Arrakis Family/Boreal/Destiny at hand: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 14:32, 8 October 2009

Roleplay from Sir Boreal Arakiss
Message sent to everyone in your realm (33 recipients)
Boreal went down through small alleys and muddy streets of the capital of the realm he served and loved, Astrum, Libidizedd. He was relieved from duty for a few hours and he went down to the harbor to meet with one man. Night was starting to fall down quietly, and he wore a cloak which covered his head, as he didn't wanted to be recognized in this unfriendly part of the town. It was not safe for him to reveal his identity as certainly there were many spies and assassins in this place which intertwined different cultures.

However, he knew he was followed from the first moment he returned to the capital. Although his young age did not reveal that, he kind of developed a sense to know who is behind him. Yesterday, he saw that shadow which became like his own when he was trying out the new longswords in one of the many weapon stores of Libidizedd. He saw him on a mirror; from the outside normally adjusted man, but through the way he breathed Boreal knew his intentions were not clear. Boreal noticed another thing; a small medallion glowing on the sun...three red stars in a circle on the green background. "I know who you are, wicked one." he said to himself.

Today, when the rain started to fall and he was making his way through the streets, he laughs to himself how tricked the man. His new captain looked very similar to the Strategos himself, so Boreal used the captain to divert the poor fool with the medallion.

Finally, he has arrived to his destination - the harbor. He enters a tavern and fixes his eyes to the dark corner of the room, on the man with whom he should meet. Other customers strangely looked at the large figure moving through the smoke filled room, but Boreal didn't mind. He sits on the chair and orders two drinks. "Do you have it?" The figure nods back..."It's in the envelope on the table."

Boreal slowly looks in the envelope and satisfied drops a few coins of gold on the table. "The drinks are on me, my friend. You have deserved it." He slowly takes a piece of paper and lays it on the table. "This is also for you. I am sure you will know how to appreciate it. Now, I must depart. My men are waiting for me on the ferry." He quickly stands up and drinks the glass to the bottom. "Happy hunting." Slowly he moves out of the tavern and quickly start climbing through the busy streets of the grand city.

Several thoughts were going through his head as he was climbing... First, he felt pride to receive the gift he received, as so many tried to stop him from getting it. Then, obligation. Obligation and responsibility what this gift means and what it holds for brave Astrumian people. And lastly, he felt strength. Strength to achieve all that is meant to be achieved; strength to break free from the chains that hold them to the ground, strength to lead his people away from the slavery enforced on them.

He arrives near the ferry and with one move throws away the cloak in the dark water and hops aboard. "Out of the darkness and into the light, the scenario that I like better. Come, Astrumians. Release the ship from its chains. We have a destiny to catch."
Sir Boreal Arakiss (Strategos of Astrum, Marquis of Dizeddo, Marshal of the Order of Astrum)