Tarvitz Family/Saul: Difference between revisions

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(→‎The Test of Courage: - additions made.)
(Adding notes for me to write history on later)
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===Growing Up===
Saul was the firstborn twin to his parents Devan and Airianne, who were at that time Lord and Lady of the village. Saul’s parents found little time to care for him due to the demands of the day today running of the village. It was such that the only real companion he had his whole life was his twin, Garro.
Being the first born of House Tarvitz, Saul enjoyed a lot of comforts that others of his family would not share in.
Although he excelled at most arts of the nobility as a child, he was most interested in the people of the village and would spend many hours a day conversing with them. Originally he had never intended to leave the village, but to remain and inherit the lordship of the village; yet reports of the wars kept coming back to him. Under the rule of Queen Alanna Anaris there was more war then there had been before, even in the records of his family’s estate. Pian en Luries seemed to be under more threat now, then it ever had been and it was during this time that Saul decided he would go out into the world and defend his homelands.
===The Trials===
[[Image:Arnis.jpg|frame|left|Dagnir Rauko (Daimon's Bane), the blade forged by Saul in the first part of his trials]]
====The Forging of the Blade====
Saul studied for a large majority of his life in forgery in order to be able to forge a sword that was worthy of passing this trial. Under the eye of the master blacksmith, Saul Tarvitz learnt the tools of the trade; how to fold the metal, shape it, hammer it, and most importantly, shape it into what he wanted; it took months for Saul to master the basics of forgery, and that was only the beginning. As soon as he had mastered the basics, he moved onto the more important parts; the detail. To Saul, a sword without detail, was a sword without a soul.

The day after his 16th Birthday, Saul went into the forgery and locked the doors. This was the sign to show that he was not receiving help, nor was he to leave until he had completed the task which he had begun. To begin with, he had to decide upon what shape he wanted his sword to take and what blade he wished it to be. Making the actions he had practised during sword fighting, he decided upon two . Upon deciding upon the type of sword that he wished for, Saul then took into account the style of the pommel, hilt and cross guard. He wanted it to be something unusual, something unique that would stand out on the wall of his estate. He thought long and hard about the design of this, and eventually came up with design that he would create for his weapon.
Saul wrote a letter to the local lord of the region, Ramiel Avis, who promptly accepted and offered him an estate in return for his services. He served as a simple knight during the second war against Fiossa, seeing little action. Although he kept quiet in the beginning, Saul began to become more outspoken and to converse with those around him; not soon after he was announced as Vice-Marshal of The Crusaders of the Path.
Shortly afterwards, King Koli Bedwyr was appointed as the new King of Pian en Luries after the Warden, Malus Solari, abdicated so that a new King could finally be chosen. At this time a controversial figure, Alanna Anaris, reappeared and contested Koli Bedwyr’s claim to the throne. Even after Koli had won the throne she continued her outburst against the King and eventually declared open rebellion. Although offering his sword to return to Askileon to defend the Capital from her attempted coup he was ordered to remain in Ciarin Tut.

Setting to work on the blade, Saul prided himself in the folding of the steel that he used; working it day and night he folded the steel 7 times over before beginning to forge the blade, this ensured that the steel was of the highest quality and less likely to break, or become dull during combat. Upon finishing the blade, Saul set to work on the hilt and the guard; knowing that the blade was not the only part of a sword that could be used, he wanted the cross guard to not only be a guard, but also a weapon in it's own right. Taking that, and the design for the pommel that he had decided upon, he fashioned 3 steel looking wings that not only acted as a defence against blows that might strike his hand, but as a weapon to slice the throat of an opponent. For the handle of the blade, Saul took a dark wood, and polished it up, fitting it to the rod in segments such that it was not as one solid piece. As his second to last act, Saul started work on the pommel of the sword. He had decided upon a Daimon looking figure, an ironic symbol of what the sword was actually to be used for. Using images and descriptions that he had heard and been told, he fashioned a skull with horns -which he sharpened- and set into work detailing them as best as he could.  
===Lordship and Marshal===
With the rebellion quashed, Pian en Luries took a turn for the better. Franz Finsternis, previously lord of Ciarin Tut became Commander of the armies and as by law was required to leave the Lordship of Ciarin Tut. Saul was swiftly chosen to be the next Lord of the region, and he became a member of some prominent forums, namely the ‘commanders tent’.
Time passed and Saul assisted, or lead, in the defence of many attempted invasions from the abomination and undead that plagued the wilderness to the north of the lands. During this time, tensions began to rise between... ((Ramiel Avis and Malus Solari)).

For his final addition to the sword; Saul inscribed the name of the weapon, Dagnir Rauko, onto the blade, just above the hilt. Dagnir Rauko is literally translated as Bane Daimon, however in the common tongue it would be known as Daimon's Bane.
===King of Pian en Luries===
''To be written
''Fall of the kingdom, Tybalt Crusader and Fulco D'esté. One City-state, the Imperial City. Mathieu Capet - starving city and threats of rebellion. City revolts to Luria Nova, Fulco refuses to return it despite Imperial demands.

===Knight of Luria Nova===
''To be written
''Fighting to be recognised again, for position and respect.

[[Image:Alpha_Daimon.jpg|frame|right|The leader of the Daimon's that Saul fought with and killed]]
===Earl of Santoo===
====The Test of Courage====
''To be written
The test of courage is the ultimate challenge that a member of House Tarvitz must face in order to come of age within the household. It is no small feat to accomplish as it is not just about survival; you must bring something back as proof of your honour and courage. For Saul, this was the ultimate test; it would prove his birthright as first born and heir to the head of the House, and would also prove his worth as a man, and as a warrior.
''War against morek and against d'hara
Saying good-bye to his Father and Mother, Saul made his way towards the gates of the estate, which were opened as he approached. There was no good-bye party, as that was seen as a fact that the member of the household would not be coming back to the estate. As such, Saul left the estate and headed out into the wilderness with only a weeks provisions, his bedding and a few essentials to survive; not to mention his sword, Dagnir Rauko. Camping out under the stars every night; Saul was required to secure his own food once his had run out; learning to set traps and check them in the morning to see what he had caught. His provisions were dry rations, and would survive the month; there was no need to waste them in the first week of his test.
For one month, Saul followed tracks and trails and slew countless numbers of undead and monsters, there seemed to be no end to them in sight west of his home. A few days before Saul was due to return to his estate, he encountered a rather large group of monsters; truth be told he had been tracking them across the region because of the curious foot prints that one of the monsters left behind. Creeping up on the group from the forest, Saul could see that one of the monsters was not normal, in fact it was a leader; a Daimon; rarely seen in the open. Saul removed his pack slowly, and withdrew Dagnir Rauko from it's sheath; it was time for the blade to do what it was meant to do; kill Daimons.
Saul rushed forward, landing a blow on one of the monsters before the group even knew what was happening, and then swiftly ramming the pommel of the blade into the throat of another before removing it and in one, clean blow, removing it's head. Bringing his weapon to bear, he parried the blow of another nearby monster, it's power pushing him backwards slightly and allowing it another strike at Saul; but he was ready for it this time. Parrying the blow downwards, he brought the blade of his sword swiftly back across the creatures chest before thrusting it through the torso. Pulling the blade out, the creature slumped to it's knees and then fell face forward onto the dirt below. By now, all the monsters were fully alert; one can hardly stroll into their group, kill three of them and hope to remain unnoticed.
Hearing a loud, deep roar, Saul turned to his left to see the Daimon charging towards him; it did not care that there were other monsters in the way, it skewered any that got in its way and threw them to the side. Bringing its powerful arms down on top of Saul, he foolishly tried to block the blow; but to no avail. The force of the hit removed Saul from his feet and threw him through the air. Hitting a tree behind him, Saul slumped to the ground; briefly was knocked unconcious for a few moments. Opening his eyes, Saul only just had time to realise that the Daimon was on top of him; rolling to the side he felt an extreme pain in his left leg, he had failed to completely dodge the blow. Slicing through his leg, a deep wound opened up and blood spilled forth; searing pain soared through Saul's body as he yelled. However, he did not have time to stop and think about the pain, for the Daimon was already upon him; bringing its massive arms to bear in an attempt to crush the life from him. This time, Saul did not make the mistake of trying to block the attack and instead parried it to the side whilst thrusting the hilt guard of Dagnir Rauko into the biceps of the beast. The Daimon pulled backwards, and the hilt guard sliced through the flesh even more than Saul had intended; a muscles, barely hanging onto the Daimon, lay limp; the arm essentially useless. Taking advantage of the situation, Saul lunged forward with Dagnir Rauko; thrusting the blade deep into the chest of the Daimon. Not completely unexpectedly, Dagnir Rauko met fierce resistance, and Saul only managed to inflict a small wound with the thrust that he had attempted to plunge into the Daimon. Withdrawing Dagnir Rauko, Saul brought a slash across the front of the Daimon, opening up a wound in it's chest, revealing part of it's bone structure; the reason the blade did not penetrate deeply.
The Daimon's chest bone structure was completely solid, Saul's guess that this was the same in multiple places, therefore making it difficult to penetrate. Concentrating his next blow, he attempted to make a cut underneath he Daimon's left arm; the one still proving to be an issue. To his surprise, Dagnir Rauko met no resistance as it sliced it's way through the soft tissue under the arm of the Daimon, severing it and leaving a stub remaining. Thrusting and slicing again, Saul removed the other arm before thrusting the pommel of Dagnir Rauko up and under the chin of the Daimon before withdrawing the sword and, in a great arc, lopping the head from the Daimon.
Looking around, the remainder of the monsters had either fled the scene or been killed by the Daimon during the battle. It meant that Saul's work was done, and he had no need to chase after them. The wound in his leg was still searing with pain, pain that become to come bake more and more fiercely as the adrenalin that had numbed it during the battle slowly drained from his body.
====Return to the Estate====
====The Crusades====

Latest revision as of 13:14, 19 August 2013

This page is still under construction and until the removal of this notice, no information is pertained to, or can be used, in game.

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Saul was the firstborn twin to his parents Devan and Airianne, who were at that time Lord and Lady of the village. Saul’s parents found little time to care for him due to the demands of the day today running of the village. It was such that the only real companion he had his whole life was his twin, Garro. Although he excelled at most arts of the nobility as a child, he was most interested in the people of the village and would spend many hours a day conversing with them. Originally he had never intended to leave the village, but to remain and inherit the lordship of the village; yet reports of the wars kept coming back to him. Under the rule of Queen Alanna Anaris there was more war then there had been before, even in the records of his family’s estate. Pian en Luries seemed to be under more threat now, then it ever had been and it was during this time that Saul decided he would go out into the world and defend his homelands.


Saul wrote a letter to the local lord of the region, Ramiel Avis, who promptly accepted and offered him an estate in return for his services. He served as a simple knight during the second war against Fiossa, seeing little action. Although he kept quiet in the beginning, Saul began to become more outspoken and to converse with those around him; not soon after he was announced as Vice-Marshal of The Crusaders of the Path. Shortly afterwards, King Koli Bedwyr was appointed as the new King of Pian en Luries after the Warden, Malus Solari, abdicated so that a new King could finally be chosen. At this time a controversial figure, Alanna Anaris, reappeared and contested Koli Bedwyr’s claim to the throne. Even after Koli had won the throne she continued her outburst against the King and eventually declared open rebellion. Although offering his sword to return to Askileon to defend the Capital from her attempted coup he was ordered to remain in Ciarin Tut.

Lordship and Marshal

With the rebellion quashed, Pian en Luries took a turn for the better. Franz Finsternis, previously lord of Ciarin Tut became Commander of the armies and as by law was required to leave the Lordship of Ciarin Tut. Saul was swiftly chosen to be the next Lord of the region, and he became a member of some prominent forums, namely the ‘commanders tent’. Time passed and Saul assisted, or lead, in the defence of many attempted invasions from the abomination and undead that plagued the wilderness to the north of the lands. During this time, tensions began to rise between... ((Ramiel Avis and Malus Solari)).

King of Pian en Luries

To be written Fall of the kingdom, Tybalt Crusader and Fulco D'esté. One City-state, the Imperial City. Mathieu Capet - starving city and threats of rebellion. City revolts to Luria Nova, Fulco refuses to return it despite Imperial demands.

Knight of Luria Nova

To be written Fighting to be recognised again, for position and respect.

Earl of Santoo

To be written War against morek and against d'hara