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Elemental Scroll of Time

Wrapped around a simple stick, the voluminous weathered parchment of the scroll seems ready to crumble at the slightest breeze, and yet it is exposed to the elements without damage. Water will not stain it, the wind will not tear it, and dirt will not mar it. Though covered in burns, so it seems the scroll has only barely survived the fire, no flame will even smoke it's edge. Instead as one quickly learns, the touch of human skin causes the parchment to blacken as though thrust into the forge, blood will eat it like acid, tears and sweat will make the ink run. It is apparent to all that this scroll was not meant for human hands, for everything about us destroys it.

Yet as fascinating as the scroll itself is, it is the words that draw the eye. Written in writhing runes on the thin surface, the scroll never shows the same thing twice. It's shifting words crawl into your mind, making one's eyes ache and head scream. The maddening scrawl exists in no one language, some long dead, others never before seen. One quickly realizes that each part of the text relates to a point in time, written in the language of those who live it. And so it is that the future and the past flow across the page, ever changing even as the fool tries to decipher it. The lure of forbidden secrets and great rewards draw all to gaze at its depths, many are lost to it, and those who survive are never the same.

The first mention of the Scroll

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Captian Lanwin hesitated before the study door for only a moment before entering the dim room. Carefuly navigating the stacks of books he studied the hunched form of Aldo curled over the massive desk muttering slightly.

"It's all here, if you only look deep enough. So much so little time, the scroll won't last and when it's gone what will be lost?" Not looking up Aldo continued, "I must not let that happen, I won't let that happen. Oh I learned I did, it burns to the touch, so I use gloves. And the words, they change as you read, or the scroll does, but I write them, they cannot fool me. It's all here, everything, I just have to find it....."

Averting his eyes from the twisting shapes on the scroll Lanwin coughed nerviously, "Sir, you've been at this for days, the senate is in deliberation, new nobles have arrived, and you missed a vote plus a party...."

"The others have taken vacations from time to time, I am allowed a few days am I not? The noblility hardly needs someone to hold their hand anymore, they are mostly grasping the idea of personal responsibility.....Besides the pety problems of the world will be there tomorrow, let me spend today working on mine."

"Sir you need to stop, you need rest and food."

Pulling himself up strait Aldo turned his gaze to Lanwin and watched him squirm, "Giving orders now captian? Depart from my presence at once, or I shall become very cross." Not bothering to wait for compliance Aldo bent back to his work.
A peasant born and raised Lanwin departed, head hanging, without complaint wondering if there was some way.

Roleplay from Aldo Unti

Jumping at the sound of his name Lanwin turned to look at the study door that stood open and the exhausted looking lord, "Sir?"

With a yawn Aldo handed the strange scroll he'd been studying for the last week, "I have learned all that I can from this one, see that it gets to Veber in the Factorium," Blinking Aldo peered at the mountain of letters just outside the door and raised his eyebrow, "Been holding them for me have you?"

Holding the scroll like it might attack him at any moment Lanwin shruged sheepishly, "Most are from kings and such, sir. They have been busy while you were away..."

Sighing Aldo streatches and grabs the closest stack, "Then I guess I will sleep later then, the Senate has waited long enough for these messages."

Darting his eyes away Lanwin bowed, and marched down the corridor scroll as far from him as possible.



  • He will over reach and the Sun will rise again.

Long Scenes

Old Gods Faith -After the Chronicles of the Age
The reaper sits hunched on its throne eying the audience before it. Raising a hand that clinked as the metal links slide it spoke, "Do you not see, humans have won yet again, truly they are the stronger."

The assembled muttered, refusing to meet each other’s gaze and looking for an excuse, which brought a grin to the reaper. That grin soon died as the room chilled.

"The dark champions has defeated the white, but the tests have numbered two and We are not so seduced by their ways. We will provide the next challenge."

"And what shall that be?" called the darkness from the throne.

"You say the black champion is stronger, they have bested the Blight, and their Ancestors. We say the true weakness is within," stars blinked out like candles in the all encompassing gaze, "Our luminescent hosts stand united no matter the hardship brought upon them. The dark champions you so support are fickle and weak of mind. We will place our Children to sleep, and you have but watch as your champions fall on each other like rabid animals hungry for blood. This is our test, the Test of Will."
Dawn of the next invasion

"Your champions have failed. We are proven correct," the chill moves to a brittle smile.

The darkness fumes, its will thwarted, "They have failed once, it proves nothing."

"We say pass twice proves only the ease of your trials," the void-like gaze slide away.

Rising the reaper calls, "One nation passed your test!"

"We know, We know all. One has passed, so the dark champions will live to struggle against the next task," the room freezes, "But when all nations stumble, We will end them all our selves. We will await that day with joy."

The assembled ponder if it was prophecy or a wish.

Other attributes

Name: Elemental Scroll of Time

Type: Scroll

Condition: 15%

In Battle: Aldo, Prime Minister of Melhed is spotted reading from the Elemental Scroll of Time.

This item provides for +1 prestige.