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Letters Back Home=

(Laurie has been deported after being caught for his second petty crime (changing travel signs between Tarkhog and Bolgar) and ended up on the Far East Island in the small realm of Arcaea. After almost a week of severe boredom, he finds the time to write to his friends in Carelia...)

Missing Home

Laurie took one last read-through of the letter he had written to his friends in Carelia...

Hey guys 'n' girls,

Man, what a boring last few days. I guess you all found out that i got caught again. I was travelling to Bolgar from Tarkhog i think, change a couple of signs around here and there, and then whoops, ran straight into a border patrol. I must have been off in my own little world or something because i just froze. I attempted to make up some great story like i was lost or something (can't rightly remember now), but even if they do smell, those RedSpan nobles aren't as stupid as you think.

Anyway, so i was back for my second stint in their smelly prisons. This time, the guards informed me that my gold ransom was something over 200, so i just laughed. I could tell this was going to be a long one...only i was wrong. The Arch Priest came down and groaned when he saw me, before i could open my mouth he had sent for the deportation documents, and the next thing i know, i woke up on a boat.

I tell you what though, it was the shortest boat ride i've ever been on, guess they musta hit me pretty hard cos we were almost there when i came to. You know, i still don't know to this day where this place is. I walked into the biggest city i have ever seen. It's even bigger than Skalk! I think probably bigger than Stargard. Although, i can't quite remember how big the one's in Abington were when i was there - so it might not be the biggest.

Anyway, i step into the city, find the nearest tavern and get talking to the locals, suss the place out you know? After a bit of talking i managed to find out that i'd ended up in the Capital City of one of the oldest realms on an island to the Far East of Atamara. I didn't want to look stupid, so i didn't ask what realm it was.

So then, i thought it would be a great idea to offer my services to the council in person, you know, show them i'll work hard for them, scout and stuff. So i set off for the centre of the city, assuming that would be where the important buildings were, and sure enough i managed to find some guards stood outside one of the biggest "villas". I think the conversation went something like this:

"Halt! Who goes there?"
"Greetings my good man. I see you are a good man, keen to do your job i doubt? You feel it is important? That's grand..."
A confused guard continued to block the cloaked man's path to the door and repeated: "Halt! Who goes there?"
"Wow, they really trained you well! I am already impressed. Well, seeing as i can't get no further, i shall announce my business."

So i explained why i was there and that i'd like to serve the realm, whatever it may be, but he still just stood there.

To this day, i have still not received any welcome, or even an acknowledgement that i exist. I journeyed south of the city to find the nearest scouts guild, and i am now camped in enemy territory to spy on them, like i did in Carelia. I think i'm getting better at this lark, as i haven't been captured yet. There are aleast 4 militia units in the region, and i've managed to ambush 6 soldiers. Lets just say that i needed the practise.

I miss you guys so much. I haven't known boredom like this since like...well ever! I'm killing militia for fun...that's how desperate i've gotten! If only somebody would talk to me, even if it was to make fun.

I have heard rumours though that my long since departed sister has been seen around these parts. She never had a good childhood, and when that nasty priest started spreading those witch rumours she had to flee. Perhaps i'll bump into her before i leave - for leave i shall. I can't wait for taxes, although i still don't think i'll have enough gold to be able to leave, as i am not aligned to anyone (they wont have me!), so i do not get a great deal of gold each week.

I sent this to Gregory because i know he reads his paperwork thoroughly, but i'd like him to say hi to Bartho, Karandras, Enveld, Aniri, Tharan and Yavanna for me, even that tyke Zerric. I don't know exactly how long it will be til i see you guys again, but i can assure you that i will be much better at what i do!

I hope this letter finds you all very well. I hope the war is coming along nicely.

Yours as ever,


As he folded up the letter, Laurie sealed it with the Grancourt coat of arms, pressing his wedding ring into the hot wax. Calling for one of his scouts he trusted the letter to the man.

"Make sure this gets all the way to Carelia my good man."
And with that, Laurie turned away into the woods to find a suitable hiding place for 3 militia bodies.