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This is an entry in the journal of Louis Lious, an adventurer from Sasrhas:

I woke to begin my day much like any other day - scrounging for items discarded by nobles that could be sold for today's food and lodgings. I had no regular job because I'm an adventurer, at the request of the locals I can be called upon to protect them from monsters or assemble as a militia to defend the city. There had been no sightings of monsters or undead in several days, and I was itching to get back to the fight.

As I gathered my pack to begin my journey, I overheard some people discussing a new threat to the city. They said the threat was undead again, but they were gathering just outside the city. There was even an undead leader, which is just like the other walking corpses, but much, much larger. They say he had a mind of his own, could speak our tongue, and even armed himself with proper weaponry and armor.

I had to check this threat out, because it was my duty. I swore an oath to Iceberg that I'd keep his city safe, and I plan on upholding that oath until the day I reach nobility.

I had with me my cloak, a small dagger, a longsword I had found and repaired myself, a hunk of two-day-old bread, a wineskin half full of water, a rope, a walking staff, and a small pack of bandages.

The rest of this journal entry has yet to be written...