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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''World News'''
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''World News'''
{{Template: FD WorldNews|
date = 05-22-08|
headline = Unlikely Alliance Forms|
author = Lorrie Furion|
article = Just today the news reached us that Sirion and Caligus have formed an alliance. This is unexpected and it shows how serious the situation in Sirion must be. Just a few months back, I bet that the elves would scoff at such a lousy idea.
But this alliance could mean a new entrant or two into the current war. Keep your fingers crossed, if Caligus enters Fontan lands in aid of Sirion, this will be way more interesting than our current cleaning up of Sirion forces whenever we fight. But I will still bet on Fontan to push back whatever  Caligus can muster. }}

{{Template: FD WorldNews|
{{Template: FD WorldNews|

Revision as of 08:12, 26 May 2008

Fontan Democrat Header.png
May '08

Printed in Krimml, Karbala, and Fontan City Free

Fontan News
By, Alise Athins
The take over in Dale was completed today, and the people of Dale are now under the Fontanese banner. Not too long later Chancellor Rogal Dorn announced Sir Lunarectic as its Count. We wish him luck and the region of Dale much prosperity.
Elections results for Ashforth and Dale
By, Lorrie Furion Archbane
The nobles of Fontan has voted on the future lords of Ashforth and Dale. These regions are likely to join Fontan anytime soon. The soon-to-be Duke of Ashforth is none other than Count Elberan Carnes, our banker, while Sir Lunarectic will be the new lord of Dale.
Death of a Hero
By, Alise Athins
Celad Anthas, a Knight of Oligarch has died heroically on the field of battle in Parm against Sirion forces. His brother, Katan Anthas, Banker of Sultanate of Asena, Baron of Gadlock, had this to say about Sir Celad:

Today, my Brother, Celad Anthas, was laid to rest here in Gadlock. He lived a good life, having fought battles on both the South Eastern Island, where he went to avenge the death of my twin brother Archid, and here on the Eastrn Continent.

His career, I have been told, was a modest one to begin with, Arriving in Taselak soon after the death of Archid. He was there not even a fortnight before he was seriously wounded in Falens, taking several arrows through his leg.

Not to be defeated so easily, a week later he proclaimd himself to truly be heroic, stepping up to lead from the front, which has ultimately claimed his life. Working the best he could, he began to make a name not only for himself, but our family as well. Within a few months, he became Count of Lesthem, the very fields where our brother Archid was slain. However, he hadn't held onto the region very long before it was reclaimed by Toren.

Several weeks later, once the allegiance of the Sandalak Duchy changed from Ikalak to Taselak, he was made Count of Unlib, a region he held dear to him until the day when the island lost favour with the gods, and he was forced to move here to the Eastern Continent, where he joined me in the Democracy of Fontan.

There we fought for the same side for quite some time, yet never on the same battlefield. It was there, with the networks, that I was able to communicate effectively with him. However, he was there for little more than a month before I left Fontan with the Sultanate of Asena, while he remained in Fontan, not wishing to betray his own personal beliefs on loyalty.

It was some time before we once again met, up in the County of Juazeiro. We were able to have some time face to face, for the first time since we embarked on our careers. We were able to relax together and have a few drinks, and he was able to meet my now betrothed, Zekio, before he moved out to Oroya.

However, the next time we once again saw each other was only half a day later, where we met up once again in Oroya. In one of the battles there, he even made a mistake, and took up rank with myself and the Sultanate, fighting in our lines instead of those of Fontan. However, we soon parted ways once again, not knowing that it was the last time we'd ever speak.

And then, the battle of Parm. Having not had seen the reports of the battle, I do not know much of his death, other than he died a courageous and heroic death. Unfortunately, there is one person that sought to bring him shame, even in his death. Dame Kiera of the Obsidian Islands had attempted to loot his memorial as it was being constructed, so it was only a miracle that she was able to be repeled.

However, Celad's accomplishments were not only prevalent on the field of battle, for he was also was inventive and clever, having created the Pub-Mobile, a structure which served to provide morale for not only his soldiers, but those around him, and even his enemies were often invited over for drinks. The pub-Mobile soon found status in Taselak, often proving its worth as a mobile headquarters for the kingdom's army.

Us of the Anthas family often called Celad 'The Invincible' as no matter what was thrown at him, nothing ever seemed to slow him down, much harm him. It is a sad day not only for the Anthas Family and his compatriots in Fontan, but the world, for we have lost a truly great man.

If anyone wishes to send a note to his memorial, it can be found here, Anthas Family/Celad.

Is This the End of OR?
By, Lorrie Furion Archbane
Currently, Fontanese forces are participating in the takeover of the city of Ashforth and the rural region of Dale. And count the regions SoA has taken from OR the past few weeks or so and the regions they are likely to take in the future. Their allies from Sirion have their own set of problems, ranging from losing their two western most cities and rogues to their east. The new OR regime wants peace with Fontan, but at this rate, they are likely to run out of regions before they see the peace they want. The future of OR does look bleak.
New Writer for the Democrat
By, Alise Athins
The Fontan Democrat would like to welcome a new writer. Marquis Lorrie Furion Archbane of Tokat. The Marquis has long been a loyal knight of Fontan, and we look forward to see his take on events.
New Duke for Westmoor
By, Alise Athins
After Duke Sartan went missing for a week his position was opened up to vote for voting by the populace. Minister Basilius won the referandum and was appointed to the position by Chancellor Rogal Dorn. After much arguing, which is customary in Fontan, it has been decided that he will keep the position even after Lord Sartan's return.

World News
Unlikely Alliance Forms
By, Lorrie Furion
Just today the news reached us that Sirion and Caligus have formed an alliance. This is unexpected and it shows how serious the situation in Sirion must be. Just a few months back, I bet that the elves would scoff at such a lousy idea.

But this alliance could mean a new entrant or two into the current war. Keep your fingers crossed, if Caligus enters Fontan lands in aid of Sirion, this will be way more interesting than our current cleaning up of Sirion forces whenever we fight. But I will still bet on Fontan to push back whatever Caligus can muster.

Rogue regions on the rise
By, Lorrie Furion
Just today, the region of Salta and Ashforth has gone rogue. Salta rebelled from SoA while Ashforth rebelled from OR. Ashforth used to be OR's capital and they are currently without a capital. The entire OR cabinet seems to be lost except for their judge.

Perdan Declares War on SoA
By, Alise Athins
Perdan has declared war on the SoA. It is unknown if their armies have begun to move yet, or if this is just a political response to their demand that the SoA hand over Kazan by a certain time.