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Line 36: Line 36:
*The Caerwynian army in Chrysantalys Mines was reinforced. (360 -> 670 men)
*The Caerwynian army in Chrysantalys Mines was reinforced. (360 -> 670 men)
*Caerwyn closed down a SA temple in Duil.
*Caerwyn closed down a SA temple in Duil.
*Averoth attacked Zereth
March 23
March 23
Line 80: Line 81:
April 7
April 7
*Caerwyn attacked Astrum in Duil. Astrum won the morning battle ([[The Battle of Duil - April 7]]) but lost the evening battle([[The Battle of Duil 2 - April 7]]) 
*Caerwyn attacked Astrum in Duil. Astrum won the morning battle ([[The Battle of Duil - April 7]]) but lost the evening battle ([[The Battle of Duil 2 - April 7]]). 
April 9
*Astrum and Morek attacked Yggdramir.
April 10
*Astrum and Morek continued with their attack on Yggdramir.
April 11
*Astrum and Morek retreated from Yggdramir.
May 10
*An allied army of Astrum, Morek Empire, Summerdale, Corsanctum, and Libero Empire attacked Averothian Capital of Valkyrja. The allied army emerged victorious.
May 28
*<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif;">Battle in Duil - Astrum Victorious</span></span><br/><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word;">(rogue), Caerwyn vs. Astrum<br/>Estimated strengths: 310 men vs. 620 men<br/>The Defenders of the Blood Stars (<span style="color: rgb(208, 208, 208);">Astrum</span>), sponsored by Sir Brance Indirik, Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd, Marshal of the Austere Order, were led into battle by Marshal Allison Kabrinski.<br/>Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wearing the Old Armour of the Maiden.<br/>Aram Stien, Count of Ammando is spotted reading from the Dark Tome of Abundance.<br/>Vos de Zorro (Knight of Gelene) is spotted wearing the Shiny Gauntlets.<br/>Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wielding the Mysterious Club.<br/>Daenah Dragoria, State Purser of Caerwyn, Marchioness of Farrowfield was captured by Arnold FinkWallow's unit.<br/>The hero Erwin Altenahr, Viscount of Elets was killed by Seabhac MacColl's unit.</div>
<div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word;">May 29</div>
*<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif;">Battle in Duil - Astrum Victorious</span></span>
Caerwyn (A) vs. Astrum (D)
<div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin-left: 40px;">Estimated strengths: 450 men vs. 800 men<br/>The Legion of the Golden Griffin (<span style="color: rgb(208, 208, 208);">Caerwyn</span>), sponsored by Feawen Aldaríon (Lord), were led into battle by Marshal Amandil of Umbar.<br/>The Defenders of the Blood Stars (<span style="color: rgb(208, 208, 208);">Astrum</span>), sponsored by Sir Brance Indirik, Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd, Marshal of the Austere Order, were led into battle by Marshal Allison Kabrinski.<br/>Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wearing the Old Armour of the Maiden.<br/>Aram Stien, Count of Ammando is spotted reading from the Dark Tome of Abundance.<br/>Vos de Zorro (Knight of Gelene) is spotted wearing the Shiny Gauntlets.<br/>Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wielding the Mysterious Club.<br/>Taros Amarizi (Knight of Mozyr, Caerwyn) was captured by Seabhac MacColl's unit.<br/>Wulfric Lucifer (Knight of Grazne, Caerwyn) was seriously wounded by Adrian Solostus's unit.</div><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word;"><br/></div><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word;">June 14</div>
*Battle in Walefishire - Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire Victorious
<div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin-left: 40px;">Caerwyn (D) vs. Astrum Corsanctum Morek Empire (A)<br/></div><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin-left: 40px;"><br/></div><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word; margin-left: 40px;">35 attackers (1080 Inf, 454 Arch, 105 Cav, 60 SF, 4 other)<br/>23 defenders (572 Inf, 62 MI, 226 Arch)<br/>Total combat strengths: 22125 vs. 10599</div><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word;"><br/></div><div class="messageContent" style="word-wrap: break-word;">June 15 ~ 22</div>
*Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire pressed deeper into Caerwynian inner regions.
June 29 ~ July 1
*Astrum attacked Walefishire, Knyazes, Elets
July 2 ~ 4
*Astrum looted Itaufield to ground.
August 8
*Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire attacked Golden Farrow. SA brotherhood emerged victorious.
August - Late
*Via joined Asylon, end of Caerwyn.

Latest revision as of 05:20, 28 August 2011

The war began with Entai's succession of Aegir. Caerwyn soon declared war on Astrum and Morek then invaded Duil with over 7k CS.

March 16

  • Caerwyn broke the federation and declared war on Astrum and Morek.

March 17

  • Madina also declared war on two SA realms. Caerwyn, 
  • Grand Duchy of Fissoa and Averoth forged an alliance.

March 18

  • Caerwyn attacked Duil and started a brutal take over.
  • Caerwyn forged an alliance with Thulsoma.
  • Corsanctum declared war on Caerwyn and Madina.

March 19

  • Averoth crushed Astrum in Ygg d'Razhuul. Sir Rowan Geronus,
  • Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Gelene was killed during a battle in Ygg d'Razhuul by Averoth.

March 20

  • Duil was taken over by Caerwyn. Kresh Raven, Count of Zereth, abandoned his fief and left Dwilight (was seen in Eidulb, boarding a ship to Atamara) just before Averoth attacked the region.
  • Aperon Trivium attacked Sir Michalastar Augustin by driving peasants mad.

March 21

  • Summerdale declared war on Entai.
  • Sir Brance Indirik, Duke of Libidizedd, Marshal of the Austere Order, was elected as Astrum's new Vasilif. Caerwyn attacked Chrysantalys Mines with 360 men.
  • Noble Banned! - Melania Rahl, Haruspex Maximus of Astrum, Marchioness of Gelene Outskirts has declared Aperon Trivium (Priest of Sanguis Astroism) an enemy of the realm and will issue a ban on him shortly. She has given the following reason:For suspicion of treason and the unauthorized mob removal of a noble from his estates. Please see the ruling statement that immediately follows this announcement.

March 22

  • The Caerwynian army in Chrysantalys Mines was reinforced. (360 -> 670 men)
  • Caerwyn closed down a SA temple in Duil.
  • Averoth attacked Zereth

March 23

  • Nobles from other SA realms started to travel and join Astrum.
  • New Alliance (20 days, 6 hours ago)
    A new alliance, called "Libero-Summerdale Military Cooperation Treaty," has been signed by Summerdale and Libero Empire.
  • Averoth attacked Aquitain
March 24
  • Melania was appointed as the new Duchess of Gelene.
  • The former duchess of Aegir, Allison joined Astrum

March 25

  • Caerwyn conquered Chrysantalys Mines.

March 27

  • Allison Kabrinski became a new marshal for the Defenders of the Blood Stars.
  • Astrum initiated a takeover of Duil.

March 29

  • Astrum initiated a takeover of Duil again.

March 30

  • Caerwyn closed down a SA temple in Chrysantalys Mines.

March 31

  • Averoth attacked Ygg d'Razhuul.
  • Averoth initiated a takeover of Ygg d'Razhuul.
  • Astrum regained Duil.
  • Candiels sucedsed from the rule of Madina.

April 4

  • Averoth took over Ygg d'Razhuul.

April 6

  • Astrum initiated a takeover of Ygg d'Razhuul.

April 7

April 9

  • Astrum and Morek attacked Yggdramir.

April 10

  • Astrum and Morek continued with their attack on Yggdramir.

April 11

  • Astrum and Morek retreated from Yggdramir.

May 10

  • An allied army of Astrum, Morek Empire, Summerdale, Corsanctum, and Libero Empire attacked Averothian Capital of Valkyrja. The allied army emerged victorious.

May 28

  • Battle in Duil - Astrum Victorious
    (rogue), Caerwyn vs. Astrum
    Estimated strengths: 310 men vs. 620 men
    The Defenders of the Blood Stars (Astrum), sponsored by Sir Brance Indirik, Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd, Marshal of the Austere Order, were led into battle by Marshal Allison Kabrinski.
    Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wearing the Old Armour of the Maiden.
    Aram Stien, Count of Ammando is spotted reading from the Dark Tome of Abundance.
    Vos de Zorro (Knight of Gelene) is spotted wearing the Shiny Gauntlets.
    Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wielding the Mysterious Club.
    Daenah Dragoria, State Purser of Caerwyn, Marchioness of Farrowfield was captured by Arnold FinkWallow's unit.
    The hero Erwin Altenahr, Viscount of Elets was killed by Seabhac MacColl's unit.
May 29
  • Battle in Duil - Astrum Victorious

Caerwyn (A) vs. Astrum (D)

Estimated strengths: 450 men vs. 800 men
The Legion of the Golden Griffin (Caerwyn), sponsored by Feawen Aldaríon (Lord), were led into battle by Marshal Amandil of Umbar.
The Defenders of the Blood Stars (Astrum), sponsored by Sir Brance Indirik, Vasilif of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd, Marshal of the Austere Order, were led into battle by Marshal Allison Kabrinski.
Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wearing the Old Armour of the Maiden.
Aram Stien, Count of Ammando is spotted reading from the Dark Tome of Abundance.
Vos de Zorro (Knight of Gelene) is spotted wearing the Shiny Gauntlets.
Allison Kabrinski, Marshal of the Defenders of the Blood Stars is spotted wielding the Mysterious Club.
Taros Amarizi (Knight of Mozyr, Caerwyn) was captured by Seabhac MacColl's unit.
Wulfric Lucifer (Knight of Grazne, Caerwyn) was seriously wounded by Adrian Solostus's unit.

June 14
  • Battle in Walefishire - Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire Victorious
Caerwyn (D) vs. Astrum Corsanctum Morek Empire (A)

35 attackers (1080 Inf, 454 Arch, 105 Cav, 60 SF, 4 other)
23 defenders (572 Inf, 62 MI, 226 Arch)
Total combat strengths: 22125 vs. 10599

June 15 ~ 22
  • Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire pressed deeper into Caerwynian inner regions.

June 29 ~ July 1

  • Astrum attacked Walefishire, Knyazes, Elets

July 2 ~ 4

  • Astrum looted Itaufield to ground.

August 8

  • Astrum, Corsanctum, Morek Empire attacked Golden Farrow. SA brotherhood emerged victorious.

August - Late

  • Via joined Asylon, end of Caerwyn.