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Alyssa took a deep breath, biting her lip as she shot a glare across the room at the older woman. Her aunt had not changed either and though she already felt somewhat embarrassed by the woman's complete lack of filter, she could not help herself from feeling a deep fondness rise up within her, realizing that while her aunt's mercurial nature hadn't changed, her own feelings on it had considerably. She realized in that moment how much she had missed her doting, exaggerated tales, and playful chastisement. And in that moment she felt many things; happiness, nervousness at the unexpected reunion, guilt at having been gone from home so long. They hadn't changed, and she had changed so much. Alyssa looked to Isana and met her eyes as the mix of a dozen emotions swirled around within her. And the eyes that met her back gave the same look they had that first night in a tent out in the field not never knowing if they'd see another day. The only change in that look since then was the certainty now that they would, and that they would see them together.
Alyssa took a deep breath, biting her lip as she shot a glare across the room at the older woman. Her aunt had not changed either and though she already felt somewhat embarrassed by the woman's complete lack of filter, she could not help herself from feeling a deep fondness rise up within her, realizing that while her aunt's mercurial nature hadn't changed, her own feelings on it had considerably. She realized in that moment how much she had missed her doting, exaggerated tales, and playful chastisement. And in that moment she felt many things; happiness, nervousness at the unexpected reunion, guilt at having been gone from home so long. They hadn't changed, and she had changed so much. Alyssa looked to Isana and met her eyes as the mix of a dozen emotions swirled around within her. And the eyes that met her back gave the same look they had that first night in a tent out in the field not never knowing if they'd see another day. The only change in that look since then was the certainty now that they would, and that they would see them together.
Alyssa’s warm smile of approval at her self-introduction relaxed Isana just enough for her heart to slide back down from her mouth to the back of her throat where it was more manageable. Why were relatives so nerve-wracking?
Isana gaped like a fish, mouth opening and closing as Alyssa’s dear Aunt asked one question after another without space for her to politely respond. Speaking over the woman was the last thing she would do, but she was already losing frantic grasp of the deluge of queries piled atop one another in quick succession. She was in turn, inspected like a horse at market, complimented like a prized student in lessons, and had opinions voiced about very *private* matters. A blush rose high in her cheeks below wide eyes at the mention of children. The wistful longing that offhand comment sparked only drove Isana further off-balance, and she became acutely aware of her own road-tiredness, the warm gambeson amplifying the heat from the fireplace, and a need for something to eat and drink.
Lady Kingsley was charming, her tone jovially disarming, and Isana found herself being led arm-in-arm toward the solar as though she were somehow the woman’s closest confidant, or a potential buyer for something expensive.
"Now, Lady Isana, you must tell us everything, your coming to Perdan, the adventure, the romance story of our time..."
"Auntie!" Alyssa protested composedly. "You've asked her enough questions to start. Will you allow my dear to answer some?"
The woman winked knowingly at Isana, further flustering her, before she responded.
"Of course your most regal majesty. In my excitement I forgot all of the manners I taught you."
Isana looked to Alyssa to steady herself, and found her love seeking her eyes in return. The pair held on to that thread, warmth and confidence building that let her discard some of the tumultuous mix she was feeling. It seemed they were off-balance together. Time to set the stage more solidly in their favour against this new assailant of Well Meaning Relatives.
“Manners on our part as well, dear Lady, and also specifically mine,” Isana interjected, with a wink to the bemused Alyssa, as she rested her free hand fondly on the older woman’s arm entwined with her own. She stepped over to a table, bringing her charge along for the trip, and rang the delicate bell causing two attendants to materialize from the door whence they had come.
“Her Majesty and company will sup in the Solar this evening, please see to it that food suitable for all as well as two bottles of the Sirion red are brought up as soon as possible.” She looked to the guests with polite concern, “Unless there is another libation you prefer?”
A short time later the foursome was comfortably seated in the solar, Isana having claimed her darling temporarily back to her side on a small couch, gathered near another that held their dear company. Both women were more energetic with the addition of some sustenance and a quick change into fresh clothes. Isana was beginning to get a read on the Lady, but was eager to speak more with Lord Kingsley after how warmly Alyssa had welcomed him.
"The 'romance story of our time', then, are you ready for it?" the dark-haired knight offered, setting down her chalice. She gathered Alyssa's hand into her own and treasured it on her lap. "I have to warn you, this could get awfully mushy..."
Alyssa's hand relaxed comfortably in its proper place intertwined with Isana's.  A gentle little smile came over her as Isana offered her dear aunt and uncle the warning.
"Perhaps, but such is simply the truth of two people in love."  Alyssa's smile brightened as Isana met her eyes and returned one of her own.  Then her dearest love began their tale, from Isana's first arrival in Perdan and Alyssa's first request to inspect her unit for battle through each step of their blossoming relationship.  Alyssa slipped her arm around Isana's as she leaned in slightly and settled in closer fondly admiring Isana with rapt attention.  She told of their meeting in the garden so long ago, which Alyssa noted was a critical moment in which her beloved Isana may have saved the realm from a general lost to total despair.  The little blush Isana had at this praise was quite fetching, Alyssa thought, but did not interrupt further as Isana continued their story.
Through their first swords dance Alyssa smiled proudly, noting both that this was the moment she knew that she had become quite taken with Isana, and that she had now become a swordswoman in her own right.  The Tale of the Wintergreen Festival was Alyssa's turn to blush slightly as Isana described excitedly Alyssa's brave and quick rescue of a fair dame from a sweet and sticky disaster.  Alyssa believed she was certainly embellishing, but said nothing as her love animatedly told the tale, enjoying the pureness of her excitement in recounting the adventure.
She tensed slightly however, as the discussion continued through the war they stood side by side to face, vivid memories replaying in her mind, but her posture relaxed as the tone shifted to more comforting thoughts, their little hillock in Bescanon, the first kiss Alyssa placed boldly upon her lips, and their brief retreat into the mountains.  By this point both Alyssa and Lady Kingsley, relaxed from the long conversation and growing familiarity had leaned fondly into their partners, the two pairs mirroring each other from across the small table that divided them.  A servant had come in at some point to set the fire for the evening as the sun began its descent through the arched windows.  Warmth radiated through the room, but Alyssa felt first and foremost the warmth from the woman next to her, her closeness and love more comfort than any hearth, and her smile brighter than any flame.
Isana finished as she described the beautiful proposal she had set for Alyssa not that long ago, and at her aunt's request showed off her ring, with intended grace in the hopes of hiding some of her eagerness to do so.
"A fine ring."  Lord Kingsley said as he took the young queen's hand and inspected the shimmering band.  "Hm... Looks quite similar to a few descriptions I've come across in some Perleoni research. Isana my dear, I believe you have given your bride-to-be quite a treasure."
"Oh," began Lady Kingsley with mock annoyance, "I do believe you'll bore them both quite to sleep with your history lessons.  Goodness knows Alyssa's slept through more than enough of them as it is." she said giving Isana a little wink.  "These are women of action!"
Lord Kingsley did not smile but his bemusement was clear enough as he waved his hand dismissively.  "Well whatever.  If you do have some interest in the artifacts of The Continent, you need only write."
"Or visit." Lady Kingsley said perfectly mannered with only a hint of mischievousness in her voice.  "The Realm is not so big as some make it out to be.  And when was the last time Lord Benjamin or the rest of us minor lords and ladies received a royal visit, your Majesty?  The last monarch that visited Bisciye came with torches and swords.  It would be good for the people to see you, dear, and I am sure they would fall for your charming bride just as we have.  There's already plenty of rumors about a royal wedding upcoming.  So I've heard."  She finished by taking a long sip from the glass of wine she had picked up from the table.
Alyssa glanced at Isana, and the two of them shared a look, knowing that neither of them had been able to set aside a great deal of time yet to actually plan that wedding.  Lady Kingsley grinned a knowing grin.
"So it's soon then?"

Latest revision as of 05:01, 2 February 2021


The Queen's arrival was met with some fanfare, though she showed little excitement herself. Alyssa felt much too exhausted from the two days of non-stop travel for the pomp and flair provided for her return to the capital, but she put on her best; sitting proudly in the saddle of her white mare, Starlight, and trying to offer her excited people at the very least a smile, however weary it may have been. She glanced over at her Stormfront escort, namely, the beautiful dark-haired knight at her side who led them. Isana beamed at her joyously, clearly enjoying festive atmosphere their city had put on for their Queen. Alyssa could not help but find her laboured, weary smile turn into an easy fond one as their eyes met.

Isana's company had been a welcome surprise from the grim forests of Meuse where memories of the haunts who now lived in those woods were a constant presence. I tried for you. She had told them in her head.

But her mood had changed quickly under the escort of her beloved knight. Her solemn memories were no match for Isana's joyful presence, and the two rode closely together along the Golden Road through the fields of Brive, their hands intertwining as Alyssa dutifully recounted the details of her trip and Isana told her all about the preparations the city had made for winter and for the coronation. The simple presence of her partner was enough to warm her through the winter cold and light snowfall that had been coating the city streets.

In the city now, Alyssa admired the city's changes for the wintertime, just as Isana had told her; garlands spread out between the buildings, lanterns hung from rafters and lines strung overhead shone brightly, reminding her of her first visit to the city and the wonder she beheld as she explored the place that would become her home. As they approached one of the city squares they spotted large wintergreen pines, brilliantly decorated with red bows and glass ornaments. More garland, bows, and lanterns were strung all across the shoppe fronts and in a few places it seemed children had built snowfolk throughout the square. Common folk who bustled about on their business through the city stopped and parted as their Queen's procession rode past, their cheers and waves Alyssa returned quietly and gently.

At last they had arrived at the palace stables, and Alyssa relaxed, dismounting her steed and rolling her neck with a sigh. Isana had apparently done the same as she bounded forward with a smile and leaped into the Queen's arms, one foot in the air. Alyssa gave an light amused hmm and picked her up an inch of the ground, giving her a half spin before setting her down, her boots sounding a light crunch as they set down into the snowy courtyard.

"Welcome home, Your Majesty" Isana offered brightly her smile never fading like an eternal star shining in the heavens. And Alyssa, seeing the boundless joy of her beloved knight knew that she was indeed, home.


Alyssa's hand held tightly to her love's as they guided each other through the corridors of the Ducal Palace towards the Royal Wing where their suites were. The warmth she held in her hand was welcome in the cool stone hallways. The Queen shivered, and pulled herself close to Isana as they walked together towards their chambers, Alyssa eager to change into a looser dress and out of her riding leathers.

Arriving in their wing of the palace, the pair retreated first to Alyssa's royal solar and Alyssa glanced towards her office door, wondering how much had stacked up in her week-long absence. Something felt wrong as they walked in. She felt the room's warmth as the heat radiated from the well-fueled fire in the fireplace. Curious... Alyssa considered. Neither of the pair had been home, her Dawn had met her in Brive. The door to the parlor was open as well. No one should be here. She rested her hand casually on the pommel of her sword and glanced at Isana with some concern.

"Aly?" She heard from the door to the parlor, a voice, old and familiar caused Alyssa to straighten up, her eyes widening with recognition as her aunt peered through the door at her, her uncle following suit as they came out of the parlor, her aunt wearing a warm smile, her uncle a slight one. Immediately Alyssa abandoned her typical demeanor and dashed across the room throwing her arms around her uncle, her aunt leaning in and joining them.

"You came, I'm so sorry I was never able to see you!" Alyssa said into her uncle's chest

"Oh darling," her aunt whispered, gently rubbing her back, "You've done so much for all of us, there is nothing for you to be sorry for."

"I've missed you both terribly." Alyssa muttered, a few tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"We missed you too, Your Majesty." replied her uncle his slight smile growing into a a proud one. Alyssa looked up at him with mock sternness. He gave a little chuckle and retidied his spectacles as Alyssa pulled back, catching her betrothed out of the corner of her eyes. She saw her aunt and uncle's eyes had followed curiously to the other in the room.

Straightening herself, she looked to Isana with smile. "Ah... Isana... My aunt and uncle." She looked hopefully at the two of them as they looked curiously to her betrothed.


Isana held Alyssa close to her side as they traversed the halls to their shared chambers. She was shivering more than Isana thought she ought to be, and the knight fretted to herself. You’ve not traveled with her in winter before, maybe she just always shivers to keep warm and it’s fine? came the little, hopeful voice in her head. This winter was more frigid than the years prior, and while it didn’t bother Isana at all with her northern upbringing--even felt comfortingly familiar--she was concerned her fellow Perdanese were less accustomed to and prepared for it.

Their Royal Suites were thankfully warm compared to the hallway. Steamy baths rose in her thoughts as Isana set to unlacing her boots. She heard Alyssa pause and looked up to see her darling with hand on sword pommel and eyes narrowed. Isana tensed, immediately on alert, and noted where she’d set her bow stave.

A female voice drifted out from their parlour.


Alyssa stiffened at the sound of the voice. Isana saw her hands move from the sword to hold just in front of her, arms bent, hesitant, as an older man and woman stepped slowly into view from the open parlour door.

The next minute was a whirlwind. Before Isana’s eyes her reserved darling shed formality and dashed into the couple’s waiting arms like a small child to grandparents. Isana re-tied her boot and stood. She took one step forward and stopped, to let the heartfelt moment unfold uninterrupted. Lines of care relaxed from the knight’s face as she listened to the murmurings of the ecstatic embrace. She stayed where she was and reveled; silently, vicariously, in their reunion for several heartbeats.

Bright blue glanced in her direction. The smile on Alyssa’s face sent a wave of emotion through Isana that made her tremble. It was so easy and comfortable, it spoke volumes on the strong ties these three shared. She had no time to reflect on this, though, as the older couples’ eyes followed the Queen’s and found the knight observant. Isana swallowed and stood up taller, wading through emotion to lift a welcoming expression to her cheeks.

"Ah... Isana... My aunt and uncle." She looked hopefully at the two of them as they looked curiously to her betrothed.

A knowing smile creased the corners of Isana’s eyes and she nodded several times. She approached the trio, meeting the family's curious eyes, and focusing on the excitement of meeting these very important people rather than the nerves that wondered if they would approve.

“I suspected, dearest," she felt the humour now of their battle-seasoned reaction to the visitors and that wry humour coloured her tone.

A couple of steps from them she hesitated, unsure of how to greet these people who had raised her betrothed and were the shining heart of her family unit. With a formal space between herself and the trio Isana gracefully dipped into a deep and respectful curtsey. It looked a little odd in her armoring trews but seemed the right gesture.

“Lord and Lady Kingsley, so very pleased to finally meet you. I am Isana Everlight, Knight of Perdan, Dawnstar of the Riverlands. Anyone who can bring such happiness to Alyssa is destined to be a favourite of mine, and welcome!”

The briefest glance found Aly as she finished her introduction and wondered what her aunt and uncle knew of their relationship. If they were like any senior relatives she knew, they had probably already guessed everything, even beyond anything they'd been told.


Alyssa smiled warmly at her partner's formality, something she found rare in the typically upbeat and carefree Isana. The Queen began to make a sweet comment about this, but was interrupted before she could even begin. With a hint of challenge in her eye, her aunt briskly stepped forward and began her flurry of questions and inspectorial commentary, investigating this still somewhat unknown figure that her niece told her would be joining their family.

"Hm... well you certain are pretty, she wasn't exaggerating that. And tall too, by the Divine."  Looking Isana up and down, and settling her eyes upon her arms, Lady Kingsley noted: "Archery indeed..." She said trailing of with a hint of scrutiny, as she continued her inspection beginning to circle around Isana. "Though not quite so exotic. Now, tell me where you're from again, dear. Alyssa's words made you seem like some sort of beautiful foreign princess. I suppose two of those are true, but the third? My niece is a Queen, after all.  I admit I was somewhat taken aback by her choice. I was certain hearing so much about that prince, that we'd be certain to find ourselves in the home of Lady Glory herself. Oh, and I have heard he is quite handsome, O what beautiful babies they would have made..."

At this point she seemingly completed her walk around and stopped just before Isana, with careful calculating expression, as she fell silent for a whisper of a moment.  Then she laughed and smiled sweetly.

"But mostly I am happy Aly is with someone she cares for so deeply.  Though I won't have beautiful fair-haired great-nieces and nephews, I will have new family regardless. I have had to pry every ounce detail about you through letters, not easy. For whatever reason the girl doesn't like writing to her aunt about her love life!" At this she chuckled, continuing. "Forgive a rambling old woman, I must say Lady Isana you were quite the surprise, but we follow our hearts in Perdan, and Alyssa's led hers to you."

Alyssa had been having her own moment, one of reunion with the man who had taught her much of what she knew. She hugged him tightly, and felt the usual, long-missed warmth as he gently hugged her back. He didn't say anything, and neither did she, but they didn't need to, seven years of departure now broken, her family reunited.

"Thank you." She finally whispered into her uncle's shoulder.

"Mhm."was all he said, the familiar brevity making her smile. After all this time, still the same, dear uncle. It was then that she heard a mischievous chuckle from the other side of the room. "I must say Lady Isana you were quite the surprise, but we follow our hearts in Perdan, and Alyssa's led hers to you."

Somewhat surprised herself, Alyssa glanced back at her uncle who nodded once, causing a brief shy smile to come over her. Word of honour...

"Now, Lady Isana," Alyssa's aunt said, slyly putting her arm through Isana's as she began to turn her in the direction of the solar's sofa pieces. "You must tell us everything, your coming to Perdan, the adventure, the romance story of our time..."

"Auntie!" Alyssa protested composedly. "You've asked her enough questions to start. Will you allow my dear to answer some?"

Lady Kingsley simply gave Isana a wink, before turning back to her royal niece. "Of course your most regal majesty. In my excitement I forgot all of the manners I taught you."

Alyssa took a deep breath, biting her lip as she shot a glare across the room at the older woman. Her aunt had not changed either and though she already felt somewhat embarrassed by the woman's complete lack of filter, she could not help herself from feeling a deep fondness rise up within her, realizing that while her aunt's mercurial nature hadn't changed, her own feelings on it had considerably. She realized in that moment how much she had missed her doting, exaggerated tales, and playful chastisement. And in that moment she felt many things; happiness, nervousness at the unexpected reunion, guilt at having been gone from home so long. They hadn't changed, and she had changed so much. Alyssa looked to Isana and met her eyes as the mix of a dozen emotions swirled around within her. And the eyes that met her back gave the same look they had that first night in a tent out in the field not never knowing if they'd see another day. The only change in that look since then was the certainty now that they would, and that they would see them together.


Alyssa’s warm smile of approval at her self-introduction relaxed Isana just enough for her heart to slide back down from her mouth to the back of her throat where it was more manageable. Why were relatives so nerve-wracking?

Isana gaped like a fish, mouth opening and closing as Alyssa’s dear Aunt asked one question after another without space for her to politely respond. Speaking over the woman was the last thing she would do, but she was already losing frantic grasp of the deluge of queries piled atop one another in quick succession. She was in turn, inspected like a horse at market, complimented like a prized student in lessons, and had opinions voiced about very *private* matters. A blush rose high in her cheeks below wide eyes at the mention of children. The wistful longing that offhand comment sparked only drove Isana further off-balance, and she became acutely aware of her own road-tiredness, the warm gambeson amplifying the heat from the fireplace, and a need for something to eat and drink.

Lady Kingsley was charming, her tone jovially disarming, and Isana found herself being led arm-in-arm toward the solar as though she were somehow the woman’s closest confidant, or a potential buyer for something expensive.

"Now, Lady Isana, you must tell us everything, your coming to Perdan, the adventure, the romance story of our time..."

"Auntie!" Alyssa protested composedly. "You've asked her enough questions to start. Will you allow my dear to answer some?"

The woman winked knowingly at Isana, further flustering her, before she responded.

"Of course your most regal majesty. In my excitement I forgot all of the manners I taught you."

Isana looked to Alyssa to steady herself, and found her love seeking her eyes in return. The pair held on to that thread, warmth and confidence building that let her discard some of the tumultuous mix she was feeling. It seemed they were off-balance together. Time to set the stage more solidly in their favour against this new assailant of Well Meaning Relatives.

“Manners on our part as well, dear Lady, and also specifically mine,” Isana interjected, with a wink to the bemused Alyssa, as she rested her free hand fondly on the older woman’s arm entwined with her own. She stepped over to a table, bringing her charge along for the trip, and rang the delicate bell causing two attendants to materialize from the door whence they had come.

“Her Majesty and company will sup in the Solar this evening, please see to it that food suitable for all as well as two bottles of the Sirion red are brought up as soon as possible.” She looked to the guests with polite concern, “Unless there is another libation you prefer?”

A short time later the foursome was comfortably seated in the solar, Isana having claimed her darling temporarily back to her side on a small couch, gathered near another that held their dear company. Both women were more energetic with the addition of some sustenance and a quick change into fresh clothes. Isana was beginning to get a read on the Lady, but was eager to speak more with Lord Kingsley after how warmly Alyssa had welcomed him.

"The 'romance story of our time', then, are you ready for it?" the dark-haired knight offered, setting down her chalice. She gathered Alyssa's hand into her own and treasured it on her lap. "I have to warn you, this could get awfully mushy..."


Alyssa's hand relaxed comfortably in its proper place intertwined with Isana's. A gentle little smile came over her as Isana offered her dear aunt and uncle the warning.

"Perhaps, but such is simply the truth of two people in love." Alyssa's smile brightened as Isana met her eyes and returned one of her own. Then her dearest love began their tale, from Isana's first arrival in Perdan and Alyssa's first request to inspect her unit for battle through each step of their blossoming relationship. Alyssa slipped her arm around Isana's as she leaned in slightly and settled in closer fondly admiring Isana with rapt attention. She told of their meeting in the garden so long ago, which Alyssa noted was a critical moment in which her beloved Isana may have saved the realm from a general lost to total despair. The little blush Isana had at this praise was quite fetching, Alyssa thought, but did not interrupt further as Isana continued their story.

Through their first swords dance Alyssa smiled proudly, noting both that this was the moment she knew that she had become quite taken with Isana, and that she had now become a swordswoman in her own right. The Tale of the Wintergreen Festival was Alyssa's turn to blush slightly as Isana described excitedly Alyssa's brave and quick rescue of a fair dame from a sweet and sticky disaster. Alyssa believed she was certainly embellishing, but said nothing as her love animatedly told the tale, enjoying the pureness of her excitement in recounting the adventure.

She tensed slightly however, as the discussion continued through the war they stood side by side to face, vivid memories replaying in her mind, but her posture relaxed as the tone shifted to more comforting thoughts, their little hillock in Bescanon, the first kiss Alyssa placed boldly upon her lips, and their brief retreat into the mountains. By this point both Alyssa and Lady Kingsley, relaxed from the long conversation and growing familiarity had leaned fondly into their partners, the two pairs mirroring each other from across the small table that divided them. A servant had come in at some point to set the fire for the evening as the sun began its descent through the arched windows. Warmth radiated through the room, but Alyssa felt first and foremost the warmth from the woman next to her, her closeness and love more comfort than any hearth, and her smile brighter than any flame.

Isana finished as she described the beautiful proposal she had set for Alyssa not that long ago, and at her aunt's request showed off her ring, with intended grace in the hopes of hiding some of her eagerness to do so.

"A fine ring." Lord Kingsley said as he took the young queen's hand and inspected the shimmering band. "Hm... Looks quite similar to a few descriptions I've come across in some Perleoni research. Isana my dear, I believe you have given your bride-to-be quite a treasure."

"Oh," began Lady Kingsley with mock annoyance, "I do believe you'll bore them both quite to sleep with your history lessons. Goodness knows Alyssa's slept through more than enough of them as it is." she said giving Isana a little wink. "These are women of action!"

Lord Kingsley did not smile but his bemusement was clear enough as he waved his hand dismissively. "Well whatever. If you do have some interest in the artifacts of The Continent, you need only write."

"Or visit." Lady Kingsley said perfectly mannered with only a hint of mischievousness in her voice. "The Realm is not so big as some make it out to be. And when was the last time Lord Benjamin or the rest of us minor lords and ladies received a royal visit, your Majesty? The last monarch that visited Bisciye came with torches and swords. It would be good for the people to see you, dear, and I am sure they would fall for your charming bride just as we have. There's already plenty of rumors about a royal wedding upcoming. So I've heard." She finished by taking a long sip from the glass of wine she had picked up from the table.

Alyssa glanced at Isana, and the two of them shared a look, knowing that neither of them had been able to set aside a great deal of time yet to actually plan that wedding. Lady Kingsley grinned a knowing grin.

"So it's soon then?"