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Spring 2020
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Latest revision as of 05:57, 8 July 2020


Spring 2020



Alyssa sat on the feathertop that lay across her cot in the modest pavilion she called her personal quarters, tapping her toe impatiently. The hour seemed much longer than it was as she waited for her beloved knight. Shadow watched her from his spot laying beside her light writing desk on the far side of the tent, the big black dog's eyebrow raised as she stood up and sighed standing once again before her looking glass. Simple breeches and a light linen shirt were comfortable, but she made sure she found her nicest one once she had changed out of her riding leathers.

She inspected her golden hair, brushed and straight, falling just above her shoulders, and pulled it into a low ponytail before frowning and letting her ribbon loose, getting halfway through a braid before trying again, realizing she would not have the time for something more ornate. She settled on the ponytail and sighed as Shadow stood up and shook himself, tail wagging as he walked over to his mistress. She looked down and gave his ears a scratch before glancing back up at the desk, noticing the little bottle of sandalwood the marshal had given her. With sudden concern she realized that she hadn't had a bath in nearly two days (with the cleaning of sweat and dust off her body from the army's mountainside march she did not count as a true bath). She quickly leaned into her shoulder and smelled. Well enough, she had been thorough with the cloth and cleaned well but she grabbed the sandalwood anyway and took its ornate lid off, placing a little of the perfume on herself. Breathing in its woodsy-floral scent, she sighed relaxing as she took in the comforting aroma.

She looked in the mirror satisfied enough, while Shadow, having received the attention he naturally deserved, wandered about sniffing at Alyssa's trunk and the belt and sword she had left on top of it. Alyssa began to reach over to put the belt back where it belonged when she heard a gentle voice from outside the entrance to her pavilion.

"My lady?" The familiar voice of Isana Everlight asked from beyond. "Aly?"

Shadow barked, as if to alert Alyssa to the voice in the event she had not heard it. She jumped startled for one moment as the voice caught her off guard but turned away from the sword and back towards the front of the tent straightening herself as she replied. "Come in, dear."

And so she did and Alyssa took a deep breath as her beloved knight entered her pavilion. The deep-blue of her eyes found Alyssa's own immediately and the woman smiled brightly at her. Alyssa could not hide her own, nor could she resist taking the step to close the distance between them as she wrapped her arms around her knight pulling her into an embrace.

"I've missed you terribly." Alyssa muttered softly into her shoulder.



Isana approached Alyssa's pavilion, lifting one hand in friendly greeting to Graham who nodded briefly back. She paused outside the canvas, smoothing her long hair (braided anyway), adjusted and dusted her deep green travelling coat (the only one she had on campaign) and briefly wished it were something nicer. A tiny headshake. It was the company that counted.

"My lady? Aly?" she called quietly.

A loud bark startled her. Isana glanced around to be sure she hadn't gotten the wrong pavilion (there were none other similar) then remembered she'd heard Alyssa had a canine companion and nodded to herself.

"Come in, dear," came a familiar strong voice from inside the tent. Isana smiled brightly and stood straighter at that sound, stepping through immediately.

Alyssa stood before her camp mirror in the warmth of the pavilion. In front of her, alert with hackles up and tail wagging was a handsome young black dog. Knowing her friend would not let the dog harm her, Isana gave it little mind, and found her gaze captured by the steely blue eyes of her dear friend. She felt the wide smile lift her face and a rush of happiness at once, and suddenly Alyssa had wrapped her up in a solid embrace. "I've missed you terribly" she heard muffled into her shoulder.

Isana hesitated only the barest of moments before wrapping her strong archer's arms around the warrior woman, holding her tight. The embrace conveyed safety, support, care, and affection at once... like coming home.

"I've missed you too dearest, so much," she breathed into the soft blonde hair, catching a hint of sandalwood on the air. She held the embrace a few long moments, feeling they both needed some comfort. Another breath later she mumbled with humour, "I must have taken too long, Aly my dear, for you to have resorted to playing with cosmetics in your ennui. The sandalwood is lovely."

Aly pulled back and gave her an unreadable look somewhere between embarrassment and a sarcastic retort, and Isana giggled. Oh, it felt good to laugh! She gave Alyssa's arms a gentle squeeze and let her hands fall until they clasped hers. More solemnly she continued, "There's no place like home. Care to tell me about some of your recent adventures while I pour us some wine?"



"Ah thank you..." Alyssa replied to the compliment, feeling a little embarrassed but also happy to receive the playful compliment. She nodded once hesitatingly letting go of the other's strong, gentle hand and motioned to the bottle of red on the traveler's desk. Isana pulled the cork from the bottle as Alyssa pulled her own simple sturdy chair from behind the desk to the front of the desk, and unfolded a canvas stool she had for visitors, setting up close right next to it. She sat down upon the stool as Isana finished pour one of the glasses and handed to her with a sweet smile and a sparkle in her eye. Alyssa accepted the glass with her own fond smile and took a little sip, setting the goblet on the desk as Isana gave her a look before sitting in the chair opposite.

Isana placed her own goblet on the empty desk as Alyssa instinctively reached out to join their hands once more, resting them easily on her knee. A heavy sigh escaped as Alyssa searched for how to explain the most recent series of snafus.

She shook her head. "Vix Tiramora does not care about their duties to their people, I am convinced. At least not many of them." She furrowed her brow at the recollection of events and her tone turned somewhat sharper. "That fool Paxwax... I warned him days in advance, and he sat upon his heels and did nothing! People died for his negligence, 'Sana-dear. I watched the Vixen townslands in flames from the mountainsides because he could not bother to act." She huffed and took a drink from her goblet. "Our lives are dedicated to protecting those who cannot protect themselves from wicked forces. They call him 'The Prime Knight of Vix Tiramora'. I don't believe there is anything prime about him."

She fell silent as Isana sipped her wine. Replaying the flames again in her mind again, watching over the mountainside at night as the smoke clouds rose to meet the moonlight, dancing orange flames flickering in the distance, across all the valley. A modest manor house, wreathed in fire collapsed in on itself, while a little girl watched from a little hillock with a single tree atop it, her life changed forever. Alyssa shivered at the unwelcome ghosts and shook her head. "I feel like we failed them. Like we could have done more, we could have arrived sooner. Had I reacted quicker..."

She finished her goblet as she finished her recounting and pulled a loose lock of hair back behind her ear. "I'm sorry, my darling knight. I suppose I am too grim..." Quickly deciding to change the subject to salvage what little cheer may be left after the flames of Ar Mosul had consumed it, Alyssa continued trying to think quickly of something cheerier for her knight. Coming up with very little she blurted out, settling on. "The Paladins seem to be well off, with Vice-Marshal Delphine in command. She leads them well -"

As she spoke she caught from the corner of her eye a black shadow move behind the desk as it rattled slightly, nearly knocking the goblets over.

"Shadow!" She called as the guilty boy peaked his head his from behind the desk. She snapped her fingers and pointed at the ground next to her as the Corso walked over and sat obediently next to his mistress looking up to her. "We have a guest, you'll mind your manners." she said like a mother chiding her son. He laid down in his place and gazed up at Isana studying her curiously. "I promise he is better behaved, I think he is just excited to have your company. That we share." She finished with a fond smile. "I hope camp life wasn't too dreary while we were away?"



Isana let her gaze roam appreciatively around the pavilion as she poured the wine. It was tidy and smart, all business, without the whimsy she knew dwelt patiently in her dear friend's heart, waiting behind the steel for moments when duty was not on call. Only one side of the admirable woman showed here, and as always, it was perfection.

Isana handed the wine over with a smile, noting happily that the chairs were close together. She sat comfortably and sipped the rich, deep red liquid.

After the enthusiastic hug, Aly had again retreated somewhat to her reserved self, looking preoccupied and distantly into space as she related recent events in Vix. Her hand was warm and tense in Isana's. Isana wondered if her tease had gone too far somehow. In the description that followed, she found instead that Alyssa's mind had much to think about.

"...People died for his negligence, 'Sana-dear. I watched the Vixen townslands in flames from the mountainsides because he could not bother to act." Blonde hair fell into her face as Alyssa huffed distastefully. Isana missed the next few words, thinking about this, hearing a haunted tremor somewhere in that recounting. Townslands in flames...

She could not think of what to say. Something had happened there. Alyssa caught her eye and must have seen her concern, for she changed the subject abruptly, and then was interrupted by the black dog.

"Shadow!" there were a few moments of delighted distraction as they settled the glossy canine between them. "I hope camp life wasn't too dreary while we were away?"

Isana had two hands full of silky soft puppy ears, ruffling them to a happy wagging response. She sighed lightly and gave a half-smile. "The Stormfront are the best trained archers I've had in my command, probably ever. Weeks of drilling will do that to you. Or they'd better. But it's been so rough out here, the armor has worn through its strapping in places and the troops are beginning to slice their hands open through no fault of their own. We are tiring of this. But it is our lot." She sipped the heavy wine again and gave Shadow an amused smile as the dog slid to a resting position on both of their feet and voiced a groan. "He's adorable, Aly. I'm glad you have his sweet face with you." A thought sprang to mind. "A toast! To companionship," she offered, lifting her glass.

They locked eyes and clinked glasses. Each took another sip, keeping eyes on each other in what started to feel like a challenge. The wine was drained in a moment. Isana stood (forgetting the dog on their feet and nearly losing her balance) and swept up Alyssa's goblet with a flourish. "It's broken, Aly dear, let me fix that for you!" She was rewarded with a giggle from Alyssa, and thus encouraged, presented the refilled goblet back to her liege with the elegance of a courtier and the deep bow of the humblest subject. "Your drink, beloved of the realm!" They dissolved into more giggles as Isana reclaimed her camp stool. Shadow stood amidst the laughter, bumping into them with his silky dark fur and giving little howling barks. This made them laugh harder.

They hushed him with pets and in a few moments the handsome Corso settled obediently between them again. While they pet him, Isana bit her lip hesitantly, took a deep breath, and ventured, "Dearest, I'm worried you saw something out there that is bothering you deeply... can I help you sort through it?"



Alyssa as watched with fond affection at Shadow's excited smile as Isana rubbed his belly. He rolled around as she did so, earning a soft giggle from the other woman. Isana is right. This does feel like home. She felt happily light, though not sure if it was the wine or her company, as both had similar effects on her. She gave her own weary, contended smile as Isana laughed. Eventually her boy settled down between them, holding his chin proudly as Alyssa gave him one final head scratch. She heard Isana take a deep breath and Alyssa looked up as she spoke. "Dearest, I'm worried you saw something out there that is bothering you deeply... can I help you sort through it?"

Alyssa cringed slightly and shifted in her seat. "Ah..." She began letting out a sigh. "Just... thinking about watching Ar Mosul in flames. Reminds me of... old pains. It's nothing to worry about, dear." The words did not seem to comfort her companion who watched her with concern. Feeling a little guilty, Alyssa continued, taking Isana's hand once more in both of hers "I've mentioned I grew up with my aunt and uncle right?" Isana nodded listening intently. "Well... there is a reason why I lived with my father's brother. When I was a girl of 6, our manor house caught fire during the night. It consumed the entire home. My mother and many of the staff were killed. My father vanished into the night. My uncle believes he started it with his drunkenness. It spread rapidly and consumed the entire house in minutes. I escaped only by fortune that I hadn't gone to bed when I was supposed to, I had enough time to get out before the flames took the house."

A silence passed over the room for several moments. "It's... ancient history. I've dealt with it." She tried to offer a reassuring smile. "It still makes me sad to think about, naturally, and I still miss her every day it feels but... I've had plenty of time to work through it." She gave Isana's hand a squeeze, leaning forward and placing a light kiss on her cheek, sitting back down and meeting her blue-green eyes with a smile. "But I am comfortable and reassured, knowing I have you. And knowing you would be here for me when I need it gives me all the strength in the world."



Isana had been ready to offer her friend assurances of support, the confident and optimistic words that always seemed to help. And then Alyssa kissed her cheek, and Isana’s mind went blank as those bright blue eyes filled her vision.

"But I am comfortable and reassured, knowing I have you. And knowing you would be here for me when I need it gives me all the strength in the world." Alyssa spoke warmly.

Isana felt her face flushing. The world was spinning too fast, and yet was paused in the longest moment she could remember, both at once. Her hand raised to touch the spot where Aly had kissed her cheek, and she smiled an embarrassed smile and looked down at her lap.

“Dearest… I… it gives me the greatest joy I have known to bring you comfort. It saddens me to know all the strife you have gone through, and makes me appreciate your strength and sweetness even more.” The thought-out part over, she began to stammer. “A-and, I uh, haha…” she looked up from under a fringe of hair that had fallen loose from her braid, gave a little amused-and-embarrassed shake of her head, and continued, “Um, that was the first kiss ever bestowed on my face by anyone other than my mother, heh…” She felt her face glowing with heat, and reached for her wine glass to hide behind it, not knowing what Alyssa would have to say to that.



The lightness in her head was replaced with a pounding as her heart began to race, realizing fully what she had done without thinking. It's going to happen again. She thought glancing over to the bottle of wine that sat upon the desk. Her eyes widened and fluttered nervously around the tent, her cheeks flushed red.

She was not sure what to say to that.

So she said: "I see."

What a stupid thing to say.

"I mean..." She continued shaking her head, trying to conquer the awkwardness she now found herself in. "I'm glad I can do this for y- err I mean to offer you deserved affection." Stop. You have embarrassed her and yourself. You should have known better. "I mean... I am sorry if I intruded upon your space... um dearest I - I only wished to convey my affections and appreciation. Er! Rather I wished you to know my affections... or..." Alyssa cringed and took a deep breath. "I just... You are... as I say, my dearest. You brighten my days, bring me comfort in my darkest hours." Her heart beat faster, head feeling light and floaty still. "You are the one I trust more than any other, who I feel closest and at home with. How could anything but affection and appreciation come for you? I wish for you to know that you are cared for and appreciated." Alyssa fiddled with her fingers hesitantly.

"I... hope a Lady's kiss is not an unwelcome display of that."



Isana’s heart thrummed like a hummingbird in her chest. “Oh Aly!” she cried, and threw herself across the rift of cringing confusion to wrap her arms around the poor dear woman feeling such strife.

She held her close and murmured into her sandalwood-scented pale hair, “If I am embarrassed, it is at my own mother-bestowed regret over being a knight rather than married, not one bit caused by the honour and affection you give me, dearest.” Isana pulled back just slightly, balanced precariously halfway onto Alyssa’s lap with hands on her shoulders, and looked intensely into her bright blue eyes. “A kiss was new, and more powerful than I’d expected… and I did not mean for my words to put you into… whatever state of mind this is, because it really looks uncomfortable! It was appreciated, and for the gesture intended… I feel so much for you, dearest. The only confusion is what to do with that feeling under the eyes of others, not the feeling itself.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. She thought briefly she could feel Alyssa tremble beneath her hands. Maybe this was too close? She reached to pull her stool closer and tipped herself into it with attempted grace.

Isana opened her eyes and caught Alyssa’s gaze again, and took hold of her hands. “If I am your Dawnstar, Aly, then you are my sky. The place where I exist, fully alive, and shine brightest. I am thankful for you. And the wine for helping me say it… no matter what happens in this life, nor how far or close our duties take us, you have my love; impressive, sweet, thoughtful, and clever Aly; and I expect nor need nothing in return save to know my light falls upon and brightens your life. Of course, I’d always rather be where you are.” She smiled, and felt each one as she said the words, and hoped the truth in it came through to her dear friend, and that she wouldn’t regret saying those things on the morrow. It was all so clear, and true. Love without expectation. She hoped Aly could believe it. She took everything on herself, trying so hard not to put a foot astray, and Isana wanted her to know that there was no dangerous ground here, no eggshells, only acceptance.

She held her hands gently and breathed, waiting to see what Alyssa would say.



No matter what happens in this life, nor how far or close our duties take us, you have my love

Alyssa sat stunned as the woman before her bore her feelings. Does she really mean that? part of her wanted to ask, but she knew Isana and through everything, the gentle touch of her hand, the comforting look, and the warm and impactful embrace, she knew that it was the truth. Alyssa's foot tapped nervously in her boot as Isana finished and smiled the beautiful smile Alyssa had come to care for so well. She did not expect herself to ever be in such a position, and had not even considered what she was supposed to do. Isana met her gaze with warmth and acceptance, and the doubts washed away. Her eyes held nothing but love, just as she had said.

"I... feel the same for you dearest. I..."

A surge of courage and affection came over her, as Alyssa place a hand tenderly on Isana's cheek. She felt the softness and warmth of her skin as Alyssa leaned forward and softly touched her lips to Isana's own, closing her eyes as she kissed her, losing herself for a moment in Isana's breath, and her touch. Her kiss lingered for a second, enjoying the contact but finally she pulled back and took a deep breath and spoke softly.

"I... never thought I'd meet another woman like me..."

Her lips turned slightly upwards into a hopeful smile, matching the one the woman before her had given her so many times.

"I'm glad that it's you."




Isana squeaked gleefully, grinning back into Aly’s sparkling bright eyes, her heart soaring. The smile that curled Alyssa’s lips was the happy, fleeting one, and this time it wasn’t running away! She lifted both her hands to frame that incredible face, one palm gently on each cheek, and leaned closer to rest their foreheads together, nose to nose. Sweet hot breath tickled her lower lip where the kiss had just been and she giggled.

“Oh, my dearest, you are so full of surprises,” she said softly. ...another woman like me…

“I never knew I could feel love this way, for anyone.”

She pulled back just enough to be able to focus her eyes again. A sigh of appreciation drifted from her as her dearest Aly came back into view, blonde hair a bit tousled, looking effortlessly graceful as always in her flowing linen shirt and breeches, with a very attractive high blush in her cheeks.

“‘Butterflies’ does not do it justice...” Isana said.

Her head tilted to one side as she spoke, adding awe to the words. One thumb gently caressed along Alyssa’s soft cheek, and she felt the woman lean into it. Their eyes gazed deeply into each others’ as though nothing else in the world existed, deep blue-green and brightest blue; ocean and sky. Isana leaned in to press a light, shy kiss to Alyssa’s lips, her lashes drifted closed only for a brief moment. The elation she felt was intoxicating. The most impressive person she knew, this incredible woman, swordswoman, teacher, military leader… her dear friend, and chosen family… loved her too. She could hardly look away for the irrational fear it was all a dream. This is real.

A nervous whining sound popped the gossamer scene, and both women turned to see Shadow sitting very close to them at full obedient alert, the tip of his tail giving the barest wag. At once they burst out laughing, holding each other close.

“Poor pup has no idea what’s going on!”



"I believe my darling he is just envious of you receiving all of my attention."

Alyssa giggled as she watched her faithful dog inspect Isana with suspicion as she held close to his mistress. She gave Isana's arm a soft pull and an innocent look motioning her back towards her lap, as her darling knight joined her in the chair, her arms draped over her shoulders, Alyssa's arm wrapping comfortably around her waist, holding her gently while Shadow sniffed at Isana's legs, watching her closely. It felt good to hold her like this, to no longer have to push her feelings away. For the first time in many years she felt truly happy, and herself. She was not alone anymore, her morning star would be here.

Shadow, by this point, had begun his investigation now of Alyssa herself perhaps wondering now if his typically solitary mistress was some sort of impostor to have let this woman into their space. As he sniffed up her arm he put his front paws on Isana's legs to further inspect the situation.

Alyssa frowned and snapped her fingers, pointing at the ground. Obediently he shrunk down to the floor. "I will make you lay down if you can't behave." Shadow's ears lowered at the mention of 'lay down'. "That is no way to treat a lady, Shadow." He walked back towards the trunk Alyssa's sword and belt lay upon and took his attention to investigating it instead of getting into trouble.

"You really do have him riled up." She noted leaning easily into Isana's shoulder and watching the dog with some concern. "He usually is better behaved. I was hoping he'd take to you. Perhaps with time?"

She glanced back over at the wine bottle which was nearing its bottom. Alyssa pouted.

"There's little wine left, my love."



Isana followed Aly’s gaze to the table, where a mere few sips of wine were left in the bottom of the bottle. She sighed, though it was difficult to be too sad with that adorable pout in such proximity.

“There is no rest for the knighted, is there, darling,” she said softly, savouring the sweet word. Alyssa shook her head regretfully. “Mm,” Isana mused, a glint in her eye, “it’s just so far away… maybe I can get it...”

She leaned into Alyssa in a mock plight to reach for the bottle on the table without giving up her seat on the woman’s lap (it was much too far) and was rewarded with a muffled giggle. Isana grinned.

“That is my very favourite sound.”

She dropped the facade and just snuggled against Aly, enjoying the familiarity and joy of it all. In her mind they were back under the tree on the hill, idly musing about the world, not in a war tent perhaps hours from battle.

Duty was calling, though. Isana sat up, slid her braid back over one shoulder, and brought a gentle hand up under her lady’s chin. She searched those sparkling blue eyes that met her own with fearless love. Isana shook her head once in simple awe, and leaned in for another kiss. They lingered this time in the cloud of warmth and sandalwood, and parted very slowly.

Isana summoned grace to her limbs and stood up gallantly, offering her hand to her beloved lady.

“Let’s finish that poor bottle in a toast before we call the evening complete, dearest.”



Alyssa gently took her hand, as Isana gave her a gentle pull, helping her out of the seat. The room spun instantly as she stood up, her head light, nearly stumbling foot first into her knight. She wrapped an arm around the other's waist for stability, with a concerned look on her face, which quickly faded with a snort and a giggle as she leaned into her lady.

"Perhaps it is best this will be the last of it" She said wearing a dumb, drunken smile.

Isana laughed at that which made her heart flutter with fondness and affection. Her knight gave her another kiss on the cheek before pulling away to fill the goblets for the last time.

What a beautiful woman. Alyssa thought standing at ease and swaying lightly side to side as she admired the other, pouring the last of the wine into the two cups. Her eyes and thoughts began to wander, but soon enough the bottle was emptied and her knight returned handing her the glass. Alyssa took a step closer to accept it, her free hand without thinking reaching out to find the other's, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm not sure I've ever led a toast, dearest. You have something in mind?"



Isana nodded and kept her fingers entwined with Aly’s, holding on to steady her a bit. She looked thoughtfully at the goblet with its small sip of wine. Something simple for tonight; this incredible time needed no elaboration, but she felt the need to celebrate it.

“Ah, as the eldest daughter I led many toasts at the family Manor. A toast is some sort of speech and wish, whether serious or in jest. Often in the wild north we would drink to the health or success of friends and comrades-in-arms. You can simply toast “to” someone, which sort of means both.”

She hiccuped and ducked her head bashfully, and caught a flash of a grin from Aly.

“Haha. ‘Scuse me. One of my favourites when we had holidays or big soirees, was, ‘Here’s to the nights we’ll never remember, with our friends we’ll never forget.’ But it’s not quite right for tonight…”

She blinked and looked from the goblet up to the thoughtful gaze of Alyssa, who was listening intently with that clever focus Isana so admired, though she swayed a bit with the wine. Isana continued quietly.

“I will never forget tonight. I will cherish this with all our moments together, and perhaps the most yet; for it is the beginning of something new, something I have yearned for without knowing it.” She squeezed Alyssa’s warm fingers gently in her own. “So instead, my darling, let me propose this toast,” and she held her goblet lightly aloft in the lamplight. Alyssa followed her example, holding her goblet near to Isana’s.

“While we live, let us live!” Isana said fervently, with a joyous smile only for her love. Alyssa beamed back. The two women clinked their goblets together and finished the wine. Isana lifted the empty goblet from Alyssa and placed both back on the camp table, then turned and wrapped her dearest in a tight hug that lasted many heartbeats.

When they finally parted, the two said their farewells for the evening, and Shadow even let Isana pet him a couple times before she left, to the approval of Alyssa.

“Until the morrow, my love.”