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The Hero Queen Gwynyth was killed in the battle of Scio against Perdan, at age 65, on 2009-10-07.
The Hero Queen Gwynyth was killed in the battle of Scio against Perdan, at age 65, on 2009-10-07.
Haze cursed. His soldiers were still running around Scio like frightened cattle and now his scribe brought him news of Lady's death.
"How could this have happened. Routed by the enemy in his own region.
"Captain!!! Get these men under control!" He shouted desperately and realized that the captain was no where to be seen.
"Useless dog!!! I'll gut you when I have the chance!" Haze shouted in agony.
He had to move out back to Domus most of his men still lay immobile wounded and hurt. At this rate the Perdanese would find them soon. Even the woods of Scio he now knew as the back of his hand would not protect them. Their wailing could be heard a mile away by a deaf goat.
Zoe just woke op recovering from her wound inflicted by a Perdan infiltrator. A ambassador had diplomatic protection, she wasn't part of the army. How could Perdan disrespect that fact....she thought about the old times when she went to Partora as a young girl.
She always enjoyed the grand festivals and playing with the younger Perdan nobility in those days..but now. They were slaughtering the people of nascot like cattle....Then she received the news that the Duchess of Domus was killed...she wept hearing the news.
None were safe these days, peasants, nobility, Lords or an Ambassador.
Doombringer comes back from the frontlines from Meuse. Not much resistance from Perdanese troops was found. Suddenly one of his scribes comes in
"My king, bad news. Lady Gwynyth has died in a skirmish in Scio."
Doombringer sighs "You are dismissed thank you". He then walks around the field thinking to himself. My good friend I will avenge you - a tear slowly going down the King's cheek.
I cant believe she died...
After the battle, Bjorn returns to the camp. He grab a mug of mead and start to read the numerous letters. Soon he reads a disturbing one...
- Ludwig! It's a kind of a joke or the Perdanese have forged this letter to try confuse us...? - Bjorn show the letter to Ludwig.
- My Lord, this is real. Lady Gwynyth is dead. She died at Scio skirmish.
Bjorn look around, thinking. He drinks and look again to Ludwig.
- She had a good life, and now a good death. Odin will take care of her... Now leave and let me... ...work.
Bjorn empties the mug and refill again.
- Once you told me my Lord, that you was a knight of Lady Gwyn..
Ludwig leaves Bjorn's tent in silence.
Cuthbert had just set his tent up, or rather watched from horseback as his tent was set up for him, and was now inspecting reports of recent movements of enemy forces on a small table inside. He could here a few of his men laughing outside around a camp fire, their horses being tended to. Within a few minutes Cuthbert read the report of movement into Scio and of a battle that had ensued there, details were sketchy but it seemed Caligan forces there had been overwhelmed.
Cuthbert heard a distant horn blowing summoning members of the council. He gathered the documents and as he was putting them away for further perusal heard the flap of his tent ruffle, he siezed his axe from a nearby stool, where it lay with his belt and hip flask and turned on the intruder, relaxing when he saw it was Ralph his squire.
Ralph was of noble descent, a distant relative of Cuthbert's, which was probably the reason he was in good stead. Cuthbert liked the young man, and considered him a trustworthy advisor and a good middleman with the men, who were afraid of Cuthbert's short temper.
Cuthbert smiled wanly but soon saw the mixture of sorrow, fright and dumbfoundedness. Cuthbert tossed him the hip flask, 'You look like you need a stiff drink, walk with me to the King's pavillion.' Taking his belt and holstering his axe, he emerged from the tent to see the men no longer cheery, but looking morose and then he knew something had happened. He turned on Ralph, 'Who's dead?'
'Gwynyth, my lord' replied Ralph in a barely audible whisper.
Cuthbert stared his jaw locked. He took the hip flask and drank deeply as he strode to the kings pavillion only a few yards away. As he reached it the guards allowed him passage and inside he found the most saddening sight confirming what he had just heard. Gwynyth's seat was not empty as it was usually the case when out in the field, but had been draped in a black veil. Cuthbert collapsed into his usual chair in between the King's and Cartor's and directly opposite Gwynyth's.
A few of the seats had yet to be filled including the King's, the few who were there were avoiding eachother's gaze. Cartor sat on Cuthbert's right and was focusing on filling his pipe with shaking hands, but occasionally stealing a look at Gwynyth's chair opposite. Cuthbert took another swig from his flask and passed it to Cartor who had put the pipe down and emptied the vessel. Their eyes met, both full with tears.
Captain walked closer to still mournful Yuuna.
"My lady. You are of a few Knights of Domus. And it is with out a lord now..."
"I see where you are going with this but I have no claim on Domus nor have I earned my name in this realm yet." Yuuna snapped.
"Still. It would not hurt to put your name up for consideration." Capatain said cautiously.
"No! I let her die. I will not take her place!"
"My lady. It is how this world runs."
"Fine!!! It is useless and stupid but put my name up! Just as long as you leave me in peace! Begone!"
"Yes, milady." The captain smiled and walked off to the messenger.
"Let the council of the Kingdom know that Yuuna is wishing to be considered for the ladyship of Domus. Go now!"
"Idiot...There are much better knights there then I am." Yuuna sighed as she watched the scribe gallop away.
Yuuna allowed a tear to run down her cheek. She was not in the realm for long but grew fond of her liege. IF only her unit was not over run as it was...she was but a few paces away from the Lady... She watched mournfully as the captain and few men who could walk tended to the rest of the wounded. For a moment she thought of abandoning the unit to make it in time for the funeral but discarded the thought quickly these men needed someone to get them home. Healers ran around trying to patch up as best they could to move out quickly.
"Damn it all..." Yuuna muttered to her self. The image of her liege being struck down would stay in her mind forever.
"Lady?" Captain walked up.
"I was right there...Right next to her...What good a knight am I if I cannot protect those I serve?"
"A good one My lady. We were overwhelmed and Lady fought as best as she could protecting this region. She died a hero's death."
"Here..." She tossed a small pouch of gold to the captain.
"Send this to Domus and find the best sculptor there. It may not be much but I hope others will pitch in. I want an obelisk with erected in her memory. Let it stand proud in Domus as the reminder of all that she did."
"Obelisk? Of what?"
"Obsidian. It will outlast us all. Her family crest and her name must be on it. My family will provide the materials. Do it."
"My lady." The captain bowed and headed to find a messenger.
One of the person I respected most and whose advice I considered very seriously has just passed away. Duchess Gwynyth will forever be remembered and I do swear that Perdan will pay for this atrocity. By killing the one we all held in high regard, loved and respected, they have fanned the flames of hatred and vengeance.
<i>Message sent to everyone in the region Scio.</i>
Husaria (21) take 421 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.<br>
Gwynyth Kazan, Duchess of Domus has been killed.<br>
What a great tragedy. My condolences to the former Caligan Queen and Duchess of Domus.
<i>Message sent to everyone in "Sanctus Acies". </i>
A sad day when one of us leaves to their afterlife. Duchess Kazan died as a hero in battle. Died as a warrior. Let us not forget that. We do not know our own hour when we will depart as we did not knew it when we came here.
Our sides might differ but we here in the temple are as one. Let us pray for our sister. The Arch Temple Guardian, Duchess of Domus, Lady Gwynyth Kazan!
I am troubled by my choice to go from Domus to Winkamus.
I could have gone to Scio instead and altered the course of the battle.
It feels like its my fault.
The Duchess, his mother had fallen in battle. The scout reports came in Perdan were marching to Meuse, but Parmenion could not leave.
He had seen her fall, keeping his emotions in check he searched for the body. There she was lying in a bloody mess on the fields of Meuse. Gently he lifted her and carried her to his cart, for a long time he just sat and talked to her expecting an answer which would never come.
His Captain touched his arm, "Sir the Perdaneese are coming" Parmenion new they were it was time to leave, "Captain make ready to move out" the Captain responded "Sir, you misunderstand the Perdaneese are already here, look on the ridge of the hill"
There they were "May yhe gods protect us! Captain defensive square now"
The battle was short and brutal. Most of his men gone, 15 wounded was all that was left. The time to leave was now before it was to late again. As they went he thought, Mother you will be avenged....
The walls of Hamadan trembled with the sceams from Revelation. The messenger had long gone, the crumpled parchment still in his hand.
She was never a sister inlaw but overall Duchess Gwynyth Kazan was family. His thoughts turned to Parmenion, the image of his mother, the intelect of his father but with the blind rage of uncle. His problem, who will he strike out at? Family? Friends? Enemies?
Revelation entered into the Temple and quietly sat in meditation, he began the search of soul, to reunite the souls in the Hall of the two lovers would be a glad reunion but if it is left to long th soul could be lost in the void....
The brothers Ukla and Erock sat across from each other, glasses of wine hardly touched since the news came in. What began as a celebration of glorious victory turned quickly into a state of shock.
"Dead? How could she be dead?" Those were the last words that either brother had spoken, and that was nigh on an hour ago. Since then, they had each been absorbed by their own dark thoughts and joyous memories of the Duchess, which mixed together to give each of them an endless emotional cascade that spanned the breadth of human experience.
"She was the voice of reason and restraint," Ukla muttered to the shadows that shifted menacingly about the tent with the flickering of the candlelight. So lost was he in his own dark mood that he didn't even realize that he had said that out loud. When Erock responded, Ukla almost jumped out of his seat, having forgotten that Erock was even there.
"She was always kind to me, and did all she could to safeguard her duchy and her people. Although I may not have known her as well as you, my brother, I feel the loss as if it were one of my own appendages. Nay, as if it were my heart, itself."
Ukla sighed. "I am disheartened for the Council, Erock. While us children fought amongst ourselves with our petty differences, she was like our mother; always guiding, always defusing. The king will take this particularly hard, as they balanced and supported each other in shared experience and wisdom."
Erock considered for a minute and said, "Perhaps, but the king is, as you say, wise and experienced. The pain may be greater than we can imagine, but he is a king, and will take this loss and absorb it. He will surely miss her voice, but he will move on, as he has the realm and the war to take care of. His duty and his honour will not allow him to dwell too much on her loss. It is the other lords of the realm that I fear for. As you say, it will be as if they have lost their own mother, each and every one of them."
Ukla heard his brother and nodded, but it was only a matter of minutes until his mind turned back to the darkness and he lost interest in the current converstaion. Erock was no different.
Once again, the brothers fell into a deep silence, and fell away from each other into the grief that they separately shared. It was a long time before either of them touched their wine.
The baroness woke up with the healers on her estate in the morning after the battle, her first action was to call on her captain.
How´s everything Wolfgang? How´s our people? asked Reona sitting on her chair
They´re fine my lady, our walls suffered great damage, but we defended everyone we could, sent them inside the mountains as you instructed in case of an attack
That´s good. And my unit?
There are only 3 left my lady, wounded and with the healers
She started looking at Caligus map on her desk thinking
My lady, there is another thing I should tell you...layd Gwynyth was killed while defending the walls, she fell after you were wounded.
Reona stood looking at her map, looking without saying nothing with nothing but anger filling her. Her toughts leading her to Revelation and then Parmenion, they would suffer more then everyone else, and should reamin strongh while they suffer.
Bringe me my horse, the Council should meet soon. She finally said to the captain Send some men and bring her body here until we can send it to Domus for her funeral. She was a friend, we didn´t agreed in much but still she was a friend. Protect her until Parmenion comes, he should decide what to do with his mother body.
The king sent order to rally in Scio my lady
Good then prepare the estates, whe should greet the council and everyone else, now leave, I have things to do.
Yes my lady
The Captain left leaving Reona alone with her toughts.
His Queen and one true love dead, Vapor set his eyes upon the one thing left to him in his despair: Vengeance.
In but two hours Vapor would reach the summit of the peaks of Bursa and his foe, the King of Perdan. His scouts reported that the King, true to his word, was almost there himself, alone but for his unit. Vapor's feelings of unrequited love made his steps heavy but determined. Soon he would again see his Queen of love in the afterlife... and her husband, the only man he had ever called friend. What a happy but bitter reunion that would be, if indeed there was an afterlife at all and he was bound for it. To much had been left unsaid and undone in his life, perhaps death would finally ease Vapor's eternal suffering. If nothing else it would be the most noble of ways to die. Two hours until his final dawn.
Kevin finally saw the gates of Domus come into view. A lot had happened since he last saw them, and he was sore. During his entire trip back, Kevin just kept replaying the events over in his head.
He was there. He saw the Perdanese fighters crash against her unit. Kevin shouted at his still standing men to move forward and reinforce the Dutchess in some mad hope that they could save her. Kevin gave his orders as his armor was pierced by a Perdanese arrow. Still, he continued his charge with his men. He kept moving, fighting against the pain. He would not let one of his fellow nobles fall.
He kept moving as he pulled out the dagger he kept with him. The dagger that he was given when he began his career as an infiltrator. The dagger that had silenced many. Looking at it in his hand, he felt its familiar grip, though he had not known it for some time. It all came back to him... the technique... the form. It would again sing out and silence his enemies. Kevin looked ahead, the pain in his side growing more intense. He could see the battle now. The battle standards clashed, men yelled, and metal rang out against metal.
He closed within mere yards of where he last saw the Dutchess when the pain became too much. He fell to the ground and knew blackness.
Several hours later he was awoken by his healers. Sitting bolt upright, he felt a sharp pain where the arrow had struck him. His healers insisted that he remain laying, lest he dislodge any part of the arrow that remained.
"Did.... did we get to her in time?" Kevin asked.
His healers remained silent. He knew what this meant. They hadn't. Noone was able to. And now one of his fellow Caligans would not return home.
The memories from this point onwards were fuzzy... merely flashes in his mind. He returned to his present situation.
Kevin was not a spiritual man. He was a man of action, a man of truth. He did not know the Dutchess well, but he knew the value of a life, and he intended to settle that debt with the Perdanese.
He knew now what he must do. For the Dutchess, for his men, for all of the men killed in that battle, and perhaps most importantly, for himself.
Kevin crossed into the gates of Domus, back through the familiar passageways and corridors. He told his captain to go home and see his family and to enjoy their company while he still had the time to enjoy it.
Kevin continued onwards, into the city. He came across a familiar building which he had not been to in a long while. He knocked on the door and was greeted by an old man who stared at him questioningly
"I have known the horrors of battle. I have seen men die," he said, "I have seen a mother killed, and I have seen her son grieve."
"The very things I told you would complete this phase of your training. And what is it you seek, my son?" <br>
<i>Message sent to Doombringer Menethil</i><br>
Lord Doombringer,
the very sad news I got today about my sister's death. The news did reach me together with her last letter to me.
<i>My dear Sister,
I did not see you for the longer time and I feel I will not see you anymore. I am and feel old and weak for the long travels. I feel tired of life. Every evening I look at my old wounds and scars recalling all those battles for life and death, wondering how I did not die yet? Did someone curse me to suffer the old age and die in bed? The heros should die young, don't you think my dear hero sister?
But maybe the long life is a blessing, I could find my only child Parmenion, I could see my Caligus grow in power and strength to oppose the invaders, I still can join the glorious battles and fight for the realm and King. As long as I can hold the sword in my hand I am happy - the battles are the gates to Hall of Heros and you know, my sister, who awaits me there. Eagles Reach, I miss him so much...</i>
I believe my sister Gwynyth is happy now and I think Caligus should not mourn her with tears but honour by fight sword in hand for victory. I believe that the Hero Queen would wish it with all her heart.<br>

Latest revision as of 01:44, 12 October 2009

The Hero Queen Gwynyth was killed in the battle of Scio against Perdan, at age 65, on 2009-10-07.


Haze cursed. His soldiers were still running around Scio like frightened cattle and now his scribe brought him news of Lady's death.
"How could this have happened. Routed by the enemy in his own region.
"Captain!!! Get these men under control!" He shouted desperately and realized that the captain was no where to be seen.
"Useless dog!!! I'll gut you when I have the chance!" Haze shouted in agony.
He had to move out back to Domus most of his men still lay immobile wounded and hurt. At this rate the Perdanese would find them soon. Even the woods of Scio he now knew as the back of his hand would not protect them. Their wailing could be heard a mile away by a deaf goat.


Zoe just woke op recovering from her wound inflicted by a Perdan infiltrator. A ambassador had diplomatic protection, she wasn't part of the army. How could Perdan disrespect that fact....she thought about the old times when she went to Partora as a young girl.
She always enjoyed the grand festivals and playing with the younger Perdan nobility in those days..but now. They were slaughtering the people of nascot like cattle....Then she received the news that the Duchess of Domus was killed...she wept hearing the news.
None were safe these days, peasants, nobility, Lords or an Ambassador.


Doombringer comes back from the frontlines from Meuse. Not much resistance from Perdanese troops was found. Suddenly one of his scribes comes in
"My king, bad news. Lady Gwynyth has died in a skirmish in Scio."
Doombringer sighs "You are dismissed thank you". He then walks around the field thinking to himself. My good friend I will avenge you - a tear slowly going down the King's cheek.


I cant believe she died...


After the battle, Bjorn returns to the camp. He grab a mug of mead and start to read the numerous letters. Soon he reads a disturbing one...
- Ludwig! It's a kind of a joke or the Perdanese have forged this letter to try confuse us...? - Bjorn show the letter to Ludwig.
- My Lord, this is real. Lady Gwynyth is dead. She died at Scio skirmish.
Bjorn look around, thinking. He drinks and look again to Ludwig.
- She had a good life, and now a good death. Odin will take care of her... Now leave and let me... ...work.
Bjorn empties the mug and refill again.
- Once you told me my Lord, that you was a knight of Lady Gwyn..
Ludwig leaves Bjorn's tent in silence.


Cuthbert had just set his tent up, or rather watched from horseback as his tent was set up for him, and was now inspecting reports of recent movements of enemy forces on a small table inside. He could here a few of his men laughing outside around a camp fire, their horses being tended to. Within a few minutes Cuthbert read the report of movement into Scio and of a battle that had ensued there, details were sketchy but it seemed Caligan forces there had been overwhelmed.
Cuthbert heard a distant horn blowing summoning members of the council. He gathered the documents and as he was putting them away for further perusal heard the flap of his tent ruffle, he siezed his axe from a nearby stool, where it lay with his belt and hip flask and turned on the intruder, relaxing when he saw it was Ralph his squire.
Ralph was of noble descent, a distant relative of Cuthbert's, which was probably the reason he was in good stead. Cuthbert liked the young man, and considered him a trustworthy advisor and a good middleman with the men, who were afraid of Cuthbert's short temper.
Cuthbert smiled wanly but soon saw the mixture of sorrow, fright and dumbfoundedness. Cuthbert tossed him the hip flask, 'You look like you need a stiff drink, walk with me to the King's pavillion.' Taking his belt and holstering his axe, he emerged from the tent to see the men no longer cheery, but looking morose and then he knew something had happened. He turned on Ralph, 'Who's dead?'
'Gwynyth, my lord' replied Ralph in a barely audible whisper.
Cuthbert stared his jaw locked. He took the hip flask and drank deeply as he strode to the kings pavillion only a few yards away. As he reached it the guards allowed him passage and inside he found the most saddening sight confirming what he had just heard. Gwynyth's seat was not empty as it was usually the case when out in the field, but had been draped in a black veil. Cuthbert collapsed into his usual chair in between the King's and Cartor's and directly opposite Gwynyth's.
A few of the seats had yet to be filled including the King's, the few who were there were avoiding eachother's gaze. Cartor sat on Cuthbert's right and was focusing on filling his pipe with shaking hands, but occasionally stealing a look at Gwynyth's chair opposite. Cuthbert took another swig from his flask and passed it to Cartor who had put the pipe down and emptied the vessel. Their eyes met, both full with tears.


Captain walked closer to still mournful Yuuna.
"My lady. You are of a few Knights of Domus. And it is with out a lord now..."
"I see where you are going with this but I have no claim on Domus nor have I earned my name in this realm yet." Yuuna snapped.
"Still. It would not hurt to put your name up for consideration." Capatain said cautiously.
"No! I let her die. I will not take her place!"
"My lady. It is how this world runs."
"Fine!!! It is useless and stupid but put my name up! Just as long as you leave me in peace! Begone!"
"Yes, milady." The captain smiled and walked off to the messenger.
"Let the council of the Kingdom know that Yuuna is wishing to be considered for the ladyship of Domus. Go now!"
"Idiot...There are much better knights there then I am." Yuuna sighed as she watched the scribe gallop away.
Yuuna allowed a tear to run down her cheek. She was not in the realm for long but grew fond of her liege. IF only her unit was not over run as it was...she was but a few paces away from the Lady... She watched mournfully as the captain and few men who could walk tended to the rest of the wounded. For a moment she thought of abandoning the unit to make it in time for the funeral but discarded the thought quickly these men needed someone to get them home. Healers ran around trying to patch up as best they could to move out quickly.
"Damn it all..." Yuuna muttered to her self. The image of her liege being struck down would stay in her mind forever.
"Lady?" Captain walked up.
"I was right there...Right next to her...What good a knight am I if I cannot protect those I serve?"
"A good one My lady. We were overwhelmed and Lady fought as best as she could protecting this region. She died a hero's death."
"Here..." She tossed a small pouch of gold to the captain.
"Send this to Domus and find the best sculptor there. It may not be much but I hope others will pitch in. I want an obelisk with erected in her memory. Let it stand proud in Domus as the reminder of all that she did."
"Obelisk? Of what?"
"Obsidian. It will outlast us all. Her family crest and her name must be on it. My family will provide the materials. Do it."
"My lady." The captain bowed and headed to find a messenger.


One of the person I respected most and whose advice I considered very seriously has just passed away. Duchess Gwynyth will forever be remembered and I do swear that Perdan will pay for this atrocity. By killing the one we all held in high regard, loved and respected, they have fanned the flames of hatred and vengeance.


Message sent to everyone in the region Scio.
Husaria (21) take 421 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Gwynyth Kazan, Duchess of Domus has been killed.

What a great tragedy. My condolences to the former Caligan Queen and Duchess of Domus.


Message sent to everyone in "Sanctus Acies".
A sad day when one of us leaves to their afterlife. Duchess Kazan died as a hero in battle. Died as a warrior. Let us not forget that. We do not know our own hour when we will depart as we did not knew it when we came here.
Our sides might differ but we here in the temple are as one. Let us pray for our sister. The Arch Temple Guardian, Duchess of Domus, Lady Gwynyth Kazan!


I am troubled by my choice to go from Domus to Winkamus. I could have gone to Scio instead and altered the course of the battle. It feels like its my fault.


The Duchess, his mother had fallen in battle. The scout reports came in Perdan were marching to Meuse, but Parmenion could not leave.
He had seen her fall, keeping his emotions in check he searched for the body. There she was lying in a bloody mess on the fields of Meuse. Gently he lifted her and carried her to his cart, for a long time he just sat and talked to her expecting an answer which would never come.
His Captain touched his arm, "Sir the Perdaneese are coming" Parmenion new they were it was time to leave, "Captain make ready to move out" the Captain responded "Sir, you misunderstand the Perdaneese are already here, look on the ridge of the hill"
There they were "May yhe gods protect us! Captain defensive square now"
The battle was short and brutal. Most of his men gone, 15 wounded was all that was left. The time to leave was now before it was to late again. As they went he thought, Mother you will be avenged....


The walls of Hamadan trembled with the sceams from Revelation. The messenger had long gone, the crumpled parchment still in his hand.
She was never a sister inlaw but overall Duchess Gwynyth Kazan was family. His thoughts turned to Parmenion, the image of his mother, the intelect of his father but with the blind rage of uncle. His problem, who will he strike out at? Family? Friends? Enemies?
Revelation entered into the Temple and quietly sat in meditation, he began the search of soul, to reunite the souls in the Hall of the two lovers would be a glad reunion but if it is left to long th soul could be lost in the void....


The brothers Ukla and Erock sat across from each other, glasses of wine hardly touched since the news came in. What began as a celebration of glorious victory turned quickly into a state of shock.
"Dead? How could she be dead?" Those were the last words that either brother had spoken, and that was nigh on an hour ago. Since then, they had each been absorbed by their own dark thoughts and joyous memories of the Duchess, which mixed together to give each of them an endless emotional cascade that spanned the breadth of human experience.
"She was the voice of reason and restraint," Ukla muttered to the shadows that shifted menacingly about the tent with the flickering of the candlelight. So lost was he in his own dark mood that he didn't even realize that he had said that out loud. When Erock responded, Ukla almost jumped out of his seat, having forgotten that Erock was even there.
"She was always kind to me, and did all she could to safeguard her duchy and her people. Although I may not have known her as well as you, my brother, I feel the loss as if it were one of my own appendages. Nay, as if it were my heart, itself."
Ukla sighed. "I am disheartened for the Council, Erock. While us children fought amongst ourselves with our petty differences, she was like our mother; always guiding, always defusing. The king will take this particularly hard, as they balanced and supported each other in shared experience and wisdom."
Erock considered for a minute and said, "Perhaps, but the king is, as you say, wise and experienced. The pain may be greater than we can imagine, but he is a king, and will take this loss and absorb it. He will surely miss her voice, but he will move on, as he has the realm and the war to take care of. His duty and his honour will not allow him to dwell too much on her loss. It is the other lords of the realm that I fear for. As you say, it will be as if they have lost their own mother, each and every one of them."
Ukla heard his brother and nodded, but it was only a matter of minutes until his mind turned back to the darkness and he lost interest in the current converstaion. Erock was no different.
Once again, the brothers fell into a deep silence, and fell away from each other into the grief that they separately shared. It was a long time before either of them touched their wine.


The baroness woke up with the healers on her estate in the morning after the battle, her first action was to call on her captain.
How´s everything Wolfgang? How´s our people? asked Reona sitting on her chair
They´re fine my lady, our walls suffered great damage, but we defended everyone we could, sent them inside the mountains as you instructed in case of an attack
That´s good. And my unit?
There are only 3 left my lady, wounded and with the healers
She started looking at Caligus map on her desk thinking
My lady, there is another thing I should tell you...layd Gwynyth was killed while defending the walls, she fell after you were wounded.
Reona stood looking at her map, looking without saying nothing with nothing but anger filling her. Her toughts leading her to Revelation and then Parmenion, they would suffer more then everyone else, and should reamin strongh while they suffer.
Bringe me my horse, the Council should meet soon. She finally said to the captain Send some men and bring her body here until we can send it to Domus for her funeral. She was a friend, we didn´t agreed in much but still she was a friend. Protect her until Parmenion comes, he should decide what to do with his mother body.
The king sent order to rally in Scio my lady
Good then prepare the estates, whe should greet the council and everyone else, now leave, I have things to do.
Yes my lady
The Captain left leaving Reona alone with her toughts.


His Queen and one true love dead, Vapor set his eyes upon the one thing left to him in his despair: Vengeance.

In but two hours Vapor would reach the summit of the peaks of Bursa and his foe, the King of Perdan. His scouts reported that the King, true to his word, was almost there himself, alone but for his unit. Vapor's feelings of unrequited love made his steps heavy but determined. Soon he would again see his Queen of love in the afterlife... and her husband, the only man he had ever called friend. What a happy but bitter reunion that would be, if indeed there was an afterlife at all and he was bound for it. To much had been left unsaid and undone in his life, perhaps death would finally ease Vapor's eternal suffering. If nothing else it would be the most noble of ways to die. Two hours until his final dawn.


Kevin finally saw the gates of Domus come into view. A lot had happened since he last saw them, and he was sore. During his entire trip back, Kevin just kept replaying the events over in his head.
He was there. He saw the Perdanese fighters crash against her unit. Kevin shouted at his still standing men to move forward and reinforce the Dutchess in some mad hope that they could save her. Kevin gave his orders as his armor was pierced by a Perdanese arrow. Still, he continued his charge with his men. He kept moving, fighting against the pain. He would not let one of his fellow nobles fall.
He kept moving as he pulled out the dagger he kept with him. The dagger that he was given when he began his career as an infiltrator. The dagger that had silenced many. Looking at it in his hand, he felt its familiar grip, though he had not known it for some time. It all came back to him... the technique... the form. It would again sing out and silence his enemies. Kevin looked ahead, the pain in his side growing more intense. He could see the battle now. The battle standards clashed, men yelled, and metal rang out against metal.
He closed within mere yards of where he last saw the Dutchess when the pain became too much. He fell to the ground and knew blackness.
Several hours later he was awoken by his healers. Sitting bolt upright, he felt a sharp pain where the arrow had struck him. His healers insisted that he remain laying, lest he dislodge any part of the arrow that remained.
"Did.... did we get to her in time?" Kevin asked.
His healers remained silent. He knew what this meant. They hadn't. Noone was able to. And now one of his fellow Caligans would not return home.
The memories from this point onwards were fuzzy... merely flashes in his mind. He returned to his present situation.
Kevin was not a spiritual man. He was a man of action, a man of truth. He did not know the Dutchess well, but he knew the value of a life, and he intended to settle that debt with the Perdanese.
He knew now what he must do. For the Dutchess, for his men, for all of the men killed in that battle, and perhaps most importantly, for himself.
Kevin crossed into the gates of Domus, back through the familiar passageways and corridors. He told his captain to go home and see his family and to enjoy their company while he still had the time to enjoy it.
Kevin continued onwards, into the city. He came across a familiar building which he had not been to in a long while. He knocked on the door and was greeted by an old man who stared at him questioningly
"I have known the horrors of battle. I have seen men die," he said, "I have seen a mother killed, and I have seen her son grieve."
"The very things I told you would complete this phase of your training. And what is it you seek, my son?"


Message sent to Doombringer Menethil
Lord Doombringer,
the very sad news I got today about my sister's death. The news did reach me together with her last letter to me.

My dear Sister,
I did not see you for the longer time and I feel I will not see you anymore. I am and feel old and weak for the long travels. I feel tired of life. Every evening I look at my old wounds and scars recalling all those battles for life and death, wondering how I did not die yet? Did someone curse me to suffer the old age and die in bed? The heros should die young, don't you think my dear hero sister?
But maybe the long life is a blessing, I could find my only child Parmenion, I could see my Caligus grow in power and strength to oppose the invaders, I still can join the glorious battles and fight for the realm and King. As long as I can hold the sword in my hand I am happy - the battles are the gates to Hall of Heros and you know, my sister, who awaits me there. Eagles Reach, I miss him so much...

I believe my sister Gwynyth is happy now and I think Caligus should not mourn her with tears but honour by fight sword in hand for victory. I believe that the Hero Queen would wish it with all her heart.