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28-02-2010 - Died in a duel against Crescent Strika.
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Roleplay from Crescent Strika  (9 minutes ago)<br>
Message sent to everyone in your realm (84 recipients)
Crescent won the duel, but he did not feel victorious. Not one bit. Adrenaline was still pumping heavily in his veins, and he could vividly remember what happened.
Angadialas had come to Mnt.Sinclair for the duel. He wore a unique grey set of armor with greenish designs. It was a set of armor no one had, and no one knew of its origins. He held a dueling sword with a customized guard. It protected the hand and also extended towards the blade of the sword. It was used probably for blocking the blade or trapping it within. On his left hand he wore a clove with sharpened claws. There was also some powdery substance that Crescent could not identify.
Crescent on the other hand, wore his ceremonial suit of white armor with his longsword, customized for Crescent to maximize his fighting capability. His armor was about the same as the Justice Riders, but he wore a cloak bearing the Strika's family crest. The absence of a helmet was obvious. Crescent never liked the smell of the helmet that stuck to the hair. Besides, it would not give him enough fresh air to breathe and think properly.
Marshal Herunumen and a few others had already arrived, and they stood around somewhat tensed and nervous. No one sat on occasions such as these.
Angadialas and Crescent both prayed to Sigund and Sigrid respectively. After which, they turned and looked at each other in the eye.
"We've had our differences for far too long. This battle was in the making since time memorable, Angadialas. The time has finally come to settle the score. It is my hope that regardless of the outcome, this enmity of ours will be put to rest for good."
"It sounds fine with me, Crescent. Let's get on with it, we don't have all day. May the best man win."
"May the best man win." So saying, Crescent held his sword slightly aloft and walked slowly towards Angadialas. Angadialas did likewise. It was obvious that only one of them would walk away alive.
As Herunumen gave the sign that signalled the start of the duel, Crescent and Angadialas both used the exact same strokes. The battle raged back and forth as each of them sought to find weak spots in the other.
After a while, Crescent realized that Angadialas did not guard and use his left side as regularly as he should. Taking advantage of that, Crescent went in for a blow, but feinted at the last minute and struck Angadialas in the side.
Angadialas winced, but that was gone the next moment. Darkans never let pain affect them too much and too long. As their swords danced in the light, Crescent found openings, little at first, but more and more as time passed. None of Crescent's strikes hit home. Crescent knew that the minor wounds will add up slowly.
It was obvious where this fight would lead. After many such woundings, one had to admire Angadialas' strength, for he still stood and fought gallantly. He had, however, too many openings at this point. Crescent saw and made use of that. Striking with all his strength, Crescent knocked Angadialas' sword aside and plunged the sword full in his chest.
He saw Angadialas' eyes going wide open, then with a sigh, started to fall. Crescent caught Angadialas and supported him on the knee.
"Angadialas. It was a good fight. But why did you leave your left side open?"
"I keep a powder there so poisonous that inhaling would definitely have you in the grave. This duel is a duel of honor. One does not use cheap tricks and gadgets in such duels."
"Then it won't be a fair fight..." Crescent protested.
Angadialas cut him off, "The fight is over, what else matters? I only hope that you would take care of Scarlet. Our enmity would end with my death."
Crescent knew nothing could be done about Angadialas at this stage. "Hail and farewell, Angadialas. You fought well."
"Hail and farewell." And Angadialas was gone.
After the crowd had dispersed, only two people were left. Herunumen and Cellius, Angadialas' son aged 13 years old. Crescent withdrew his sword from Angadialas, wiped it, and sheathed it. Then, he carried Angadialas' body into the Holy Volcano, despite the extreme temperatures. He placed Angadialas in the lava and watched him slid under the lava to be one with Sigund.
As Crescent stood up, he felt tears trickling down his cheek. Wiping them away, he turned and climbed out to rejoin his friend Herunumen. Glancing at Cellius nearby, he saw that he was weeping for his father. There was only one thing left to do, that was to honor Angadialas by taking care of him and Scarlet.
When Crescent rejoined the Justice Riders, there were no congratulations. Neither was there a party. Those were for occasions of victory. This was no victory.
Crescent turned and told his men.
"Spread the word throughout the whole of Darka. Count Angadialas has perished. He died honorably. He died a Darkan. He will be commemorated as such."
Turning, he walked off with Herunumen. Where to, nobody knew. What they knew was that they would rejoin everyone by the next day.
Crescent Strika
Law Father of Darka
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Latest revision as of 09:13, 28 February 2010

Angadialas Greenleaf


[A Noble with a mind full of magic.]

Angadialas was born with his twin brother Falcion, from the beggining you could tell that even as twins they seem to have nothing else in common, he was somehow unnatural from the start, his pale skin and calmness. When Ang's hair started to grow first rumors started as his hair seems strange like grey. When he reached his 6 year another weird thing occured with his hair, it started to slowly change it's colur into a greenish of some sort. He grew not really carrying if someone pointed it out and people stoped when one of the boys laught at him was found dead week later. Everyone suspected Ang but none could prove anything, the boy had broken bones as if he fell from a stable close by.

Ang grew up emotionless, he rarely smiled or show any kind of emotions at all, he took hours in libraries and talking to schoolars and teachers. When he finally felt ready he asked father to start serving his realm, he requested some gold and some men for starters. Ronald looked into his eyes and knew that he can trust him to be relaiable and that he already made up his mind. Angadialas war carrier was preatty short, he moved to the front with the rest of the army, nothing special about his deeds. But he did managed to survive and get back without a scratch from another end of the continent.

When he came back a beurocrat position was opened and he quickly seen his chance. From that day his main weapon was his mind. He worked hard and soon was granted a Count position in Eurotan. He devoted his time to administration and alchemy studies that granted him a great deal of profit. He started designing new ways of using some fluid mixtures and other.

Usually quiet in his thought planning another move in his search for ultimate powers in means of mind and body. When he once wisited Mnt. Sinclair he was struck by some power he did not know. Soon he realized there was something new, he started to see and that this incident opened his eyes. Although he could not yet control what was granted to him, he know of what dark origin it was...and he liked it that way.

Now as time passed Angadialas still looks for some mysteries yet unsolved and tries to unlock their secret for whatever use they might give him in his quest for dominance.


28-02-2010 - Died in a duel against Crescent Strika.

Roleplay from Crescent Strika (9 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (84 recipients) Crescent won the duel, but he did not feel victorious. Not one bit. Adrenaline was still pumping heavily in his veins, and he could vividly remember what happened.

Angadialas had come to Mnt.Sinclair for the duel. He wore a unique grey set of armor with greenish designs. It was a set of armor no one had, and no one knew of its origins. He held a dueling sword with a customized guard. It protected the hand and also extended towards the blade of the sword. It was used probably for blocking the blade or trapping it within. On his left hand he wore a clove with sharpened claws. There was also some powdery substance that Crescent could not identify.

Crescent on the other hand, wore his ceremonial suit of white armor with his longsword, customized for Crescent to maximize his fighting capability. His armor was about the same as the Justice Riders, but he wore a cloak bearing the Strika's family crest. The absence of a helmet was obvious. Crescent never liked the smell of the helmet that stuck to the hair. Besides, it would not give him enough fresh air to breathe and think properly.

Marshal Herunumen and a few others had already arrived, and they stood around somewhat tensed and nervous. No one sat on occasions such as these.

Angadialas and Crescent both prayed to Sigund and Sigrid respectively. After which, they turned and looked at each other in the eye.

"We've had our differences for far too long. This battle was in the making since time memorable, Angadialas. The time has finally come to settle the score. It is my hope that regardless of the outcome, this enmity of ours will be put to rest for good."

"It sounds fine with me, Crescent. Let's get on with it, we don't have all day. May the best man win."

"May the best man win." So saying, Crescent held his sword slightly aloft and walked slowly towards Angadialas. Angadialas did likewise. It was obvious that only one of them would walk away alive.

As Herunumen gave the sign that signalled the start of the duel, Crescent and Angadialas both used the exact same strokes. The battle raged back and forth as each of them sought to find weak spots in the other.

After a while, Crescent realized that Angadialas did not guard and use his left side as regularly as he should. Taking advantage of that, Crescent went in for a blow, but feinted at the last minute and struck Angadialas in the side.

Angadialas winced, but that was gone the next moment. Darkans never let pain affect them too much and too long. As their swords danced in the light, Crescent found openings, little at first, but more and more as time passed. None of Crescent's strikes hit home. Crescent knew that the minor wounds will add up slowly.

It was obvious where this fight would lead. After many such woundings, one had to admire Angadialas' strength, for he still stood and fought gallantly. He had, however, too many openings at this point. Crescent saw and made use of that. Striking with all his strength, Crescent knocked Angadialas' sword aside and plunged the sword full in his chest.

He saw Angadialas' eyes going wide open, then with a sigh, started to fall. Crescent caught Angadialas and supported him on the knee.

"Angadialas. It was a good fight. But why did you leave your left side open?"

"I keep a powder there so poisonous that inhaling would definitely have you in the grave. This duel is a duel of honor. One does not use cheap tricks and gadgets in such duels."

"Then it won't be a fair fight..." Crescent protested.

Angadialas cut him off, "The fight is over, what else matters? I only hope that you would take care of Scarlet. Our enmity would end with my death."

Crescent knew nothing could be done about Angadialas at this stage. "Hail and farewell, Angadialas. You fought well."

"Hail and farewell." And Angadialas was gone.

After the crowd had dispersed, only two people were left. Herunumen and Cellius, Angadialas' son aged 13 years old. Crescent withdrew his sword from Angadialas, wiped it, and sheathed it. Then, he carried Angadialas' body into the Holy Volcano, despite the extreme temperatures. He placed Angadialas in the lava and watched him slid under the lava to be one with Sigund.

As Crescent stood up, he felt tears trickling down his cheek. Wiping them away, he turned and climbed out to rejoin his friend Herunumen. Glancing at Cellius nearby, he saw that he was weeping for his father. There was only one thing left to do, that was to honor Angadialas by taking care of him and Scarlet.

When Crescent rejoined the Justice Riders, there were no congratulations. Neither was there a party. Those were for occasions of victory. This was no victory.

Crescent turned and told his men.

"Spread the word throughout the whole of Darka. Count Angadialas has perished. He died honorably. He died a Darkan. He will be commemorated as such."

Turning, he walked off with Herunumen. Where to, nobody knew. What they knew was that they would rejoin everyone by the next day.

Crescent Strika Law Father of Darka