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title = <b>Jagla Liberated!</b>|
article =<i>February 28th, 2007</i>
Jagla has quickly accepted the rule of Tara as its people practically usher us into their homes while piles of Falsan flags burn in every village square.  Jagla's loyalties switched in a mere <b>36 hours</b> which makes you wonder about the previous leadership of Falsan that Jagla suffered under to cause such a sudden "change of heart".  Regardless Tara is now the proud owner of the rural region, a change from our usual forest dwellings.  In addition Jagla comes with a cartbuilders, a scouts guild and a set of affordable infantry known as the Jagla Irregulars.
Next on the list of regions outlined in the treaty is the other large rural region of Chagasu.  Chagasu will give Tara a direct path to the city of Tarasac in CE, as well as serving as a interesting political barrier, resulting in the only direct access to CE lands from the north-east to be through the mountains.  The Taran army will probably spend a little more time in Jagla, working to restore the region to full stats, before moving north to finally complete this treaty which has been so long in coming.
title = <b>One Down, Two to go...</b>|
title = <b>One Down, Two to go...</b>|

Revision as of 14:52, 28 February 2007

Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: February 1st, 2007

Archive History

Jagla Liberated!
February 28th, 2007

Jagla has quickly accepted the rule of Tara as its people practically usher us into their homes while piles of Falsan flags burn in every village square. Jagla's loyalties switched in a mere 36 hours which makes you wonder about the previous leadership of Falsan that Jagla suffered under to cause such a sudden "change of heart". Regardless Tara is now the proud owner of the rural region, a change from our usual forest dwellings. In addition Jagla comes with a cartbuilders, a scouts guild and a set of affordable infantry known as the Jagla Irregulars.

Next on the list of regions outlined in the treaty is the other large rural region of Chagasu. Chagasu will give Tara a direct path to the city of Tarasac in CE, as well as serving as a interesting political barrier, resulting in the only direct access to CE lands from the north-east to be through the mountains. The Taran army will probably spend a little more time in Jagla, working to restore the region to full stats, before moving north to finally complete this treaty which has been so long in coming.

One Down, Two to go...
February 26th, 2007

Takeover succeeded (1 day, 5 hours ago) Aigaling has been successfully converted to your realm and the people are now hailing to a new government. Morale in the region drops by 7 points due to the takeover and the few accidental casualties it caused.

Aigaling is now part of Tara once again!!!

Still... despite the great joy the peasants are showing to this event, the recent disruptions Falasan is suffering has spread even here. The Friendly Takeover just isn't showing the results it should no matter how much Civil Work and Tales our Nobility do. It was therefore with a heavy heart that Lister, General of Tara, Marshal of the Grand Taran Army of Foda, has ordered us to hang rebels until all signs of rebellion has ended. Even this may not be enough as Aigaling continues to edge towards instability.

But let us not dwell on the downside, Aigaling is a great region with the following assets:

  • Two Recruitment Centers:

Aigaling Pikemen Infantry 25 45 / 25
Aigaling Crossbows Mixed Infantry 20 35 / 15

  • A Scout Guildhouse
  • A Capashin Brewery Guildhouse

I don't know exactly what a Capashin Brewery is so I decided to contact it and find out. Expect an exciting interview very soon!!!

Written by Jose dela Cruz

It's Begun... again
February 23rd, 2007

Takeover initiated (13 minutes ago) Thor has initiated a Friendly Takeover of Aigaling, currently belonging to Falasan.

And thus begins (again) the liberation of former Taran Lands from the Royal Rabbit. The recent rebellion in Tucha has caused great damage to nearly all of Falasan's realm. This will help greatly in our takeover attempt. Barring another Undead uprising, we should see this over very soon.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

The Beginning of the End for the Rodent?
February 22th, 2007

We have just received word that the City of Tucha in Falasan has overthrown Tank's rule and established a Tyranny!!! I have taken the liberty of copying the continent-wide declaration below:

New realm created (4 hours, 36 minutes ago) A new Tyranny realm has been created in Tucha, a former Falasan City. The region of Picnu follows its duke. The region of Tucha follows its duke. The region of Cori joins the new realm.

My friends in Taran Intelligence believes that Torin, former Duke of Tucha, has crowned himself Dictator of this breakaway realm. No news yet of any reactions from any Realm but all eyes are on the Ash Sea Islands and their intentions on this upstart. Falasan will naturally want to re-establish control over this vital city. Expect battles soon.

Could this be a reaction to our recent Falasan Treaty? Or perhaps has Cathrine's removal caused this? Who knows? Regardless, a sense of urgency is gripping the entire city of Foda as the Army rallies out to liberate our lands. We will soon free our brothers from the misrule of overgrown rodents.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Redspan Alliance Declared
February 20th, 2007

Tara was shocked to learn today that Jonathan, Dictator of Tara, had signed an Alliance with our historical enemy, Redspan. The announcement was soon joined by this message from the Dictator to the entire nobility:

The time has come! I believe it is now the days for the wrath of the south to be felt. We are allied with those who were once our enemies.

Be ready, Tarans, we are not done fighting yet.

Jonathon Dictator of Tara

The Taran Times was caught completely unaware by these developments. With the Falasan Treaty in effect, this reporter expected a long boring takeover for our new regions. Now it looks like we may be travelling soon to parts unknown. Rest assured, however, that we will keep you informed of the latest news as we get them.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

An End To Hostilities?
February 17th, 2007

Lately the Falasan/Tara war has been a quiet affair. Soon it may altogether be silenced.

Today, Jonathan, Dictator of Tara, announced to the nobles of the realm that an unofficial treaty had been signed between himself and Tank, King of Falasan. Below is the treaty in full:

1. Falasan understands Tara's desire to grow. Therefore Falasan accepts to give Tara the regions of Aigaling, Jagla and Chagasu. Aigaling and Jagla will be handed over immediately, Chagasu within a month (real time) after signing the treaty.

2. Falasan will give up all claims on owning Jagla, Aigaling and Chagasu. After they have been handed over, they are rightfully Tara's. On the other hand, Tara gives up all claims on any Falasan regions other than Jagla, Aigaling and Chagasu, including all claims on Chato they might claim to have had.

3. A peace between Tara and Falasan will get signed. It will be a non-agression treaty where neither one will attack the other. They can still end up against each other because of aiding their friends, but in no way will either side take over lands of one another. This will apply for at least 6 months and can be extended if both sides agree to it. Both parties involved hope this will lead to better future relations.

4. Tara and Falasan understand and respect the rights of national sovereignty. Therefore, they will not enter eachother's lands without express, written permission from the current ruler ahead of time. This does not include the initial movement of Tara into Falasan for purposes of TOing promised regions.

5. Since handing over Aigaling, Jagla and Chagasu will leave Falasan at a food deficit, Tara traders will hope to be able to assist Falasan at solving this deficit.

Taran troops who are rallying in Andurus are now just waiting for the word whether they'll be entering Falasan in war or in peace. However, it seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

Monster Update
February 8th, 2007

This past week has seen many brave men of Tara die at the hands of monsters and undead all around our great realm, however with the most recent string of victories in Ledunds, our hard work finally seems to have paid off. The troops in Ledlunds are now dedicating their time to repairing the damage that the forces of evil have caused, and the hordes that have plagued our lands have been for the most part vanquished.

In other news there is still little word on the infamous Aeryck, Count of Andurus, since his capture in Falasan. The Manxy has issued a statement that he is in communication with the Judge of Falasan, however it seems that issues involving the coming war has pushed Aeryck's situation to the bottom of the pile. Hopefully he will be back up to his old mischief soon.

Written by Oscar

A Salute to Darka
February 8th, 2007

The people of Tara would like to express their gratitude to the mighty realm of Darka for all the assistance they have given us during this time of crisis. No greater friend can be found than those who stand beside you during battle and glory.


Written by Jose dela Cruz

Cammeroon Speaks!
February 4th, 2007

For those of you who have read the Falasan Inquirer lately you will already know the story of Cammeroon. For those who haven't Cameroon was a noble of Falasan who was banned from the realm on the charges of treason, spying, and rebellion.

He claimed innocence but this was not enough for the current administration. He recently passed through Taran lands in search of sanctuary and I caught up with him in Tandsu for an interview.

Rojo: Why is Falasan accusing you of spying, treason, and rebellion?

Cammeroon: Falasan’s Judge and Ruler are paranoid and opportunistic and have lost control of their realm, long before I began to speak my mind. The leaders of Falasan are falsely accusing me of spying, treason, and rebellion. They have absolutely no evidence of treason or spying. Yes, I was caught in the underground, however I was monitoring the underground. The mistake I made was not reporting that I was there to the ruling council.

Rojo: The Falasan Inquirer claims that you sent letters that 'downplayed the authority and trust towards the High Council'. What exactly did you say?

Cammeroon: I hardly think speaking my mind and asking questions about something that my Judge did as downplaying authority. All I was doing was speaking my mind as to some of the recent happenings there. I disagreed with some of the moves that were made and was trying to get the realm to realize that there was a larger picture they needed to take into consideration.

Meaning this: This war wasn’t just Eston attacking. I believe that Eston got hung out to dry and were possibly coerced into attacking by another realm and that we will be facing all of these players soon. I also advised that if we cut the strings off of the puppet we will still have to deal with the puppet master, and he will find another puppet.

As it turns out I was correct giving the current situation, because we all know who will back your realm sir. I say that with all respect to your realm, but see for yourself. All of the symptoms were there at the time. Eston attacking without provocation, massive troop build up in Tarasec, and Tara finally demanding their land back and henceforth attacking.

In more words or less, that is all I did was try to get them to see the whole picture and I got banned and labeled a traitor.

R: I heard that you tortured your poor scribe by making him rewrite your whole message log and send it personally to every noble in Falasan. Why did you do this?

C: I had my scribe start to send all of my messages to the realm because I wanted to show the realm that I had nothing to hide. After a few complaints from my realm mates I stopped the messaging.

R: You claimed you were ready to show up in Falasan's dungeons to display your loyalty for the realm but never did. Why?

C: I did not see any reason to let myself be tortured, possibly to death when I was perfectly willing to hand over whatever date range of messages they wanted. They refused my offer of course.

R: Where do you plan to head now that you are banned from Falasan?

C: Where I will go, I honestly do not know. I guess we will see where my journeys end up.

R: Would you return to Falasan if the ban were lifted?

C: I must sadly say that I will not return to Falasan as long as Manic the Paranoid and Tank the Opportunist are still in power. They have insulted my honor beyond retribution and I cannot walk among the nobles there until I either get: A public apology from both Tank and Maniac, or they are no longer in any position of power in Falasan.

R: Any final comments?

C: I would like to say thank you for allowing me to speak my side of the story. I do hope that someday the truth will come out by you telling my story.

Readers can draw their own conclusions but in my opinion Cammeroon seems like a true Falasani patriot who's only crime was to speak his mind.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

Alcatil cleared of Monsters
February 6th, 2007

Alcatil was cleared of Undead and Monsters today as Lister, General of Tara, Marshal of the Grand Taran Army of Foda sent the entire army to combat the threat. Due to the need for speed and distance involved however, only 7052 CS worth of troops made it to the battle. As such, heavy damage was inflicted upon us as the fearless (and dead) Monsters decimated our cavalry. Still, victory is victory and what remains of Alcatil's peasants celebrate our arrival.

Erica, Countess of Alcatil, was part of the Monster Extermination Team destroyed earlier and watched the liberation of her home in gratitude. She has already begun repairing the massive damage inflicted on her lands.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

A Dark Day For Tara
February 4th, 2007

Fate gave Tara a swift kick below the belt today as several disasters befell our realm simultaneously.

First, the MET (Monster Extermination Team), who's leader we interviewed only hours before, attempted to retake Alcatil from a horde of abominations only to be ruthlessly slaughtered. Although they fought valiantly against the hell spawn, the MET was up against a force more than twice (2000 vs. 5000) its size and was easily defeated.

As Tara grieved the loss of its brave men a second disaster arose when news reached Foda that Aeryck, Count of Andurus, was captured while traveling through the Falasani region of Corniel. Hopefully the Falasani judge will be merciful.

Furthermore, due to the large Falasan army amassed on the borders of Chagasu, Lister, General of Tara, has ordered the TO of the region to end and all TLs to return to Foda.

But even Foda is not as safe as it once was with rumours that an undead horde has risen in the vicinity of the city. With rumours of undead hordes still plaguing Eston, one does have to wonder whether Falasan itself is behind these recent hellish events.

All in all it is a sad day for Tara, and we can only hope that tomorrow will bring better times for the realm.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

Enter: The Monster Extermination Team
February 4th, 2007

A special Task Force has been created to annihilate the Monsters in Tara. I interviewed its commander, Count James of Ledunds, on what this team is all about...

Jose dela Cruz: Who coined the team name?

James: We have no name, we are simply an ad hoc group formed around what's left of an elite core. If you want to give us one, you're more than welcome, but the group won't be around longer than a couple days, win or lose.

Jose dela Cruz: The Monsters are now over 2,000 CS strong. Several TLs have already been massacred. Do you think you have a chance?

James: You asked me if I think we have a chance. I believe we do. Monsters and Undead are very vulnerable to Archery fire and we have a good number of archers in this group. We should win the battle of Alcatil, but I have to question whether we will have enough to take on the force that is arrayed against us in Ledunds.

Jose dela Cruz: Why do you think these Monsters came from?

James: It strikes me as very odd that these creatures spawned the moment we declared war on Falasan. It also strikes me as odd that these creatures are only spawning in Taran, Cagilan, Darkan and Estonian Lands. What sort of alliances has Falasan signed? They have allied themselves with the deepest Depths of Hell to survive! For this more than any other reason they MUST be exterminated!

Jose dela Cruz: Who currently comprise the MET?

James: These Brave Knights have taken it upon themselves to rid Tara of one half of the unholy alliance: Eurmeric, Andrey, Xeon, Conor, Tom, Kevtor, Erica, Britnoth, Ottar, Galin, Jerome. Other's have engaged this menace already: Naamah, Hakki, Medron, Castor.

Jose dela Cruz: Is there a schedule you are following on when to destroy the Falasan Monsters?

James: This will be a hard struggle, but the next 24 hours will be the turning point. If everyone does as they are supposed to, we WILL prevail!

There you have it folks. Proof positive that King Tank of Falasan has raised its own dead relatives to assault us. Any doubts on the righteousness of Tara's cause must now rest in the face of pure Falasan Evil.

I will update you on how many of the Monster Extermination Team is still alive by this time tomorrow.

As James would say, "FOR THE GLORY OF TARA!!!"

Written by Jose dela Cruz

New Falasan Newspaper Launched
February 3rd, 2007

What Falasan has done (or more accurately two nobles by the names of Reilwin Merytis and Rathkanouros Kalantis) is created a new newspaper called the Falasan Inquirer. The editors seem to be already hard at work with six new very in depth articles already published!

With the current war against Falasan we at the Tara Times realize that we will eventually be forced to cross pens with the writers of the FI but nevertheless we warmly welcome the new paper and look forward to disagreeing with them.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

It's Begun...
February 3rd, 2007

Takeover initiated (5 minutes ago) Thor has initiated a Friendly Takeover of Chagasu, currently belonging to Falasan.

And thus begins the long-awaited liberation of Taran Lands lost to Falasan Treachery all those months ago. Great joy is spreading throughout the Realm as the news spread. But the question remains...

What will Falasan do now?

Written by Jose dela Cruz

It's Official!
February 1st, 2007

War! (3 hours, 16 minutes ago) The Dictator has declared war on Falasan.

It is now official: Tara is at war with Falasan. After declaring war, Jonathan, Dictator of Tara, once again reminded the rulers of Atamara of the reasons for doing so:

Our objectives in this war are to retake our lost land, and support our allies to the north.

The first part of the sentence is referring to the ownership issue over the region of Jagla, Chagasu, Aigling, and Chato, while the latter part refers to the Eston/Falasan war (you can read about these in the previous issue: January 2007 Issue).

Already a skirmish has occurred with two Taran TLs assaulting the region of Aigling and easily defeating the local militia.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

February 1st, 2007

Fear is spreading throughout Atamara today, as a plague of monsters and undead sweeps through the continent. Peasants are being eaten, food being burned, and realms are left scrambling to defeat the abominations.

Taran troops fought a large undead horde in Andurus, and another group of undead is rampaging in Ledunds but otherwise the realm has been mercifully missed.

Tara's closest ally, the Cagilan Empire has been hit especially hard, with 12 confirmed sightings of monsters and 2 more confirmed sightings of undead.

There also was some large battles against the hordes to the north. Eston troops just barely held off a mob of undead and monsters in the region of Hawthorne (5000 CS vs. 5000 CS) and monsters also launched an attack against the city of Barad Lacrinth but were repeled by the cities brave defenders.

It will be interesting to see how this invasion affects the maneuvers of armies in the days to come.

Written by Rojo DeVesta