The Valentic Order/Principles and Teachings of The Valentic Order: Difference between revisions

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=Classes within The Valentic Order=
=Classes within The Valentic Order=
''Note: The system I came up with a few months ago failed to pan out like I imagined, so the Council is debating a simpler process, as detailed below.  Feel free to offer your thoughts on it.  ~Darrin''

==Senior Member Ranks==
==Senior Member Ranks==
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''(Note: Currently, there are temples in Thalmarkin and Vlaanderen, but because we do not have many followers in those realms at the present time, Bishops will not be assigned to those locations.)''
''(Note: Currently, there are temples in Thalmarkin and Vlaanderen, but because we do not have many followers in those realms at the present time, Bishops will not be assigned to those locations.)''
''(Note: Also be aware that we need a Priest in the Senior Ranks for each non-Priest in the Senior Ranks.  We Need Priests _badly_, so if you want to work your way up really fast, become a Priest.)''

'''<u>Priest of The Order</u>'''
'''<u>Priest of The Order</u>'''
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*Enlarge a temple in any region
*Enlarge a temple in any region
*Bring food to a hungry realm
*Bring food to a hungry realm
*Do Police Work in a realm you don't belong to for a period of 7 days
*Do Police Work in a realm you don't belong to for a period of 14 days
*Do Civil Work in a realm you don't belong to for a period of 7 days
*Do Civil Work in a realm you don't belong to for a period of 14 days
*Close or raze a temple of a faith we consider to be "evil".
*Close or raze a temple of a faith we consider to be "evil".
''(others TBD; please off suggestions if you have any ideas)''
''(others TBD; please off suggestions if you have any ideas)''

Revision as of 02:01, 8 January 2008

Traditions of The Valentic Order

Sacred Texts: "The Scrolls of the Vale"

Sacred Hymn: "Ye Who Are Warriors of The High Father"

Ye who are warriors of The Highfather and of his law,
pray to Komar for help and have faith in him;
that finally with Him you will be victorious.

Sacred Prayer: "The Prayer of the Ancients", by Hagalaz Futhark

May Kard grant you wisdom,
Komar be your courage,
Rigan guide you in your charitable works,
Quil grant you the respect of those around you,
Thesilia allow you to see the honesty in others,
Rin grant you glory in all that you do,
Le increase the loyalty of those around you,
and the High Father guide your path to save souls and this world.

The Valentic Order's Sacred Code of Honor

All members of this Knightly Order strictly follow this Code of Honor compiled by Komar's chosen Priest, Saint Darrin of Winifael, founder of The Valentic Order, and share a common faith in the Highfather, the Ancients, and the Betrayers. This sacred Code of Honor has been translated from The Old Tongue directly from The Scrolls of the Vale. These are Komar's direct instructions to all of his true followers.

All members of this Knightly Order must strictly adhere to this code of Honor:

  • Thou shalt believe all that the Order teaches, and shalt observe all its directions.
  • Thou shalt defend the Highfather, the Ancients, and thy Brothers with thy life.
  • Thou shalt constitute thyself a defender of all Souls who are weak.
  • Thou shalt love the country in the which thou serves.
  • Thou shalt not retreat in the face of thine enemies.
  • Thou shalt make war against the Betrayers without cessation or mercy.
  • Thou shalt diligently perform thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of the Highfather.
  • Thou shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
  • Thou shalt be generous with the blessings of the Highfather and the Ancients.
  • Thou shalt be always a champion of the Right and Good against Injustice and Evil.

Classes within The Valentic Order

Senior Member Ranks

Arch Bishop of The Valentic Order

  • Leader and Founder of The Valentic Order. He speaks the words of Komar and the Highfather, and is our source of all spiritual knowledge. He is head of The Council of Bishops, and has the final word on all matters.
    (held by Darrin O'Shea) (Note: This position will cease to exist upon Darrin's death. The Valentic Order will then be guided by The Council of Bishops)

The Council of Bishops

Each realm we have a temple in is assigned a Bishop. These positions are usually filled by Priests, but will also be given to a lord of a temple region if no Priest is available for the assignment. The Bishop's job is to spread our teachings to all the people of that realm, and to oversee any activities we are involved in there. Here are the current members:

  • Bishop of Heen - Riaan
  • Bishop of Melhed -
  • Bishop of Avalon -

(Note: Currently, there are temples in Thalmarkin and Vlaanderen, but because we do not have many followers in those realms at the present time, Bishops will not be assigned to those locations.)

(Note: Also be aware that we need a Priest in the Senior Ranks for each non-Priest in the Senior Ranks. We Need Priests _badly_, so if you want to work your way up really fast, become a Priest.)

Priest of The Order

  • Priests are the lifeblood of a religion. Without them, The Valentic Order would fall apart. Thus we honor those nobles who have decided to dedicate their lives to teaching others of Komar's commands. Any noble who becomes a Priest can simply notify the Senior Members of their intentions, and they will be quickly promoted to this rank.

Full Member Ranks

While The Valentic Order does not treasure mortal goods, we are unfortunately still bound by the rules of civilized life. Thus we require money to continue to operate successfully. While you are certainly able to buy your way up the ranks, we also have plenty of Alternate Conditions for promotion (listed at the end of this section) for those of you who can't afford/don't want to do this.

Paladin of The Order

  • Congratulations! You have done well serving your brothers & sisters, as well as your fellow Souls. Komar and the Highfather are greatly pleased with you. By this time, the senior members are very familiar with your work, and are ready to welcome you into their ranks. Even though you've fulfilled your obligations, further service and donations are greatly encouraged; you are a pillar of our faith and the embodiment of what we stand for. Rest assured, you will spend your days after death at rest in The Vale of The Highfather. Be at peace. This is also a joyous time for your brothers & sisters, and if possible, a tournament will be held to honor and commemorate this paramount event.

Valentic Templar

  • You're almost there! 100 gold (or fulfilling 1 Alternate Condition) will cement your spot as a Senior Member.

Protector of The Faith

  • The 3rd rank for full members. 75 gold (or fulfilling 1 Alternate Condition) will advance you to the next rank.

Servant of The Faith

  • The next rung for full members. 50 gold (or fulfilling 1 Alternate Condition) will advance you to the next rank.

Valentic Presbyteriate

  • The starting spot for full members. 25 gold (or fulfilling 1 Alternate Condition) will advance you to the next rank.

Alternate Conditions for Promotion:

To be promoted based on one of these actions, simply do it, then inform the Senior Members.

  • Build a temple in any region
  • Enlarge a temple in any region
  • Bring food to a hungry realm
  • Do Police Work in a realm you don't belong to for a period of 14 days
  • Do Civil Work in a realm you don't belong to for a period of 14 days
  • Close or raze a temple of a faith we consider to be "evil".

(others TBD; please off suggestions if you have any ideas)

Initiate Ranks

Servant of Komar

  • A new member who has taken the initiation oath. A donation of 25 gold is required to advance to the next rank and become a full member. This is a simple test to see if they are truly committed to being a part of The Valentic Order. The "Alternate Conditions for Promotion" are also applicable to this rank as well.

Initiate of The Order

  • New members of the Valentic Order who have not yet been formally initiated. To advance to the next rank, you must thoroughly review all of our teachings, then speak the following vow before all of your brothers & sisters (OOC: that means copy this message and send it to "All members"):

"I, [YourNameHere], hereby swear before my brothers and sisters that it is truly my solemn desire to become a member of The Valentic Order. I promise to follow The Code of Honor for the rest of my days on this earth. I promise to make myself a beacon of light in a dark world. I promise to put the needs of my fellow Souls before my own. May The Order use me to these ends as they best see fit, that I may enter The Vale of The Highfather when my life is through."

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