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<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''Sirion declares war on Perdan!</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''9 July 1013''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
As can be seen from regional news Sirion declared war on Perdan yesterday. No official reason for the war has been given. Sirion enters somewhat in poor taste to make this a four on one war. However it remains to be seen if Sirion is able to make any difference in the south facing extraordinarily long distance marching orders. Caligus once again had been defeated after a failed march to push one of the Perdan armies out of [[Mashhad]]. Sirion will be fighting in unfamiliar terrain with hugely long refit times as compared to Perdan's short distance to Partora. From the outset this doesn't seem a war they can easily win for the south especially after the recent ceding of [[Isadril]] into Fallangard.
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<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''What the Fallangard?</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''8 July 1013''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
News just in so breaking that it demands another full update in the same day. The duchy if Isadril has ceded out of Caligus lands to form the <i>new</i> realm of Fallangard. Hot on the case I wrote to Fallangard's King: Edvard Perfect II to ask him what the Fallangard was up.
<i>Report from Edvard Perfect II
Good Mathros,
I appreciate your interest in one of the once Legendary realms of the East Continent. My brother and I in a past life once played part as soldiers before the destruction of Fallangard from its destruction, Eleran the Count, my brother, went on to a successfull life in Yssaria for many years until his abrupt end in battle at the hands of Caligus.
Back in Fallangard, we were a very poor realm where Mixed Infantry was all we could muster. Led by Panther I, we warded off Ibladesh, Caligus, Perdan and Ubent. It was the largest battle in the history of the continent. After a period of time, there was so much war in and around Isadril that the gods intervened and created the realm of Yssaria out of the ashes left by the deep south.
I must admit, my memory is not the best, but those were the days of realm glory in battle as this continent was still so very new in its politics, before hardened families came to be and normal battlelines drawn. We look to coexist peacefully as the original duchy of Isadril.
My thanks once again for your inquiry.
Edvard Perfect II
King of Fallangard</i>
Not only this but news also in reveals that King Dobromir Menethil after sustained wounds from battles in [[Abadan]] has died from blood poisoning. Originally the king had seemed to be making a recovery but on the news of the succession his illness took a turn for the worst and he slipped away. On the news of his death his brother Aiden hanged himself bringing the monolithic long rule of the Menethil family over Caligus to an end. This will undoubtedly bring a swift power struggle inside Caligus to bring a new king to the crown who will have to decide on the future of the war with Perdan and what the Fallangard to do with Fallangard.
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<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''Peace with Sirion and Nivemus</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''8 July 1013''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''End of newspaper</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''?? ??1014''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
Today Westmoor signed a peace with Sirion and Nivemus ending the hostility in the north. For it's defeat in the war Westmoor loses the regions of [[Dulbin]] and [[Greatbridge]] as well as the ceded city of [[Oligarch]] currently part of Fane. There is still some debate over the wording of the treaty that is ongoing but these are the basic details that are unlikely to change. There has been little news from Fane in the recent days but reports from last week showed starvation in the city. Sirion Infiltrators have been targeting Armstrong who has received multiple wounds.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''War in the south'''</span>
Meanwhile in the south the war continues to go well for Perdan. Pretty obvious from the map is that Eponllyn has been decimated rurally although it's cities remain intact. Most likely Eponllyn has been buying in food from it's allies in the southern realms but it remains to be seen if Armonia Eponllyn and Caligus can keep all of their joint cities from starvation especially as more regions are on the verge of collpase. Caligus large and bulky on the map looks to be invincible in most peoples eyes but has actually been taking some high damage to it's internal regions. As well as the oblivious loss of outer regions such as [[Nascot]], [[Tota]] and [[Mines of Isadril]] and [[Igno]] inner core regions such as [[Abadan]], [[Supra]] and [[Leibo]] have also taken very heavy damage from Perdanese lootings. If either Abadan or Supra goes rogue then [[Isadril]] city will be isolated from the rest of Caligus. The difference between these latest region damages and last week is that these are regions only a short march from Caligus' capitol city [[Domus]]. This is no longer a frolicking on the border and unless Caligus can put together an army that can defend it's inner regions then it will be in serious trouble. There has been little recent news as to what Armonia is doing.

<i>With the loss of Westmoor's capitol city due to Sirion and allied forces assaulting the city, the newspaper was forced to close along with the destruction of the realm of Westmoor. New Westmoor successfully covered a large period of Westmoor's history through thick and thin and will be sorely missed. Let the wars continue on!</i>
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<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''War and politics across the East continent</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''1 July 1013''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
<span style="font-size: 11px">&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 16px">'''War continues</span> <span style="font-size: 11px">''2 June 1014''</span>''<span style="font-size: 11px"> </span>''
Lots has happened since New Westmoor was last in print. Since March the war took a turn for the worse for Westmoor due to politics in the south. After the Al Arab incident the duke of Al Arab then ceded the duchy to Caligus who promised to return it rightfully to the kingdom of Eponllyn. Caligus blaming Perdan for this act decided to launch a surprise attack on Perdanese lands which Perdan preempted and launched a counterattack defeating the Caligus army bringing a situation of war between Caligus and Perdan. This took Perdan and Armonia out of the north. Armonia wishing to expand into Eponllyn lands due to the longstanding rivalry between Queen Siana and Queen Autrey proposed a plot to king Atanamir of Perdan to war Eponllyn. This was refused as Perdan had no wish to create a second “Ibladesh” out of Eponllyn's ashes.
This chaos in the south left Westmoor to fight Sirion and Nivemus. Worse still the Obsidian Islands suffered a terrible plague (suspected brought across the sea from Dwilight Merchants) which wiped out half of the ruling elite of the realm. Thus it has been for the last two months that Westmoor has been soundly defeated by the realm of Sirion and brought into a state of surrender. Also a few months back King Jor [[Tanos Family|Tanos]] was severely wounded by a Sirion infiltrator and has been replaced on the crown by King Thomas [[Foxglove_Family|Foxglove]]. After a similar wounding Antonius [[Turner-Lionheart_Family|Turner]] was replaced by Gregor [[Relak Family|Relak]] as Lord Justice. The General position vacated by King Thomas was taken by Lord General Cross [[ThunderStrike Family|ThunderStrike]]. Recently in the last week the acting Treasurer who has served Westmoor for many years Maliki [[Nautilus Family|Nautilus]] decided to retire from the position and has been replaced with this paper's editor Mathros [[Hagakure Family|Hagakure]]. Thus the entire council of Westmoor has been replaced in only a few months.
To add to the extraordinary events on the second of last month longstanding faithful member of the realm Armstrong [[Ironsides Family|Ironsides]] has ceded the city of [[Oligarch]] to create the new realm of Fane. This realm has stood now for almost an entire month but is now slowly falling to the might of Sirion which stormed the city in a massive battle involving Sirion and defending former Westmoor militia mostly inherited from Corwin's regime over the city. Armstrong's message relating to  his actions have been published on our letter's page and were not supported by the government of Westmoor.
Meanwhile the war in the south has fared considerably well for Perdan considering it was being attacked by three realms. Perdan recently stormed [[Akesh Temple]] and successfully rouged a huge number of regions in Eponllyn. Caligus and Armonian troops recently won a victory in [[Leibo]] which comes after a long string of defeats at the hand of the Perdanese armies. More on the war in the south in coming issues.
<span style="font-size: 16px">'''New Westmoor moves to [[Morshes]]'''</span>
Since the long closed New Westmoor printing house was garrisoned by Sirion soldiers for the door to door fighting inside Fane a new printing house has been opened in Morshes. Although it is a disappointment to lose the very prestigious location in Oligarch the building and printing costs inside Morshes are considerably cheaper <s>especially when the editor controls the treasury, court and tax office of Morshes</s>.

All in all the map looks similar to the one we showed last month with the exception that Krimml is back in Sirion hands. We are busy here in Westmoor preparing our defenses for the next attacks from the enemy. Westmoor managed to regain the rogued region of Troyes. Perdan and Sirion are away at refit and may not be back onto the battlefield for some time giving us some time to rest and repair.

[[Image:WestmoorJune2014.png|left|Westmoor on June 2nd]]
[[Image:EastContinent1July2013.jpg|left|East Continent.jpg]]

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| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | <span style="font-size: 16px">'''Regional News''' </span>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | <span style="font-size: 16px">'''Regional News''' </span>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''8 July 1013''
<u><b>A new war is breaking out
Sirion has declared war on Perdan.</b></u>
message to Everyone on East Continent
The duchy of Isadril has seceded from Caligus and formed a new realm called Fallangard.</u></b>
<u>New Recruitment Center
A new Infantry center has been constructed in Evora.</u>
<u><b>Diplomatic News
Nivemus and Westmoor have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.
Diplomatic News
Westmoor and Sirion have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.</b></u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''7 July 1013''
<b>Prisoner escaped
Jonathan has vanished from his cell in Westmoor! The guards are being questioned and witnesses searched, but it is likely that he has already left the city.</b>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''2 July 1013''
<u>Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in [[Abadan]]:
Battle in Abadan
Caligus vs. Perdan
Estimated strengths: 830 men vs. 1060 men
The Perdan's Royal Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Damayan Laegan.
Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wearing the Valiant Vest of Perdan.
Sir Atanamir of Umbar, King of Perdan, Royal of Perdan is spotted wielding the Daemonic Staff of Parrying.
<b>Defender Victory!</b></u>
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''1 July 1013''
| style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(40, 125, 180)" | ''2 June 1014''
Monsters have been seen in the region of [[Braga]].
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.</i>
<u>Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Leibo:
(rogue), Perdan vs. Armonía, Caligus
Estimated strengths: 880 men vs. 940 men
The Perdan's Murderous Wrath (Perdan), sponsored by ][osferatu Reapers, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Partora, Margrave of Partora, were led into battle by Marshal Saul Claireborne.
The Perdan's Royal Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Damayan Laegan.
The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, Royal of Caligus, Marshal of Caligus' Golden Talons, were led into battle by Marshal Dobromir Menethil.
The Armonian Combat Elite (Armonía), sponsored by Lady Autrey Bendix, Queen of Armonía, Royal of Armonía, Duchess of Itorunt, Margravine of Itorunt, Marshal of Armonian Combat Elite, were led into battle by Marshal Autrey Bendix.
Sir Furious II Bendix, Knight of Xavax was captured by Joreb deLacy's unit.
<b>Defender Victory!</b></u>


Latest revision as of 11:52, 10 September 2014

New Westmoor.jpg

 End of newspaper ?? ??1014

With the loss of Westmoor's capitol city due to Sirion and allied forces assaulting the city, the newspaper was forced to close along with the destruction of the realm of Westmoor. New Westmoor successfully covered a large period of Westmoor's history through thick and thin and will be sorely missed. Let the wars continue on!

 War continues 2 June 1014

All in all the map looks similar to the one we showed last month with the exception that Krimml is back in Sirion hands. We are busy here in Westmoor preparing our defenses for the next attacks from the enemy. Westmoor managed to regain the rogued region of Troyes. Perdan and Sirion are away at refit and may not be back onto the battlefield for some time giving us some time to rest and repair.

Westmoor on June 2nd




Regional News
2 June 1014