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Latest revision as of 18:04, 9 June 2007

They'd spent most of the weekend feasting and celebrating at Alois' new estate, Elmont Hynes spending most of his time mildly drunk and Pate flirting with the serving girls, while Alois had spent most of time time conferring with Stewards and beurocrats, and generally getting the feel of his new position, with perhaps a snip or two of wine when he could.

And now, standing on the docks of Semall, Alois could only smile. He felt fresh, well rested, while Pate already looked green and Elmont was randomly breaking out into fits of rage at the smallest mistakes made by the dock crew loading his luggage.

"He's got a temper," Alois warned quietly as he watched his father rant and rave. "If it peaks, you can do two things; Run to mother, or go riding. I mostly chose riding, myself, but Mother has her ways of calming him." He turned to Pate, who sat atop a crate, looking sullenly out to the ocean. "You'll love it, once you get there. Woolton's interesting."

He scoffed. "I'll hate it."

"You just wait," he said, smiling. "Wait until you meet Joachime, my older brother. He'll teach you a few things. Although I'm sure you'll give him what-for with a blade, so don't take any gruff from him. He makes wine, and loves horses. A peerless rider. Breeds his own Animals. That's where I got Traveller."

Pate finally smiled. "He sounds fun."

"He's a character."

Elmont turned and started for them, a broad smile on his broad face. Stopping short, he reached out and ruffled Pate's hair. "Ready to go, Lad?"

He rose slowly, looking at Alois, trying his best to force a smile. "Take care, Ser," he said as he turned towards the boat.

"Pate!" Alois called, and the boy whirled around. Motioning him forward with his hand, Alois waited until he was close, then looked towards Pate's small sorrel, waiting to be loaded. "You've outgrown that mount, I think. Won't do for a Knight's mount." Grinning, he held out the reigns to Traveller. "Here."

He took them, warily, watching the horse as it whinnied and shook its head. "I can't take him, Ser, he's your horse!"

Alois laughed. "I'll get around, boy, don't worry about me." He stopped to stroke Traveller's neck. "Besides, I'm not giving him to you. You'll bring him back to me when you return. It's just a loan, until you can find a worthy mount."

Alois stepped away from his mount, and Pate moved to take his place, lovingly stroking his main, whispering soothing words into the horse's ear until the whinnying ceased and Traveller calmed.

Elmont was watching from across the dock, a disgusted look on his face as he whispered to the captain. Finally, coming to an agreement, he reached in and pulled out a few gold coins. The Captain inspected them for a moment, and then motioned for a crewman to load the Horse.

"I'll see you soon enough, boy," he said as turned and walked towards the shore. "And don't let me hear anything bad about you," he called over his shoulder.

"You won't!" He heard Pate's voice call back.

Back on the Shore, the members of his House Guard were waiting patiently. The Captain, Liebert, nodded towards Alois as he approached. "Ready to leave, M'lord?"

"No," Alois said as he turned, watching as the ferrie shoved off. "I'll need a horse, first."