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The Veritas Vincit

The Veritas Vinicit is a religion that bases its values and principle on seeking out the truth of the gods, and to one day discover the true nature of the one they call "The Father"

General Beliefs

The Veritas Vinicit believe that almost every religion touches the truth, but fails to see the whole truth by limiting their belief just to the gods they worship. Most gods of other religions are real, but ultimately such gods are just a few among thousands of other gods and demi-gods. The Veritas believe that by denying this truth, and limiting their beliefs, other religions open themselves to conflict and corruption.
Even though all Veritas main mission is to seek out the truth, there are many elements to the religion. From preparing for the War of Time, to defying evil gods, the Veritas Vincit encompasses many aspects.

Seeking out the Truth

The Chief goal of the Veritas are to seek out the truth of the gods: to discover what gods exist, the belief of gods,who the gods ally themselves with , and the history of the gods. But every member of the Veritas strives to discover the identity and truth of "The Father" or the god who gave battled the darkness and gave birth to all of creation, including the ancient gods.