Arrakis Family/Boreal/Death: Difference between revisions

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m (Arakiss Family/Boreal/Death moved to Arrakis Family/Boreal/Death: Family name has been changed, and as such all the pages need to be moved to a new proper place, the new family page. :P)
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Latest revision as of 14:32, 8 October 2009

Roleplay from Sir Brance Indirik
Message sent to everyone in your realm (33 recipients)
The passing of King Boreal is a sad day indeed. He was one of the original

colonists of Astrum who helped forge the path for all to follow in the west. The noble who led the first successful colony expedition to the grand city of Darfix.

The Stars shall mourn this day for a long time to come.
Sir Brance Indirik (Fiduciary of Astrum, Duke of Libidizedd, Marshal of the Warders of the Island Citadel)

Roleplay from Sir Rev Athins
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
Rev sat in the common room of an inn on Darfix. He had been here for some

days, waiting for any Recruitment Center to draft some men. Niselur was still trying to recover from the disastrous winter. He raised his glass to take a sip of wine, when a boy burst into the common room, saw Rev, and rushed across the room to him ignoring screams from the owner to slow down. The boy looked as if he had been running for a few hours. He reached Rev and spoke;

"The King... he... catacombs... Shield of Righteousness..."

"Here," Rev gestured to the chair across from him as he spoke, "calm down and catch your breath. Now again... slowly."

"The King sent me to instruct you to go to the catacombs, he said that in the deepest chamber you will find the The Shield of Righteousness. He said, it 'is the first and it is my legacy. He who carries that shield is a rightful heir to the throne of Niselur.' He said he wants you to have it. He didn't look too well when he was giving me this message."

As the boy talked Rev could feel his stomach turn over. Fears of what might be happening raced through his head. Could the King be dying? Did he know something Rev didn't, was there an assassin after the King?

"Take me to the King's chambers," Rev instructed the boy.

"But Sir the catacombs..." the boy cut off at Rev's stare and began walking to the door. The boy lead Rev through the city to the palace, where Rev over took him, half running to the King's Chambers.

The two enter the antechamber leading to the Kings apartments. Quite a few people are milling around but Rev notices the High Treasurer Qadan standing in the far corner. He sees Rev and after a moment gives a slight nod and walks over to Rev.

"Your Grace, have you come to see the fallen king?"

As the young banker spoke Rev finally began noticing what was happening around him. Priests and Morticians moved around with a purpose, their effort centered around a table in the center of the chamber. Rev turned from Qadan, stumbling over to the table and falling to his knees in front of the table. The

Kings body lay there.
Sir Rev Athins (High Inquisitor of Niselur)

Roleplay from Gambit Dragomir
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
It seemed only yesterday that Gambit first set foot in Mimer...

Strategos Boreal had given the order to defend the Well of Mimer from repeated attacks from monsters and undead. What a sight to see your Liege command such a formidable army defending the east gate to Astrum!

Seeing the monsters for the first time surprised Gambit but the SA banner in the heart of the fray only drove him to success. With only 3 of Dizeddo's Champions of Light still standing under his control, the monsters were defeated.

It was a dark time for Gambit to adapt. Boreal had high status in Astrum, Left his seat as Strategos and everything else to Gambit to become King of Niselur. I

wish I could have repaid him in some way for lighting my way.
Gambit Dragomir (Marquis of Dizeddo)

Roleplay from Sir Aram Stien
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
Aram sat in his chair looking out to the west upon the stars that seem suddenly

become brighter he had just finished his mediattion and was relaxing and thinking over what he was working on and about the coming days work. When the door to his office opened it was his most trusted messenger he slowly stepped into the room closing the door behind him. he turned and straighten his clothes the look on his face was one of loss and sadness he was not at all happy with the report he was about to make and Aram was quite concerned.

"My Lord I have gave news it seems that King Boreal has died."

Aram sat there in his chair and not saying a word the memories started running through his head Boreal was a young man A great warrior and man of vision he was also a man that knew what he wanted and had the will to seek it. What was more puzzling was that Boreal was so young how could it be that he has was dead?

Aram sat and thought about all the things Boreal had done and the things that he and Boreal had shared between them not all of them were pleasant but some were and he was indeed considered a friend to Aram.

The stars in the distance flickered again brighter than they seemed just a second ago. Aram stood and whispered.

"May the stars guide you now as they have always even now King Boreal on your journey home."

Aram stood there looking off into the distance late into the night thinking of all

the memories he had had with with Boreal.
Sir Aram Stien (Haruspex Maximus of Astrum, Duke of Eidulb)

Roleplay from Sergio Mozzoni
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
After his long trip trough the mountains of Remorse, Sergio is back home. A

hard week of combats, losing most of his unit. Brave men that perished fighting for Corsanctum. May be their families are thinking the same... Mimiravair. That place is not for humans, is for monsters, but now his beloved Libiddo is in front of his eyes.

The sea mist is filling the fields and he thinks the dream is come truth. A vast extension seeming a white sea of clouds and the mountains with the temple of Sanguis Astroism are the only visible things. In other situation that could be a nightmare, but he has left the land of nightmares far behind.

As he approaches the village of Libiddo, the world is beginning to wake up with the sun's first rays. Boreal’s former state is in front of him. An old gardener is still there, weeding the entrance. It’s been a long time since the last time Sergio was there. Boreal and him spent many nights eating, drinking, playing, fighting and building a new world.

Darfix… That was the dream. And the dream became true. King Boreal of Niselur. A little smile appears in his face, among the tears. Sergio continues towards his manor. He would kill the gardener if he ever see him crying.

An old friend is gone. His best friend. He's going to miss him.
Sergio Mozzoni (Count of Libiddo)

Roleplay from Aelwolf Burson
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
Mimer was in mourning for one of its lost Faithful. King Arakiss would be laid to

rest in Darfix, but there would be Rites here to commemorate the passing of one of the Heroes of Sanguis Astroism.

Inwardly, Aelwolf knew that those he had known from the beginning would age and die, as he surely would too. Another had fallen in a battle many would eventually lose, as life was one thing everyone everyone ran out of in the end. Heading towards the Academy, he thought about his future and the future of Corsanctum. There were others now who walked the shadows, treading where others dared not in service to the Stars, but not of his own blood. What would his legacy be?

"Tomorrow I start to plan for the future... right now I must prepare for Today."
Aelwolf Burson (Knight of Moses' End)

Roleplay from Ysgarren Addonwy
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
Ysgarren's face sours as he listens to the full report of King Boreal's death. The

man who had mentored the young fledgling knight who ran to Astrum from Darka. They had their share of verbal exchanges that rarely ended well. And regardless they both ran into battle with reckless abandon after arguing for long hours the merit of their strategies. They both knew that the rule of their nation was always more important than the bad blood between them. This great man who had led Ysgarren and in eventual turn Ysgarren had led him till Boreal became King of Darfix and became the first Niseluran.

And now that hero was simply dead, with no further thought to give to his left behind legacy. Ysgarren sends away his servants and retinue and scribe so that he may sit alone in peace. A part of Astrum has died, and somehow a part of

Ysgarren has died as well.
Ysgarren Addonwy (Vasilif of Astrum)

Roleplay from Medugnatos Stormcrow
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
Another one gone.

Medugnatos softly layed the report of King Boreals death back on his desk.

How often would he have to mourn a good friend and faithful brother before he would take the stygian ferry himself?

Letting his thoughts circle around the topic, faces came and vanished in his head. Friends, enemies, they all died some day, but Boreal was special. A closer friend than most and a fierce warrior and wise king.

It seemed like yesterday, that they stood at the stairs of his manner, laughing and Medugnatos wishing him luck and the guidance of the Bloodstars soon before he did lead the crusade to free Darfix of the Dwili.

People are born, live and than they die. That is the way of live and the way of the Bloodstars and he asked himself how often he would trick the great leveller before he finally died as well.

With this thoughts he made his way to the Temple of the Night, the preaching

today would be a little more grim than usually.
Medugnatos Stormcrow (High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, Count of Mimiravair)

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)

The loss of King Boreal Arakiss is a great one which will be felt for years to come. He was a hero of Sanguis Astroism and none have done more to spread the Faith than he.

It would be fitting for the day of his death to be remembered as Boreal's Day in

every Theocracy of the Faith.
Mathurin Hossenfeffer (Holy Prophet of Corsanctum, Duke of Mimer)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to everyone in "Sanguis Astroism" (143 recipients)
When Pierre receives the latest pronouncement from the Prophet, his blood

starts to boil.


"What is it, milord?"

"Can you double-check you never received any answer to my proposal to mark the day of the passing of Grandmaster Deverka?"

"Ah, I can check, milord, but I can tell you right away it will be useless. No answer was ever received."

"Well. Boreal's Day it will be, then", Pierre grumbles.
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)