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After watching him silently for a moment, the man turned on his heel, entering the Basilica and following the steady flow of colors into the main Hall, where several nobles already gathered. A shove to his blind side followed by mumbled cursing made his head snap to the aggrieved noble, who took one look at the ragged scar running down his closed eye before turning and rushing away in fear. Syaoran rubbed his forehead, brows raised. "Am I really that scary to look at?" He murmured to the air, making his way over to the far end of the table before a servant corrected him, directing him to a seat on near the right of the Vasilif.  
After watching him silently for a moment, the man turned on his heel, entering the Basilica and following the steady flow of colors into the main Hall, where several nobles already gathered. A shove to his blind side followed by mumbled cursing made his head snap to the aggrieved noble, who took one look at the ragged scar running down his closed eye before turning and rushing away in fear. Syaoran rubbed his forehead, brows raised. "Am I really that scary to look at?" He murmured to the air, making his way over to the far end of the table before a servant corrected him, directing him to a seat on near the right of the Vasilif.  
Remaining standing, Syaoran swept his gaze across the gathered people, quietly observing. This would one day be chronicled in the history of Astrum, it would be best to remember as much detail as possible.
Remaining standing, Syaoran swept his gaze across the gathered people, quietly observing. This would one day be chronicled in the history of Astrum, it would be best to remember as much detail as possible.
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Veseryan Velaryon
|Content = '''Coronation in Mimer'''
Veseryan stood before the splendiferous entrance to the Basilica of the Maddening. The Basilica was one of the milestones of the stargazer's architecture, a church devoted to the worship and reverent of the Maddening Star, the most raw and the most passionate of the Bloodstars. It was built by artisans of Corsanctum, a historical Church-sponsored state whose name loosely translated as the Heart of the Bloodstars, during the reign of the enlightened Holy Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer.
On the exterior the Basilica in its core featured massive structures, slit windows, semicircular arches and very thick walls, but with considerable amount of decorative and more refined elements. The tympanum above the entrance was encased inside a pointed arch recess, while the doors were adorned by high relief sculptures. The rosetta window was a resplendent masterpiece of craftsmanship, and the buttresses, very decorative and enriched with spires, supported the Basilica from the outside, thus providing more space for contemplation on the inside. The flying buttresses were detached from the exterior walls and connected to the buttresses and the wall by an arch, giving the Basilica a skeletal appearance and weightlessness. The interior of the Basilica was built to have more light inside the church. The narthex, or the entrance area, casually gave way to the transept and the aisles, which further lead to a nave and then to the altar which was rising up to the heavens. The vaulting that supported the structure was beautiful and decorative, with ribs on top of each vault, giving the design a lighter feel. There were numerous piers inside, upon which pointed arcs acted as bridges towards the triforium and the clerestory.
Veseryan was slightly nervous. One didn't become a Vasilif any day, after all. From inside the Basilica he could hear the voices of the choirs that sang the songs of the stars which gave him the strength to overcome his own nervousness. He wore a cerulean tunic which was reinforced by a golden ceremonial chainmail, while a long cloak of carnation pink rested on his shoulders and was graciously falling all the way to the floor. In his right hand he held a golden orb which was studded with medium-sized amethysts, while in his right hand he held a scepter studded with three large red rubies on the top. He was crownless at this point, for the crown that would be resting on his head from this day onward would be a crown he would receive whence he got insides, the [[Forgotten Crown of the Austere Star]], a relic of the Church of Sanguis Astroism, first lost but now found.
"Your Majesty, they await. The heirloom of your forebears, unearthed in the ancient days of Niselur, is within your grasp." His aide Ludovic whispered into his ears, almost divinely, which gave inspiration to the young Vasilif. Fully dressed in ceremonial panoply, Veseryan signaled that he is ready and began to walk inside. As he gallantly walked down the nave, walking very slowly like it was appropriate, the choirs began to sign the Ode to Light which created a feeling that something majestic or perhaps even divine was at hand. At least that was how it looked to Veseryan, who fixed his gaze on the altar and the Arbiter of the Stars which was holding the Crown.
Then he spotted the most remarkable feature of the Basilica - large, three-paned stained glass ceiling right above the altar. The three panes depicted a stylized map of Dwilight. The windows were aligned such that the Blood Stars shine through the window to indicate the current phase of the Stars. The faithful were recently troubled by the lack of clarity from the Blood Stars themselves, for the waning and waxing of their influences became more and more difficult to comprehend. Yet to Veseryan it seemed like the light of all three of them was coming down from the ceiling pane. An omen of their grace and blessings, a symbol that they're in harmony over his rise as a Vasilif, and a foretold future of enlightenment and bounty.
As he approached the altar, he stopped. The Arbiter of the Stars raised a sanctified sword high in the air, and shouted. "Kneel before the Light of the Bloodstars!"
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Veseryan Velaryon
|Content = '''Coronation in Mimer'''
The Basilica was silent. With a suspense, Veseryan knelt before the sanctified sword of the Arbiter of the Stars. The Arbiter then placed the sword on his head, and began to recite the holy words of the Bloodstars.
"We believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses.
We believe that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought.
We believe that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity.
We believe that above all else, men should seek to reach a state of Harmony with the influence of all three Stars, so that we may act with Wisdom according to our knowledge.
We believe that to succeed at this is to attain Enlightenment, as the First Prophet Mathurin did.
We hold the spiritual writings of the First Prophet Mathurin to come from the greatest understanding of the Stars we have yet achieved. All should study them so we can better understand and study the Stars themselves.
We believe that everyone should know and believe this creed to be true. We do not shun those who seek honest enlightenment, and we seek always to spread our knowledge of the Truth to the unenlightened.
All this we believe."
Then she took the Crown from the royal cushion upon which it rested, and carefully and slowly, as if she was holding a drop of water in her hands, placed the Crown upon his unadorned head.
"Now rise, Veseryan of House Velaryon, as an Archon of a Holy Theocracy, a Vasilif of the lands and peoples of Astrum, Defender of the will of the Bloodstars, Guardian of Their holy sites, Enforcer of the Their will and a Destroyer of Their forlorn enemies."
Veseryan unbent his knee and stood tall amidst the crowded Basilica as the guests began to applaud. The chanting of the choirs resumed as he passed through the ambulatory and towards the chevettes, where he knelt once again, and began to pray. He would spend the rest of the day in prayer, as was ordained by the rules of this religious ceremony. As the ceremony draw to an end, the guests began to leave the Basilica and started to walk towards the Palace of Prophet for more feasting, or towards their entourages looking for a way to return to their homelands.

Latest revision as of 17:52, 20 April 2021

Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Road to Mimer - The Iron Citadel

Where is he?

Ludovic was going mad. Two days were spent uselessly here in Freke, just waiting for those pesky administrators and clerks to finally prepare everything for the change of the capital city of Astrum, and now that this was finally done, His Majesty was nowhere to be found. Everything was ready - the chariot awaited the arrival of the Vasilif, the knights that would follow the royal procession to Mimer were already mounted, and the supplies were already loaded into the wagons. Everyone and everything was there, ready to depart, besides the Vasilif.

Usually this would not be a problem, but since there was a ceremony - coronation ceremony in his own honor - about to be held in Mimer four days from now, Ludovic hoped that they would start moving already. Vasilif's aide was an impatient man when it came to protocol - he wanted everything prepared in advance, and since he spent his entire life as a courtier in several different Courts, his experience was substantial and quite influential among the lesser servants.

"Captain Aurada!" Ludovic barked at the leader of the mounted knights, knights from whom two of them were hired as Vasilif's private bodyguards. "Did your knights told you where His Majesty will be? We are very very late and the help in Mimer surely will not be able to make all the preparations on their own. I mean, he is a ruler now, and acting like this is very very irresponsible, and may I say, somewhat dastardly and..."

"There he is." Aurada scoffed at the annoying blotter in front of him and pointed to the stairs that lead all the way down to the sea. The Vasilif emerged in company of two knights, wearing a heavy falconer's glove on his arm, upon which a large sea eagle stood triumphant. In days long gone, falconry with sea eagles was quite a common sport for rulers of Astrum. The sea eagles were large birds, quite a bit larger than the hawks, and they seemed to grow them quite large on the islands, particularly Libidizedd, which was the home for this beast that Vasilif now held on his arm.

"I am coming, Ludovic. You need to learn how to grow patience, my friend." Veseryan smiled, took off the heavy falconer's glove and returned the beast to a cage. He looked back at the majestic sea eagle, and it looked back at him, cocked it's head to the side, and gave a soft screech. Soon, my friend. Soon you shall soar over the waves once again. Veseryan pondered as he approached the chariot. "Let us be on our way, Ludovic." He winked at his aide and climbed into the chariot. "Your Majesty..." Ludovic bowed, "as you command." With considerable grumbling Ludovic followed Veseryan into the chariot and closed the door.

Several moments later the royal entourage began their journey to Mimer. The Iron Citadel of Astrum's new capital shrank in size as the group went on, now seeming very small to Veseryan as he peeked from his chariot window, yet still rather grim and sinister. It was a good place for a new capital of the Realm, an impenetrable ancient fortress, looking very hostile and difficult to approach. On to the Deep and then to the Well, let the Holy City sound off its bell, he recited. He suggested to Ludovic that perhaps one day that would make a fine tune, but the stressed-out aide firmly disagreed.
Veseryan Velaryon

Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Road to Mimer - The Holy City

As the golden sun rose above the lands of Mimer Peninsula in the 57th year of Dwilight, Veseryan could not help but admire the sight before him.

Mimer, the heart of the Bloodstars, stood resplendent and majestic amidst the shining light of a sunny day. Its splendiferous towers looked as if they're reaching the clouds, its massive walls appeared impregnable and condescending, and the dozens of banners that were spread across the parapets fluttered in a mild breeze, invoking a feeling of grace and royalty. The harbors and ports of this great city beckoned the lonely mariners from the blue expanses they so often braved, and the abundance of long voyage trade ships defined this place as a major trading hub, a cultural melting pot of many different peoples and cultures.

As the royal entourage slowly advanced across the cobbled road that lead from the Well, Veseryan reminded himself that this was the place where the Holy Prophet once lived in. This city represented the plume of stargazers' cultural and religious accomplishments. Within these walls the High Temple of the Stars rested, as well as the High Tower of the Magistratum which was still waiting for Magistratum meetings that will never be held. Deeper inside, in the Wards, the Duomo Auspicious and Basilica of the Maddening still thrived, offering haven and spiritual salvation to the believers of the city every day.

As they passed through the city gates and through the spacious and comfortable city streets, Veseryan peeked from his chariot again. Mass of smallfolk and noble folk gathered to cheer the arrival of their Vasilif. The children of the Stars sang songs of the skies and heavens, occasionally throwing flowers in the wake of his chariot. He considered all these gestures quite unnecessary, although his aide Ludovic was quite pleased as he grinned all the way through. Then they passed near the Tower of the Magistratum, and Veseryan looked up, impressed by the artwork. There stood a monument to the Holy Prophet Mathurin Hossenfefer. A Grand Memorial built in his honor, that had three shrines each in the direction of three holy places of the stars - Darfix , Mimer, and Caiyun. In the center of the memorial was a giant black marble statue of the Prophet himself holding a sword in one hand and a cup in the other, looking over to the direction of the three Bloodstars.

As the entourage finally reached their destination, Veseryan exited the chariot and made his way across the long stairway that lead to the Palace of the Prophet. He would use the quarters within the Palace to begin the preparations for his upcoming coronation, but only after saying a prayer in one of the garden shrines.
Veseryan Velaryon

Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Coronation in Mimer

Veseryan looked around a small forest just north of Mimer. This were the royal hunting grounds, created and maintained for the purpose of providing game and thrill to the long list of Astrum's rulers. He was surrounded by his Warders of the Temple, a host of vigilant and pious knights who got their name as a homage to the ancient order that once served as the military wing of the Church of Sanguis Astroism. In their time, the original Warders played the paramount part in spreading the Bloodstars across the Dwilight and into the hearts of the savage Dwili people. The Warders carried the Empire of the Bloodstars on their backs and their arms, an Empire forged by their blood and their sweat, an Empire that saw Dwilight conquered by the Three.

At least that is what was told to generations and generations of his kinsmen in the Boreean branch of House Velaryon. As a distant descendant of King Boreal of Niselur, Veseryan held a special place in his heart for the Warders. In his plans to help the Church they carried a special weight. Veseryan's Warders of the Temple were marshaled by Captain Aurada, a minor noble of considerable experience and abundant piety. In men like him Veseryan saw the future of the Church – piety, obedience, intelligence and bravery.

This morning, Aurada and his men observed the Vasilif in one of his recently most common activities – falconry. Veseryan picked up the tradition of the old Vasilif's of Astrum and spent seasons trying to train a sea eagle for sports. Falconry with sea eagles was quite a common sport for rulers of Astrum back in the day. The sea eagles were large birds, quite a bit larger than the hawks, and they seemed to grow them extremely large on the islands, particularly Libidizedd, which was the home for this beast that Veseryan now held on his arm.


Veseryan shouted and raised his arm, arm which was covered with a heavy falconer's glove, and the bird soared high in the sky. The sheer size of the sea eagle was splendiferous and terrifying at the same time. With his wings unfurled the beast floated over the pines and trees, looking for prey. As the sea eagle soared, Veseryan took out his bow. He knew pretty well that his new friend will soon flush out some small game, a squirrel or a rabbit perhaps, and he wanted to be ready. Minutes later, a small nest of rabbits was on the run from their hiding place. As the eagle screeched at them from above, like some sort of judgement from the skies, he lured them closer to his master. The rabbits tried to split, clearly understanding that that is their best chance to stay alive. Veseryan then knocked the arrow and looked for his target. There were a few, but he decided to take on the fastest little fellow that was coming straight at him. He loosed his arrow.


The arrow found its mark and the prey was stopped. Veseryan then whistled and the eagle rushed towards the fallen rabbit, grabbed him with his claws before the carrion birds arrived and then brought it to his master. „That was excellent, friend. We are getting better and better!” He exclaimed.

„Your Majesty…“ Captain Aurada interrupted with a respectful bow. „Word from the Palace. The guests are starting to arrive.”

Veseryan smiled. “Excellent. Let's prepare to meet them.“
Veseryan Velaryon

Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Coronation in Mimer

Veseryan sat in his seat as the guests swarmed the large hall where the feast was taking place. The hall was built in a way that the inner walls have very sharply and considerably cut into the center of the hall, thus forming a large hexagon-like room. For a believer of the Bloodstars it was evident what this represented, but the ushers were nevertheless seen explaining to many that this was the representation of the Bloodstars and the Church of Sanguis Astroism, where each angle on the northern side of the hexagon represented one of the three holy Bloodstars, while the southern angles represented one of the holy sites of the Church.

The Vasilif was positioned in a central place of a long table that could take up too thirty seats. To his right and to his left were three seats left empty. These were meant for royalty that would attend the feast, a seat for the Dragon King of D'Hara and a seat for the High Queen of Westgard, as well as a seat for Her Eminence Arbiter of the Stars Katrina. On his right were seated representatives of the the small council of Astrum, Sword of the Maddening Migash Saraccenia and Hand of the Auspicious Gambit Dragomir, then the Royal Chronicler Syaoran Solicix and Ser Xaphen Poe of Mimer. To his left were many empty seats meant for number of high nobles that would arrive together with D'Hara or Westgard.

Veseryan casually whispered to his aide Ludovic to start paying attention to who is doing what and then snapped his fingers. The minstrels began to play their tunes and the dishes were being brought out, ready to be tasted by the finest aristocrats of these lands.
Veseryan Velaryon

Roleplay from Syaoran Solicix
Coronation in Mimer

Syaoran stood before the Basilica of the Maddening, glancing up at the statue he had yet to remember the name of as several servants and nobles alike made their way in and out of the large and elegant doors. A small grimace stole across his face as he noticed the missing finger on one of it's hands, as memories of the last foreign interaction that took place in this area filled his head. To his left, Joan, his squire, fidgeted silently while staring at all the guests who passed by, and with a swift nudge he startled, spinning around in fear to face Syaoran. "Be respectful, don't stare." The boy lowered his head in shame, and he couldn't help but take pity on him, scratching his head with a sigh. It was rare to have visitors in Astrum, even less so for foreign rulers, and Joan wasn't the only one in awe.

"Why not assist me in finding that old bottle I stashed in the bushes around?"

"Yessir. The one that you sto-"

"It was not stolen, it was removed from someone who would do more harm with it then good." Syaoran ruffled the boy's hair before giving him a slight push, determined to give him a distraction so he would not embarrass himself in the presence of true nobility.

After watching him silently for a moment, the man turned on his heel, entering the Basilica and following the steady flow of colors into the main Hall, where several nobles already gathered. A shove to his blind side followed by mumbled cursing made his head snap to the aggrieved noble, who took one look at the ragged scar running down his closed eye before turning and rushing away in fear. Syaoran rubbed his forehead, brows raised. "Am I really that scary to look at?" He murmured to the air, making his way over to the far end of the table before a servant corrected him, directing him to a seat on near the right of the Vasilif.

Remaining standing, Syaoran swept his gaze across the gathered people, quietly observing. This would one day be chronicled in the history of Astrum, it would be best to remember as much detail as possible.
Syaoran Solicix

Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Coronation in Mimer

Veseryan stood before the splendiferous entrance to the Basilica of the Maddening. The Basilica was one of the milestones of the stargazer's architecture, a church devoted to the worship and reverent of the Maddening Star, the most raw and the most passionate of the Bloodstars. It was built by artisans of Corsanctum, a historical Church-sponsored state whose name loosely translated as the Heart of the Bloodstars, during the reign of the enlightened Holy Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer.

On the exterior the Basilica in its core featured massive structures, slit windows, semicircular arches and very thick walls, but with considerable amount of decorative and more refined elements. The tympanum above the entrance was encased inside a pointed arch recess, while the doors were adorned by high relief sculptures. The rosetta window was a resplendent masterpiece of craftsmanship, and the buttresses, very decorative and enriched with spires, supported the Basilica from the outside, thus providing more space for contemplation on the inside. The flying buttresses were detached from the exterior walls and connected to the buttresses and the wall by an arch, giving the Basilica a skeletal appearance and weightlessness. The interior of the Basilica was built to have more light inside the church. The narthex, or the entrance area, casually gave way to the transept and the aisles, which further lead to a nave and then to the altar which was rising up to the heavens. The vaulting that supported the structure was beautiful and decorative, with ribs on top of each vault, giving the design a lighter feel. There were numerous piers inside, upon which pointed arcs acted as bridges towards the triforium and the clerestory.

Veseryan was slightly nervous. One didn't become a Vasilif any day, after all. From inside the Basilica he could hear the voices of the choirs that sang the songs of the stars which gave him the strength to overcome his own nervousness. He wore a cerulean tunic which was reinforced by a golden ceremonial chainmail, while a long cloak of carnation pink rested on his shoulders and was graciously falling all the way to the floor. In his right hand he held a golden orb which was studded with medium-sized amethysts, while in his right hand he held a scepter studded with three large red rubies on the top. He was crownless at this point, for the crown that would be resting on his head from this day onward would be a crown he would receive whence he got insides, the Forgotten Crown of the Austere Star, a relic of the Church of Sanguis Astroism, first lost but now found.

"Your Majesty, they await. The heirloom of your forebears, unearthed in the ancient days of Niselur, is within your grasp." His aide Ludovic whispered into his ears, almost divinely, which gave inspiration to the young Vasilif. Fully dressed in ceremonial panoply, Veseryan signaled that he is ready and began to walk inside. As he gallantly walked down the nave, walking very slowly like it was appropriate, the choirs began to sign the Ode to Light which created a feeling that something majestic or perhaps even divine was at hand. At least that was how it looked to Veseryan, who fixed his gaze on the altar and the Arbiter of the Stars which was holding the Crown.

Then he spotted the most remarkable feature of the Basilica - large, three-paned stained glass ceiling right above the altar. The three panes depicted a stylized map of Dwilight. The windows were aligned such that the Blood Stars shine through the window to indicate the current phase of the Stars. The faithful were recently troubled by the lack of clarity from the Blood Stars themselves, for the waning and waxing of their influences became more and more difficult to comprehend. Yet to Veseryan it seemed like the light of all three of them was coming down from the ceiling pane. An omen of their grace and blessings, a symbol that they're in harmony over his rise as a Vasilif, and a foretold future of enlightenment and bounty.

As he approached the altar, he stopped. The Arbiter of the Stars raised a sanctified sword high in the air, and shouted. "Kneel before the Light of the Bloodstars!"
Veseryan Velaryon

Roleplay from Veseryan Velaryon
Coronation in Mimer

The Basilica was silent. With a suspense, Veseryan knelt before the sanctified sword of the Arbiter of the Stars. The Arbiter then placed the sword on his head, and began to recite the holy words of the Bloodstars.

"We believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses. We believe that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought. We believe that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity. We believe that above all else, men should seek to reach a state of Harmony with the influence of all three Stars, so that we may act with Wisdom according to our knowledge. We believe that to succeed at this is to attain Enlightenment, as the First Prophet Mathurin did. We hold the spiritual writings of the First Prophet Mathurin to come from the greatest understanding of the Stars we have yet achieved. All should study them so we can better understand and study the Stars themselves. We believe that everyone should know and believe this creed to be true. We do not shun those who seek honest enlightenment, and we seek always to spread our knowledge of the Truth to the unenlightened. All this we believe."

Then she took the Crown from the royal cushion upon which it rested, and carefully and slowly, as if she was holding a drop of water in her hands, placed the Crown upon his unadorned head.

"Now rise, Veseryan of House Velaryon, as an Archon of a Holy Theocracy, a Vasilif of the lands and peoples of Astrum, Defender of the will of the Bloodstars, Guardian of Their holy sites, Enforcer of the Their will and a Destroyer of Their forlorn enemies."

Veseryan unbent his knee and stood tall amidst the crowded Basilica as the guests began to applaud. The chanting of the choirs resumed as he passed through the ambulatory and towards the chevettes, where he knelt once again, and began to pray. He would spend the rest of the day in prayer, as was ordained by the rules of this religious ceremony. As the ceremony draw to an end, the guests began to leave the Basilica and started to walk towards the Palace of Prophet for more feasting, or towards their entourages looking for a way to return to their homelands.
Veseryan Velaryon