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Revision as of 09:54, 22 May 2008

OOC - First of all, its "Fisc Arylon" not "Arylon Fisc". I was always of the impression that wiki metadata was off limits for in character knowledge. And seriously - "look around in the cellars for old copies"? Who's cellars? You think anyone from the Daily would have been given access to Everguard's library? And your using that quote from the paper is out of context, because I was referring to the OTHER newspapers, not our own. Specifically I was referring to the Dwilight Daily's absurd anti-Everguard bias.

Bob is the sole writer for the Chronicle, but I didn't see you write up a massive expose about that - this is getting borderline ridiculous. You wrote fair and nice evaluations of the other papers, but attack the Visionary because my character got tired of himself and his realm being unfairly ravaged in the other papers (gang pile on mentality) so he finally decided to write an editorial article in the paper defending the paper, the realm and Fisc specifically... real nice.

This isn't in character stuff with you guys anymore, which I find sad. I don't mind you mentioning that the Visionary is clearly slanted/biased toward the realm's point of view, because it is and that's fair to mention, but this personal vendetta crap is getting out of hand.

Oh, and just for the record, I changed signing my articles to "Editorial Board" so it wouldn't look (IC or OOC) to the other players in my realm that I was the sole contributer and "the guy" to write everything - I was trying to encourage other people to get involved in its writing by not completely dominating it. It can be intimidating when one person controls the whole newspaper, and it often silently dissuades people from contributing to newspapers. Unfortunately, we have not had a lot of people interested in writing, so its still mostly me, but that's why I did it that way. Arylon 09:54, 22 May 2008 (CEST)