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|Content=Power looked over after the brutal battles with the Daimons, blood and sweat mixed on her claws. She quickly helped another beast close to her, putting out the fire still burning on the other's back.
<i>Thank you, my Power. I am sorry that we were not able to prevent the fire from reaching your beasts.</i> The other beast quickly replied. From his stature Power realized that he was part of Epic's Royal Guards. Only the best and bravest beasts are allowed to have such a name.
<i>Do not worry. The Daimons live up to their name and do not shame the Daimons of old. It is no wonder that their fire burns through our armies.</i> Power stopped and looked over the battlefield. Though they have won this battle, it was but over a tiny fraction of the true power of the other side, and this side was somehow aligned with her sworn enemies. Revenge on Enweil will be a difficult one.
Power whispered, <i>My Bow, my beloved son, I will avenge you. Your sister, my Arrow, wanted to see you, but I told her that you were in battle. Indeed, I will take vengence for my love - my First, and my son - my Bow.</i> Power then looked in the direction of Fengen, where she lost Bow and the capital of the enemies who took the life of his father, First.
She never assumed revenge would be easy.
|Content=<i>It seems that the Daimons just stood by and watched the battle. Perhaps they will not do so when our troops are busy taking over this human capital.</i> Power muttered under her breath, not knowing what was going on in the minds of the Daimon leadership.
If the humans were going to work with the Daimons, why are they not in an alliance? So many questions, so few answers.
Power wondered and went off to train her beasts and prepare for another battle.
|Content=As the night dragged on, many of the smaller groups of Beasts left Lance, both due to fear and the injustice they feel is in his heart. They joined because of Sword, and they left because of Lance.
Of course, he does not take note of this, enjoying himself to the full in the luxuries of Grehk.
|Content=<i>Why are we leaving?</i> Lance asked the attendant from Sword.
<i>My Lance, my Sword ordered such. He respects the men here who fought brilliantly. Please follow his orders promptly.</i> The attendant was not afraid of Lance unlike most of Lance's servants.
<i>Just because you are my Sword's, you can show me disrespect? Why should I follow your orders?</i> Lance's look was filled with a killing intent, but the attendant did not waver even the tiniest bit. <i>Tell my Sword that I shall not give up such a fortress, they captured me, and I shall lay waste to this land.</i>
The attendant felt that he has done his duty, and quickly began to leave. He knew that Lance did not dare touch him, but this disregard for Sword's orders must be punished. As he turned and before he walked four steps, he felt something cold against his back, then sharp pain and blackness in front of his eyes. He heard a faint whisper, but could not recognize the voice. <i>Not so fast, disrespect warrants discipline. Tell that to my Sword. Hehe, hahahaha.</i> Cold laughter followed the whisper, as the attendant recognized that it was Lance who struck his claw and ripped out his heart from behind him.
As the attendant's eyes closed for the final time, he wondered why none of the other servants stopped Lance. He hoped, no knew, that Sword would avenge him. <i>Sword will avenge...</i> The attendant died, unable to complete his last sentence with his remaining breath.
<i>'Follow my Sword's orders or perish', isn't that what you wanted to say? Everyone adores my Sword... my Armour, what do you see in that stupid brute?</i> Lance muttered vehemently after shaking away the attendant's blood and flesh left on his claws. <i>I could match a thousand of him, I will one day rule, just you watch. And then you will surely fall for me, surely.</i>
<i>Collect the beasts here, I shall create an army for myself. No one ever saw this attendant, there was no message from my Sword, and we shall claim this city and rule over it!</i> Lance yelled towards his army, and received a subdued growl from all his beasts.
|Content=Sword stood at the top of the crumbling fortress and growled, so all in Grehk and the surroundings can hear, <i>I have conquered this fortress, but I shall not make it crumble. You have fought valiantly and I respect such bravery of those standing against me.</i>
Pausing and ordering all of his armies to retreat outside the fortress, he once again cried out, <i>I will be fighting against the Daimons who have come to this land, I am sure that is my Epic's true intent. My Wisdom's words shall no longer stop me from acting on what I believe is right. I leave my Lance in your care.</i>
With this Sword left the humans wondering, as he disbanded many of the weaker beasts, leaving the city towards the north west.
|Content=After forcing Shield to prepare to leave for Eno, Sword stared up at the seemingly insurmountable fortress and wondered, did the beasts of old really climb over these walls?
He looked at his beasts, many abandoned the cause after the riot in Gorin. He was satisfied that these ones have remained with him until today and wondered how many will perish in the rain of arrows that nightfall will bring. The thousand beasts he commanded when he first arrived has withered down to these less than one hundred veterans.
<i>My most trusted captain, escort my Shield to Eno, and make sure she gets there and meets with my Epic. He has the power to protect her.</i> Sword said solemnly, not daring to look in the direction of Shield for he fear that his heart may move him to allow her to stay. His instincts as general immediately suppressed that thought. The dangers of the battlefield are too great for such a frail one.
Sword began staring again at the fortress, seeking some form of weakness among its strengths.
|Content=Power heard strange noises from outside her camp. Sounds of fighting and growling. She came out of her tent just in time to see that her army was killing fellow beasts from the other armies of Shield, Sword, and Bow. As she was wondering what to do, she heard a powerful roar from the direction of Sword's camp.
<i>STOP, beasts!</i> Sword's yell could be heard alongside his roar for miles. He did not know what was happening, only that certain beasts were becoming crazed and started fights among themselves which led to this brutal infighting. He motioned to his elite guards, most of which were still sane, and they immediately began seizing some of the smaller beasts around Sword and knocking them unconscious. By this time many were dead and most were severely wounded so it was not a difficult thing to do.
<i>My Sword, what is happening?</i> Shield's head popped out of her tent as she directed the question to Sword. Their tents were quite close to each other.
At the same time that Shield is coming out of her tent a huge hulking beast was stumbling across towards her, impact was imminent. Words are slower than Sword's actions, as he immediately seized a pole of his tent, and without regard for the collapsing tent, swung the pole across the head of the other beast and quickly jumped between it and Shield during the time that the other beast took to recover.
The beast cried and roared agonizingly, charging at Sword without regard for his position. Sword took what's left of the pole and speared the huge beast towering over him through his chest, and with one swooping action pushed the beast aside so all the force of the other's charge was redirected at the ground. Sword's claws sank deep as he avoided the claws of the other easily, but what he did not foresee was the other would go as low as using its mouth to bite at Sword's feet. The other beast was at least three times the size of Sword and more than five times Shield's height and stature, yet none of his elite forces even blinked in doubt as Sword took down this monstrous beast. The beast cried its last breath as Sword's claws firmly stabbed into its heart. Sword realized that something was wrong, for the other's blood was not the colour of a normal beast.
<i>Your feet.</i> Shield quickly ran over when the battle was over and began caressing Sword's bite wounds.
<i>Thank you, my Shield, do not worry. These beasts will not disturbe my men. We must leave this place immediately, I fear that something has been done to this land for the beast I just killed was not normal.</i> He commanded his elite forces to take out the remaining beasts who were still fighting and began instructing the other armies to leave this land as well. By this time Power has already walked across the field to their camp.
<i>I will stay with my Lance. I saw that one's blood as well. I know what is wrong, wherever you go next, my Sword and my Shield, take note of what your armies consume and their water supply. I will cure the beasts here with the help of my Lance. Take my Bow with you.</i> Power's presence calmed both Sword and Shield greatly, and they started to follow Power's commands.
<i>We must be careful, for some of these humans are devious and cunning.</i> Power whispered softly into the setting sunlight.
|Content=Sword lifted his claws, now stained with blood after the gruesome battle, no, slaughter. This was not what he expected. He sought glory in battle, not this. This was a massacre. These humans could not stand against his might even for a little while, though he could not have made such observations in the heat of the battle.
<i>Come, relay this message to the people of this land. I hate to talk for my Wisdom, so tell them it's from him.</i> Sword ordered one of the beasts serving him.
The letter was the one below:
Nobles of Enweil,
I offer you peace, though not one without a price. Your ruler shall hand over to my Epic the regions of Cjelorg, Uscala, Rummannen, Ete City, and Tsamn. In return you shall take control of Rinqen.
This will gain our cooperation and peace for your people. And we shall march north together against the Daimons.
Should you refuse this your realm will perish like Riombara. Consider this, and have your Chancellor respond within 7 days from now.
Sword motioned for a captain. <i>We leave Fengen, I am sick of this place and what we are doing.</i>
|Content=After days of examination, Power confirmed that it was worth a try. The one called Annaej may die, but her resolve seemed strong enough to make it worthwhile, not to mention Queen Justice looked upon her with favour.
Power began the ritual and took hold of Annaej's hand. Annaej felt a chill up her hand into her elbow and shoulder, ending at her spine. After a little pain on the back of her hand, the ritual was over.
Power's eyes dropped and looked at the back of Annaej's right hand. There, three scarlet seals were engraved in blood red, extending from the knuckles all the way past her wrist.
<i>You are the first human to withstand this trial of the command seals. These three seals will allow you command over some beasts, but these are but transfers of my command power. Thus remember that if you force your army to do things they do not wish for, these will slowly fade away. Follow my Epic, and they should shine brightly.</i> Power smiled at Annaej, turned around and started walking away. <i>I'm glad you survived.</i>
|Content=Sword received information from a few close servants of Shield who used to be his own servants. He chose the strongest and the most able beasts to protect Shield. Their loyalty is still with him, so they came back to report the matters. Sword was furious. This will not go unanswered, his armies will trample over all the lands of these filthy assassins and they will pay for their attack on Shield.
As he ordered his troops and those of Lance to move towards Enweil, he recalled that Epic's camp must be close. <i>My majesty, the Epic of Gilgamesh, there is something I must do, let me see to it before the march north.</i> Sword's servant wrote his words in a letter and delivered it to Epic as the armies were getting ready to leave.
Without regard for Epic's response, as Sword's army was very disciplined, they left for Enweilieos. His desire to see that Shield is well trumped all else. With his brow furrowed and determination shining from his complexion, Sword marched with his army, and Lance's followed unwillingly behind.
|Content=Wisdom felt that something was wrong once he arrived in Enweilieos. The Beasts here are much too quiet. He requested the presence of Armour.
<i>My Wisdom, what do you need?</i> Armour came into his camp.
<i>What has happened during this siege, my Armour?</i> Wisdom looked away, he never really took note of any female beast apart from Queen Justice and Shield. He merely assumed that Armour is where she is simply due to her filial ties with the Epic of Gilgamesh.
<i>During the siege my Bow was wounded, though nothing much has occurred since then. My Queen's orders have been followed thoroughly. Enweilieos will fall, and these humans punished for their insults and actions against her majesty.</i> Armour recited these familiar words that she has been thinking about for a bit more than a day now.
<i>Where is my Shield?</i> Wisdom cut to the chase.
<i>I...</i> Armour was lost for words, for she could not bear to relate what happened.
Wisdom quickly charged out of his tent towards the camp of Shield.
|Content=Shield held her pale hand to the left side of her thin waist as Armour paced around her camp, ordering the beasts to search for the assassin responsible for such an atrocity. Who in their right mind would attack someone so weak and innocent? Armour admitted that Shield was probably one of the most beautiful beasts that she had ever seen, perhaps she even rivaled Justice in her youth.
Armour finally got tired of the cat and mouse game and left the rest in the hands of able servants. She went into Shield's camp, watching a healer attempt to stop blood from pouring out of the gaping hole on Shield's side. Shield looked like a child, closing her eyes tightly and clenched her fists as she withstood the pain of the wound. Armour said softly, <i>You will get better, my Shield, I promise.</i> Shield's complexion relaxed visibly at her words.
It was not easy to lie, for Armour knew no such thing as assured recovery from such a wound. The knight certainly sank deep before the assassin withdrew. She has put on strict orders not to let news of Shield's wound spread. She knew that more than one beast would throw behind everything, including my Epic's strict orders, just to come and protect her. Armour signed, how she wished she could switch places with Shield.
Bow being wounded immediately caused Power to worry, and Armour knew that she would arrive any minute now, and if news of Shield being so severely wounded ever got out everything would become futile. Armour felt this to be the case, assuring herself that she had no vested interests in withholding this information. She will ask her mother as soon as possible.
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|Content=Power looked towards the city. It was a large and prosperous one, similar to Eno. She remembered Wisdom in his critical condition. Wisdom scribbled a letter to her even in such times. His writing was always handsome, but his wounds caused this letter to be very poorly written.
<i>Send a letter to the King of Riombara. Tell him that the treaty will be extended another 7 days giving them 14 days in total. Do not tell him about my Wisdom's state. I cannot make any decisions for my Wisdom nor do I want to. Make haste.</i> The servant quickly scurried off. Power wondered whether he will find the way to the King of Riombara.
<i>My Epic...why have you left matters to me?</i> Power thought to herself. <i>Get better soon, my Wisdom, for no matter how much you wish me to make your decisions, I am no diplomat, I am a warrior.</i>
|Content=<i>Did you see my killing blow, my Armour? Was not my move fantastic? I beat him at his own game with these human metal sticks. They are quite dangerous too, you see.</i> Lance showed his arm where Stan slashed, it was bleeding profusely. As Lance looked up to Armour, who was standing quite a ways away from him, he noticed she was not looking at him but in the direction of the city of Grehk.
<i>Still thinking about that, my dear Armour? Why worry for him, it does not matter what happens to him.</i> Lance walked towards Armour, throwing the sword he used to duel away like it was a toy, stained with the blood of a dead human. As he approached he took Armour's hand and said softly, <i>My dear Armour...</i>
Armour seemed to just notice Lance's presence and promptly drew her hand away and in the process slashed Lance's hand. <i>Don't touch me, and don't you dare call me that again. What of it, you killed a human, so that is why you asked me so persistently to come? Don't be a fool.</i> Armour was annoyed.
At her last word Lance seemed to flare up and his face gained a crimson glow. He took hold of Armour's wrist by force, wrung it and pulled it away from her. <i>I hate being called that.</i> Armour could feel his hot breath pulsating against her face, and tears welled up in her eyes and a few traced her smooth face.
Lance quickly regained his composure, massaged Armour's wrist and apologized, ashamed of what came over him. <i>I'm sorry, my dear Armour...I just didn't want you to think of me that way...</i> Armour wiped her tears from her face, turned, and without a word left, throwing down a letter from Queen Justice, asking her to move towards Lopa.
Lance saw the falling letter and remembered why Armour was looking at the city and muttered vehemently as he walked towards his camp, <i>Why does that matter, even if my Wisdom fails and my Sword wages war, why do you worry for him? He is our 'great' general, who cares what happens to him? Why do you want to help him so badly...</i>
|Content=<i>A duel? What kind of thing is that? Let me see, meet him at the north east corner outside the city.</i> Lance laughed. A human seemed to want to fight him with a little metal stick-like weapon, alone. He wondered whether he should ask for Sword's permission to engage in such fruitless actions.
Lance gruntled, he did not want to be restricted by Sword. For why does it matter if he should kill this human or not?
<i>Send note back, I'll meet him.</i> Lance smiled.
|Content=Sword looked out from the estate he took in Brovyl. The land looked peaceful, yet he knew his troops were securing the region for their eventual rule. Shield was sleeping soundly in the room, they had just talked about various matters, including their childhood. It had been a while before they were in the same location for so long. Now that this war is going to be over soon perhaps they can still be together for some more time. Sword relished that idea and thought about the happy days ahead.
He looked at the setting sun, and knew that Shield would go out to see the sunrise again by herself. He strived to follow her for her protection every morning, but sometimes he would sleep late and be unable to wake up, in which case his trusted servant would do so in his place. He always felt guilty after that, but Shield always laughed it off as if she did not need protection at all. Sword knew that she needed to be protected, for she was one of the most frail beast that he had ever come across. As a child he always thought Shield was simply much younger and thus so much smaller than him, but he soon realized that she was in fact not too many years younger than him by decades.
She had an extraordinarily small and frail figure, and would not have been allowed on the battlefield if not for her insistance on fighting with him. Sword did not want to compare Shield to humans, but when he was forced to look and see the human females, he could not help but notice that Shield was shorter and more fragile than even their average figures. Sword signed, for he wondered why she was so weak, yet so brave in spirit to make him so worried.
Shield shifted in her bed and Sword looked back at her sleeping face. Her face was bright and beautiful, the most beautiful face Sword had ever seen. She was relaxed and happy in her sleep and Sword was happy for her as well. He put another layer of blankets on top of her and looked at her one last time before leaving for his room. He resolved to wake up every morning from now on to accompany her for the sunrise.
|Content=While travelling, a messenger brought to Justice a letter claiming to be from the Marshal of the Arms of Creasur, someone in Hetland. Justice glanced over the letter and it seems that Hetland is eager to fight the Daimons as well. Justice shook her head, for they do not know what they are up against. It is not a simple matter of having the will to fight but the means to defeat them as well.
She did not want to reply to his letter, for it means disappointment for him. Rather, this way he can assume something happened and be happier for it. She did not know when she will be back, for she longed to see Epic and Sword. Sword was like a son to her...this is a painful memory to recall. Her eyes became moist as she thought of the memories and handed the letter to her servant. She will not reply.
Justice looked over to Power. She was not looking well, drifting in and out of consciousness as they travelled. Hopefully they will meet Wisdom soon and perhaps he can think of something. Perhaps Power will become well when she sees First and Bow, Justice thought.
|Content=Justice looked out at the battlefield in front of the fortifications, it was laiden with bodies of beasts and daimons alike. She noticed fire in the same shape and form as rocks flying towards her army still. She had recently split up her army so they would all be harmed by such fiery power. Wisdom had called these fire rocks 'arrows'. It seems that humans are capable of producing such arrows against Sword as well. Justice was surprised that humans had such power in their tiny bodies, well, her size was comparable to that of a tall human female but they were still small in comparison to the average beast.
She quickly went over to Power's tent and looked in to see how Power was doing. It seems that she has now recovered enough to move a little bit at a time.
<i>My Queen, I have failed you.</i> Power spoke feebly now that she has regained consciousness.
<i>My Power, my good friend, do not speak in such ways. You have not failed me, but have done your best. I thought they were weaker, but it seems that their powers are not to be overlooked. My Wisdom will come up with something, he is a bright one.</i> Justice caressed Power's long, flowing hair and continued. <i>We will go, for I would like to lose no more of our beasts to these futile battles. I'd like to see my Sword and my Shield. It's been so long since I last talked well with them. Of course, I also want to kiss my own daughter. We have never been separated for so long, I wonder how my Armour is. Don't you want to see your mate my First and your son my Bow as well?</i>
Power blushed slightly, turned away, and said in a tender voice, <i>why would I want to see them?</i>
Justice shook her head, for she knew that Power was always like this, with her mind on the battlefield Power rarely was able to enjoy the serenity and pleasure of simply talking and being with her mate and her son. <i>Well, it seems it's time to go.</i> Justice heard a call from outside, most likely a call from Wisdom.
As Justice was leaving the tent she felt Power tug at her leg, so Justice turned around. Power muttered with her face turned away, <i>will you help me to get ready when we arrive to meet them?</i>
Justice smiled and almost chuckled. Power was quite a bit younger than her, and was assigned to First by the Great King Gilgamesh a long time ago. She did not know the exact circumstances, for she was equally young at the time. Justice always wondered how Power was assigned to someone much older than her, but Justice never thought to ask before.
Perhaps she can ask Power then. <i>Of course, my dear Power, of course. Let us get ready.</i> Justice left on that remark, still smiling brilliantly as always.
|Content=Wisdom's army retreated from the field, scattering. He has never seen such a scene before. Battle was not something he experienced often in his weak physique. Though he was abnormally tall, he was nowhere strong enough to take combat seriously. He has been reading various letters from various leaders. It seems that there were some misunderstandings causing some unnecessary battles, but he did not mind that. If the leaders were really interested in what they talked about before then such small hinderances would not be much. Wisdom signed, and gave the official order to retreat to the woods surrounding the city.
He was surprised that the Daimons would be so afraid, almost, of battle, retreating and shooting what seemed to be human arrows. These humans arrows Sword described to him, but of course, the fool that Sword is he never bothered to ask a human regarding what they are. They are but hinderances to the advance of his armies. He looked across to Power and Justice's armies. The only one of note was Justice, his Queen. Though she was not very capable as a fighter due to her physique as well, she led her army successfully.
Indeed, though they lost the battle, they understood more about their enemies. Epic sometime talked about the Daimons of old, though these do not seem to live up to his stories. Wisdom wondered whether the Great King Gilgamesh taught Epic regarding these enemies. He did not think anymore, and led his army away, or what's left of it. He knew what he had to do, and he did it without any thoughts at all. Such enemies must be attacked without thought, from all angles, before their rain of arrows prevented advance.
He did not recall seeing any Daimon fly, though he was informed they can on occasions, and he did not see any especially great. He faintly heard something in the old tongue of a leader named Palla, but he was unable to see her. As the armies continued retreating he pondered, why are we fighting these ones? This is foreign soil, and we have not reached agreements with the humans here. Why are we even here, for that matter? He put these thoughts behind him as he caught up with Power and Justice. One day he will learn this from them.
|Content=It was a day after that Wisdom slowly woke up. His long arms and shoulders were sore. He was quite a tall beast, but not as well built as a beast more suitable on the fields of battle. He did not remember much of what happened yesterday, but he could remember becoming angry with a letter, though he forgot its content or who it was from. Wisdom slowly looked around his room. There was a letter neatly folded on his table. He usually has all the new letters he receives that are in need of replies on that table.
<i>How long was I asleep? And is that all the letters there are?</i> Wisdom asked one of his servants.
<i>It has only been a day. My Wisdom, there are many others, but my Queen suggested that you read this before you do anything else.</i> The servant responded.
<i>Why would my Queen Justice send me a letter and suggest that? This is somewhat bizzarre.</i> Wisdom slowly moved closer to the table. His limbs were still not fully functional after such an unusually long time spent asleep. He took the letter, and on the cover:
<b>To my Wisdom, the child and little one.</b>
Wisdom smiled, it was rare for him to smile. He remembered the old days when Justice would take care of him, and always call him a child or a little one, like all the others. Those were the carefree days of his youth, he treasured those times, but Justice didn't call him like that very often now since he was almost twice her height and she did not look a day older.
My Dear Wisdom, you are much too tired. Join us for a battle with these Daimons, my Power and I will not be far ahead. Do not worry about diplomacy, and leave your letters behind until after the battle. Your mind will be refreshed.
---  Your Loving Queen of Epic, the Justice of Gilgamesh.
Wisdom was shocked. This was an order from the Queen, though it does not look like an order. Justice never gave out actual orders, but when she puts her full title at the end of the letter it means just as much. He did not know why she decided this or when, but he quickly gave the appropriate orders to his servants, and left immediately. His servants sent notes of his leaving as a reply to all the letters that were sent to Wisdom.
<i>My Queen, what is it that you desire?</i> Wisdom quietly asked himself, for he was puzzled.
|Content=Wisdom was annoyed to say the least. This Chancellor of Mesh is so like Sword. Wisdom has no time for such beasts, and absolutely no time for such men. They are all fools. Wisdom slammed the letter from the Chancellor on the table in front of him after he sent his reply. All his servants in the room shuddered, for they only see this side of Wisdom when a matter involving Sword and Shield came up.
The door suddenly opened and a ladylike figure entered. In his rage he did not recognize who it was before yelling, <i>Get out!</i>
<i>My Wisdom, child, what irrates you so?</i> Queen of Epic, Justice said in a maternal, soothing voice and quickly walked over to Wisdom. Wisdom recognized her voice and collapsed on to the floor with shame and exhaustion. He was tired of these diplomatic matters, he wanted to be like Sword, merely following the orders of my Epic and cutting down opposition with force rather than words. He was very tired and fell asleep almost immediately...something soft...
<i>Your powers are still extraordinary, my Queen.</i> Power jotted over to Justice and Wisdom, peacefully lying in the arms of Justice.
Justice laughed softly, <i>What powers do you talk about? I merely calmed him with my words, who knew the child was so exhausted...</i> She signed. She saw similar situations in the dungeons. At first she did not want to talk to those small creatures called humans, but slowly she got to know some of them, and they were just as scared and excited as any of these children. She wondered why all these creatures are so agitated all the time. What was there to fear? There being no tomorrow?
Power walked over and took Wisdom and almost threw him onto the bed across the room.
<i>You can be a little more reserved, my Power.</i> Justice chuckled and smiled at Power. Wisdom groaned but remained asleep. Justice walked over to the table, where the letter from the Chancellor was crunched up. <i>Bring me all the letters Wisdom has sent and received over these few days.</i> Justice ordered the servants.
Quickly, a pile of letters was produced, a rather large pile at that, there must be tens if not hundreds of letters piled together neatly on the table. Some scrunched up like this one but some kept very neatly and tidy.
<i>Who knew...</i> Power was surprised as she flipped over some letters, a few of them were extremely long and tedious for her to read.
After examining the exchanges between Wisdom and this Chancellor of Mesh, Justice muttered, <i>So this is the problem. Why must we have these treaties to proceed? I do not recall my Epic liking treaties at all. He always just did what he wanted.</i> She paused for a while, and said towards the sleeping Wisdom. <i>What a child you really are, little one. There is no need to be so cautious and defensive.</i>
<i>My Power, let us leave, you're bored of the city already, and there is nothing more for us here. I'll let Wisdom work out his own little problems with the good Chancellor. He is merely trying to protect his people.</i> Justice turned to leave, and Power followed soon after, instructing the servants on how to act when Wisdom wakes. It will be like they were never there. Power took one last look at the sleeping Wisdom and signed, muttering, <i>If only you retained your sleeping grace all the time, little one, perhaps even my Shield would take notice of you.</i> She shook her head and left his room.
|Content=''Stop, humans. This is not a place for you. Return to where you were.''  A few guards stopped the healers.
''We were sent by our Great Chamberlain, and we mean no harm. We are here to tend to the Shield of Gilgamesh and her wounded, such as those over there.'' The healers were scared and did not know what to call the beasts lying on the ground, seemingly in pain.
''Wait here.'' The guardian beast went over to the camp of Sword, or what could be barely called a camp, for it was much less organized than Shield's camp and beasts were lying here and there.
''My Sword, supposed men able to cure our wounded are here from the enemies. They have been stopped, what would you desire?'' The guards bowed in respect.
Sword rose out of his tent after a while. He was one of the few residing in what could be construed as a tent. Lead them to me. Sword said as he moved towards where Shield resided. She was actually not in her tent, but there was no need to disclose her whereabouts to these men of the enemy.
''Who ordered you here and what is your purpose?'' Sword's voice boomed across the plains and the healers were as flustered as ever.
''We...we were commanded by our Great Chamberlain to tend to the Shield of Gilgamesh and her troops...we mean no harm, and hope that it will gain the favour the Wisdom of Gilgamesh...'' The healers' voice trailed off as they saw Sword's face becoming one of great anger and annoyance.
''Why! What does the great Wisdom of Gilgamesh want with my Shield! Leave, I have a habit of not killing apart from on the battlefield. Tell your Great Chamberlain and this Wisdom you speak of, he will have nothing to do with my Shield, not now, not ever. Now BE GONE!'' His roar almost made the healers crumble in fear, the beasts around him moved away in apprehension, even his most trusted servants shied away from his face and rage.
After the healers stumbled off, Sword's mind began to become more stable and calm. He did not lose his temper so badly this often. It must be the stress of battles, but it never affected him so. He thought that it might have to do with Shield being on the front lines, but he quickly shook the thought away, for he will protect her, and there will never be a need for Wisdom to interfere. What did Wisdom want anyways...Sword slowly went back into his tent.
|Content=Sword looked with sadness at the end of the battle. It was a victory, but in his mind it was a defeat. His army was not able to keep Shield behind the front lines, but he wanted her to be with him so that he could prevent this from happening in the future. He hated himself for these contradictions existing in his mind.
Sword looked at the slim figure of Shield near sunrise. She always loved watching the sun rise in the east. He did not mind it, for he was here to protect her. From his position it seemed that Shield looked even remotely human in her figure, slim yet muscular. He realized that most of them looked remotely similar to humans, albeit some proportions are different and even among themselves they looked remarkably different. Shield was perhaps the most human like of them all, and strangely enough he liked her all the more for such a form he could call beauty.
He shook his head shamefully after these thoughts. He did not often reveal his emotions, and when he did it was always for Shield. They were always together, and he will make sure they always will be. With this thought he looked ahead to the horizon, now darkest before dawn.
|Content=Sword scowled as he retreated his army from the fort of Elymon.
''What are these walls the humans built? And these painful wooden sticks with pointed ends, why do they exist if not to torment me?'' Sword muttered as he pulled one from his shoulder.'' Interesting, so these small sticks have been hurting my beasts.''
Sword called his army back to refit. He lost many fine beasts to the walls and rain of pointed projectiles. He circled around the fort and wondered. There must be a way, there is always a way.
|Content=Sword was furious. How could he have not seen their attack coming, why did he not order Shield's units away in time. Why is he not by her side? These questions plagued his mind as the day bore on.
He wanted to go save Shield in Bym and finally be with her again. So many choices. He knew what he had to do to avenge her defeat. It was good that reports showed that she had only been lightly wounded. He repressed reports to Wisdom, as he did not want Wisdom's interference in his battles. He sent orders for all to rest and rejuvenate their armies as the regions had finally become theirs, and gave orders for appropriate for his liking.
''I will see the end to these humans, I will.'' Sword proclaimed vehemently towards the north.
|Content=It was over as soon as it started. Shield realized her defeat and pulled the army back according to how Sword taught her. It was pointless to continue then and it is pointless to continue now. She did not have the strength.
With a deep sign, she held her wounded slender arm tightly to her and gracefully followed the retreating army, leaving those unable to escape with tears in her eyes. She did not want to continue to be a burden to Sword, and did not know what she can do now. Her army would all but perish here by the hands of the humans if she stayed. She must move on, though word has reached her that Epic is nearby. She wondered if he came to see Armour in battle, but she knows that he cannot participate in a battle without mocking Sword.
She slowly made the orders to retreat further, up north, where the air is fresher and the mountains higher. Perhaps that will be enough.
|Content=Epic looked at her daughter in her brilliant, shining, battle armour and smiled. She was as radiant as ever. He did not want to bring her to these battlefields, but she insisted. Now that she's here, he could not stop worrying about her, even after he gave his largest army to protect her and placed her far behind the battlefront.
''Dear Father, when will I fight?'' Armour looked at her father with her large, round, and glistening eyes, beautiful to behold to any beast.
Epic did not have a response. ''Soon, dear Daughter, soon, do not fret, for the real battles have yet commenced. Your uncle, my First, will be testing these humans you see all around you, they call their land Enweil. Do not go close, I fear for your safety.
''Do you not trust my combat abilities, Father?'' Armour looked hurt.
''My Armour, your time will come yet. Do you feel so against spending time with your father? When my time comes...'' Epic's voice trailed off.
''Father! What are you talking about, you have yet countless years in your future!'' Armour cut off Epic's last sentence with moist eyes. ''Mother will be so sad that you've brought this up again.''
She ran off in the direction of the sunset, and in the reflected light off her armour Epic seemed to see a figure.
''No...who are you?'' Epic's eyes were blinded by the light and the figure was gone.
''My Epic, please take care.'' One of his servants spoke to him.
Epic looked about him. The figure was gone as fast as it appeared. He thought he saw...
|Content=Upon receiving a letter from someone claiming to be the Great Chamberlain, Sword laughed heartily. What a strange name. He wondered if Wisdom could have come up with such a ridiculous name. He soon received another letter from a King, a much clearer title in his opinion, though all these are useless human titles full of haughtiness and so he scoffed at them with disgust.
''What is this madness, they seem to try to communicate.'' He laughed alongside his servants and captains. ''Let them die in vain. I have enough to deal with from my Epic.'' He tore the letters apart and sent the messengers back. He had enough sense to not kill the messengers. He knew that Wisdom would be furious if he tried any diplomacy, and he recalled that the only realm he should take note of is Enweil. He wasn't sure what cooperation with them meant, but he was sure that nothing good for him can come from Wisdom.
He looked at the abandoned estates in Epinotke and thought of Shield. If only she was here with him to enjoy the spoils. He ordered his army to divide up and hunt the humans, recalling Epic's distaste at his slowness, and walked towards the estates.
|Content=''My lord, a message from my Wisdom.'' Another messenger arrived right away.
Sword wondered...what could my Wisdom want with him? Mocking his disfavour so soon?
''My Sword, cooperate with Enweil when they give you orders. They will meet with your armies in time. I have maintained contact with their Supreme Chancellor and Field Marshal, and as a result they have given two regions to our care and led us to such a fresh and bountiful land. Send them your best captain for they want a test of their strength to show the world and my Epic. Give them consideration so that they do not become discouraged, and remember, I have my Epic's favour now. Be careful what you try to do, my Sword. How is my Shield, if you happen to know?''
Sword could feel Wisdom's snicker at the end of that letter. So that's how he gained favour, by playing diplomacy with Enweil on behalf of Epic. He doubt that Epic even knows of what Wisdom is up to. He tore the parchment in pieces and growled. Another night without sleep was upon him.
|Content=Sword received news of declaration of war against Enweil and the take overs happening over two regions and smiled, wondering whether the rest of the world would understand what is happening.
''My lord, news from my Epic.'' A servant brought over some parchment, upon which my Epic's orders were written in the olden language.
Sword scowled, for the letter reads as follows:
''My Sword, your progress is slow. Look to the west, the fires and smoke rising is the beginning of the successful plan with Enweil. My Wisdom makes haste, while you are idling in the south. I see no smoke from where your scribes say you are. Why are you not conquering for my might? This will be the last of my letters to you. My Wisdom will directly lead you from now on.''
Epic never understood the pains of war. He looked towards the north west and saw nothing. He did not expect to see anything, for he knew that Epic was simply tired of him. Wisdom was gaining favour. He simply hoped that Shield was doing well at her duties, for my Epic has nothing against her, where as for him...it was a long story. He thought about it for a long time, and realized that he has never told Shield about it yet. Perhaps one day when they meet again...
For now Sword has to do as Epic says. ''As my Epic wills, prepare to take over this land. Make haste.'' He was glad Lance was not around to speak in sarcastic tones regarding his disfavour with Epic, for Lance did not know...
|Content=''My Shield, we have arrived in Jidington.'' Sword said softly to Shield, who was beside him, looking towards the ocean.
''My Sword, it will be time to move on soon. My Epic does not wait for our pleasures or rest.'' Shield replied to Sword firmly.
''You have always been so dedicated to him. I bet he does not even know we can speak the language of the land, of Beluaterra.'' Sword said vehemently, he did not like being ordered around by Epic.
''All the better to keep it that way, my Sword. Shield replied in a low tone. We still have to obey, he is the Epic of Gilgamesh, so we must follow him until our lives are spent. For he must contend with something greater that will be. Don't you want to see the streams that he talked about in the south?''
Shield smiled and Sword took her hand as they walked towards the new estate they took over in Jidington. It was quite a majestic estate, though fairly torn down. Countless beasts of their army are scattered in the forests around the estate.
|Content=''My Shield, news arrived from my Epic to advance on the river banks. I do not the meaning of this, only I must obey. I await your return.'' Sword looked outside the window at his vast army and said softly to Shield who was away.
''What's wrong, my Sword? Do you have a problem with his majesty's decisions?'' Lance walked into his room without knocking. Sword hated that.
''I know that my Wisdom must be manipulating things. In the letter he mentioned this strange realm of Enweil, the same words as those border posts said when we sailed here. Sword grinned. It seems that my Epic has taken a liking to their ways. I don't know who's behind these orders these days.''
Lance moved about the room, picking up the things left there by the previous owners. ''It is not time to contemplate, this is my Epic's will. It does not matter what his motivations is or where it is from. We must follow it. Come, it's time to go.''
Lance quickly walked out of the room, knocking some vases and china from the shelves as he passed. Sword never liked Lance very much and reluctantly began organizing the ranks of his army.

Latest revision as of 06:49, 1 August 2010

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Listed from newest to oldest.


Power looked over after the brutal battles with the Daimons, blood and sweat mixed on her claws. She quickly helped another beast close to her, putting out the fire still burning on the other's back.

Thank you, my Power. I am sorry that we were not able to prevent the fire from reaching your beasts. The other beast quickly replied. From his stature Power realized that he was part of Epic's Royal Guards. Only the best and bravest beasts are allowed to have such a name.

Do not worry. The Daimons live up to their name and do not shame the Daimons of old. It is no wonder that their fire burns through our armies. Power stopped and looked over the battlefield. Though they have won this battle, it was but over a tiny fraction of the true power of the other side, and this side was somehow aligned with her sworn enemies. Revenge on Enweil will be a difficult one.

Power whispered, My Bow, my beloved son, I will avenge you. Your sister, my Arrow, wanted to see you, but I told her that you were in battle. Indeed, I will take vengence for my love - my First, and my son - my Bow. Power then looked in the direction of Fengen, where she lost Bow and the capital of the enemies who took the life of his father, First.

She never assumed revenge would be easy.

It seems that the Daimons just stood by and watched the battle. Perhaps they will not do so when our troops are busy taking over this human capital. Power muttered under her breath, not knowing what was going on in the minds of the Daimon leadership.

If the humans were going to work with the Daimons, why are they not in an alliance? So many questions, so few answers.

Power wondered and went off to train her beasts and prepare for another battle.

As the night dragged on, many of the smaller groups of Beasts left Lance, both due to fear and the injustice they feel is in his heart. They joined because of Sword, and they left because of Lance. Of course, he does not take note of this, enjoying himself to the full in the luxuries of Grehk.

Why are we leaving? Lance asked the attendant from Sword.

My Lance, my Sword ordered such. He respects the men here who fought brilliantly. Please follow his orders promptly. The attendant was not afraid of Lance unlike most of Lance's servants.

Just because you are my Sword's, you can show me disrespect? Why should I follow your orders? Lance's look was filled with a killing intent, but the attendant did not waver even the tiniest bit. Tell my Sword that I shall not give up such a fortress, they captured me, and I shall lay waste to this land.

The attendant felt that he has done his duty, and quickly began to leave. He knew that Lance did not dare touch him, but this disregard for Sword's orders must be punished. As he turned and before he walked four steps, he felt something cold against his back, then sharp pain and blackness in front of his eyes. He heard a faint whisper, but could not recognize the voice. Not so fast, disrespect warrants discipline. Tell that to my Sword. Hehe, hahahaha. Cold laughter followed the whisper, as the attendant recognized that it was Lance who struck his claw and ripped out his heart from behind him.

As the attendant's eyes closed for the final time, he wondered why none of the other servants stopped Lance. He hoped, no knew, that Sword would avenge him. Sword will avenge... The attendant died, unable to complete his last sentence with his remaining breath.

'Follow my Sword's orders or perish', isn't that what you wanted to say? Everyone adores my Sword... my Armour, what do you see in that stupid brute? Lance muttered vehemently after shaking away the attendant's blood and flesh left on his claws. I could match a thousand of him, I will one day rule, just you watch. And then you will surely fall for me, surely.

Collect the beasts here, I shall create an army for myself. No one ever saw this attendant, there was no message from my Sword, and we shall claim this city and rule over it! Lance yelled towards his army, and received a subdued growl from all his beasts.

Sword stood at the top of the crumbling fortress and growled, so all in Grehk and the surroundings can hear, I have conquered this fortress, but I shall not make it crumble. You have fought valiantly and I respect such bravery of those standing against me.

Pausing and ordering all of his armies to retreat outside the fortress, he once again cried out, I will be fighting against the Daimons who have come to this land, I am sure that is my Epic's true intent. My Wisdom's words shall no longer stop me from acting on what I believe is right. I leave my Lance in your care.

With this Sword left the humans wondering, as he disbanded many of the weaker beasts, leaving the city towards the north west.

After forcing Shield to prepare to leave for Eno, Sword stared up at the seemingly insurmountable fortress and wondered, did the beasts of old really climb over these walls?

He looked at his beasts, many abandoned the cause after the riot in Gorin. He was satisfied that these ones have remained with him until today and wondered how many will perish in the rain of arrows that nightfall will bring. The thousand beasts he commanded when he first arrived has withered down to these less than one hundred veterans.

My most trusted captain, escort my Shield to Eno, and make sure she gets there and meets with my Epic. He has the power to protect her. Sword said solemnly, not daring to look in the direction of Shield for he fear that his heart may move him to allow her to stay. His instincts as general immediately suppressed that thought. The dangers of the battlefield are too great for such a frail one.

Sword began staring again at the fortress, seeking some form of weakness among its strengths.

Power heard strange noises from outside her camp. Sounds of fighting and growling. She came out of her tent just in time to see that her army was killing fellow beasts from the other armies of Shield, Sword, and Bow. As she was wondering what to do, she heard a powerful roar from the direction of Sword's camp.

STOP, beasts! Sword's yell could be heard alongside his roar for miles. He did not know what was happening, only that certain beasts were becoming crazed and started fights among themselves which led to this brutal infighting. He motioned to his elite guards, most of which were still sane, and they immediately began seizing some of the smaller beasts around Sword and knocking them unconscious. By this time many were dead and most were severely wounded so it was not a difficult thing to do.

My Sword, what is happening? Shield's head popped out of her tent as she directed the question to Sword. Their tents were quite close to each other.

At the same time that Shield is coming out of her tent a huge hulking beast was stumbling across towards her, impact was imminent. Words are slower than Sword's actions, as he immediately seized a pole of his tent, and without regard for the collapsing tent, swung the pole across the head of the other beast and quickly jumped between it and Shield during the time that the other beast took to recover.

The beast cried and roared agonizingly, charging at Sword without regard for his position. Sword took what's left of the pole and speared the huge beast towering over him through his chest, and with one swooping action pushed the beast aside so all the force of the other's charge was redirected at the ground. Sword's claws sank deep as he avoided the claws of the other easily, but what he did not foresee was the other would go as low as using its mouth to bite at Sword's feet. The other beast was at least three times the size of Sword and more than five times Shield's height and stature, yet none of his elite forces even blinked in doubt as Sword took down this monstrous beast. The beast cried its last breath as Sword's claws firmly stabbed into its heart. Sword realized that something was wrong, for the other's blood was not the colour of a normal beast.

Your feet. Shield quickly ran over when the battle was over and began caressing Sword's bite wounds.

Thank you, my Shield, do not worry. These beasts will not disturbe my men. We must leave this place immediately, I fear that something has been done to this land for the beast I just killed was not normal. He commanded his elite forces to take out the remaining beasts who were still fighting and began instructing the other armies to leave this land as well. By this time Power has already walked across the field to their camp.

I will stay with my Lance. I saw that one's blood as well. I know what is wrong, wherever you go next, my Sword and my Shield, take note of what your armies consume and their water supply. I will cure the beasts here with the help of my Lance. Take my Bow with you. Power's presence calmed both Sword and Shield greatly, and they started to follow Power's commands.

We must be careful, for some of these humans are devious and cunning. Power whispered softly into the setting sunlight.

Sword lifted his claws, now stained with blood after the gruesome battle, no, slaughter. This was not what he expected. He sought glory in battle, not this. This was a massacre. These humans could not stand against his might even for a little while, though he could not have made such observations in the heat of the battle.

Come, relay this message to the people of this land. I hate to talk for my Wisdom, so tell them it's from him. Sword ordered one of the beasts serving him.

The letter was the one below: Nobles of Enweil,

I offer you peace, though not one without a price. Your ruler shall hand over to my Epic the regions of Cjelorg, Uscala, Rummannen, Ete City, and Tsamn. In return you shall take control of Rinqen.

This will gain our cooperation and peace for your people. And we shall march north together against the Daimons.

Should you refuse this your realm will perish like Riombara. Consider this, and have your Chancellor respond within 7 days from now.


Sword motioned for a captain. We leave Fengen, I am sick of this place and what we are doing.

After days of examination, Power confirmed that it was worth a try. The one called Annaej may die, but her resolve seemed strong enough to make it worthwhile, not to mention Queen Justice looked upon her with favour.

Power began the ritual and took hold of Annaej's hand. Annaej felt a chill up her hand into her elbow and shoulder, ending at her spine. After a little pain on the back of her hand, the ritual was over.

Power's eyes dropped and looked at the back of Annaej's right hand. There, three scarlet seals were engraved in blood red, extending from the knuckles all the way past her wrist.

You are the first human to withstand this trial of the command seals. These three seals will allow you command over some beasts, but these are but transfers of my command power. Thus remember that if you force your army to do things they do not wish for, these will slowly fade away. Follow my Epic, and they should shine brightly. Power smiled at Annaej, turned around and started walking away. I'm glad you survived.

Sword received information from a few close servants of Shield who used to be his own servants. He chose the strongest and the most able beasts to protect Shield. Their loyalty is still with him, so they came back to report the matters. Sword was furious. This will not go unanswered, his armies will trample over all the lands of these filthy assassins and they will pay for their attack on Shield.

As he ordered his troops and those of Lance to move towards Enweil, he recalled that Epic's camp must be close. My majesty, the Epic of Gilgamesh, there is something I must do, let me see to it before the march north. Sword's servant wrote his words in a letter and delivered it to Epic as the armies were getting ready to leave.

Without regard for Epic's response, as Sword's army was very disciplined, they left for Enweilieos. His desire to see that Shield is well trumped all else. With his brow furrowed and determination shining from his complexion, Sword marched with his army, and Lance's followed unwillingly behind.

Wisdom felt that something was wrong once he arrived in Enweilieos. The Beasts here are much too quiet. He requested the presence of Armour.

My Wisdom, what do you need? Armour came into his camp.

What has happened during this siege, my Armour? Wisdom looked away, he never really took note of any female beast apart from Queen Justice and Shield. He merely assumed that Armour is where she is simply due to her filial ties with the Epic of Gilgamesh.

During the siege my Bow was wounded, though nothing much has occurred since then. My Queen's orders have been followed thoroughly. Enweilieos will fall, and these humans punished for their insults and actions against her majesty. Armour recited these familiar words that she has been thinking about for a bit more than a day now.

Where is my Shield? Wisdom cut to the chase.

I... Armour was lost for words, for she could not bear to relate what happened.

Wisdom quickly charged out of his tent towards the camp of Shield.

Shield held her pale hand to the left side of her thin waist as Armour paced around her camp, ordering the beasts to search for the assassin responsible for such an atrocity. Who in their right mind would attack someone so weak and innocent? Armour admitted that Shield was probably one of the most beautiful beasts that she had ever seen, perhaps she even rivaled Justice in her youth.

Armour finally got tired of the cat and mouse game and left the rest in the hands of able servants. She went into Shield's camp, watching a healer attempt to stop blood from pouring out of the gaping hole on Shield's side. Shield looked like a child, closing her eyes tightly and clenched her fists as she withstood the pain of the wound. Armour said softly, You will get better, my Shield, I promise. Shield's complexion relaxed visibly at her words.

It was not easy to lie, for Armour knew no such thing as assured recovery from such a wound. The knight certainly sank deep before the assassin withdrew. She has put on strict orders not to let news of Shield's wound spread. She knew that more than one beast would throw behind everything, including my Epic's strict orders, just to come and protect her. Armour signed, how she wished she could switch places with Shield.

Bow being wounded immediately caused Power to worry, and Armour knew that she would arrive any minute now, and if news of Shield being so severely wounded ever got out everything would become futile. Armour felt this to be the case, assuring herself that she had no vested interests in withholding this information. She will ask her mother as soon as possible.

Justice received word of Annaej being seriously wounded by Enweil, and quickly ordered Shield, Armour, and Bow to continue to move into the city while she commanded her unit to secure the region under her control to prevent further misgivings. Annaej was quickly brought into her camp and the best human healers brought in to take care of her. Justice showed little emotion while doing this, but Shield, knowing Queen Justice from childhood, listening to the Queen's stories and lessons, knew that the normally peaceful and kind Queen was furious.

Sword crushed the letter challenging him to a duel. He despised these ones who think they can match up to him in either battles or individual fights, wasting their lives away. Though he was sure of victory, there were always uncertainties in fights and battles. He would rather die on the battlefield than throw his life away.

He had just heard of Lance's impudent actions and killing the human who challenged him. Lance will be punished, and none shall do such stupid deeds while he commands them.

My Sword, I am called. Shield called out to Sword as she moved towards her camp from watching the sunset. My Queen Justice wishes for my presence. I hope to see you soon. Shield hopped a little like a young one, showing her excitement at being by Justice's side again. Sword smiled as Shield waved at him from her camp, now far away.

How I wish to see her majesty, Sword thought quietly and to himself. It will be like the olden days...

Sword remembered his duty, and marched towards Lance's camp and soon began disciplining Lance and his servants who failed to stop Lance from fighting the human.

Power looked towards the city. It was a large and prosperous one, similar to Eno. She remembered Wisdom in his critical condition. Wisdom scribbled a letter to her even in such times. His writing was always handsome, but his wounds caused this letter to be very poorly written.

Send a letter to the King of Riombara. Tell him that the treaty will be extended another 7 days giving them 14 days in total. Do not tell him about my Wisdom's state. I cannot make any decisions for my Wisdom nor do I want to. Make haste. The servant quickly scurried off. Power wondered whether he will find the way to the King of Riombara.

My Epic...why have you left matters to me? Power thought to herself. Get better soon, my Wisdom, for no matter how much you wish me to make your decisions, I am no diplomat, I am a warrior.

Did you see my killing blow, my Armour? Was not my move fantastic? I beat him at his own game with these human metal sticks. They are quite dangerous too, you see. Lance showed his arm where Stan slashed, it was bleeding profusely. As Lance looked up to Armour, who was standing quite a ways away from him, he noticed she was not looking at him but in the direction of the city of Grehk.

Still thinking about that, my dear Armour? Why worry for him, it does not matter what happens to him. Lance walked towards Armour, throwing the sword he used to duel away like it was a toy, stained with the blood of a dead human. As he approached he took Armour's hand and said softly, My dear Armour...

Armour seemed to just notice Lance's presence and promptly drew her hand away and in the process slashed Lance's hand. Don't touch me, and don't you dare call me that again. What of it, you killed a human, so that is why you asked me so persistently to come? Don't be a fool. Armour was annoyed.

At her last word Lance seemed to flare up and his face gained a crimson glow. He took hold of Armour's wrist by force, wrung it and pulled it away from her. I hate being called that. Armour could feel his hot breath pulsating against her face, and tears welled up in her eyes and a few traced her smooth face.

Lance quickly regained his composure, massaged Armour's wrist and apologized, ashamed of what came over him. I'm sorry, my dear Armour...I just didn't want you to think of me that way... Armour wiped her tears from her face, turned, and without a word left, throwing down a letter from Queen Justice, asking her to move towards Lopa.

Lance saw the falling letter and remembered why Armour was looking at the city and muttered vehemently as he walked towards his camp, Why does that matter, even if my Wisdom fails and my Sword wages war, why do you worry for him? He is our 'great' general, who cares what happens to him? Why do you want to help him so badly...

A duel? What kind of thing is that? Let me see, meet him at the north east corner outside the city. Lance laughed. A human seemed to want to fight him with a little metal stick-like weapon, alone. He wondered whether he should ask for Sword's permission to engage in such fruitless actions.

Lance gruntled, he did not want to be restricted by Sword. For why does it matter if he should kill this human or not?

Send note back, I'll meet him. Lance smiled.

Sword looked out from the estate he took in Brovyl. The land looked peaceful, yet he knew his troops were securing the region for their eventual rule. Shield was sleeping soundly in the room, they had just talked about various matters, including their childhood. It had been a while before they were in the same location for so long. Now that this war is going to be over soon perhaps they can still be together for some more time. Sword relished that idea and thought about the happy days ahead.

He looked at the setting sun, and knew that Shield would go out to see the sunrise again by herself. He strived to follow her for her protection every morning, but sometimes he would sleep late and be unable to wake up, in which case his trusted servant would do so in his place. He always felt guilty after that, but Shield always laughed it off as if she did not need protection at all. Sword knew that she needed to be protected, for she was one of the most frail beast that he had ever come across. As a child he always thought Shield was simply much younger and thus so much smaller than him, but he soon realized that she was in fact not too many years younger than him by decades.

She had an extraordinarily small and frail figure, and would not have been allowed on the battlefield if not for her insistance on fighting with him. Sword did not want to compare Shield to humans, but when he was forced to look and see the human females, he could not help but notice that Shield was shorter and more fragile than even their average figures. Sword signed, for he wondered why she was so weak, yet so brave in spirit to make him so worried.

Shield shifted in her bed and Sword looked back at her sleeping face. Her face was bright and beautiful, the most beautiful face Sword had ever seen. She was relaxed and happy in her sleep and Sword was happy for her as well. He put another layer of blankets on top of her and looked at her one last time before leaving for his room. He resolved to wake up every morning from now on to accompany her for the sunrise.

While travelling, a messenger brought to Justice a letter claiming to be from the Marshal of the Arms of Creasur, someone in Hetland. Justice glanced over the letter and it seems that Hetland is eager to fight the Daimons as well. Justice shook her head, for they do not know what they are up against. It is not a simple matter of having the will to fight but the means to defeat them as well.

She did not want to reply to his letter, for it means disappointment for him. Rather, this way he can assume something happened and be happier for it. She did not know when she will be back, for she longed to see Epic and Sword. Sword was like a son to her...this is a painful memory to recall. Her eyes became moist as she thought of the memories and handed the letter to her servant. She will not reply.

Justice looked over to Power. She was not looking well, drifting in and out of consciousness as they travelled. Hopefully they will meet Wisdom soon and perhaps he can think of something. Perhaps Power will become well when she sees First and Bow, Justice thought.

Justice looked out at the battlefield in front of the fortifications, it was laiden with bodies of beasts and daimons alike. She noticed fire in the same shape and form as rocks flying towards her army still. She had recently split up her army so they would all be harmed by such fiery power. Wisdom had called these fire rocks 'arrows'. It seems that humans are capable of producing such arrows against Sword as well. Justice was surprised that humans had such power in their tiny bodies, well, her size was comparable to that of a tall human female but they were still small in comparison to the average beast.

She quickly went over to Power's tent and looked in to see how Power was doing. It seems that she has now recovered enough to move a little bit at a time.

My Queen, I have failed you. Power spoke feebly now that she has regained consciousness.

My Power, my good friend, do not speak in such ways. You have not failed me, but have done your best. I thought they were weaker, but it seems that their powers are not to be overlooked. My Wisdom will come up with something, he is a bright one. Justice caressed Power's long, flowing hair and continued. We will go, for I would like to lose no more of our beasts to these futile battles. I'd like to see my Sword and my Shield. It's been so long since I last talked well with them. Of course, I also want to kiss my own daughter. We have never been separated for so long, I wonder how my Armour is. Don't you want to see your mate my First and your son my Bow as well?

Power blushed slightly, turned away, and said in a tender voice, why would I want to see them?

Justice shook her head, for she knew that Power was always like this, with her mind on the battlefield Power rarely was able to enjoy the serenity and pleasure of simply talking and being with her mate and her son. Well, it seems it's time to go. Justice heard a call from outside, most likely a call from Wisdom.

As Justice was leaving the tent she felt Power tug at her leg, so Justice turned around. Power muttered with her face turned away, will you help me to get ready when we arrive to meet them?

Justice smiled and almost chuckled. Power was quite a bit younger than her, and was assigned to First by the Great King Gilgamesh a long time ago. She did not know the exact circumstances, for she was equally young at the time. Justice always wondered how Power was assigned to someone much older than her, but Justice never thought to ask before.

Perhaps she can ask Power then. Of course, my dear Power, of course. Let us get ready. Justice left on that remark, still smiling brilliantly as always.

Wisdom's army retreated from the field, scattering. He has never seen such a scene before. Battle was not something he experienced often in his weak physique. Though he was abnormally tall, he was nowhere strong enough to take combat seriously. He has been reading various letters from various leaders. It seems that there were some misunderstandings causing some unnecessary battles, but he did not mind that. If the leaders were really interested in what they talked about before then such small hinderances would not be much. Wisdom signed, and gave the official order to retreat to the woods surrounding the city.

He was surprised that the Daimons would be so afraid, almost, of battle, retreating and shooting what seemed to be human arrows. These humans arrows Sword described to him, but of course, the fool that Sword is he never bothered to ask a human regarding what they are. They are but hinderances to the advance of his armies. He looked across to Power and Justice's armies. The only one of note was Justice, his Queen. Though she was not very capable as a fighter due to her physique as well, she led her army successfully.

Indeed, though they lost the battle, they understood more about their enemies. Epic sometime talked about the Daimons of old, though these do not seem to live up to his stories. Wisdom wondered whether the Great King Gilgamesh taught Epic regarding these enemies. He did not think anymore, and led his army away, or what's left of it. He knew what he had to do, and he did it without any thoughts at all. Such enemies must be attacked without thought, from all angles, before their rain of arrows prevented advance.

He did not recall seeing any Daimon fly, though he was informed they can on occasions, and he did not see any especially great. He faintly heard something in the old tongue of a leader named Palla, but he was unable to see her. As the armies continued retreating he pondered, why are we fighting these ones? This is foreign soil, and we have not reached agreements with the humans here. Why are we even here, for that matter? He put these thoughts behind him as he caught up with Power and Justice. One day he will learn this from them.

It was a day after that Wisdom slowly woke up. His long arms and shoulders were sore. He was quite a tall beast, but not as well built as a beast more suitable on the fields of battle. He did not remember much of what happened yesterday, but he could remember becoming angry with a letter, though he forgot its content or who it was from. Wisdom slowly looked around his room. There was a letter neatly folded on his table. He usually has all the new letters he receives that are in need of replies on that table.

How long was I asleep? And is that all the letters there are? Wisdom asked one of his servants.

It has only been a day. My Wisdom, there are many others, but my Queen suggested that you read this before you do anything else. The servant responded.

Why would my Queen Justice send me a letter and suggest that? This is somewhat bizzarre. Wisdom slowly moved closer to the table. His limbs were still not fully functional after such an unusually long time spent asleep. He took the letter, and on the cover:

To my Wisdom, the child and little one.

Wisdom smiled, it was rare for him to smile. He remembered the old days when Justice would take care of him, and always call him a child or a little one, like all the others. Those were the carefree days of his youth, he treasured those times, but Justice didn't call him like that very often now since he was almost twice her height and she did not look a day older.

My Dear Wisdom, you are much too tired. Join us for a battle with these Daimons, my Power and I will not be far ahead. Do not worry about diplomacy, and leave your letters behind until after the battle. Your mind will be refreshed.

--- Your Loving Queen of Epic, the Justice of Gilgamesh.

Wisdom was shocked. This was an order from the Queen, though it does not look like an order. Justice never gave out actual orders, but when she puts her full title at the end of the letter it means just as much. He did not know why she decided this or when, but he quickly gave the appropriate orders to his servants, and left immediately. His servants sent notes of his leaving as a reply to all the letters that were sent to Wisdom.

My Queen, what is it that you desire? Wisdom quietly asked himself, for he was puzzled.

Wisdom was annoyed to say the least. This Chancellor of Mesh is so like Sword. Wisdom has no time for such beasts, and absolutely no time for such men. They are all fools. Wisdom slammed the letter from the Chancellor on the table in front of him after he sent his reply. All his servants in the room shuddered, for they only see this side of Wisdom when a matter involving Sword and Shield came up.

The door suddenly opened and a ladylike figure entered. In his rage he did not recognize who it was before yelling, Get out!

My Wisdom, child, what irrates you so? Queen of Epic, Justice said in a maternal, soothing voice and quickly walked over to Wisdom. Wisdom recognized her voice and collapsed on to the floor with shame and exhaustion. He was tired of these diplomatic matters, he wanted to be like Sword, merely following the orders of my Epic and cutting down opposition with force rather than words. He was very tired and fell asleep almost immediately...something soft...

Your powers are still extraordinary, my Queen. Power jotted over to Justice and Wisdom, peacefully lying in the arms of Justice.

Justice laughed softly, What powers do you talk about? I merely calmed him with my words, who knew the child was so exhausted... She signed. She saw similar situations in the dungeons. At first she did not want to talk to those small creatures called humans, but slowly she got to know some of them, and they were just as scared and excited as any of these children. She wondered why all these creatures are so agitated all the time. What was there to fear? There being no tomorrow?

Power walked over and took Wisdom and almost threw him onto the bed across the room.

You can be a little more reserved, my Power. Justice chuckled and smiled at Power. Wisdom groaned but remained asleep. Justice walked over to the table, where the letter from the Chancellor was crunched up. Bring me all the letters Wisdom has sent and received over these few days. Justice ordered the servants.

Quickly, a pile of letters was produced, a rather large pile at that, there must be tens if not hundreds of letters piled together neatly on the table. Some scrunched up like this one but some kept very neatly and tidy.

Who knew... Power was surprised as she flipped over some letters, a few of them were extremely long and tedious for her to read.

After examining the exchanges between Wisdom and this Chancellor of Mesh, Justice muttered, So this is the problem. Why must we have these treaties to proceed? I do not recall my Epic liking treaties at all. He always just did what he wanted. She paused for a while, and said towards the sleeping Wisdom. What a child you really are, little one. There is no need to be so cautious and defensive.

My Power, let us leave, you're bored of the city already, and there is nothing more for us here. I'll let Wisdom work out his own little problems with the good Chancellor. He is merely trying to protect his people. Justice turned to leave, and Power followed soon after, instructing the servants on how to act when Wisdom wakes. It will be like they were never there. Power took one last look at the sleeping Wisdom and signed, muttering, If only you retained your sleeping grace all the time, little one, perhaps even my Shield would take notice of you. She shook her head and left his room.

Stop, humans. This is not a place for you. Return to where you were. A few guards stopped the healers.

We were sent by our Great Chamberlain, and we mean no harm. We are here to tend to the Shield of Gilgamesh and her wounded, such as those over there. The healers were scared and did not know what to call the beasts lying on the ground, seemingly in pain.

Wait here. The guardian beast went over to the camp of Sword, or what could be barely called a camp, for it was much less organized than Shield's camp and beasts were lying here and there.

My Sword, supposed men able to cure our wounded are here from the enemies. They have been stopped, what would you desire? The guards bowed in respect.

Sword rose out of his tent after a while. He was one of the few residing in what could be construed as a tent. Lead them to me. Sword said as he moved towards where Shield resided. She was actually not in her tent, but there was no need to disclose her whereabouts to these men of the enemy.

Who ordered you here and what is your purpose? Sword's voice boomed across the plains and the healers were as flustered as ever.

We...we were commanded by our Great Chamberlain to tend to the Shield of Gilgamesh and her troops...we mean no harm, and hope that it will gain the favour the Wisdom of Gilgamesh... The healers' voice trailed off as they saw Sword's face becoming one of great anger and annoyance.

Why! What does the great Wisdom of Gilgamesh want with my Shield! Leave, I have a habit of not killing apart from on the battlefield. Tell your Great Chamberlain and this Wisdom you speak of, he will have nothing to do with my Shield, not now, not ever. Now BE GONE! His roar almost made the healers crumble in fear, the beasts around him moved away in apprehension, even his most trusted servants shied away from his face and rage.

After the healers stumbled off, Sword's mind began to become more stable and calm. He did not lose his temper so badly this often. It must be the stress of battles, but it never affected him so. He thought that it might have to do with Shield being on the front lines, but he quickly shook the thought away, for he will protect her, and there will never be a need for Wisdom to interfere. What did Wisdom want anyways...Sword slowly went back into his tent.

Sword looked with sadness at the end of the battle. It was a victory, but in his mind it was a defeat. His army was not able to keep Shield behind the front lines, but he wanted her to be with him so that he could prevent this from happening in the future. He hated himself for these contradictions existing in his mind.

Sword looked at the slim figure of Shield near sunrise. She always loved watching the sun rise in the east. He did not mind it, for he was here to protect her. From his position it seemed that Shield looked even remotely human in her figure, slim yet muscular. He realized that most of them looked remotely similar to humans, albeit some proportions are different and even among themselves they looked remarkably different. Shield was perhaps the most human like of them all, and strangely enough he liked her all the more for such a form he could call beauty.

He shook his head shamefully after these thoughts. He did not often reveal his emotions, and when he did it was always for Shield. They were always together, and he will make sure they always will be. With this thought he looked ahead to the horizon, now darkest before dawn.

Sword scowled as he retreated his army from the fort of Elymon.

What are these walls the humans built? And these painful wooden sticks with pointed ends, why do they exist if not to torment me? Sword muttered as he pulled one from his shoulder. Interesting, so these small sticks have been hurting my beasts.

Sword called his army back to refit. He lost many fine beasts to the walls and rain of pointed projectiles. He circled around the fort and wondered. There must be a way, there is always a way.

Sword was furious. How could he have not seen their attack coming, why did he not order Shield's units away in time. Why is he not by her side? These questions plagued his mind as the day bore on.

He wanted to go save Shield in Bym and finally be with her again. So many choices. He knew what he had to do to avenge her defeat. It was good that reports showed that she had only been lightly wounded. He repressed reports to Wisdom, as he did not want Wisdom's interference in his battles. He sent orders for all to rest and rejuvenate their armies as the regions had finally become theirs, and gave orders for appropriate for his liking.

I will see the end to these humans, I will. Sword proclaimed vehemently towards the north.

It was over as soon as it started. Shield realized her defeat and pulled the army back according to how Sword taught her. It was pointless to continue then and it is pointless to continue now. She did not have the strength.

With a deep sign, she held her wounded slender arm tightly to her and gracefully followed the retreating army, leaving those unable to escape with tears in her eyes. She did not want to continue to be a burden to Sword, and did not know what she can do now. Her army would all but perish here by the hands of the humans if she stayed. She must move on, though word has reached her that Epic is nearby. She wondered if he came to see Armour in battle, but she knows that he cannot participate in a battle without mocking Sword.

She slowly made the orders to retreat further, up north, where the air is fresher and the mountains higher. Perhaps that will be enough.

Epic looked at her daughter in her brilliant, shining, battle armour and smiled. She was as radiant as ever. He did not want to bring her to these battlefields, but she insisted. Now that she's here, he could not stop worrying about her, even after he gave his largest army to protect her and placed her far behind the battlefront.

Dear Father, when will I fight? Armour looked at her father with her large, round, and glistening eyes, beautiful to behold to any beast.

Epic did not have a response. Soon, dear Daughter, soon, do not fret, for the real battles have yet commenced. Your uncle, my First, will be testing these humans you see all around you, they call their land Enweil. Do not go close, I fear for your safety.

Do you not trust my combat abilities, Father? Armour looked hurt.

My Armour, your time will come yet. Do you feel so against spending time with your father? When my time comes... Epic's voice trailed off.

Father! What are you talking about, you have yet countless years in your future! Armour cut off Epic's last sentence with moist eyes. Mother will be so sad that you've brought this up again.

She ran off in the direction of the sunset, and in the reflected light off her armour Epic seemed to see a figure.

No...who are you? Epic's eyes were blinded by the light and the figure was gone.

My Epic, please take care. One of his servants spoke to him.

Epic looked about him. The figure was gone as fast as it appeared. He thought he saw...

Upon receiving a letter from someone claiming to be the Great Chamberlain, Sword laughed heartily. What a strange name. He wondered if Wisdom could have come up with such a ridiculous name. He soon received another letter from a King, a much clearer title in his opinion, though all these are useless human titles full of haughtiness and so he scoffed at them with disgust.

What is this madness, they seem to try to communicate. He laughed alongside his servants and captains. Let them die in vain. I have enough to deal with from my Epic. He tore the letters apart and sent the messengers back. He had enough sense to not kill the messengers. He knew that Wisdom would be furious if he tried any diplomacy, and he recalled that the only realm he should take note of is Enweil. He wasn't sure what cooperation with them meant, but he was sure that nothing good for him can come from Wisdom.

He looked at the abandoned estates in Epinotke and thought of Shield. If only she was here with him to enjoy the spoils. He ordered his army to divide up and hunt the humans, recalling Epic's distaste at his slowness, and walked towards the estates.

My lord, a message from my Wisdom. Another messenger arrived right away.

Sword wondered...what could my Wisdom want with him? Mocking his disfavour so soon?

My Sword, cooperate with Enweil when they give you orders. They will meet with your armies in time. I have maintained contact with their Supreme Chancellor and Field Marshal, and as a result they have given two regions to our care and led us to such a fresh and bountiful land. Send them your best captain for they want a test of their strength to show the world and my Epic. Give them consideration so that they do not become discouraged, and remember, I have my Epic's favour now. Be careful what you try to do, my Sword. How is my Shield, if you happen to know?

Sword could feel Wisdom's snicker at the end of that letter. So that's how he gained favour, by playing diplomacy with Enweil on behalf of Epic. He doubt that Epic even knows of what Wisdom is up to. He tore the parchment in pieces and growled. Another night without sleep was upon him.

Sword received news of declaration of war against Enweil and the take overs happening over two regions and smiled, wondering whether the rest of the world would understand what is happening.

My lord, news from my Epic. A servant brought over some parchment, upon which my Epic's orders were written in the olden language.

Sword scowled, for the letter reads as follows:

My Sword, your progress is slow. Look to the west, the fires and smoke rising is the beginning of the successful plan with Enweil. My Wisdom makes haste, while you are idling in the south. I see no smoke from where your scribes say you are. Why are you not conquering for my might? This will be the last of my letters to you. My Wisdom will directly lead you from now on.

Epic never understood the pains of war. He looked towards the north west and saw nothing. He did not expect to see anything, for he knew that Epic was simply tired of him. Wisdom was gaining favour. He simply hoped that Shield was doing well at her duties, for my Epic has nothing against her, where as for him...it was a long story. He thought about it for a long time, and realized that he has never told Shield about it yet. Perhaps one day when they meet again...

For now Sword has to do as Epic says. As my Epic wills, prepare to take over this land. Make haste. He was glad Lance was not around to speak in sarcastic tones regarding his disfavour with Epic, for Lance did not know...

My Shield, we have arrived in Jidington. Sword said softly to Shield, who was beside him, looking towards the ocean.

My Sword, it will be time to move on soon. My Epic does not wait for our pleasures or rest. Shield replied to Sword firmly.

You have always been so dedicated to him. I bet he does not even know we can speak the language of the land, of Beluaterra. Sword said vehemently, he did not like being ordered around by Epic.

All the better to keep it that way, my Sword. Shield replied in a low tone. We still have to obey, he is the Epic of Gilgamesh, so we must follow him until our lives are spent. For he must contend with something greater that will be. Don't you want to see the streams that he talked about in the south?

Shield smiled and Sword took her hand as they walked towards the new estate they took over in Jidington. It was quite a majestic estate, though fairly torn down. Countless beasts of their army are scattered in the forests around the estate.

My Shield, news arrived from my Epic to advance on the river banks. I do not the meaning of this, only I must obey. I await your return. Sword looked outside the window at his vast army and said softly to Shield who was away.

What's wrong, my Sword? Do you have a problem with his majesty's decisions? Lance walked into his room without knocking. Sword hated that.

I know that my Wisdom must be manipulating things. In the letter he mentioned this strange realm of Enweil, the same words as those border posts said when we sailed here. Sword grinned. It seems that my Epic has taken a liking to their ways. I don't know who's behind these orders these days.

Lance moved about the room, picking up the things left there by the previous owners. It is not time to contemplate, this is my Epic's will. It does not matter what his motivations is or where it is from. We must follow it. Come, it's time to go.

Lance quickly walked out of the room, knocking some vases and china from the shelves as he passed. Sword never liked Lance very much and reluctantly began organizing the ranks of his army.