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They dismounted before the surrounding palisade of the Tokat township, and lead their horses forward on foot.

"Don't get too comfortable," Alois warned the Squire, "We don't stay long. Only for a meal, and a bath."

The Squire, who had been unusually surly the whole journey north, simply nodded as they walked through the still open portcullis, the only sound the hooves of their horses clopping on the cobblestone.

"I need a meal, and where can I get a bath?" Alois asked once inside the Tavern.

"We got baths," the 'tender said. "Aye, and beds in the commons room, too."

"Two meals and a bath, then. No rooms."

Salt Pork and fresh baked bread, with a mug of ale. Little enough, but within the first bite he felt some of his strength returning, the weariness leaving. Pate joined him soon, and silently they ate.

"You boys look like you had a long ride. If you're interested, I could get some women, too."

"Bath," Alois said, irritated. "And then we're moving on."

Their baths were little more than buckets of steaming water, but they were enough. The steam and heat on his grime-covered face felt wonderful.

Pate disagreed.

"Should have taken his offer for the women," he said he wiped his arms and torso with one of the rags the 'tender had provided. "It has been a long trip."

"Are you a peasant still?" Alois asked coldly, "Or do you have what it takes to be a true Knight?"

Pate threw the bucket hard against the earthen floor. The wood cracked, and water washed over the uneven ground towards Alois. "What I am is angry!" The boy roared, "Angry that we left Xavax and marched halfway across the continent! Angry that I don't know what the hell we're doing! Angry, because I think you're turning traitor!"

Alois guffawed. "Boy, watch your insolent tongue. Traitor? Any other man and I'd have torn it out the moment you spat those ignorant words! You are still my Squire!"

"I'm almost seventeen! You were a Knight by my age!"

"I was a Knight at Seventeen, and so you shall be! But almost seventeen is not seventeen, and seventeen is not eighteen. Do you understand, boy?"

Pate took a step towards him, fists clenched. Alois lunged, moving on instinct, smashing his hand across Pate's face. The Squire collapsed to his knees, hand to his face, staring up at Alois with cold contempt.

He spat blood, and slowly rose. "Yes, Ser."