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=Laws of D’hara=
'''''Lawbook of the Dragon Isles'''''
D’Hara is a realm that allows its nobles to speak their minds as long as you are polite and do not insult another noble in doing so.  Do not infringe on the rights of those around you, and act as a Noble should.  OOC messages are allowed for their stated purpose.  You should Role-play as much as you can.  These laws are guidelines that allow the realm to run smoothly.
The Kingdom of the Dragon Isles, and D'Hara is an absolute monarchy under the rule of King Estion Tarcyn.
The bottom line is that the ruler is the law and the chancellor must carry out the will of the ruler in most cases.
· Feudal laws/rights are to be upheld
· Respect those around you. Do not speak as a commoner.
· Rules governing Religions
· D’Hara’s State Religion will be Way of the Dragons.  Other regions may be allowed at the pleasure of the crown.
· A Duke may appoint any Knight of the Duchy to Region Lord.
1. And must consider all Feudal claims before appointing from outside the Duchy. And must state the reason he is not honoring the feudal claims if he does.
· A Duke may ask a Lord to step down from the lordship of a region.  Failure to do so is grounds for Banishment. A lord may appeal this to a tribunal of the His/her Duke, The Ruler, and the judge. This is a feudal right of the Duke and must be upheld. But the Lord has the right to defend himself.
· The crown has the right to have any noble that it deems to be a detriment to the realm banished.
· Insulting the Crown is grounds for Banishment.

==Discussion groups==
This lawbook was created, and voted on as part of the reformation conducted in the realm of D'Hara shortly after the election of Prime Minister Estion Tarcyn, who were made King of the Dragon Isles in the same reformation. The lawbook was created in cooperation between King Estion, Lord Confessor Nethluin and several other nobles of the Dragon Isles.
· Council members have the right to speak openly and bluntly in the council chambers. As long is it is done with respect. This is the forum must be allowed to speak openly for the well being of the realm. Outside the council chambers, a united face must be put to the realm.
· There will be a council of Lords that will consist of Region Lords and dukes.  This is where discussion that concerns the wellbeing of the regions takes place.
· There will be a military council that will consist of the Crown, the General, all Marshals, and any military advisors appointed by either the Crown or the General.

==Creation of Law==
· The creation of law may occur in one of 2 ways.  By decree of the crown and Proposal of the High Council, which may be vetoed by the crown.
· Any of the discussion groups may submit proposals for Laws or changes in Law to the High Council. The High Council may deliberate and revise them before approving them. And then submitting those they approve to the crown for final approval.

'''On Elections:'''
· Looting of rogue regions is allowed however never within 2 regions of our realm or any realm that we are at peace with.
· Looting enemy territories may only be done when ordered or permission is granted.  We may be TO’ing these lands and it may hinder our efforts.

- All eligible nobles are allowed to run for elections, however each candidate must provide a campaign message that offers the voters a basis as to why the candidate should be voted for.
· Dueling is always leagal during peacetime.
· No one is obligated to accept a duel from one of a lower rank that they are.  And under this no honor is lost.

- Should someone be elected despite not providing a campaign letter, the decision will be overturned and a new election will be held. The formerly elected will be able to run for the same position once more, given he provides a campaign message.
· The only priests that may preach in any of our regions without being required to ask permission is the state religion of way of the Dragon.
· with the exception of the State religion, ALL religions are allowed at the pleasure of the Crown, Duke, and the local Lord of the region. If any of them deny that religion, it may not be preached on those lands.
· If a religion refuses to obey the decries concerning Preaching/not preaching in our lands, they can be made enemies of the Crown. At which time it would become illegal not to arrest the priesthood of that religion when within our lands.

==Punishments for breaking our laws==
'''On Referendums:'''
· Unless otherwise stated shall be fines. The amount of which shall depend on the severity of the crime, the circumstances at the time, and the pleasure of the judge.
· A record will be kept of all fines issued and for what reason they were issued and repeat offenders may be subject to more severe fines or even banishment for refusing to obey the laws of the realm.
- For a referendum to be legally binding it must have been created and conducted by the Lord Confessor. Should the Lord Confessor not be available at the moment of the vote, the duty will fall to the Prime Minister.
- All lords are allowed to suggest and apply for a referendum which will be decided upon by the High Council of the Realm, which will consist of the Dukes and all members of government.
- If the applicant can find at least two who will petition alongside him, then the referendum will be brought to a vote regardless.
- Should the applicant wish to petition for a referendum privately, the letter which has been used to apply will be published alongside the referendum.
- Should a referendum, that doesn't need majority, end in a draw, the matter will go before the High Council that will decide the matter.
- Should a referendum to overturn a former referendum be initiated, the vote will need the same basis for approval as the prior referendum.
'''On Treason:'''
- Acts of treason will be met with banishment from the realm, should a noble be banished, he is required to hand back titles that belong to the realm, but may otherwise leave unmolested.
- Seceding from the realm is considered treason, and the lands that secede will by right be considered a part of the realm still, and illegally occupied by the traitor.
- Threatening the peace of the Realm is considered an act of treason.
- Threatening with secession is considered an act of treason.
- If found guilty in conspiring treason, or aiding a traitor, one is considered a traitor themselves.
- Conspiring to assassinate anyone within the realm is considered an act of treason.
'''On Military Actions:'''
- Raiding, looting and takeovers are only allowed against enemy realms, and can only be conducted with the approval of the Lord General and Prime Minister.
- Should a noble conduct unauthorized military actions, they will be held accountable on grounds of treason.
- The degree of military actions will be determined by the Lord General, who will decide what benefits the realm most in the situation.
'''On Military Structure:'''
- Any order commanded by the Lord General are to be followed, unless they are in direct conflict with governmental policies, or orders from the Prime Minister.
- Should you be unable to follow such a command, you are expected to inform the Lord General upon request.
- Failure to follow commands, and providing valid reasons are illegal. Fines may be issued.
- Should you be unable to take part in military actions due to otherwise serving the realm, such as trading or being on ambassadorial trips, you are not expected to take part.
- Should the Lord General be unavailable or otherwise unable to issue commands, the Marshalls of their respective armies will have command of each army.
- Should the Lord General be a Marshall as well, the remaining Marshall will take command of military matters, and the Vice Marshall of their respective armies will take command, should their superiors be unavailable.
- Should all military commanders be unavailable the Prime Minister will have the ability to appoint a commander until the regular commanders have returned to active duty.
'''On Colonies:'''
- Any noble who participates in a non state-sanctioned colony project will be banned for misuse of the Realm's resources.
- Any noble may apply to take part of a colony project where the Lordly Council will vote on the matter after a discussion.
'''On Appropriate Behaviour:'''
- Nobles are expected to act according to codes of chivalry.
- If disagreeing with another noble you shall treat them with respect still.
- Any offended party might present their case to the Lord Confessor who will decide on the matter. A fine may be issued.
'''On Religion:'''
- The Realm offers freedom of religion, and no one shall be prosecuted for practicing their belief.
- Temples and shrines may be erected where-ever, yet the government must be informed of this, and so must the regional lord whose land is being built upon.
'''On Dueling:'''
- Dueling is considered legal, yet it holds no legal weight.
- Realm members must only duel each other to one surrenders.
-  If a duel to the death is to be issued, the participants must apply to the High Council.
'''On Food Distribution:'''
- The Lord Treasurer must at all times have access to all granaries of the realm.
- The food should be spread to accommodate the needs of each individual region.
- Nobles are not to sell food provided by the Lord Treasurer onwards for profit.
- Nobles are not to sell food to any lands we are currently warring with.
- Should a Noble be pressed for rations, they must inform the Lord Treasurer.
'''On Commoners:'''
- Assaulting commoners for no apparent reason is illegal by law, and fines may be issued.
- Repeated offenses could lead to banishment
'''On Capture and Injury:'''
- Should a noble be captured or injured in battle, and therefore lose what title they have, they are allowed to reassume their position upon return.

Latest revision as of 19:11, 28 October 2015

Lawbook of the Dragon Isles The Kingdom of the Dragon Isles, and D'Hara is an absolute monarchy under the rule of King Estion Tarcyn.

This lawbook was created, and voted on as part of the reformation conducted in the realm of D'Hara shortly after the election of Prime Minister Estion Tarcyn, who were made King of the Dragon Isles in the same reformation. The lawbook was created in cooperation between King Estion, Lord Confessor Nethluin and several other nobles of the Dragon Isles.

On Elections:

- All eligible nobles are allowed to run for elections, however each candidate must provide a campaign message that offers the voters a basis as to why the candidate should be voted for.

- Should someone be elected despite not providing a campaign letter, the decision will be overturned and a new election will be held. The formerly elected will be able to run for the same position once more, given he provides a campaign message.

On Referendums:

- For a referendum to be legally binding it must have been created and conducted by the Lord Confessor. Should the Lord Confessor not be available at the moment of the vote, the duty will fall to the Prime Minister.

- All lords are allowed to suggest and apply for a referendum which will be decided upon by the High Council of the Realm, which will consist of the Dukes and all members of government.

- If the applicant can find at least two who will petition alongside him, then the referendum will be brought to a vote regardless.

- Should the applicant wish to petition for a referendum privately, the letter which has been used to apply will be published alongside the referendum.

- Should a referendum, that doesn't need majority, end in a draw, the matter will go before the High Council that will decide the matter.

- Should a referendum to overturn a former referendum be initiated, the vote will need the same basis for approval as the prior referendum.

On Treason:

- Acts of treason will be met with banishment from the realm, should a noble be banished, he is required to hand back titles that belong to the realm, but may otherwise leave unmolested.

- Seceding from the realm is considered treason, and the lands that secede will by right be considered a part of the realm still, and illegally occupied by the traitor.

- Threatening the peace of the Realm is considered an act of treason.

- Threatening with secession is considered an act of treason.

- If found guilty in conspiring treason, or aiding a traitor, one is considered a traitor themselves.

- Conspiring to assassinate anyone within the realm is considered an act of treason.

On Military Actions:

- Raiding, looting and takeovers are only allowed against enemy realms, and can only be conducted with the approval of the Lord General and Prime Minister.

- Should a noble conduct unauthorized military actions, they will be held accountable on grounds of treason.

- The degree of military actions will be determined by the Lord General, who will decide what benefits the realm most in the situation.

On Military Structure:

- Any order commanded by the Lord General are to be followed, unless they are in direct conflict with governmental policies, or orders from the Prime Minister.

- Should you be unable to follow such a command, you are expected to inform the Lord General upon request.

- Failure to follow commands, and providing valid reasons are illegal. Fines may be issued.

- Should you be unable to take part in military actions due to otherwise serving the realm, such as trading or being on ambassadorial trips, you are not expected to take part.

- Should the Lord General be unavailable or otherwise unable to issue commands, the Marshalls of their respective armies will have command of each army.

- Should the Lord General be a Marshall as well, the remaining Marshall will take command of military matters, and the Vice Marshall of their respective armies will take command, should their superiors be unavailable.

- Should all military commanders be unavailable the Prime Minister will have the ability to appoint a commander until the regular commanders have returned to active duty.

On Colonies:

- Any noble who participates in a non state-sanctioned colony project will be banned for misuse of the Realm's resources.

- Any noble may apply to take part of a colony project where the Lordly Council will vote on the matter after a discussion.

On Appropriate Behaviour:

- Nobles are expected to act according to codes of chivalry.

- If disagreeing with another noble you shall treat them with respect still.

- Any offended party might present their case to the Lord Confessor who will decide on the matter. A fine may be issued.

On Religion:

- The Realm offers freedom of religion, and no one shall be prosecuted for practicing their belief.

- Temples and shrines may be erected where-ever, yet the government must be informed of this, and so must the regional lord whose land is being built upon.

On Dueling:

- Dueling is considered legal, yet it holds no legal weight.

- Realm members must only duel each other to one surrenders.

- If a duel to the death is to be issued, the participants must apply to the High Council.

On Food Distribution:

- The Lord Treasurer must at all times have access to all granaries of the realm.

- The food should be spread to accommodate the needs of each individual region.

- Nobles are not to sell food provided by the Lord Treasurer onwards for profit.

- Nobles are not to sell food to any lands we are currently warring with.

- Should a Noble be pressed for rations, they must inform the Lord Treasurer.

On Commoners:

- Assaulting commoners for no apparent reason is illegal by law, and fines may be issued.

- Repeated offenses could lead to banishment

On Capture and Injury:

- Should a noble be captured or injured in battle, and therefore lose what title they have, they are allowed to reassume their position upon return.