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|Title=Priest of The Blood Cult
|Title=Priest of The Blood Cult
|Sender=Vistuvis Adriddae
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
|Content=(Before Vistuvis became a priest)
Standing before one of the statues of the gods in the temple of Vur Hagin, Vistuvis solemnly prayed his vows, and riddled the rites to his god of the pantheon, Arxanatl. A knife played rhythmically over his chest and stomach, etching patterns in an orderly fashion. The neat patterns woven neatly around his body bled, and coagulated before Vistuvis could finish his rites. After he had drawn the mystical lines across his body, he gouged his legs with the knife. Blood spilled down onto the plate below the statue, as an offering to his god. The shamans and priests nearby nodded approvingly at what he had done, and began their own rituals at the ceremony.
Finally finished the first section of the sacred devotion to Arxanatl, Vistuvis requested the priests great luck in the next phase. Just recently, the priests had spotted several thieves and bandits and lawbreakers in the nearby mountains of Vur Hagin. A score of men in all, Vistuvis hoped to shed their blood in behalf of Arxanatl. That was the way. Seeing that justice must be exacted on these few, it is fitting that the punishment must be death.
With his dagger in his waist band, and a scythe in the other, Vistuvis set off to hunt the ones deemed to die.
|Title=Priest of The Blood Cult
|Sender=Vistuvis Adriddae
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
|Content=(Before Vistuvis became a priest, Part 2)
The moon was in a precise position, just above the horizon. The radiant glow from the god lit the jagged rocks. The entire mountains were exposed in the rays from the moon. Vistuvis knew it was the right time. Ignoring the spasm the rattled through the flesh, he pressed the dagger down, slicing and tearing. With the knife, he tore open a empty spot and slipped his hand in, feeling the soft, tender flesh of the heart. Looking up, he saw the pain drenched eyes of the man, and smiled. Automatically, he used his dagger to cut through the arteries of the heart and placed it in his nearby bag. The body was placed in a pit he had remade and then lit. Hot red flames incinerated the flesh, as if a signal of Arxanatl's approval.
It was his ninth sacrifice to Arxanatl. One of the few ones that will be the conclusion of his devotion to Arxanatl. The last one, was no where to be found. All day and night he had been searching, and had slayed most of the ones he was to sacrifice. Perhaps, he were hiding behind the corner, else, behind a steep mountain.
Vistuvis adorned himself with a golden amulet, an image of one of Arxanatl's servants to aid him in his journey. Taking his time, he walked on in a narrow pathway, trying to find the last of his victims. The crag was rough and wore out his sandals, piercing even to his feet. Vistuvis didn't care, his mind was set on searching on the ones to be sacrificed. A hopeful venture, but he didn't think it could be accomplished.
Then he spotted a fire in the distance. Taking his time, he crept up to the camp. Two figures were huddled around the flame. One was slightly larger than the other, but both were wrapped in cloaks. Vistuvis wanted to conclude this as soon as possible. He didn't care who they were, but as long as they were to be as a sacrificed.
A low bush provided the needed shelter he was going to use to surprise them. His Scythe became unsheathed from its resting place, and he lay it on the ground. He carefully pulled out the rope he had used for all his previous subjects.
In one swift motion he sprang. The assailants twirled, their face, however, was covered.
Vistuvis swung the rope around one and knocked them over the head with a rock. Quickly, he turned to the other one and rammed him to the ground, struggling to search for his weapon.
The thief jabbed Vistuvis in the stomach with his fingers and kicked him off. Distraught by this attack, Vistuvis gouged his leg.
The thief fell onto his back.
A blade pierced his side, as he tried to scramble up. Repeated stabbings were marked him, and he finally fell limp.
After the short tussle, Vistuvis went to the theif and unclothed him. To his surprise, it was a woman. Blood spilled from her head and onto the ground.
The sun was quickly make its way up. It was nearly above the horizon. With the moon left, and the sun raising, Vistuvis had to work fast. Although it was his last sacrifice to be made to Arxanatl, he made it his quickest. And with the rite done, VIstuvis made his way back to the temple.
|Title=Priest of The Blood Cult
Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic (13 hours, 54 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Orombo (6 recipients)
Valachi stood and admired the new temple he had helped to build. It was so nice to see things going according to plan for a change.
"Too bad I can't stand here much longer..." he muttered to himself.
Awaiting him within the new temple was a room he had requested be built. A relatively simple chamber containing a single thing: a tank. Within this tank was a special liquid which keeps the body afloat, and the thick walls and hatch on the tank prevents any sound from getting in... or out. This was where his trial would begin... the trial leading him further along the path of the Lord of Dark. No light. No sound. No smells. No taste. No sense of touch. For a full day.
It would be public... but only to a degree. For this first use of the chamber, the outer door would remain open, where other followers could watch - in silence, of course.
Yet, there were no worries clouding Valachi's mind. He was looking forward to this task and the reward it would bring, and with the help of the Lord of Dark, he would find his way through.
Stripping his clothes, Valachi entered the chamber in silence.
Valachi Stefanovic
Baron of Orombo
Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in the region Orombo (4 recipients)
At first, it was pleasant. But slowly, the silence was eating away at him. Gnawing at his consciousness. The nothingness was absolute, to be completely without sensation... who would have thought it something this horrible!
But Valachi's sanity had one last recluse. His mother had once told him of another plane, and Valachi began to wonder in his maddening state if the true reason he had chosen this trial was that it was not his choice at all, but rather the hand of the Dark Lord, guiding Valachi to... to... the realm of the gods.
Valachi Stefanovic
Baron of Orombo
Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic
Message sent to everyone in the region Orombo (3 recipients)
As the priests opened the tank the silence was at last broken. It seemed an eternity since light had touched his eyes, since the sound of those breathing had faded in the background, since he had smelled anything at all that Valachi could do only one thing - he wept. For he had at last seen the face of his lord, Teros, and for what had seemed an eternity had existed in his presence... until the light had come once again, reminding him that there was much to be done, and that peace at the side of his Lord had not yet come.
Screams of what at first seemed to be pain filled the chamber as the tank opened. However, it was not pain, but a mixture of grief and joy. Shielding his eyes and attempting to cover his ears, sensations overwhelming him at every turn, Valachi emerged from the tank... and collapsed.
This had been something Valachi would never forget, not for the rest of his life. To go without the senses was horrible, but it brought enlightenment. Yes, this was something Valachi would never forget.
Valachi Stefanovic
Baron of Orombo

Latest revision as of 03:48, 12 December 2008

Roleplay from Aran Valsorim
Message sent to everyone in the region of Gaxano
It was a place of splendour and awe, grace and immortality. A place fit for the divine. And on top of it resided her goal, the original temple.

She looked around her, slothfully, warily. People from all around the region had come to catch a glimpse of the one that should soon enough attain the right to be called a priestess, should she pass.

Not caring about the eyes on her, she stripped her clothes, revealing to the public her nudity. Unashamed of her bare body, she took hold of a long metallic wire, superposed with thorn-like iron, placing it around her body, eliciting blood from her damaged skin. This supposed pain, only brought her pleasure and soon enough she was long gone in to her own world filled with her own fantasies,

Luckily, a near by faithful shook her shoulder, drawing her out of her blood filled dream. She looked at him and quietly thanked him, but he was already gone, too afraid of her lunatic qualities. Without another look back, she started her journey.

And it was so long and so pleasurable, her mind was filled with ecstasy as she climbed those last slippery rocks to the spring. It was raining now, and her blood had somewhat washed-out, though some remained and new wounds were opening because of the wires.

She peered through her damp bangs, identifying what looked like a place of a temple, now only ruins rested in its place.

Slowly, without her command, her feet took her to the sacred springs, which retained their pristine condition. Before going in, she took of the thorns, ruthlessly pulling at the wires to get them off. As she took her first steps in to the water, Aran was surprised by its warmness, the hot spring a strong contrast to the cold rain.

As she vigorously scrubbed her body of all the blood and dirt, she noticed how the water seemed to absorb all the blood floating around; she thought it was only her imagination.

She waited for her proclamation.
Aran Valsorim (Dame of Weghie)

Roleplay from Glenn Hyrhion
Message sent to everyone in the region of Gaxano
As Glenn had been waiting several days now, wandering around the villages of the mountainious region of Gaxano, the holy sanctuary.

He kept on thinking to himself, if he could do this, if he will be able or why would he do this. He had already sacrificed a young man for the Gods in Zisswi. He still remembers as if it was yesterday, the dark night with the red glowing star pouring daimons.

He finally went to his room to rest and think about this, again. A couple of hours later, he was covered in sweat, moving and twitching left and right. Suddenly, he woke up. He was breathing heavily.

It was dawn, Glenn ran as fast as he could to the bottom of the sacred mountain. There were some followers of the faith already waiting for him.

As Glenn removed his black cloak and brown tunic and all the rest with great resolution, he was then naked in front of the eyes of the faith. A small breeze could be felt on his skin, by which you could see many scars. Although, before putting over the thorns, we could see he had carved a perfectly shaped serpent on his back with a small dagger. Blood were slowly flowing down and dripping on the ground.

"With my blood and many others to come, this pathway to the holy spring shall forever be blessed"

As he raised his arms and streched his legs, the followers would entangle him with these thorns. They did not care if it would penetrate, cut, slash the skin of the pelgrim. As they were doing that, Glenn did not seem to be feeling any pain, instead we could even see that he was smiling sometimes. Finally, he was covered in thorns and blood.

It was a very warm and sunny day. Then he started marching towards the location he was destined. Several unnoticable hours later, he could finally see the old ruins of the Temple or was it an illusion for he was dehydrated and he had loss a great amout of blood. The blood hasnt stopped flowing and dripping. Finally, he had reached it, he stood at the edge and he could see the whole region of Gaxano. He stood there with his hands on his waist, proud. As a small gentle wind came to carress his skin.

He then stripped himself of the thorns with vigor, making his wounds even better. Then he purged himself within the holy spring, by which it suddenly adopted a red wine color. Glenn had never felt this good before, even with all those injury. He then put his hand together to gather some holy water, by which he then drinked slowly, to taste the flow of life.

After bathing, as he was out of the spring, an old man came and put a robe on Glenn.

Now, only the way down was left to do.
Glenn Hyrhion (Knight of Pel Mark)

Roleplay from Innoova Kiri-Jolith
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
(OOC: Day 1 of 7.)

Innoova slowly removed his armor and laid it down in its proper place in his armory. He ran his hand slowly over the scratches of scores of deflected blades, and sighed when his hand reached a notch where a blade got through, his side gave a sympathetic throb in the same place.

"You have protected me well over the years. I thank you. He bowed his head in prayer a moment over his armor.

Then he placed his sword beside his armor.

"And you friend," He began, glancing at his knotched blade. The crossguard was plain, the sword was merely an effective tool, not a thing of beauty. "You have served me for years. And I free you now to rest in my Halls. I fight a different kind of battle now." Again he bowed his head in prayer.

He turned and took his dagger from another shelf. Wearing only a simple tunic, he went to his courtyard.

Beside the blazing fire he had placed in the center of his courtyard stood a Man wearing a rich, elegant robe. The man looked up from the fire slowly, and glanced at Innoova expectantly.

"Is it time?"

Innoova merely nodded and walked towards the Man. Noting that next to the fire a simple mat. Beside the mat was a wooden plate with a single loaf of Peasant flatbread, and a bowl half full of water. He absently nodded his approval of the items.

"Yes friend. It is time to begin." Innoova said gently as gestured the Man to the mat, and settled himself kneeling on the ground with the bowl of water in between.

Innoova removed the knife from his tunic and revently switched the blade into his plan, setting the edge against his own palm. He lightly gripped the sharpened edge, and held his hand out to the Man, over the bowl. He then looked up, a strange look overcoming his eyes as he met the Man's and held them. A strange voice came from within him, as he spoke:

"And you, Do you willing offer your Blood to The Gods? Do you offer your Essense to appease them? Do you offer your very life to them? Do not take this decision lightly. Make your choice."

Without hesitation, the Man reached out and took Innoova's hand, digging the blade into both of their palms at once. Innoova reach out and took the handle, viciously jerking the blade across both of their palms, causing their mixed blood to mingle and drip into the bowl.

The Man reach out his other hand, and gripped the blade again, which Innoova again viciously cut across that palm as well.

"Then is it begun.." Innoova released the Man's hand, who immediately took his hands back, and sat back, staring intently at Innoova.

The blood spread casually through the water in the bowl, almost leisurely as Innoova watched, transfixed.

Innoova looked at the setting sun, and as it dropped below the horizon, took the bowl in both hands, blood now fully diffused into the water, and drank deeply.

Innoova cast the empty bowl aside with a primal growl, and cast his eyes upon the flatbread.

Using only his bloody hand, he began eating, ripping entire blood-stained chunks off at a time and swallowing them with hardly a chew. This lasted only a moment before the entire loaf was devoured.

Innoova seemed to regain his senses, and shuddered slightly as his eyes came back into focus. He sat back and calmly shrugged the top of his tunic down to his waste, and gestured to a servant. "He may come now."

The servant ran off, as Innoova slipped back into a trance, seemingly unaware of the approach of the Tattooist a short time later...
Innoova Kiri-Jolith (Knight of Marpii)

Roleplay from Innoova Kiri-Jolith
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
((OOC: Part 2 of the 7 part RP I owe from before I became a priest... God suddenly busy))

Innoova came out of his trance the next day as the sun was falling in the sky.

He glanced over to see the Man there with scabs across his palms. Looking upon his own hand, he saw someone had bandaged his hand. He experimentally flexed his hand, and saw it was in working order. He tore off the bandage.

As he tore off his bandage, caught a glance of his arms. Interested he looked closer. Upon his left wrist, he saw a few grey ovals, a little higher, he saw a circle, and towards his shoulder, he saw the beginning of red teeth, primarily the fangs.

When he looked upon his right arm, he saw the same, but where the ovals on his left were gray, the ovals on his right were black as night.

The tattoos were slightly scabbed, "Fresh..." he thought aloud.

Looking on the ground next to him, he saw a new bowl of water, and a new loaf of bread. Beside them was his bloodstained knife.

He watched the sun set without a word.

Taking up the knife, he woke the man.

"It is time."

The Man nodded, knelt, and extended his arms directly forward, palms open and up.

Innoova stood over the Man, and closed his eyes for a moment. As soon as his eyes closed, Innoova saw a flash of Red. Moving his head down, he saw where the flash had originated. Whilst his eyes were closed, he saw the Man's blood... inside his veins. He saw an intoxicating display of the blood flowing through the man's veins, and even the darker blood inside the scabs upon his palms. He moved his eyes to the Man's chest, and saw a blinding flashing of the man's heart.

Innoova opened his eyes, and the glowing ceased. He slowly drew the blade up one of the Man's Arms, then the Other.

He watched the blood drip, slowly and reverently moving the water bowl below the dripping blood.

Drinking deeply as the blood mixed into the water. Hiddukel ran his tongue over his lips, and felt for a moment a pair of Fangs within his mouth.

He dug into the Bread as a savage animal again, before falling into a trance.

Without being beckoned, the Tattoist approached...
Innoova Kiri-Jolith (Priest of The Blood Cult)

Roleplay from Vistuvis Adriddae
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
(Before Vistuvis became a priest)

Standing before one of the statues of the gods in the temple of Vur Hagin, Vistuvis solemnly prayed his vows, and riddled the rites to his god of the pantheon, Arxanatl. A knife played rhythmically over his chest and stomach, etching patterns in an orderly fashion. The neat patterns woven neatly around his body bled, and coagulated before Vistuvis could finish his rites. After he had drawn the mystical lines across his body, he gouged his legs with the knife. Blood spilled down onto the plate below the statue, as an offering to his god. The shamans and priests nearby nodded approvingly at what he had done, and began their own rituals at the ceremony.

Finally finished the first section of the sacred devotion to Arxanatl, Vistuvis requested the priests great luck in the next phase. Just recently, the priests had spotted several thieves and bandits and lawbreakers in the nearby mountains of Vur Hagin. A score of men in all, Vistuvis hoped to shed their blood in behalf of Arxanatl. That was the way. Seeing that justice must be exacted on these few, it is fitting that the punishment must be death.

With his dagger in his waist band, and a scythe in the other, Vistuvis set off to hunt the ones deemed to die.
Vistuvis Adriddae (Priest of The Blood Cult)

Roleplay from Vistuvis Adriddae
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
(Before Vistuvis became a priest, Part 2)

The moon was in a precise position, just above the horizon. The radiant glow from the god lit the jagged rocks. The entire mountains were exposed in the rays from the moon. Vistuvis knew it was the right time. Ignoring the spasm the rattled through the flesh, he pressed the dagger down, slicing and tearing. With the knife, he tore open a empty spot and slipped his hand in, feeling the soft, tender flesh of the heart. Looking up, he saw the pain drenched eyes of the man, and smiled. Automatically, he used his dagger to cut through the arteries of the heart and placed it in his nearby bag. The body was placed in a pit he had remade and then lit. Hot red flames incinerated the flesh, as if a signal of Arxanatl's approval.

It was his ninth sacrifice to Arxanatl. One of the few ones that will be the conclusion of his devotion to Arxanatl. The last one, was no where to be found. All day and night he had been searching, and had slayed most of the ones he was to sacrifice. Perhaps, he were hiding behind the corner, else, behind a steep mountain.

Vistuvis adorned himself with a golden amulet, an image of one of Arxanatl's servants to aid him in his journey. Taking his time, he walked on in a narrow pathway, trying to find the last of his victims. The crag was rough and wore out his sandals, piercing even to his feet. Vistuvis didn't care, his mind was set on searching on the ones to be sacrificed. A hopeful venture, but he didn't think it could be accomplished.

Then he spotted a fire in the distance. Taking his time, he crept up to the camp. Two figures were huddled around the flame. One was slightly larger than the other, but both were wrapped in cloaks. Vistuvis wanted to conclude this as soon as possible. He didn't care who they were, but as long as they were to be as a sacrificed.

A low bush provided the needed shelter he was going to use to surprise them. His Scythe became unsheathed from its resting place, and he lay it on the ground. He carefully pulled out the rope he had used for all his previous subjects.

In one swift motion he sprang. The assailants twirled, their face, however, was covered. Vistuvis swung the rope around one and knocked them over the head with a rock. Quickly, he turned to the other one and rammed him to the ground, struggling to search for his weapon. The thief jabbed Vistuvis in the stomach with his fingers and kicked him off. Distraught by this attack, Vistuvis gouged his leg. The thief fell onto his back. A blade pierced his side, as he tried to scramble up. Repeated stabbings were marked him, and he finally fell limp.

After the short tussle, Vistuvis went to the theif and unclothed him. To his surprise, it was a woman. Blood spilled from her head and onto the ground.

The sun was quickly make its way up. It was nearly above the horizon. With the moon left, and the sun raising, Vistuvis had to work fast. Although it was his last sacrifice to be made to Arxanatl, he made it his quickest. And with the rite done, VIstuvis made his way back to the temple.
Vistuvis Adriddae (Priest of The Blood Cult)

Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic (13 hours, 54 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Orombo (6 recipients)

Valachi stood and admired the new temple he had helped to build. It was so nice to see things going according to plan for a change.

"Too bad I can't stand here much longer..." he muttered to himself.

Awaiting him within the new temple was a room he had requested be built. A relatively simple chamber containing a single thing: a tank. Within this tank was a special liquid which keeps the body afloat, and the thick walls and hatch on the tank prevents any sound from getting in... or out. This was where his trial would begin... the trial leading him further along the path of the Lord of Dark. No light. No sound. No smells. No taste. No sense of touch. For a full day.

It would be public... but only to a degree. For this first use of the chamber, the outer door would remain open, where other followers could watch - in silence, of course.

Yet, there were no worries clouding Valachi's mind. He was looking forward to this task and the reward it would bring, and with the help of the Lord of Dark, he would find his way through.

Stripping his clothes, Valachi entered the chamber in silence.

Valachi Stefanovic Baron of Orombo

Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic (just sent) Message sent to everyone in the region Orombo (4 recipients)

At first, it was pleasant. But slowly, the silence was eating away at him. Gnawing at his consciousness. The nothingness was absolute, to be completely without sensation... who would have thought it something this horrible!

But Valachi's sanity had one last recluse. His mother had once told him of another plane, and Valachi began to wonder in his maddening state if the true reason he had chosen this trial was that it was not his choice at all, but rather the hand of the Dark Lord, guiding Valachi to... to... the realm of the gods.

Valachi Stefanovic Baron of Orombo

Roleplay from Valachi Stefanovic Message sent to everyone in the region Orombo (3 recipients)

As the priests opened the tank the silence was at last broken. It seemed an eternity since light had touched his eyes, since the sound of those breathing had faded in the background, since he had smelled anything at all that Valachi could do only one thing - he wept. For he had at last seen the face of his lord, Teros, and for what had seemed an eternity had existed in his presence... until the light had come once again, reminding him that there was much to be done, and that peace at the side of his Lord had not yet come.

Screams of what at first seemed to be pain filled the chamber as the tank opened. However, it was not pain, but a mixture of grief and joy. Shielding his eyes and attempting to cover his ears, sensations overwhelming him at every turn, Valachi emerged from the tank... and collapsed.

This had been something Valachi would never forget, not for the rest of his life. To go without the senses was horrible, but it brought enlightenment. Yes, this was something Valachi would never forget.

Valachi Stefanovic Baron of Orombo