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Latest revision as of 17:53, 9 June 2007

Alois only vaguely remembered the duel, quick flashes of brutal violence. They had started cautiously, measuring each other's strength and weaknesses and plotting their strategies. Neither had been fools. Both were Masterswordsmen, and haste was for amateurs. He remembered Morton's blows smashing against the oak of his shield, shaking him to his core. The clash of steel on steel. The crunch of bone as he savagely thrashed the nobleman with the lip of his shield.

The feel of steel grinding over the bones of his breastplate, the taste of his own blood in his mouth. The last violent grappling match before Alois was able to finish him with his dagger, the giant far-eastern killing blade he had gotten from the merchant in Semall.

That was all Alois remebered of the duel. He tried to remember more as they left Fontan City, riding towards Xavax, towards home. He gritted his teeth against the pain as he bobbed up and down atop Traveller, holding the reins with his good left hand, his entire right arm in a sling. His sword had been broken in the duel, so he carried the dagger that had killed Morton at his side. Slid between traveller's body and the saddle directly behind him was Morton's own blade.

Pate sat his little sorrel beside him, chewing one of the crabapples and reliving the duel in his mind's eye. The battle had been the most exciting thing the young man had ever witnessed, and he was filled with pride at his Master's performance.

"I can't wait to get home," Pate beamed suddenly, talking around a mouthful of fruit, "I'm going to get me a good bite to eat, a belly full of wine, and a handful of a-"


"Sorry," the Squire said timidly, lowering his eyes.