O'Ways Family: Difference between revisions

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His favorite passtimes are study, training with his troops and he often disappears into the woods for extended
His favorite passtimes are study, training with his troops and he often disappears into the woods for extended
periods of time. He avoids questions on that topic. As all true Alatolians, he also likes good food and drink.
periods of time. He avoids questions on that topic. As all true Alatolians, he also likes good food and drink.


Revision as of 21:08, 26 May 2007

Family Coat of Arms

Shieldgood2.gif The Family Values are: Honour, Service, Truth.

                                       "STAND UP AND FIGHT, AND I'LL STAND UP WITH YOU"

Family History

The O'Ways family lived in former Drachenwald, where they were a family of scholars, consulted by nobles and commoners alike for their knowledge of the sciences of earth, the skies, the mind and all things between. A common family, they referred to themselves as 'Seekers' as they saw life itself as a way to seek the Truth in all things. They revered the Great Dragon, a creature they consider to be a manifestation of wisdom, knowledge and courage. To them, the Dragon represented all those capacities of human nature that can elevate the mind and soul to the highest levels, bringing wisdom, compassion and light into the world but can also bring them down to the deepest ignorance, cruelty and darkness.

When the last days of Drachenwald were afoot, some of the family were caught up in clashes with take-over forces and were killed. With Only Kay, Micha and Megistos left alive, the latter sent his two sisters to the north, to find a new home for the family. They never made it there as they were ambushed during this journey. Megistos occupied a nobleman's estate that had fled Drachenwald, and the family was recognised amongst the Noble classes of the Cagilan Empire. Megistos returned to studies and published several tomes on the nature of matter and the immaterial.

Several years on, Megistos had gotten in touch with a young man that lived by his own in the woods. He had never lived amongst men, therefore the boy did not even speak english. He was able to communicate with anything around him through some kind of universal language. Intrigued, Megistos took the boy home with him and started with teaching him to speak. The boy learned fast and was very eager to, so Megistos kept on instructing him, untill the young man could be considered some kind of scholar in his own right. He had a natural gift for mathematics, fysics and logic. Megistos decided to adopt him officially, to be his heir to the family seat. He named the boy Cullen, after Megistos' father.

When Cullen came of age, Megistos disclosed the entire family's history, including the macabre faith his sisters had suffered. But now he also revealed that in Kay and Micha's company were also their two young daughters, Deirdre and Siobhan, and where his sister's bodies had been found months after they had disappeared in the Alaise mountains, there had never been any sign of his nieces. Cullen swore to find them and became a Knight of Alatol at the age of 17.

He soon had tracked one of them, Deirdre, back to Hidale. The two young girls, age 8 at the time, had been taken by the bandits that had raided the coach in Alaise to be sold as slaves in territories overseas. One of them seemed to have been more a burden than an asset to them and they dumped Deirdre at a pharmacist's practice in Hidale. There, she had learned about healing and surgery, and she could be considered a healer by her own right. When Cullen passed through the region he immediately recognised the strong-willed redhead to be his foster-father's niece. She immediately travelled to Alatol and was accepted by Megistos as his own daughter, therefore granting her equal position in the family to Cullen.

Nevertheless, Cullen was never able to track Siobhan's steps beyond Calis harbour, where she had been sold, but no clues where left what had become of her. Word from her came years later, when the seacaptain disclosed her true origins to her as he lay dying, asking her to forgive him. He had always lead the girl to believe she was his own daughter. It is very unlikely she did forgive him, as unlikely as him dying of natural causes.

She got in touch with Megistos from Light of Fountain, where the ship had landed the night before. After a while Megistos sent her some gold for her upkeep and explained the family values of Honour, Service and Truth. Honour as a form of self-respect and of others, accepting that differences between people and all things are actually there to enrich the experience of life and make it an enriching voyage. And also as a statement that she herself was as valuable as anyone else. Service, for those who hold knowledge and wisdom have the sacred duty to share them with all who are worthy. Truth, as the one, incomprehensible reality, that brings both fact and speculation, empirical evidence and intuitive self-interrogation together into a sustainable theory of life and beyond.

Siobhan went to study the arcane arts with a hermit in the Land Of The Standing Stones, and returned to Light Of Fountain. There she briefly served as a Priestess but after disagreements she emigrated to Beluaterra and Avalon, where she became a dedicated Druid Priestess. She wishes only to return to her homeland of Alatol when she feels she can add to the family's capital of wisdom.

Currently, the Family's estate has been enlarged by Cullen at the request of his Liege, Countess Karrieal of Alatol, and exerts authority over the region, which is not really that hard as Alatolians are very loyal, hard-working people. They also manage all things concerning local militia and the County's defenses.


As Megistos' foster-son, he became the heir to the family seat in the Noble ranks of Alatol. He is a skillfull man, sometimes a bit overzealous but his intentions are always good. As his prime intrests lay in mathematics, physics and astronomy he has a natural affinity with archer-units, because their battle-effectiveness depends on knowledge of ballistics, fast calculation of arc and trajectory. Both Cullen's units so far have been known for their deadlyness on the field and their very disciplined character.

A medium-height man of no impressive posture, but his darkblonde hair tends to make him stand out of the masses and unlike most of his peers, he wears an impressive moustache and beard. His clear blue eyes seem to see more than others. He is considered as arrogant or a snob by some, but he is always himself and will always defend the one who he deems in the right, regardless of their social class. He is very loyal, and thoughtfull of his friends, but also he does not change his views upon (former-) enemies lightly. Who was once his enemy will never be his ally. Therefore, he often has a hard time to adapt to changes in politics. Even though he guards his honour as one of the most important things in his life, he focusses most of his energy on finding Truth.

His favorite passtimes are study, training with his troops and he often disappears into the woods for extended periods of time. He avoids questions on that topic. As all true Alatolians, he also likes good food and drink.




OOC: A big thanks to my lovely wife Kelly for the great shield.