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[[File:Phoenix of Xavax.png|600px|thumb|The Standard of Xavax]]
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Lupa and the Pups (who don't have names to date) are wild, but they listen to Gia and communicate with the humans around them with eerie accuracy.
Lupa and the Pups (who don't have names to date) are wild, but they listen to Gia and communicate with the humans around them with eerie accuracy.
The real story of Cornelius  (December 2006)
Long time ago; we (Carelia and our ally from Abingthon) were stationary in Stargard (Capital of our ally RedSpan).
Then, troops of the enemy (CE, Tara, Talerium, Darka) showed up in Atblane and the region next to it.  In total double the size of our total defending troops.
Lord Harpy, Lord Uthar and me needed to refit and decided to attack them. Uthar told us, we should have more chance with horses, but we didn't have any . So, this, and because of the fact we were
in Red Span (the Realm of "Da Holy Goath"..), somehow the idea had been born to charge the enemy on goats (* we wrote a RP to get us the goats) and marched to our doomed destiny.
BUT ……
RedSpan and Abingthon units read our story and decided … totally against any order .... to march with the three brave Carelian on their RedSpanian Goats.
We won the battle (to be honest, almost everyone from RS, Abby and Carelia were with us… also the fact that the enemy did not gather in one region cause they must thought it had been a misdirect helped.. but we won..).
What did happen with the goat of Lord Harpy, we probably never know (I thought he had returned his goat to Red Span after the battle).
The goat of Uthar had died in battle, after it had wounded several CE-soldiers by hitting them in there nuts..
My goat had survived the battle because a few minute before the fight, it had threw me off and went to a sheep (I got wounded in the first battle round and wrote this in a RP).
After the battle, my goat (later named Cornelius) had been lost. After a few days, a young TL (sorry, forgot his name), had found my goat (in a RP).
I decided to give my goat to Uthar as a replacement for his brave but dead wargoat.
Uthar called him Cornelius.
Uthar transformed the goat in an ugly, mean weapon and after that, Uthar and his goat were a coordinated killing machine.
Uthar had decided to go on a pilgrimage.
He asked me to look after Cornelius cause in fact, it had been my goat (well, actually, his exactly words were: …to look after the victims of Cornelius).
After that ..... Cornelius had built up a nasty reputation; Friend and Foe have learnt to respect Cornelius …. one way or the other.
As Uthat would say .... :
With respect, and may the horns of Cornelius always be sharp,|Out-of-Character from Tharan van Belhanka}}
===Hating the Bandits of the West===
===Hating the Bandits of the West===
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===The Influence of Selenia===
===The Influence of Selenia===
====Rule of Many, Ruled by One====
====Rule of Many, Ruled by One====
===The Impact of the Xavax Civil War===
===The Impact of the Xavax Wars===
Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!
Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.
Kin: This is somehow the Wine Trader's fault...
Iuz: We must not do the thing.
Selenia: ...I still want to do the thing.
===The Impact of the Xavax Civil Wars===
===How the Xavax Wars defined a people===
===The Viper Pit of East Continent Politics===
{{Quotation| Your Majesty,
I think, perhaps, that further explanation be required lest my dismissal of Teneil's...concerns...seem unjustified. Over my reign, I have been forced to study the other rulers and peoples of the East Continent as a matter of survival. I've had to learn to evaluate a ruler's behavior by their family records, gauge their relative power within their own realms as compared to their predecessors, and estimate their sway over their own court as well as their longevity as rulers.
'''1. Brock Ketchum, Kronogos of Nivemus, Royal of Nivemus, Ambassador of Nivemus, Duke of Commonyr, Earl of Commonyr, Priest of Order of the White Tree:'''
The Kethcums come to power when and where no one else is willing to put in the effort. They often ruler over realms that suffer from stagnation. Their rulers are reclusive and fervitive in how the compartmentalize their opinions and dissemination of knowledge. They will never tell you something they do not want you to hear. The Ketchums are an enigmatic bunch at the best of times, and their motivations are on the extreme ends of frivolous or complex, which is why their actions seem so capricious at times. Political expediency overrules any bond of love or friendship they may forge, and they have long memories of those that have wronged them. Brock is a quintessential example of his family. And do not let his priesthood fool you. He took the cloth more out of boredom than true devotion to his faith. He will often use it as an excuse to give him, in his mind, a legitimately moral reason to do or not do as he pleases. He is not to be relied upon, and his recent alliance to the Vix is not a good omen, despite what he may say.
'''2. Catherine Chamberlain, First Lady of First Oligarch, Royal of First Oligarch, Duchess of Greatbridge:'''
My knowledge of the Chamberlain's are summarized in one word - Stalwart. There they stand, and there they shall remain and will not be moved save by great force. Catherine is a wife and mother, but neither of these traits soften her as a ruler. And her devotion to her people and Oligarch survival as a nation matches my own. Perhaps unique to her is a certain level of pride. She would rather face annihilation than back down from anything. However, she possesses the poise and political savvy of a statesman, perhaps the foremost on the continent. She is one who's word I will always take at face value. Even at the Maelstrom's edge, she would speak true. The people she leads are not dissimilar. They are a religious bunch, or so I understand, but not given to hyperbole. Given the forces that have been set against her, it is no surprise she welcomed Perdan as an ally and balancing power.
'''3. Daedalus Dogsbody, Lord Vixir, Prime Knight of Vix Tiramora:'''
This family has had one or two troublemakers in their branches, and you know my opinion of the man himself. He has been general for the entire war, and was among the first and loudest supporters of war and continued war with Xavax, despite the rape and genocide committed by the Republic's allies. which is why I never trusted him. But always take careful note when a ruler holds more than one council position. It indicates that his people are sheep content to be lead, and that the noble families under his banner are more concerned with their affairs and holdings on other continents. By this definition alone, the foundations of his administration are weak, made more so by the nature of Republics. Because he is weak, he must be duplicitous for the whims of the more powerful nobles in his court can alter any policy he intends. He delights in war on foreign battlefields, but at his core he is a coward. A single charismatic outsider could arrive and turn his world upside-down. His people truly seem to believe that saving nations from destruction is worth any cost, regardless of the worthiness of said realms. It is a fundamental difference between the Vix and the Xavax. They believe that to exist is a right as opposed to a privilege.
'''4. Deklan Fuor, King, Banker of Perleone, Royal of Perleone, Ambassador of Perleone, Duke of Al Arab, Margrave of Al Arab, Priest of Church of Humanity:'''
Both this man and his entire bloodline are non-entities when compared to the other peers of the East. He is a fearful coward that rules only because there are but a few nobles in his merchant realm who have grown fat and wealthy in their indolence. Like Daedalus, his rule could end with swift suddenness, but his people, such as they are, do not care who rules so long as the gold flows. Despite all the titles he has granted himself, he is no diplomat, and more bureaucrat than King. His alliances, therefore, are no surprise. He will side with whomever he feels holds the largest carrot. In fact, do think of him as a bunny. It is apt.
'''5. Druzil Sharpspeare, King of Minas Nova, Royal of Minas Nova:'''
The Sharpspear's, like the Dogsbody's have troublemakers in their branches, and Druzil is one of them. He was a founding member of his backwater realm, and surved as High Justice when His predecessor, Warchief, betrayed me to side with Alara, declared hatred against Xavax, and order the rape and genocide of my people. Druzil walked lockstep with his wretch of a former king, and has never broken faith with Alara. Their alliances are built upon one thing: Resisting Xavax. They have nothing to gain in this war save to say that they fought in it. He is a man who knows his path is doomed, so throws himself into his work with enthusiasm. Nevertheless, he always wishes to appear to be the hero and consistently seeks gratification to absolve himself. He is the sort of fool that will admit no faults, and will proclaim himself the victor until his heart stops beating. Men like him do not last long in the Maelstrom.
'''6. Edvard Perfect II, King, High Marshal of Fallangard, Royal of Fallangard, Marshal of the Army of the Panther Claw:'''
Here is one that you know well, a venerable old man from a venerable old family. Like Druzil, he is set on his path, but abandoned his honor when he switched sides in the Xavax Wars. All sentiments of ambition have been drained from him, he simply wishes to die as a King. He is stubborn, as old men tend to be, and not given to long speeches. Like Daedelus, he holds multiple titles because the people he rules are Indolent. They were lackluster allies at the best of times, and I often think of them now as an unwanted boil in a hard-to-reach place: An irritation that I would like to see removed. Their diplomatic evolution from the moment they broke federation with me should come as no surprise.
'''7. Ivo Mersault, Prime Minister of Sirion, Royal of Sirion, Duke of Parm, Margrave of Parm:'''
An old ruler from a  famous and capable bloodline. I have found Ivo to be a cautious and respectful man who prefers to avoid commitment of any kind, but still be perceived as a friend. Of course, b that same measure, he seems to me to be the sort of friend that is only around to help when it suits them. The people he leads are ancient by our measure, proud and powerful. Slow to be moved and slow to be stopped. A commitment from a Sirionite is difficult to obtain, but worth it in my estimation. Their unwillingness to take a firm stance is irritating, perhaps a holdover from their elvish forebears. They consider all their options and all the implications of those options before ever saying a word in response. I imagine that even every-day decisions are difficult for them.
'''8. Kellan Dodger, Imperator-King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Greater Perdan Imperium, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdans Golden Lions:'''
I have called this man many things: A traitor, a murderer, a madman, and I believe that all of those are true, but what you must know of this one is that while he may be insane...he is not without clear goals and an arrogant charm which he uses to attain them. After his war declaration, I believe his goal now is chaos. The Perdanese are a proud people with a proud lineage, but they are content to be lead by charismatic demagogues. They do not care what the plan is so long as a plan exists. Always trust that Dodger will seek to ferment conflict, and never underestimate his intelligence, or his arrogance. Both are the reason he rose to prominence so quickly in that old Kingdom.
'''9. Kira Coldwater, Queen, Treasurer, High Constable of Eponllyn, Royal of Eponllyn:'''
Here is one who is just as bright as the night stars, as you have seen for yourself. her energy is contagious, and her righteous thirst for glory is palpable. I see a great deal of myself in her unrefined potential and excitement for life. Besides myself, she is the only other hero that bears a Crown and she is committed to being remembered by History as courageous. She makes decisions decisively, but not impulsively, and she has a very clear notion of right and wrong. Her word is absolutely her bond, and I believe she may well reinvigorate Eponllyn to handle the enormous demands she has placed upon her people. It is in her nature to side with the moral and the righteous, so her alliance with Caligus and Xavax come as no surprise. Reciprocate, and she will fight at your side until her last breath. I trust her without reservation.
'''10. Robb Starfall, King, Master of Coin of Alara, Royal of Alara, Duke of Itorunt, Margrave of Itorunt.'''
Here is a man and a people who will never, ever, view themselves as wrong, and they are utterly convinced of their right to power and self-determination. Truly, they are much like teenagers who take a seat, uninvited, at the adults' table and think themselves equal and entitled to the seat. That sort of arrogance was easy to poke and prod when i was seeking a war with them, and they gave me every reason in the book to declare war upon them. Their continued existence is predicated upon the suffrage of their allies and benefactors and they loath the Xavax with unbridled passion, not because they truly believe we are evil, but because the Xavax represent EVERYTHING they desire themselves to be: Mighty and fearsome. In fact, the image of a lanky teenager that thinks himself a warrior is an apt metaphor as, but for the gang of friends they have assembled, they are utterly out of their depth. Secretly, in their closest confidences, they know this and doubt themselves. Their alliances should come as no surprise: ANYONE that can be moved against Xavax are friends. I will say this of Robb, though, he does tell the truth as he knows it.
I would appreciate your thoughts on my analysis. May these help and guide you as you navigate through the viper pit that is East Continent politics.
​Xavax Prevails| Xerarch Selenia explaining her view of politics as of 2.2017}}
====How Xavax Feels About Alara, Minas Nova, Perleone, Vix Tiramora, and Perdan====
{{Quotation| They thought us dead. The war a foregone conclusion. That we should tremble and kneel at their fetid thrones. They were wrong. The War of the Five Armies had but one outcome at its onset and I am certain Tor himself brought our Xerarch back from death: the prize of his most valued warriors. Our peasants sleep fearful at night that the bandits return, that criminal scum will pour in from the north as a deluge seeking to wipe them from the world. But they wake up emboldened that the Phoenix marches to defend them. Their lives may be lost but not their children's. Their peasants sleep fearful at night for they know their sons and daughters will never return. We are an inevitability, an irresistible force and immovable object. Dogsbody's words reflect this. I would have it no other way. We must stay the course but we must not rest until the lives lost are honoured.
|Godric Tórrarin ka Habb
Knight of Xavax}}
===Founding Armies===
===Founding Armies===
===Unofficial Positions===
===Unofficial Positions===
'''The Punisher of Xavax''' = Title Awarded to the Imperium's foremost infiltrator. First Awarded to Leatho Blint
====Champion Kin and Wine Trader Tharan====
====Champion Kin and Wine Trader Tharan====
{{Quotation| In Xavax the only difference between brutal oppression and a freedom celebration is the type of wine served at the party.| Champion Kin Hyral}}
{{Quotation| In Xavax the only difference between brutal oppression and a freedom celebration is the type of wine served at the party.| Champion Kin Hyral}}
===The Biggest thing in the SEC===
===The Biggest thing in the SEC (Southern East Continent)===
====Manifest Destiny====
====Manifest Destiny====
The Xavax are destined to rule the Four Corners of the South: The Capital City of Xavax, The Fortress of Isadril, The Black City of Itorunt, and the White City of Ibladesh
The Xavax are destined to rule the Four Corners of the South: The Capital City of Xavax, The Fortress of Isadril, The Black City of Itorunt, and the White City of Ibladesh
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~Uthred Mormont, Who died a Hero's Death in Leibo.</pre>
~Uthred Mormont, Who died a Hero's Death in Leibo.</pre>
====The Flames Cometh by Aramon Abjur====
<pre>''All the World's a gore-rimmed sea,''
''Lo, the Damion's laugh with glee.''
''Come and dance then, you with me,''
Come and caper, wild and free.''
''With red blood the fires are lit,''
''Abyss' smoke is thick with it.''</pre>
===Empress of Fire [Adapted] by Raurin Cortosisskin===
<pre>Empress of fire,
In the reign of the bright sun,
Eclipsed in the eye of
The empire we shall become.
Empress of fire,
What season may come,
We endure to the day
You'll restore our heart
And bring us to glory.
We are forever
In your heart.
Empress of fire,
Save us, everyone.
The nation reviles,
The course is but run, and end has begun.
Empress of fire,
Believe in us all.
Embrace us with arms,
And dress us with swords,
And light up our hearts with blood so bold.
We are forever
In your heart.
Empress of fire,
In the reign of the bright sun,
Eclipsed in the eye of
The empire we shall become.
Empress of fire,
What season may come,
We endure to the day
You'll restore our heart
And bring us to glory.</pre>

Latest revision as of 19:30, 19 June 2017

The Standard of Xavax



The Culture of the Peoples of the Imperium

The First Generation of Xavax Nobility

See The Black Swan

The Importance of Martial Ability

The Emphasis on Heroes

Wine, Spirits, and Feasts


On the Importance of Parties

Cornelius and Lupa


The word 'Lupa' means 'She-wolf' in the ancient language of Gia Dragonfyre's people. Lupa herself is a very large dire wolf who has an affinity with Gia and her unit The Daughters of Fenrir.

Gia coaxed a very pregnant Lupa from the woods one night. Saving her from being hunted along with the rest of her pack. This astonished the entire army. Even more astonishing, Gia called her favorite healer to the tent to help during the birthing of the pups.

The result has been a semi tame pack of dire wolves that are learning to fight with the unit as they grow. Lupa is Gia's near constant companion.

Lupa has attended many battles and to date one party. Gia dressed her in a goose mask and took her to the Masquerade of Monarchs. Where Lupa helped Gia find Selenia using her nose. Lupa and the pups are also very fond of Selenia and her child. They aided in his rescue after Selenia's death.

Lupa and the Pups (who don't have names to date) are wild, but they listen to Gia and communicate with the humans around them with eerie accuracy.

The real story of Cornelius (December 2006)

Long time ago; we (Carelia and our ally from Abingthon) were stationary in Stargard (Capital of our ally RedSpan). Then, troops of the enemy (CE, Tara, Talerium, Darka) showed up in Atblane and the region next to it. In total double the size of our total defending troops.

Lord Harpy, Lord Uthar and me needed to refit and decided to attack them. Uthar told us, we should have more chance with horses, but we didn't have any . So, this, and because of the fact we were in Red Span (the Realm of "Da Holy Goath"..), somehow the idea had been born to charge the enemy on goats (* we wrote a RP to get us the goats) and marched to our doomed destiny.

BUT …… RedSpan and Abingthon units read our story and decided … totally against any order .... to march with the three brave Carelian on their RedSpanian Goats. We won the battle (to be honest, almost everyone from RS, Abby and Carelia were with us… also the fact that the enemy did not gather in one region cause they must thought it had been a misdirect helped.. but we won..).

What did happen with the goat of Lord Harpy, we probably never know (I thought he had returned his goat to Red Span after the battle). The goat of Uthar had died in battle, after it had wounded several CE-soldiers by hitting them in there nuts.. My goat had survived the battle because a few minute before the fight, it had threw me off and went to a sheep (I got wounded in the first battle round and wrote this in a RP).

After the battle, my goat (later named Cornelius) had been lost. After a few days, a young TL (sorry, forgot his name), had found my goat (in a RP). I decided to give my goat to Uthar as a replacement for his brave but dead wargoat. Uthar called him Cornelius.

Uthar transformed the goat in an ugly, mean weapon and after that, Uthar and his goat were a coordinated killing machine. Later, Uthar had decided to go on a pilgrimage. He asked me to look after Cornelius cause in fact, it had been my goat (well, actually, his exactly words were: …to look after the victims of Cornelius).

After that ..... Cornelius had built up a nasty reputation; Friend and Foe have learnt to respect Cornelius …. one way or the other.

As Uthat would say .... :

With respect, and may the horns of Cornelius always be sharp,

– Out-of-Character from Tharan van Belhanka

Hating the Bandits of the West

Imperial Isolationists

The Meritocracy

The Influence of Selenia

Rule of Many, Ruled by One


Selenia: I want to do the thing.

Kinsey: You must not do the thing.

Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!

Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.

Kin: This is somehow the Wine Trader's fault...


Iuz: We must not do the thing.

Selenia: ...I still want to do the thing.


The Impact of the Xavax Civil Wars

How the Xavax Wars defined a people

The Viper Pit of East Continent Politics

Your Majesty,

I think, perhaps, that further explanation be required lest my dismissal of Teneil's...concerns...seem unjustified. Over my reign, I have been forced to study the other rulers and peoples of the East Continent as a matter of survival. I've had to learn to evaluate a ruler's behavior by their family records, gauge their relative power within their own realms as compared to their predecessors, and estimate their sway over their own court as well as their longevity as rulers.

1. Brock Ketchum, Kronogos of Nivemus, Royal of Nivemus, Ambassador of Nivemus, Duke of Commonyr, Earl of Commonyr, Priest of Order of the White Tree:

The Kethcums come to power when and where no one else is willing to put in the effort. They often ruler over realms that suffer from stagnation. Their rulers are reclusive and fervitive in how the compartmentalize their opinions and dissemination of knowledge. They will never tell you something they do not want you to hear. The Ketchums are an enigmatic bunch at the best of times, and their motivations are on the extreme ends of frivolous or complex, which is why their actions seem so capricious at times. Political expediency overrules any bond of love or friendship they may forge, and they have long memories of those that have wronged them. Brock is a quintessential example of his family. And do not let his priesthood fool you. He took the cloth more out of boredom than true devotion to his faith. He will often use it as an excuse to give him, in his mind, a legitimately moral reason to do or not do as he pleases. He is not to be relied upon, and his recent alliance to the Vix is not a good omen, despite what he may say.

2. Catherine Chamberlain, First Lady of First Oligarch, Royal of First Oligarch, Duchess of Greatbridge:

My knowledge of the Chamberlain's are summarized in one word - Stalwart. There they stand, and there they shall remain and will not be moved save by great force. Catherine is a wife and mother, but neither of these traits soften her as a ruler. And her devotion to her people and Oligarch survival as a nation matches my own. Perhaps unique to her is a certain level of pride. She would rather face annihilation than back down from anything. However, she possesses the poise and political savvy of a statesman, perhaps the foremost on the continent. She is one who's word I will always take at face value. Even at the Maelstrom's edge, she would speak true. The people she leads are not dissimilar. They are a religious bunch, or so I understand, but not given to hyperbole. Given the forces that have been set against her, it is no surprise she welcomed Perdan as an ally and balancing power.

3. Daedalus Dogsbody, Lord Vixir, Prime Knight of Vix Tiramora:

This family has had one or two troublemakers in their branches, and you know my opinion of the man himself. He has been general for the entire war, and was among the first and loudest supporters of war and continued war with Xavax, despite the rape and genocide committed by the Republic's allies. which is why I never trusted him. But always take careful note when a ruler holds more than one council position. It indicates that his people are sheep content to be lead, and that the noble families under his banner are more concerned with their affairs and holdings on other continents. By this definition alone, the foundations of his administration are weak, made more so by the nature of Republics. Because he is weak, he must be duplicitous for the whims of the more powerful nobles in his court can alter any policy he intends. He delights in war on foreign battlefields, but at his core he is a coward. A single charismatic outsider could arrive and turn his world upside-down. His people truly seem to believe that saving nations from destruction is worth any cost, regardless of the worthiness of said realms. It is a fundamental difference between the Vix and the Xavax. They believe that to exist is a right as opposed to a privilege.

4. Deklan Fuor, King, Banker of Perleone, Royal of Perleone, Ambassador of Perleone, Duke of Al Arab, Margrave of Al Arab, Priest of Church of Humanity:

Both this man and his entire bloodline are non-entities when compared to the other peers of the East. He is a fearful coward that rules only because there are but a few nobles in his merchant realm who have grown fat and wealthy in their indolence. Like Daedalus, his rule could end with swift suddenness, but his people, such as they are, do not care who rules so long as the gold flows. Despite all the titles he has granted himself, he is no diplomat, and more bureaucrat than King. His alliances, therefore, are no surprise. He will side with whomever he feels holds the largest carrot. In fact, do think of him as a bunny. It is apt.

5. Druzil Sharpspeare, King of Minas Nova, Royal of Minas Nova:

The Sharpspear's, like the Dogsbody's have troublemakers in their branches, and Druzil is one of them. He was a founding member of his backwater realm, and surved as High Justice when His predecessor, Warchief, betrayed me to side with Alara, declared hatred against Xavax, and order the rape and genocide of my people. Druzil walked lockstep with his wretch of a former king, and has never broken faith with Alara. Their alliances are built upon one thing: Resisting Xavax. They have nothing to gain in this war save to say that they fought in it. He is a man who knows his path is doomed, so throws himself into his work with enthusiasm. Nevertheless, he always wishes to appear to be the hero and consistently seeks gratification to absolve himself. He is the sort of fool that will admit no faults, and will proclaim himself the victor until his heart stops beating. Men like him do not last long in the Maelstrom.

6. Edvard Perfect II, King, High Marshal of Fallangard, Royal of Fallangard, Marshal of the Army of the Panther Claw:

Here is one that you know well, a venerable old man from a venerable old family. Like Druzil, he is set on his path, but abandoned his honor when he switched sides in the Xavax Wars. All sentiments of ambition have been drained from him, he simply wishes to die as a King. He is stubborn, as old men tend to be, and not given to long speeches. Like Daedelus, he holds multiple titles because the people he rules are Indolent. They were lackluster allies at the best of times, and I often think of them now as an unwanted boil in a hard-to-reach place: An irritation that I would like to see removed. Their diplomatic evolution from the moment they broke federation with me should come as no surprise.

7. Ivo Mersault, Prime Minister of Sirion, Royal of Sirion, Duke of Parm, Margrave of Parm:

An old ruler from a famous and capable bloodline. I have found Ivo to be a cautious and respectful man who prefers to avoid commitment of any kind, but still be perceived as a friend. Of course, b that same measure, he seems to me to be the sort of friend that is only around to help when it suits them. The people he leads are ancient by our measure, proud and powerful. Slow to be moved and slow to be stopped. A commitment from a Sirionite is difficult to obtain, but worth it in my estimation. Their unwillingness to take a firm stance is irritating, perhaps a holdover from their elvish forebears. They consider all their options and all the implications of those options before ever saying a word in response. I imagine that even every-day decisions are difficult for them.

8. Kellan Dodger, Imperator-King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Greater Perdan Imperium, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdans Golden Lions:

I have called this man many things: A traitor, a murderer, a madman, and I believe that all of those are true, but what you must know of this one is that while he may be insane...he is not without clear goals and an arrogant charm which he uses to attain them. After his war declaration, I believe his goal now is chaos. The Perdanese are a proud people with a proud lineage, but they are content to be lead by charismatic demagogues. They do not care what the plan is so long as a plan exists. Always trust that Dodger will seek to ferment conflict, and never underestimate his intelligence, or his arrogance. Both are the reason he rose to prominence so quickly in that old Kingdom.

9. Kira Coldwater, Queen, Treasurer, High Constable of Eponllyn, Royal of Eponllyn:

Here is one who is just as bright as the night stars, as you have seen for yourself. her energy is contagious, and her righteous thirst for glory is palpable. I see a great deal of myself in her unrefined potential and excitement for life. Besides myself, she is the only other hero that bears a Crown and she is committed to being remembered by History as courageous. She makes decisions decisively, but not impulsively, and she has a very clear notion of right and wrong. Her word is absolutely her bond, and I believe she may well reinvigorate Eponllyn to handle the enormous demands she has placed upon her people. It is in her nature to side with the moral and the righteous, so her alliance with Caligus and Xavax come as no surprise. Reciprocate, and she will fight at your side until her last breath. I trust her without reservation.

10. Robb Starfall, King, Master of Coin of Alara, Royal of Alara, Duke of Itorunt, Margrave of Itorunt.

Here is a man and a people who will never, ever, view themselves as wrong, and they are utterly convinced of their right to power and self-determination. Truly, they are much like teenagers who take a seat, uninvited, at the adults' table and think themselves equal and entitled to the seat. That sort of arrogance was easy to poke and prod when i was seeking a war with them, and they gave me every reason in the book to declare war upon them. Their continued existence is predicated upon the suffrage of their allies and benefactors and they loath the Xavax with unbridled passion, not because they truly believe we are evil, but because the Xavax represent EVERYTHING they desire themselves to be: Mighty and fearsome. In fact, the image of a lanky teenager that thinks himself a warrior is an apt metaphor as, but for the gang of friends they have assembled, they are utterly out of their depth. Secretly, in their closest confidences, they know this and doubt themselves. Their alliances should come as no surprise: ANYONE that can be moved against Xavax are friends. I will say this of Robb, though, he does tell the truth as he knows it.

I would appreciate your thoughts on my analysis. May these help and guide you as you navigate through the viper pit that is East Continent politics.

​Xavax Prevails

– Xerarch Selenia explaining her view of politics as of 2.2017

How Xavax Feels About Alara, Minas Nova, Perleone, Vix Tiramora, and Perdan

They thought us dead. The war a foregone conclusion. That we should tremble and kneel at their fetid thrones. They were wrong. The War of the Five Armies had but one outcome at its onset and I am certain Tor himself brought our Xerarch back from death: the prize of his most valued warriors. Our peasants sleep fearful at night that the bandits return, that criminal scum will pour in from the north as a deluge seeking to wipe them from the world. But they wake up emboldened that the Phoenix marches to defend them. Their lives may be lost but not their children's. Their peasants sleep fearful at night for they know their sons and daughters will never return. We are an inevitability, an irresistible force and immovable object. Dogsbody's words reflect this. I would have it no other way. We must stay the course but we must not rest until the lives lost are honoured.


– Godric Tórrarin ka Habb Knight of Xavax

Founding Armies

Unofficial Positions

The Punisher of Xavax = Title Awarded to the Imperium's foremost infiltrator. First Awarded to Leatho Blint

Champion Kin and Wine Trader Tharan

In Xavax the only difference between brutal oppression and a freedom celebration is the type of wine served at the party.

– Champion Kin Hyral

The Biggest thing in the SEC (Southern East Continent)

Manifest Destiny

The Xavax are destined to rule the Four Corners of the South: The Capital City of Xavax, The Fortress of Isadril, The Black City of Itorunt, and the White City of Ibladesh

Songs and Poems

Here you will find the literary creations of Imperium nobles related to Xavax.

War Chant

Our swords are sharp
Our spears are long
Our arrows are swift
Our arms are strong
Brave is the heart that looks upon home
We will kill the bandits wherever they roam!

The Phoenix Rises

The Phoenix rises
and with it us
The Phoenix rises
and screams defiance

The Phoenix rises
up to the skies
The Phoenix rises
up with our hope

The Phoenix rises
but it costs blood
The Phoenix rises
but it needs life

The Phoenix rises
with growing force
The Phoenix rises
with purpose anew

The Phoenix rises 
and claims its own
The Phoenix rises
and now it flies

~Cadewyn Thunderborn

Oc Lu Pesh's Oath

by Aramon Abjur

Perleone, Perleone,
With Greater Xavax you wished to fight,
Where has your honor gone?
The Peasants of Pesh put your army to flight!
Perleone, Perleone,
Cowards in both word and deed!
In the great forest before our scythes,
King Deklan's manhood wilted like a weed!
Perleone, Perleone,
So says all of Oc Lu Pesh,
Come back again and instead of wheat,
it will be your soldiers we thresh!

War Song

by an Anonymous Bard in Xavax Square

Our men are all marching out over the walls,
Away we ride now!
We're pointing our blades to the northern star.
For we're bound to Xavax-land!


Then away, boys, away,
Away we ride now,
So fare thee well, my jolie young girl,
We're bound to Xavax-land.
Say was you never down in Xavax-land?
Away we ride now!
It's there that the phoenix flys o'er gold sand!
For we're bound to Xavax-land!


It's pack up your donkeys an' get underway,
Away we ride now!
Them Vixers we're fighting will ruin our day.
But we're bound to Xavax-land!


We've bully good horses & bully good shoes,
Away we ride now!
A bully good Talon and a good Xerarch too.
And we're bound to Xavax-land!


Cheer up, Mary Ellen, and don't look so glum,
Away we ride now!
When I come back home you'll be drinking hot rum
And we're bound to Xavax-land!
So lift up your glasses and sing fare thee well
Away we ride now!
There's a bonny young lass there to love you so well
For we're bound to Xavax-land!


In Victory and Defeat

Fire burns hot and fire burns cold
Ashes and bodies may fall
Everburning is the fire of my soul
And always the Phoenix rises tall
Xavax endures and Xavax thirsts
For justice vengeance and pride
Clear and ever constant purpose
That drives our every stride
Those who think they have won
Will be blinded by our light
Phoenix rises like the sun
Anew in blood and might
So be watchful those over our ashes boast
For when we rise you are the first to roast!
~Cadewyn Thunderborn

A Hero's Line

If we are mark'd to die, we are enow
To do our Empire loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
The God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By the gods, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires:
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my friends, wish not a man or woman from Xavax,
The God's peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more, methinks, would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Nobles, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let them depart; his passport shall be made
And gold for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that nobles company
That fears their fellowship to die with us.
This day will be called the feast of Leibo:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of the old gods.
He or she that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast their neighbours,
and think of Leibo.
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
And say 'These wounds I had on that day.'
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But they will remember with advantages
What feats they did that day: then shall our names.
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Selenia the Empress, Kinsey and Mormont,
Godric and Crownguard, Abjur and Mozzoni,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And the battle of Leibo shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For those to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle their condition:
And nobles in Xavax now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon the feast of Leibo.
~Uthred Mormont, Who died a Hero's Death in Leibo.

The Flames Cometh by Aramon Abjur

''All the World's a gore-rimmed sea,''

''Lo, the Damion's laugh with glee.''

''Come and dance then, you with me,''
Come and caper, wild and free.''

''With red blood the fires are lit,''

''Abyss' smoke is thick with it.''

Empress of Fire [Adapted] by Raurin Cortosisskin

Empress of fire,
In the reign of the bright sun,
Eclipsed in the eye of
The empire we shall become.

Empress of fire,
What season may come,
We endure to the day
You'll restore our heart
And bring us to glory.

We are forever
In your heart.

Empress of fire,
Save us, everyone.
The nation reviles,
The course is but run, and end has begun.

Empress of fire,
Believe in us all.
Embrace us with arms,
And dress us with swords,
And light up our hearts with blood so bold.

We are forever
In your heart.

Empress of fire,
In the reign of the bright sun,
Eclipsed in the eye of
The empire we shall become.

Empress of fire,
What season may come,
We endure to the day
You'll restore our heart
And bring us to glory.


I stepped on the field of bloody Leibo
Too many enemies in my way
Welcome to the land of honor and death (Whoa)
Will I survive the day?

Draw my sword, clash into the enemy lines
To my right, I see my friends dying
This is all so crazy
My foes seem so vicious

My heart's aching and I'm feelin' kinda home sick
Too much pressure and I'm nervous
That's when our ensign raised our banner
And the red phoenix flying high
And the red phoenix flying high
And the red phoenix was flying high

So I raise my sword up
Our banner's still flying, and my fears melt like wax
I'm choppin' off heads like, 'yeah'
I'm stabbin' their guts like, 'yeah'
I got my sword up, my friends rush in
I know I'm gonna be okay
Yeeaah-ah-ah-ah, another victory for Greater Xavax
Yeeaah-ah-ah-ah, another victory for Greater Xavax

(OOC: Sang to the tune of Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus. Do not laugh at the American and his uncultured ways. )
Composed by Talon Lionel Kinsey after the Xerarch forced him to keep his promise