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Latest revision as of 17:56, 9 June 2007

It was almost dark when the healer entered Alois' cell; a spry looking man, older than Alois, with strands of grey already showing in his auburn hair and beard. He smiled when he entered, without even knocking, his sudden appearance startling Alois.

Without a word, he turned and walked towards the bed, laying an earthen jug atop the chest at the foot of Alois' bed.

"Take off your shirt," he ordered, unslinging a leather pouch from across his body and laying it at beside the jug.

Alois simply did as he was told. Reaching into the bag, the Healer took out a small knife and cut away the bandage that bound the wound in Alois' chest, exposing the inflamed skin and crusted wound to the cool night air. He winced slightly as the man probed his fingers around the hole.

"You're young," he said, stepping away and picking up the jug in one massive hand, "And lucky; Lucky it didn't pierce a lung, lucky the healer that patched you up knew what he was about. It's healing fast, and well" He tipped the jug up and took a massive gulp.

"Drinking?" Alois blurted, shocked, "This is hardly the time!"

The man turned fierce, cold eyes on Alois, swallowing and wiping a sheen of liqueur away before he spoke. "Excuse me, were you trained for two months by the Healer's guilde?"

A long moment passed, and then he took a step towards Alois, offering him a swig. Alois shrugged. The Healer only smiled. "Lotsa fire in this brew. It's too bad you didn't want a drink, it would make this next part easier." Without warning, he turned the jug upside down, splashing a wave across Alois' chest.

A wave of fire passed through Alois' entire body. He struggled not to cry out, writhing atop the silken sheets in pain. When it was over, the endless wave of pain passing into the back of his skull, he did it again.

The Healer only chuckled. "If it burnt that bad, you needed it."

"You. . .sadisti. . .GAH!"

Corking the jug, he laid it back atop the chest, and grabbed up the leather pouch. Reaching inside, he pulled out a small bundle wrapped in a burlap rag.

"What's that?" Alois asked, weary.

"A poultice," the man said with a smile, unwrapping the burlap and reveiling an ungodly looking paste. Lowering himself onto the bed beside Alois, he smeared the foul smelling brown muck across his chest. Alois winced, but the mixture was cool and soothing. "No fire here," the Healer said as continued, packing it into the wound, "It will draw out any infection and soothe the pain somewhat, not to mention make the wound heal faster and leave less of a scar."

Alois looked down, studying the Poultice. "Is that moss?"

The Healer grinned. "Among other things," he said as he finished. "Set up, I need to wrap you again."

Alois did as he was told and in no time the man was finished. The man was finished, packing up his things, when there was a sudden knock at the door. pate entered, his eyes widening at the sight of the old man.

"How did you get in here!?" He shrieked.

The old man shrugged. "You're a bad sentry."

Pate paused a moment, then turned to Alois. "Ser, the man from the bank is here. I know you said you didn't want to see him until after the visit from the healer, but he's been waiting an awfully long time and is getting a sight impatient."

"Pour me some wine," Alois commanded, "Then show him in."

The boy did as he was told. When he left to fetch the Banker, Alois turned to the Healer. "I could use you," he said flatly, "Are you looking for employment?"

"Of course!" he said, hoisting the jug at Alois, "You think this stuff comes cheap?"

Alois only laughed. "Talk to Pate, then. He'll take care of it."

"Alright," the Healer said, stepping towards the door. He paused as he stepped outside and looked back in. "Dammit, and don't pick at the wound! It's supposed to itch! That means it is working! If you scratch that poultice too much a little burning from Healing Whiskey will be the last of your worries!"

The Banker entered shortly after he left, smiling from ear to ear. "Milord," he said with a curt little bow, "How can I help you today?"

Reaching underneath the pillow, he pulled out two leather pouches, the gold coins within clinking against each other. He tossed both bags to the man, who hastily tore them open to look inside. Pinching one of the pieces between two fingers, he lifted it high and looked at it carefully. "Old Rancagua coin," Alois said.

"Where'd you get these?" The Banker asked, admiring the coins. "There must be about two hundred Gold here!"

Alois just chuckled. "I did a favor for a King, was all." He set up and looked at the banker. "And don't short change me! There is more than two hundred gold there."

The banker simply nodded. "What is it you want me to do?"

"Send it to my family," he said, reaching over and plucking a scroll from the sidetable. He handed it to the banker. "With this. I want you to send your most trusted messenger, as well."

The banker retied and purse and bowed to Alois. "As you wish, Ser."

"Banker," Alois shouted to the man as he was leaving, "I want every penny of that to get to them. There's near three hundred gold there. Every penny, minus your fee and the messengers, and that note better get there or I swear I will have your head."

The banker swallowed, nodding, and turned to leave. Suddenly tired, Alois laid back and slept.