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'''Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh'''    
Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh   

"Get off your knees for I am no king, I am a Celt such as you and I am only a knight and you are a Duke. You owe your alliegance to King Steele alone, he is the King of the Celts now and I am his subject just like you." Concobhar said in a near whisper. "Take me to your office so I can speak to you without unwanted ears."
"Get off your knees for I am no king, I am a Celt such as you and I am only a knight and you are a Duke. You owe your alliegance to King Steele alone, he is the King of the Celts now and I am his subject just like you." Concobhar said in a near whisper. "Take me to your office so I can speak to you without unwanted ears."
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'''Thanks for reading, check back, more is to come.'''
'''Roleplay from Marzo Zond'''
Marzo rode up fast to the gates of Tahgalez with his forty crusaders trailing behind. Marzo was in a hurry to get the usual salutes and proclamations for entry out of the way. He was quick to inquire the guards about Duke Evan’s arrival, he needed to find him at once to help out in finding Concobhar and seek out the truth of all these rumors he had been hearing. After some conferring and some strong insistence upon the captain of the guard, Marzo got what he needed and set his sights on the recruitment center area of town.
"Captain Madred, rally the lads and brief them about our search. We need to spread out and keep a sharp eye out for Duke Evan and possibly Concobhar. I know the younger crusaders will not know who to look for, but you and a couple of the veterans most certainly do! We’ll be covering the recruitment quarter, apparently the Duke sent his men back to the castle and he went off on his own."
"Aye, Marzo, sir. I never forget a face -may he be friend or foe. -Especially if he be a Celtic brother in arms!"
"Cheers my good captain, great speed to you and lads. I shall ride on ahead."
And with that Marzo was off again. However upon arriving to the scene of the recruitment quarter of Tahgalez, the sudden gathering and bustle of crowds forced him to slow down.
"I reckon it’s crowded more than usual these days. What’s going on, I wonder," as Marzo grimaced at the near impossible sight of having to pick a needle out of the haystack. Marzo carefully trotted his horse through the crowds scanning the recruiter stalls with his hand shielding his eyes from the harsh morning sun.
"Hail and well met there ol’ Marzo!" A soft and yet very confident, matter-of-fact voice rang out just in front of the horse. Marzo was startled and had to rein in the horse a bit hard and quick to keep from trampling the hooded stranger who has suddenly appeared in front from seemingly nowhere.
"Woa, boy!" Marzo commanded his horse. "What th..."
"Thank you, I appreciate not being run over. I see you haven’t changed, your reflexes are still as good as ever."
"Hey now fella, don’t be running out in front of horses if you know what’s good for ya!"
The hooded figure awkwardly fitted with mercenary’s armour seemed to ignore Marzo’s protests. Just as calmly as ever continued on with his salutations, "It seems you’re looking for someone or something, have you gotten down to the truth of it all yet?"
"And who might you..."
"Why, I represent the truth and at least the one half of what you seek", as the stranger lifted his hood to reveal his identity. Marzo was taken aback speechless and just stared.
"Come now comrade, no need to stare. It’s not all that polite and your gathering unwanted attention around here as well. Come, let’s find some shade and talk", as he ambled nonchalantly onward toward Duke Evan’s castle and signaled Marzo from behind to follow along.
"Cuchulain?!", thought Marzo in disbelief. "Where, how, when, why?" All these questions and memories raced through his mind. The last he knew, Cuchulain the priest was translating ancient script from dusty crumbly stone tablets found in old Celtic ruins and creating heated controversy even blasphemy about his discoveries amongst the guild-mates. Then, he simply disappeared when Concobhar lost consciousness. And now he suddenly appeared today…
"Come on, sword bearer", Cuchulain insisted, "Now is not the time to dally in lost thoughts. He’s waiting..."
Marzo Zond
Baron of Watto
'''End of Chapter 1, He Awakes'''

Latest revision as of 13:12, 17 April 2009

These are actual role-plays.

Chapter 1, He Awakes

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

The sunlight was so bright, it had been awhile since Concobhar had seen the light, years. The coma he fell into after the attempt on his life had left him in a world of dreams, some that he would never forget. From the darkest dreams of hell, seeing bats dissolving from a mass into individuals, to euphoric childish dreams of dragons who were meant to have and hold. Once again he gazed out on the desert sands in which his father and many other brave men and women had died. Something seemed different though, almost as if something bad had happened while he was in a coma.

Concobhar's was frail and weak, extremely pale and his natural muscle build was now nothing more than skin and bones. Something hit him, how in the world did he manage to stay alive during this bout with coma? The only thing he could think of was magic, some sort of pagan magic kept him alive during all this. The only culprit known for Pagan magic would be his uncle Cuchulain. Now all he had on his mind was seeing his wife and his son and all his old friends.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Noble)

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

The gates of Tahgalez were open, the guards let Concobhar pass through, they didn't recognize him at all. Luckily Concobhar still knew the way to the Celtic Order guild house. Down the main street from the gate, passed the market square, first right and Concobhar was shocked. The guild house was gone, the building was now a storage facility.

"Hey what happened to the Celtic Ale house?" Concobhar asked a commoner passing by.

"Dunno sir." he replied.

Concobhar decided to head to the Duke's office, slowly he made his way to the palace steps. The guards stopped him, obviously they didn't recognize him.

"Halt, commoners may not enter." The guard said firmly.

"I'm no commoner good sir, I am Concobhar O'Deaghaidh, King of the Celts!" Concobhar said as proudly as possible with his wispy weak voice.

"You're a lair as well as a commoner, Concobhar O'Deaghaidh has been dead for 3 years now and it doesn't matter Duke Mac Watt is out on a crusade. Now I will ask you this only once, leave." The guard snarled.

Concobhar was shocked, he turned around and began to walk away, but he turned and asked;

"Do you know where I can find Cuchulain O'Deaghaidh?"

"He and the rest of the O'Deaghaidh clan went into hiding after Concobhar was assassinated by Vlaanderen's daemons."

Concobhar turned and made his way to the markets stables where he bought a horse and made his way to Latlan to the O'Deaghaidh Manor to find some answers.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Evan Mac Watt

Evan continued on his long journey back to Tahgalez just like the last time he came to these daemon infested lands. Only this time he was lucky, he would return with the majority of his unit and the knowledge that the daemons took a heavier blow this time than the last.

As he moved on one of his messengers arrived with the usual daily report of the capital. The man's horse was exhausted which was to be expected due to the distance between where he was and where Tahgalez is. It was nothing new that he didn't know just a slight drop in production, but that was to be expected as he had no knights to properly run the place while he was gone.

After he finished reading the reports Evan said to his messenger, "Anything else?"

The messenger replied "Nothing my lord." He paused for a moment as if to think over his last statement. "Actually sir, there was a strange peasant who came to your estate earlier in the day. He claimed to be Concobhar, the Celtic King."

"What!" Evan yelled as the meager thought of a peasant claiming to be his king ran his blood to boil. It took Evan some time before he could calm himself enough to ask his next question. "Can you give me a description?" Evan said, with a noticeably angered yet low town voice.

"I asked the guard the same question my lord." The messenger said as if it was something to be proud of. "He said that the man was thin, pale, and looked as if he hadn't had a decent meal for years."

When he heard that He was sure it could not have been him. He remembered his king to be no less than a battle hard warrior that would cause even Evan to watch his tongue. However, the thought that his king was still alive rather than dead was too much for him to ignore. So he sent off his messenger with one single order.

"Have some of my men find this man for me. Do not harm him. Do not aggravate him. Do not even give a hint that you are his enemy. Rather ask him, as if he were royalty, if he would be so kind as to meet with me in Tahgalez. If he agrees than treat him well. If he attempts to flee than I know he is not my king and make sure that he does not escape with his life."

Evan was far to anxious to find out what would happen to the point where he even had the messenger his horse. Now walking on foot Evan kept on his journey back home with his cavalry.

It was then that his captain Baldred asked him, "who is the Concobhar my lord?"

Evan turned with a smile on his face,"Let me tell you a story of a heroic man named Erin and his family."

Evan Mac Watt Duke of Tahgalez

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

Hours had passed and after a swift ride to Latlan, Concobhar found himself outside the O'Deaghaidh Manor. It was abandoned, he could tell by the look of it. There were no guards out in the front, there were no children playing in the front. All he saw in the courtyard was an overturned carriage and some articles of clothing. Concobhar's weak body was exhausted from the ride, years of being in a coma took it's toll on his body. Sitting down to rest, he looked to the door of the manor and it was slightly cracked and some dry leaves lay outside, no one had been here in a long time. After about a ten minute rest he noticed his horse was beginning to graze in the courtyard, the tall dry grass was growing out of control. What in the world had happened here, the Celts were once again in danger of being wiped out. Finally some strength and returned to Concobhar and he got up and walked into the manor. Sand and leaves had blown into main hall, he also noticed that the manor had been looted, most likely by poor locals. Room after room there were no clues to what happened, though he did find a body, time and decay had made it impossible to determine who it was but the person's clothing suggests a soldier. The dead soldier was wearing armor that wasn't of Heenite or Celtic background, this was disturbing.

After checking every room in the Manor, he still hadn't found any clues. Walking back into the main hall he took one last look around, nothing. Concobhar scratched his head and stretched when suddenly he noticed writing on the ceiling, the word "Fothrach" was written. That word meant "ruins," that could mean only one thing.

"I found him!" A guard yelled.

A group of guards ran into the manor and surrounded Concobhar.

"Are you the one that claims to be Concobhar O'Deaghaidh?" The Captain of the guards asked.

"Yes." Concobhar replied.

"You are under arrest, by order of Duke Mac Watt, cooperate and your life shall be spared." The Captain signaled his men to arrest Concobhar.

Two guards grabbed Concobhar by his arms while another grabbed rope to tie them together. Concobhar needed to get to the ruins as quickly as possible, he had no time for this. Concobhar used what strength he had left to break away from the three guards and run.

As he made his way out the door, the Captain of the guard yelled. "Kill him!"

As Concobhar mounted his horse an arrow flew past his ear, he could literally hear the wind being cut by the arrow. As soon as the first arrow past four more arrows past by, one managed to his Concobhar in the leg.

"Damn it!" Concobhar shrieked in pain.

More arrows past, Concobhar kicked his horse and it took off. More arrows past by before he turned a corner, and began to race down the street. Commoners and merchants began run out of the street in fear of being trampled by the fleeing man on the horse. Women screamed and pulled their children out of the way, suddenly the sound of clanging bells filled the city of Latlan, the alarm had been raised. Guards flooded the streets and the commoners ran to their houses. Concobhar had to get to the ruins or at least to the Celtic Order guild house in Latlan, he figured the guild could protect him and clear everything up. As he raced passed pursuing guards he noticed some guards began to mount horses, and began to chance him that way. Turning another corner, one that lead to the guild house he saw not a guild house but an empty lot. The only thought that ran through his head at this point was "What the hell happened."

A pike came into view and smacked him across the chest with the shaft, Concobhar's body fell off the horse and landed on the hard cobble stone road. The horse was immediately killed by other guards. A guard with a sword drawn approached Concobhar who was knocked out, he was about to kill him when he noticed a small tattoo on Concobhar's neck. It was the emblem of the Celtic Order, then he noticed the burn scar on Concobhar's right hand. "Could it be?" the guard thought to himself. As the guards circled around Concobhar, the guard with the sword announced.

"This man is a member of the Celtic Order, take him into custody."

"Wait!" The Captain of the groups of Guards sent by Evan presented a paper declaring custody of Concobhar.

The group of guards sent by Evan tied up Concobhar and took him away.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Evan Mac Watt

After much time had passed from the initial message of this possible impostor Baldred finally convinced his lord Evan to ride on the horse of his captain. The men could tell their leader was irritated by something. Too many hours had past since the last time a messenger arrived to report the status of this possible Concobhar.

It was then a man from his guard arrived with Evan's horse with another empty but saddled horse behind.

"My lord," The man said with a near breathless voice." We have him. He gave us quite the spin in Latlan, but we have him."

Evan sighed a sigh of great relief as if a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He then spoke with a calm voice not heard by any of his men other than Baldred."Tell me everything from encounter till the end of the chase."

"Yes sir," the guardsman said with a relived voice as if was fearing for his head moments ago."We found the man in the old O'Deaghaidh estate. He seemed to be looking for something. Perhaps some valuable he could find to get past the guard while you were still gone. Truly we don't know why he was there. But we approached him as ordered, and as you suspected by someone other than your king he fled. We failed to kill him immediately afterward, but through the luck of the local guard we were able to capture him not far from the old guild house."

"Can you tell me anything else good sir?" Evan's voice continued to build with excitement after hearing of these turn of events.

"Um," The guard paused as if frightened by what he would say next." He had a mark on his neck my lord. The same mark you bear on your flesh."

"Think nothing of it," Evan said with the same voice as before. "When I return, I, the Storm Riders, and the whole lot of the guard shall celebrate. For it will be the day we show these miscreants what it means to defile the Celtic king's good name. Now go back to the capital and hold him until I arrive."

"Yes sir."

Evan gave back his captain's horse and dawned his own, and when the guard was long gone and his men no longer looked at their leader he showed his true expression."Truly this is a bad sign." Evan thought. He could only hope that mark was simply imprinted on the man when one of the guild houses were sacked of their valuables. If that was not so then what else could it be.

True Concobhar's deceased body was never found, let alone buried, but the tormenting fact was that so many hints led to indicate that this man was his king, or at least another quite possibly high ranking member of the order. Yet there were an equal amount of evidence that it was simply all a hoax. Only Evan's eyes could solve this mystery as Concobhar's face was so well branded in his mind a simple glimpse would tell him who he really was.

Evan Mac Watt Duke of Tahgalez

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

The sound of cart wheels bouncing off rocks woke Concobhar from his sleep, opening his eyes he saw the night sky. The stars burned and twinkled, stars, something Concobhar took for granted before his coma, he forgot how beautiful the desert nights were. Concobhar could hear the guards talking up ahead but he couldn't hear what. The cart came to a stop.

"Sir, what the hell are these?" A young guard said while picking up a frail long white rock.

"That's a bone, a human bone." The Captain of the guard said.

"Ew!" The young guard gagged and dropped the bone.

"This is the site of a mass grave after an army from Vice raided and slaughtered this region. Some say that they killed every last person living in Watersdown, and that their spirits still walk the desert at night." The captain said, the darkness concealed his grin.

"You're full of it.... sir." The young guard added.

"I think we'll make camp here for the night boys!" The Captain bellowed.

The guards began to make a camp, one of the newer recruits rested his spear on the back of the cart where Concobhar pretended to be asleep. As the guard walked away Concobhar grabbed the spear and rubbed his ropes against the blade, the rope must have been old because it came off quickly. Now he was free, but his chest still hurt and his leg did too. Slowly he rolled out of the cart and got a look at his surroundings, all the men were unpacking tents and other items. The cart was pulled by a donkey and only the captain had a horse, this escape was going to be easy. Concobhar crept over to the front of the carriage and untied the donkey from the carriage. He then slapped the Donkey and it snorted and ran off, a guard noticed and yelled and the entire group except the captain began to chase the donkey into the dark desert. With the distraction made Concobhar began to sneak over to the horse and mounted it.

"Hey!" Concobhar felt the hand of the captain on his leg.

Concobhar wasted no time and kicked at his horse and it darted off into the desert making the Captain fall flat on his face. Concobhar knew he was heading west simply because the lights from Latlan were still close, maybe a two hour ride at most. All that was on his mind was finding the ruins beneath Latlan and finding out the truth.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Evan Mac Watt

Evan continued on his journey home. He was getting close to the border between Sint and Heen now.

"Very soon," Evan thought to himself,"I shall see who this man truly is."

But, as if cursed to be forever disappointed, another guard came to report an unexpected message. The man looked scared out of his mind fearing that he would be killed because of the information he was about to give.

"My L-" The man began to say but what silenced by a quick gesture of Evan's hand.

"He escaped. Didn't he?"

"Yes, I'm sorry"

Evan gave a heavy sigh, and said to the guard, "Call off the search."

"My Lord?"

"You shall wait until I have arrived in the capital. Assemble three of the guard's best men and with them as well as my captain we shall head to Latlan. I have a feeling that there is something you missed at my old friend's estate."

Knowing that he was pushing his luck by remaining there, the guard simply said, "Yes my Lord." and headed back to the capital to spread the news.

Evan Mac Watt Duke of Tahgalez

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

Concobhar pulled his hood over his face, it was still dark but he still covered his face so he wouldn't alert the guards. The city streets were empty, only the guards patrolled through, Concobhar knew he had to get off the streets or he would end up in a dungeon. Dismounting the horse, he let the horse go wander the streets, and then he took to the back alleys. After a ten minute walk he found himself in front of a manhole cover, he had trouble lifting the cover but managed to do so fairly quickly. The smell that came from the sewer below was terrible, he climbed down and could feel the sewage under his feet making disgusting sounds. Concobhar couldn't handle it anymore and puked, but he felt much better after. Now he remembered that the ruins were under the north side of the city, and he was on the eastern side of the city, so naturally he headed north, he only really had two choices though.

After about twenty minutes of stomping through sewage he came across an old wooden door, it had an emblem burned into it, it was the knot of the Celtic Order. This had to be the ruins, he opened the door and something bit his neck, hard. Concobhar put his hand on his neck as he yelped in pain, it was a dart. Everything became hazy, he could barely see as it was but now it became even more difficult. Dropping his torch he leaned against the door, he saw a figure in the door way, was that... Nahtok? Concobhar blacked out.

Concobhar awoke, he didn't know how long he was out and he didn't know where he was. The room was dark and two men stood near him, though he couldn't tell who they were.

"Concobhar, you finally awoke, I'm glad to see my nephew is healthy again."

"Cuchulain?" Concobhar said confused.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

"What the hell happened?" Concobhar asked.

"Daimons tried to have you killed and they hired mercenaries to burn down our guild houses and to kill off what was left of our clan. They looted the majority of our relics including the Claymore of Kings, all of Baro's armor. The only two relics we still have a hold of are the Guardian's Claymore, which King Steele wields and the O'Hlomhair Claymore of Destiny which Lord Zond wields. We have about one hundred people living down here in these ruins, only about twenty of them are O'Deaghaidh, the rest are Celts from other clans who wished to go into hiding. It's safe here, hardly anyone knows we're down here, I believe Duke Obeji knows of our existence but turns a blind eye out of respect to your father, I'm actually not sure if he actually knows we're down here but he doesn't bother us." Cuchulain paused like he just remembered something important. "You'll be happy to know your family is fine. Nahtok made sure of that, he hasn't left your family's side since you slipped into a coma. Actually I'll have your wife sent in." Cuchulain motioned to Nahtok to get Johanna, which Nahtok left the room.

"So basically, when I went into a coma, nobody did anything to fight back, they just hid?" Concobhar asked.


"I don't know what to say."

"We've made discoveries while you were asleep." Cuchulain seemed to light up.

"About that, how was I kept alive?"

"We've learned many things about our history as a Celtic people, I came across a book while in these ruins right before you went out. It's a book of magic, it's why you're alive now. Concobhar, we've discovered our people's ancient religion, we know everything about our past, everything. We need to reassemble the Celts and find our relics again, we have the power to return to the former glory of our ancestors."

Johanna entered the room, she was still young, the smile on her face and the tears in her eyes told a story of it's own. A little boy that was five years old ran into the room, it was Erin, he was getting tall and he was a red head like his grandpa. Concobhar picked up his son and walked over to Johanna and kissed her.

"One more." Johanna said stepping out the way, behind her was a four year old girl.

"Who is this?" Concobhar asked.

"Siva, your daughter."

The little girl ran away as Concobhar approached, she had never met her father, she didn't know she even had one.

"Concobhar, we have to take care of some matters in Tahgalez, I'll get a horse ready on the surface, I'll give you some time with your family, but be up there in twenty minutes." Cuchulain said walking out the door.


Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Mark Anthony Obeji

The morning glare of the desert rained down upon Latlan, which was usual for the realm of Heen. There was a slight morning fog and the people of Latlan had just started to come out from their houses.

Mark Anthony rode through the streets on his massive horse Titan. He had woken up while the moon was still out, his ammout of sleep had continually began to deteriorate.

The commoners bowed to Mark Anthony as he passed through the streets of Latlan, he was well known as the duke of the city. While riding through Latlan, Mark Anthony suddenly halted Titan as he reached the eastern part of the city. He had noticed that a sewer cover was slightly ajar. The duke started to think to himself wheteher or not any work had been ordered to be done in the swewers last night, but then concluded that there was no such order. Then he began to remeber who else lives down there.

"What reason would the O'Deaghaidh clan have to come out of the sweres?" Mark Anthony thought to himself. "Or did he finally wake up??"

Mark Anthony stared at the sewer cover again for a little while longer, and began to ride again through the streets of Latlan. He had concluded since he did not want to go down into the sewers to find out, there was meaning in staying any longer. He would continue to wonder about the sewers until he arrived back at the castle, but would ell no one of what he saw.

Mark Anthony Obeji Duke of Latlan

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

"Put this on." Cuchulain handed Concobhar mail armor with a surcoat

"Why this armor?" Concobhar asked.

"We'll look like mercenaries waiting to be hired here at the capital, we won't be stopped." Cuchulain said while putting on his own armor.

The two men were about a mile outside Tahgalez, they only had one horse so they had to share. As they rode into the city the guards paid them no attention, Tahgalez was a place of recruit and for a soldier or a person disguised as a soldier, it was easy to blend in.

The two men sat near their horse outside the recruitment square, all they could do now was wait for Duke Mac Watt to arrive.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Marzo Zond

The sun was beginning to rise up over the majestic spires of Firbalt as the city melted away in the distance of the horizon. The desert rodents of the night began their burrowing into the sand for a their day long rest. All was quite in the transition of dawn. Immediately the ground shook and the low but repeative roll of thunder caused the rodents to scurry away for safety. The heavy gallop of horses rode by 40 strong with a speed of determination. The most recognizable shape from the blur of speed were the multitude of shapes of a purple and crimson bird engulfed in flames of a strange zigzag design closely resemling 'Z's if one looked closely enough.

Marzo rode in the lead of his troop of Phoenix Crusaders, their morning travel having started out dark and early, with many a hungover face. The lads had celebrated the whole night in Firbalt over their latest battlefield victories against the Daimon swarms of the north. It had been a glorious night filled with whiskey and song and even a good friendly tavern fight or two. Marzo looked back briefly at the long faces riding behind and shook his head with slight regret. Well, at least the lads had made morning reveille in the wee hours, -they always do no matter what kind of pain they may be in, thought Marzo. He on the other hand had been too distracted recently with his own recent thoughts and memories of his long missed comrade and King, Concobhar, to enjoy the celebratory moment last night.

Something hadn't seemed right after the first couple of letters exchanged with Concobhar or at least letters sent and received from someone claiming to be the King of Celts. Perhaps Marzo had been conned? Taken for a fool? The letters had suddenly stopped coming. No latest news of Concobhar's whereabouts, activities, or status of his estate and oath. The last letter or two that had been received was scrawled out hurriedly as if the man was on the run. Unfortunately the rumors from Duke Evan's camp had gotten out and spread among the other troop leaders of Heen's Daimon Front Troops expeditionary force and confirmed Marzo's fears and worries. The man claiming to be Concobhar had fled in panic. This was not the behavior of a true King of Celts. The man was a dangerous peasant rogue gone insane, breaking and trespassing into places he did not belong. He had even escaped the Duke's guards in the middle of the night with an evil "cackle". He was a mad sage who had disappeared "without a trace".

Marzo tried hard to push these doubts and negative thoughts out of his head. He knew the truth. It was a certain intuition. Having spent the years as a Hound of Erin, the right hand man on the battlefield, the sword bearer for the O'Deaghaidh Clan, he had learned much about his King's movements and behavior. No no matter how slight his gestures, the manner of his words and what their temperament might be either spoken or written and yes most importantly he knew of Concobhar's penmanship in letters. Marzo also knew of the mark of the Celtic knot for he had gone through the ritual and received one on the back of his neck as well. Having heard the most recent rumor of evidence of this tattoo was very gratifying indeed. It had to be him.

The day in Aku rode on long and hard. Marzo and his men needed to make it back to Tahgalez at best speed and confirm the truth and whereabouts of Concobhar for themselves. They had not given up hope either. Shielding his eyes and squinting just right, he could make out the massive dunes of Hcallow looming into view in the distance. Soon. The desert winds of Heen would be greeting them back into the fold with the stinging welcome of sand and heat. Heen could be a harsh mistress, but she is not fickle. Home sweet home.

Marzo Zond Baron of Watto

Roleplay from Evan Mac Watt

Finally Evan and his men had returned home. The walls of Tahgalez stood tall and strong just like the day he left her. The guards saluted their and loyal peasants cheered for their duke returned from his long awaited return. It was obvious they didn't know what what Evan was planning and even if they did they would not have cared as it had nothing to do with them.

Evan ordered Baldred to bring the Storm Riders to his estate while he would find some new recruits to bolster the unit before the next attack on the daemons.

Baldred asked, "Are you sure you will be alright without us, my lord?"

"We are in the capital, guards are posted in every street, and I am no stranger to my sword. What could possibly go wrong my friend."

Doing what they were told the Storm Riders moved out with haste. They were to meet up with a group of the guard awaiting orders from their duke.

The streets around the recruitment center were more crowded than usual. It seemed more men were eager to fight the beasts after hearing of more and more successful missions, but he had an eire feeling about him. The hairs on his neck began to stand as if he were being watched. It didn't take much time for Evan to make it to the usual area he recruited his cavalry.

It was clear to him now that he was being followed and without hesitation he pulled out his sword with the intent to kill. However, when he had completed his turn it was not what he had anticipated. Knowing who these two men were Evan dropped his sword in horror and fell to his knees bowing his head.

"Forgive me my king." Evan spoke out in a cry."I am but a fool who was blinded by doubt."

Evan Mac Watt Duke of Tahgalez

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

"Get off your knees for I am no king, I am a Celt such as you and I am only a knight and you are a Duke. You owe your allegiance to King Steele alone, he is the King of the Celts now and I am his subject just like you." Concobhar said in a near whisper. "Take me to your office so I can speak to you without unwanted ears."

Evan motioned with his hand and lead the way back to his office, Concobhar and Cuchulain followed.

"Wait, Cuchulain, I swore I saw a horseman with a phoenix banner riding through town. I believe Baron Zond is here, go find him and bring him to Duke Mac Watts office as soon as possible."

"Aye, you got it Con." Cuchulain said turning towards the recruitment centers.

"Lead the way." Concobhar said to Evan.

After walking through the city for about ten minutes they arrived in Evan's office, they sat silently waiting for word from Cuchulain on whether or not Marzo was actually in town.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

"Get off your knees for I am no king, I am a Celt such as you and I am only a knight and you are a Duke. You owe your alliegance to King Steele alone, he is the King of the Celts now and I am his subject just like you." Concobhar said in a near whisper. "Take me to your office so I can speak to you without unwanted ears."

Evan motioned with his hand and lead the way back to his office, Concobhar and Cuchulain followed.

"Wait, Cuchulain, I swore I saw a horseman with a phoenix banner riding through town. I believe Baron Zond is here, go find him and bring him to Duke Mac Watts office as soon as possible."

"Aye, you got it Con." Cuchulain said turning towards the recruitment centers.

"Lead the way." Concobhar said to Evan.

After walking through the city for about ten minutes they arrived in Evan's office, they sat silently waiting for word from Cuchulain on whether or not Marzo was actually in town.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Marzo Zond

Marzo rode up fast to the gates of Tahgalez with his forty crusaders trailing behind. Marzo was in a hurry to get the usual salutes and proclamations for entry out of the way. He was quick to inquire the guards about Duke Evan’s arrival, he needed to find him at once to help out in finding Concobhar and seek out the truth of all these rumors he had been hearing. After some conferring and some strong insistence upon the captain of the guard, Marzo got what he needed and set his sights on the recruitment center area of town. "Captain Madred, rally the lads and brief them about our search. We need to spread out and keep a sharp eye out for Duke Evan and possibly Concobhar. I know the younger crusaders will not know who to look for, but you and a couple of the veterans most certainly do! We’ll be covering the recruitment quarter, apparently the Duke sent his men back to the castle and he went off on his own."

"Aye, Marzo, sir. I never forget a face -may he be friend or foe. -Especially if he be a Celtic brother in arms!"

"Cheers my good captain, great speed to you and lads. I shall ride on ahead."

And with that Marzo was off again. However upon arriving to the scene of the recruitment quarter of Tahgalez, the sudden gathering and bustle of crowds forced him to slow down.

"I reckon it’s crowded more than usual these days. What’s going on, I wonder," as Marzo grimaced at the near impossible sight of having to pick a needle out of the haystack. Marzo carefully trotted his horse through the crowds scanning the recruiter stalls with his hand shielding his eyes from the harsh morning sun.

"Hail and well met there ol’ Marzo!" A soft and yet very confident, matter-of-fact voice rang out just in front of the horse. Marzo was startled and had to rein in the horse a bit hard and quick to keep from trampling the hooded stranger who has suddenly appeared in front from seemingly nowhere.

"Woa, boy!" Marzo commanded his horse. "What th..."

"Thank you, I appreciate not being run over. I see you haven’t changed, your reflexes are still as good as ever."

"Hey now fella, don’t be running out in front of horses if you know what’s good for ya!"

The hooded figure awkwardly fitted with mercenary’s armour seemed to ignore Marzo’s protests. Just as calmly as ever continued on with his salutations, "It seems you’re looking for someone or something, have you gotten down to the truth of it all yet?"

"And who might you..."

"Why, I represent the truth and at least the one half of what you seek", as the stranger lifted his hood to reveal his identity. Marzo was taken aback speechless and just stared.

"Come now comrade, no need to stare. It’s not all that polite and your gathering unwanted attention around here as well. Come, let’s find some shade and talk", as he ambled nonchalantly onward toward Duke Evan’s castle and signaled Marzo from behind to follow along.

"Cuchulain?!", thought Marzo in disbelief. "Where, how, when, why?" All these questions and memories raced through his mind. The last he knew, Cuchulain the priest was translating ancient script from dusty crumbly stone tablets found in old Celtic ruins and creating heated controversy even blasphemy about his discoveries amongst the guild-mates. Then, he simply disappeared when Concobhar lost consciousness. And now he suddenly appeared today…

"Come on, sword bearer", Cuchulain insisted, "Now is not the time to dally in lost thoughts. He’s waiting..."

Marzo Zond Baron of Watto

End of Chapter 1, He Awakes