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==Mattias and Tern (and Aigre)==
==Mattias and Tern (and Aigre)==

Latest revision as of 14:30, 12 October 2018

Mattias bowker.jpg

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There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "name" has been set.
<img src="Error: no local variable "portrait" has been set." alt="Character Portrait" width="300" height="300"/>
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Family Error: no local variable "family" has been set. FamilyProperty "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "family" has been set. Family" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Class Error: no local variable "mainclass" has been set. / Error: no local variable "subclass" has been set.
Age Error: no local variable "age" has been set. years
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Rank Error: no local variable "rank" has been set.
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Character Description
Error: no local variable "description" has been set.

Mattias and Tern (and Aigre)

Commander Mattias, We have been working in Coness for some time now, and things seem to be stabilising on the whole. Would you like to go for a hunt? Per lumen Stellarum, Tern of the Silverwinds Baroness of Affkat Marshal of the Bear Pack

Lady Tern We can find other regions to fix and than hunt. Is that good for you? Sir Mattias Bowker Knight of Unger

Commander Mattias, Yes, that will do fine. Per lumen Stellarum, Tern of the Silverwinds Baroness of Affkat Marshal of the Bear Pack

Lady Tern We can move to Luhgrethen then. Want to come? Sir Mattias Bowker Knight of Unger

On my way, Commander Mattias. Per lumen Stellarum, Tern of the Silverwinds Baroness of Affkat Marshal of the Bear Pack

Roleplay from Mattias Bowker

The man with long black hair, looked sad all the time and serious. Homesick for his sisters, he was now mourning the death of the younger sister, that he had not even known well. He was waiting for an opportune moment to tell Cat about the death of Ayrin, and it did keep all the pain to himself. Although happy to have the company of Lady Tern, this did not take the sadness from his eyes. For a long time he had lived alone, and even forgot how to act in front of a woman. Cat did not count as a woman. For him, she would always be his cousin, his riding companion in long runs aimlessly, without direction.

Finishing the work for that day at Luhgrethen, he called Tern for a ride.

"Lady Tern, would you like to ride by my side? I am tired of paperwork and need some exercise."

Roleplay from Tern of the Silverwinds

It had been a good half hour since Vice-Captain Anshelm had entered the lower levels of the Silvershack to seek out a certain Lord Aigre. His anxiety was beginning to increase as his soldier-time-sense told him that it was now daybreak. The Lady would be up and about at this time and she would not be pleased to find out that he had lapsed in his watch. Not that the Lord Aigre was much of a bother or a danger, or anything like that. Anshelm just didn’t really want his carelessness to be noted.

“This is’nt going to be good for my reputation…” he sighed.

At times, the lower levels of the Silvershack were like mini catacombs, and it was easy to get lost if one did not know that place. And it is for the same reason that looking for someone down there is often such an annoying undertaking.

Vice-Captain Anshelm searched for another quarter of an hour before finally giving up.

“This is preposterous! Where could he have gone?” he muttered.

Turning a corner to the main stair, Anshelm noticed a familiarly robed figure.

“Oh! My Lord Aigre! May I help you?”

The young lord seemed not to notice and continued back towards the common room.

Anshelm hurried after him.

When they arrived, Lady Tern was already there. Dressed in full leathers, her cloak, and sipping on tea.

“Pleasant morning, Lord Aigre. Your breakfast has been prepared for you.” said Lady Tern, indicating the seat across from her with a nod of her head.

“Please make yourself comfortable. You too, Anshelm. Eomund will join us shortly.”

The day was drawing to a close as Tern and her men concluded their policing duties.

"Alright men! Form up! We are going back to camp!" came the stern order from Captain Eomund.

They had been doing nothing but police work these past weeks and seeing how thoughtless and unreasonable some of the peasantry had been was beginning to grate on their nerves. They had expected more gratitude, considering all the work that the nobility were carrying out to protect them. Peasants! Thank goodness they could not do very much decision making. Tern could not imagine what would happen if they all had any sort of voting rights, for example. What preposterous situations would be manifest!

Cheerlessly, they marched back towards camp.

Commander Mattias and his troops were close by. Tern watched him warily. They had never had cause to speak very much, but from what cursory interactions they had had, he seemed to be a brooding soul. Years ago, she would have scoffed at such a demeanour, but recent events had now given her cause to relate to it.

If she could help it, she would have continued to keep to herself. However, loneliness eventually drove her to seek company and risk the judgement of others.

What would he think of me, when they see this seemingly charred body of mine? What if someone finds out what I can see? Or my unnatural accuracy with the bow and arrow? Maybe I should intentionally miss every now and then...?

Tern's doubts resurfaced as the Adamant Steelshine neared the other camp. She struggled to suppress them. She let her hood fall over a little more, casting the damaged left side of her face, and the eyepatch in its shadow.

Nahh...he probably would not want to have very much to do with me. There is still more work to be done after all. And no one but Lord Aigre has actually come by to the Silvershack despite my past invitations. That was before my capture too! Why would any one else do so now...

"Lady Tern, would you like to ride by my side? I am tired of paperwork and need some exercise." came a voice.

It was Commander Mattias.

Lady Tern let out a muffled "Ah-!" as she attempted to conceal her surprise. Her hood fell back just a little.

"Commander Mattias," she said, regaining her composure,"yes I would be most pleased to go for a ride. Dealing with the peasantry has been most tiresome indeed."

They were barely a mile from camp when a cacophony of howls erupted in the distance.

Tern looked intently in that direction for a few seconds before she whispered, "Commander Mattias. Unfortunately, it seems our ride has end...We must return now. Quietly. There are a great many Monsters about. Luhgrethen must be evacuated as best as possible."

Roleplay from Mattias Bowker

Mattias was so absorbed in his thoughts that he had not noticed the monsters approaching. When Lady Tern whispered that they should go back, he looked around and saw that they were surrounded. He quickly noticed the appearance of Lady Tern when her hood fell, but that did not drawn his attention. He was used to deficiencies. What he sought on people was feelings and attitudes. Looks did not mean much to him, though always been surrounded by his cousins ​​and sisters who were very beautiful women.

"We will try to escape, Lady Tern. They are many, we do not have a chance. Come to Bessimir. Run, Lady, run with me. Now!"

Mattias ordered his men to depart immediately and hoped that Tern will follow.

Report from Tern of the Silverwinds

Summary of recent Monster Outbreak.
Luhgrethen: 35 Monsters 3150 CS
Mouzl: 20 Monsters 1800 CS
Coness: 50 Monsters 4100 CS
Pellan: 45 Monsters 3600 CS

Total forces of the Bear Pack currently nearby:
Commander Tern: 515 CS
Commander Tenya: 971 CS
Commander Mattias: 226 CS
Totals: 1712 CS
Commander Bergelmir: 1086 CS (Vore)

Fellow Commanders. It is plain that the current strength of the Bear Pack will be vastly insufficient to take on the Monster spawns. If you are within the borders of our realm, please transfer yourself to the Bear Pack for the time being. We are in dire need of your strength. The Bear Pack will be rallying in Bessimir to try and clear out the Monsters in Mouzl first, since it is the smallest spawn.

Per lumen Stellarum, Tern of the Silverwinds Baroness of Affkat Marshal of the Bear Pack

Roleplay from Tern of the Silverwinds

“Ughrrr.” Tern growled, “Be still!” she wheeled her horse in front of Mattias to break his charge. There was no time for doubts or vulnerabilities right now, and her military instincts took over.

“Hush.”, she whispered urgently, “ we must wait. We are fortunate. They have not yet detected us. Their senses are dull, if we hold quietly for a while, they will soon leave us an opening.”

A curt nod was the response she received.

Their horses fidgeted fearfully, and the commanders had to quieten their whinnying.

The air grew stiflingly still as the grunts and howls of monsters continued surging around them. They held their position. Tern slowed her breathing, hoping that Mattias would follow suit. It was hard though, the sour stench of the Monsters made resisting a gag or a gasp very effortful.

They studied the lumbering creatures.


“Come!” said Tern, she charged her mount towards what seemed to be a dense, shadowy area of Monsters.

“Trust me!”

It was an order, but she sincerely hoped he did.

In a heartbeat, the dense patch of shadow resolved itself into low shrubbery. Once their horses could clear that, they would be free to gallop to Bessimir.