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"Earl Emyhr, Marshal of the Golden Host, seeks and audience with Navarch Solomon Greybrook... If he has the time to spare."  
"Earl Emyhr, Marshal of the Golden Host, seeks and audience with Navarch Solomon Greybrook... If he has the time to spare."  
The guards looked at the Marshal, freshly scarred from his battle wounds and were slighlty unnerved but delivered the message:
"The Navarch is actually not here Marshal Emyhr. He is current holding his noble audience in the Gylden Bank guild hall. It is only a minutes walk from here. Please head there."
Solomon had arranged a room within the Gylden Bank for the Tol Goldoran nobles to visit. He intentionally chose not to use the Navarch grounds for a very particular reason. One was that he had business with the Bank today but also to open an opportunity to talk to those whom he would not usually speak to otherwise. The grounds can be rather daunting. He was also frustrated that he did not make the point of announcing such with his prompt letter on his arrival. Nevertheless, news should of spread by now either by those who came to the grounds or received the invite by now.
While he did not expect all the nobles of Tol Goldora to appear, nor was this a official summon, he anticipated the arrival of whomever came through the doors. Perhaps the Marshal would make a appearance, pending his recovery from injury.
Emyhr looked perplexed before sighing, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"My mistake, thank you for the guidance."
The guard bowed. Emyhr and Amira began to step back down the stairs. He turned to Amira who was now clutching at an item wrapped in a fine silk.
"Well, at least we know where he is now. Let us head there now and not waste any more time." He chuckled to himself.
After a few minutes of walking back down the main street, they finally came to the main headquarters of the Gylded Bank. A resplendant, awe-inspiring building. As per normal a small group of guards, hired specifically for the purpose of guarding the bank, stood outside the main door. A large sign above reading The Gylded Bank.
Emyhr approached the guards.
"I am here to see Navarch Solomon Greybrook. I had originally gone to the Navarch Grounds but was told that he is currently being hosted here."
The guards looked Emyhr up and down, noting how his arm was still wrapped in bandages.
"Right this way Marshal, I shall guide you to his eminence."
The guard opened the door and led them through a large reception area. Passing by many groups of people before coming to the door of a larger private room.
"The Navarch is in here Marshal." The guard knocked on the door before opening it for Emyhr.
Inside stood Solomon. A group of workers and accountants of the bank surrounded him, papers scattered across the table. Emyhr smiled at this as he entered the room.
"Navarch Solomon, it seems you are as busy as ever." Emyhr approached him, holding out his right arm. "Please excuse my current state, I am still getting used to the lack of apendiges. Though the healers say I am still able to swing a sword."
He laughed, gripping on Solomons had tightly.
"You remember Amira? It has been quite some time since we last met. Here, a gift for you. Since your ascendancy to Navarch, I havent had the opportunity to congratulate you."
Amira stepped forward, unrwapping the item. A resplendent longsword, with a dark wavy pattern carved into the blade. A deep blue sapphire rests in the pommel of the blade.
"This sword can serve you both in the field and in ceremonial settings. The blade is sharp and the steel is strong." Emyhr puffed out his chest, presenting the sword to Solomon.
Seeing his old friend come in, he quickly dismissed his attendants so that the guild work was no longer on view. This was meant to be a audience room, not a office.
Solomon was shocked by the lack of arm his friend had now possessed. He knew it must of been far more damaging to his mind and body than he would let on. He shook his hand and looked at the gift presented to him. The present that he recieved was rather splendid, taking the opportunity to hold the swords weight, it was well balanced. Looking his near brother in the eye, he gave a grin and gave the sword and long stride into empty space.
It felt right - a good choice.
Returning the sword into its protective casing, Solomon finally gave a strong hug to Emyhr and a deep nod of thanks to Amira. Looking back up to both of them, Solomon gestured to sit down and spoke with sincerity:
"Thank you both for coming. It has been... A very long time. Alot has happened. If or until other guests come, I want to understand where you have been all this time. Was there no saving your arm?"
Emyhr accepted his invite and took a seat nearby, helping Amira to sit before taking a chair himself. He looked towards Solomon and smiled gently, as if he was trying to mask the pain.
"Sadly, there was not much hope. The healers tell me that by the time I arrived at the tent, my arm was barely hanging on. Amputating was the best option to ensure my survival."
Emyhr leaned back into his chair, rubbing the bandages.
"The battle must have been... a week back? Maybe longer. My scouts did not account for the total movement and we arrived before the rest of the army. This was partially my fault as I did not check, I was too excited to finally be bringing the fight to those barbarians. However, as you can see, I did not go unscathed."
Amira perked up at this, as if to detract from the sour mood.
"Navarch Solomon, how has your first few weeks as being Navarch been? My husband and I have been keeping up with most of the news lately. During his more lucid moments, I would read to him the reports of the army to cheer him up." She leaned across, rubbing Emyhr's hand. "While I wish for peace, I understand that force has become necessary as a response. Daily we seem to be making ground. The recapture of my home, Demyansk, was wonderful news. You must be very proud of the effort of the Goldorans."
She smiled gleefully towards Solomon as she gently grasped Emyhr's hand. As she spoke, Emyhr smiled sincerely. When she finished, Emyhr leaned forward in his chair.
"I had hoped we would be at peace by now. When we first arrived in the west, I sent word to my youngest sister to join us here. From her latest response, I believe she will be arriving soon. You would like her Solomon, she is very smart for her age. My parents called her the brains of the family. She just recently finished her education under a distant relative. I fear to think that she may even be able to outshine me."
Emyhr chuckled at this and awaited Solomon's response.
Solomon knew that his friend was putting on a brave face. He did not want to take that away from him.
"I believe it is more about continuing the good that has come before me and trusting Goldorans to do their part. Isn't that the way it should be? While holding ultimate power, it is perhaps good use of power to delegate and trust those to do what needs to be done. But.. on occasion when it is demanded, to trust ones conviction?
On the matter of your sister, I will always welcome a Le Craint to the court of Tol Goldora. However, coming to the lands of the West doesn't come without its perils. Wouldn't she rather remain in your family lands in Poryatu?
I digress. How long until you are able to resume your duties Emyhr? Your Marshalship under Stratarch Roose is imperative."
However, more Emyhr talked, more did Solomon notice the pain and slow burn of sacrifice in his words. Perhaps a caution to be aware of.
Emyhr and Amira listened closely to the words of Solomon.
"The matter with my sister was complicated. I told her that she should reside in the safety of our home in Poryatu however she was insistent that she wished to help here. After witnessing her determination in her letters, I could not tell her no. I shall not take her to the front lines, rather I shall purchase a manor here in Via for both my sister and Amira to live and stay safe. Once the time comes, I shall introduce you two."
He chuckled again and brushed his rough cut beard.
"With luck, it wont be more than a few more days. I need time to get my bearings. Soon I shall be able to join the frontlines and coordinate with Stratarch Roose once more." He had a wide smile across his face. "I don't want to miss much more. Maybe I shall get a chance at revenge for this wound. I am a warrior. I am not suited for sitting at the back lines for very long."

Latest revision as of 20:33, 17 May 2019

Emyhr adopted the lifestyle of a hero fairly early into her career as a noble. Serving on the frontlines of Luria Nova during the times of the invasions would send many warriors running. Emyhr was different. His sense of justice and willingness to fight and protect the people made him a natural hero. These are the tales of his life as a hero:

((OOC: Many of my earlier RPs have been lost before this page was created.))

Rolyplay Archive

Recovering from his Wounds

The pain... it was unbearable. Night after night the healers tried to stabilise him. The screaming only got worse. Some days he improved. Others, his condition deteriorated. He could barely make out the sound of those around him. The blurry images of people? They did not look like people...

A few days later:

As Emyhr sat up on his bed, he did not know where he was. He felt strange. He had been wounded before but never had he felt this... empty. Amira sat next to him, her head against his chest, crying tears of joy and sorrow. Emyhr could not quite process what had taken place. The healers watched on, as if they were staring at a dying man, concern gripped their face.

What were they looking at... shouldn't they be happy...? Emyhr thought to himself. His mind still dillusional from the countless restless nights and agonising days. He looked towards Amira, raising his arm to place it upon her shoulder... or at least he tried.

There was nothing. No movement. No tension. No... feeling?

He began to panic. He quickly tried to reach out, trying to grab at anything. One arm creaked and ached forward. The other did not. Emyhr looked around. The healers began reaching for something, Emyhr was not sure what. The captain of his unit ran towards him and placed his hands upon Emyhr's chest forcing him back into the bed before the healer proceeded to pour a mixture of something into his mouth. His heart raced with fear and confusion before he slumped back into the softness of the bed.

The last thing he saw before he fell into a deep slumber that night... the bandaged stub where his arm used to be...

The Church of the Tidemother

The horse cantered through the gates of Via once again. To Emyhr it had felt like a lifetime since he was last here. His small company of knights followed him closely behind. It was no lie that they looked worn out. The armour and weapons showed obvious signs of damage. Amira and Captain Erdman rode next to Emyhr, passing carts of food and commoners seeking entry into the city.

"Captain, see about recruiting some more to our number. Also, we need to get this equipment repaired." Emyhr threw a sack of gold towards the captain who caught in gracefully, "This should just about cover it. Should you need more, I shall be at the Church of the Tidemother."

The captain nodded and led the small unit down the street ahead of Emyhr and Amira. The two, steadily, made their way down the mainstreet. While the pain has mostly gone, Emyhr had not yet gotten used to the feeling. Holding the reigns in one hand was difficult, something he would have to get used to.

Approaching the large temple, the two of the dismounted from their horses. Emyhr was helped by a stableman, offering a his arm for balance. The temple was splashed in splendour. A remarkable structure. The door was open and numerous commoners and minor nobles were entering and leaving. As Emyhr and Amira arrived, the crowds parted allowing them to enter. Their were many eyes of admiration and concern as Emyhr entered through the grand oak doors.

Passing through the colonnade entryway, Emyhr's eye caught the site of a beautiful statue highlighted by the glow light piercing through the stained glass behind the statue. The figure was nothing like he had seen before. Her hair flowing as if an ocean breeze blew through the church.

He searched the church for a priest. Many were tending to other patrons but there was one who stood at the base of the statue, his head bowed towards the figure. He was wearing a cloak that seemingly changed colour, from green to blue and purple. Emyhr was reminded of his time crossing the Gold Sea when they first arrived in the western lands. Emyhr approached the figure, gently speaking as to not disturb the man.

"Excuse me good priests, I have come to learn about the Church of the Tidemother. Is Margrave Umerith around? If he is free, I would like to talk with him."

The priest turned around, his face young and fresh. He offered out his hands to the both of them, welcoming them to the church.

"Founder Emyhr and Lady Amira, welcome to the Church of the Tidemother. I shall gladly seek out the Tidespeaker for you and alert him of your arrival. If you would wait right here for me, thank you."

He bowed towards Emyhr and departed quickly, crossing his arms in the fold of his vestments. Emyhr took this time to admire the church. He could better see the stained glass window behind the main statue, oceanic colours and scenes spread across each panel. The statue seemingly dancing in the light of the ocean. The illusion of being under the sea did not go amiss as Emyhr admired every speck of the church. The two of them waited for the return of the priest, tightly holding each others hand. Neither of them could take their eyes away form the statue.

A visit to the Navarch

Sometime After Emyhr's visit to the Church of the Tidemother

Emyhr and Amira left the grounds of the church arm in arm, pleased with the discussion they held with some of the priest's there. They decided to stroll around Via while the captain continued the recruitment process. They were accompanied by two veterans of the Soulless Marauders whom had been assigned as guards for the day. Emyhr new these men, fighting along side them in many battles, but their demeanour as they walked the city was different than usual. He shrugged this off and continued walking the street.

The street was busy. The bustle of merchants and commoners along the side streets and shopfronts made for quite a noisy scene. However, over the noise of the crowd, something caught Emyhr's attention.

"Via! Men and Women of Tol Goldora! The Navarch has arrived!"

Emyhr turned to Amira, "It seems Solomon has arrived, care to join me in seeing if he has time to meet with us? I havent seen the man in what has felt like years." He smiled, gripping tightly against her arm.

"That sounds wonderful. We must stop by a shop to buy a gift of some kind, to congratulate him." Emyhr smiled and nodded.

They continued down the street, stopping at many different shops and markets before come to the grounds of the seat of the Navarch. A splendid place within the capital. Emyhr and Amira strode pass the commoners and minor nobles that were gathering at the bottom of the stairs and approached the man door where guards stood at attention.

"Earl Emyhr, Marshal of the Golden Host, seeks and audience with Navarch Solomon Greybrook... If he has the time to spare."

The guards looked at the Marshal, freshly scarred from his battle wounds and were slighlty unnerved but delivered the message:

"The Navarch is actually not here Marshal Emyhr. He is current holding his noble audience in the Gylden Bank guild hall. It is only a minutes walk from here. Please head there."


Solomon had arranged a room within the Gylden Bank for the Tol Goldoran nobles to visit. He intentionally chose not to use the Navarch grounds for a very particular reason. One was that he had business with the Bank today but also to open an opportunity to talk to those whom he would not usually speak to otherwise. The grounds can be rather daunting. He was also frustrated that he did not make the point of announcing such with his prompt letter on his arrival. Nevertheless, news should of spread by now either by those who came to the grounds or received the invite by now.

While he did not expect all the nobles of Tol Goldora to appear, nor was this a official summon, he anticipated the arrival of whomever came through the doors. Perhaps the Marshal would make a appearance, pending his recovery from injury.

Emyhr looked perplexed before sighing, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"My mistake, thank you for the guidance."

The guard bowed. Emyhr and Amira began to step back down the stairs. He turned to Amira who was now clutching at an item wrapped in a fine silk.

"Well, at least we know where he is now. Let us head there now and not waste any more time." He chuckled to himself.

After a few minutes of walking back down the main street, they finally came to the main headquarters of the Gylded Bank. A resplendant, awe-inspiring building. As per normal a small group of guards, hired specifically for the purpose of guarding the bank, stood outside the main door. A large sign above reading The Gylded Bank.

Emyhr approached the guards.

"I am here to see Navarch Solomon Greybrook. I had originally gone to the Navarch Grounds but was told that he is currently being hosted here."

The guards looked Emyhr up and down, noting how his arm was still wrapped in bandages.

"Right this way Marshal, I shall guide you to his eminence."

The guard opened the door and led them through a large reception area. Passing by many groups of people before coming to the door of a larger private room.

"The Navarch is in here Marshal." The guard knocked on the door before opening it for Emyhr.

Inside stood Solomon. A group of workers and accountants of the bank surrounded him, papers scattered across the table. Emyhr smiled at this as he entered the room.

"Navarch Solomon, it seems you are as busy as ever." Emyhr approached him, holding out his right arm. "Please excuse my current state, I am still getting used to the lack of apendiges. Though the healers say I am still able to swing a sword."

He laughed, gripping on Solomons had tightly.

"You remember Amira? It has been quite some time since we last met. Here, a gift for you. Since your ascendancy to Navarch, I havent had the opportunity to congratulate you."

Amira stepped forward, unrwapping the item. A resplendent longsword, with a dark wavy pattern carved into the blade. A deep blue sapphire rests in the pommel of the blade.

"This sword can serve you both in the field and in ceremonial settings. The blade is sharp and the steel is strong." Emyhr puffed out his chest, presenting the sword to Solomon.

Seeing his old friend come in, he quickly dismissed his attendants so that the guild work was no longer on view. This was meant to be a audience room, not a office.

Solomon was shocked by the lack of arm his friend had now possessed. He knew it must of been far more damaging to his mind and body than he would let on. He shook his hand and looked at the gift presented to him. The present that he recieved was rather splendid, taking the opportunity to hold the swords weight, it was well balanced. Looking his near brother in the eye, he gave a grin and gave the sword and long stride into empty space.

It felt right - a good choice.

Returning the sword into its protective casing, Solomon finally gave a strong hug to Emyhr and a deep nod of thanks to Amira. Looking back up to both of them, Solomon gestured to sit down and spoke with sincerity:

"Thank you both for coming. It has been... A very long time. Alot has happened. If or until other guests come, I want to understand where you have been all this time. Was there no saving your arm?"

Emyhr accepted his invite and took a seat nearby, helping Amira to sit before taking a chair himself. He looked towards Solomon and smiled gently, as if he was trying to mask the pain.

"Sadly, there was not much hope. The healers tell me that by the time I arrived at the tent, my arm was barely hanging on. Amputating was the best option to ensure my survival."

Emyhr leaned back into his chair, rubbing the bandages.

"The battle must have been... a week back? Maybe longer. My scouts did not account for the total movement and we arrived before the rest of the army. This was partially my fault as I did not check, I was too excited to finally be bringing the fight to those barbarians. However, as you can see, I did not go unscathed."

Amira perked up at this, as if to detract from the sour mood.

"Navarch Solomon, how has your first few weeks as being Navarch been? My husband and I have been keeping up with most of the news lately. During his more lucid moments, I would read to him the reports of the army to cheer him up." She leaned across, rubbing Emyhr's hand. "While I wish for peace, I understand that force has become necessary as a response. Daily we seem to be making ground. The recapture of my home, Demyansk, was wonderful news. You must be very proud of the effort of the Goldorans."

She smiled gleefully towards Solomon as she gently grasped Emyhr's hand. As she spoke, Emyhr smiled sincerely. When she finished, Emyhr leaned forward in his chair.

"I had hoped we would be at peace by now. When we first arrived in the west, I sent word to my youngest sister to join us here. From her latest response, I believe she will be arriving soon. You would like her Solomon, she is very smart for her age. My parents called her the brains of the family. She just recently finished her education under a distant relative. I fear to think that she may even be able to outshine me."

Emyhr chuckled at this and awaited Solomon's response.

Solomon knew that his friend was putting on a brave face. He did not want to take that away from him.

"I believe it is more about continuing the good that has come before me and trusting Goldorans to do their part. Isn't that the way it should be? While holding ultimate power, it is perhaps good use of power to delegate and trust those to do what needs to be done. But.. on occasion when it is demanded, to trust ones conviction? On the matter of your sister, I will always welcome a Le Craint to the court of Tol Goldora. However, coming to the lands of the West doesn't come without its perils. Wouldn't she rather remain in your family lands in Poryatu? I digress. How long until you are able to resume your duties Emyhr? Your Marshalship under Stratarch Roose is imperative."

However, more Emyhr talked, more did Solomon notice the pain and slow burn of sacrifice in his words. Perhaps a caution to be aware of.

Emyhr and Amira listened closely to the words of Solomon.

"The matter with my sister was complicated. I told her that she should reside in the safety of our home in Poryatu however she was insistent that she wished to help here. After witnessing her determination in her letters, I could not tell her no. I shall not take her to the front lines, rather I shall purchase a manor here in Via for both my sister and Amira to live and stay safe. Once the time comes, I shall introduce you two."

He chuckled again and brushed his rough cut beard.

"With luck, it wont be more than a few more days. I need time to get my bearings. Soon I shall be able to join the frontlines and coordinate with Stratarch Roose once more." He had a wide smile across his face. "I don't want to miss much more. Maybe I shall get a chance at revenge for this wound. I am a warrior. I am not suited for sitting at the back lines for very long."