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EastIsland-geo-small.jpeg The Tribune
Page 3 A multinational newspaper for a multinational continent Premier Edition
November 2006
Page 1- World News
Page 2 - World and Local News
Page 4 - Sports, Polls, Comics, Letters

Shadow War

The Truth shall make yee Fret

Underworld of the East Exposed
The world is a dangerous place readers; one where a little bit of knowledge can get you in a lot of trouble. Well around here in the Shadow War correspondence branch of The Tribune we have the tendency to take our little bit of knowledge and go looking for trouble since it’s so slow. It has taken a long time exhausted research and liberal use of bribes but we’ve managed to collect information on the lesser-known battlefield of the East, a virtual underworld of thieves and assassins that normally only the most skilled infiltrators ever enter. Called by many names, from the Underworld, to the Syndicate this land of dark alleys and twisted streets is not a place for the unskilled to tarry.

However it was while exploring this forbidding landscape that encompassed both land and ideals that we uncovered the conflict that rages across the continent behind the scenes. While the kings and lords sat in court deciding policy and ordered arms to march, meeting each other on the field of battle another group arranged discrete letters, dispatched assassins and planed moves like a chess match. I speak of course of the war being raged in the shadows between those men and women who feel the need to walk the darker paths in the name of their beliefs. Everyone has always known that these “Shadow Wars” have been going on, but until today only a few knew of the scope of the conflict, and hints of the players. Unfortunately dear reader the information we acquired is not the complete picture but we will continue our tireless efforts to delve into the underworld and expose these shadows to the light of good honest folk.

List of Shadow Organizations
The Black Hand:
The infamous BH is the centre of much rumour and theory by nobles across the continent. Originally created as a political movement with the purpose of changing the regimes of West Sirion, the BH has been accredited with countless Shadow War victories and a massive enrolment. In fact present figures place the BH with an enrolment well over most nations, with members in nearly every level of multiple governments. However if this were the case it seems highly unlikely that any would be able to oppose them and so it is the humble opinion of this reporter that other organizations are using their name to deflect suspicion. Scapegoats work wonders even in the shadow wars.

Motto: “If we act together we will be free.”

The Servants:
Followers of the Great Jarbosh the Deciever, this religious cult seeks to bring chaos and death to as many as possible.
Motto: Do you Serve?

The White Foot:
Created by the Shadows of Sirion to track and destroy the Black Hand, this organization has since become independent and this newspaper has labelled them the White Foot for lack of their actual name. Having been given cross-boarder powers the organization is presently operating within Old Rancagua and Kalmar Island in an effort to finally put an end to the BH menace.
Motto: They are a cancer on the world, which we will cleans with fire and steel.

The Inquisition of the Dying Light:
Inquisition for short, is the last remnants of the Holy Inquisition. The Dying Light continues to hunt down witches and all that’s unnatural, on their personal crusade to protect humanity.
Motto: While the vile mage-kings still draw breath, there can be no peace.

The WCC or Worst Case Council was created by Hireshmont Vellos in Oligarch as an organization to take the war against the NA to the Shadows. Famous for Operation Rubber Ducky, the WCC was never much of a secret compared to the other organizations it ended up fighting against, but it made up for its openness with brutal directness. As is said, in a world where everyone moves in circles, someone going in a strait line can get a lot done. As effective as the WCC was it apparently didn’t survive the destruction of Oligarch though it could just as easily be that they went underground.
Motto: "There is a fine line between genius and insanity. We dwell on the insane side, and occasionally hop over into the genius side, grab some things, and take'em home with us."

Shadows of Sirion:
Based out of the Republic of Sirion the Shadows of Sirion work the continent over to keep the elven nation running smoothly and thwart the machinations of the other younger members of the shadow wars.
Motto: “One knife at dusk are worth a thousand swords at dawn.

The Hive:
a secret compact, which founded the Southern Alliance in opposition to Sirion. There members are unknown or for that matter if they even still exist but if they do they are one of the best hidden.
Motto: Unknown

The Nameless:
They have no name, or any distinguishing traits and those we’ve dubbed “Nameless” have only been hinted at in the records our newspaper has managed to acquire. All efforts to find more have met with dead ends or just emptiness making it so this rather active organization have seemingly dropped off the map. However from what snippets we have uncovered they are responsible for some of the most dangerous and far-reaching events of the continent’s history starting about 4 years ago. I will not lie to you good reader, though we have looked into many shady dealings and disturbing plots what little we’ve seen of this organization fills us with dread. We will not rest until these “Nameless” come to light.
Motto: Unknown

Shadow War in Kalmar Island
Unconfirmed reports put both the White Foot and the Inquisition in KI during the onset of the war, but it would be The Servants who did the most damage. Drastically opposed to even the slightest amount of freedom, and peace, The Servants were beyond upset by the democratization of the Islands revitalization of the Avamarian culture, and worst of all, pacifist nature of the islands. Unconfirmed reports talk of under the table deals between The Servants and the OR nobility leading to the increase in the pro-war faction’s political power but it was the creation of Avamar Selective in an effort to crush the islands that is the most telling testament to their power. It is uncertain when exactly One Rogala (44) converted to The Servants, but quickly capitalizing on the political movement that mirrored the creation of LoF he managed to secure the AS for The Servants. Using his position, One Rogala quickly transformed the nation into a hell on earth by torturing and killing hundreds - if not thousands - of peasants in his strange quest for “seals” all in the name of Jarbosh. Even the nobility wasn’t safe with many being put to torture and death no matter which nation they called home by the “Butcher” Tasadar Bladefist (32). Eventually, One Rogala was disposed of before he could surrender the nation to OR and escaped the continent. Presently the Inquisition has a reward posted for any and all information leading to the capture of One Rogala, and Tasadar Bladefist, but considering the prevalence of The Servants on nearly every continent there is little hope of finding them.