Minas Ithil Messenger/June 06: Difference between revisions

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image =http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/MinasIthilFlag.png|
image =http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/MinasIthilFlag.png|
title =Minas Ithil Messenger|
title =Minas Ithil Messenger|
price ='''Cost:''' Free, except for those silly ole' Estonites. I dont think we'll give '''them''' copies!|
price ='''Cost:''' 1.3 gold per month
quote ='''Editor:''' Onliana<span style="color: white">space</span>|
'''Editor:''' The Yellow Dart<span style="color: white">space</span>|
issue ='''Volume:''' 1|
issue ='''Volume:''' 1|
other =The only newspaper of Minas Ithil, and the best paper in Atamara!!
other =The only newspaper of Minas Ithil, and the best paper in the north!
* THE newspaper for the truth about events concerning this Northern conflict!
* THE newspaper for the truth about events concerning whatever I hear about and decide to write about!
* Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ithilian government, merely a general accounting for the opinions of the editing staff.
* Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ithilian government, merely a general accounting for the opinions of the editing staff.
==Out of Business==
July 3, 2006- Oliana has moved to Massilion.
==Strange Diplomacy...==
June 29, 2006- So here's the deal, we seem to have allied with Darka, and made official peace with the Cagilan Empire. Odd, eh? Strange things are on the rise...
==Shweetio Stock Skyrockets!==
June 27, 2006- Oh aye! Earlier today, the share price of Shweetios hit 28 gold per share! WEEOWW!!! In other news, life is boring, 37 nobles were assassinate din one turn, Leohampton seceded to form the realm of "Boredomland", and a herd of alpacas was seen grazing in rural areas in the north. Not only this, but one peasent got drunk. Hail boredom!
==Fiddleford Revolts!==
June 26, 2006- But not really. You see, those Fiddlefordians just love being Vikings! They revolted from Norland, yeah, and joined the Barony of Makar! Now isnt that just dandy? All the same, the borders didnt change, seeing as BoM and Norland are federated but, ooo, the war up here is becoming interesting. Now where will WE be going?
==Moramroth Returned==
June 25, 2006- Earlier today, our King returned Moramroth to its rightful owners: the Norlandish Vikings, my kinsmen.
==Viking Victory==
June 25, 2006- In an 11k vs. 9k battle in Saradic (or was it 13k vs. 9k? I forget...), Viking forces crushed the Estonite defenses. It seems Eston has been, for now at least, broken. Secession, losses on the Minas Ithil front, stalwart and dogged perseverance from the Vikings, and the withdrawl of Talerian aid heralds the dawn of a new age in the north: an age in which, if Eston exists at all, it will be in a very, very weakened form.
==Peace On the Rise?==
June 24, 2006- I am SO sorry about the delay, everyone, I was VERY involved in making Shweetios! (OOC- vacation of sorts) So, in the interlude, we have signed peace with Talerium and Eston, and also with Massilion and Darka! Also, the Viking raid on Hawthorne pulled back! Could this signal the dawn of a new era of peace in the north? Who knows? It seems both we and Talerium are pulling out of the conflict. Where shall we strike next? With the strange diplomacy to the south, it could be anyone's guess, we have reasons to attack everyone, it seems.
==Battle in Hawthorne!==
June 21, 2006- Directly following the secession, the viking forces of BoM and Norland struck at the heart of Eston: Hawthorne! Some say this is a dishonorable action; striking when the enemy is already suffering, poisoned by secession. The rumours say 11k Viking forces stormed the 5k of defending forces at Hawthorne, overwhelming them and breaking into Eston's capitol. This is a dark day for Eston. Now if they only had 5k there, where is the rest of their army?
==Massilion Follow-Ups==
June 21, 2006- News from Massilion! It seems that, if I read the Estonite newspaper correctly, Eston and Massilion will be at odds with each other. Massilion has announced they will not launch a strike to start the war; no overt aggression. But they will surely defend their lands. Thus far, details are still scanty, but it seems Kahooli is the de facto Chancellor, Lianna has achieved the generalship, and willy is the judge. This realm has signed a peace treaty with our fair realm of Minas Ithil, though Kahooli has also made statements along the lines of(not an exact quote) "I want to biatch-slap Dead Angel3". Or, "Andrew is a biatch". Or "Shweetios are the best tasting cereal on the planet and shall henceforward be the official cereal of Massilion." That last one occurs if you rearrange the letters in his messages, of course. As do the other ones.
==All quiet on the... WHAT THE HECK!?==
June 21, 2006- So it was quiet, not a peep from the western front. Word has been circulating that Talerium may back down and, naturally, if they do, we do. But then, just as I was applying a nice, tasty, coat of lemony sugar to a batch of Shweetios, surprising word arrived! Kahooli, Duke of Massilion, seceded! The regions of Malor, Tintar, and Aglinar also joined him! Three possibilities here that I see: 1. Internal division caused by the war, thus this will probably result in civil war. 2. A weakness ploy to inspire pity in foes. 3. Some obscure strategical manuever for reasons that I just cant quite fathoM! We'll keep you updated between baking up batches of Shweetios....
==All Quiet on the Western Front==
June 20, 2006- It seems pretty quiet now! No battles have been going on, and our forces seem to be withdrawing. Free and open discussions have commenced concerning food preferences, drink preferences, the anatomy of woodland creatures, and other minor matters such as realm policy, domestic and foreign. PErsonally, I dont mind the lull, I've got more than enough money to bake up another 5 or 6 batches of.... SHWEETIOS!!!
==Skirmish in Dondor==
June 18, 2006- Unfortunately, about 3k of our forces in Dondor were slow in moving out, and an Estonite force of about 5k arrived and mauled us. Moving out now. All the same; a small battle.
==When I say "Victory" you say "Dondor"==
June 18, 2006- This morning we scattered, destroyed, obliterated, massacred, defeated, and smashed the retreating Estonites in Dondor. They beat us the first round of fighting in Amdor, then we came round and beat them in Amdor, then we cut'em up as they scurried, tail between their legs, to Dondor. About 5 or 6k on our part against about 3k on theirs. This campaign has been a decisive loss for Eston. Case closed.
==Step Forward in Amdor!==
June 17, 2006- Now I do declare, this is a good day for me! We seemed to have, to put it quite mildly, kicked those Estonite's tails right out of Amdor! They're scurrying with their tails between their legs, yes thats right, Estonites have tails, straight through to Dondor! The smell of camel blood fills the air... not only that, but I've discovered that Camel Meat makes an excellent side to Shweetios! Keep'em coming, Talerium, because I'd really rather not have to trudge down there to get my camel meat: you bring it to me!
==Setback in Amdor==
June 17, 2006- We suffered a setback in Amdor when an Estonite force defeated us there. Troops are being rallied, and the military strategies of our goodly King Dead Angel3, May He Live Forever, are being enacted. Hopefully, we shall be victorious in our next battle, wherever it may be.
==Media Madness==
June 17, 2006- This paper sho' is an inspiration! The Daily Estonite had its first update of any kind since, well, early may, inspired by us! Of course, they did make a statement declaring that we are not even a paper... hmm... but, more importantly, in response to the MIM, the Cagilan Empire has begun a paper: the Cagilan Citizen, apparently set in direct competition to us! Well, lets keep it friendly, shall we Sephirah?
==Editorial Response==
June 16, 2006- Well, Decius (or is it Dacius? I really am sorry if I happen to have butchered your name, hon) asked the question, if I may paraphrase, "What of Barad Riel?" Well, its loaded up with militia, unlike another city I can think of... coughBaradLacirithcough. It seems Dead Angel (our goodly King's, May He Live Forever, brother) is a capable duke... unlike someone else I can think of... coughLogancough. So basically, Barad Riel still holds strong, but it is gradually, oh so slowly, decaying a bit. Plus, its packed to the gills with militia. Now it seems to me they should have a food shortage on their hands there....
==Continuing Success==
June 16, 2006- The TO of Barad Lacirith continues unimpeded, with no end in sight! Now if I were Eston and I were trying to gain a tactical advantage here, I suppose we COULD say they are trying to put an increased food burden on us... okay, so they just arent the brightest crayons in the box! Poe' lil ole Andrew!

==Imperialism, oh sweet Imperialism!==
==Imperialism, oh sweet Imperialism!==

Latest revision as of 15:53, 19 July 2006

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/MinasIthilFlag.png Minas Ithil Messenger
Cost: 1.3 gold per month

Editor: The Yellow Dartspace

{{{quote}}} Volume: 1
The only newspaper of Minas Ithil, and the best paper in the north!
  • THE newspaper for the truth about events concerning whatever I hear about and decide to write about!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ithilian government, merely a general accounting for the opinions of the editing staff.

Out of Business

July 3, 2006- Oliana has moved to Massilion.

Strange Diplomacy...

June 29, 2006- So here's the deal, we seem to have allied with Darka, and made official peace with the Cagilan Empire. Odd, eh? Strange things are on the rise...

Shweetio Stock Skyrockets!

June 27, 2006- Oh aye! Earlier today, the share price of Shweetios hit 28 gold per share! WEEOWW!!! In other news, life is boring, 37 nobles were assassinate din one turn, Leohampton seceded to form the realm of "Boredomland", and a herd of alpacas was seen grazing in rural areas in the north. Not only this, but one peasent got drunk. Hail boredom!

Fiddleford Revolts!

June 26, 2006- But not really. You see, those Fiddlefordians just love being Vikings! They revolted from Norland, yeah, and joined the Barony of Makar! Now isnt that just dandy? All the same, the borders didnt change, seeing as BoM and Norland are federated but, ooo, the war up here is becoming interesting. Now where will WE be going?

Moramroth Returned

June 25, 2006- Earlier today, our King returned Moramroth to its rightful owners: the Norlandish Vikings, my kinsmen.

Viking Victory

June 25, 2006- In an 11k vs. 9k battle in Saradic (or was it 13k vs. 9k? I forget...), Viking forces crushed the Estonite defenses. It seems Eston has been, for now at least, broken. Secession, losses on the Minas Ithil front, stalwart and dogged perseverance from the Vikings, and the withdrawl of Talerian aid heralds the dawn of a new age in the north: an age in which, if Eston exists at all, it will be in a very, very weakened form.

Peace On the Rise?

June 24, 2006- I am SO sorry about the delay, everyone, I was VERY involved in making Shweetios! (OOC- vacation of sorts) So, in the interlude, we have signed peace with Talerium and Eston, and also with Massilion and Darka! Also, the Viking raid on Hawthorne pulled back! Could this signal the dawn of a new era of peace in the north? Who knows? It seems both we and Talerium are pulling out of the conflict. Where shall we strike next? With the strange diplomacy to the south, it could be anyone's guess, we have reasons to attack everyone, it seems.

Battle in Hawthorne!

June 21, 2006- Directly following the secession, the viking forces of BoM and Norland struck at the heart of Eston: Hawthorne! Some say this is a dishonorable action; striking when the enemy is already suffering, poisoned by secession. The rumours say 11k Viking forces stormed the 5k of defending forces at Hawthorne, overwhelming them and breaking into Eston's capitol. This is a dark day for Eston. Now if they only had 5k there, where is the rest of their army?

Massilion Follow-Ups

June 21, 2006- News from Massilion! It seems that, if I read the Estonite newspaper correctly, Eston and Massilion will be at odds with each other. Massilion has announced they will not launch a strike to start the war; no overt aggression. But they will surely defend their lands. Thus far, details are still scanty, but it seems Kahooli is the de facto Chancellor, Lianna has achieved the generalship, and willy is the judge. This realm has signed a peace treaty with our fair realm of Minas Ithil, though Kahooli has also made statements along the lines of(not an exact quote) "I want to biatch-slap Dead Angel3". Or, "Andrew is a biatch". Or "Shweetios are the best tasting cereal on the planet and shall henceforward be the official cereal of Massilion." That last one occurs if you rearrange the letters in his messages, of course. As do the other ones.

All quiet on the... WHAT THE HECK!?

June 21, 2006- So it was quiet, not a peep from the western front. Word has been circulating that Talerium may back down and, naturally, if they do, we do. But then, just as I was applying a nice, tasty, coat of lemony sugar to a batch of Shweetios, surprising word arrived! Kahooli, Duke of Massilion, seceded! The regions of Malor, Tintar, and Aglinar also joined him! Three possibilities here that I see: 1. Internal division caused by the war, thus this will probably result in civil war. 2. A weakness ploy to inspire pity in foes. 3. Some obscure strategical manuever for reasons that I just cant quite fathoM! We'll keep you updated between baking up batches of Shweetios....

All Quiet on the Western Front

June 20, 2006- It seems pretty quiet now! No battles have been going on, and our forces seem to be withdrawing. Free and open discussions have commenced concerning food preferences, drink preferences, the anatomy of woodland creatures, and other minor matters such as realm policy, domestic and foreign. PErsonally, I dont mind the lull, I've got more than enough money to bake up another 5 or 6 batches of.... SHWEETIOS!!!

Skirmish in Dondor

June 18, 2006- Unfortunately, about 3k of our forces in Dondor were slow in moving out, and an Estonite force of about 5k arrived and mauled us. Moving out now. All the same; a small battle.

When I say "Victory" you say "Dondor"

June 18, 2006- This morning we scattered, destroyed, obliterated, massacred, defeated, and smashed the retreating Estonites in Dondor. They beat us the first round of fighting in Amdor, then we came round and beat them in Amdor, then we cut'em up as they scurried, tail between their legs, to Dondor. About 5 or 6k on our part against about 3k on theirs. This campaign has been a decisive loss for Eston. Case closed.

Step Forward in Amdor!

June 17, 2006- Now I do declare, this is a good day for me! We seemed to have, to put it quite mildly, kicked those Estonite's tails right out of Amdor! They're scurrying with their tails between their legs, yes thats right, Estonites have tails, straight through to Dondor! The smell of camel blood fills the air... not only that, but I've discovered that Camel Meat makes an excellent side to Shweetios! Keep'em coming, Talerium, because I'd really rather not have to trudge down there to get my camel meat: you bring it to me!

Setback in Amdor

June 17, 2006- We suffered a setback in Amdor when an Estonite force defeated us there. Troops are being rallied, and the military strategies of our goodly King Dead Angel3, May He Live Forever, are being enacted. Hopefully, we shall be victorious in our next battle, wherever it may be.

Media Madness

June 17, 2006- This paper sho' is an inspiration! The Daily Estonite had its first update of any kind since, well, early may, inspired by us! Of course, they did make a statement declaring that we are not even a paper... hmm... but, more importantly, in response to the MIM, the Cagilan Empire has begun a paper: the Cagilan Citizen, apparently set in direct competition to us! Well, lets keep it friendly, shall we Sephirah?

Editorial Response

June 16, 2006- Well, Decius (or is it Dacius? I really am sorry if I happen to have butchered your name, hon) asked the question, if I may paraphrase, "What of Barad Riel?" Well, its loaded up with militia, unlike another city I can think of... coughBaradLacirithcough. It seems Dead Angel (our goodly King's, May He Live Forever, brother) is a capable duke... unlike someone else I can think of... coughLogancough. So basically, Barad Riel still holds strong, but it is gradually, oh so slowly, decaying a bit. Plus, its packed to the gills with militia. Now it seems to me they should have a food shortage on their hands there....

Continuing Success

June 16, 2006- The TO of Barad Lacirith continues unimpeded, with no end in sight! Now if I were Eston and I were trying to gain a tactical advantage here, I suppose we COULD say they are trying to put an increased food burden on us... okay, so they just arent the brightest crayons in the box! Poe' lil ole Andrew!

Imperialism, oh sweet Imperialism!

June 15, 2006- And, following that victory, as more forces flood in from Amdor utterly overwhelming the peasentry here in Barad Lacirith and aweing them with the bright blues and silvers of Ithilian heraldry, our goodly King, May He Live Forever, started a Hostile TO! So the people are a bit awed, they still arent QUITE willing. All the same, hopefully soon Barad Lacirith will be another adition to the ever-growing Kingdom!

Victory on Barad Lacirith!

June 15, 2006- So here I am, your war correspondant, writing my article from Barad Lacirith! Yes, thats right, Barad Lacirith! I'd love to write an article about some glorious seige, a mighty battle on the walls, you know, that sort of thing. But it just didnt happen! The city was defended by a grand total of about 20 Estonite and Talerian soldiers, while some 675 Ithilian troops stormed the city. Honestly: a pitiful performance on the part of Eston and Talerium. Yet another example of Estonite incompetance!

The Messenger is Running!

June 14, 1006- Well, here we are! Up and running! I'll go ahead and introduce myself. I'm Onliana, editor/printer/writer. I also make the refreshments at the newspaper office for anybody who's passing through! Well, I believe thats all! I hope to give those silly Estonite papers a good thrashing and run for their money in the newspaper conflict I am quite sure will soon erupt!