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==Shortly after his appointment Kamekaze has drinks with Cartor==
<center> __TOC__
Kamekaze, an imposing figure.
==Shortly after his appointment as marshal, Kamekaze has drinks with Duke Cartor==

<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze is already in his reserved booth in his favourite pub The Sedated Stallion. Drinking with a woman in his left arm and a nice cold one sloshing down he throat when out of the bottom of his beer mug he spots Cartor walking into the bar after a hard days work forcing peasants into the RCs and letting convicts off easy. He waves vigourously splashing a few drops of beer on nearby patrons. His woman tears her adoring eyes of Kamekaze and looks round at Cartor and blushes, she had never met the Duke before. "Ah! Cartor my good lord have a seat, this is err... ummm Caroline??"
Kamekaze is already in his reserved booth in his favourite pub The Sedated Stallion. Drinking with a woman in his left arm and a nice cold one sloshing down he throat when he hears the the door and out of the corner of his eye he spots Cartor walking into the bar after a hard days work forcing peasants into the RCs and letting convicts off easy. He waves vigourously splashing a few drops of beer on nearby patrons. His woman tears her adoring eyes of Kamekaze and looks round at Cartor and blushes, she had never met the Duke before. "Ah! Cartor my good lord have a seat, this is err... ummm Caroline??"

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Marshal of the army of Domus</b>
Marshal of the army of Domus</b>


Roleplay from Cartor   
Roleplay from Cartor   
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Duke of Domus
Duke of Domus


<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
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Marshal of the army of Domus</b>
Marshal of the army of Domus</b>


Roleplay from Talless the Tactical   
Roleplay from Talless the Tactical   
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Talless the Tactical
Talless the Tactical
Baroness of Aestus
Baroness of Aestus


<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
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Marshal of the army of Domus</b>
Marshal of the army of Domus</b>
==Drinking with the Finance Duo==
Roleplay from Kamekaze
Kamekaze was checking the new recruits. They were all standing very still and looking nervous. Kamekaze was smiling slightly which unnerved them even more. Finally he said "Good, good, fear is good, I don't want you to leap into battle suicidally... But I don't want you to abandon your positions or you'll have me to answer to...Well men, the Yssarians are no where in sight so I suggest you train for a few hours and maybe later enjoy whats left of your night."
He continues to walk toward the mounted soldiers and notices one whose horse is adorned with Aestus symbol of a yellow A on a Blue and Red striped background. He is very young and Kamekaze asks him "Tell me lad, how old are you?" "18 sir I just joined up." "18? I would have thought a lad of your age would try to avoid the front line, were you drafted to the barracks?" "No sir, I just turned 18 when alcohol in Aestus was made illegal." "Ah understandable" "Well, carry on"
Kamekaze continues walking along the line and once he reaches the end we says "Right that'll do, Dismissed!" He turns on his heel and is about to head out of the barracks just as Vlad is walking by.
"Vlad! Hey Vlad!"
High Marshal of Caligus
Roleplay from Vlad
Vlad was just walking by, back from the postal office.
"Kamekaze! good to see you here, I am just ready with my last paperwork."
"Hehe, Vlad, Always a busy man!"
"You need to relax some time, Medium is doing a great job, and you shouldnt start with even more work."
"There is a bar down the road, never tried it, its new, and very fancy, atracts lots of women"
Kamekaze almost sees him self infront of him with dozen of girls around him.
"A well, It never hurts to take a few pints!"
Kamekaze allready started to walk towards the bar, But Vlad waits a few seconds and remembers tehre last time together in a bar.
"Ow and Kame, Don't 'intoruduce' me to women from the local aristocracy again.."
Kamekaze looks confused.
"You know... They like me for the mere fact I am a noble, I like women who place them selves on a same level as me..."
Kamekazes head is almost looking to fall off instantly.
"eeeh, Vlad?"
"Uhm, Yes?"
"ARE you ok?"
"Yes... why?"
"Like... Your talking like a women..."
"HAHA, maybe thats why you cant acttualy KEEP any of them!"
The silent and Quite atmosphere of the Cosy streets of Domus was heavily interupted by the laugther
of these two nobles as they walked into the bar.
While the evening was merly begun....
Vlad (Lord)
Letter from Medium
Thanks Vlad =).
Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Baron of Scio
Roleplay from Vlad
After a few beers.
"Wow! where did that came from?"
"Did you hear that Kame? It was almost like Mediums voice... Damn anoying little squeky..."
"IT IS mediums voice Vlad, Hes just standing right behind you!"
Kamekaze wispers carefully in Vlads ear...
Vlad (Lord)
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
Medium and Vlad start talking finances while Kame allows his mind and his eyes to wander... He spots a blonde chick with a friend who had almost finished drinking something frilly. He turns back to face the money pushers.
"-so I was thinking about Nascot maybe we should have the civil servants-"
He wasn't missing anything...
"If you'll excuse me.."
He walks towards the ladies and takes a seat next to the friend. "Barman I'll have a glass of your finest ale, and seeing as these fine ladies have nearly finished theirs I'll buy them a fresh drink."
While the drinks are being prepared he introduces themselves but feels that saying his full title would be pompous, so instead he makes sure his money bag rattles loudly as he takes his seat and his sword is made visible as he swirls his cloak not to get it caught under the seat. He sees them looking at it but pretends not to
"This is my first time in this bar... I tend to stick to a bar run by someone I know" (he does not name the bar as he does not want the girls to know where to find him) "Was in the neighborhood and Vlad wanted a drink" He gestures over his shoulder and they look but quickly return their eyes to Kame and flutter their lashes.
He then sets about th routine: funny anecdotes, mild criticism of the blonde and then inviting them back to his table. They agree.
He walks towards the table and hears them muttering behind his back. If all had gone to plan the blonde would be sitting in the empty seat next to him.
She does (jackpot)
The other sits in between her friend and Medium. Medium and Vlad smile and introduce themselves and the friend starts trying to catch Mediums eye, Kamekaze pulls his lips off the blonde's and kick's Mediums's shin sharply under the table. Medium catches on but now Kame has the problem of Vlad being the 5th wheel. He decides that he should start a converstion about "The good old days" and allow Medium to decide whether he wants to join in or continue sucking off his new friend's face...
High Marshal of Caligus</b>
Roleplay from Medium
Medium is sitting on the table, talking to Vlad and Kamekaze about the good old times, and then notices that Kamekaze is a rather boring partner when it comes to good old times, so he continues to Vlad about financial stuff, fully aware of the girl on the other side of the table trying to get eye contact. He wants to provoque her a bit and does as if he ignores her, and speaks to Vlad. "Did you know that a new trader has arrived? It's Shadoe. It was about to get time, I could use some. I hope the Shadoe can deal with it, I already have a mission ready for Shadoe. I..."
He gets interrupted by the noice of a chair going backwards, and the girl raises with a sincere Excuse me. Before she walks away to what seems to be the toilets, she looks Medium deeply in the eyes, then leaves. Medium looks around, to Vlad, who seems oblivious to the world, then to Kamekaze, who smiles deeply, but Medium wasn't sure wether that was because she had seen the girl looking at Medium or because he was enjoying the rather open clothing of his companion.
Apologising, he raises, and walks outside, to follow the girl. He looks around, but sees her nowhere. Then he sees her standing against the wall in a silent corner, looking deeply into his eyes, smiling. Licking his lipps, he walks closer, and speaks to her "What's your name, beautiful?" They seem to be practically drowning in each other's eyes. "I am Victoria, and what's your name, handsome?"
Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Baron of Scio
==Medium's Bachelor Party and Wedding and the battles after each==
<b>Letter from Kamekaze
Greetings men of Caligus. I hereby invite you all to Mediums last night of freedom before tieing the knot. This will be a bachelor party which will go down in History. Come to the Duke's palace at 9pm.
Enclosed you will find orders requesting that you make your way to the High Marshal's palace for an urgent meeting of all the nobility of caligus. These are to be showed to your women so as to give you a good excuse to come to what promises to be a most promiscuous night.
Orders from Kamekaze
Message sent to: All realm mates
Urgent meeting of nobility in the High Marshal's Palace
Duke of Domus</b>
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
Kamekaze entered his official palace after spending an evening ordering the construction of the last block of walls. Lined up against the walls were several tapped kegs of various ales beers and spirits. The hall had been magnificently decorated in the images of bachelorhood not just for tonights party but to suit Kamekaze's Personality. It was adorned with naked women which he excused as art. His servants were running ragged getting the final preparations ready. His squire was ordering them around. Kamekaze aproached him.
"Is everything prepared for tonight??"
"Almost sir, the Ice is just being brought round the back. Its just arrived from Bursa. I was worried it wouldn't arrive"
"Marvelous I'll be just go get changed then and I want the strippers lined up for when I'm ready"
As he straightened his hat in the mirror a knock came to the door.
"Who is it"
"Its me sir, Bob"
"Ah good any messages scribe??"
"Yes sir two messages, the Ysissis and Runts are on their way. They will be here by dawn."
"Good a chance to test the shiny new walls. What else?"
"Lady Talless has accepted your invitation, she will accompany you to the Wedding tomorrow as long as you don't drink yourself under the table."
"Fair enough after tonight I might swear never to touch another drop for the what is it now??"
"The forty fifth time sir"
"Tell her I'll have to make the toast though"
Kamekaze emerged from his suite thre minutes having checked his appearance from every angle. Lined up against the wall were several strippers including Reona who had cornered him while he was on his way home and asked if she could be a stripper ("Never say no to a lady Kamekaze" his fatherused to tell him). He looked them up and down often asking them to turn on the spot.
"Excelent now then the guests should be arriving any moment"
Just then a knock came at the door (what a cliche..) The squire answered it and gave a bow. Vlad entered wearing his crown his eyes fell on the strippers and he smirked. "I didn't know there were this many strippers in Domus"
"What you don't know about the Domus nightlife could fill several books. Books I've writen if you want to borrow them they're in the library under Bird Watching."
There was another loud knock at the door
"Right places ladies"
Duke of Domus</b>
Roleplay from Zelos
The squire opened the door and Zelos came walking in, with a big grin on his face. He was wearing his noraml clothing, colored red and white, and a cape with a lions on it. He didn't wear them often though.
"Well hi there! I thought I would be the first one here, but it seems Vlad does have a great passion for feminime beauties as well!" Vlad blushed a bit and said grinning "Shut up, fool..."
"Anyway, nice 'selection' Kamekaze. Hi Jane, Rouge, Antionette.."
"You seem to know an awfull lot of them!" Kamekaze said laughing.
"Well, you know how I am..."
Marshal of the army of Domus
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
Medium and Kamekaze were busy getting their laps danced on. Zelos was having women pour ale into his mouth while Vlad was talking to a girl with an beer in his hand
"She says she's paying her way through healer school.. You've got to admire that!!" Kame called out to the room in general. "And you know You don't have to chat her up Vlad, she's paid for."
Medium laughed but kept his eyes on the lady infront of him.
"Enjoy it Medium, tomorrow you'll be married"
"You too word around the water hole is that you are going to get a girlfriend who will last more than one night."
"Yes I think I am... I think i thought that since most of the girls in this city think I'm a womanizer its about time i took myself off the market but I'm too drunk to think straight any-"
"Think??" Vlad interrupted "No no Kame my friend they know you're a womanizer"
"Let me continue... where was I?"
"Taking yourself off the market" whispered Medium though once again not moving his eyes.
"Ah yes. I saw fit to become a one woman man and pass on the torch of womanzing to that chap in the corner"
Zelos detatched himself from the girl he was kissing. "Cheers mate, with you off the market picking up ladies will be much easier"
"I start my new life at Medium's wedding.. Until then I'm still a bachelor"
Duke of Domus</b>
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
There was a knock at the door and SoP came in followed by many people.
"What happened??" asked Kamekaze
"I was busy making final battle plans when my scribe came in and said that the nobles had assembled in the conference room"
"Those orders were fake didn't you read the other message??"
The noblemen were already occupying themselves with the many forms of entertainment the hall had to offer
Duke of Domus</b>
Roleplay from Reona 
When Medium puts the bag of money in Reona´s bra she pulls him to her sitting him down and starts to give him a lap dance doing the good use o the money she gave her. After she finishes she give him a kiss and start looking for her next victim taking what was left of her clothes and grabbing another beer
Reona (Imperial Knight)
Roleplay from Talless the Tactical 
Talless is currently in her chambers clueless as to what is going on between her two co-editors, only knowing that she will be at the dukes side come time for Mediums wedding.
Blasted, Mama always told me to never bet, now look where its got me...
Talless the Tactical
Royal Treasurer of Caligus
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
Kamekaze was hanging on to the door to keep himself steady as he saw the strippers out of it. He would not be keeping any of them tonight he felt he'd best start being faithful from now. Vlad was engrossed with the underside of a nearby table and Zelos was was being pulled out by a very fetching blonde. See you tomorrow on the ramparts. Medium was talking to a portrait of Kamekaze's stern looking grandfather.
"Oh dear... fetch the guards Bob..."
Within a few minutes the noblemen had been escorted out of the palace towards their homes. Kamekaze emptied his glass and went upstairs to bed. In the morning he would be fighting for Caligus's very survival.
Duke of Domus </b>
<b><u>The battle was 18kcs vs 16kcs but by the end we slaughtered them</u></b>
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
Kamekaze had been fighting for 2 hours but time was meaningless on the battlefield. He drove an axe into a Yssarian's head and decapitated another. Two men nearby pushed over a a ladder. Just then a cry went up which was repeated along the enemy line. "RUN AWAY!!!"
Kamekaze rushed into a nearby siege engine and killed all he could find. He leaped down through it until he reached the bottow and charged into a nearby archer unit his unit struggling to keep up. An arrow hit his thigh but the pain was numbed by adreniline he ran on and the archer unit broke and retreated. He took out many.
An hour later a healer was bandaging up his thigh. "You're lucky" said the healer. "An inch to the right and it could have pierced your testicle."
He limped out of the healing tent where five of his men were being treated and congratulated his men on a battle well fought. Just then a messenger ran up to him "Lord Medium's wedding sir You had best be going.
Duke of Domus</b>
Roleplay from Medium
Medium was standing in his chamber, dressing himself with the assistence of his servant. He was wearing the black smoking he had bought with the gold of Celeste's ransom, and adoring himself in the mirror. His eyes noticed a hair that wasn't lying perfect, so he quickly made it fit into the rest of his hair. Starting from his underwear, it took him forty-seven minutes to prepare himself for his big day. All the time he was thinking about the ring, hoping and begging that Kamekaze wouldn't loose it. As he was making the final touch, Kamekaze, also dressed up nicely, but quickly trying to wipe off a splat of blood from his chin, came into Medium's chamber. He was heavily breathing and seemed to be still running. He was walking strangely, as if someone had kicked him in the stomach, or lower, but apart from that he looked good. Suddenly Medium lost his nerves and started asking continuously about the ring. "Do you still have it? Is it safe? Come on, tell me!" Three times he repeated the last sentence in two seconds, impatiently about the response. "Please calm down, Medium, everything is just fine, don't worry." As Medium looked relieved, the two of them went outside, leaving the servant behind, who had the annoying task to clean up the mess that Medium had made while dressing up. Just like a woman, the servant thought, or even worse.
The central place of the Palace was beautifully ornated for the wedding. Nowhere could be noticed that even that morning a massive fight had taken place. He saw flowers and candles (even at broad daylight) all around him, and draped curtains. Between the two lines of chairs for the visitors, Medium and his witness walked in front, to where King Vlad was waiting, memorizing his speech. "It's my first time, I'm a little nervous." Medium grinned at him. "You should be in my feet!" Vlad smiled.
Slowly more and more people came in. He saw one of Lady Gwynyth's friends taking a chair on the second row. Gwynyth was showing her best side in the tournament, so she couldn't be present. His friend Baldric smiled at him and nodded, then took the place behind Gwynyth's friend. She looked at him and smiled. So did Medium, while looking at the two... Who knows? Yuri took a seat on the other side of the middle way, also on the second row, carrying the draped Scian emblem Medium had given him two days ago. Talless took a seat on the first row on the left, close to the side where Kamekaze was standing, and both of them smiled to each other. Strange I haven't noticed that before, Medium thought, as he looked to the two of them.
He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Revelation approaching. Both of them largely smiled to each other, and heavily articulating, pulling his mouth wide open, Revelation spelled the words After the ceremony. Dressed up like a real gentleman, Jacque approached, sided by a handsome lady, whom Medium had never seen before, and they sat down on the third row, behind Yuri. A servant from Cartor came, and Medium was delighted to hear that even he would come later that night. He had decided to come home sooner from his journey when he heard about the wedding.
Slowly the guests were all gathering and the seats being filled, guided by the beautiful music from the Domus orchestra. To loosen up his nerves, Medium looked around at his brother Kerwyn some time, who had taken a day off to join the wedding and was sitting on the first row, and talked to Vlad and Kamekaze.
Suddenly the music stopped in the middle of a song, and it switched to another song. He knew that song. It was time... Medium looked around, straight into Victoria's eyes. He saw a gorgeous girl, dressed in a fabulous white dress. It was like a dream, but in reality. She was being brought to Medium's side by her father, who whispered some words in his ears. "Take good care of her."
Medium couldn't resist and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "You look gorgeous, honey!". King Vlad scraped his throat.
Arch Priest of Caligus
Roleplay from Medium 
Vlad took the word.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to unite this man and this woman, under the careful eye of God. They have found each other in this life, and they wish to seal this with an oath, to their selves and to God.
As God has given the example of Adam and Eve, He wants you to live together, for the rest of these days, and fulfill your duties together, as He wants it. Today we will create a bond between you, a bond from God that no man can breach."
He looked at Victoria. "Do you, Victoria Maria Taylor, take this man to be your beloved husband?" Victoria couldnt wait for Vlad to be finished to answer. "Yes I do!"
Then Vlad turned to Medium. "Do you, Medium Graham T-style, take this woman to be your beloved wife?" Almost as quickly as Victoria, he replied. "I do."
"I now give you the opportunity to declare your oath of full loyalty to each other." Vlad spoke.
Medium started: "Victoria, you are the best that ever happened to me. You came into my life full of joy and love, and I wanted nothing but staying at your side forever, and I still do. It would be quite bad if I didn't." He was fearing for a failed joke, but it had success, some people laughed, and Victoria wiped off a tear of happiness. Medium continued. "I wish to be with you forever and ever, in sickness and health, in good times and bad times, in richdom and poorness, until death separates us. I will be at your side for the rest of my life, and I will be loyal to noone but you."
He heard a soft sniff, and as he looked into the public, he saw Victoria's mother crying.
"Medium, since I first saw you, I've been having the feeling that I was living in a dream world. Every day with you is like the paradise on earth, and I wish that these days will never end. For the rest of my life I will be loyal to you, no matter what happens. If you get sick, I will cure you. If you get unhappy, I will cheer you up. If you need me, I will be there for you. If you want me, I will satisfy you." Medium smiled.
Vlad spoke up. "The rings!"
Medium turned to Kamekaze, who was drawing a face like Ehh, I think I don't have it with me. Medium's face turned pale, but Kamekaze comforted him. "Relax, it's here." Kamekaze took a small blue box out of his pocket and took out the ring, then gave it to Medium. He turned around and saw that Victoria was already waiting with his ring. She stretched out her hand with a big smile, and Medium put the ring on it. Then she took his hand and put his ring on it. Both rings fitted perfectly.
They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then turned to Vlad again.
"It is obvious that your unconditional bond will last forever, your love for each other is pure and strong, and it shall last forever. With the power given to me by the Almighty God this day, I hereby declare you husband and wife." Vlad looked at Medium. "You may kiss the bride."
Later, at the party, Medium couldn't believe that he is married, and as he took Victoria by her arm and kissed her, many people came to congratulate. The sun was setting, and the orchestra played a walsh. Medium had some courses with Kamekaze to learn this dance, and he took Victoria to open the dance. A few minutes they dance dalone, looking into each other's eyes deeply, and then Kamekaze took Talless to dance, and everyone entered the dancefloor.
Later on at the dinner, while everyone was sat down, Kamekaze ticked on his glass and stood on his chair.
Arch Priest of Caligus
</b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
Kamekaze picked up his class and tapped it lightly with his ring. Once he had drawn every ones attention he said
"I have been a womanizer for a good part of my life. And after it all what did I have to show for it?? I realized man is never complete until he is married. I first met Medium when I entered the army but we only became friends when I was added to the council. Medium has found a good woman in Victoria, one who can keep him in line. After seeing how happy they were I decided to stop my womanizing ways and ask Talless who is accompanying me today. Anyway I wish you alot of happiness after all, a man is incomplete until he is married, then he is finished To Medium and Victoria"
Everyone laughed and applauded.
Duke of Domus</b>
Roleplay from Cartor 
"Hurry, hurry!", Cartor and Erica were almost running towards the entrance of the place where the weeding was being held, "Damn, why couldn't he have told me before?" They arrived, nodded at the man who announces the 'entrés' who immediatly recognized them, "Cartor Curs, veteran council member of Caligus and Lady Erica, niece of Dzikun." More than half of the nobles at the festivities turned their heads towards the entering couple and smiled at them as greeting. Plenty of them came to greet them personally, but Cartor was eager to go to Medium and his wife, Victoria.
"Medium!" Medium looked up from a discussion with Kamekaze, "Cartor, old bugger! You made it?" Cartor shook his hand, "Well it could have helped to tell me you were getting married!" He looked around, "Where is Victotia anyway?" Medium squinted around passing drinks to Cartor and Erica and pointed, "There she is. Well I'll catch up with you later, I have to greet the other guests." Cartor nodded, "Of course" Medium turned around to the entrance but stood still for a second, "Hey, it's good to have you here today."
Cartor and Erica headed for Victoria, "Hi, condolences... I don't think you'll survive Medium." She laughed, "Nice to see you here Cartor, keeping him under control Erica?" Erica smiled back, "He's a darling really." Victoria grinned, "I bet he is..." Cartor looked at her for a while, "Actually I don't remember seeing you in the Palace, now I think of it, I don't think we've ever met." Victoria nodded, "That's right, I haven't been much in the Palace really, but we do have met. Remember that bar where you, Vlad, Kamekaze and Medium were drinking eachother under the table? Kamekazer introduced me to you then." Cartor avoided looking at Erica who stept no his toes, "Wait, I think I remember, ..." Cartor stood perplex for a second, "Ow, ow, ooooow... Ow dear."
Erica pushed him in his side, "What?" Cartor looked at his feet, "Nothing much, I hadn't figured out she euh... she is - was - ... well that she was the kind of woman who was very 'open' towards other men." Victoria shrugged, "That's what people think, I understand that, we did meet in a bar and we were hooked up by Kamekaze - and you know what that means - , but it was not like that at all, I was simply with a friend." Cartor smiled, "Well I'm used to the noble and romantic Erica, I'm not familiar with much else..." Erica stept on his foot again, "Suggesting I'm old dear?"
They seperated and Cartor had some chats with other nobles while Erica was keeping a conversation going with Victoria, "Propably about her dress and jewelry, women..." After a while they were standing back together and looking at everybody doing his or her speech, Erica was in tears by the beauty of it and looked expectingly at Cartor, "Ow no, I'm not planning on getting married soon, stop that, don't give me the puppy eyes." He was freed when he had to give his own speech, "Well, everybdoy knows Medium is on eof my best friends, and god I'm glad he is married now. It'll keep him a little more calm I hope. I'm also glad I can be here, I have only just arrived and I was really tired but I couldn't miss my friends funeral, euh I mean wedding." Plenty of men laughed at the cliché he insinuated of the wedding being as much as a funeral, but he felt Erica's foot shifting towards his again, "I'm sure marriage is the best thing that could happen to a man... Good luck my friend." Erica's foot relaxed and she rubbed it against his leg, "Good boy."
Cartor (Imperial Knight)
<b>Roleplay from Kamekaze
The reception was over and people were returning to their posts along the battlefield. Kamekaze was walking along the top of the wall with Talless.
"You know when I pictured myself taking you home I never quite expected to be saying goodbye atop the battlements..."
She smiled "Good Luck." She knew that he would be going over the wall in this battle.
"Yeah... It might be a misdirection... You never know. Anyway I'd best be off... see you at the post-victory party tonight."
Duke of Domus</b>
It was not a misdirection, they really did move and we destroyed what was left behind including Alex Exile Editor of the II

Latest revision as of 14:03, 11 September 2006

KamekazePortrait.JPG Kamekaze, an imposing figure.

Shortly after his appointment as marshal, Kamekaze has drinks with Duke Cartor

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze is already in his reserved booth in his favourite pub The Sedated Stallion. Drinking with a woman in his left arm and a nice cold one sloshing down he throat when he hears the the door and out of the corner of his eye he spots Cartor walking into the bar after a hard days work forcing peasants into the RCs and letting convicts off easy. He waves vigourously splashing a few drops of beer on nearby patrons. His woman tears her adoring eyes of Kamekaze and looks round at Cartor and blushes, she had never met the Duke before. "Ah! Cartor my good lord have a seat, this is err... ummm Caroline??"

"Susan" she says slightly put out but still.

"Ah sorry midear the beers you know... Anyway Susan this is Cartor, he's the reason I'm celebrating. Bartender another roundof beers. So where's Erica?? Give her the slip you sly dog you"

Cartor smiles "She didn't feel like coming out. Its been a while since I've been in a pub, getting old and I'm grumpy you know how it is."

"No fortunately I don't." and then under his breath, "tonight I'm 26" winks.

The beers arrive and Kamekaze slips him the silver, the bartender bows low and returnsto his other customers. "A toast, to Domus and her new marshal"

Kamekaze Marshal of the army of Domus

Roleplay from Cartor

Cartor drank from the beer he had been tosting with. It was very bitter, "Could I have a whisky?" Kamekaze looked up from his drink; or Susan's bosom, "Gettings spoiled?" Cartor grabbed for the bottle, "No, drunk." Kamekaze gulped in another beer and started to laugh.

"Now tell me, you grumpy man, why did you decide to marry Erica?" "We aren't married..." Kamekaze hicked slightly, "Whatever..." Cartor let the comment for what it was, "I suppose I love her, I mean she is beautyfull, smart, very philosophic, ..." "Yeah yeah stop the list, stud, I believe she is a fine choise." Cartor drank, looked at Kamekaze, "She is you nkow..."

"I would like to love one day too..." Cartor looked up, "Never loved anyone before?" Kamekaze looked a bit tipsy, "Sure, but not really "love", I was never attracted to anyone to say I would spend my entire life with her." "Or him in your case." Kamekaze didn't notice it, "Or him..." Kamekaze echoed abscently, he seemed to doze off a bit. "Sure I'll pay..." Cartor sighted.

Cartor Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

As Cartor was paying for his whiskeys, Kamekaze snored loudly and accidentally on purpose lolled his head sideways for a better view of Susan's cleavage. She pretended to be annoyed but Kame knew she was loving the attention. He picked his head up again took the whiskey Cartor had bought him took a sip and felt alot more awake. Looking around he spotted Vlad looking sad in the rain outside. Though he would have laughed and pointed had he been sober, he went to the bouncer and told him that Vlad didn't have a woman and needed to be inside. Kame greeted Vlad jovially and said "Welcome Stallion to the Vlad hic" He caught the eye of a nice brunette winked and nodded his head in Vlad's soggy direction. She came over to make Vlad a little more comfortable, "Vlad this is Charlene". "Bartender" having got the bartender's attention he snapped his fingers in a flambouyant way five times and ithin a few moments a bottle of Tequilla, three shot glasses, a sliced lemon and a salt shaker found themselves on the table of the expectant party. Kamekaze took off his glove and slapped Cartor and Vlad lightly on the cheeks "I challenge you Cartor, Vlad to a duel. I bet I can drink you both under the table, ladies please feel free to join in."

Kamekaze Marshal of the army of Domus

Roleplay from Talless the Tactical

Talless snaps up apparently annoyed


Talless pats Fluffy on his head and summons her maiden

Maiden: Yes m'lady

See to it that all the liquer in Aestes is poored out, make it in a landfill, also make sure all new shipments are rejected.

The maiden looks shocked and begins to object when....

NOT A WORD! I am to be obeyed without question! Alcohol does nothing but turn noblemen into slobs who cheat on thier wives at night and beat them during the day.

Maiden: ........b-but

GET MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The maiden runs off slightly frightened hoping the reaction of the people is better than the mood her mistress is in.

Talless the Tactical Baroness of Aestus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Upon recieving Talless' message Kamekaze promptly sends messages out to the pubs of Aestus, and a few servants he used to know well: Smuggle all the liquer out of Aestus, safe storage in the Stallion will be available. "Well it's about time I called it a night. Come Susan I want to show you something. Tell me have you ever seen the back seat of a silver spokes grade 5 carraige??" She giggles. He waves back at the now unconsious Cartor who is crumpled under the table and Vlad who is trying to explain to Charlene the basic financial system of Caligus (wise move considering he's with Veni.) As he goes by the bouncer he says "See to it that Cartor makes it back to the palace safely, make up any excuse for him being drunk to his girlfriend. Do this and I'll see to it that a shiney gold coin finds its way into your pocket next time I'm here."

Kamekaze Marshal of the army of Domus

Drinking with the Finance Duo

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze was checking the new recruits. They were all standing very still and looking nervous. Kamekaze was smiling slightly which unnerved them even more. Finally he said "Good, good, fear is good, I don't want you to leap into battle suicidally... But I don't want you to abandon your positions or you'll have me to answer to...Well men, the Yssarians are no where in sight so I suggest you train for a few hours and maybe later enjoy whats left of your night."

He continues to walk toward the mounted soldiers and notices one whose horse is adorned with Aestus symbol of a yellow A on a Blue and Red striped background. He is very young and Kamekaze asks him "Tell me lad, how old are you?" "18 sir I just joined up." "18? I would have thought a lad of your age would try to avoid the front line, were you drafted to the barracks?" "No sir, I just turned 18 when alcohol in Aestus was made illegal." "Ah understandable" "Well, carry on"

Kamekaze continues walking along the line and once he reaches the end we says "Right that'll do, Dismissed!" He turns on his heel and is about to head out of the barracks just as Vlad is walking by.

"Vlad! Hey Vlad!"

Kamekaze High Marshal of Caligus

Roleplay from Vlad

Vlad was just walking by, back from the postal office.

"Kamekaze! good to see you here, I am just ready with my last paperwork."

"Hehe, Vlad, Always a busy man!"

"You need to relax some time, Medium is doing a great job, and you shouldnt start with even more work."

"There is a bar down the road, never tried it, its new, and very fancy, atracts lots of women" Kamekaze almost sees him self infront of him with dozen of girls around him.

"A well, It never hurts to take a few pints!" Kamekaze allready started to walk towards the bar, But Vlad waits a few seconds and remembers tehre last time together in a bar.

"Ow and Kame, Don't 'intoruduce' me to women from the local aristocracy again.." Kamekaze looks confused.

"You know... They like me for the mere fact I am a noble, I like women who place them selves on a same level as me..." Kamekazes head is almost looking to fall off instantly.

"eeeh, Vlad?"

"Uhm, Yes?"

"ARE you ok?"

"Yes... why?"

"Like... Your talking like a women..."

"HAHA, maybe thats why you cant acttualy KEEP any of them!"

The silent and Quite atmosphere of the Cosy streets of Domus was heavily interupted by the laugther of these two nobles as they walked into the bar.

While the evening was merly begun....

Vlad (Lord)

Letter from Medium

Thanks Vlad =).

Medium Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Baron of Scio

Roleplay from Vlad

After a few beers.

"Wow! where did that came from?"

"Did you hear that Kame? It was almost like Mediums voice... Damn anoying little squeky..."

"IT IS mediums voice Vlad, Hes just standing right behind you!" Kamekaze wispers carefully in Vlads ear...

Vlad (Lord)

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Medium and Vlad start talking finances while Kame allows his mind and his eyes to wander... He spots a blonde chick with a friend who had almost finished drinking something frilly. He turns back to face the money pushers.

"-so I was thinking about Nascot maybe we should have the civil servants-"

He wasn't missing anything...

"If you'll excuse me.."

He walks towards the ladies and takes a seat next to the friend. "Barman I'll have a glass of your finest ale, and seeing as these fine ladies have nearly finished theirs I'll buy them a fresh drink."

While the drinks are being prepared he introduces themselves but feels that saying his full title would be pompous, so instead he makes sure his money bag rattles loudly as he takes his seat and his sword is made visible as he swirls his cloak not to get it caught under the seat. He sees them looking at it but pretends not to

"This is my first time in this bar... I tend to stick to a bar run by someone I know" (he does not name the bar as he does not want the girls to know where to find him) "Was in the neighborhood and Vlad wanted a drink" He gestures over his shoulder and they look but quickly return their eyes to Kame and flutter their lashes.

He then sets about th routine: funny anecdotes, mild criticism of the blonde and then inviting them back to his table. They agree.

He walks towards the table and hears them muttering behind his back. If all had gone to plan the blonde would be sitting in the empty seat next to him.

She does (jackpot)

The other sits in between her friend and Medium. Medium and Vlad smile and introduce themselves and the friend starts trying to catch Mediums eye, Kamekaze pulls his lips off the blonde's and kick's Mediums's shin sharply under the table. Medium catches on but now Kame has the problem of Vlad being the 5th wheel. He decides that he should start a converstion about "The good old days" and allow Medium to decide whether he wants to join in or continue sucking off his new friend's face...

Kamekaze High Marshal of Caligus

Roleplay from Medium

Medium is sitting on the table, talking to Vlad and Kamekaze about the good old times, and then notices that Kamekaze is a rather boring partner when it comes to good old times, so he continues to Vlad about financial stuff, fully aware of the girl on the other side of the table trying to get eye contact. He wants to provoque her a bit and does as if he ignores her, and speaks to Vlad. "Did you know that a new trader has arrived? It's Shadoe. It was about to get time, I could use some. I hope the Shadoe can deal with it, I already have a mission ready for Shadoe. I..."

He gets interrupted by the noice of a chair going backwards, and the girl raises with a sincere Excuse me. Before she walks away to what seems to be the toilets, she looks Medium deeply in the eyes, then leaves. Medium looks around, to Vlad, who seems oblivious to the world, then to Kamekaze, who smiles deeply, but Medium wasn't sure wether that was because she had seen the girl looking at Medium or because he was enjoying the rather open clothing of his companion.

Apologising, he raises, and walks outside, to follow the girl. He looks around, but sees her nowhere. Then he sees her standing against the wall in a silent corner, looking deeply into his eyes, smiling. Licking his lipps, he walks closer, and speaks to her "What's your name, beautiful?" They seem to be practically drowning in each other's eyes. "I am Victoria, and what's your name, handsome?"

Medium Royal Treasurer of Caligus, Baron of Scio

Medium's Bachelor Party and Wedding and the battles after each

Letter from Kamekaze

Greetings men of Caligus. I hereby invite you all to Mediums last night of freedom before tieing the knot. This will be a bachelor party which will go down in History. Come to the Duke's palace at 9pm.

Enclosed you will find orders requesting that you make your way to the High Marshal's palace for an urgent meeting of all the nobility of caligus. These are to be showed to your women so as to give you a good excuse to come to what promises to be a most promiscuous night.

Orders from Kamekaze Message sent to: All realm mates

Urgent meeting of nobility in the High Marshal's Palace

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze entered his official palace after spending an evening ordering the construction of the last block of walls. Lined up against the walls were several tapped kegs of various ales beers and spirits. The hall had been magnificently decorated in the images of bachelorhood not just for tonights party but to suit Kamekaze's Personality. It was adorned with naked women which he excused as art. His servants were running ragged getting the final preparations ready. His squire was ordering them around. Kamekaze aproached him.

"Is everything prepared for tonight??"

"Almost sir, the Ice is just being brought round the back. Its just arrived from Bursa. I was worried it wouldn't arrive"

"Marvelous I'll be just go get changed then and I want the strippers lined up for when I'm ready"

As he straightened his hat in the mirror a knock came to the door.

"Who is it"

"Its me sir, Bob"

"Ah good any messages scribe??"

"Yes sir two messages, the Ysissis and Runts are on their way. They will be here by dawn."

"Good a chance to test the shiny new walls. What else?"

"Lady Talless has accepted your invitation, she will accompany you to the Wedding tomorrow as long as you don't drink yourself under the table."

"Fair enough after tonight I might swear never to touch another drop for the what is it now??"

"The forty fifth time sir"

"Tell her I'll have to make the toast though"

Kamekaze emerged from his suite thre minutes having checked his appearance from every angle. Lined up against the wall were several strippers including Reona who had cornered him while he was on his way home and asked if she could be a stripper ("Never say no to a lady Kamekaze" his fatherused to tell him). He looked them up and down often asking them to turn on the spot.

"Excelent now then the guests should be arriving any moment"

Just then a knock came at the door (what a cliche..) The squire answered it and gave a bow. Vlad entered wearing his crown his eyes fell on the strippers and he smirked. "I didn't know there were this many strippers in Domus"

"What you don't know about the Domus nightlife could fill several books. Books I've writen if you want to borrow them they're in the library under Bird Watching."

There was another loud knock at the door

"Right places ladies"

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Zelos

The squire opened the door and Zelos came walking in, with a big grin on his face. He was wearing his noraml clothing, colored red and white, and a cape with a lions on it. He didn't wear them often though.

"Well hi there! I thought I would be the first one here, but it seems Vlad does have a great passion for feminime beauties as well!" Vlad blushed a bit and said grinning "Shut up, fool..."

"Anyway, nice 'selection' Kamekaze. Hi Jane, Rouge, Antionette.."

"You seem to know an awfull lot of them!" Kamekaze said laughing.

"Well, you know how I am..."

Zelos Marshal of the army of Domus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Medium and Kamekaze were busy getting their laps danced on. Zelos was having women pour ale into his mouth while Vlad was talking to a girl with an beer in his hand

"She says she's paying her way through healer school.. You've got to admire that!!" Kame called out to the room in general. "And you know You don't have to chat her up Vlad, she's paid for."

Medium laughed but kept his eyes on the lady infront of him.

"Enjoy it Medium, tomorrow you'll be married"

"You too word around the water hole is that you are going to get a girlfriend who will last more than one night."

"Yes I think I am... I think i thought that since most of the girls in this city think I'm a womanizer its about time i took myself off the market but I'm too drunk to think straight any-"

"Think??" Vlad interrupted "No no Kame my friend they know you're a womanizer"

"Let me continue... where was I?"

"Taking yourself off the market" whispered Medium though once again not moving his eyes.

"Ah yes. I saw fit to become a one woman man and pass on the torch of womanzing to that chap in the corner"

Zelos detatched himself from the girl he was kissing. "Cheers mate, with you off the market picking up ladies will be much easier"

"I start my new life at Medium's wedding.. Until then I'm still a bachelor"

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

There was a knock at the door and SoP came in followed by many people.

"What happened??" asked Kamekaze

"I was busy making final battle plans when my scribe came in and said that the nobles had assembled in the conference room"

"Those orders were fake didn't you read the other message??"

The noblemen were already occupying themselves with the many forms of entertainment the hall had to offer

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Reona

When Medium puts the bag of money in Reona´s bra she pulls him to her sitting him down and starts to give him a lap dance doing the good use o the money she gave her. After she finishes she give him a kiss and start looking for her next victim taking what was left of her clothes and grabbing another beer


Reona (Imperial Knight)

Roleplay from Talless the Tactical

Talless is currently in her chambers clueless as to what is going on between her two co-editors, only knowing that she will be at the dukes side come time for Mediums wedding.

Blasted, Mama always told me to never bet, now look where its got me...

Talless the Tactical Royal Treasurer of Caligus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze was hanging on to the door to keep himself steady as he saw the strippers out of it. He would not be keeping any of them tonight he felt he'd best start being faithful from now. Vlad was engrossed with the underside of a nearby table and Zelos was was being pulled out by a very fetching blonde. See you tomorrow on the ramparts. Medium was talking to a portrait of Kamekaze's stern looking grandfather.

"Oh dear... fetch the guards Bob..."

Within a few minutes the noblemen had been escorted out of the palace towards their homes. Kamekaze emptied his glass and went upstairs to bed. In the morning he would be fighting for Caligus's very survival.

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

The battle was 18kcs vs 16kcs but by the end we slaughtered them

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze had been fighting for 2 hours but time was meaningless on the battlefield. He drove an axe into a Yssarian's head and decapitated another. Two men nearby pushed over a a ladder. Just then a cry went up which was repeated along the enemy line. "RUN AWAY!!!"

Kamekaze rushed into a nearby siege engine and killed all he could find. He leaped down through it until he reached the bottow and charged into a nearby archer unit his unit struggling to keep up. An arrow hit his thigh but the pain was numbed by adreniline he ran on and the archer unit broke and retreated. He took out many.

An hour later a healer was bandaging up his thigh. "You're lucky" said the healer. "An inch to the right and it could have pierced your testicle."

He limped out of the healing tent where five of his men were being treated and congratulated his men on a battle well fought. Just then a messenger ran up to him "Lord Medium's wedding sir You had best be going.

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Medium

Medium was standing in his chamber, dressing himself with the assistence of his servant. He was wearing the black smoking he had bought with the gold of Celeste's ransom, and adoring himself in the mirror. His eyes noticed a hair that wasn't lying perfect, so he quickly made it fit into the rest of his hair. Starting from his underwear, it took him forty-seven minutes to prepare himself for his big day. All the time he was thinking about the ring, hoping and begging that Kamekaze wouldn't loose it. As he was making the final touch, Kamekaze, also dressed up nicely, but quickly trying to wipe off a splat of blood from his chin, came into Medium's chamber. He was heavily breathing and seemed to be still running. He was walking strangely, as if someone had kicked him in the stomach, or lower, but apart from that he looked good. Suddenly Medium lost his nerves and started asking continuously about the ring. "Do you still have it? Is it safe? Come on, tell me!" Three times he repeated the last sentence in two seconds, impatiently about the response. "Please calm down, Medium, everything is just fine, don't worry." As Medium looked relieved, the two of them went outside, leaving the servant behind, who had the annoying task to clean up the mess that Medium had made while dressing up. Just like a woman, the servant thought, or even worse.

The central place of the Palace was beautifully ornated for the wedding. Nowhere could be noticed that even that morning a massive fight had taken place. He saw flowers and candles (even at broad daylight) all around him, and draped curtains. Between the two lines of chairs for the visitors, Medium and his witness walked in front, to where King Vlad was waiting, memorizing his speech. "It's my first time, I'm a little nervous." Medium grinned at him. "You should be in my feet!" Vlad smiled.

Slowly more and more people came in. He saw one of Lady Gwynyth's friends taking a chair on the second row. Gwynyth was showing her best side in the tournament, so she couldn't be present. His friend Baldric smiled at him and nodded, then took the place behind Gwynyth's friend. She looked at him and smiled. So did Medium, while looking at the two... Who knows? Yuri took a seat on the other side of the middle way, also on the second row, carrying the draped Scian emblem Medium had given him two days ago. Talless took a seat on the first row on the left, close to the side where Kamekaze was standing, and both of them smiled to each other. Strange I haven't noticed that before, Medium thought, as he looked to the two of them.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Revelation approaching. Both of them largely smiled to each other, and heavily articulating, pulling his mouth wide open, Revelation spelled the words After the ceremony. Dressed up like a real gentleman, Jacque approached, sided by a handsome lady, whom Medium had never seen before, and they sat down on the third row, behind Yuri. A servant from Cartor came, and Medium was delighted to hear that even he would come later that night. He had decided to come home sooner from his journey when he heard about the wedding.

Slowly the guests were all gathering and the seats being filled, guided by the beautiful music from the Domus orchestra. To loosen up his nerves, Medium looked around at his brother Kerwyn some time, who had taken a day off to join the wedding and was sitting on the first row, and talked to Vlad and Kamekaze.

Suddenly the music stopped in the middle of a song, and it switched to another song. He knew that song. It was time... Medium looked around, straight into Victoria's eyes. He saw a gorgeous girl, dressed in a fabulous white dress. It was like a dream, but in reality. She was being brought to Medium's side by her father, who whispered some words in his ears. "Take good care of her."

Medium couldn't resist and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "You look gorgeous, honey!". King Vlad scraped his throat.

Medium Arch Priest of Caligus

Roleplay from Medium

Vlad took the word.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to unite this man and this woman, under the careful eye of God. They have found each other in this life, and they wish to seal this with an oath, to their selves and to God.

As God has given the example of Adam and Eve, He wants you to live together, for the rest of these days, and fulfill your duties together, as He wants it. Today we will create a bond between you, a bond from God that no man can breach."

He looked at Victoria. "Do you, Victoria Maria Taylor, take this man to be your beloved husband?" Victoria couldnt wait for Vlad to be finished to answer. "Yes I do!"

Then Vlad turned to Medium. "Do you, Medium Graham T-style, take this woman to be your beloved wife?" Almost as quickly as Victoria, he replied. "I do."

"I now give you the opportunity to declare your oath of full loyalty to each other." Vlad spoke.

Medium started: "Victoria, you are the best that ever happened to me. You came into my life full of joy and love, and I wanted nothing but staying at your side forever, and I still do. It would be quite bad if I didn't." He was fearing for a failed joke, but it had success, some people laughed, and Victoria wiped off a tear of happiness. Medium continued. "I wish to be with you forever and ever, in sickness and health, in good times and bad times, in richdom and poorness, until death separates us. I will be at your side for the rest of my life, and I will be loyal to noone but you."

He heard a soft sniff, and as he looked into the public, he saw Victoria's mother crying.

"Medium, since I first saw you, I've been having the feeling that I was living in a dream world. Every day with you is like the paradise on earth, and I wish that these days will never end. For the rest of my life I will be loyal to you, no matter what happens. If you get sick, I will cure you. If you get unhappy, I will cheer you up. If you need me, I will be there for you. If you want me, I will satisfy you." Medium smiled.

Vlad spoke up. "The rings!"

Medium turned to Kamekaze, who was drawing a face like Ehh, I think I don't have it with me. Medium's face turned pale, but Kamekaze comforted him. "Relax, it's here." Kamekaze took a small blue box out of his pocket and took out the ring, then gave it to Medium. He turned around and saw that Victoria was already waiting with his ring. She stretched out her hand with a big smile, and Medium put the ring on it. Then she took his hand and put his ring on it. Both rings fitted perfectly.

They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then turned to Vlad again.

"It is obvious that your unconditional bond will last forever, your love for each other is pure and strong, and it shall last forever. With the power given to me by the Almighty God this day, I hereby declare you husband and wife." Vlad looked at Medium. "You may kiss the bride."

Later, at the party, Medium couldn't believe that he is married, and as he took Victoria by her arm and kissed her, many people came to congratulate. The sun was setting, and the orchestra played a walsh. Medium had some courses with Kamekaze to learn this dance, and he took Victoria to open the dance. A few minutes they dance dalone, looking into each other's eyes deeply, and then Kamekaze took Talless to dance, and everyone entered the dancefloor.

Later on at the dinner, while everyone was sat down, Kamekaze ticked on his glass and stood on his chair.

Medium Arch Priest of Caligus

Roleplay from Kamekaze

Kamekaze picked up his class and tapped it lightly with his ring. Once he had drawn every ones attention he said

"I have been a womanizer for a good part of my life. And after it all what did I have to show for it?? I realized man is never complete until he is married. I first met Medium when I entered the army but we only became friends when I was added to the council. Medium has found a good woman in Victoria, one who can keep him in line. After seeing how happy they were I decided to stop my womanizing ways and ask Talless who is accompanying me today. Anyway I wish you alot of happiness after all, a man is incomplete until he is married, then he is finished To Medium and Victoria"

Everyone laughed and applauded.

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

Roleplay from Cartor

"Hurry, hurry!", Cartor and Erica were almost running towards the entrance of the place where the weeding was being held, "Damn, why couldn't he have told me before?" They arrived, nodded at the man who announces the 'entrés' who immediatly recognized them, "Cartor Curs, veteran council member of Caligus and Lady Erica, niece of Dzikun." More than half of the nobles at the festivities turned their heads towards the entering couple and smiled at them as greeting. Plenty of them came to greet them personally, but Cartor was eager to go to Medium and his wife, Victoria.

"Medium!" Medium looked up from a discussion with Kamekaze, "Cartor, old bugger! You made it?" Cartor shook his hand, "Well it could have helped to tell me you were getting married!" He looked around, "Where is Victotia anyway?" Medium squinted around passing drinks to Cartor and Erica and pointed, "There she is. Well I'll catch up with you later, I have to greet the other guests." Cartor nodded, "Of course" Medium turned around to the entrance but stood still for a second, "Hey, it's good to have you here today."

Cartor and Erica headed for Victoria, "Hi, condolences... I don't think you'll survive Medium." She laughed, "Nice to see you here Cartor, keeping him under control Erica?" Erica smiled back, "He's a darling really." Victoria grinned, "I bet he is..." Cartor looked at her for a while, "Actually I don't remember seeing you in the Palace, now I think of it, I don't think we've ever met." Victoria nodded, "That's right, I haven't been much in the Palace really, but we do have met. Remember that bar where you, Vlad, Kamekaze and Medium were drinking eachother under the table? Kamekazer introduced me to you then." Cartor avoided looking at Erica who stept no his toes, "Wait, I think I remember, ..." Cartor stood perplex for a second, "Ow, ow, ooooow... Ow dear."

Erica pushed him in his side, "What?" Cartor looked at his feet, "Nothing much, I hadn't figured out she euh... she is - was - ... well that she was the kind of woman who was very 'open' towards other men." Victoria shrugged, "That's what people think, I understand that, we did meet in a bar and we were hooked up by Kamekaze - and you know what that means - , but it was not like that at all, I was simply with a friend." Cartor smiled, "Well I'm used to the noble and romantic Erica, I'm not familiar with much else..." Erica stept on his foot again, "Suggesting I'm old dear?"

They seperated and Cartor had some chats with other nobles while Erica was keeping a conversation going with Victoria, "Propably about her dress and jewelry, women..." After a while they were standing back together and looking at everybody doing his or her speech, Erica was in tears by the beauty of it and looked expectingly at Cartor, "Ow no, I'm not planning on getting married soon, stop that, don't give me the puppy eyes." He was freed when he had to give his own speech, "Well, everybdoy knows Medium is on eof my best friends, and god I'm glad he is married now. It'll keep him a little more calm I hope. I'm also glad I can be here, I have only just arrived and I was really tired but I couldn't miss my friends funeral, euh I mean wedding." Plenty of men laughed at the cliché he insinuated of the wedding being as much as a funeral, but he felt Erica's foot shifting towards his again, "I'm sure marriage is the best thing that could happen to a man... Good luck my friend." Erica's foot relaxed and she rubbed it against his leg, "Good boy."

Cartor (Imperial Knight)

Roleplay from Kamekaze

The reception was over and people were returning to their posts along the battlefield. Kamekaze was walking along the top of the wall with Talless.

"You know when I pictured myself taking you home I never quite expected to be saying goodbye atop the battlements..."

She smiled "Good Luck." She knew that he would be going over the wall in this battle.

"Yeah... It might be a misdirection... You never know. Anyway I'd best be off... see you at the post-victory party tonight."

Kamekaze Duke of Domus

It was not a misdirection, they really did move and we destroyed what was left behind including Alex Exile Editor of the II