still I think Valens is up to something. He seems worried and isnt saying much. And I am still a little suspisious. The dream that Ranger is talking about is when he was 12 his little sister was captured and taken away from his home island. Everytime he sleeps he "relives" it and wakes up startled.
After Ranger picks out a spot on the floor that seems fine the maid comes in with the blanket. She asks if anything else is needed, there isnt. She then wishes Ranger a good night sleep and leaves the room. Ranger then lies down and falls into a light sleep. His hand already on his dagger by instinct.
...questions...', Retnuh thought as he lay upon a rough cot with lazy pillows '...doubts...', being a bit uncomfortable he emptied the whole cot apart from himself and layed on it straight '...breakfast...'.
Just as he thought his eyes went into slumber of the quiet night. "wake up....." a loud voice came, upon which Retnuh threw his blanket out and saw Valens leaning upon the door frame in a calm manner. Retnuh let out a cool whistle, "whats the matter!" he asked.
Valens didn't speak, but silently raised his hand in the air uttering something. He then took out his sword and flashed towards Retnuh. Unsheathing his sword from the smooth leather, he blocked the blade. "are you mad", Retnuh shouted as he struggled to hold the blade still.
An evil look befell upon Valen as he smirked a bit, "..Questions!.." "..Doubts!.." he repeated as he let go of the steel in contact. "The answer...", Valens let out a strange enchantment and fire covered all around him in a circle "..is.."...Soon his hands began to shape into claws of red and eyes into fire..."..ME".
Shaping upon a ball of fire in his hands, Valens threw the globe towards Retnuh. Who did nothing as he watched and folded his arms against the face. He felt the fire burn his hands as he hit him with great force, but only warmness and not the pain. His hands grew into might fists and the fire burnt out into air..
He saw as Valens held his claws a bit tighter and the world break into the fire which grew. It shattered the silence as the fire raged into a torrent and blew towards Retnuh, who held his gaint fists against it. The world teared as the fire engulfed him in Volcanic fire, felling him upon the ground.
"Lord.." a voice said "..are you alright". Pushing himself against the floor, Retnuh got onto his feet "Yes", he answered "Just a bad nightmare"...to which the maid bowed to him and left the room.
'Just a bad nightmare..', Retnuh thought '..its not anything real' as he slept straight upon the bed again, with calmness in his eyes.
''Elladar wakes up and climbs out of his bed. He walks over to the door to check that it is still locked. It isn't. Elladar quickly runs over to the bed and pulls his axe out from under the matress. He is about to run out of the inn and find the man who had dared to break into his room. He places his hand on the doorknob and turns it, the door opens, as Elladar walks out he hears chuckling from inside his room. He walks back inside, and sees a man standing in the corner. Elladar hadn't noticed him there before.'' "How did you get into my room, and why are you here?"'' Elladar demands.''
''The man smiles and replies,'' "Put your axe down, I'm not here to fight. I have a message from Lord Valens."
''Elladar lowers the axe and says,'' "What's the message?"
"Lord Valens says you are welcome to join him in his manor for breakfast, after which you will be setting out on your quest."
''The man gets up and walks out of the room. Elladar looks around quickly and is releived to see his pack under the bed where he had left it. Elladar quickly rumages through it to make sure everything is still there. Satisfied, Elladar leaves his room and walks out of the inn. Elladar starts heading towards Valens' manor. As he's walking, Elladar looks over his shoulder to see that a man had been following him for a while. Thinking quickly, Elladar walks down a side street. Elladar notices that the man's body was still there from the night before. "Good," thinks Elladar. He walks past the body and stops when the body is right in front of the man who was following Elladar. Elladar turns around and says to the man,'' "Do you want to know what happened to the last man who tried to rob me?"
"No, what happened to him?" ''the man replied.''
"Look down." ''Elladar says.''
''The man looks down and sees the broken body lying there. He looks back at Elladar with a frightened look on his face, and runs off. Elladar sneaks off as peasants start to come out of their houses and form a crowd around the body.''
''Elladar runs back through the city to Valens' manor, and knocks on the door. A moment later, one of Valens' maids opens the door.'' "Welcome. I assume you are here to dine with Lord Valens before you set out. Breakfast has just been laid out, follow me."
''The maid leads Elladar to the dining hall. Elladar sits down to the most spectacular breakfast he'd ever seen. He looks around and notices that he's the first one there.''
"Enjoy,"'' the maid said.''
''Valens wakes up, still tired. He rolls out of bed and calls for one of his maids.''
Maid: "My lord? How may I be of service to you?"
Valens: "Please draw me a bath, get my clothes ready and my armor while I am in the bath."
Maid: "Yes my lord, no problem."
''The maid leaves and gets the bath ready. After a little while, she comes back.''
Maid: "Ok my lord, the bath is ready. When I am done with your clothes and armor me and some of the other maids are going to get a big breakfast ready for you and all the people you are expecting here this morning. Is that ok with you my lord?"
Valens: "Yes that sounds good to me. I should not be long in the bath. Once breakfast is ready, please wake my two guests. Also send out some messangers now, to everyone who was here but left. Let them know they are more then welcome to join me in breakfast and we shall be leaving once breakfast is over."
''Valens turns and walks over to the tub to take his bath. His maid gets right to work on his clothes and armor, while the other maids are downstairs making breakfast. Also the messangers go right out, over to find everyone.''
Arthur wakes up, having had a very restless night. He gets up and stretches, making a mental note to bring his own pad to this inn if he ever comes again. The bed was a hard as a rock and the blankets did very little to make in softer. He dresses in his regular clothes and leaves the robes and the staff in the bag they came in. Wearing them in the city would attract attention he did not want right now.
Arthur heads downstairs and sees Berilac sitting at the same table he was at last night. He heads over and sits down.
Arthur: Have you been here all night, Berilac?
Berilac: No milord. I did get a room but I woke early and couldn't get back to sleep.
Arthur: All right then. I'm going to have breakfast here and then head to Valens' manor.
Berilac: Oh, hold on a moment. Valens sent a message while you were asleep. He invites you to come have breakfast with him before you depart.
Arthur: Then I guess I'll eat there. Farewell, Berilac.
Berilac: Farewell, milord.
Arthur departs from the inn and turns towards Valens' manor. On the way, he sees a crowd gathered in a circle. He heads over and makes his way through the crowd. When he gets to the front, he sees a dead man on the ground. He quickly looks around and sees Lord Elladar moving as fast as he can to get away. Unfortunately, he is too far away to catch up with. Arthur works his way back through the crowd and heads to Valens'. He sees Elladar arrive before him. He knocks on the door and a maid opens it and lets him in. She then shuts the door. Arthur hurries and knocks on the door. Another maid opens it.
Maid: Welcome. I see you got Lord Valens message. I will show you to the dining hall.
The maid shows Arthur in and leads him to the dining hall. Arthur looks at the food arrayed on the table. Instantly his mouth begins to water and his stomach growls. He looks around to see who's here and sees that only Elladar is here. He goes to sit next to him.
Arthur: Lord Elladar, I have a question. On my way here a saw a crowd gathering. When I had made my way through the crowd I saw a dead man lying on the ground. I looked up and saw you running as fast as you could away from there. I wonder, did you have anything to do with that?
''Elladar hears a knock echoing from the front door. He hears a maid opening up the door. A moment later the maid enters the dining hall with Arthur following behind. Arthur looks at the table, and Elladar hears his stomach growl. Seeing Elladar, Arthur walks up and sits down.'' "Lord Elladar, I have a question. On my way here a saw a crowd gathering. When I had made my way through the crowd I saw a dead man lying on the ground. I looked up and saw you running as fast as you could away from there. I wonder, did you have anything to do with that?"
''Elladar replies,'' "Why yes. Last night, I was leaving Valens' manor, and a man tried to mug me. He knocked me down and grabbed my pack. My pack was full of an increadibly heavy set of armor that Valens' had given me. The theif hadn't expected it to be so heavy, and it took him a moment longer to heave it onto his back to run off. During that moment, I scrambled over and pulled his leg out from under him, trying to just slow him down so I could take my pack away from him. The pack, being as heavy as it was, crushed him as he hit the ground. Then this morning, a man had been following me for quite some time. I took a side route and saw the body from the night before, I walked past it and let the man step up to the body, I stopped and asked him if he knew about the last guy who tried to mug me. He said no and asked what happened to him. I told him to look down. He saw the body and ran off. Peasants then started waking up and leaving their houses to go about their business, they saw the body and started to crowd around it. More and more peasant came to see what the gathering was about. I didn't want to get accused of murder or be late to Valens' breakfast, so I fled."
"So you found anything peculiar about the man lying dead..." Retnuh said, as he emirged from the steps and holded his sight on noble who seemed he could swallow the whole plate "...who he was!, or who hired him!."
Lifting his hand to his head, he gestured his fellow mentor "How are Arthur!" and sat on the chair opposite to Elladar.
''As Elladar feasts on the marvelous breakfast, he hears a voice from behind him. He turns to see Retnuh.'' "So you found anything peculiar about the man lying dead..." ''Retnuh asks,'' "...who he was!, or who hired him!."
''Elladar assumes Retnuh is talking to him, because he is the only one who has mentioned a dead man.'' "I think I saw the Sandalak crest tatooed on his arm. I would have taken a skilled artist to draw their griphon on a man's arm. If I saw right then that means one less Sandalakian to worry about."'' Elladar smiles and returns to eating.''
While recovering from my dueling wounds with Valens I overhere him talking to his scribe,"So has everyone showed up at the mansion yet? I still have a lot of preperation left. This duel took up some of my time to get all the armor and weapons together."
"I wonder what that is all about?" I think to myself knowing that I will have to find out.
A FEW DAYS LATER (after the healing prosess)
"Scribe I need you to go to Master Valens house and drop off this letter,and wait for an answer.
Hours later.
"Mistress MAVA, I have news" my scribe says.
"While you were recovering orders came in and we are to head to Gwohadda, Also Master Valens has headed out."
Head out now and catch up to him and find out what is up with the armor and weapons. I will meet up with you along the way.
''Valens finishes his bath and goes into his room. Then he gets dressed, and walks downstairs to find Elladar, Retnuh and Arthur all in the dining room for breakfast. Valens walks in while they are talking about a dead person''
"Good morning everyone, good to see you here to join me for breakfast. If there is something you want that is not here, just say so and my maids will make it for you. Also, if there is anything you wish to ask, now would be the best time. However there are many questions that...well just don't have answers for them right now."
''After that, Valens walks over to one of the ends of the table and sits down. He starts eating once he sits down, waiting to hear from someone at the table, or for someone else to arrive.''
"Ah...the host is here" Retnuh said aloud, then dug into the food laid on the table. He chooses his first to be a leg of roasted chicken marinated in garglic sauce, then he picks up a few slices of onions which cryed in clear vinegar.
"I have been quite eager to ask.." he said, as he chewed upon the piece of flesh which seemed soft "..yesterday you gave us a sack full of equipment.". He took his fork and threw it at the onion rings which sprayed a bit of tears "I don't meant to insult you in a way, as the armors are of excellent quality." Lifting the rings in the air, he put it into his mouth "Its just that...we have to do something with it!...".
''Valens looks at Retnuh while he talks. Thinking for a moment, Valens decides to answer.''
"Hmmm...well I wouldn't worry much about that. You will get more then enough use for all of that equipment soon enough. I know you are eager, but once you see what we will be up against, I do think you will be so eager. Remember, this quest is for the best weapons and armor in the world. You don't think we can just walk up and take them do you?"
''Valens looks around the table at everyone present, then goes back to eating.''
"Where do we find them?" Retnuh asked, as he picked up another ring of onion by the fork "..I rather meant," and puts it into his mouth "how do we find them?".
He swiped the plate with a slice of cheese and slid it between two pieces of hard brown bread. "Cheese sandwich.." he said,"..anyone!" as began to chew by the edges.
''Valens looks up from his food again and looks at Retnuh.''
Don't worry about how we will find them. Once everyone else who is going gets here, I will explain exactly how we will go about finding the first weapon. So for now, I think we should relax, and eat our breakfast. It's hard to tell how long it will be till the other's arrive.
After the edge's, he bagan to bore deeper into the cheese and starts to chew with open mouth as he reaches softer flavour. "Others" Retnuh said as he helped himself out to a small serving of water, not wine.
''Everybody has been sitting there at the table for quite eating in silence.  Elladar is getting stuffed. He soon tires of eating, and starts looking around at the decorations on the walls of Valens' dining room. Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door, then the sound of the door opening. A moment later, Elladar sees one of Valens' maids walk into the dining hall, following the maid is...''
Ranger wakes up before the sun has risen as is his custom. He gets up and realizing that he skipped dinner last night that he needed something to eat. He was also curious as how the city looked before dawn. So Ranger got up and went outside to find a tavern to see if this Islands ale matched anything he has drunk in the past.
On his way to the tavern he notices not to many people are about. ''So this is a all work and no play city. Then again I guess when you are at constant war work take everything out of you.''
Ranger finds a tavern and enters. There are a few people sitting down but nothing like back in his old home town. Ranger finds an empty seat and calls for a waitress. He asks for quiet a big number of food items and the strongest ale they had. When they brought him his food it looked smaller than what he was used to and was glad that he bought a lot. The food was moderate and the ale was pretty good. He could get used to this. After he had eaten his full he saw that the sun had risen and had been up for quiet a long time.
''Guess I should go back to Valen's house and see if anyone else has arrived.'' With that Ranger leaves the tavern and starts walking the streets again. Now which way is Valen's house? Uh Oh I did it again. Ranger was lost he had no idea where anything was or where even he was. So he started walking around aimlessly trying to see any sign of a possible way back to Valen's house.
He thankfully found one of Valen's maids walking toward him. She must have guessed because of the confused look Ranger had that he was lost. She offered him to have her show him back to the house. He excepted and they left.
When Ranger arrived back at the house with the maid he noticed some more people that were there that he hadnt seen yet. They were all eating a big breakfast and as Ranger saw were quiet. Most had stopped eating it seemed for awhile now and so he deicded to break the silence.
"So Valen these weapons and armor. I know you said we will need them soon but for what exactly. It seems you are hiding some things and wont tell us everything. So I want you to tell us everything you know or as far as I am concerned I wont be helping you for whatever you are trying to do."
With that Ranger sat down and waited. The other guests looked at him with mouths wide open. He knew what they were thinking and knew that this was the only way that Valen might spill everything and possibly more.
''Valens finishes eating a few minutes before Ranger arrives. He listens to him and watches as he sits down.''
"Ranger...is this some kind of a joke? Armor, it is for protection. Very easy..and obvious. A weapon, used to attack enemies, again obvious. I am sorry but I don't see the point in you asking me that. I gave these things to you for the reasons of defending yourself and attacking while we are on our journey. I am not hiding anything, so I don't see why you think that. I am sorry if I made things seem that way, but I am not hiding anything. If there is something you are worried about that I have not told you, just ask and I will tell you. However, I do take threats lightly...even if it's something small like "I will not help you". Do not think I need you to come with me, because I don't. If I did not want to help Taselak win this war, I would have gone on my own to retrieve my own sword, my own armor and my own power. But instead I am gathering everyone. So this is now, if you do not trust me, and feel I am hiding important things from you, then please leave now, I leave it up to you if you want to keep my gifts or not. I will now take my leave."
''Valens gets up, walks out the room and then up to his room.''
"I wouldn't worry about that.." Retnuh said, as he got up and looked upon the new arrival "..much. As you might very well be the second person after me to ask that same kind of question".
Tightening his swords and armor, he move towards the doorway.  "Very well, the sun has risen and duty calls".
''Valens hears someone leaving, and looks out. Then opens the window and yells out.''
"Hey, I will be training outside in a minute, if you care to join me. We still need to wait for some more people to arrive so this might help us pass by the time."
''Valens then turns and shut the window. Then gets all his new armor on, with both swords. One on his back, hidden, and one at his side. Then picks up the shield and puts it on his back. Next Valens walks downstairs and outside, ready to train.''
Training!' Retnuh said, as he stop and shouted "I shall be pleased to join you" loud.
Non a moment he thought, a grain would fall. Valens was soon outside with his new armor and two other nobles a bit behind him.
He loosend on his sword by the belt and pointed it towards Valens by the length. "Where shall we train!" Retnuh said from afar,then nodded his head "It wouldn't quite be...proper to have sounds of metals and screams in the street".
''Valens looks around, then back at Retnuh.''
"Your right, the street is not proper. There is a training field in back of my home, if you would like to train there. Just follow me."
''Valens heads off to the training field.''
''Retnuh nods "yes", then smiles a bit by his cheek as his own words '..Metals and screams!..' and then looks at Ranger and Elladar who moved a outside from the door way.
"care to join us!", Retnuh said with a shine in his eyes and followed Valens to the field.
As the others eat their breakfasts, Arthur quietly sits at the table, having finished eating a little while before. Valens leaves first after his talk with Ranger. Retnuh then heads out the door with Elladar and Ranger leaving after him. Arthur hears Valens yell to Retnuh about training. After thinking about it he heads out to join them. He was unfamiliar with the forms of combat needed for staves and training would help in their quest. He picks up his bag and heads out the door. He sees Valens and Retnuh heading around behind the manor and hears Retnuh invite Elladar and Ranger to join them. He heads over to walk next to Elladar and Ranger.
Arthur: "Training will be very good. These weapons and armor are beautiful and well made but I haven't used anything but a sword since my childhood. I have almost no idea how to use a staff. What about you guys? I hope I'm not the only one who is unfamiliar with his weapon. If it's just me I'm likely to be a hinderance for the first little while."
''Valens hears Arthur, and turns to him.''
"Yes I am trying something new too. Instead of one sword..."
''Valens takes his sword from his side, then reveals his hidden sword from his back.''
"I will be using two swords now."
''Valens continues to the training grounds with both swords in hand.''
''Elladar had sat quietly while Ranger confronted Valens, Elladar had also sat quietly while Valens had suggested training, and when Retnuh had agreed and followed Valens out the door, he had heard Retnuh calling them to follow, he got up and started walking to the door with Ranger just behind him, leaving Arthur alone.''
''As they were walking to the training field, Arthur come jogging up from behind saying,'' "Training will be very good. These weapons and armor are beautiful and well made but I haven't used anything but a sword since my childhood. I have almost no idea how to use a staff. What about you guys? I hope I'm not the only one who is unfamiliar with his weapon. If it's just me I'm likely to be a hinderance for the first little while."
''Valens repies,'' "Yes I am trying something new to. Instead of one sword..." ''Valens takes a sword from his side, then reveals a hidden sword from his back,'' "I will be using two swords now."
''Valens continues to the training grounds with both swords in hand.''
"Don't worry Arthur, I bet atleast half of us chosen ones are in your wagon, I am, and Valens just said he is. I have almost never used an axe before. Like you, I've mosly used a sword. I've used knives before, I also used bows when my brother Haldamir was training, I've even used a spear a couple of times, but all I ever used an axe for was cutting down trees, cutting the trees into firewood, and cutting the head off of a chicken every once in a while."
''They arrived at the training field, Elladar looked around,'' "Valens, what will we be training on? I see no training dummies. I know my axe is sharp and heavy, so if the blade didn't get you it could still break your bones and crush you, trust me, I know. You've already drawn your swords so I guess you've got something planned."
''Valens didn't seem to hear him though, he was too busy testing the sharpness of his blade.''
''Soon a crowd formed around the field watching the training battles. Peasants who were drawn by the sound of steel clanging against steel were just standing there watching, cheering, or gasping at some of the moves used.''
As I start to head out of town I hear a lot of grunting and groaning along with what sounds like sword play, so I,being the upstanding citizen that I am, go to investagate these noises to make sure there is no foul play about. As I come around the corner I see to people going toe to toe One using 2 swords at a time.
I ask some of the people standing around what is going on and I'm told : Oh that is Valens he is running a quest and needed to try out his stuff.
"Valens, That name sounds.... SCRIBE give me that letter we got while I was recovering! That is what I thought.
SO I stand around waiting for Vanens to finish so that I can ask him about the letter. And he says.....
Valens looks over and notices MAVA waiting there with a letter in hand. He puts his swords back and walks over.
Ahhh yes...I have been waiting for you. Right now everyone is starting to train, but we must talk first. Please follow me inside.
Valens and MAVA go into Valens house. He asks MAVA to wait in the main room while he goes and gets something. A minute later, he comes back down with a sack in hand. Valens then explains about the quest to MAVA.
Ok now that you know all that. I must tell you about your own power. I see the color of...brown. With it, comes the power of the falcon. Now, please look through this sack here, and also here is a new bow for you in case you want one. You can find much more in the sack. I am going back out to train now, you can train with Daelius if you would like.
Valens then turns and walks out the door, and back to training.
''Valens walks back over to the training grounds and notices Elladar just standing there.''
"So I am guessing you wish for something else to practice on? No worries, I have about 2 dozen dummies on the side on my house, they can be brought over here. Along with that, we should train with our shields, against the archers."
''Valens goes back to training with both swords, in both attack, defense and defending against arrows.''
'..hu'h..' Going opposite to Valens who seemed busy with both his swords, Retnuh bowed to him. "Care to test your two swords.." he said, pointing the length of his sword which still hid in leather "..against one?" and swirled it to the lenght of his elbow.
Elladar stands at the edge of the training field, not wanting to try training against one of his fellow nobles, incase he hurt one of them. Valens comes out of his manor after speaking to MAVA, and starts walking towards Elladar.  "So I am guessing you wish for something else to practice on? No worries, I have about 2 dozen dummies on the side on my house, they can be brought over here. Along with that, we should train with our shields, against the archers." Valens says.
"Why thank you Valens. I just don't want to hurt anyone because we need all of our strength, and blood, for the upcoming quest. As for training against with shields, I have none, but the flat of my axe is pretty wide, so after a while I'll try blocking arrows with it."
Valens then started walking onto the training field to practice with his duel swords, but stops when he is challenged by Retnuh to a duel. Elladar walks into Valens manor and calls a couple of the servants to him, he has them help put Elladar's armor on him, then they go outside and around to the side of the manor. Elladar sees a couple rows of the standard grade training dummies. He and the servants carry them out onto the field and set them up in a simple skirmish formation. Elladar hefts his axe up onto his shoulder and then brings it down in a glittering arch at the nearest training dummy. The axe goes straight through the arm of the dummy, and then plows halfway up the blade into the dirt. "Woah!" Elladar says astounded. He hadn't expected the axe to be that sharp. He yanks the axe out of the ground and inspects the dummy. It was made almost completely out of wood, and yet the axe blade had cut right through it. Elladar carefully lifts the axe up and drops it lightly on the dummy. The axe blade sinks a couple of inches into the solid wood. "Hey Valens!" Elladar shouts, "Watch this!" Elladar walks up to another dummy and swings the axe in another glittering arch and cuts straight through the dummy from its shoulder to its foot. "This is why I didn't want to train with something living!"
After folowing Valens into the house and I recieve my gifts from him, He tells me to go out to spar. "I'm not any good with the sword." I say. "Is there a archery range somewhere to try out this new bow"
''Valens watches as Elladar starts splitting up the dummies.''
"Yes very nice. That will come in very handy later on, I am sure of it."
''Valens then turns and looks at the three archers, MAVA, Ranger, and Daelius.''
"Any of you care to shoot some arrows, slowly, at me? So I can practice with both swords and shield on my back?"

Latest revision as of 23:36, 9 January 2019


7 Great Swords, Staffs and Armor have been revealed to Valens. He has been given the task to find the people who can wield these items and then find them. Only Valens can recognize anyone who has the right to hold the items, as if you don't have the right you can't get near them.
Elladar said "This would probably be rated atleast PG-13. Please make sure kids are away from the screen of your computer before reading this." probably for mild violence and gore.
Begun by Valens on Sep 5, 2006. Copied to wiki largely by Fiflit, mostly left in it's origional format.


Chapter 1: Intro
Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 3: First Blood
Chapter 4: Grim Revelations

Dramatis Personae

Name Weapon Color Animal Power Status Last Post
Arthur Staff White Dolphin Waiting outside cave 6 Nov 06
Daelius Bow Silver Eagle
Dennis Broadsword Blue Shark fighting monsters in cave 7 Nov 06
Elladar Axe Gold Lion Fighting monsters in cave 7 Nov 06
Erwin Axe Grey Rhino
MAVA Bow Brown Falcon Heading out to Valen's gate 10 Oct 06
Mischa Longsword Red Panther Heading into cave 6 Nov 06
Naoko Axe Orange Cheetah Fighting monsters in cave 8 Nov 06
Ranger Dagger and Longbow Black Tiger Guarding door of cave 7 Nov 06
Retnuh Differential Swords Green Dinosaurs <left> 8 Nov 06
Valens Two Swords Platinum Dragon Fighting monsters in cave 7 Nov 06
Vallyn Axe and Dirk Purple Bear

  • those without dates have not posted since 8 Oct 06.