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gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No11 25th November
Printed In Oroya
As you may have gathered form reading the previous articles that Rancagua, is on the verge of defeat. It has been holed up in its capitol Karzakh, for some time now, surrounded on both sides by substantial forces from Old Rancagua.

Now its time will soon run out. While the forces of the church have been under seige inside their citadel, Old Rancaguan TL's have been building up their forces ready for the final blow to bring the Civil war to an end. In Gadlock there are troops from three nations waiting for the final preperations to be finished. These include Old Rancagua, Sirion (who was betrayed by Rancagua at the start of the civil war) and Fontan. Three friends united on the battlefield against a common foe. Soon The name of the church will be heard only in the scribe notes and chronicals of history.

TL's See The Light
Recently former TL's of Rancagua have seen the way forward and joined the forces of Old Rancagua. They have came back to their true home. As stated by King Fuinur any innocent TL that wishes to come back to Old Rancagua may do so. Appart from the ones who started all of this mess of war. So this message goes out to all TL's Of Rancagua. Follow the ones before you and choose the right side now. Join us while you still can.
Lengend of the 10 and 1 Swords
King Fuinur Announced sometime last week that he has heard of the legend of the 10 and the 1 swords. This legend is speaking to him and showing him the rightfull owners of the swords. Only a few have witnessed such an occasion but rumours are that when the owner holds the sword it turns a mysterious blue glow and the owner can weild the sword as easy as a stick but to others it is just a lump of metal.

Legend has it that these sword were crafted by a master, and the only journey left for them is to enter the hands of their users and to earn their rightfull place on the battle field.

More will follow when the swords give up their secrets