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She chuckled as she climbed down from the tree, following the sea breeze towards the coastline.
She chuckled as she climbed down from the tree, following the sea breeze towards the coastline.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
|Content='''Escape from capture'''
She could hear nothing. The sounds of the bandits had calmed. The unfaithful who had the gall to stand in the way of a servant of Obeah. Mariana was careless. She had been caught. The sack that not resided on her head began to rub uncomfortably. She waited however, ensuring that there was not movement nor any sounds. The ropes had began to loosen, rubbing them against the coarse bark of the tree she was tied to weakened them further. Before long, the rope snapped, freeing her hands. Proceeding to remove the sack from her head, she looked around.
There was nothing.
The bandits that had captured her before were gone. A sly smile crawled across her face. She approached one of the nearby tents, her weapons placed within a chest. "Careless" she thought to herself. Taking back her blade and a small pile of blankets, she covered herself and waited.
Before long, the bandits returned. Many of them settling into their tents. As one began to approach the tree, he grew concerned and rushed closer. In one quick motion, Mariana leaped out of the sheets and planted the blade deep within the back of his neck. Dragging his body to the tree, she tied him up and placed the hood on his head. Returning back to the sheets.
The cover worked for quite some time. Having stayed as quiet as she did, none of the remaining bandits noticed that the corpse that sat hunched over on the tree was not her.  This gave her time. She waited till the sun fell below the horizon. When the moon replaced the sun she began to move. One by one she visited the tents. Most were sleeping having drank wine stolen from a village nearby. Visiting the tent where the leader remained, just as she was about to piece his back, she noticed something hanging from his neck. Something that caused the rage to build up inside her. A symbol, to the common eye this would mean nothing however to an inquisitor this meant everything. She stopped herself, leaving the tent to find a rope. She could feel the rage building within her however she calmed herself, the thrill of giving a worthy punishment was enough for her.
She returned to the tent. Gently lifting his ankles and feeding the rope through it, tying the mans legs together. Repeating the same for his hands before finally waking him. Taking her blade she gently pushing into his back causing the man to scream out in pain. She began to laugh at this, repeating it over and over, "You shall be punished for your transgressions. Not just against me, but for the sins of worshiping daimons." Pointing out the neckace, she ripped it from his neck and threw it into the fire.
Before long, his body remained motionless. Mariana stood up, wiping the blade clean. She took a torch from near the fire, ignited it and threw it into the tent. Not looking back, she continued back towards the town. In the direction of the homeland.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
|Content='''On the trial of gold'''
The sun had set long before the ship finally docked on dry land. The ship rested briefly up against an abandoned harbour, the only life that remained was nature reclaiming many of the houses.
Climbing down from the ship, carefully crossing the slowly rotting dock. She signaled the ship to continue sailing on. She stopped inside what would have been the harbor masters house. She waited for a few minutes, allowing the ship to depart, before coming out of the house. She slowly made her way through the remnants of the house, watching her step to make sure she didnt make to much noise. To her surprise she caught sight of the distant flicker of a fire within the centre of the town. She made her way towards a nearby stable, watching and listening as a couple of Bandits camped round the open fire.
"The boss keeps on boast'in 'bout his treasure. Maybe we should take some of it" He chuckled and took a swig from a hazy bottle of what one can only assume to be ale.
"Na, y'know he' like a dragon 'ording all that loot. He keep a watchful eye on all that all the time. Not possible."
"That's what you think, I found a tunnel the other day. Avoids all of the idiots that guard the place, just gotta find the sewer entrance to the manor, its not too far from here y'know." 
Mariana had heard all she had needed to, she drew her dagger and made her way to the fire. Slowly and carefully. With a quick motion, she pushed the blade deep into his back. Withdrawing the blade from the mans back and slashing at the other. The two of them lying still on the floor. She went through the first mans pockets, finding a very crude map. She took this and headed off. Toward the location of this 'horde'.
==A meeting with Alyn Fontaine==
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
|Content='''The Wilds of Weghie'''
With the moon high in the sky, the gentle breeze of a cold evening blew through Mariana's hair. She sat comfortable around a fire however, a tent set up between two large oak trees. The smell of roasting boar filled the air and the gentle crackle of wood on the fire. Mariana sat on a fallen log with a book in her hand, her hair tied back, wrapped in a thick cloak of fur.
She closed the book and placed it at her lap. Resting her hand on the smooth leather cover, brushing off dust from the spine. She reached into her bag and took out a waterskin, pouring it out into a simple mug. The pungent smell of red wine, mixed with the smell of the boar was delightful. She took a deep breath followed by a wine.
Checking her surroundings, listening out for movement. However, none could be heard. This disappointed her, resting her hand on the hilt of her blade. She withdrew it from its holster and began to polish the sleek blade, moving from handle to tip, taking great care to clean the blade. Inspecting the edge, watching it glow in the firelight, she smiled at this.
She placed her blade back into its holster. Picked up the book and began to read once again. Enjoying the calm of the wilderness, something she had come to value.
|Sender=Alyn Fontaine
The letter, received by message stone in the traditional way, read,
"Lady Mariana , your Grace, a pleasant and surprising invitation, I thank you. I shall find your camp if you will only provide some details as to the whereabouts. Having been a soldier scout and leading archers and special forces for most of my career, I shall find you, have no fear."
The man who attended was older, but trim, sporting a short military haircut and his rainment was military in style but evolved over many years for comfort and functionality. Everything that needed to be sharp was blisteringly sharp, and his leather trappings were silent and tended with care. A shortbow, powerful but compact was slung over his shoulder and a hood pulled high, a small pack for travelling light carrying only the essentials. In his hands, he bore a brace of rabbits with but a single wound apiece.
He alighted the camp, "I've brought supper", he exclaimed by way of greeting, though he truly did not care for rabbit - out here in the wilds, you took what protein you could get and all tasted the same once scorched to a smoky cinder.
"I've never been to the far north east", he continued after dinner was taken, "though I am travelling more now that we are beset by rogues, than before. If you don't mind me saying so, Margravine (?), you're a long way from home. Care to explain a little something about that?"
In regards the far east islands, there was little to tell, "It was old and staid and grown too cumbersome. Ancient old compacts kept the nations rigid into death and massive alliances forbade any  movement or change. It was an affront to the Titans and they sunk it", he lamented, but not with bitterness, over plum brandy and several cigars. He offered her the butt of a smoke with raised eyebrows.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana stood to greet the Viscount, offering out her hand in greeting.
"It is an honour to meet you Viscount Alyn Fontaine, I am glad that you could join me this fine evening."
Mariana was dressed in her usual garb. Thick leather boots, dark red trousers with the ends tucked into the cuff of the boots and an dark woolen overcoat, a fur lined hood rested on the top of her back. There was little armor that protected her, rather it was more suited for quick movement.  She offered the viscount a mug of ale that she poured out from the waterskin same as before.
"I would be lying if I said I usually come this far west, in honesty this is the first time I have traveled so far from my homeland. I am one for travel you see. Before I came to these shores I sailed the high seas, to this day I still long for that freedom. I suppose this is the best way I can achieve this. My compulsion to explore has never subsided."
She took a sip from her mug and let out a deep sigh.
"There has been so much destruction within these lands. In a way, travelling among many of the ruins allows me to try and experience what some of those who went through it must have felt. Therefore, I am glad you could join me. To experience this alone is one thing, however to meet someone new creates hope within my heart."
She stood up and moved to the fire, taking a small knife she skinned one of the rabbits that Alyn had brought with him. Taking care to ensure as much meat as possible was spared. She carefully placed these pieces on sticks and rested them over the fire.
"As a child, I once heard about the island that was once called the Far East. Sadly the few stories I hear about the island are not good, a lot of suffering. It sounds like you have had your fair share of suffering, something I cannot truly relate to, but it seems you have found a place here within these lands.
Mariana was hesitant but took the cigar out of politeness. She took a strained puff followed by heavy coughing.
"Cigars are something I could not adjust to. My father was a heavy smoker so I am used to the smell, however it seems my body cannot handle it. You shall have to forgive me."
Before long, the strong smell of roasted rabbit filled the air. She stepped towards the fire, taking two of the skewers, offering one to Alyn.
"If you do not mind me asking, could you tell me about Nothoi? I have not been able to learn about many of the other realms within these lands. The explorer within myself will forever be curious about all those that share these blighted lands with us."
|Sender=Alyn Fontaine
Alyn leaned back and took a long draught in his cigar, and stubbed it out, out of respect for his new friend. "Nothoi is a staunch defender against the Daimon hordes and undead alike. A fierce warrior culture backed by a strong code. The Daishi faith is prominent and coaligned with the realm, but we do not have religion forced on us".
The warrior loosened his blade in the scabbard out of habit; his bow and arrow were nearby and ready. One could not help but noticed he traveled light.
"My family made our name and our fortunes in the far east. My sister Alys was also from there, in Cagil and I myself were in Tara. Oh, these were old and powerful realms, you have no idea, and we were both newcomers. Still, I rose through the ranks as a Baron here or a count there. I was even Demikritos of Nothoi for a term. But since I lost my command of the mountain region of Ren Madragas, I prefer solitude to leading men to their death. I travel where I want, take what I want from the rogues, and sometimes you meet new people on the road".
The Knight grinned, draining the last of the powerful brew. Maybe he should take more care with his provisions if he were to be hosting guests more often, "Sometimes those people throw a bag over your head and your body into jail for a few weeks, mind!"
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana couldn't help but smile at this.
"This road we have chosen is a mysterious place. I suppose you can never know what is awaiting behind every door." She took a sip from her drink and a bite from the roasted rabbit, savoring the taste, "Bandits within these regions seem very fond on pouncing a lone explorer, most of the time it ends worse for them, one needs to be careful."
"Nothio sounds like a interesting place, maybe one day I shall be able to visit the realm. I would be greatly interested in seeing it with my own eyes. Especially learning that respectable men, such as yourself, reside there. Maybe I shall be able to find more refined discussion."
She began to chuckle with this comment, causing her hair to rustle and loosen from the bun it had been tied in. She removed the dark red ribbon from her hair, allowing her silver hair to flow down her back.
"The Far East that you speak of sounds like wonderful place, it is a shame that such ancient empires found their grave at the bottom of the sea. Though the culture still remains in people such as yourself. Through that, the stories and the history shall never be lost." She took a sip from her drink once again, this time however she placed the cup down on the log that she sat on, and turned so her full body faced her guest.
"Sadly, I do not know much more than Beluaterra and Dwilight. However I have found this region to be comfortable for once such as myself. The open wilds ease the mind. For me personally, it gives me a chance to relax and connect spiritually. I spent my early days on the frontlines, witnessing much of the horrors that come with the undead and the damage that the Daimon plague did to these lands. Much like you, I am more fond of... reconnaissance..."
She stopped for a bit, lost in thought. She began to twist the single ring that adorned her index finger, softly brushing the skin of her palm.
"I dont mean to presume you age, but you speak of great experiences with an aura of refinement. Did you see the damages that came with the Daimon invasion? The books only say so much and bringing it up within Obia'Syela is sort of... morally taboo. However, I feel its important to speak of these things, teach the younger about the strength of humanity against such great odds. If you dont mind, could you tell me about it?"
She looked upon him with hopeful eyes. A glint of childhood fascination glowed within her silver pupils. This was however quickly swallowed by concern, hesitation and fear. None the less, she remained silent and listened to what Alyn would say.
|Sender=Alyn Fontaine
Alyn stirred the campfire with a long thin branch for a time before answering. He was far too used to spending these nights alone. He found he was grateful for the company and the warm meal. The Knight had long since stopped caring for company of countrymen, no matter how valorous, since the walls of Ren Madragas fell.
"Nothoi and the Daishi faith were ancient before I ever arrived here. In the east, I have held most positions you can imagine - Lord, Duke, judge. I have been a trader, and a cavalier. Held a dozen regions, and once traded one for ten thousand gold. That is mostly how my family came by their wealth"
He was silent again for a time. Nobles here aged differently, spry and energetic well into triple figures.
"I have never felt the need to strive for higher honors. There was and has always been glory to be had in battle, here, against the Daimons... And I have fought Daimons, lass. Portal priests and Daimon lords, and armies of Satellites whose missiles could shoot farther and hit harder than any engine. Yet none has devastated the land greater than the rogues right now".
He stared around the countryside estimating their cover and the distance their firelight travelled, piling green logs around the perimeter to stifle it, "I chose this life because we - the Nothoi- needed money. Not because I did, but because we are hemmed in by relentless beasts. I send back what I can to my family and the council, and it is worth it for the meagre returns. I'm learning something new and enjoying my solitude whether that is in a quiet camp or a rogue cell."
He sniffed the air. It was late. "Aren't you..betraying your faith, then, asking about the invasion? I don't want to get you into trouble. I guess it's too late for that!"
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana simply smiled, his concern for her was comforting.
"Its quite alright, like I said its a moral issue rather than a larger issue. Not something that it spoken about in wider circles. Discussing it would not get me in any trouble. I just feel its important that this information isnt lost to history. Many younger nobles, such as myself, are ignorant to most of these events, having only books to teach us. Therefore, all that you have shared is greatly appreciated."
She looked around the opening which they were camped in. The fire had begun to burn out, the moon was high in the sky. The occasional howl of a wolf and the hooting of an owl was all that could be heard.
"You speak the same truths as me. While these lands are comforting, there is a greater need for what can be found here. The beasts that continue to ravage in the wake of the Daimons that came before, much of the lands has been lost. Defending our borders requires a great amount. This is the furthest I have traveled but this is not my first time out here. And I imagine it shall not be the last. Moments like this however make the journey worthwhile, if nothing else it is education, however I have greatly enjoyed our conversation."
She looked over the man that sat before her, she could sense that the years had been hard on him. However, she respected him. The way that he carried himself and spoke about such difficult matters was highly respectable. She looked around once again as the light of the fire dimmed to a gentle hue.
"Alas, it is getting late. I imagine your travels have not ended here. There is space here for another to stay for the night if you have not already established a camp. I would surely appreciate the company. Hopefully, this shall not be the only time we meet. Maybe one day I shall find myself in Nothoi, having someone to show me around would be greatly appreciated."
She stared deeply into the heart of the coals, the glowing red embers began to dim, turning to cod white ash that danced in the wind.
"I have thoroughly enjoyed out conversation. Maybe next time I shall have more interesting things to say rather than just asking questions. Either way, I shall be looking forward to seeing a friendly face in the wilds once more."
She smiled wholeheartedly, resting her hands on her knees. Waiting to see how Alyn would respond.
|Sender=Alyn Fontaine
"I have thoroughly enjoyed out conversation. Maybe next time I shall have more interesting things to say rather than just asking questions. Either way, I shall be looking forward to seeing a friendly face in the wilds once more." She smiled wholeheartedly, resting her hands on her knees. Waiting to see how Alyn would respond.
Alyn finished kicking dirt over their fire so the embers didn't give away their position overnight. He drained his cup; the last of the drops he poured onto the hissing embers with a splash of flame, "You and I are privateers. It was fortunate we found each other and I find myself grateful for the opportunity to converse. Ours is a lonely life indeed."
It wasn't until days or weeks later, a snippet of conversation wend her way. It claimed the infiltrator Fontaine had been caught in the tax office of the Bara'kur capital, and city gossips claimed the God Emperor himself had tortured the unlucky noble for many days. His hands were crushed and body wracked, but he gave away as little as possible - no one was made of stone. It was said the God king stole a sizable purse from the noble before releasing him into the streets, proclaiming him _banned_ and liable to be executed on sight.
==Returning to the Army: A meeting with Ferdinand Greybrook==
|Sender=Ferdinand Greybrook
With the night settling in and the camp going quiet, Ferdinand nursed his wounds from the previous battle of Lopa. Many of his good men had died today and in the name of the Veiled Goddess. He had arranged with the local people for their burials to take place in their native lands. Furthermore, he had paid for a fast boat to pick him up from the shore after the expectant battle that was to take place at sunrise.
Thinking about the gift that he had prepared for the Oracle's birthday celebrations, Ferdinand was cautious of his arrival back in Rines. He had only been in the Solarium once before - that was during the Violet Storm. He hoped that his second visit would not be as dramatic nor as tense as his previous meeting in the Oracle's private quarters.
His mind was then cast to the nobles whom had arrived in Lopa that evening for the battle, how they put their lives on the line for Obeah's cause. He would see to it that they were rewarded for their work. In that group, there was one noble that always caught his attention, no matter how much he attempted to suppress his thoughts on the matter...
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana was sore and tired. The battle had taken a greater toll on her than usual, though that was expected. However, she would never turn down the invite she received. Even if it was just to tease Ferdinand a bit more. By the time she finally arrived, she noticed that the camp was in full swing however Ferdinand himself was nowhere to be seen. Approaching one of the soldiers, he told her that Ferdinand was near the shore, preparing to set sail. Hearing this, she hurried over.
She had seen him briefly in the battle, though she quickly lost sight of him. Approaching a makeshift dock, she could see Ferdinand talking with a few of his men. For a moment she faltered, relief overwhelmed her. She quickly snapped out of this, trying not to be caught up in the moment of seeing him again. Since when did I start to feel this way, this has never happened before, She thought to herself. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath before stepping forward.
"Ferdinand, it is good to see you again. Though I can hardly be surprised, a battle junkie such as yourself would never shy away." She looked him up and down, he hadnt changed since the last they met. Once again she was relieved. "And here I was hoping that you would have at least been wounded somewhat so I wasnt the only one, though a muscle head such as yourself hardly ever feels pain. "
She chuckled to herself and offered out her hand in greeting.
"So where is it that you are going in such a hurry? Here I thought we would be able to have a heartfelt catch-up" Her voice was sarcastic, however not like usual. There was almost a speck on honesty in her voice, whether Ferdinand picked this up, she did not know.
|Sender=Ferdinand Greybrook
The fact that Mariana had addressed Ferdinand in such a manner was quite alarming for some of the Silver Arrow whom were observing the make shift dock. Nevertheless, all the soldiers, including Ferdinand, were struck by the shine of the Countess' silver hair.
"Mariana, I am glad that you are not wounded too heavily. While I have been lightly wounded by the undead, if I can command my swordarm and speak my faith, I can still work."
Taking a second to shake Mariana's hand as if it were a normal greeting, Ferdinand gestured back to the camp:
"I do not leave till the battle is won Mariana. Come, lets get inside. The dock seems secure enough."
With a signal, the soldiers with them went ahead with torches to light their path as they strode back to camp. Once the soldiers were out of earshot, Ferdinand quietly spoke with a stern tone to his voice:
"While I take your teasing well in private, calling me by my first name without any titles in-front of my men is not right. Nevertheless, I trust them with my life. In address to your question, I return to Rines. I have a engagement with some of the Templar Executive Branch to make forward planning for the Theocracy."
As the two walked, Ferdinand noticed a sweet floral smell come from his compatriot. He was slightly unnerved by the woman whom came into and out of his life as she pleased. Relaxing slightly as he got used to the presence, he continued:
"You write to me and say that your sword arm has got worse. How have you found campaigning once again? Defeating the rogues whom aim to destroy the faithful is a more honourable and just cause than perhaps your individual works. Will you remain part of the Lightbringers for the next campaign? Or do you return to the wastes or Bolkenia? I believe that I know the landscape of Bolkenia and its people more intimately than you considering how frequently I have visited the region."
A grin crept onto the Grand Templar's face for his interpretation of a joke as they began to approach his tent, where smoke can be seen coming out of it's center as the soldiers had started a small fire.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
"Oh great Grand Templar Ferdinand Greybrook, I beseech you to forgive me transgressions, I do so humbly apologise." She looked up and smirked towards him. She continued to walk onwards after her performance. "An official meeting, how interesting. Well you shall be missed on the battlefield, let us hope you are not gone for too long."
Marianas brow arched slightly but relaxing once again, a brief moment of annoyance at Ferdinand's comment.
"Well that was my first battle in what must be nearly a year now, no wonder my sword arm is getting weaker. The fight is, as you put it, more honourable I suppose. But you must not forget that gold I... acquire... does more than line your pockets. The Marshal Grant provides much relief for many of our nobles. You must never forget where that comes from." She smirks once again and looks into Ferdinand's eyes. For a moment her heart begins to beat faster, however she takes a deep breath and calms herself. "I do not have plans to return to Bolkenia for a while nor the wastes, I believe I can put some of my experiences to good use on the battlefield, maybe give me a chance to prove that my line of work can be productive."
As the two of them reached the tent, Mariana could feel the warmth of the fire. She felt a slight sting of the heat as it passed over a rather large cut on her shoulder that was presently bandaged up. She winced slightly but tried to keep calm, wishing not to disturb her company. She took a seat nearby the fire and opened her hands toward the flame, warming them to fight against the southern breeze. She rubbed her hands together and turned to Ferdinand.
"Its been quite some time since out last meeting. I believe it was that lovely ball held by Sir Marcus. Quite a lot has changed since then. You have spent much time on the front lines, while I strode further beyond. Did you know I went to the borders what used to be Bara'Khur​, even then it was in ruins. I even got close to the borders of Nothoi." She smirked and looked towards Ferdinand, "I met a wonderful man there. He joined me at my camp and spoke about lands beyond our own. I have to admit, I enjoyed his company."   
She laughed for a moment. Looking towards Ferdinand to see what kind of reaction he would have. Jealousy, concern, anger? The thoughts ran through her mind. Part of her hoped for jealousy. She looked over Ferdinand's face, older than the last time they had met. He was still the same man as before though. And that made her smile.
|Sender=Ferdinand Greybrook
After Mariana's theatrics, Ferdinand responded to her questions:
"I expect that you will find your old form. We all must train not to get rusty - one must be prepared for whatever situation can occur on the road. Regarding your gold, I appreciate the work for the Marshal's Grant. I have come to the belief that nobles are too honourable to ask for charity through the Marshal's Grant. Perhaps I should issue the grant where I see fit. Nevetheless, I will look forward to seeing you on the battlefield on a more regular basis."
Ferdinand glimpsed the Countess' silver eyes before he turned away from her face as the two nobles entered the tent. With no lavish decoration, it was larger than the majority used to house troop leaders in the Lightbringers. However, the flames in combination with the bear fur provided the most warmth on the coldest nights. Taking off his breastplate, Ferdinand sat next to Mariana and mimicked warming hands. The warmth rushed through his hands as his body got used to warmth once again and his body began to relax.
The topics of Sir Marcus' ball seemed some time ago now for the Grand Templar. The event was unusual for it held so many of the Theocracy's nobility in one place. Normally, such events perhaps only host four or five. As he was about to reminisce over the event, her adventure near to Nothoi caught his attention and dampened his mood. While he had never traveled further west than the ruins of Wudenkin when he was a Grey Knight, Ferdinand automatically assumed that this man was a adventurer or another of Mariana's elk. Facing into the fire, Ferdinand spoke:
"I would not trust those adventurers. While some are useful, I don't trust those whom have not been vetted by the Inquisition. They seem to put material wealth over faith. Someone whom has motivations and angles beyond commitment to the faith one must tread..."
Ferdinand clutched his side as pain began to throb throughout his torso. Taking his shirt off to reveal the bandaging, the deep gash to the far right of his back had not begun to heal, partly due to the lack of rest and proper medical attention. Ferdinand got up and grabbed some supplies from the side of the tent which included a bottle with a clear substance within. During this journey, Mariana saw the scars that were especially prominent around his torso, evidence with many battles with rogues throughout his military career. As Ferdinand returned to his previous position, he began to treat his wound with a cloth which was dipped into the liquid. Despite Ferdinand managing to reach the wound, it was not very effective:
"Apologies Mariana - you have probably seen enough wounded soldiers for one day. Ever since I was wounded in Cjelegy and bedridden for 5 or so days, I take a small kit of supplies wherever I go to support my own recovery. I trust in my own will power to get me through the pain. However, many soldiers, lying injured on beds and tents like this one need the medical healers. Perhaps it is my own stubborn nature..."
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana had caught his attention, that was enough for her.
"The man in question was not an adventurer, rather he was a noble. I often feel the same way however I would not miss the opportunity to learn information that might prove useful to the inquisition. This is where me and you differ at times, I know when to make the most of an opportunity."
As Ferdinand took off his shirt, Mariana initially recoiled and looked away. Though after a few seconds she turned and looked at the man as he began to apply the ointment. She noticed the scars that riddled his back, the fresh cut that covered his side. As he winced when applying the alcohol, she could almost feel his pain. She gently rubber her shoulder. Many of the scars that covered his torso were old, from battles long past. While Ferdinand's back was turned, Mariana took this opportunity to look over him more personally. His defined back muscles from years of swordsmanship and training, his naturally broad shoulders that complimented the rest of his body. For a while, Mariana could not look away. As soon as Ferdinand began to return to the seat, Mariana averted her eyes. Her heart was beating faster than before, similar to the heat of battle.
Mariana could feel the honour in his voice as he spoke. His willingness to look out for his men even when he was in pain was... respectable. Mariana stood and took a set of bandages from the box of medical equiptment and took the bottle of alcohol from his hands and smiled.
"It is a part of our life to see such horror. However, we all are fighting for a dutiful cause." She placed her hand on his back, she could feel his warmth, "Now, allow me to help. I will hear no complaints, we must ensure that this wound is cleaned properly."
Mariana carefully cleaned the wound, taking care to ensure that she caused as little pain as possible. Taking a clean rag and wiping off some of the dried blood. She reached next for a small jar of ointment she recognised and spread this over the gash. Unravelling the bandage she began to wrap it around his body. She lifted his arms and reached around his chest. For but a moment her head rested on his back. She could hear his heartbeat, feel the blood rushing around his body. Soon enough the wound was cleaned and covered. She looked around the tent for a clean shirt and handed it to Ferdinand. She once again took a seat next to him.
"You must remember to take care of yourself. Even if you are stubborn, you can let your health deteriorate... What am I to do with you?"
She smiled and laughed, watching as Ferdinand settled comfortably once again.
"So, how about a drink? I am sure that will take the edge off that wound."
|Sender=Ferdinand Greybrook
The differences between the Countess and himself were rather stark at times. The inquisitor was spontaneous and secretive. Yet, Ferdinand was almost shocked by her caring behavior as she addressed his wound on his back. He did not resist the help for he knew that he would not be able to dress the wound himself due to it's angle.
Where had this concern come from? Was it some kind of trick? When he had put a clean shirt on, he turned and faced Mariana. It had not been too long ago that the Inquisitor teased him shortly after the Violet Storm. Yet, there was a feeling on the end of his fingertips or a edginess. Whether it was the warmth or something of another variety he did not know.
"I reluctantly drink, as you know Mariana. I was reluctant at the Ball and I am now. I feel that it clouds my vision and thought process while I do not deny its benefits of pain suppression. A habit that I have picked up from my mentor is tea brewing. While the water needs to be boiled, the tea provides a warmth and a occasion to think."
The paraphernalia whom traveled with Ferdinand's retinue already knew of his preferences. Therefore, the apparatus was already placed over the fire for water to be boiled, with a pot to match. As the water boiled on the fire, Ferdinand chose to lay down and stare into the roof of the tent.
"Do you have family Mariana? Or those whom are dear to you - perhaps the man on the border? I do not think about this alot. However, there are Greybrooks across the continents of our world. I do not care for their actions as much as they do not care for mine. There was one occasion when I was young, I cannot remember the time, where many branches of the Greybrook household were assembled in one place. The children gathered played with swords and acted as the heroes of old, the myths of Roman and so on. What strikes me is that they will perhaps never know the struggles of this land and the duty we hold here as Obeah's shield."
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana's cheery gaze turned sour. Her brow arched and she stared down at the ground. She began to fidget and squirm at the mention of family.
"Family? Now that's a story... I haven't seen my family in maybe 8 years? Not since I left. Though they would rather it be called exiled. I do not have fond memories of my home nor my family. Myself and my brother were always at each others throats. He was the apple of my parents eye, I was the blot on the family history. Maybe thats why I enjoy myself here. A place that no one knows me. Freedom from the control. My name being the only remnant I hold dear."
Mariana stared out beyond the flaps of the tent into the darkness of the night.
"I do not even know if my parents are still alive."
She dropped her head into her hands and began to breath heavily. She did this for a few moments before lifting her head up, her eyes not red and puffy.
"Im sorry, I did not wish for you to see me like this. In honesty, today is the day of my birth. I did not wish to make such a big deal of it, I have never been a person of celebration, but the mention of family was too much for me to handle."
She took a small handkerchief from a pocket in her cloak and wiper her eyes. By now the pot of water had boiled and Ferdinand stood to make the tea. He just listened to Mariana as she spoke about family. Carrying two cups of tea and offered one to Mariana. She held it in her hands, basking in the warmth of the water. The smell of the herbs filled her nostrils. She took a gently sip as to not burn her tongue. She felt the warmth of the tea as it flowed through her body. A relaxing sensation, one that she had never felt before. She smiled and looked towards Ferdinand.
"Your mentor was right, tea is quite exquisite."
The two of them continued speaking for quite some time, enjoying one cup of tea after another. The sadness that was in Maraiana's voice quickly disappeared. The gentleness of Ferdinand's voice as he spoke calmed her down. What started as a rather insincere conversation quickly turned into something more. Before long, the moon was high in the sky. The bustle of soldiers quietened after many of them returned to their tents. Mariana placed the cup on a nearby table, dusted herself down, and made her way to the door of the tent. She turned once more to Ferdinand and bowed politely.
"I didn't know what to expect when you invited me to join you, but I cant say I honestly expected such a conversation. While it pains me to admit it, I have enjoyed myself. Take care of yourself and good luck on your journey."
She pushed through the gently blowing flap and stepped out into the cold night. A chill came over her and she folded her arms, covering herself tightly in her cloak. She let out a sigh and began to walk, back to her camp and her responsibilities.
==Mariana and Malachite==
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
The crisp southern ocean breeze blew gently across the plains. Darkness and silence enveloped the stretch of land that rested before Mariana. Not a single soul, human or otherwise, tread the path she was taking. The gentle canter of the horse left nothing but an indentation in the ground. The bright white light of the moon iluminated the path before her, resting softly against the rough track ahead.
Mariana sat comfortably on the leather saddle of the horse. Her mind set on her path. Her eyes followed the horizon, scouring the treeline for any sign of movement. Her eyes met nothing but the glow of small animals as they watched her pass by. The occasional squirrel breaching the shadow before darting back into the trees.
Suddenly, there was movement. Unexpected. Larger than a squirrel, that much was for certain. Mariana grabbed her blade, jumped down from the horse and stepped cautiously towards the origin of the sound. A small bush, no larger than a dog, speckled with thorns and ivy. Mariana knew to be careful. Any mistake and her life could be at risk. She pressed the point of the sword towards a thicker branch and carefully pushed it aside. She drew the dagger from her boot, holding the branch just far enough to allow her to get a look. Quietly she peered into the darkness of the bush, expecting to be met by the red eyes of a monster.
Instead, to her surprise, a pair of deep green eyes stared back at her. No signs of aggression came from the beast, rather she could feel discomfort from it. She pushed the branch further to allow for the moonlight to enter into the bush. Lying against the green and brown of the thorn bush was a small wolf. The size of a puppy maybe. A quick glance could sense nothing wrong however as Mariana looked down at the paws of the animal, she saw the deep crimson of blood.
She sheathed her sword and carefully leaned in closely as to not spook the wolf. Gently, she lifted the paw and found it to be caught on a nasty branch of thorns. She rested her hand against the wolfs matted fur, taking her blade and softly cutting the branch from the bush. As carefully as she had arrived, she placed her hands around the puppy and lifted it from the bush. When she was sure that it was free from the bush, she rushed back to the horse. Taking a blanket from her pack, she laid it out on the ground and placed the puppy on top. Taking a good look at the dog, she could clearly see it was in pain. She took out a small bowl and her waterskin, poured out a small portion and placed the bowl in front of the puppy.
As the puppy began to drink, she carefully inspected the branch. Three large thorns had lodged themselves into the puppies leg and paw. She could tell however, from her brief glance, that the thorns were not deep enough to cause lasting problems. She took a deep breath, taking her blade from her boot once again. She needed to be calm for this next action. She looked over the puppy, it was barely conscious having lost so much blood. She pressed the point of the blade into the first thorn and the wolf let out a loud whelp. She needed to be quick.
With one quick motion, she drew the first thorn from its leg. She let out a sigh of relief and continued onto the next one.
After an excruciatingly long five minutes, the puppies leg was wrapped in bandages and the thorns rested on the dirt floor. Mariana fell back onto the ground, puffing and panting as if she had just fought a beast. She stared up at the sky and into the abyss of the night. She closed her eyes.
The peace did not last long before she was awoken by the feeling of... damp rough paper? She opened her eyes to find the puppy now lying on her chest licking her cheek. Mariana began to smile. Softly placing her hand of the wolf's back, she ran her fingers through its matted fur. The puppy did not mind and continued to lick her cheek. She stared back up the sky, her smile now stretching from cheek to cheek.
"You want to come with me?" She spoke in a soft voice as if to not alert the wolf.
Almost as in response, the puppy let out a gentle howl before returning back to licking her face. Mariana brushed her thumb against its ear.
"I shall take that as a yes then... I suppose I better think of a name for you." As she said this, a bright shooting star shot through the sky which burned in a wondrous green light. "...Malachite..."

Latest revision as of 01:34, 13 March 2019

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
So it begins

Lacing up her thick leather boots, she brushed away the dirt and dust, smiling at her reflection in the polish. Opening the loose floorboard of her room, she took out a large box. Within it, a thick leather overcoat with a dark hood. She held it out in front of her, there was little that could distinguish it from a crowd of people. Perfect she thought.

She took out a small blade and hand crossbow, placing them on her hip she closed the box and placed it beneath the floor board once again. Moving over to the table with a simple mirror, she took out her blade and carefully began cut her long hair. Slicing each length of hair, letting it drop to the floor. Her long silver hair was now cut short and rough, she was no expert.

She stepped outside her manor, looking back briefly before heading towards the stables. She had sent word and a horse had been saddled ready, a few others had been gathered, each looking more inconspicuous than the last. She gently brushed the side of the horse before mounting him in one quick motion. The pure black stallion had been chosen for his speed, not sparing any amount of gold to find the perfect one.

With a simple hand gesture, they all departed quickly. It wasn't long before they reached the gates of the city and they were out heading south.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
A close call

Slinking through the streets, moving between the shadows of the buildings avoiding the direct moonlight. A hooded figure moves fast, avoiding the few people that roamed the streets. A flash of light from around the corner as a guard carrying a torch rushes down the street into the tavern.

The hooded figure dashed for the alley, disappearing once again into the shadows. Clutching a large sack, she checked the knot holding the opening together.

"Good, nothing has been lost." She whispered, pulling the strings taut. Checking over her shoulder and looking over into the streets. More guards with torches raced down the street, shouting about searching the street for something.

The hooded figure moved to the wall of the house, reaching for a notch in the wall and pulling herself up onto the roof. The cold breeze of the night wind brushed through her hair, pushing the hood back from her head. Mariana darted across the thatched roof, reaching the end she leapt for another roof clutching the sack tightly. Below, she came to a simple stable. Horses screaming at the sounds of the commotion of the guards. Mariana slipped through a gap in the roof, brushing her arm against a rusty nail causing her to wince in pain, unlatched the gate to the horses and led them out of the stable in a stampede.

Mariana jumped on to the back of one of the horses, following the herd of horses as they rushed out of the village. Looking back at the commotion as villagers and guards gathered at the outskirts of the town and watched as the horses disappeared into the treeline. Mariana, clutching on to a branch of a tree, dangling above the ground. Pulling herself up and sitting leaned up against the trunk of the tree, rested and caught her breath.

"That was too close that time." She weighed up the pouch, a long grin formed across her face, "That was successful though, I shall make a note of this place."

She chuckled as she climbed down from the tree, following the sea breeze towards the coastline.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Escape from capture


She could hear nothing. The sounds of the bandits had calmed. The unfaithful who had the gall to stand in the way of a servant of Obeah. Mariana was careless. She had been caught. The sack that not resided on her head began to rub uncomfortably. She waited however, ensuring that there was not movement nor any sounds. The ropes had began to loosen, rubbing them against the coarse bark of the tree she was tied to weakened them further. Before long, the rope snapped, freeing her hands. Proceeding to remove the sack from her head, she looked around.

There was nothing.

The bandits that had captured her before were gone. A sly smile crawled across her face. She approached one of the nearby tents, her weapons placed within a chest. "Careless" she thought to herself. Taking back her blade and a small pile of blankets, she covered herself and waited.

Before long, the bandits returned. Many of them settling into their tents. As one began to approach the tree, he grew concerned and rushed closer. In one quick motion, Mariana leaped out of the sheets and planted the blade deep within the back of his neck. Dragging his body to the tree, she tied him up and placed the hood on his head. Returning back to the sheets.

The cover worked for quite some time. Having stayed as quiet as she did, none of the remaining bandits noticed that the corpse that sat hunched over on the tree was not her. This gave her time. She waited till the sun fell below the horizon. When the moon replaced the sun she began to move. One by one she visited the tents. Most were sleeping having drank wine stolen from a village nearby. Visiting the tent where the leader remained, just as she was about to piece his back, she noticed something hanging from his neck. Something that caused the rage to build up inside her. A symbol, to the common eye this would mean nothing however to an inquisitor this meant everything. She stopped herself, leaving the tent to find a rope. She could feel the rage building within her however she calmed herself, the thrill of giving a worthy punishment was enough for her.

She returned to the tent. Gently lifting his ankles and feeding the rope through it, tying the mans legs together. Repeating the same for his hands before finally waking him. Taking her blade she gently pushing into his back causing the man to scream out in pain. She began to laugh at this, repeating it over and over, "You shall be punished for your transgressions. Not just against me, but for the sins of worshiping daimons." Pointing out the neckace, she ripped it from his neck and threw it into the fire.

Before long, his body remained motionless. Mariana stood up, wiping the blade clean. She took a torch from near the fire, ignited it and threw it into the tent. Not looking back, she continued back towards the town. In the direction of the homeland.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
On the trial of gold

The sun had set long before the ship finally docked on dry land. The ship rested briefly up against an abandoned harbour, the only life that remained was nature reclaiming many of the houses.

Climbing down from the ship, carefully crossing the slowly rotting dock. She signaled the ship to continue sailing on. She stopped inside what would have been the harbor masters house. She waited for a few minutes, allowing the ship to depart, before coming out of the house. She slowly made her way through the remnants of the house, watching her step to make sure she didnt make to much noise. To her surprise she caught sight of the distant flicker of a fire within the centre of the town. She made her way towards a nearby stable, watching and listening as a couple of Bandits camped round the open fire.

"The boss keeps on boast'in 'bout his treasure. Maybe we should take some of it" He chuckled and took a swig from a hazy bottle of what one can only assume to be ale.

"Na, y'know he' like a dragon 'ording all that loot. He keep a watchful eye on all that all the time. Not possible."

"That's what you think, I found a tunnel the other day. Avoids all of the idiots that guard the place, just gotta find the sewer entrance to the manor, its not too far from here y'know."

Mariana had heard all she had needed to, she drew her dagger and made her way to the fire. Slowly and carefully. With a quick motion, she pushed the blade deep into his back. Withdrawing the blade from the mans back and slashing at the other. The two of them lying still on the floor. She went through the first mans pockets, finding a very crude map. She took this and headed off. Toward the location of this 'horde'.
Mariana le Craint

A meeting with Alyn Fontaine

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The Wilds of Weghie

With the moon high in the sky, the gentle breeze of a cold evening blew through Mariana's hair. She sat comfortable around a fire however, a tent set up between two large oak trees. The smell of roasting boar filled the air and the gentle crackle of wood on the fire. Mariana sat on a fallen log with a book in her hand, her hair tied back, wrapped in a thick cloak of fur.

She closed the book and placed it at her lap. Resting her hand on the smooth leather cover, brushing off dust from the spine. She reached into her bag and took out a waterskin, pouring it out into a simple mug. The pungent smell of red wine, mixed with the smell of the boar was delightful. She took a deep breath followed by a wine.

Checking her surroundings, listening out for movement. However, none could be heard. This disappointed her, resting her hand on the hilt of her blade. She withdrew it from its holster and began to polish the sleek blade, moving from handle to tip, taking great care to clean the blade. Inspecting the edge, watching it glow in the firelight, she smiled at this.

She placed her blade back into its holster. Picked up the book and began to read once again. Enjoying the calm of the wilderness, something she had come to value.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Alyn Fontaine
The letter, received by message stone in the traditional way, read,

"Lady Mariana , your Grace, a pleasant and surprising invitation, I thank you. I shall find your camp if you will only provide some details as to the whereabouts. Having been a soldier scout and leading archers and special forces for most of my career, I shall find you, have no fear."

The man who attended was older, but trim, sporting a short military haircut and his rainment was military in style but evolved over many years for comfort and functionality. Everything that needed to be sharp was blisteringly sharp, and his leather trappings were silent and tended with care. A shortbow, powerful but compact was slung over his shoulder and a hood pulled high, a small pack for travelling light carrying only the essentials. In his hands, he bore a brace of rabbits with but a single wound apiece.

He alighted the camp, "I've brought supper", he exclaimed by way of greeting, though he truly did not care for rabbit - out here in the wilds, you took what protein you could get and all tasted the same once scorched to a smoky cinder.

"I've never been to the far north east", he continued after dinner was taken, "though I am travelling more now that we are beset by rogues, than before. If you don't mind me saying so, Margravine (?), you're a long way from home. Care to explain a little something about that?"

In regards the far east islands, there was little to tell, "It was old and staid and grown too cumbersome. Ancient old compacts kept the nations rigid into death and massive alliances forbade any movement or change. It was an affront to the Titans and they sunk it", he lamented, but not with bitterness, over plum brandy and several cigars. He offered her the butt of a smoke with raised eyebrows.
Alyn Fontaine

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana stood to greet the Viscount, offering out her hand in greeting.

"It is an honour to meet you Viscount Alyn Fontaine, I am glad that you could join me this fine evening."

Mariana was dressed in her usual garb. Thick leather boots, dark red trousers with the ends tucked into the cuff of the boots and an dark woolen overcoat, a fur lined hood rested on the top of her back. There was little armor that protected her, rather it was more suited for quick movement. She offered the viscount a mug of ale that she poured out from the waterskin same as before.

"I would be lying if I said I usually come this far west, in honesty this is the first time I have traveled so far from my homeland. I am one for travel you see. Before I came to these shores I sailed the high seas, to this day I still long for that freedom. I suppose this is the best way I can achieve this. My compulsion to explore has never subsided."

She took a sip from her mug and let out a deep sigh.

"There has been so much destruction within these lands. In a way, travelling among many of the ruins allows me to try and experience what some of those who went through it must have felt. Therefore, I am glad you could join me. To experience this alone is one thing, however to meet someone new creates hope within my heart."

She stood up and moved to the fire, taking a small knife she skinned one of the rabbits that Alyn had brought with him. Taking care to ensure as much meat as possible was spared. She carefully placed these pieces on sticks and rested them over the fire.

"As a child, I once heard about the island that was once called the Far East. Sadly the few stories I hear about the island are not good, a lot of suffering. It sounds like you have had your fair share of suffering, something I cannot truly relate to, but it seems you have found a place here within these lands.

Mariana was hesitant but took the cigar out of politeness. She took a strained puff followed by heavy coughing.

"Cigars are something I could not adjust to. My father was a heavy smoker so I am used to the smell, however it seems my body cannot handle it. You shall have to forgive me."

Before long, the strong smell of roasted rabbit filled the air. She stepped towards the fire, taking two of the skewers, offering one to Alyn.

"If you do not mind me asking, could you tell me about Nothoi? I have not been able to learn about many of the other realms within these lands. The explorer within myself will forever be curious about all those that share these blighted lands with us."
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Alyn Fontaine
Alyn leaned back and took a long draught in his cigar, and stubbed it out, out of respect for his new friend. "Nothoi is a staunch defender against the Daimon hordes and undead alike. A fierce warrior culture backed by a strong code. The Daishi faith is prominent and coaligned with the realm, but we do not have religion forced on us".

The warrior loosened his blade in the scabbard out of habit; his bow and arrow were nearby and ready. One could not help but noticed he traveled light.

"My family made our name and our fortunes in the far east. My sister Alys was also from there, in Cagil and I myself were in Tara. Oh, these were old and powerful realms, you have no idea, and we were both newcomers. Still, I rose through the ranks as a Baron here or a count there. I was even Demikritos of Nothoi for a term. But since I lost my command of the mountain region of Ren Madragas, I prefer solitude to leading men to their death. I travel where I want, take what I want from the rogues, and sometimes you meet new people on the road".

The Knight grinned, draining the last of the powerful brew. Maybe he should take more care with his provisions if he were to be hosting guests more often, "Sometimes those people throw a bag over your head and your body into jail for a few weeks, mind!"
Alyn Fontaine

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana couldn't help but smile at this.

"This road we have chosen is a mysterious place. I suppose you can never know what is awaiting behind every door." She took a sip from her drink and a bite from the roasted rabbit, savoring the taste, "Bandits within these regions seem very fond on pouncing a lone explorer, most of the time it ends worse for them, one needs to be careful."

"Nothio sounds like a interesting place, maybe one day I shall be able to visit the realm. I would be greatly interested in seeing it with my own eyes. Especially learning that respectable men, such as yourself, reside there. Maybe I shall be able to find more refined discussion."

She began to chuckle with this comment, causing her hair to rustle and loosen from the bun it had been tied in. She removed the dark red ribbon from her hair, allowing her silver hair to flow down her back.

"The Far East that you speak of sounds like wonderful place, it is a shame that such ancient empires found their grave at the bottom of the sea. Though the culture still remains in people such as yourself. Through that, the stories and the history shall never be lost." She took a sip from her drink once again, this time however she placed the cup down on the log that she sat on, and turned so her full body faced her guest.

"Sadly, I do not know much more than Beluaterra and Dwilight. However I have found this region to be comfortable for once such as myself. The open wilds ease the mind. For me personally, it gives me a chance to relax and connect spiritually. I spent my early days on the frontlines, witnessing much of the horrors that come with the undead and the damage that the Daimon plague did to these lands. Much like you, I am more fond of... reconnaissance..."

She stopped for a bit, lost in thought. She began to twist the single ring that adorned her index finger, softly brushing the skin of her palm.

"I dont mean to presume you age, but you speak of great experiences with an aura of refinement. Did you see the damages that came with the Daimon invasion? The books only say so much and bringing it up within Obia'Syela is sort of... morally taboo. However, I feel its important to speak of these things, teach the younger about the strength of humanity against such great odds. If you dont mind, could you tell me about it?"

She looked upon him with hopeful eyes. A glint of childhood fascination glowed within her silver pupils. This was however quickly swallowed by concern, hesitation and fear. None the less, she remained silent and listened to what Alyn would say.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Alyn Fontaine
Alyn stirred the campfire with a long thin branch for a time before answering. He was far too used to spending these nights alone. He found he was grateful for the company and the warm meal. The Knight had long since stopped caring for company of countrymen, no matter how valorous, since the walls of Ren Madragas fell.

"Nothoi and the Daishi faith were ancient before I ever arrived here. In the east, I have held most positions you can imagine - Lord, Duke, judge. I have been a trader, and a cavalier. Held a dozen regions, and once traded one for ten thousand gold. That is mostly how my family came by their wealth"

He was silent again for a time. Nobles here aged differently, spry and energetic well into triple figures.

"I have never felt the need to strive for higher honors. There was and has always been glory to be had in battle, here, against the Daimons... And I have fought Daimons, lass. Portal priests and Daimon lords, and armies of Satellites whose missiles could shoot farther and hit harder than any engine. Yet none has devastated the land greater than the rogues right now".

He stared around the countryside estimating their cover and the distance their firelight travelled, piling green logs around the perimeter to stifle it, "I chose this life because we - the Nothoi- needed money. Not because I did, but because we are hemmed in by relentless beasts. I send back what I can to my family and the council, and it is worth it for the meagre returns. I'm learning something new and enjoying my solitude whether that is in a quiet camp or a rogue cell."

He sniffed the air. It was late. "Aren't you..betraying your faith, then, asking about the invasion? I don't want to get you into trouble. I guess it's too late for that!"
Alyn Fontaine

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana simply smiled, his concern for her was comforting.

"Its quite alright, like I said its a moral issue rather than a larger issue. Not something that it spoken about in wider circles. Discussing it would not get me in any trouble. I just feel its important that this information isnt lost to history. Many younger nobles, such as myself, are ignorant to most of these events, having only books to teach us. Therefore, all that you have shared is greatly appreciated."

She looked around the opening which they were camped in. The fire had begun to burn out, the moon was high in the sky. The occasional howl of a wolf and the hooting of an owl was all that could be heard.

"You speak the same truths as me. While these lands are comforting, there is a greater need for what can be found here. The beasts that continue to ravage in the wake of the Daimons that came before, much of the lands has been lost. Defending our borders requires a great amount. This is the furthest I have traveled but this is not my first time out here. And I imagine it shall not be the last. Moments like this however make the journey worthwhile, if nothing else it is education, however I have greatly enjoyed our conversation."

She looked over the man that sat before her, she could sense that the years had been hard on him. However, she respected him. The way that he carried himself and spoke about such difficult matters was highly respectable. She looked around once again as the light of the fire dimmed to a gentle hue.

"Alas, it is getting late. I imagine your travels have not ended here. There is space here for another to stay for the night if you have not already established a camp. I would surely appreciate the company. Hopefully, this shall not be the only time we meet. Maybe one day I shall find myself in Nothoi, having someone to show me around would be greatly appreciated."

She stared deeply into the heart of the coals, the glowing red embers began to dim, turning to cod white ash that danced in the wind.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed out conversation. Maybe next time I shall have more interesting things to say rather than just asking questions. Either way, I shall be looking forward to seeing a friendly face in the wilds once more."

She smiled wholeheartedly, resting her hands on her knees. Waiting to see how Alyn would respond.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Alyn Fontaine
"I have thoroughly enjoyed out conversation. Maybe next time I shall have more interesting things to say rather than just asking questions. Either way, I shall be looking forward to seeing a friendly face in the wilds once more." She smiled wholeheartedly, resting her hands on her knees. Waiting to see how Alyn would respond.

Alyn finished kicking dirt over their fire so the embers didn't give away their position overnight. He drained his cup; the last of the drops he poured onto the hissing embers with a splash of flame, "You and I are privateers. It was fortunate we found each other and I find myself grateful for the opportunity to converse. Ours is a lonely life indeed."

It wasn't until days or weeks later, a snippet of conversation wend her way. It claimed the infiltrator Fontaine had been caught in the tax office of the Bara'kur capital, and city gossips claimed the God Emperor himself had tortured the unlucky noble for many days. His hands were crushed and body wracked, but he gave away as little as possible - no one was made of stone. It was said the God king stole a sizable purse from the noble before releasing him into the streets, proclaiming him _banned_ and liable to be executed on sight.
Alyn Fontaine

Returning to the Army: A meeting with Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
With the night settling in and the camp going quiet, Ferdinand nursed his wounds from the previous battle of Lopa. Many of his good men had died today and in the name of the Veiled Goddess. He had arranged with the local people for their burials to take place in their native lands. Furthermore, he had paid for a fast boat to pick him up from the shore after the expectant battle that was to take place at sunrise.

Thinking about the gift that he had prepared for the Oracle's birthday celebrations, Ferdinand was cautious of his arrival back in Rines. He had only been in the Solarium once before - that was during the Violet Storm. He hoped that his second visit would not be as dramatic nor as tense as his previous meeting in the Oracle's private quarters.

His mind was then cast to the nobles whom had arrived in Lopa that evening for the battle, how they put their lives on the line for Obeah's cause. He would see to it that they were rewarded for their work. In that group, there was one noble that always caught his attention, no matter how much he attempted to suppress his thoughts on the matter...
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana was sore and tired. The battle had taken a greater toll on her than usual, though that was expected. However, she would never turn down the invite she received. Even if it was just to tease Ferdinand a bit more. By the time she finally arrived, she noticed that the camp was in full swing however Ferdinand himself was nowhere to be seen. Approaching one of the soldiers, he told her that Ferdinand was near the shore, preparing to set sail. Hearing this, she hurried over.

She had seen him briefly in the battle, though she quickly lost sight of him. Approaching a makeshift dock, she could see Ferdinand talking with a few of his men. For a moment she faltered, relief overwhelmed her. She quickly snapped out of this, trying not to be caught up in the moment of seeing him again. Since when did I start to feel this way, this has never happened before, She thought to herself. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath before stepping forward.

"Ferdinand, it is good to see you again. Though I can hardly be surprised, a battle junkie such as yourself would never shy away." She looked him up and down, he hadnt changed since the last they met. Once again she was relieved. "And here I was hoping that you would have at least been wounded somewhat so I wasnt the only one, though a muscle head such as yourself hardly ever feels pain. "

She chuckled to herself and offered out her hand in greeting.

"So where is it that you are going in such a hurry? Here I thought we would be able to have a heartfelt catch-up" Her voice was sarcastic, however not like usual. There was almost a speck on honesty in her voice, whether Ferdinand picked this up, she did not know.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
The fact that Mariana had addressed Ferdinand in such a manner was quite alarming for some of the Silver Arrow whom were observing the make shift dock. Nevertheless, all the soldiers, including Ferdinand, were struck by the shine of the Countess' silver hair.

"Mariana, I am glad that you are not wounded too heavily. While I have been lightly wounded by the undead, if I can command my swordarm and speak my faith, I can still work."

Taking a second to shake Mariana's hand as if it were a normal greeting, Ferdinand gestured back to the camp:

"I do not leave till the battle is won Mariana. Come, lets get inside. The dock seems secure enough."

With a signal, the soldiers with them went ahead with torches to light their path as they strode back to camp. Once the soldiers were out of earshot, Ferdinand quietly spoke with a stern tone to his voice:

"While I take your teasing well in private, calling me by my first name without any titles in-front of my men is not right. Nevertheless, I trust them with my life. In address to your question, I return to Rines. I have a engagement with some of the Templar Executive Branch to make forward planning for the Theocracy."

As the two walked, Ferdinand noticed a sweet floral smell come from his compatriot. He was slightly unnerved by the woman whom came into and out of his life as she pleased. Relaxing slightly as he got used to the presence, he continued:

"You write to me and say that your sword arm has got worse. How have you found campaigning once again? Defeating the rogues whom aim to destroy the faithful is a more honourable and just cause than perhaps your individual works. Will you remain part of the Lightbringers for the next campaign? Or do you return to the wastes or Bolkenia? I believe that I know the landscape of Bolkenia and its people more intimately than you considering how frequently I have visited the region."

A grin crept onto the Grand Templar's face for his interpretation of a joke as they began to approach his tent, where smoke can be seen coming out of it's center as the soldiers had started a small fire.
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
"Oh great Grand Templar Ferdinand Greybrook, I beseech you to forgive me transgressions, I do so humbly apologise." She looked up and smirked towards him. She continued to walk onwards after her performance. "An official meeting, how interesting. Well you shall be missed on the battlefield, let us hope you are not gone for too long."

Marianas brow arched slightly but relaxing once again, a brief moment of annoyance at Ferdinand's comment.

"Well that was my first battle in what must be nearly a year now, no wonder my sword arm is getting weaker. The fight is, as you put it, more honourable I suppose. But you must not forget that gold I... acquire... does more than line your pockets. The Marshal Grant provides much relief for many of our nobles. You must never forget where that comes from." She smirks once again and looks into Ferdinand's eyes. For a moment her heart begins to beat faster, however she takes a deep breath and calms herself. "I do not have plans to return to Bolkenia for a while nor the wastes, I believe I can put some of my experiences to good use on the battlefield, maybe give me a chance to prove that my line of work can be productive."

As the two of them reached the tent, Mariana could feel the warmth of the fire. She felt a slight sting of the heat as it passed over a rather large cut on her shoulder that was presently bandaged up. She winced slightly but tried to keep calm, wishing not to disturb her company. She took a seat nearby the fire and opened her hands toward the flame, warming them to fight against the southern breeze. She rubbed her hands together and turned to Ferdinand.

"Its been quite some time since out last meeting. I believe it was that lovely ball held by Sir Marcus. Quite a lot has changed since then. You have spent much time on the front lines, while I strode further beyond. Did you know I went to the borders what used to be Bara'Khur​, even then it was in ruins. I even got close to the borders of Nothoi." She smirked and looked towards Ferdinand, "I met a wonderful man there. He joined me at my camp and spoke about lands beyond our own. I have to admit, I enjoyed his company."

She laughed for a moment. Looking towards Ferdinand to see what kind of reaction he would have. Jealousy, concern, anger? The thoughts ran through her mind. Part of her hoped for jealousy. She looked over Ferdinand's face, older than the last time they had met. He was still the same man as before though. And that made her smile.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
After Mariana's theatrics, Ferdinand responded to her questions:

"I expect that you will find your old form. We all must train not to get rusty - one must be prepared for whatever situation can occur on the road. Regarding your gold, I appreciate the work for the Marshal's Grant. I have come to the belief that nobles are too honourable to ask for charity through the Marshal's Grant. Perhaps I should issue the grant where I see fit. Nevetheless, I will look forward to seeing you on the battlefield on a more regular basis."

Ferdinand glimpsed the Countess' silver eyes before he turned away from her face as the two nobles entered the tent. With no lavish decoration, it was larger than the majority used to house troop leaders in the Lightbringers. However, the flames in combination with the bear fur provided the most warmth on the coldest nights. Taking off his breastplate, Ferdinand sat next to Mariana and mimicked warming hands. The warmth rushed through his hands as his body got used to warmth once again and his body began to relax.

The topics of Sir Marcus' ball seemed some time ago now for the Grand Templar. The event was unusual for it held so many of the Theocracy's nobility in one place. Normally, such events perhaps only host four or five. As he was about to reminisce over the event, her adventure near to Nothoi caught his attention and dampened his mood. While he had never traveled further west than the ruins of Wudenkin when he was a Grey Knight, Ferdinand automatically assumed that this man was a adventurer or another of Mariana's elk. Facing into the fire, Ferdinand spoke:

"I would not trust those adventurers. While some are useful, I don't trust those whom have not been vetted by the Inquisition. They seem to put material wealth over faith. Someone whom has motivations and angles beyond commitment to the faith one must tread..."

Ferdinand clutched his side as pain began to throb throughout his torso. Taking his shirt off to reveal the bandaging, the deep gash to the far right of his back had not begun to heal, partly due to the lack of rest and proper medical attention. Ferdinand got up and grabbed some supplies from the side of the tent which included a bottle with a clear substance within. During this journey, Mariana saw the scars that were especially prominent around his torso, evidence with many battles with rogues throughout his military career. As Ferdinand returned to his previous position, he began to treat his wound with a cloth which was dipped into the liquid. Despite Ferdinand managing to reach the wound, it was not very effective:

"Apologies Mariana - you have probably seen enough wounded soldiers for one day. Ever since I was wounded in Cjelegy and bedridden for 5 or so days, I take a small kit of supplies wherever I go to support my own recovery. I trust in my own will power to get me through the pain. However, many soldiers, lying injured on beds and tents like this one need the medical healers. Perhaps it is my own stubborn nature..."
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana had caught his attention, that was enough for her.

"The man in question was not an adventurer, rather he was a noble. I often feel the same way however I would not miss the opportunity to learn information that might prove useful to the inquisition. This is where me and you differ at times, I know when to make the most of an opportunity."

As Ferdinand took off his shirt, Mariana initially recoiled and looked away. Though after a few seconds she turned and looked at the man as he began to apply the ointment. She noticed the scars that riddled his back, the fresh cut that covered his side. As he winced when applying the alcohol, she could almost feel his pain. She gently rubber her shoulder. Many of the scars that covered his torso were old, from battles long past. While Ferdinand's back was turned, Mariana took this opportunity to look over him more personally. His defined back muscles from years of swordsmanship and training, his naturally broad shoulders that complimented the rest of his body. For a while, Mariana could not look away. As soon as Ferdinand began to return to the seat, Mariana averted her eyes. Her heart was beating faster than before, similar to the heat of battle.

Mariana could feel the honour in his voice as he spoke. His willingness to look out for his men even when he was in pain was... respectable. Mariana stood and took a set of bandages from the box of medical equiptment and took the bottle of alcohol from his hands and smiled.

"It is a part of our life to see such horror. However, we all are fighting for a dutiful cause." She placed her hand on his back, she could feel his warmth, "Now, allow me to help. I will hear no complaints, we must ensure that this wound is cleaned properly."

Mariana carefully cleaned the wound, taking care to ensure that she caused as little pain as possible. Taking a clean rag and wiping off some of the dried blood. She reached next for a small jar of ointment she recognised and spread this over the gash. Unravelling the bandage she began to wrap it around his body. She lifted his arms and reached around his chest. For but a moment her head rested on his back. She could hear his heartbeat, feel the blood rushing around his body. Soon enough the wound was cleaned and covered. She looked around the tent for a clean shirt and handed it to Ferdinand. She once again took a seat next to him.

"You must remember to take care of yourself. Even if you are stubborn, you can let your health deteriorate... What am I to do with you?"

She smiled and laughed, watching as Ferdinand settled comfortably once again.

"So, how about a drink? I am sure that will take the edge off that wound."
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
The differences between the Countess and himself were rather stark at times. The inquisitor was spontaneous and secretive. Yet, Ferdinand was almost shocked by her caring behavior as she addressed his wound on his back. He did not resist the help for he knew that he would not be able to dress the wound himself due to it's angle.

Where had this concern come from? Was it some kind of trick? When he had put a clean shirt on, he turned and faced Mariana. It had not been too long ago that the Inquisitor teased him shortly after the Violet Storm. Yet, there was a feeling on the end of his fingertips or a edginess. Whether it was the warmth or something of another variety he did not know.

"I reluctantly drink, as you know Mariana. I was reluctant at the Ball and I am now. I feel that it clouds my vision and thought process while I do not deny its benefits of pain suppression. A habit that I have picked up from my mentor is tea brewing. While the water needs to be boiled, the tea provides a warmth and a occasion to think."

The paraphernalia whom traveled with Ferdinand's retinue already knew of his preferences. Therefore, the apparatus was already placed over the fire for water to be boiled, with a pot to match. As the water boiled on the fire, Ferdinand chose to lay down and stare into the roof of the tent.

"Do you have family Mariana? Or those whom are dear to you - perhaps the man on the border? I do not think about this alot. However, there are Greybrooks across the continents of our world. I do not care for their actions as much as they do not care for mine. There was one occasion when I was young, I cannot remember the time, where many branches of the Greybrook household were assembled in one place. The children gathered played with swords and acted as the heroes of old, the myths of Roman and so on. What strikes me is that they will perhaps never know the struggles of this land and the duty we hold here as Obeah's shield."
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana's cheery gaze turned sour. Her brow arched and she stared down at the ground. She began to fidget and squirm at the mention of family.

"Family? Now that's a story... I haven't seen my family in maybe 8 years? Not since I left. Though they would rather it be called exiled. I do not have fond memories of my home nor my family. Myself and my brother were always at each others throats. He was the apple of my parents eye, I was the blot on the family history. Maybe thats why I enjoy myself here. A place that no one knows me. Freedom from the control. My name being the only remnant I hold dear."

Mariana stared out beyond the flaps of the tent into the darkness of the night.

"I do not even know if my parents are still alive."

She dropped her head into her hands and began to breath heavily. She did this for a few moments before lifting her head up, her eyes not red and puffy.

"Im sorry, I did not wish for you to see me like this. In honesty, today is the day of my birth. I did not wish to make such a big deal of it, I have never been a person of celebration, but the mention of family was too much for me to handle."

She took a small handkerchief from a pocket in her cloak and wiper her eyes. By now the pot of water had boiled and Ferdinand stood to make the tea. He just listened to Mariana as she spoke about family. Carrying two cups of tea and offered one to Mariana. She held it in her hands, basking in the warmth of the water. The smell of the herbs filled her nostrils. She took a gently sip as to not burn her tongue. She felt the warmth of the tea as it flowed through her body. A relaxing sensation, one that she had never felt before. She smiled and looked towards Ferdinand.

"Your mentor was right, tea is quite exquisite."

The two of them continued speaking for quite some time, enjoying one cup of tea after another. The sadness that was in Maraiana's voice quickly disappeared. The gentleness of Ferdinand's voice as he spoke calmed her down. What started as a rather insincere conversation quickly turned into something more. Before long, the moon was high in the sky. The bustle of soldiers quietened after many of them returned to their tents. Mariana placed the cup on a nearby table, dusted herself down, and made her way to the door of the tent. She turned once more to Ferdinand and bowed politely.

"I didn't know what to expect when you invited me to join you, but I cant say I honestly expected such a conversation. While it pains me to admit it, I have enjoyed myself. Take care of yourself and good luck on your journey."

She pushed through the gently blowing flap and stepped out into the cold night. A chill came over her and she folded her arms, covering herself tightly in her cloak. She let out a sigh and began to walk, back to her camp and her responsibilities.
Mariana le Craint

Mariana and Malachite

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The crisp southern ocean breeze blew gently across the plains. Darkness and silence enveloped the stretch of land that rested before Mariana. Not a single soul, human or otherwise, tread the path she was taking. The gentle canter of the horse left nothing but an indentation in the ground. The bright white light of the moon iluminated the path before her, resting softly against the rough track ahead.

Mariana sat comfortably on the leather saddle of the horse. Her mind set on her path. Her eyes followed the horizon, scouring the treeline for any sign of movement. Her eyes met nothing but the glow of small animals as they watched her pass by. The occasional squirrel breaching the shadow before darting back into the trees.

Suddenly, there was movement. Unexpected. Larger than a squirrel, that much was for certain. Mariana grabbed her blade, jumped down from the horse and stepped cautiously towards the origin of the sound. A small bush, no larger than a dog, speckled with thorns and ivy. Mariana knew to be careful. Any mistake and her life could be at risk. She pressed the point of the sword towards a thicker branch and carefully pushed it aside. She drew the dagger from her boot, holding the branch just far enough to allow her to get a look. Quietly she peered into the darkness of the bush, expecting to be met by the red eyes of a monster.

Instead, to her surprise, a pair of deep green eyes stared back at her. No signs of aggression came from the beast, rather she could feel discomfort from it. She pushed the branch further to allow for the moonlight to enter into the bush. Lying against the green and brown of the thorn bush was a small wolf. The size of a puppy maybe. A quick glance could sense nothing wrong however as Mariana looked down at the paws of the animal, she saw the deep crimson of blood.

She sheathed her sword and carefully leaned in closely as to not spook the wolf. Gently, she lifted the paw and found it to be caught on a nasty branch of thorns. She rested her hand against the wolfs matted fur, taking her blade and softly cutting the branch from the bush. As carefully as she had arrived, she placed her hands around the puppy and lifted it from the bush. When she was sure that it was free from the bush, she rushed back to the horse. Taking a blanket from her pack, she laid it out on the ground and placed the puppy on top. Taking a good look at the dog, she could clearly see it was in pain. She took out a small bowl and her waterskin, poured out a small portion and placed the bowl in front of the puppy.

As the puppy began to drink, she carefully inspected the branch. Three large thorns had lodged themselves into the puppies leg and paw. She could tell however, from her brief glance, that the thorns were not deep enough to cause lasting problems. She took a deep breath, taking her blade from her boot once again. She needed to be calm for this next action. She looked over the puppy, it was barely conscious having lost so much blood. She pressed the point of the blade into the first thorn and the wolf let out a loud whelp. She needed to be quick.

With one quick motion, she drew the first thorn from its leg. She let out a sigh of relief and continued onto the next one.

After an excruciatingly long five minutes, the puppies leg was wrapped in bandages and the thorns rested on the dirt floor. Mariana fell back onto the ground, puffing and panting as if she had just fought a beast. She stared up at the sky and into the abyss of the night. She closed her eyes.

The peace did not last long before she was awoken by the feeling of... damp rough paper? She opened her eyes to find the puppy now lying on her chest licking her cheek. Mariana began to smile. Softly placing her hand of the wolf's back, she ran her fingers through its matted fur. The puppy did not mind and continued to lick her cheek. She stared back up the sky, her smile now stretching from cheek to cheek.

"You want to come with me?" She spoke in a soft voice as if to not alert the wolf.

Almost as in response, the puppy let out a gentle howl before returning back to licking her face. Mariana brushed her thumb against its ear.

"I shall take that as a yes then... I suppose I better think of a name for you." As she said this, a bright shooting star shot through the sky which burned in a wondrous green light. "...Malachite..."
Mariana le Craint