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The quest of Tadhg,Aethalmaer,Aeryk,Blaine,Xiahou and SilentKnight

''Aeryk, Aethaelmar, Arutha, Blaine, SilentKnight, Tadhg and Xiahou. Their names may not mean much to you yet. Or they may be well known to you. They set forth on this quest to destroy an ancient evil that threatened all they loved.''
Tadhg galloped into the forest.It was dusk,the moon rose quickly.It basked the twilight in a grey light.Tadhg's grandfather had always told him that Dusk and dawn were the times that the world was closest to the spirit world.A time when the barrier between night and day broke down.
A crack of lightning ripped through the sky.Tadhg was shocked as there had been no warning that a thunderstorm was brewing.He decided to get indoors as fast as possible.A bolt of lightning tore through the clouds and hit a tall oak beside him.
The tree burst into flames.Tadhg's horse threw him to the ground and bolted into the darkness.Tadhg landed heavily in a puddle of water.He was about to go running after his horse when he heard a noise.It was as if the wind was whispering to him.There was roll of thunder behind him.Tadhg spun around and let out a gasp at what he saw.
A figure stood in front of him.It was the deepest dark.It was not the darkness of night.It was as if the light fled from the figure.Tadhg ripped his sword from its sheath.
"What creature are you?" he screamed over the wind
A noise like the crying of a thousand souls left the figure
The noise seemed to have appeared in his head as if the figure could read his mind.
Tadhg screamed "What is this all about?Why have you come to me?"
The thing answered him
As he said this a scream ripped from the forest.Tadhg turned in shock.Nothing was there.Tadhg turned back towards the figure.There was nothing there.The figure had gone.
"No,come back.Tell me more.Who are the monks of ages?Who the hell is Marvalt?"
he screamed at the forest.
There was no answer.........

'''This is their story'''
Tadgh looked at the gathered warriors of Tara.The noble troop leaders each dedicated to Tara.He called for attention.The room went silent.
Chapter I  :[[The Prophecy]]

"I have come here today on an important mission." His voice echoed across the silent hall
Chapter II :[[The Great Ride]]

"I have recieved a prophecy,One which I cannot ignore.An ancient evil threatens the great nation of Tara.I will seek the monks of ages and they will tell me where to go"
Chapter III:[[The Darkness Grows]]

The monks of ages were Tadhg had read an ancient order dedicated to the preservation of Knowledge.The only problem was finding them.But for that Tadhg had a plan.
Chapter IV :[[The Monks of Ages]]

"The only thing I know is that there is a name to this evil,It is called Marvalt"
Chapter V  :[[The Howling Waste]]

Suddenly the door blew open as if it had a mind of its own.A foul wind blew in.
Chapter VI :[[Return from the dark]]
"SHUT THE DOOR" bellowed Tadhg.
When the door was closed he continued.
"This quest will involve great danger to whoever undertakes it.But it must be done.I call for a few brave men to follow me in this.We will find the heart of this threat and pierce it.We must save Tara" he paused
"Who will join me in this quest?"
He stared at the crowd and waited for an answer.
Aethelmaer was one of the many TL's listening to Tadhg's mission. As he ended, and asked for volunteers to help no one stood up. At first Aethelmaer thought it was suicide, but then thought maybe he could finally become the hero he always wanted to become. So Aethelmaer stands...
"I will help you on this perilous mission to find these Monks of Ages, or even if we have to fight this Marvalt, whoever he may be."
Aethelmaer walks to the front of the room and shakes Tadhg's hand.
"I will sacrifice my life for the glory of Tara, and to see that this evil is banished from whence it came."
Aethelmaer turns to the audience
"Will anyone else be joining us, on this quest to save Tara?"
More blank stares and whispers come from the audience as we wait.
xiahou hears the rumours of some noble Taran troop leaders heading on a quest for the glory of tara.
xiahou sits in the corner of the hall listening to Tadhg make his request and waiting for the warriors of tara to respond. no one notices his presence, and thats how he likes it. Usually only those bound for the grave get to look into his eyes, but xiahou stands and calls out to those in the room. Everyone turns with a slight look of suprise on their face, as if it was the first time they had seen him.
after a moment of silence the figure removes his hood and begins to speak.
"Warriors of tara, i have never been one to fear the unknown, and the more impossible the odds usually just provides a challenge for me."
He looks around the room at all the faces frozen, waiting for his next words
"I will join those who feel worthy of this quest, and lend my blade to anything that will protect the great realm of tara. No matter who the enemy, anything threatening my realm and my brothers will be cut down without mercy!"
the room fell silent once again as the warriors waited for a response and anymore volunteers.
Blaine had been sitting in the back of the chambers, up on top of a particularly large upright keg of ale and idly sharpening a black-hilted dagger on a whetstone. His blue eyes shone dimly in the gleam of the flickering torches as he listened quietly, seemingly completely inattentive. However, when the call arose and three men were already standing ready to join Tadhg on his quest, Blaine pushed himself to his feet, standing on top of the keg and folding his arms, blowing a stray strand of midnight black hair from his eyes.
"I, too, will go. You have my dagger and my bow. I'll have my second command my marksmen while we're away."
Hopping down from the keg, he made his way to the front, the soles of his boots scarcely making a sound on the stone floor.
As Aeryck marched quickly towards Foda with nothing more of an escort than a couple of scouts ahead and healers by his side, he noticed a rider quickly approaching. It was his scribe.
"What news do you bring from Foda?", he asked.
"Sir Aeryck, there has been a vision of terror for Tara. They are calling for volunteers to partake on a mission of strange mystique and danger to save our great land. Thus far only a few have stood to the challenge. Carelia quickly approaches with all her allies...Sir, bad things are happening..."
"Hold your breath son. If there is a way to save this great land then I shall be there to help do so. Ride back to the hall where they sit at this very moment and stand for me. I shall ride into every dark shadow of this world if it is asked of me, and if it shall help Tara remain the great land she has become.
"Take my horse. She's fresh. Ride fast, Son. RIDE!!!!! AND TELL THEM I AM COMING TO AIDE THEM ON THIS QWEST!!!!"
Blackknight sits in the middle of the crowd, though his presence is quite unnoticed. To most he is simply a new noble, but of course they are unaware of the Orden family. He stands, pulling back the hooded cloak to reveal long black hair and cold blue eyes. The lines under eyes tell of a man who as seen much war, surprising most of the company. If they only knew he was among the old nobles that formed Tara many years ago....but his fellows of that time have long since passed from this world.
He thinks to himself, "So, this young lad has seen a vision of death has he? He seems smart and pure enough...but many other dangers are turning their eyes to Tara. sigh Well, someone has to look after them, they will have my sword and, should they ask, my experience."
SilentKnight makes his way to the front and stands beside Tadhg, no words are needed.

Latest revision as of 22:58, 13 May 2009


Aeryk, Aethaelmar, Arutha, Blaine, SilentKnight, Tadhg and Xiahou. Their names may not mean much to you yet. Or they may be well known to you. They set forth on this quest to destroy an ancient evil that threatened all they loved.

This is their story

Chapter I  :The Prophecy

Chapter II :The Great Ride

Chapter III:The Darkness Grows

Chapter IV :The Monks of Ages

Chapter V  :The Howling Waste

Chapter VI :Return from the dark