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|Tim Care}}
|Tim Care}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Greatjon Mormont  (19 hours, 56 minutes ago)
It's a difficult situation. When you sent our nobles north you expected most to travel there leaving just yourself here to die under a final assault and in a glorious death that might warrant a song or poem.
That has not happened. Too many remained behind. With so many nobles our enemies might not risk a final assault with the risk of large casualties. Personally i think there need to see you dead will promote an attack but it could be some time before they are ready. In the meantime there is little to do. We cannot takeover a region as the enemy can attack us easily and without the walls we'll be slaughtered but i feel many here are expect us to be aggressive.
I have heard from Asher and know all is not well in Sirion. They still hold Xavax dear and it is not unexpected that those in Sirion care for Sirion and not Xavax.
I feel your options are these:
Go north in the hope of winning control of a realm with your supporters. I have seen what the alliance of realms is in the north and it is brittle. The allies argue constantly. You might bring the leadership they need but it may also be a frustrating struggle with the Vix very efficient and the allies ... well a right mess!
Saving Xavax is impossible. We cannot beat the enemy even without the Vix as we do not have the resources. Food is short as is gold and quality troops not to mention numbers of available troops. We can either wait for the end here or go out with a fight. We will likely lose and the realm fall quickly after but you might just get your glorious death. I am prepared to die by your side. I will not join another realm but whether the rest of Xavax is expecting to die is another matter. They may be better suited to switching contunents? Some are young and it would be a shame for them to sacrifice themselves.
I would not advise pausing. You enemies would claim that as a victory.
|Gavin Woods}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Eoin Gabhann  (19 hours, 51 minutes ago)
While I haven't been thinking specifically about Selenia's future, I have been thinking about the future of Greater Xavax.  With the departure of so many of our nobles, GX has entered limbo.  We are no longer enough of a threat to the Vix to warrant their attention, and out lack of response to the recent bandit incursions can only reinforce this.  With Vix and Perdan focused on the north, especially since the Redwings have found a home there, we in GX seem doomed to the death of a thousand cuts from the bandits.  They will snipe at us, either taking over or driving Igno and Tota rogue, but may never attempt a TO of Xavax itself.
The answer may lie in a possible path for Selenia.  I understand the gloom she feels, and it would be a valid response to the situation.  However, it is hard to tell an engaging story about someone who is so depressed.  I could see her finding reason to break for the north, either to support the Redwings there or perhaps in response to some perceived threat to her son.  If you think you can find more stories to tell about exile in the north, then this is a path you can follow.  This might be the best chance to the eventual rebirth of Greater Xavax, as Selenia would be a rally point to keep the vision alive.  as it is now, there is a very real possibility that players will become involved in local politics and issues in Sirion and Nivemus and lose interest in returning to the south. In addition, with the departure of Selenia, there will be even less of an incentive for enemies of GX to rally sufficient forces to crush what remains.
Another option would to be have Selenia respond to some action of the bandits or the Vix in anger, and to lead the Aegis into some last hopeless string of battles.  With battle comes the chance of death, which would be a fitting end (and a great chance for a story), and at the very least, if GX can be enough of an annoyance, may rally our foes to bring enough to bear to crush us.
For Eoin, he has seen too much loss to be very interested in starting over somewhere else.  I haven't decided whether he will pause or move north at the end of GX, but his honor lies in fighting to the end.  And by end, I mean something like the loss of Xavax City, so if Selenis decides to break for the north, Eoin will remain to fight to the end.
Hope this helps.|Michael Hughes}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Lionel Kinsey  (19 hours, 15 minutes ago)
Things are pretty bad here in the north, actually. Not enough Xavax nobles obeyed orders and moved north, and now there is no way to take over Sirion peacefully. Selenia designated too many "heirs" and now they are arguing with each other and with Lionel over what to do next. Some want to bide their time and wait for more Xavax nobles to move north. Some want to try to overthrow Ivo anyway, because that's what Selenia ordered, and they are loyal and stupid enough to doom the expedition in order to blindly follow orders. Some want to join Oligarch because Garas promised to Asher that Oligarch could defeat Sirion if he only had a few more knights.
Lionel is pretty pissed off because he is starting to feel less like a strategist and more like a babysitter, now Selenia is not around to keep them in line.
So, things are a bit of a mess in the north. The Redwings are squabbling among themselves. Sirion and her allies move ponderously slow, as usual. The Vix and the Perdanites have finished mopping up Caligus regions left behind by their blitzkrieg. Caligus is suing for peace, and after Shadowdale took in Alarin, now there are rumors that Shadowdale is secretly suing for peace or may even switch sides. Portal stones just took out 90% of the militia in Krimml at a time when the city is vulnerable. Yay?
Back to your original question: I think it's obvious that Selenia is too proud and too stubborn to move north, after she had already declared her intentions to stay in Xavax. So that leaves the question of what she will do in the mean time. I believe it comes down to how selfish Selenia is. Does she care more about her personal legacy, or the welfare of her nobles after she is gone?
Because Selenia's personal legacy is in tatters. Her enemies has made sure and will make sure of that. History is not kind to the defeated. At best, Selenia will be remembered as an overly ambitious ruler who took on too many enemies and lost. If her legacy is what she cares about most, then I can see her becoming depressed and withdrawn. The Redwings would be left to form their own interpretations of her final orders. It will still be FUN, but the future of Xavax would be bleak.
On the other hand, Xavax's eventual resurrection is still very much in play, but if it happens, the credit likely will not go to Selenia or her son. If she contributes to that effort, it will have to be out of a love for her people and her belief in Xavax as an ideal, not just as a realm that she happened to rule. If that is what she cares about the most in her heart, then she will throw herself into her remaining time, both in rallying her remaining nobles to defend Xavax for as long as possible, and exerting her influence on Xavax refugees in the north. And more than making preparation for Xavax's resurrection, she would take time to properly record Xavax's stories (in the wiki).
My favorite quote from Boxers and Saints:
“What is China but a people and their stories?”
|Yangfan Wang}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Elessa Raven  (18 hours, 34 minutes ago)
While I'm not sure if this is unique enough, but for Elessa Selenia seems more like a god/demi-god who was willing to save her after banishment.
After Shadowdale revolt, Elessa had lost her queen, home and titles. Only thing she had left was some gold coins and loyal maid. Traitors are not usually well recieved by other realms, but Selenia was willing to accept Elessa anyway. For Elessa who that time thought ending her life, was saved by complete stranger who knew nothing about her expect that she was rebel and traitor to current Shadowdale's government (at least that's what she thought). For that reason Elessa knew that she has to protect Selenia even if it meant following her to depths of hell or begin killed by her own allies.
But over time Elessa's oath of loyalty became somewhat twisted. She started seeing Selenia as person who would cleanse this world from it's filth and corruption and save more people like Elessa. This point of view may come from the current state of war or her own zealous ideas of loyalty.
In Elessa mind, Selenia is the phoenix itself. As Selenia has already once fallen on the field of battle only to return to life stronger and greater. Thus Elessa believes that Selenia may never die even if she sees it with her own eyes, but believe that she will rise again to build the promised empire that last's forever.
Also Elessa has ran away once, I don't think she could handle second time to leave her lady behind.
I believe that none/few redwings would gone to north had they known the real reason from the start. I believe that Redwings would be at least relieved if their leader would remain alive, even if she is not willing to lead them again but "advice" them.
I think that if Selenia sees herself/Greater Xavax and as a phoenix, she should head north to show that no matter how dire the situation phoenix shall rise again or if she lost the will to live take as many enemies with her as possible, be it behind the walls of Xavax or on the fields of Greater Xavax and let new leader of Redwings lead the new rebirth of Phoenix.
I'm not sure if it's any good advice, as I have never given one.|Eirik Teär}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Godric Tórrarin ka Habb  (16 hours, 9 minutes ago)
Does Selenia feel she deserves a glorious death? Is she the hero of her people? Or will she die nameless, an exiled failure? It depends on her self-worth. Does she take her own life? Is she truly the Phoenix?
You owe us nothing. You've given us quite the story. Selenia needs her story to be cohesive.
Truthfully speaking, not many of us are bold enough or good enough storytellers to do this without a strong leader. Already the Redwings are splintering, Asher wants to defect to Oligarch because too many people chose the cheesy option and stayed behind, but Kinsey wants to stay.
Personally, I would name a good storyteller like Tandaros or Asher as my heir and commit to distant exile. Like Mathruin did. She was an adventurer, a wild woman... Return to the wild. But at current, Xavax will be nothing but a footnote. If you feel that obliged to us, give us our path of loyalty or defection, then leave.|Dillan Mendonca}}
{{Quotation| Letter from Hallvar Schancke  (15 hours, 55 minutes ago)
your probably the player with the best grasp of the roleplaying aspect of this whole game, and Selenia is your character.
Whatever happens from here, it has been a blast to be along for the ride.
My personal opinion:
Selenia is the Phoenix Queen. It would be a shame to let such a character burn out and vanish for herself.
She should keep rising as many times as possible! That will suit the RedWings. If nothing else, rallying around Selenia as a symbol will be beneficial.
In RL  I work for a guy of 83, tomorrow the biggest technical consultant company in Norway will come to our office and make a purchase offer for his company.
I now he will decline the offer.
His determination and stubborness has only increased with age, his purpose is to keep his lifework and legacy alive.
And Selenia is not yet 83.
From a game perspective I am sure that every other player will appreciate your involvement in their surroundings. Whether it is with Selenia or another character of yours. Because of your creativity and because you make room for other people.|Hallvar Schancke Margrave of Tota}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Beck Mozzoni  (15 hours, 18 minutes ago)
You know I have some crazy ideas every now and then. I have one idea for Selenia: The north is almost ready to attack Oligarch and finish the realm.
First option: Has Selenia any chance to stop the war by convincing FO leaders to step down and give the power to one of us exiled? That way we would rebuild GX in the north right now.
Second option: Has Selenia any chance to ask for the rule of the city to one of us exiled? The same end.
Xavax became the funniest place in Battlemaster. Selenia is the glue who unifies many players ready to enjoy a good story. Don't kill her, I'm sure you can find a way to keep her alive. You can pause her for a while at the TO of Xavax and let the legend grow to return in full glory when the city is lost.
What do you think?|Jesus Mozo}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Serina Kye  (13 hours, 46 minutes ago)
This is a game of leaders and followers. SEL is a leader. She felt lost and expected the glorious afterlife of death in battle. all those lost who followed her has taken a toll but She is a fighter. Her charges in the north are in conflict trying to interpret her vague desires. They all want her to lead them. Most it seems have stayed to die fighting with her or at least that's what we in sirion think.
She is a leader.
She inspires and intimidates those around her. She should fight.| Kye}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Solomon Steele  (13 hours, 8 minutes ago)
First I'll tell you - you need to do what will be the most fun for you.  It is awesome that you care about everyone's fun, but bluntly you ain't their mama.  You've mentored many of them and now they need to figure out how to have fun themselves.  You mention you are ready for Selenia to die.  I'm not sure if that is you saying - you are ready for her story to end no matter what or if you have come to terms with her dying defending Xavax as you believe that is what she would do.  Maybe you don't even really know.
I definitely understand your description of Selenia's current state.  Everyone has a breaking point and if one believes they themselves are a failure then even getting out of bed is a difficult task.
Dying while defending the capital is a very epic and warrior queen way to end a character's story.  Thinking to the best stories and movies many pivotal characters we come to love die in this way.  I too find it difficult to imagine Selenia leaving Xavax before the takeover of the capital starts.  If you go that route, I would highly advise you to at some point have Selenia experience an emotional rally before dying while defending the capital.  It will be a wonderful RP opportunity and the other players in Xavax will hopefully jump onto it.  The resulting death could be a martyr and rallying cry for a very long time - Braveheart like.  If you pursue this then don't pause if Selenia doesn't die - keep attacking until Selenia dies in battle or they execute Selenia (can you chose not to escape?)  If we rescue Selenia then well damn - I'd say keep playing her, but see below option #1.
Originally, I intended Solomon to die defending Xavax.  He chose not to because he has not given up hope of liberating the lands of Greater Xavax from somewhere else.
I see two fun other possible options
1) You can completely change the RP opportunities that Selenia gives you while still getting to play her and getting rid of the workload she represents.  Selenia could undergo a spiritual rebirth experience, change name and convert to a priest of the Path (in RP not game class change because I don't think you can do that) - shedding her previous self.  She refuses to rule or counsel due to her rebirth.  That could happen soon or if she doesn't die in the defense of Xavax (leaving it up to chance).
2) This is Selenia's moment after Empire Strikes Back.  She experiences an emotional bounce back - there are plenty of reasons for that.  She sees another mother care for a son or one of the letters from the Redwings manages to jolt her.  She decides same as Solomon that moving North is a temporary change, before bringing her son and people back to his home again.  You can take a break for a while, the latest being after the defense of Xavax, before doing this.  Leaving before Xavax is attacked could be because she is leading thousands of commoners North with her to protect them from the rape and murder - she is very protective of her people after all.  She can still take a back seat still if she simply instructs Xavax to continue to war the war and stay loyal to our current allies.|Jon Fowler}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Odwella Ossan  (10 hours, 38 minutes ago)
It's surprisingly difficult to kill off a character when you want to in this game isn't it, I'm trying to kill off two of mine in battle as heros but they just won't die! Honestly and unfortunately I haven't really read a lot of the messages in Xavax for a long time, haven't had the time or energy most of the time though the ones I do read are great! (also I usually cannot make one of the turns, as I go to sleep before it starts and don't have time to check it before going to work, working at 5am can suck a little) I don't really know what is going on or why people left, though even if I had been up to date on it all this war has gone on for so long that it's hard to remember what happened early on let alone why half the people involved are still fighting instead of moving on to do something new. Also where did the name red wings come from?
I think realms do tend to stagnate a bit when the same people are in charge for so long, unfortunately part of that is due to a lack of players in general let alone ones who are interested, passionate and good enough to effectively lead a realm (so many lousy rulers stay in for too long because no one else really wants to to their job).
At this point I can't see Selenia going anywhere else than Xavax, even if she were to step aside if someone else were to be chosen as a new ruler. People spend too much time just logging in and following orders, so I'd say let the ones in the north figure it out on their own and their own interpretation of a more or less final parting letter from Selenia (final in "I'm not your ruler anymore, but we're still friends"). Again, I don't really know what is going on with Xavax atm other than we seem to be waiting to be assaulted and die so I don't know what else to do unless anyone wants to keep the realm going and be a new ruler.
I've always appreciated your IC and OOC messages to me even if I have been bad at responding to them.
Oh and Iuz needs to die somehow :p|Julian B}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Hector Serpentis Tandaros  (6 hours, 39 minutes ago)
ahhh thats a pickle. selenia is stubborn af. there is a lot of tension in the schism community rn with several diff plans afoot. its good you're not here at this juncture... but that doesnt mean i dont think selenia shouldnt try. so i would say we should consider... an object in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted on by an outside force.
first off, i dont think you should pause her but keep it going. maybe she dies. maybe she gets on a boat to.. somewhere, likee i retroactively did with maya. desperation will do crazy things.
so the tension is between your royal responsibility to take care of the flock and a rage-filled-grief f0r xavax. something will happen to push her one way or the other (or another). never forget the third option :)  i think a realization that 'life goes on' could inspire her to go north with a second flock on the sirion trail. or mayeb a threat to her child's life. or maybe a wedding? idk *hint hint*
its totally up to you. if she dies it would be a good death. if she defies the odds and marches north it will stun everyone and TOTALLY change the power dynamic in the east. you could also have her take a boat to dwilight... hang out for a while fighting for the new colony... then sail back to the east avoiding the long path north.
does that help? happy to talk it out |Geoff Bonn}}
{{Quotation| Out-of-Character from Andross Blint  (22 hours, 51 minutes ago)
I appreciate the ask for advice :)
First of all I can totally see your dilemma.. I faced it with Leatho countless times, where he accomplished or failed in his objectives in countless realms and didn't know what to do or how/where to start over.. I can see 3 options for Sel that would, in my opinion, be the most fun for you and for other players.
Before I get into that, regardless of what you do I think keeping Sel depressed breaks her character's nature. Granted you know the character far better than I ever will. But in my experience as a player of both Leatho and Andross, Sel has always been a person of action, words, and emotion. You played her cold, calculating and with a bone chilling brutality against those who harmed the things she cared about.
When I joined Xavax with Leatho, after 2 turns I was fully prepared for Leatho to be executed in Xavax for crimes against its people and lands. Which would have been a fair judgment since I served Alara for months. As much as I have invested in Leatho, and as much as I love that character, I was willing to let him die in Xavax. I was happy to let him die. Because of Selenia, and yet she allowed him to live, and raised him as an equal among her court, which in turn and without your knowing gave her the entire loyalty of the Blint family from then until the end of time. Not only did it do that IG, it gave me, as a player, a reason to want to play again. Xavax became my reason for logging in everyday. I knew there wouldn't always be something to do, or something to RP, but I was okay with that, because Xavax was fun, it was because of the people, it was fun because of Sel, and it was fun most of all because of the culture YOU had fostered and allowed to grow.
So personally, I feel like leaving Sel depressed, quiet, and unresponsive, is in a way betraying what Xavax used to be. Regardless of what you decide, I think leaving her to wither away quietly is the last thing you should do.
Now for the options that I see for Sel:
Option 1:
I can see you going out in the blaze of glory you talked about. Rallying every man, woman, and child who remains in Xavax and hold the city until you either win or die. Make the city as costly as possible for Xavax's enemies to take. This seems to me to be the most Selenia-esque.. and will be the source of tremendous RP's. (As you know me I love to equate Selenia and our interactions together as players to RL media.. I picture this option being much like GoT where Selenia is Danerys and she is holding the city of Mereen from the slave masters.. The Sons of the Harpy are killing her people and she has to show a brutal and iron fist in order to dominate those who would see her naked and in chains. Selenia would not stand for that, and Selenia should not stand for that.)
Option 2:
Reinvigorate Sel. Rally every last Redwing and ride north to Sirion, foster an alliance of the northern realms, grow, build up your resistance in exile and then when we have the forces and the means lead them south and cut out the black heart of Vix Tiramora. Of all the options I feel like this is probably the one you are least excited for (understandably so..)
Option 3:
Lead Selenia into Exile, maybe you take the Soviet military strategy and burn everything you can in Xavax to the ground, take Sel into exile in Sirion and guide the Redwings. I say guide intentionally, it could be interesting if Sel is so ashamed of her failures that she refuses to take the mantle of Xerarch again, but she is happy to guide a young noble through the political storm that is the East Continent and help younger nobles grow and learn and lead. (Think of her more as Obi-Wan Kenobi/Yoda in the original Star Wars trilogy). I think if you take this route you can play off the depressed and downtrodden emotions Sel has been struck with the last few days. Maybe you take a more active role in the Path of Paragons, teaching nobles and followers from your failures and helping them to avoid the mistakes you made.
Personally of all the options I think #1 will be the most fun, followed closely by #2 and #3. Whatever you decide to do I think it would be doing yourself, Sel, and the redwings a disservice if you don't inspire them to be something more, something better than what you tried. Use her failures as a way to inspire people to want to restore Xavax. I think that is the key, your legacy isn't the path of paragons, the war we fought and almost won, or even a city/lands. Your legacy is what the people you led make of themselves after you are gone. One of the reasons it was so fun to play in Xavax was because we had something to play for, something to fight for IC. It was Sel. Everyone believed in her, everyone wanted to ride by her side in battle and have the chance for her to notice them and compliment them. every single person that marched north did so because you ordered it, and hated it. Because you weren't marching with them.
I think letting Sel fade into nothing is wrong. I think Sel owes it to the redwings to inspire them in some way, and that might be Sel's death, or it might be Sel's life.
I hope this all made sense and helped you a bit.. I started to ramble.. Please feel free to ask me for anything else if you need to. I am always happy to help map out a story if you'd like someone to bounce ideas off.
|Tyler F}}
{{Quotation| Letter from Andross Blint  (25 days, 8 hours ago)
Mighty One,
If I am being brutally honest.. then yes. I fear for the future of our people. I fear that life in the north will foster indecision and that they will grow to forget all that we fought for in the south. I do not question any of their loyalties to you, or the Redwing. I question man's ability to maintain two competing oaths. I believe in every single man, woman, and child of Xavax. We are a true noble people. We honor or commitments. Which is why I fear that asking them to swear an oath to Sirion and maintain their oaths to you will cause strife, stress, and even cause some nobles to search for a different life elsewhere.
We have seen hints of this already with the Lionel and Godric conflict. Luckily, my decree that they were not to duel during wartime came in just in time.
What I fear for our people and what I fear for myself are two different things. I have long ago decided that I will live and die a Redwing of Xavax. I swear this to you now, even if every other noble of Xavax, dies or abandons our cause. I will stand by your side at the very gates of Hell and smile in the face of the devil, with my sword at the ready.
Having said that, what I fear most is lack of vision, and a lack of a plan. What is the goal of the path of ashes? Is it simply to lick our wounds in the north while the bastards of the south defile our home and fortify their position? Are we actively working on rebuilding Xavax's army, recruiting bigger, more effective units, harboring gold, and rallying allies to our banner?
With all due respect, your grace, I believe you owe it to us to tell us what political moves you are making. Simply saying that you have plans in motion and we are not to attack Oligarch is not enough. Not anymore. We uprooted our lives for you, we abandoned everything we have fought, bled, and died for. For you. Forgive my insolence your grace, but I am not sure you fully grasp the magnitude of those words. Almost every living member of Xavax, packed up their lives and marched north. Abandoning you at your command. Do you have any idea how hard that was for us? Do you have any idea how much that made my stomach turn, the very thought of abandoning that which I had watched so many of my brothers and sister bleed and die for. It was sickening. I would rather fall on my sword than do that again.  I was glad I was captured, and sent back to Xavax. I had the caretaker of your son beg me to royally club you over the head and smuggle you north, and believe me, I thought about it.
So, telling us that you are working on plans, is no longer enough, we need direction your grace. We need to know where you plan to lead us, how you plan to get us there, and what we will do once we arrive. We need to know that you have not forgotten those that have died for us, we need to know that you have not resigned the fate of your holy city to the hands of rapists and bandits. At the very least you owe it to your sitting council to tell them what your plans are. We who have stood at your side through everything else.
You asked me what I believe in. You. I have seen you do things I never thought possible, I have seen you rally a nation where others have failed. I have seen you stand before the unyielding forces of nature, smile at them and say "Not today." and then they listened and calmed.
Do not ask me to abandon you again, for that is one command I will happily disregard. I will be staying in An Najaf with you, until you see fit to move forward north.
Your grace, I end my letter with these words my father said to me before I arrived here. "When winter comes, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."
Until My End,
|Andross Blint
Arbiter of Greater Xavax
Knight of Xavax}}

Latest revision as of 21:12, 25 September 2017

JeVondair's Question

I am having difficulty and need advice, player to player. You're an experienced story teller and, in my opinion, a fine player of this game. It kind of reminds me of the old days where Rynn would rely on Kharyn as his sounding board. So please, hear me out.

To me, Selenia feels as though she is in a strange twilight. She feels like everything she's built has come undone. She has resigned herself, she's seen too many friends, vassals, and disciples die. She's had to smuggle her only son out of the country with Gia just to give him a better chance at life. In the past few days, she's not spoken a word to anyone. She's morose, bereft of motivation bc she sees no future for herself. After all, her leadership brought her people to ruin, she failed, she was defeated. I fully expected her to die gloriously defending Xavax one last time, or if she didn't actually die, I was going to pause her if a TO was ever started in Xavax City.

But Messages from the north keep piling up. Redwings asking her what to do, foreign leaders asking her for her influence in controlling her people. On the one hand, as a player, I could step back, keep Sel depressed and quiet and in doing so leave the redwings and the north with the adventure of figuring things out for themselves. I've prepared Selenia to die. She's ready. I'm ready. A new chapter in the East was about to begin: one without her. OR, I could reinvigorate Sel, have her provide the guidance and control that is being requested of her. Rally the nobles left in Xavax for one last push and bring her herself to live in the north in Exile, gather her supporters around herself, and do what she does best...

I could do that, I really could, but for the first time in a long time, I don't know what to do. My first responsibility as Selenia's player has always been to make things fun for the folks who play with me. What should I do? Should I bring her north? Should I let her die? Will the "Redwings," in your opinion, have more fun interpreting what they think she'd want them to do, or would they rather her take the lead again?

I could really use the advice.

– JeVondair


Out-of-Character from Garas Gabanus (20 hours, 18 minutes ago)

Thanks for the compliment and the feeling is mutual.

You are in a tough situation and I think as a player it'll be tough for me to tell you what to do, but perhaps I can guide you. I had a similar situation when I rejoined like a week ago (not sure if you missed me the last 6 months :p) and I wanted to leave Garas paused and in stead RP the daughter the player of Catherine Chamberlain and myself created (a bit like the Leroux family played their son Goran for quite a while) as it would create some awesome RP opportunities etc and give me as a player a semi-fresh start, but then I heard Catherine had autopaused and the Leroux family had paused Goran as well and well here Garas is. The reason I did that is because I realise I'm a (big) part of why Oligarch is and was fun. Firstly I put in quite a lot of effort also in trying to get allies and stuff done etc and in the realm itself, motivate everyone, plus my somewhat unorthodox military strategies have always worked so far, giving us a fighting chance. I felt like I would let people down if I return and then play as a char who doesn't know much about military strategies + Oligarch is my baby and I hate to see it destroyed. For me those were the reasons to make my (similar) decision.

I think what you have to ask yourself mostly are the following: 1) If you revive Selenia into activity, would you as a player have fun, or would it feel more as a burden? If it'll be more a burden, then people will be gratefull for the effort you put into making their game fun and will respect it and you should go with what does give you more fun and let Selenia die.

2) If you'd consider it fun, you'll have to decide for yourself how much you value the fact that you not only try to make it fun for yourself, but also for others and also look if you can't do an equally great job with a new char as you did with Selenia. If Selenia can provide other people more fun and you value that (main reason for me at least) then you should consider letting her live in exile. A story can always grow and even if Oligarch falls (quite likely at this point) then I can move into a next phase with those who'd enjoy it: (hint: something with revenge) just as your phase would be the rebuild of Xavax prob.

I do know one thing from a personal pov, Sirion is one of the worst realms I've played in and from what I hear it hasn't changed. Hardly any RP, very restrictive decisicion making and information sharing etc. I made Oligarch a Tyranny (with a Prime Minister) and did everything in the opposite way (share everything, discuss everything with all nobles and try to RP quite a bit) as a little bit of sarcasm, but I guess the point was missed. Perhaps if those in Xavax integrate they could make it more fun, or they'll fall into the trap and make their Sirion char the 'mindless' char and focus on other islands. I've seen it happen before, it's one of the reasons Oligarch was founded in the first place. It's a tricky situation, that's for sure as the dream of Xavax will prob fall if you do so (there are already 2 camps right now and some will just integrate into Sirion prob).

Hope this helps. You can spin Selenia's story both ways easily, her people begging her to rebuild it in the north and join them (keeping the dream alive and listening to her people) or dying a heroic death and become a martyr.

– John Reumerman

Out-of-Character from Viktoria Von Striga (20 hours, 17 minutes ago)

I would say that there isn't a correct answer to this question, as any choice you make will have its own stories to develop given how you've been playing her and how you are as a player.

I think the question, really, is what you want for her.

Would you like Selenia to be a queen-in-exile? If that's the case then sure, bring her north and see what happens. Certainly Selenia's presence will quell rumours and second-guessing as she will quickly resume her role in leading the Redwings. But does that fit Selenia? The Xerarch that you've been roleplaying is one of suitably fiery courage and personality. Can you give her a reason to not die with Xavax?

On the other hand you have her go out in a last stand as you mentioned. Certainly it would create great fuel (and RP material) for others to preserve her legacy. Naturally, there will be succession crises as various members come forward with their own interpretation of what Selenia would have wanted. The Redwings might stay together, or they might scatter among the northern realms for better or worse. Are you okay with that?

Personally, I would never encourage another player to kill off a character because we put so much heart and soul into them. But if you're prepared to do so with Selenia - ready, even - to use this opportunity as a climatic conclusion to a chapter in the JeVondair family history, then I say more power to you.

I apologise if this hasn't really given you a clear answer. But I hope this might help to sway your decision in either direction :)

– Jerrald

Out-of-Character from Asher Renodin (20 hours ago)

This is a game and you should do what is fun, for you. That is absolutely paramount. If you are ready to be done with Selenia, by all means be done with her. Pause her, delete her, do what you think is right in that regard.

Having said that, and the above should be the preamble for whatever comes next in my typing here, here's my take on things. Selenia is a brilliant icon. A pillar in so much that she is not just part of the structure, she is the structure. Everything revolves around her. Its the classical situation where a nation flourishes under the guidance of a single leader but as soon as that leader is taken out or disappears, that nation enters a dark age. Most prominent example I can give, Roman transition from Republic to Empire. The First Emperor, whom referred to himself as First Citizen, was a brilliant man. Octavius, adopted son of Julius Ceasar, later Augustus.

He basically created this wonderful system for everything. Balanced everything perfectly. People loved him. All went well when he was around and he lived a good long time. However, he never dealt with the issue of succession and neither the problem or rather relation between Future Emperors and the Senate. Senate here being the general power structure / establishment. When he was around, he word was law basically and all agreed it was good. After he was gone, it wasn't sure who should succeed and based on what merit. Neither how the old power structure should deal or act in the face of a new leader aka Emperor.

Ever since, the Roman Empire had a really hard time defining the relationship of Leader and Power structure and who should be leader. Selenia is that first Emperor. Everything is great with her around but there is nothing that deals with what comes after her. So, what are the options?

You could keep Selenia around in Greater Xavax. That will see your efforts split in two and one, the northern contingent (some 10 players) slowly erode into Sirion and Sirion become much stronger. Effectively losing that playerbase.

You could recall the north. That wouldn't do much good as there is no gold in the south to do anything meaningful.

You could go north and force the rest to follow you. That opens up several options of itself. Stay in Sirion and try things that way. Side with one of the smaller realms and shake stuff up that way.

You could remain in the south and keep vigorous contact with the north, attempting to maintain unison and cohesion. Effectively having a foreign legion of sorts? A mercenary army that could travel realms and do your bidding that way. But that may seem a bit of a stretch seeing the culture of Xavax.

What would I do? Sirion is one of the oldest Realms in the game and they have 22 nobles without Xavax's numbers added. Shadowdale is ready to abandon sirion's alliance. Eppy isn't feeling too safe from the south. First Oligarch may be lost now, unless you can pull a miracle from your hat. Well, what would I do? It seems to me that the time for meaningful action in the south is over. There's simply no money felt to face Vix or any of the realms there. The alliance too powerful to overcome. Distance is a savior in itself. There are a couple of options in the north that seem the most fun and in line with Selenia's Goals. To change the world. To bring about change.

But i'll end as I started, Do what you feel is fun, for you. Don't feel chained by responsibility or guilt for or towards fellow players. It's a game, think about yourself.

Gonna copy paste a bit of your letter and write some direct, terse answers.

I could do that, I really could, but for the first time in a long time, I don't know what to do.

Do what you want to do, what is most fun for yourself. Unburdened by anything and naked towards your own enjoyment.

My first responsibility as Selenia's player has always been to make things fun for the folks who play with me.

Self imposed. Keep in mind that this is a game and you need to have fun playing it, not getting stressed out or worse, burned out. You build a pretty amazing Ingame Realm with fantastic lore. Adhered to by a good chunk of players. A big achievement.

What should I do?

See my first answer hmm?

Should I bring her north?

If you feel that continuering Selenia's story in the way she had behaved in the past? then yes.

Should I let her die?

This will probably be a move that you will regret. If you want to take a break heed that most ancient of BM advice, Pause.

Will the "Redwings," in your opinion, have more fun interpreting what they think she'd want them to do, or would they rather her take the lead again?

The Redwings are lunatics. Hahaha. They will be ducks in a pond without you. They are so used to leaning on Selenia's leadership that they don't know what to do without her guidance. Hence why they are so absolutely resistant towards Asher and his option. Without Selenia to lead them, there is no Redwing. It will very quickly crumble. The name will live on for a while but it will be one of those words / name that gets mentioned every now and then to remind or invoke glories of past days.

There, answered. It would be a damn shame if you left this story to peter out by itself. Like a mighty campfire that once proudly roared at the night sky, forcing people to back off due to sheer heat. Only to wilt away, starved of fuel as people go to sleep, late at night. Cozy at first by the lessing flames and then, the next morning, vaguely remember the blaze that held their imaginations in captivity. They will murmur to one another about it but the day after that, It will be a memory no longer even spoken about.


– Tim Care


Out-of-Character from Greatjon Mormont (19 hours, 56 minutes ago)

It's a difficult situation. When you sent our nobles north you expected most to travel there leaving just yourself here to die under a final assault and in a glorious death that might warrant a song or poem.

That has not happened. Too many remained behind. With so many nobles our enemies might not risk a final assault with the risk of large casualties. Personally i think there need to see you dead will promote an attack but it could be some time before they are ready. In the meantime there is little to do. We cannot takeover a region as the enemy can attack us easily and without the walls we'll be slaughtered but i feel many here are expect us to be aggressive.

I have heard from Asher and know all is not well in Sirion. They still hold Xavax dear and it is not unexpected that those in Sirion care for Sirion and not Xavax.

I feel your options are these:

Go north in the hope of winning control of a realm with your supporters. I have seen what the alliance of realms is in the north and it is brittle. The allies argue constantly. You might bring the leadership they need but it may also be a frustrating struggle with the Vix very efficient and the allies ... well a right mess!

Saving Xavax is impossible. We cannot beat the enemy even without the Vix as we do not have the resources. Food is short as is gold and quality troops not to mention numbers of available troops. We can either wait for the end here or go out with a fight. We will likely lose and the realm fall quickly after but you might just get your glorious death. I am prepared to die by your side. I will not join another realm but whether the rest of Xavax is expecting to die is another matter. They may be better suited to switching contunents? Some are young and it would be a shame for them to sacrifice themselves.

I would not advise pausing. You enemies would claim that as a victory.

– Gavin Woods


Out-of-Character from Eoin Gabhann (19 hours, 51 minutes ago)

While I haven't been thinking specifically about Selenia's future, I have been thinking about the future of Greater Xavax. With the departure of so many of our nobles, GX has entered limbo. We are no longer enough of a threat to the Vix to warrant their attention, and out lack of response to the recent bandit incursions can only reinforce this. With Vix and Perdan focused on the north, especially since the Redwings have found a home there, we in GX seem doomed to the death of a thousand cuts from the bandits. They will snipe at us, either taking over or driving Igno and Tota rogue, but may never attempt a TO of Xavax itself.

The answer may lie in a possible path for Selenia. I understand the gloom she feels, and it would be a valid response to the situation. However, it is hard to tell an engaging story about someone who is so depressed. I could see her finding reason to break for the north, either to support the Redwings there or perhaps in response to some perceived threat to her son. If you think you can find more stories to tell about exile in the north, then this is a path you can follow. This might be the best chance to the eventual rebirth of Greater Xavax, as Selenia would be a rally point to keep the vision alive. as it is now, there is a very real possibility that players will become involved in local politics and issues in Sirion and Nivemus and lose interest in returning to the south. In addition, with the departure of Selenia, there will be even less of an incentive for enemies of GX to rally sufficient forces to crush what remains.

Another option would to be have Selenia respond to some action of the bandits or the Vix in anger, and to lead the Aegis into some last hopeless string of battles. With battle comes the chance of death, which would be a fitting end (and a great chance for a story), and at the very least, if GX can be enough of an annoyance, may rally our foes to bring enough to bear to crush us.

For Eoin, he has seen too much loss to be very interested in starting over somewhere else. I haven't decided whether he will pause or move north at the end of GX, but his honor lies in fighting to the end. And by end, I mean something like the loss of Xavax City, so if Selenis decides to break for the north, Eoin will remain to fight to the end.

Hope this helps.

– Michael Hughes

Out-of-Character from Lionel Kinsey (19 hours, 15 minutes ago)

Things are pretty bad here in the north, actually. Not enough Xavax nobles obeyed orders and moved north, and now there is no way to take over Sirion peacefully. Selenia designated too many "heirs" and now they are arguing with each other and with Lionel over what to do next. Some want to bide their time and wait for more Xavax nobles to move north. Some want to try to overthrow Ivo anyway, because that's what Selenia ordered, and they are loyal and stupid enough to doom the expedition in order to blindly follow orders. Some want to join Oligarch because Garas promised to Asher that Oligarch could defeat Sirion if he only had a few more knights.

Lionel is pretty pissed off because he is starting to feel less like a strategist and more like a babysitter, now Selenia is not around to keep them in line.

So, things are a bit of a mess in the north. The Redwings are squabbling among themselves. Sirion and her allies move ponderously slow, as usual. The Vix and the Perdanites have finished mopping up Caligus regions left behind by their blitzkrieg. Caligus is suing for peace, and after Shadowdale took in Alarin, now there are rumors that Shadowdale is secretly suing for peace or may even switch sides. Portal stones just took out 90% of the militia in Krimml at a time when the city is vulnerable. Yay?

Back to your original question: I think it's obvious that Selenia is too proud and too stubborn to move north, after she had already declared her intentions to stay in Xavax. So that leaves the question of what she will do in the mean time. I believe it comes down to how selfish Selenia is. Does she care more about her personal legacy, or the welfare of her nobles after she is gone?

Because Selenia's personal legacy is in tatters. Her enemies has made sure and will make sure of that. History is not kind to the defeated. At best, Selenia will be remembered as an overly ambitious ruler who took on too many enemies and lost. If her legacy is what she cares about most, then I can see her becoming depressed and withdrawn. The Redwings would be left to form their own interpretations of her final orders. It will still be FUN, but the future of Xavax would be bleak.

On the other hand, Xavax's eventual resurrection is still very much in play, but if it happens, the credit likely will not go to Selenia or her son. If she contributes to that effort, it will have to be out of a love for her people and her belief in Xavax as an ideal, not just as a realm that she happened to rule. If that is what she cares about the most in her heart, then she will throw herself into her remaining time, both in rallying her remaining nobles to defend Xavax for as long as possible, and exerting her influence on Xavax refugees in the north. And more than making preparation for Xavax's resurrection, she would take time to properly record Xavax's stories (in the wiki).

My favorite quote from Boxers and Saints: “What is China but a people and their stories?”

– Yangfan Wang

Out-of-Character from Elessa Raven (18 hours, 34 minutes ago)

While I'm not sure if this is unique enough, but for Elessa Selenia seems more like a god/demi-god who was willing to save her after banishment.

After Shadowdale revolt, Elessa had lost her queen, home and titles. Only thing she had left was some gold coins and loyal maid. Traitors are not usually well recieved by other realms, but Selenia was willing to accept Elessa anyway. For Elessa who that time thought ending her life, was saved by complete stranger who knew nothing about her expect that she was rebel and traitor to current Shadowdale's government (at least that's what she thought). For that reason Elessa knew that she has to protect Selenia even if it meant following her to depths of hell or begin killed by her own allies.

But over time Elessa's oath of loyalty became somewhat twisted. She started seeing Selenia as person who would cleanse this world from it's filth and corruption and save more people like Elessa. This point of view may come from the current state of war or her own zealous ideas of loyalty.

In Elessa mind, Selenia is the phoenix itself. As Selenia has already once fallen on the field of battle only to return to life stronger and greater. Thus Elessa believes that Selenia may never die even if she sees it with her own eyes, but believe that she will rise again to build the promised empire that last's forever. Also Elessa has ran away once, I don't think she could handle second time to leave her lady behind.

I believe that none/few redwings would gone to north had they known the real reason from the start. I believe that Redwings would be at least relieved if their leader would remain alive, even if she is not willing to lead them again but "advice" them.

I think that if Selenia sees herself/Greater Xavax and as a phoenix, she should head north to show that no matter how dire the situation phoenix shall rise again or if she lost the will to live take as many enemies with her as possible, be it behind the walls of Xavax or on the fields of Greater Xavax and let new leader of Redwings lead the new rebirth of Phoenix.

I'm not sure if it's any good advice, as I have never given one.

– Eirik Teär

Out-of-Character from Godric Tórrarin ka Habb (16 hours, 9 minutes ago)

Does Selenia feel she deserves a glorious death? Is she the hero of her people? Or will she die nameless, an exiled failure? It depends on her self-worth. Does she take her own life? Is she truly the Phoenix?

You owe us nothing. You've given us quite the story. Selenia needs her story to be cohesive.

Truthfully speaking, not many of us are bold enough or good enough storytellers to do this without a strong leader. Already the Redwings are splintering, Asher wants to defect to Oligarch because too many people chose the cheesy option and stayed behind, but Kinsey wants to stay.

Personally, I would name a good storyteller like Tandaros or Asher as my heir and commit to distant exile. Like Mathruin did. She was an adventurer, a wild woman... Return to the wild. But at current, Xavax will be nothing but a footnote. If you feel that obliged to us, give us our path of loyalty or defection, then leave.

– Dillan Mendonca

Letter from Hallvar Schancke (15 hours, 55 minutes ago)


your probably the player with the best grasp of the roleplaying aspect of this whole game, and Selenia is your character. Whatever happens from here, it has been a blast to be along for the ride.

My personal opinion: Selenia is the Phoenix Queen. It would be a shame to let such a character burn out and vanish for herself. She should keep rising as many times as possible! That will suit the RedWings. If nothing else, rallying around Selenia as a symbol will be beneficial. In RL I work for a guy of 83, tomorrow the biggest technical consultant company in Norway will come to our office and make a purchase offer for his company. I now he will decline the offer.

His determination and stubborness has only increased with age, his purpose is to keep his lifework and legacy alive. And Selenia is not yet 83.

From a game perspective I am sure that every other player will appreciate your involvement in their surroundings. Whether it is with Selenia or another character of yours. Because of your creativity and because you make room for other people.

– Hallvar Schancke Margrave of Tota

Out-of-Character from Beck Mozzoni (15 hours, 18 minutes ago)

You know I have some crazy ideas every now and then. I have one idea for Selenia: The north is almost ready to attack Oligarch and finish the realm.

First option: Has Selenia any chance to stop the war by convincing FO leaders to step down and give the power to one of us exiled? That way we would rebuild GX in the north right now.

Second option: Has Selenia any chance to ask for the rule of the city to one of us exiled? The same end.

Xavax became the funniest place in Battlemaster. Selenia is the glue who unifies many players ready to enjoy a good story. Don't kill her, I'm sure you can find a way to keep her alive. You can pause her for a while at the TO of Xavax and let the legend grow to return in full glory when the city is lost.

What do you think?

– Jesus Mozo

Out-of-Character from Serina Kye (13 hours, 46 minutes ago)

This is a game of leaders and followers. SEL is a leader. She felt lost and expected the glorious afterlife of death in battle. all those lost who followed her has taken a toll but She is a fighter. Her charges in the north are in conflict trying to interpret her vague desires. They all want her to lead them. Most it seems have stayed to die fighting with her or at least that's what we in sirion think.

She is a leader.

She inspires and intimidates those around her. She should fight.

– Kye

Out-of-Character from Solomon Steele (13 hours, 8 minutes ago)

First I'll tell you - you need to do what will be the most fun for you. It is awesome that you care about everyone's fun, but bluntly you ain't their mama. You've mentored many of them and now they need to figure out how to have fun themselves. You mention you are ready for Selenia to die. I'm not sure if that is you saying - you are ready for her story to end no matter what or if you have come to terms with her dying defending Xavax as you believe that is what she would do. Maybe you don't even really know.

I definitely understand your description of Selenia's current state. Everyone has a breaking point and if one believes they themselves are a failure then even getting out of bed is a difficult task.

Dying while defending the capital is a very epic and warrior queen way to end a character's story. Thinking to the best stories and movies many pivotal characters we come to love die in this way. I too find it difficult to imagine Selenia leaving Xavax before the takeover of the capital starts. If you go that route, I would highly advise you to at some point have Selenia experience an emotional rally before dying while defending the capital. It will be a wonderful RP opportunity and the other players in Xavax will hopefully jump onto it. The resulting death could be a martyr and rallying cry for a very long time - Braveheart like. If you pursue this then don't pause if Selenia doesn't die - keep attacking until Selenia dies in battle or they execute Selenia (can you chose not to escape?) If we rescue Selenia then well damn - I'd say keep playing her, but see below option #1.

Originally, I intended Solomon to die defending Xavax. He chose not to because he has not given up hope of liberating the lands of Greater Xavax from somewhere else.

I see two fun other possible options

1) You can completely change the RP opportunities that Selenia gives you while still getting to play her and getting rid of the workload she represents. Selenia could undergo a spiritual rebirth experience, change name and convert to a priest of the Path (in RP not game class change because I don't think you can do that) - shedding her previous self. She refuses to rule or counsel due to her rebirth. That could happen soon or if she doesn't die in the defense of Xavax (leaving it up to chance).

2) This is Selenia's moment after Empire Strikes Back. She experiences an emotional bounce back - there are plenty of reasons for that. She sees another mother care for a son or one of the letters from the Redwings manages to jolt her. She decides same as Solomon that moving North is a temporary change, before bringing her son and people back to his home again. You can take a break for a while, the latest being after the defense of Xavax, before doing this. Leaving before Xavax is attacked could be because she is leading thousands of commoners North with her to protect them from the rape and murder - she is very protective of her people after all. She can still take a back seat still if she simply instructs Xavax to continue to war the war and stay loyal to our current allies.

– Jon Fowler

Out-of-Character from Odwella Ossan (10 hours, 38 minutes ago)

It's surprisingly difficult to kill off a character when you want to in this game isn't it, I'm trying to kill off two of mine in battle as heros but they just won't die! Honestly and unfortunately I haven't really read a lot of the messages in Xavax for a long time, haven't had the time or energy most of the time though the ones I do read are great! (also I usually cannot make one of the turns, as I go to sleep before it starts and don't have time to check it before going to work, working at 5am can suck a little) I don't really know what is going on or why people left, though even if I had been up to date on it all this war has gone on for so long that it's hard to remember what happened early on let alone why half the people involved are still fighting instead of moving on to do something new. Also where did the name red wings come from?

I think realms do tend to stagnate a bit when the same people are in charge for so long, unfortunately part of that is due to a lack of players in general let alone ones who are interested, passionate and good enough to effectively lead a realm (so many lousy rulers stay in for too long because no one else really wants to to their job).

At this point I can't see Selenia going anywhere else than Xavax, even if she were to step aside if someone else were to be chosen as a new ruler. People spend too much time just logging in and following orders, so I'd say let the ones in the north figure it out on their own and their own interpretation of a more or less final parting letter from Selenia (final in "I'm not your ruler anymore, but we're still friends"). Again, I don't really know what is going on with Xavax atm other than we seem to be waiting to be assaulted and die so I don't know what else to do unless anyone wants to keep the realm going and be a new ruler.

I've always appreciated your IC and OOC messages to me even if I have been bad at responding to them.

Oh and Iuz needs to die somehow :p

– Julian B

Out-of-Character from Hector Serpentis Tandaros (6 hours, 39 minutes ago)

ahhh thats a pickle. selenia is stubborn af. there is a lot of tension in the schism community rn with several diff plans afoot. its good you're not here at this juncture... but that doesnt mean i dont think selenia shouldnt try. so i would say we should consider... an object in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted on by an outside force.

first off, i dont think you should pause her but keep it going. maybe she dies. maybe she gets on a boat to.. somewhere, likee i retroactively did with maya. desperation will do crazy things.

so the tension is between your royal responsibility to take care of the flock and a rage-filled-grief f0r xavax. something will happen to push her one way or the other (or another). never forget the third option :) i think a realization that 'life goes on' could inspire her to go north with a second flock on the sirion trail. or mayeb a threat to her child's life. or maybe a wedding? idk *hint hint*

its totally up to you. if she dies it would be a good death. if she defies the odds and marches north it will stun everyone and TOTALLY change the power dynamic in the east. you could also have her take a boat to dwilight... hang out for a while fighting for the new colony... then sail back to the east avoiding the long path north.

does that help? happy to talk it out

– Geoff Bonn


Out-of-Character from Andross Blint (22 hours, 51 minutes ago)

I appreciate the ask for advice :)

First of all I can totally see your dilemma.. I faced it with Leatho countless times, where he accomplished or failed in his objectives in countless realms and didn't know what to do or how/where to start over.. I can see 3 options for Sel that would, in my opinion, be the most fun for you and for other players.

Before I get into that, regardless of what you do I think keeping Sel depressed breaks her character's nature. Granted you know the character far better than I ever will. But in my experience as a player of both Leatho and Andross, Sel has always been a person of action, words, and emotion. You played her cold, calculating and with a bone chilling brutality against those who harmed the things she cared about.

When I joined Xavax with Leatho, after 2 turns I was fully prepared for Leatho to be executed in Xavax for crimes against its people and lands. Which would have been a fair judgment since I served Alara for months. As much as I have invested in Leatho, and as much as I love that character, I was willing to let him die in Xavax. I was happy to let him die. Because of Selenia, and yet she allowed him to live, and raised him as an equal among her court, which in turn and without your knowing gave her the entire loyalty of the Blint family from then until the end of time. Not only did it do that IG, it gave me, as a player, a reason to want to play again. Xavax became my reason for logging in everyday. I knew there wouldn't always be something to do, or something to RP, but I was okay with that, because Xavax was fun, it was because of the people, it was fun because of Sel, and it was fun most of all because of the culture YOU had fostered and allowed to grow.

So personally, I feel like leaving Sel depressed, quiet, and unresponsive, is in a way betraying what Xavax used to be. Regardless of what you decide, I think leaving her to wither away quietly is the last thing you should do.

Now for the options that I see for Sel:

Option 1: I can see you going out in the blaze of glory you talked about. Rallying every man, woman, and child who remains in Xavax and hold the city until you either win or die. Make the city as costly as possible for Xavax's enemies to take. This seems to me to be the most Selenia-esque.. and will be the source of tremendous RP's. (As you know me I love to equate Selenia and our interactions together as players to RL media.. I picture this option being much like GoT where Selenia is Danerys and she is holding the city of Mereen from the slave masters.. The Sons of the Harpy are killing her people and she has to show a brutal and iron fist in order to dominate those who would see her naked and in chains. Selenia would not stand for that, and Selenia should not stand for that.)

Option 2: Reinvigorate Sel. Rally every last Redwing and ride north to Sirion, foster an alliance of the northern realms, grow, build up your resistance in exile and then when we have the forces and the means lead them south and cut out the black heart of Vix Tiramora. Of all the options I feel like this is probably the one you are least excited for (understandably so..)

Option 3: Lead Selenia into Exile, maybe you take the Soviet military strategy and burn everything you can in Xavax to the ground, take Sel into exile in Sirion and guide the Redwings. I say guide intentionally, it could be interesting if Sel is so ashamed of her failures that she refuses to take the mantle of Xerarch again, but she is happy to guide a young noble through the political storm that is the East Continent and help younger nobles grow and learn and lead. (Think of her more as Obi-Wan Kenobi/Yoda in the original Star Wars trilogy). I think if you take this route you can play off the depressed and downtrodden emotions Sel has been struck with the last few days. Maybe you take a more active role in the Path of Paragons, teaching nobles and followers from your failures and helping them to avoid the mistakes you made.

Personally of all the options I think #1 will be the most fun, followed closely by #2 and #3. Whatever you decide to do I think it would be doing yourself, Sel, and the redwings a disservice if you don't inspire them to be something more, something better than what you tried. Use her failures as a way to inspire people to want to restore Xavax. I think that is the key, your legacy isn't the path of paragons, the war we fought and almost won, or even a city/lands. Your legacy is what the people you led make of themselves after you are gone. One of the reasons it was so fun to play in Xavax was because we had something to play for, something to fight for IC. It was Sel. Everyone believed in her, everyone wanted to ride by her side in battle and have the chance for her to notice them and compliment them. every single person that marched north did so because you ordered it, and hated it. Because you weren't marching with them.

I think letting Sel fade into nothing is wrong. I think Sel owes it to the redwings to inspire them in some way, and that might be Sel's death, or it might be Sel's life.

I hope this all made sense and helped you a bit.. I started to ramble.. Please feel free to ask me for anything else if you need to. I am always happy to help map out a story if you'd like someone to bounce ideas off.

– Tyler F

Letter from Andross Blint (25 days, 8 hours ago)

Mighty One,

If I am being brutally honest.. then yes. I fear for the future of our people. I fear that life in the north will foster indecision and that they will grow to forget all that we fought for in the south. I do not question any of their loyalties to you, or the Redwing. I question man's ability to maintain two competing oaths. I believe in every single man, woman, and child of Xavax. We are a true noble people. We honor or commitments. Which is why I fear that asking them to swear an oath to Sirion and maintain their oaths to you will cause strife, stress, and even cause some nobles to search for a different life elsewhere.

We have seen hints of this already with the Lionel and Godric conflict. Luckily, my decree that they were not to duel during wartime came in just in time.

What I fear for our people and what I fear for myself are two different things. I have long ago decided that I will live and die a Redwing of Xavax. I swear this to you now, even if every other noble of Xavax, dies or abandons our cause. I will stand by your side at the very gates of Hell and smile in the face of the devil, with my sword at the ready.

Having said that, what I fear most is lack of vision, and a lack of a plan. What is the goal of the path of ashes? Is it simply to lick our wounds in the north while the bastards of the south defile our home and fortify their position? Are we actively working on rebuilding Xavax's army, recruiting bigger, more effective units, harboring gold, and rallying allies to our banner?

With all due respect, your grace, I believe you owe it to us to tell us what political moves you are making. Simply saying that you have plans in motion and we are not to attack Oligarch is not enough. Not anymore. We uprooted our lives for you, we abandoned everything we have fought, bled, and died for. For you. Forgive my insolence your grace, but I am not sure you fully grasp the magnitude of those words. Almost every living member of Xavax, packed up their lives and marched north. Abandoning you at your command. Do you have any idea how hard that was for us? Do you have any idea how much that made my stomach turn, the very thought of abandoning that which I had watched so many of my brothers and sister bleed and die for. It was sickening. I would rather fall on my sword than do that again. I was glad I was captured, and sent back to Xavax. I had the caretaker of your son beg me to royally club you over the head and smuggle you north, and believe me, I thought about it.

So, telling us that you are working on plans, is no longer enough, we need direction your grace. We need to know where you plan to lead us, how you plan to get us there, and what we will do once we arrive. We need to know that you have not forgotten those that have died for us, we need to know that you have not resigned the fate of your holy city to the hands of rapists and bandits. At the very least you owe it to your sitting council to tell them what your plans are. We who have stood at your side through everything else.

You asked me what I believe in. You. I have seen you do things I never thought possible, I have seen you rally a nation where others have failed. I have seen you stand before the unyielding forces of nature, smile at them and say "Not today." and then they listened and calmed.

Do not ask me to abandon you again, for that is one command I will happily disregard. I will be staying in An Najaf with you, until you see fit to move forward north.

Your grace, I end my letter with these words my father said to me before I arrived here. "When winter comes, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."

Until My End,

– Andross Blint Arbiter of Greater Xavax Knight of Xavax