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The Blackest Bible

Chapter Two:The Path of How.

How to hate

Hate is the mirror of love, and as important. To not know hate's limits or peek, you shall never know the limits and lengths of true love. If a man is unable to bring himself to explore the height of hate in all its amazing complexity and strength, how can one know love beyond its simpler levels? A man should never strive to curb or limit his understanding or practice of hate. Instead a man should cultivate and enjoy his divine hate for all things he does not enjoy. Hate is a pillar that war and battle must stand on. Honor and mercy are direct enemies of hate, and were invented to control the levels of a man's hate. Allow yourself to water the blackest roses of hate, so you may also learn to grow the finest flowers of love. Hate your enemy fully. To learn to respect your enemy you place the first block of doubt in your convictions. To learn to honor your enemies with respect, you unlearn your rage needed to fully crush him. Mercy and forgiveness should never been given out to those you hate. It is fair to make deals and contracts with your hated enemies as long as they benefit you and your cause, but never allow your undernourished hate bring you to pity your enemy enough to allow him to escape your wrath.

How to love

Love is important and should be quested for throughout life. No man is an island and every living creature is better when in love. But the common teachings on love are littered with lies and falsehood. To truly understand love you must first destroy any false ideas on the matter that you may have been infected with throughout life. Those who sell love have made the emotion into a huge money making device that caters to your bank, not your heart. The common lie of love is that a man and a woman must agree on the matter fully for it to exist. This is far from any truth, and a total lie that has ruined the true meaning of love. Only "one" must agree on the feeling of love for it to be real. A man can force a woman (or visa versa) to perform any duties to feed his/her love without the other even remotely having the slightest bit of respect for the "abusive" lover. One must simply capture the object of love and force it to serve him/her to obtain this love. If a man hates you, force him to be your love slave. This will not only be enough to make your life whole, it will also have a better chance of lasting. A slave cannot escape as easy as a respected love that agrees with your emotional attachment.

"Political love" (love where both parties agree to love each other) is not wrong or unwanted, but it can be ended when one member of the union decides they no longer want it. Political love is often more stressful, since one will always question the other on true intent and the truth behind their feelings.

"Forced love" (love forced on the captured or enslaved) is a far more stable form of love since it only ends when YOU wish it to. Not allowing your lover a choice is a sure way to keep your lover until you no longer need or desire them.

Love intensely no matter if it is forced or political (both are fine). You may find it better to be equal with your lover then it is to own them as an object, again both are fine as long as your interests in love are satisfied. The main rule is to never allow your love to go unfed or unsatisfied. To love from afar is a sure process to hurt yourself and promote the death of your spirit. If your object of love refuses you, capture it and force it to obey to your advances. If your love is your equal, and happy to serve your feelings. Then even better. As long as you are fed what you desire, you will grow fat with happiness no matter how thin your love becomes when starved of true love.

Lastly, never allow love to destroy you. If the emotion becomes a sword that slices at your very being, snap its blade and make it a paperweight. Never allow your love to control you. Always control your love.

(Love can be between any number of people of any number of genders or creature. Nothing is wrong when dealing with desires of lust and heart.)

How to lie

If your target is to lie, do so with skill and slight of tongue. Never make lies out of thin air without first thinking the lie through to its end. Let the lie grow in your mind and form all possible outcomes of its telling within your imagination, and then decide if it is a safe lie to tell.

Never lie quickly, instead wait to answer who questions you or seeks your wisdom until you are able to produce a solid lie. Never allow a lie to be told that can be proven false without much effort. If you have told the truth on a prior date do not turn it into a lie on a later date since those who seek to destroy you will use the noted truth against you in the future. Lie forever forward, never backwards. Do not lie in a fumbling manner; instead make your lies sharp and intelligent to insure that they strike their intended targets.

Never lie to a friend or servant that you need to keep, since finding out the truth may result in the creation of a new enemy. Be truthful with those you enjoy or share union with, only then can you have the right to lie openly to those you hate secretly. Use lies to produce a false truth that benefits your struggle or cause. Never use lies to achieve the simple things that you could obtain without lying.

Always lie to save your life or protect your friends or faction. Never allow them to be punished for your lie unless you are done with them entirely.

The strongest lies are backed with small truths. The bones of a well-made lie should be made of truth, making the lie seem to stand on truth alone. A lie is only useful if it is taken as truth. Learn the complex craft of lying before you begin to use it in your arsenal of war against your enemies.

Once a man is proven to have lied, he is forever branded a liar and may be seen as lying even when he is not. Do NOT allow those around you to detect lies. Even the most evil of your friends and faction may lose interest in you if they learned how many lies you are spinning to obtain your goals.

Old proverb "Win, Win, Win...and when you lose...Lie." (Fagneto Vashmere)

How to keep allies

The nature of "evil" is often brutal and counterproductive in keeping allies when the "evil" in question is stupid. Only stupid evil risks losing allies over such things as bickering, disagreeing, morals, dogma or church. To allow such idealisms and symbols to break the pacts of allies is a horrible move and should be meditated on for long lengths of time to fully understand this concept.

If you befriend or create a union with another evil you are placing yourself in a circle that by all definition is dangerous and prideful. To risk this union's survival would be the biggest danger to evil as a whole.

Consider the evil Knight whose love for women forces him to stab his allies for murdering womenfolk. This fool projects his desires and feelings on these matters onto his allies, and into their plots and plans. One Knight can lead an entire army against his allies if they do not agree to his perverted idea that "one man's desires are right, while another's is wrong"

There is no right or wrong. There is no limit to such falsehoods in man's mind. To project or intend to force your view on allies will surly result in your allies cutting your neck in hopes to regain their free right to be evil in their own way. Never allow your perverted views on your OWN self-law float high enough to seem more important or more justified then the evils of your allies.

Consider the cannibal who eats all flesh of man with no regret or mercy. He is very aware of his universal right to slay and devour meat, but his allies of a more "cultured" background may see this as animalistic or monstrous. If the cannibal is to be questioned for being the animal the universe demands he must be, then he is to be angered by those who judge his given rights as "wrong". Those who choose to have contracts of union with this beast will surly lose any and all friendship or support in questioning his desires. A man has the right to eat what he wishes, but not force his food on his allies. To force anything on anyone IS allowed, but doing so results in harsh feelings that almost always results in the ending of the union between the two.

Make no mistake; it is your right to force your views on your enemies. You can even beat them for not agreeing. Kill their children, steal their wives, burn their homes and punish them how ever you desire to any length you enjoy. But to even consider doing this in the smallest form with your allies is in effect making them your enemy.

Be true to your unions. Only then can you both benefit from the union against those who seek to destroy you both. You must NEVER limit your allies, or attempt to curb their ideals. Your allies are may be wrong in their ways, but who is to judge them when they are helping destroy or confuse your enemies with you?

I cannot stress this point enough. Hold your allies in the highest regard, no matter how disgusted you are with their practices. Who cares if they are not like you in their evil? Who cares if they plunder in ways you find pathetic or less? Just be glad they are hurting your enemies and not you. Hold on to your allies until they are all dead from their own actions, not yours.

If your allies have angered you or disgusted you (you being evil yourself) then rest assured they will be hunted by "good" way worse then you could ever hunt them. If your allies offend you, ignore it if you wish to keep them. The lawless universe is too big to spend you days fighting those who would help you if you learned to shut up.

Do not waste your life swatting at flies. There are far too many flies. Flies are harmless to you, so are happy allies. The moment you cause these waters to become soiled with muddy intent or bickering between you and your allies, is the moment you cause them to cease being your allies and start being your enemies.

Gather and be loyal to your evil allies. After "good" is washed from the world, you can THEN proceed to kill your allies. Not a day sooner.

How to strike your enemies without violence

To defeat your enemies you need not risk your life in violent combat. In fact, fighting a physical war is the lowest form of combat an evil man can ever choose to use.

The best way to crush your enemy is to remove his value to his peers by disarming him of his honor and allies through making him appear a fool and un-noble. You can steal your enemies women, friends, followers and whatever you wish simply by allowing him to stumble in his stupid fashion against you. But to cause him to stumble, you must first lay traps that he cannot avoid.

Always lure your "good" enemy into acting a fool, braggart, fiend, fool or retarded moron. Allow his pride and desire to prove himself a weak man and to lead him to his downfall in the public eye. It is easy to locate the thumbscrews of those who claim to be "good" or righteous.

Look for his weaknesses in everything he says. If he defends women, then he is a patron of female rights and you can shake his entire being by preying on women. If the dolt brags about his ability with physical weapons, then lure him into wanting to duel or combat you- but NEVER allow it to take place. This will anger him into a fit of stupidity and possible insults directed to you (this you can report to the proper officials to have him punished). If he is an honest man, make him seem a liar (without actually SAYING it) and push the point until he snaps in frustration.

It is easy to bring a "good" man to a point of frustration that results in the total breakdown of his morals and diplomacy. Rage is embraced by "evil"; good often has no idea how to handle this powerful emotion and fails to harness it to work "for" them.

Instead, it often leads to the "good" man to trip and stumble into being foolish with his words. Openly insulting, challenging those around him to duels, openly questioning the ruling of judges who support you gracefulness in such battle etc. This frustration can be poke with sticks of your imagination until it becomes a monstrous rage of epic "evil" size and force, causing those around him to witness his weakness and lack of control. If you are known to be evil, you will never be seen as "less" for producing this effect in people (it is always expected of you anyway). But if you are not openly known to be evil, be very clever with how you poke this stupid man's pride and frustrations.

If a man calls you a filthy name in retort to your well-placed messages on his mistakes, then report this insult to the law to bring punishment down on his head. If the system of law sides with him, then you also show the realm that the very law is bias and unjust as well, systematically cultivating distrust in the law along with bringing shame on your enemy.

Never stoop as low as to directly insult a Noble or Official. It is not needed to produce anger or frustration. Simply keep speaking, keep adding to the conflict in a civil manner. Never raise your voice, if one man begins to yell and the other remains calm- it is not a is a psycho who cannot communicate in a Noble fashion.

Never care for your own pride when attempting to bring an enemy down without violence. Appear the victim. Appear the smallest. Appear the weak and defenseless in the face of this rioting man who attacks you verbally. Play on the man's constant need to win by showing openly that you are losing unjustly. If you are the weak, and he is the strong (in view of those around you) then his attacks will appear to be brutal and abusive towards a harmless man.

The strongest, most dangerous men of the world often use this tactic. Even if you are able to slay the man with much ease in physical combat, this too can have ill effect on your desire to destroy this man. If you best him in physical combat, his peers can see you as the bully picking on the weak. Only when you allow this fool to appear the strongest monster of the situation at hand, can you ever be allowed to play the role of the innocent victim.

Keep your words safe. Take the time and energy to anger and lure your enemy into acting in an Un-noble fashion without ever publicly allowing yourself to be the brute or pig. He will suffer these roles while you use the law and the people against him for his crimes.